SCA examples May 26 2014

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Transcript of SCA examples May 26 2014

  • 5/25/2018 SCA examples May 26 2014


    --->> dimwit


    You follow the lead from Portugal and make yourself look a rather dimwitted ignoramus.


    Dimwit preferable then?

    I cannot take such dimwitted people as these anti

    I have knowledge of the region dimwit.

    it's the way out weird ideas these dimwits have coursing their minds

    They are dimwits mostly and the rest are WUMs and antagonists.


    Dimwit doesn't start to describe these people does it?

    Dimwitted lot too.

    how hateful these dimwits truly are

    It can also stand for I Don't Succumb Jilly and I won't! Lol #McCann #dimwit

    Jay just exposes very sinister stalkers who would stop at nothing to get #McCann s arrested the


    see no hysteria apart from you lot of dimwits.

    the dimwits see something else in his words

    --->> thank God


    Thank God above you come from a place of a few disbelieving sad souls.

    Thank God for such kind hearted people.

    Thank God for that!

    Thank God in heaven above they are a minority group and of little or no consequence.

    Thank God they are a strong couple

    There are parents who would fight had they the strength and tenacity that thank God the

    McCanns have


    Gilly is a rare woman and I thank God above for that small mercy

    I feel Amaral has had his day thank God above

    it restores my faith in human nature thank God.

    It's the anti shills in meltdown thank God.

    so strong willed....thank God above.

    thank God above for that small mercy in this case.

    Thank God an ever decreasing number are appearing

  • 5/25/2018 SCA examples May 26 2014


    thank God for giving most folk humanity & humility

    thank God for his small mercies

    thank God for small mercies.

    thank God for this.

    thank God in heaven above for small mercies.

    thank God it isn't if you refer to the Murphy cowThank God NSY are now investigating this.

    Thank God UK Gov stepped in

    Thank God we are leaving

    they have gone now thank God


    a survival story thank God above.

    Better men on the case now thank God.

    Fantastic and thank God for you.

    for much longer thank God

    goodbye to that disgusting forum then...thank God

    I thank God for this.

    includes OC workers thank God above.

    it is changing thank God above

    it is dying a death thank God.

    it is going ahead. Thank God.

    it will all end soon thank God.

    Never thank God

    None of his business any longer & thank God for it

    not a bang on the Barbie in sight thank God!

    NSY (thank God) are really getting to grips with PJnumber very few & thank God !

    Oh thank God for that.

    Only a weeny minority of banal haters think like this lot do thank God.

    plenty of compassionate souls in world and thank God for it.

    Portugal did re-open the investigation. Thank God

    Seems to have gone away for good thank God

    still a small minority thank God.

    thank God above for it as you lot are hideous & callous

    Thank God above for small mercies!

    thank God above for that

    thank God above they are not in the majority

    Thank God above!

    Thank God above. Feeling optimistic now

    Thank God above. Look what they've caused

    Thank God and I hope the journalists reading here

    Thank God better men have taken over than Paiva and Amaral.

    Thank God for it. The internet has brought the very worst of society together

  • 5/25/2018 SCA examples May 26 2014


    Thank God for people like you.

    Thank God for that "new broom" too. PT knows what their old wave of PJ were like

    Thank God for that because it came back as nothing positive

    thank God for that or I would have scweemed and scweemed

    Thank God for that so why lie

    Thank God for that!thank God for that. Nothing has proven to the police that a body has been in 5a

    thank God for the AG!

    Thank God for the positive people

    Thank God for their ability to do so.

    Thank God for this little one!

    thank God he is on the mend now.

    Thank God in heaven above as she is a sinister one alright!

    Thank God in heaven above.

    Thank God it seems the police are very definitely on the right track

    Thank God nasty horrid people r still in the minority.

    thank God not a school bus!

    Thank God not the majority.

    Thank God one of them has now broken his silence.

    Thank God our best police are now searching for Madeleine

    Thank God she turned up alright.

    Thank God the #McCann s are now going to get some answers

    thank God they are a strong couple and loving family

    Thank God they decided that was not the case.

    thank God they still majority.

    Thank God things are happening at long last

    thank God we all heard his lawyer say that.Thank God, is Mod still here?

    Thank God. I hope the AG catches these people

    the old team are no longer thank God.

    There are still boundaries and thank God for that.

    this group is now breaking down and I thank God for that.

    We are not all like you thank God

    We've got many many wonderful supporters thank God


    Much greater support for the #McCann s than against them thank God.

    never saw it thank God

    thank God for that

    Thank God the old boys have gone and a fresh team working on this now.

    Think he is on the right track thank God above

    very few thank God.

    --->> I expect

  • 5/25/2018 SCA examples May 26 2014



    I expect they pulled the apartment about and searched everywhere within those walls

    Security I expect at best, so hardly of the same genre of dogs.


    char wallah I expect.

    dignified and pensive as they await the investigation results I expect.

    Hence mobiles being bought I expect.

    I expect it must be trending the traffic is vast today.

    plenty of these trolls will, I expect, be neglectful scumball parents.

    you lot having a go I expect.


    70% of 150 viewers I expect.

    All have issues from their past I expect

    Because he's mad like you Deborah I expect.

    Bennett's crew I expect.

    boring us all to tears I expect

    Brilliant I expect

    Brits not popular in Ptgl then but our money is I expect?

    does at times I expect

    He wants to spare his blushes I expect.

    I expect not

    I expect she gives 50p a week to C.O.L.D

    I expect so and who will be the Guy?I expect so Rosalinda.

    I expect so.

    I expect so. He is a naughty old boy

    I expect strings being pulled from SdL and GA.

    I expect the haters live on their plastic cards unable ever to repay their debts.

    I expect the parents were there

    I expect the report button is red hot

    I expect you believe Diana was murdered ?

    I expect you believe the Gaspars are right as well?

    I expect you have removed the comment

    I wonder what Amaral has to say about this now? Quaking in his bootees I expect.

    Insanity from being abused as a child I expect

    Madeleine's "now" parents will be arrested & charged I expect.

    much wrong within their own lives I expect.

    not the first nor the last I expect?

    OAPs going on a 2 month vacation I expect Deborah?

  • 5/25/2018 SCA examples May 26 2014


    Pam isn't on twitter to best of my knowledge and MissViv thinks I am her so is trolling me I


    pavements in woodgrain I expect!

    Remedial classes I expect

    See you later I expect

    seeing to her "rhubarb" I expect.showing her eye shadow off I expect.

    silly activist stuff like storming Rothley I expect

    Stovies I expect

    They know what's about to happen I expect!

    Toilet break I expect?

    Too much time on #McCann with other sickos I expect.

    Twitter glitch I expect?

    Vino time again I expect!

    Women have hurt them in past I expect

    Worried I expect

    You have a pocket handkerchief yard I expect?


    Old lady bladder syndrome I expect. #mccann

    --->> good question


    Good question Karen. Has Lizzy been asking for donations?


    good question & one only Portugal can find answer to.


    Good question. How far does their FoS go I wonder?

    Good question MrsM and one I pondered earlier myself.

    Good question. I think to save his embarrassment

    Good question...why do they?