Skeris Studio Portfolio

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Transcript of Skeris Studio Portfolio

  • 7/29/2019 Skeris Studio Portfolio


    n: a short (in height) perceptive woman with strong conceptual skills;

    someone who demands to live life to its fullest.


  • 7/29/2019 Skeris Studio Portfolio


    Great CallVarious sizing/mechanicals for ads

  • 7/29/2019 Skeris Studio Portfolio


    Great CallVarious sizing/mechanicals for ads

  • 7/29/2019 Skeris Studio Portfolio


    Great CallVarious sizing/mechanicalsfor direct mail

  • 7/29/2019 Skeris Studio Portfolio


    Great CallEnvelope mechanicalsand small ad inserts

  • 7/29/2019 Skeris Studio Portfolio


    Body GloveAds and stationary

  • 7/29/2019 Skeris Studio Portfolio

    7/13Galvus Style Guide




    A cohesive brand identity requires synergy among all the

    global branding elements.

    Thissectionlaysout allthe visualelementsthatmake upthe GALVUS

    brandidentity:Theall-importantglobalbrandingelementsof icon,logo,

    colors,andtypography.Theyhavebeen developedtohelp communicate

    aconsistentbrandidentityto allaudiencesin allmarketplaces.

    Bycarefullyadheringto theseguidelines,wewill allensurethat the

    GALVUSglobalbrandis strong,recognizable,andcompelling.

    When developing content for promotional materials,remember:

    ALL materials must conform to local regulatory guidelines.


    Lg Cluste

    The logo clusteranother key branding elementcontains the trade name

    that will be associated with the icon, the colors,and the brand attributes

    they represent.

    The primary logo cluster is shown here.It is composed of 3 elements:

    Th e ico n


    T he g ene ri c name


    some of which are based on regulatory guidelines, should not be altered.

    In most cases,all 3 elements will be used in the logo cluster.

    The logo is the ONLY place where the trade name will be initial cap (Ga lvus).

    In all other instances,GALVUS will be entirely capitalized. Please refer to the

    GALVUS in Promotional Copy section for instructions on protecting the GALVUS

    trademark in running text.

    Logo Cluster Use

    The 4-color and RGB version of the primary logo cluster should

    only be shown against a background of either:blank white,30% GALVUS

    Gold,or a gradient of anywhere from 0% to 30% GALVUS Gold.

    Grayscale and Black-only Logo Cluster Use

    Since the GALVUS color logo may reproduce poorly when used for black-and-

    white (B&W) applications,either the black logo (below right) or the grayscale logo

    (below left) should be considered.

    The GALVUS black logo may be used for any B&W application,and is preferred.

    The GALVUS grayscale logo may be used for the following B&W applications:

    newsprint,facsimile (FAX) forms,duplication,or any other B&W application where

    the line-screen requirement is 85 lpi or higher.

    Logo Cluster Use on Solid Colors

    Use this knockout against both brand and nonbrand colors.In cases

    where the background is dark,the logo may be knocked out.Knockout should

    be used only on a single-color background.

    Please note:The logo cannot be printed in PMS colors.If using Pantone Process,

    logo may be printed only in knockout.

    W hit e G ra die nt o f an ywh er ef ro m

    0% to 30% GALVUSGold

    30% GALVUSGold


    Elements of the Logo Cluster

    As detailed previously,the logo is built up from 3 elements.

    The iconThe trade name with

    the registered trademark symbol

    The generic name

    A particular size ratio must be maintained between the generic name and the logo

    as a whole.The exact ratio will depend on local regulatory requirements.

    Please note:The logo with New at the top of the image (below left) and the


    label approval.Thereafter,revert to the regular logo (above). The Once-daily logo (below

    right) may only be used at CPO discretion, consistent with each countrys regulations.


  • 7/29/2019 Skeris Studio Portfolio

    8/13Kadian Visual Aid

    Up to 60% of nursing home residents have swallowing disorders2

    Flexible dosing for precise pain relief

    Flexible dosing strengths to meet individual patient needs

    Available in 20 mg,30 mg,50 mg, 60 mg,80 mg,100 mg and new 200 mg capsules

    Multiple dosing strengths allow for titration 10 mg at a time1

    Flexible administration options1

    As a capsule G-tube dosing:

    Sprinkle dosing:

    Pleaseseeaccompanying completePrescribing Information.

    *Theadministration ofKADIAN pellets through a nasogastric tubeshould not beattempted.

    KADIAN therapy is different

    Avoids limitations of other opioid therapies

    Can be taken with or without food1No ceiling dosecontains no fumaric acid,

    acetaminophen,or ibuprofen1

    Multiple dosing strengths allow fortitration 10 mg at a time1

    KADIAN capsules are an extended-release oralformulation of morphine sulfate indicated forthe management of moderate to severe painwhen a continuous,around-the-clockopioid analgesic is needed for an extendedperiod of time.

    Safety considerations:KADIAN (morphine sulfate extended-release)Capsules contain morphine sulfate,an opioidagonist and a Schedule II controlled substance,with an abuse liability similar to other opioidanalgesics. KADIAN can be abused in a mannersimilar to other opioid agonists,legal or illicit.

    This should be considered when prescribing ordispensing KADIAN in situations where thephysician or pharmacist is concerned about anincreased risk of misuse,abuse,or diversion.

    Safety considerations:KADIAN capsules are to be swallowed whole or the contents of the capsules sprinkled on apple sauce.

    The pellets in the capsules are not to be chewed,crushed,or dissolved due to the risk of rapid releaseand absorption of a potentially fatal dose of morphine.

    KADIAN Capsules are not for use as a prn analgesic.

    Contentsofcapsulecan be sprinkled in water and administered

    through a16French or larger gastrostomy tube.*

    Capsulecan beopened and sprinkled on applesauce

    for patientswhohave difficulty swallowing.

    Capsules arenot shown at actual size.


    60 mg50 mg30 mg20 mg 100 mg80 mg 200 mg

    When it comes to treating pain,precise control is better.

    200 mg

    80 mg



  • 7/29/2019 Skeris Studio Portfolio


  • 7/29/2019 Skeris Studio Portfolio


  • 7/29/2019 Skeris Studio Portfolio


    Cocktail Guide

  • 7/29/2019 Skeris Studio Portfolio


  • 7/29/2019 Skeris Studio Portfolio


    Direct Mail Pieces for Volvo Construction