Satatblief dir F c00 and If there In...

THE DAILY SUN GAINESVILLE FLORIDA JANUARY HUitt h n 4 u i + HAS SURRENDERED TO REBELS- n Damlntan Insurgents Now in of Monte Christ Turks Island Bahamas West lallc Jan 2 Mall advances from Monte Cbrlitl Santo DamltiKu rays tbat G n Perez governor of Puerto Plaa bas snrrpntlereil to the revolutonl In Mont Corlstl They say that the Dominican ntlf r IndepenJ ncIa loaded with has been Riven up to Gener I PeacfaamjM who with Generals trla and Rodrlcue have left for Pu- erto Plaata with 250 on board Gener- al Barba with 200 men in Altlmlra a village 15 from Puerto Plata wilt surrender Norwegian Explorer Returns 8ma PrancUco Jan 2 Captaia TIt tam MogK the companion of the cola brated Norwegian explorer Raold AnuBJaea oa 700mile Journey across tile Arctic ire uVnia r Ja this city from the north Captain Mojrs reed many letters from the crews of the wealing reascla now Imprisoned in Arctic The shlpa he says are In no danger and are well provisioned to carry them through the severe winter New Railroad for Mexico TuapTco Tex Jan 2 Richard Nosey of Mexico City has been grant a coaceasloa for a railroad connect lag Taaplco with the capital of the country It U expected that when oeapleted tile will reduce the trip between 12 and 15 hours A day wilt k saved to paeseagera bound to Mex- ico City from the United States by water and from Saa Antonio about six kour Lift with Wave Committee Cleveland Jan 2 Tho announce has been Bade at the national headquarters of the Amalgamated Win dow Glass Workers of America in this city that the majority of the mem- bership of 6000 wladow glass workers have voted la favor of leaving mat- ter of adjustlag the wages entirely la- the bands of the wage committee of the organization Millionaire Commits Suicide San Francisco Jan 2 Frank Phy Alcalor a millionaire Alaskan miner ended his life Sunday In his apartments a local hotel by cutting his throat with a razor Phyolcalor is said to be one of the pioneers of the Klondyku- and built the tir t house In Dawson He hud rich claims on Bonanza creek Physlcalor came originally from the state of Michigan Last Owner of Mount Vernon Richmond Va Jan 2 News bar been receive here of the death at hit dome in inarletduwu W of uniest son of the late Joint Augustine who was the last lntllvldiiil owner of Mount Verflbn and the last of the dUtinsnNi- ctl Wuciilns n family to be born la- the Mecca of American freedom CASTOR 7 r lafuiU tad Children YM Han Always Bcht Bears The Tlirulo lo l Lftfeyrlnffe Stephen Ksxes a Meihoiiist minister Is the hero In The IMsliops Niter UN Htutc ut mind after his early wall derlng4 la the theological lalorinth thus described by thus author tei r II Ilcanl At twentysevn Stephen K ex u us nut made u pirf ct retry from the panic Into which a premature discov- ery of thy plant of salvation had thrown him He had empioved tlie remediiM which are to heal mfr COTI- IUion Illnesses but their daiKv and variety as well a- iwsltlon to leave note untaxlcd litl re- tanied bit cotualescence Ills present condition vrttM that of out who though realizing that he has halted almoat miraculously just inside tlie end of op- portunity Is still fearful of doing something which will unlo everything I iliiir HrliJur The fiwlnglng bridge of wtvul end role crossing a liain III the lrl h cliffs tnrrlck n and the l irri bail high dxve Ibe s which bivi- in foam and embroidery aoiig the rocky const s imtiie and unniiti bed It is i nly U H ilitrin the salmon tl h lug 5ei U aiul coniierti the IlKlillllMil with the Initfe nxk whence the plate derives Its name Whether tailing tier Mn or comJtitf up from tb mainland tb brldfc seems lint n fragile thing a opting ihUwalk upK rttM by thin air and your also 1 allies his all h the eel the at a hln lon Wajhlfl lon J nil I rrlbrI I moral 1 hun Ils I I Pos- session S t t era am- munition Deb 4 line seat 4 z Via Goo the Signature o- fT t pre din t Ltd f i lute ginetion ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > > > > > < > + + < + The Food That Does Good Tae Oed ttTWOIl EamWoa fr KKtSnet for cpa C Mc Irttocaie BreacMU U Tkrwt Late CeUrrii PIMMBMMU- Cq Mi l ei ftftf all PuIrnoQkry Dlxtie AU DracxkM two dSM Ms aad U TRIM BOTTLE FREE BY MAIL til eeaffiaf same tad sddreM to Street New Yertt ORIGINAL GRETNA GREEN away COme tcrom KaclUh Border tn lfa r the K ot Tied A recent writer Oil I- irle of the original Cretna ire in- Seutland bits tbln t the prleHt- wlm dW till marrying for the hurrying niibiit pei jti whu ruie to them fnttii the Kmrliui ixmier Hie- I men who up tilt tnde of marr lust hill often been previously encacid- In some other oeeupit Stine were Moiieianons some were weaver and many were onler idler nod N aeher i Anioni these lust it lit possible that a may at saute time hurt taken to Joining hands ItiHtead of IPIII but iiit one of tilts calllnu tier ruse to fame In the marriage line Joseph Paisley who first made the marriage trade hunt U deserilntl as- notlilnj better than a drunken H bnoter nut he tvusi iiual to thU On one occasion hid scrvlren were nspjlred Hlniultaneuusly by two coupler both In a dfspvrnto hurry nail I after the ceremony It was dlHeovcred that by a trilling mistake the wrong bride and bridegroom had been unit- ed wild Paliley contentedly Jest w rt yentvlH Eventually the iretna priest IHV came no numenms competition HO keen that they waited on the English bonier for the arrival of customeni None of them obtained a reputation for riches nor were they aide to retire on their earning but died In harness The usual price for celebrating a mar- riage wn half a crown IJSi cents but one poor couple got off fur slxiwnce and a still couple for 2la pence Chicago News WANGKANG CEREMONIES- How the 1iU c Attract sad Then rnr Kvll Spirit Keeetitly the residents of the Straits had u peat prootM stun alle wniiukntiu to gtt rid of a large aciMimiilatlon of evil spirits says a writer lit the Chleaco News IereinonieH f this are held l y the Chinese nUml ours In llflein years I The plan Is to conntnut a richly dectv rated junk till it with dainty eatables money live animals Ineense ami other tempting things sail then to take It alxiut the city with music and appro- priate singliitf and IHIIIIP gener- ally This eatiMs the evil spirits to eome out to see what is going on Itehold the splendid junk and Its Tars ton I tents they crowd Inside Iemons tf- hlekmsH are especially fur and l titer the jimk hIs Uen sutliclently- j panuhil M that It Is cheek full of de- nii ns It is and the evil ttplrlt perish Formerly the Junk was set adrift on the ocean but soiuet lines it was stranded on some Island or other causing great suffering to the Inhab I Itanti thus fxposeil to the attacks of the margined i plriis S ij w the junk N burned at tin of each ceremony nf the Mirt The Chinese In the of Sltiga purr M nt alMiut IMOHI in getting rid of their ilelioll this fil Failure Oh ieorge I lout think that new cafety razor f yours iimounts to any- thing at all WTtjr nnf dear flcmfw T trleil to use It today and i couldnt d an thing with It What were you trying to do with It I vn trying to sharpen a pen Ill and It rut a bitMilw- ankeo Sentinel Cured Lumbago A It Iatmnn riiiungn writer Mrtfth J 11 3 with lumbago n iJitlfrent times and aftiranother then ointment and liniment Uftve it tip altogether So I triid orue unsure nnd cut A brittle of ilnllard Snow IiniiinMit whivh gave floe mo t mtaiit relief I can cheerfully nCtiun ml sill tdd my iiHine- to your lift of utlerer by M J hni I ivM lUrutu the novel wrtt hy tho lute Kdwanl Noyes Wet netted the authors about u W Hccurding to a statement made In thu surnjgttted court Syracuse N Y DlOIIUISION co h lit I i tusk I I tr- I I I well insurer curt I lIt I I sought I I bstn trunblyd triad It JIll l tutu 1 WIp- e aa1 r Mae dir Irtt1 s till say Irrslsi kilns kiuitlt in- cident hint s Set Inc oars burn el stun vi tuner ants tconlulnt blaring nut Ill itvan slitters nt sly Bald V > < > > > > > ¬ ¬ > ¬ > >< < ¬ < > ¬ + R the Full native Days on every m PX QneC1NitlAlea C kL ruby Name t ltlUl a isk 1 VOLCANIC ACTIVITY- A tt Explain the Source mat In a volume on i ii iiiiNs Irufcs4or- T I oelier Ullllertlk to tcl ly trace eruption Melted rock as I llwig fncji Ve reiilrcs a temperature of degree Iihren licit o tliiU it become fir down III the earth p I or a hundred miles IMuw th oltcr stilt of OMtled ami solidified rocks there taiNt In a large zone of r k which still remains solid bccaii c Its ti inH rattm- b less tlian that of Un nMtfiiK point rreMmdln4 to tin pressure under which It stets and clow that again then uiitt nxk or magma In a stale of fusion It Is to magma that rrofcsMir uelter l n ls the primary source of nil volcanic activity At the name time till depth at which this primary reservoir of magma lies and tilt pr siire under whl li It N cull lined an so jrrcat that a direct eruption from It I iiiioiictivahli I nt when by movement1 in till ovcritiuK cm l otherwise a channel I opened the magma may ti e to a depth where It H surrounded l v rock at a lower temiHr stun than tilt melting point In these circumstances solidification begins From all volcanoes lungs nunntltlcs of of carhui 0 acid uud other Ka es are evolved id the course of every lava stream Is marked l y cloud of steam evolved from the cooling lava At silt time and the Idea N still com mouthls Pteain was HUpH ed tn have l een derived fruit sea water which had obtained access to the molten lava white Mill underground but this ex ptunatiou l now generally rejected IH lug Impossible in Nome Pasty null inad- equate in all and the greater part of the strain mid other emanations front n volcano are now regarded as directly derived trout an original store in the interior of the earth However this may be it b certain that the mnguin from which volcanic lava Is derived Id not merely In u state of Igneous fusion hut is combined with water and gases which are given off ad it solidifies nod by their escaK frequently form minia- ture volcanoes on the surfjicv of lava streams- If the solidification takes place un- derground flit steam and gases tire ex- pelled and If there In m free scape pressure mils Increase till it becomes jrreal month to uvercouic the resist- ance of the overlying rock and so lend to an eruption ami the formation of a volcano whose character will depend on tilt nature of the reservoir from which the eruption took place The Kr Mrh Student Some of tlie French students an mis- rrablv pOUr No one knows how much N very l hidden under those lout curli ami jrile faces Sometimes III tb libraries In the eveiiiig one sees a stu- dent take a of dry breast out of- bis pocket and munch it while study- ing that Ix ini his whole suppd There MM mi iHiUiit who alwavs walked with his cunt collar turned up He was found froen dead one morning He hud hardly underneath hi- CiiJit Ittlt wlliii Allicrirlll sde1lt Who titlll lhelll el s lend ll Will dil- iiaiiiitil lab if initMig I etr eau be fotiiid a Id in li MiMint woiUd niili r- sliinc thai 10 u aiil a of them eiv d ir Uailief taru durum nine xcirv ails in do itiniiMl Llnr that lire well ami linih lice same little In three eiir 11111 work fur a llvi ig Iaiii hi wj York Iost Iliiunrii In Mum In ri p r Virtn baulk Iiuule- TrnlN lads I The Sian e e build lii bolide of all story MI Milt for veril r i ns The UrM loiilt avoid the tilt pardonabli in of llvig In II I wer story whie an upper I by other Iniiii in nu wo- men who in Siim are not reUtniitl as- of miicli itiiortince The sfiiMl and I Mtoiiid iv tits mo t if not the n o l ie tii ji rensoti i to hive a rt i iiit i i y of aeci t r thei ttiiu di from i tilts chiwiit and hi i h ld Pfu wlirh max tin ii iv M ii tirii j the MU f tte j ity corjtriii ted A Grm Tragedy If d y enaitrd thonnnd of hone death clHiiiH in Onus nnother victim of consumption or pneiunonifl hut wlieu cnuph arid cold Sri properly treatej the trae- edj tnerteil F i Hlintley of In writer Xly wits had the cnnurnption and three due tor pave her Imaily ie took Pr Kinesi New Pieovery for Ion jtiiition Cougts Mill CoMji wlih curt d her nrd ttxiny f H weil niil- trtina It ki the grrm f all i- ea j do e relicitx tit rrnntrcd v nrd M t y it Trial free I Directory For Sale hire h number of copter of l irfetvry for sale at Sun otilee It i a ianJy reirrence h k for bu in anti t rofe iona piviug tilt iismw of r idtntl street and number Price 2 q Theory of call 11 III I lit fist strains ail Ii I lit ro Ii I in Oil > t 11 t IIii lit i ctru hOI t I Cily J Harlt Cat win I i tan Eruplt tl rid S sue b biers 4 i Ind ty s this rr a s pies unyth this r u Rut ly Lit r ill tutu u t isauliibal I pe ally prllrratt- a ulta i a tlsHur each l lakhit don tip Lt I as nil The > > > > < < > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ > < > ¬ < > < > < > > < > > + + + + + I THE ALACHUA COUNTY ABSTRACT CO Inc lsTAlirttKi- rheqjetinn ptfnjHr prvue of ort alone the line of Jiunl lair in the tate of Florida of pnrtifularl- yof Title the county fiat ciui id MEIIALTIKN Al trarl of Tax Sale oration for tfrHt fur uH IJfnt Land Owner flats f Cuutilir the inrntor TI HS tile I RHfer iie4 Firt National Bank of Ninevillf UK Jt Cn Haulier 187- bSI F IDTJTTOIsr c 00 Do icener i hu lnt bur f Foreign aod OooeiUc Eietftctto- Tte backt b nker Jortor ttot f rrc r xcrcbmnu cJ oibert- rrceIveJ OD TOMhf Si cia f ciJite to mftlitoc eoiecioat oc i- ltcccalbe the United State u Title u Dutton u Satatblief BA l ERS a basin UII ot palau In GAINESV1TLE FIJOFTT 1 A rri alb vary iwa ear Its ed I accounts writs > > > < + + THE CLAMS NECK Pmryotf antl t hurarlrrUtlrB of Tble- I OrMnu of the UUnlir- i IVrsoiis Wilts have seen shell clams ut they lay In a pats In the kitch- en preparatory to Ining cooked scarce- ly rveognle them Hi their natural state Many of us who have MVU clams know that they have Jut ks but url ig- norant of the purpo e and character latics of this attachment As they He ou the ground they lint far from lacing Clo o uiouthiil In fact they are sel sum to be MVU with the shall closed From one end projects the neck which may IM three time as nut us the hbtll Whets fully extended This tact In east the neck Is stretched out makes one wonder how such a length tau contracted into MicU u small span and how much remains in the shill nfter the neck lies been elongated TIll Is tin astoulshmg char- acteristic of the soft shelled clam and the one that makes him unrecognizable to so many people One of the clams fur instance I three Indies long His neck when extended I possibly sight or nuts inches long and as large around ns a mans middle linger As every one knows the dam when In Its native haunts is to l e found sev- eral inches Inlow the surface of the scud He ha to be dug up when ills covered by the little tort of water whirli the Uneath throws lip when dMtirixd This ilcrl connects the clam with fowl upplv in the water alH ve In the niHU ors parallel tubes Tltott tube rlaill ll ks III ijiiantiiy of water Irom the water he- iisirli whatever iniurl hiueiit It may contain cud tin n epel this water through tin other tutus lie may h w tits elim get Into the ard or At op- I o lte tlii ini K may be an ap- pendage II tell III luipe usual cillid 1 Fait It with this foot that lie di way duwnward iron Irei Rev Carlisle P B Marlin L L D of Wav rly Texas writes Of a morn inc when Mm ariMt g I often find a troublesome collection of plilecm which iroduo rs a cough AId ii very hard to di Iodue but a mall quantity of Mallards Hurehoand Syrup will at once ditkdce it and the troiible is Over I know of no medi- cine that fiiial to it it is so1 ant to take I can cordially it to all i cr n npding n a mi divine tar throat or lung rouble Sold by W M Johnson Miss Nora Norton LADIES NOVELTIES- and FANCY GOODS MY Jon U mi Painter Decorator and Paper Hanger K r il o 1 MI ioiii work pn ritl ants ri t y rXi t PAPER HANGING aM SIGN INf a calt I I hi ash III t ouch III lid I Ill l I I It Ill lI1u t I TIll D SnAUflmn i I I I hl tturrTllr Fla WRIT n raft t I lie late tl the soil ell r i b till t is Ira i arid 1l is lau11 pal Eat Main t f tit at i I ¬ > > ¬ > < > + < + WOOD OAK mi PINESa- wed and lencth and WOOD OF DUALITY and guaranteed patufactiou with erery or- der When you are III want of STOVE WOOD please give me n call Fiery for sawing splitting and wool promptly I SOLICIT YOLK IATRONAGK E C JONES Proprietor Wood Yard Corner verity and Masonic Streets itine vine Florida GULF HOTEL ELI Paradise Hunting and Fishing Ktid r l t I A itt thi winter He Hne tuntinMtuliullt kiJT turkey iinl ni irii tl titt acJ- ixiat for Koomirixtatloii of rue tv jmr buntltik i iiti cirtlcv Put aii utmoatlo Mlt LUflA TIH MA IKVT CO The EL DORADO CAFE liaiilinc in H IIiie a Feature KvcrythirK in Staor to Order OYSTERS AM SPEAKS reciit P the But K E A ri O N A BL E WEST 81 D E SQUARE Ve t Man Street S The Florida Fruit and Truck Grower lllirxnY Editor and Iropr OCALA FLA Use Year JlOO Single copies 10 A handsomely illustrated magatinA especially to the of the and veRetablr growers of Florida A special trial ulcription of ii month will l e rent on receipt of 23 cent Stamps taken Louisville Nashville R R Ine to ItirniiiiKliam NaMuillc MemiliN- Km I hicinnati- St louis I hicauo told all i tin wrlh ami in Ihniicli rare Only lint througli sleepers tram Florida to line through Iccrier from lurid to loui with dining car ervic dining carervice in the South tourist sleejur4 to Califor- nia Fur itiormntinn n i to rate to a paint and West chedtile ai i nil call ou or write GEO E HERRING Ila Ii Asl I N It- iUU Ve t llaj stn t I Irlit nt T ni HMnlOCli fir lIuucorK for rhl nO 1l1Alarmtrt II IJIIIIIJ ltl tIn I E fur I rile addle I C C ICU u J It It reu I I f B 1 lilt Lolii lilt t ehlct lv t IIJ a Fin t C- 1I1rou h t b t If Ian lilt all sizes de- livering i haatrt urdr Cad oI cola rgettt oat sat truprtctrea- tctrILAut aei F1 COF FEE PRICES biro Ia a i 1 et ct s bleb 1 rntIac n u n- fl h lz x North its u st h out n ¬ ¬ > > > > > > ¬ > > + + +

Transcript of Satatblief dir F c00 and If there In...

Page 1: Satatblief dir F c00 and If there In m free scape pressure mils Increase till it becomes jrreal month to uvercouic the


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n Damlntan Insurgents Now inof Monte Christ

Turks Island Bahamas West lallcJan 2 Mall advances from MonteCbrlitl Santo DamltiKu rays tbat G n

Perez governor of Puerto Plaabas snrrpntlereil to the revolutonlIn Mont Corlstl

They say that the Dominicanntlf r IndepenJ ncIa loaded with

has been Riven up to GenerI PeacfaamjM who with Generalstrla and Rodrlcue have left for Pu-

erto Plaata with 250 on board Gener-al Barba with 200 men in Altlmlra avillage 15 from Puerto Plata wiltsurrender

Norwegian Explorer Returns8ma PrancUco Jan 2 Captaia TIt

tam MogK the companion of the colabrated Norwegian explorer RaoldAnuBJaea oa 700mile Journeyacross tile Arctic ire uVnia r Ja

this city from the north Captain Mojrsreed many letters from the crews of thewealing reascla now Imprisoned inArctic The shlpa he says are In nodanger and are well provisioned tocarry them through the severe winter

New Railroad for MexicoTuapTco Tex Jan 2 Richard

Nosey of Mexico City has been granta coaceasloa for a railroad connect

lag Taaplco with the capital of thecountry It U expected that whenoeapleted tile will reduce the tripbetween 12 and 15 hours A day wiltk saved to paeseagera bound to Mex-

ico City from the United States bywater and from Saa Antonio about sixkour

Lift with Wave CommitteeCleveland Jan 2 Tho announce

has been Bade at the nationalheadquarters of the Amalgamated Window Glass Workers of America in thiscity that the majority of the mem-bership of 6000 wladow glass workershave voted la favor of leaving mat-ter of adjustlag the wages entirely la-

the bands of the wage committee ofthe organization

Millionaire Commits SuicideSan Francisco Jan 2 Frank Phy

Alcalor a millionaire Alaskan minerended his life Sunday In his apartments

a local hotel by cutting his throatwith a razor Phyolcalor is said tobe one of the pioneers of the Klondyku-and built the tir t house In DawsonHe hud rich claims on Bonanza creekPhyslcalor came originally from thestate of Michigan

Last Owner of Mount VernonRichmond Va Jan 2 News bar

been receive here of the death at hitdome in inarletduwu W of

uniest son of the lateJoint Augustine who wasthe last lntllvldiiil owner of MountVerflbn and the last of the dUtinsnNi-ctl Wuciilns n family to be born la-

the Mecca of American freedom

CASTOR7 r lafuiU tad Children

YM Han Always BchtBears

The Tlirulo lo l LftfeyrlnffeStephen Ksxes a Meihoiiist minister

Is the hero In The IMsliops NiterUN Htutc ut mind after his early wallderlng4 la the theological lalorinththus described by thus author tei rII Ilcanl

At twentysevn Stephen K ex u us

nut made u pirf ct retry from thepanic Into which a premature discov-ery of thy plant of salvation had thrownhim He had empioved tlie remediiMwhich are to heal mfr COTI-

IUion Illnesses but theirdaiKv and variety as well a-

iwsltlon to leave note untaxlcd litl re-

tanied bit cotualescence Ills presentcondition vrttM that of out who thoughrealizing that he has halted almoatmiraculously just inside tlie end of op-

portunity Is still fearful of doingsomething which will unlo everything

I iliiir HrliJurThe fiwlnglng bridge of wtvul end

role crossing a liain III the lrl h

cliffs tnrrlck n and the l irribail high dxve Ibe s which bivi-

in foam and embroidery aoiig therocky const s imtiie and unniiti bedIt is i nly U H ilitrin the salmon tl hlug 5ei U aiul coniierti the IlKlillllMil

with the Initfe nxk whence the platederives Its name Whether tailing tierMn or comJtitf up from tb mainlandtb brldfc seems lint n fragile thinga opting ihUwalk upK rttM by thinair and your




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The Food That Does Good

Tae Oed ttTWOIl EamWoa fr KKtSnet forcpa C Mc Irttocaie BreacMU UTkrwt Late CeUrrii PIMMBMMU-

Cq Mi l ei ftftf all PuIrnoQkry Dlxtie AUDracxkM two dSM Ms aad U

TRIM BOTTLE FREE BY MAILtil eeaffiaf same tad sddreM to

Street New Yertt


away COme tcrom KaclUh Border tnlfa r the K ot Tied

A recent writer Oil I-

irle of the original Cretna ire in-

Seutland bits tbln t the prleHt-

wlm dW till marrying for the hurryingniibiit pei jti whu ruie to themfnttii the Kmrliui ixmier Hie-

I men who up tilt tnde of marrlust hill often been previously encacid-In some other oeeupit Stine wereMoiieianons some were weaver andmany were onler idler nod N aeher i

Anioni these lust it lit possible that amay at saute time hurt

taken to Joining hands ItiHtead of IPIIIbut iiit one of tilts calllnu tier ruse tofame In the marriage line

Joseph Paisley who first made themarriage trade hunt U deserilntl as-notlilnj better than a drunken H

bnoter nut he tvusi iiual to thUOn one occasion hid scrvlren

were nspjlred Hlniultaneuusly by twocoupler both In a dfspvrnto hurry nail

I after the ceremony It was dlHeovcredthat by a trilling mistake the wrongbride and bridegroom had been unit-ed wild Paliley contentedlyJest w rt yentvlH

Eventually the iretna priest IHV

came no numenms competition HO

keen that they waited on the Englishbonier for the arrival of customeniNone of them obtained a reputation forriches nor were they aide to retire ontheir earning but died In harnessThe usual price for celebrating a mar-riage wn half a crown IJSi cents butone poor couple got off fur slxiwnceand a still couple for 2la pence

Chicago News


How the 1iU c Attract sad Thenrnr Kvll Spirit

Keeetitly the residents of theStraits had u peat prootMstun alle wniiukntiu to gtt rid ofa large aciMimiilatlon of evil spiritssays a writer lit the Chleaco NewsIereinonieH f this are held l ythe Chinese nUml ours In llflein years

I The plan Is to conntnut a richly dectvrated junk till it with dainty eatablesmoney live animals Ineense ami othertempting things sail then to take Italxiut the city with music and appro-priate singliitf and IHIIIIP gener-ally

This eatiMs the evil spirits to eomeout to see what is going on Itehold

the splendid junk and Its Tars tonI tents they crowd Inside Iemons tf-

hlekmsH are especially fur andl

titer the jimk hIs Uen sutliclently-j panuhil M that It Is cheek full of de-

nii ns It is and the evil ttplrltperish Formerly the Junk was setadrift on the ocean but soiuet lines itwas stranded on some Island or othercausing great suffering to the Inhab

I Itanti thus fxposeil to the attacks ofthe margined i plriis S ij w the junkN burned at tin of each ceremonynf the Mirt

The Chinese In the of Sltigapurr M nt alMiut IMOHI in getting ridof their ilelioll this fil

FailureOh ieorge I lout think that new

cafety razor f yours iimounts to any-thing at all

WTtjr nnf dearflcmfw T trleil to use It today and

i couldnt d an thing with ItWhat were you trying to do with

ItI vn trying to sharpen a pen

Ill and It rut a bitMilw-ankeo Sentinel

Cured LumbagoA It Iatmnn riiiungn writer

Mrtfth J 11 3

with lumbago n iJitlfrent times andaftiranother then

ointment and linimentUftve it tip altogether So I triid orueunsure nnd cut A brittle of ilnllardSnow IiniiinMit whivh gave floemo t mtaiit relief I can cheerfullynCtiun ml sill tdd my iiHine-to your lift of utlerer byM J hni

I ivM lUrutu the novel wrtthy tho lute Kdwanl Noyes Wetnetted the authors aboutu W Hccurding to a statement made Inthu surnjgttted court Syracuse N Y






















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A tt Explain the Source mat

In a volume on i ii iiiiNs Irufcs4or-T I oelier Ullllertlk to tcl ly

trace eruption Melted rockas I llwig fncji Ve reiilrcs

a temperature of degree Iihrenlicit o tliiU it become firdown III the earth p I or ahundred miles IMuw th oltcr stiltof OMtled ami solidified rocks theretaiNt In a large zone of r k which stillremains solid bccaii c Its ti inH rattm-b less tlian that of Un nMtfiiK pointrreMmdln4 to tin pressure under

which It stets and clow that againthen uiitt nxk or magma In astale of fusion It Is to magmathat rrofcsMir uelter l n ls theprimary source of nil volcanic activityAt the name time till depth at whichthis primary reservoir of magma liesand tilt pr siire under whl li It N culllined an so jrrcat that a direct eruptionfrom It I iiiioiictivahli I nt when bymovement1 in till ovcritiuK cm lotherwise a channel I opened themagma may ti e to a depth where It H

surrounded l v rock at a lower temiHrstun than tilt melting point In thesecircumstances solidification begins

From all volcanoes lungs nunntltlcsof of carhui 0 acid uud otherKa es are evolved id the course ofevery lava stream Is marked l y cloudof steam evolved from the cooling lavaAt silt time and the Idea N still commouthls Pteain was HUpH ed tn havel een derived fruit sea water whichhad obtained access to the molten lavawhite Mill underground but this exptunatiou l now generally rejected IH

lug Impossible in Nome Pasty null inad-equate in all and the greater part ofthe strain mid other emanations frontn volcano are now regarded as directlyderived trout an original store in theinterior of the earth However thismay be it b certain that the mnguinfrom which volcanic lava Is derived Id

not merely In u state of Igneous fusionhut is combined with water and gaseswhich are given off ad it solidifies nodby their escaK frequently form minia-ture volcanoes on the surfjicv of lavastreams-

If the solidification takes place un-

derground flit steam and gases tire ex-

pelled and If there In m free scapepressure mils Increase till it becomesjrreal month to uvercouic the resist-ance of the overlying rock and so lendto an eruption ami the formation of avolcano whose character will dependon tilt nature of the reservoir fromwhich the eruption took place

The Kr Mrh StudentSome of tlie French students an mis-

rrablv pOUr No one knows how muchN very l hidden under those lout

curli ami jrile faces Sometimes III tblibraries In the eveiiiig one sees a stu-

dent take a of dry breast out of-

bis pocket and munch it while study-ing that Ix ini his whole suppd ThereMM mi iHiUiit who alwavs walkedwith his cunt collar turned up He wasfound froen dead one morning Hehud hardly underneath hi-

CiiJit Ittlt wlliii Allicrirlll sde1ltWho titlll lhelll el s lend ll Will dil-

iiaiiiitil lab if initMig I etr eau befotiiid a Id in li MiMint woiUd niili r-

sliinc thai 10 u aiil a of themeiv d ir Uailief taru durumnine xcirv ails in do itiniiMl Llnrthat lire well ami linih licesame little In three eiir 11111 workfur a llvi ig Iaiii hi wjYork Iost

Iliiunrii In MumIn ri p r Virtn baulk Iiuule-

TrnlN lads I

The Sian e e build lii bolide of allstory MI Milt for veril r i nsThe UrM loiilt avoid the tiltpardonabli in of llvig In II I werstory whie an upper I

by other Iniiii in nu wo-men who in Siim are not reUtniitl as-of miicli itiiortince The sfiiMl andI Mtoiiid iv tits mo t if notthe n o l ie tii ji rensoti i to hivea rt i iiit i i y of aeci t r theittiiu di from i tiltschiwiit and hi i h ld Pfu wlirhmax tin ii iv M ii tirii j

the MU f tte j ity corjtriii ted

A Grm TragedyIf d y enaitrd thonnnd of

hone death clHiiiH in Onus

nnother victim of consumption orpneiunonifl hut wlieu cnuph aridcold Sri properly treatej the trae-edj tnerteil F i Hlintley of

In writer Xly witshad the cnnurnption and three duetor pave her Imaily ie tookPr Kinesi New Pieovery for Ionjtiiition Cougts Mill CoMji wlihcurt d her nrd ttxiny f H weil niil-trtina It ki the grrm f all i-

ea j do e relicitx tit rrnntrcdv nrd M t y it Trial


Directory For Salehire h number of copter of

l irfetvry for sale atSun otilee It i a ianJy reirrenceh k for bu in anti t rofe iona

piviug tilt iismw of r idtntlstreet and number Price 2



call11 III









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Harlt Cat



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rheqjetinn ptfnjHr prvue of ort alone the line ofJiunl lair in the tate of Florida


yofTitle the county

fiat ciui idMEIIALTIKN Al trarl of Tax Sale

oration for tfrHt fur uH IJfnt Land Owner flats f Cuutilir

the inrntor TI HS tile

I RHfer iie4 Firt National Bank of Ninevillf UKJt Cn Haulier


bSI F IDTJTTOIsr c00Do icener i hu lnt bur f Foreign aod OooeiUc Eietftctto-Tte backt b nker Jortor ttot f rrc r xcrcbmnu cJ oibert-rrceIveJ OD TOMhf Si cia f ciJite to mftlitoc eoiecioat oc i-

ltcccalbe the United State







BA l ERSa basin UII


palau In


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ear Its











Pmryotf antl t hurarlrrUtlrB of Tble-I OrMnu of the UUnlir-i IVrsoiis Wilts have seen shell

clams ut they lay In a pats In the kitch-en preparatory to Ining cooked scarce-ly rveognle them Hi their natural stateMany of us who have MVU clams knowthat they have Jut ks but url ig-

norant of the purpo e and characterlatics of this attachment As they He

ou the ground they lint far from lacingClo o uiouthiil In fact they are selsum to be MVU with the shall closedFrom one end projects the neckwhich may IM three time as nut usthe hbtll Whets fully extended Thistact In east the neck Is stretchedout makes one wonder how such alength tau contracted into MicU usmall span and how much remains inthe shill nfter the neck lies beenelongated TIll Is tin astoulshmg char-acteristic of the soft shelled clam andthe one that makes him unrecognizableto so many people One of the clamsfur instance I three Indies long His

neck when extended I possibly sightor nuts inches long and as large aroundns a mans middle linger

As every one knows the dam whenIn Its native haunts is to l e found sev-

eral inches Inlow the surface of thescud He ha to be dug up when illscovered by the little tort of waterwhirli the Uneath throws lipwhen dMtirixd

This ilcrl connects the clam withfowl upplv in the water alH ve

In the niHU ors parallel tubesTltott tube rlaill ll ks III

ijiiantiiy of water Irom the water he-

iisirli whatever iniurl hiueiit It maycontain cud tin n epel this waterthrough tin other tutus

lie may h w tits elim getInto the ard or At op-

I o lte tlii ini K may be an ap-pendage II tell III

luipe usual cillid 1 Fait It with thisfoot that lie di way duwnward

iron Irei

Rev Carlisle P B Marlin L L D

of Wav rly Texas writes Of amorn inc when Mm ariMt g I oftenfind a troublesome collection ofplilecm which iroduo rs a cough AIdii very hard to di Iodue but a mallquantity of Mallards HurehoandSyrup will at once ditkdce it and thetroiible is Over I know of no medi-cine that fiiial to it it is so1

ant to take I can cordiallyit to all i cr n npding n

a mi divine tar throat or lung roubleSold by W M Johnson

Miss Nora Norton




JonU mi

PainterDecorator andPaper Hanger

K ril o 1 MI ioiii workpn ritl ants ri t y rXi t





ash III

t ouchIII lid





ItIll lI1u t



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hl tturrTllr Fla





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tlthe soil

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1l is lau11pal

Eat Main t f

tit at














wed and lencth andWOOD OF DUALITY andguaranteed patufactiou with erery or-

der When you are III want of STOVEWOOD please give me n call Fiery

for sawing splitting andwool promptly


E C JONESProprietor Wood Yard Corner

verity and Masonic Streets itinevine Florida



Paradise Hunting and Fishing

Ktid r l t I A itt thi winter HeHne tuntinMtuliullt kiJTturkey iinl ni irii tl titt acJ-

ixiat for Koomirixtatloii of rue tv jmrbuntltik i iiti cirtlcv

Put aii utmoatloMlt LUflA TIH MA



liaiilinc in H IIiie a Feature

KvcrythirK in Staor to OrderOYSTERS AM SPEAKS

reciit P

the But

K E A ri O N A B L E

WEST 81 D E SQUAREVe t Man Street S

The FloridaFruit and Truck Grower

lllirxnY Editor and IroprOCALA FLA

Use Year JlOOSingle copies 10

A handsomely illustrated magatinAespecially to the of

the and veRetablr growers ofFlorida

A special trial ulcription of iimonth will l e rent on receipt of 23cent Stamps taken


Nashville R R

Ine toItirniiiiKliam NaMuillc MemiliN-Km I hicinnati-

St louis I hicauo told all i tin

wrlh ami in Ihniicli rare

Only lint througli sleeperstram Florida to

line through Iccrierfrom lurid to loui with diningcar ervic

dining carervice in the Southtourist sleejur4 to Califor-

niaFur itiormntinn n i to rate to a

paint and West chedtile ai inil call ou or write


iUU Ve t llaj stn t I

Irlitnt T



fir lIuucorK


rhl nO 1l1AlarmtrtII IJIIIIIJ ltltIn


furI rile addle





It It





B 1

lilt Lolii lilt




aFin t C-

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Ian lilt

all sizes



haatrt urdr CadoI cola



truprtctrea-tctrILAut aei F1















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