Science online 2012

William Gunn Head of Academic Outre ach william.gunn@mendeley. com @mrgunn Writing for Robots Getting your research noticed in the age of algorithms


My presentation for Science Online 2012 "Writing of Robots: getting your research noticed in the age of algorithms".

Transcript of Science online 2012

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How do people find research?

10 of the 18+ methods don’t involve the publisher at all, including 3/4 of the top methods!

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Highly Tweeted articles are 11x more likely to be highly cited. (Eysenbach 2011)

The higher the impact factor, the more likely the research is to be retracted, partly due to intense competition.

Impact Factor is negotiated by the journals and does not reflect actual citations!

What matters is who is reading your work!

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Make your work available for discoveryPublishing:

• provides RSS feeds• gives download stats• provides machine readable PDFs• Allows easy bookmarking on Mendeley or tweeting

• Allows self-archiving

Writing:• Include DOIs where possible• Cite datasets• Include database identifiers• Link to raw data & make it available (possibly via sharing services)

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Public Service Announcement

The government is making decisions on what you’re allowed to do with your publications, mostly without taking input from you. They have taken input, as well as millions of dollars in lobbying contributions, from publishers such as Elsevier (anagram: evil seer)

There is a bill, supported by the Association of American Publishers that will destroy Pubmed Central and prohibit federal agencies from requiring that work published with their funds(taxpayer derived) from being placed in public access repositories.

What you can do:Read about it:

• Call your representative and let them know they’ll be held responsible.

• Sign the petition:• Tell journals you won’t peer review for them if they support RWA•


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William GunnHead of Academic [email protected]@mrgunn