Seminar13 Mar 2013 - Sesion 1 - Borneo-Sumatra Sentinel Landscape by AWidayati & YLamonier

Understanding tree cover transition in Borneo and Sumatra SL patterns, drivers, consequences and further questions Yves Laumonier and Atiek Widayati


Tree cover change has been very rapid in Sumatra in the past two decades, with some evidence that land without tree cover is transiting into plantations (oil palm, monoculture rubber, fastwood plantations for the pulp and paper industry); rubber agroforest are declining, no logging has been sustainable and fully protected forest is scarce. The patterns of change suggest that the main drivers are an interplay between large scale concessions, migrant labour and local intensification of tree crop systems, with local food production a fraction of consumption. The coastal peatlands have been transformed later than the lowland peneplain, and have become hot spots of carbon emissions as well as conflict. The tree cover change has impacted on biodiversity, carbon stocks and water quality, with a growing interest in restoring ecosystem service issues.

Transcript of Seminar13 Mar 2013 - Sesion 1 - Borneo-Sumatra Sentinel Landscape by AWidayati & YLamonier

Page 1: Seminar13 Mar 2013 - Sesion 1 - Borneo-Sumatra Sentinel Landscape by AWidayati & YLamonier

Understanding tree cover transition in Borneo and Sumatra SL –

patterns, drivers, consequences and further questions

Yves Laumonier and Atiek Widayati

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Typology of districts based on ‘forest transition’ (Dewi et al.)

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Land cover 1990

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Land cover 2000

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Land cover 2010

Tanjung Jabung Barat, Jambi

Merangin, Jambi

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Jambi land cover changes

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Case studies in Jambi: drivers onwards

• Tanjung Jabung Barat: lowland coastal areas, large peatland areas, strong migrant communities, past logging areas towards recovery phase

• Merangin: upland areas, continued forest extraction/conversions, degradation phase

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Analyses on drivers of LUC

Geospatial/map analyses on trajectories of changes

secondary / statistical data,

modelling, …

! Multistakeholders’


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Tanjung Jabung Barat – driver and consequences

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Merangin - driver and consequences

Consequences: Monoculture devt. •Carbon loss •Reduced diversity

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Driver-actor-intervention loops

van Noordwijk et al, 2011

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Further subject areas, questions

• Exploration on sustainable tree cover maintenance by: local knowledge, land tenure issues, formal institutions vs community forestry

• Watershed function (impacts of degradation), upstream-downstream connections, buffering function of trees in landscape

• (Large scale investments vs smallholders driving the development of oil palm, rubber, etc)

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Borneo sentinel sites

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2 Source: UNEP/GRID-Arendal, 'Extent of deforestation in Borneo 1950-2005, and projection towards 2020', UNEP/GRID-Arendal Maps and Graphics Library, 2007,

History of the variation in land cover and land use types along the tree cover transition, main actors/drivers

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Sumatra Borneo SL

TRF Observatory network SL

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Nanga Dua

Nanga Hovat

65 villages for socio-economics, rights and tenure survey 12 ha permanent forest plots 2 ha agroforest/garden plots

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Stratified sampling design across major environmental gradient Satellite imageries combined with topographical, climatic and geological data (in the absence of soil maps), optical data and radar data (Landsat, SPOT, Alos Palsar)

Data available:

Ecological studies on forest and mixed garden, sample plots for structural, biomass, floristic and often soil data

Hydrological data and soil erosion


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• Detailed socio-economic surveys

• Important tree species and their value chains

• Spatial economic gradients, transition from river- to road-based patterns?

• Land rights, potential conflicts, governance system (local, migrant, state and investors)

• Interventions (e.g. infrastructural developments, extractive activities, land acquisitions) and associated regulation or policy change

Livelihood and governance data

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Impact pathways / awareness, outreach activities (regencies, provincial, national)

• Stakeholder awareness about tree cover change in context of economy and environmental issues

• Local partnership NGOs, radio, TV programs • Pathways for influencing drivers/actors in scenarios for

more desirable LU • At the regency and province level we ensure that the

lessons are taken up and applied at a wider scale in the vicinity of the work.

• At national level we promote lessons learned to improve spatial planning nationally. We work with technical ministries (e.g. Agriculture, Forestry, Planning) to integrate lessons learned as part of their development activities.

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Research choices

• Improving synergies between mitigation and adaptation strategies with better climate information

• Ecosystem Services for sustainable livelihoods and biodiversity

conservation (Developing tools to assess biodiversity trends and changes in the capacity of ecosystems to deliver services, focusing on functional diversity linked to ES, habitat diversity, soil and water flow systems).

• Implementing the Integrated Law Enforcement Approach to curb

forestry crimes: Strengthening collaboration across agencies

• Gender differentiated local management systems and ecosystem services

• Local perceptions and protection of the orangutan

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Thank you