Saint John of the Cross · 2018-03-18 · “Jesus Wept” — John 11:35 Wearing Red on Palm...

March 18, 2018 Fiſth Sunday of Lent Saint John of the Cross Parish, 140 Richmond Rd., Euclid OH 44143 216.289.0770 saintjohnoſ Why did Jesus weep after speaking with Lazarus’ grieving sisters, even though He knew He had come to Bethany to raise Lazarus from the dead? It is commonly understood that Christ allowed Himself to experience human grief and compassion for suffering. Although God saves us, He doesn’t necessarily spare us our griefs. What’s Happening … A Note from our Pastor .........2 Verses & Prayers ...................3 Experience Holy Week...........4 Holy Week Schedule Parish News and Events ........5 Parish Acvies Schedule Extravaganza Liturgical Tribute Fund Your Financial Stewardship Faith In Acon Today: ............6 Liturgical Ministries of the Parish Parish Family Life Events Ministry & Mass Schedules ...7 Staons of the Cross Friday, March 23, at 6:30 pm Travel the journey of Christ’s passion and death as we remember His journey to the Cross led this week by the Ministry of Consolaon. Saint John of the Cross Roman Catholic Parish “Jesus Wept” — John 11:35 Wearing Red on Palm Sunday Palm Sunday is March 25. Liturgical vestments and altar cloths are red on this day to represent Christ entering Jerusalem to prepare for His death. We wear red this day in ancipaon of His Passion.

Transcript of Saint John of the Cross · 2018-03-18 · “Jesus Wept” — John 11:35 Wearing Red on Palm...

Page 1: Saint John of the Cross · 2018-03-18 · “Jesus Wept” — John 11:35 Wearing Red on Palm Sunday Palm Sunday is March 25. Liturgical vestments and altar cloths are red on this

March 18, 2018 Fifth Sunday of Lent

Saint John of the Cross Parish, 140 Richmond Rd., Euclid OH 44143 216.289.0770

Why did Jesus weep after speaking with Lazarus’ grieving sisters, even though He knew He had come to Bethany to raise Lazarus from the dead? It is commonly understood that Christ allowed Himself to experience human grief and compassion for suffering. Although God saves us, He doesn’t necessarily spare us our griefs.

What’s Happening …

A Note from our Pastor .........2

Verses & Prayers ...................3

Experience Holy Week ...........4 Holy Week Schedule

Parish News and Events ........5 Parish Activities Schedule Extravaganza Liturgical Tribute Fund Your Financial Stewardship

Faith In Action Today: ............6 Liturgical Ministries of the Parish Parish Family Life Events

Ministry & Mass Schedules ...7

Stations of the Cross

Friday, March 23, at 6:30 pm

Travel the journey of Christ’s passion and death as we remember His journey to the Cross led this week by the Ministry of Consolation.

Saint John of the Cross Roman Catholic Parish

“Jesus Wept” — John 11:35

Wearing Red on Palm Sunday Palm Sunday is March 25. Liturgical vestments and altar cloths are red on this day to represent Christ entering Jerusalem to prepare for His death. We wear red this day in anticipation of His Passion.

Page 2: Saint John of the Cross · 2018-03-18 · “Jesus Wept” — John 11:35 Wearing Red on Palm Sunday Palm Sunday is March 25. Liturgical vestments and altar cloths are red on this

Fifth Sunday of Lent 2 March 18, 2018

A Note from Our Pastor

Our Mission We are the Catholic Community of St. John of the Cross, established in 2009. Uniting the people of God as one family, we are rooted in, and empowered by, our sacramental life and Eucharistic celebrations. Living as disciples of Jesus Christ, we recognize our God given potential and challenge one another to share our giftedness, embrace our diversity, and engage in social outreach, service and education. In doing so, we seek to extend the reign of God in Euclid and the wider community.

Soon we will enter into the holiest of weeks in our Church year. One of the many beautiful liturgies of Holy Week, which does not always receive much notice, is the liturgical service called “Tenebrae.” This year, we will be celebrating Tenebrae with our brothers and sisters from Covenant Baptist Church.

Tenebrae is translated as “darkness,” and it is a liturgy celebrated by Roman Catholics as well as Anglicans, Protestants and some Orthodox Churches.

Tenebrae consists of seven readings from scripture (and seven candles) that represent seven “shadows” in Christ’s life: the Shadow of Betrayal, the Shadow of Denial, the Shadow of Aloneness, the Shadow of Accusation, the Shadow of Suffering, the Shadow of Crucifixion and the Shadow of Death. After each reading a candle is extinguished, bringing us closer to darkness.

The final candle, representing Christ, is not extinguished but usually hidden behind the altar after the last of the Scripture readings. A final prayer is said in the darkness. At this time a loud noise called “strepitus” is heard in the church representing the earthquake when Jesus died and the confusion that came after. Others say that it symbolizes the rolling of the stone over Jesus’ tomb.

The liturgy ends in silence and the last candle is either kept hidden or brought back into view. The faithful leave in silence and the mood is again very mournful, reflecting on the death of Christ and the darkness that covered the world on Good Friday.

It is a beautiful part of Holy Week that immerses the Christian faithful into the death of Christ and makes the lighting of candles at the Easter Vigil even more dramatic. During Tenebrae, the church is shrouded in darkness, but the darkness does not have the last word. The Easter Vigil begins in that same darkness, but the light of Christ (symbolized by the Easter candle) expels the shadows and the entire church becomes ablaze with light when the candle reaches the sanctuary.

This is the good news of our faith. However dark our world may get, the light of Christ conquers the darkness and leads us all to Eternal Life.

I truly hope that you will join us in this beautiful and powerful service which will be held on Wednesday, March 28 at 6:30 pm.


Fr. Salvatore Ruggeri

Don’t Miss a Wonderful Opportunity

Page 3: Saint John of the Cross · 2018-03-18 · “Jesus Wept” — John 11:35 Wearing Red on Palm Sunday Palm Sunday is March 25. Liturgical vestments and altar cloths are red on this

Pray for the Sick of the Parish and their Caregivers

Scripture Readings for the Week

Sunday: Jeremiah 31:31-34 Psalms 51:3-4, 12-13, 14-15 [12a] Hebrews 5:7-9 John 12:20-33 Scrutiny: Ezekiel 37:12-14 Psalms 130:1-2, 3-4, 5-6, 7-8 Romans 8:8-11 John 11:1-45 or John 11:3-7, 17, 20-27, 33b-45

Monday: 2 Samuel 7:4-5a, 12-14a, 16 Psalms 89:2-3, 4-5, 27, 29 [37]Romans 4:13, 16-18, 22 Matthew 1:16, 18-21, 24a or Luke 2:41-51a

Tuesday: Numbers 21:4-9 Psalms 102:2-3,16-18,19-21[2] John 8:21-30

Wednesday: Daniel 3:14-20, 91-92, 95 Daniel 3: 52-56 [52b] John 8:31-42

Thursday: Genesis 17:3-9 Psalms 105:4-5, 6-7, 8-9 [8a] John 8:51-59

Friday: Jeremiah 20:10-13 Psalms 18:2-3a, 3bc-4, 5-6,7[cf. 7]John 10:31-42

Saturday: Ezekiel 37:21-28 Jeremiah 31:10, 11-12abcd, 13 [cf. 10d] John 11:45-56

Next Sunday: Mark 11:1-10 or John 12:12-16 Is 50:4-7 Psalms 22:8-9,17-20,23-24 [2a] Philippians 2:6-11 Mark 14:1-15:47 or 15:1-39

Monday, Mar. 19 Lenten Weekday 6:30 pm Berardinelli & Plevelich Deceased Members

Tuesday, Mar. 20 Lenten Weekday 8:15 am Tony & Rita Shetina

Wednesday, Mar. 21 Lenten Weekday

Thursday, Mar. 22 Lenten Weekday 6:30 pm Victor Kmetich

Friday, Mar. 23 Lenten Weekday 8:15 am Monica Vencl

Saturday, Mar. 24 Lenten Weekday 4:00 pm John & Patricia Palko

Sunday, Mar. 25 Palm Sunday 9:00 am Rosemary Wallace 11:00 am Frank & Anna Sustar

Mass Intentions for the Week

Fifth Sunday of Lent 3 March 18, 2018


Call and leave a short message regarding your request. Let us know when your request has been answered. We can also offer prayers of thanksgiving. All information will be kept confidential.

Remember our elderly and homebound in prayer as well.

Please notify the Parish Office when a name can be removed from this list.

Beverley Argento Jim Brown Noella Burrows Chester Campana Tim Carlile Jane DePalma David DeProspero Lillian Dolenc Constance Durrah Mary Frain Marie George Ann Grossman John Hocevar

Andrew Jarm Doris Kowalski Lucille Kucharski Joan Latessa Mili Lekan Marie Lipold Bill Magri Joe Matejka Ronald Maxey Rudy Myeress Jeff Monger John Paglia Linda Palko

Anna Pepock Ethel Quinlan Joan Raddell Pat Rossoll Martha Rymer Jerry Scarniench Judy Schmidt Rose Simek Carole Smigelski Frank Somrack Mary Somrack John Tarmann Rita Vaitkus

Page 4: Saint John of the Cross · 2018-03-18 · “Jesus Wept” — John 11:35 Wearing Red on Palm Sunday Palm Sunday is March 25. Liturgical vestments and altar cloths are red on this

Fifth Sunday of Lent 4 March 18, 2018

Experience Holy Week This Lenten season has taken us on a journey of fasting, prayer and almsgiving … and a closer walk with God through conversion, repentance and transformation.

Mar 25

Mar 27

Mar 28

Mar 29

Mar 29

Mar 30

Mar 30

Mar 30

Mar 31

Apr 1

All Masses

7 pm

6:30 pm

7 pm

8-10 pm


1 pm, 2 pm

3 pm

8 pm

9 am & 11 am

Palm Sunday

Chrism Mass at the Cathedral

Tenebrae Service with Covenant Baptist

Holy Thursday: Mass of the Lord’s Supper

Eucharistic Adoration

Good Friday, Stations of the Cross

Holy Rosary, Last Words of Christ

Celebration of Our Lord’s Passion

Easter Vigil

Easter Masses

We encourage you to fully immerse yourself into Holy Week by participating in a daily walk with Christ through his passion, suffering, death and Resurrection.

Join us for Palm Sunday Mass to celebrate our Lord’s triumphant entrance into Jerusalem. On Tuesday, the Chrism Mass at the Cathedral blesses the Holy Oils for use in all parishes throughout the coming year. On Wednesday, Tenebrae is a service representing the journey from light into darkness that will take place on Good Friday. The Triduum begins on Holy Thursday with the Mass of the Lord’s Supper and the washing of the feet, commemorating our Lord’s actions on the night of the Last Supper. On Good Friday, there will be silent prayer in the church from noon until 3:00 pm, the time at which Jesus hung on the Cross for our sins. The Passion Liturgy with veneration of the Cross recalls the death of Our Lord on Good Friday. The Easter Vigil celebrates our Lord’s victory over sin and death and our 5 RCIA candidates will be fully initiated into the Church.

Remember, each day you attend a service outside of Sunday Mass, place a Paper Seed Heart on the Lenten Tree in the Gathering Area.

Page 5: Saint John of the Cross · 2018-03-18 · “Jesus Wept” — John 11:35 Wearing Red on Palm Sunday Palm Sunday is March 25. Liturgical vestments and altar cloths are red on this

Fifth Sunday of Lent 5 March 18, 2018

Parish News & Events Extravaganza! The 4th Annual Spring Extravaganza is May 5. At this time, we are collecting “Silent Auction” items. Many of the Ministries will be providing auction items, but you can make a personal donation in cash, gift certificates or new items (books, pictures, electronics, etc.) for the auction by dropping off your item(s) at the Parish Office before April 9.

Tickets for this annual parish fundraiser are $50 per person. We will begin accepting dinner reservations in April. Don’t miss out on this wonderful evening. Stay tuned for more announcements and new surprises as we welcome Spring at St. John of the Cross. Questions, please call Marilyn Wagner at 216-235-4018.

Student Volunteers Needed! We are looking for students grades 7-12 interested in volunteering for the Extravaganza on May 5 from 4-9 pm helping to serve the meal and clean up afterward. Service hours can be granted. Please contact Donna Apanasewicz at 216-272-4651.

Your Financial Stewardship Last Week Giving ......................................................................... $4,943.50 Maintenance Giving .................................................................... $1,694.00 Online Giving ............................................................................... $1,253.00 Online Maintenance Giving ............................................................ $280.50 Total ..................................................................................... $8,171.00

Thanks for your generous support toward our mission to serve God!

Liturgical Tribute Fund

Through the Liturgical Tribute Fund, you can dedicate an item used in the church in the name of you or your family, in honor of a loved one or in memory of a family member or friend.

In addition to the Sacred Heart Mosaic and the four remaining stained glass windows in the Sacred Heart Room, we now have these liturgical items available for sponsorship:

New Altar Candle Stands (2) ................... $2,200 each New Lectern ..................................................... $2,500

So far, a new Paschal Candle Stand and Processional Cross and Stand have been sponsored. When you sponsor an item, a small dedication plaque will be affixed to the item. If you would like more information on becoming a donor, please call the parish office at 216.289.0770.

Parish Activities Schedule Monday, March 19

7:00 pm RCIA (SHR) 7:00 pm Financial Peace (Rm. 7)

Tuesday, March 20

9:00 am Book Study (SHR) 5:30 pm Legion of Mary (MR2)

Wednesday, March 21

7:00 pm Choir Practice (C) 7:00 pm Women of Faith (MR2)

Thursday, March 22

6:30 pm Bingo #3 (G) 7:00 pm Baptism Class (SHR)

Friday, March 23

6:30 pm Stations (C) 8:00 pm AA Meeting (Rm. 6)

Saturday, March 24

7:30 am Men’s Prayer Group (Rm. 6) C-Church PC-Parish Community Center SHR-Sacred Heart Room MR2-Meeting Room #2 G-Gym Rm. 6-8 in Parish Community Center

Page 6: Saint John of the Cross · 2018-03-18 · “Jesus Wept” — John 11:35 Wearing Red on Palm Sunday Palm Sunday is March 25. Liturgical vestments and altar cloths are red on this

Fifth Sunday of Lent 6 March 18, 2018

F.I.A.T.: “Faith In Action Today”

Parish Family Life Events

Welcome If you are visiting, we welcome you and hope you will join us again. “Check In” @sjocp on Facebook!

Membership If you wish to become a member of our parish, complete the online form on our website, visit the parish office, or call us. We look forward to welcoming you!

Baptism Expectant parents are to attend a Baptism Class prior to scheduling a Baptism. Contact the parish office to discuss arrangements.

Marriage Wedding arrangements are to be made at least six months in advance. Please call Fr. Sal at the Parish Office.

Just as in Mary’s “fiat,” the moment she said “yes” to God, may you also say “yes” to sharing your gifts in His service.

This week, we highlight the Liturgical Ministries of the parish: altar servers, art & environment, Eucharistic ministers, greeters, lectors, ushers and the Liturgy Commission that participate weekly in the preparation and celebration of the Liturgy.

Altar Servers

Altar servers are liturgical ministers, both adults and children (at least in third grade), who assist the priest at Mass by helping to set up before Mass and serving during the Mass.

Art & Environment

This ministry helps to foster and create a physical environment of beauty and reverence in the worship space that is suited to the sacred action of the assembly throughout the liturgical year.

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion

Eucharistic ministers are commissioned by the Church to distribute the Body and Blood of Christ to our brothers and sisters. Many take communion to and pray with the sick and homebound.


Greeters are often the first people parishioners and visitors see at Mass. They welcome people to Mass and say farewell at the end of Mass, acting as ambassadors of the hospitality offered by Christ.


Lectors proclaim the first and second readings at Mass from the Word of God. They help bring the scriptures to life through thoughtful, prayerful proclamation and are devoted to the studying of the Word of God.

Liturgy Commission

The Liturgy Commission’s duty is to ensure that appropriate liturgical practices are followed, liturgies are assessed and new Diocesan guidelines are implemented. They also provide opportunities to educate parishioners about the liturgy and strives to encourage and support other liturgical ministries.


Ushers provide for the comfort of people during liturgies and assist people with any special needs that they may have. They also receive the gifts of the people by taking up the collection.

Questioning your faith or need help with an issue in your life? Talk to our pastor. Set up appointment at 216.289.0770 or [email protected]

Page 7: Saint John of the Cross · 2018-03-18 · “Jesus Wept” — John 11:35 Wearing Red on Palm Sunday Palm Sunday is March 25. Liturgical vestments and altar cloths are red on this

Visiting Eucharistic Ministers

Richmond Heights Hospital Wednesday, March 21 ........................................ Marla

Grande Pointe Sunday, March 25 ........................ Chris & Dawnmarie

Waterford Sunday, March 25 ................................ Legion of Mary

Ministers Schedule — March 24-25, 2018 Masses: Presiders Greeters Lector 1 Lector 2 Eucharistic Ministers Servers

Saturday 4 pm

Fr. Timothy K. Brindo P. Kiikka

L. McVoy M. McVoy T. Brokamp, M. Freas, M. Malta, P. McVoy, J. Monger, M. Monger, M. Monger, S. Ruggeri

K. Brokamp J. Monger

Sunday 9 am

Fr. Sal H. Drozin A. Dean R. Somich D. DiMare, E. Edelman, C. Gricar, M. Gricar, M. Somich, K. Sorc, J. Volk, R. Volk

E. Somich G. Somich

Sunday 11 am

Fr. Sal D. Mallett L. Williams J. Solpa J. Berquist, K. Burke, E. Dulaney, D. Hocevar, J. Hocevar, J. Kirchmeir, J. Matlock, J. Solpa

O. Matlock B. Knox

Need to Know

Fifth Sunday of Lent 7 March 18, 2018

Mass Schedule

Celebration of Eucharist

Saturday Vigil 4:00 pm Sunday 9:00 am & 11:00 am Monday & Thursday 6:30 pm Tuesday & Friday 8:15 am Holy Day 8:15 am, noon & 6:30 pm

Eucharistic Adoration

First Friday 9:00 am—4:00 pm

Sacrament of Reconciliation

Saturday 3:00—3:30 pm

Rosary follows Tuesday and Friday am Masses

Parish Staff & Office Hours Rev. Salvatore M. Ruggeri ............ Pastor

Rev. Timothy Buyansky, OSB ....... Weekend Assistant

Rev. Edward E. Mehok ................. Weekend Assistant

Rev. Mr. Charles Doerpers ........... Deacon

Dr. Francesco Binda ...................... Director of Music

Terri Burrello ................................ Sacristan

Anita Linsky .................................. Secretary

Kay Magri ...................................... Business Manager

Tara Mowery ................................ Pastoral Associate

Nancy Powell ................................ Bookkeeper

Parish Office Hours

Monday−Friday ............................. 8:00 am−4:00 pm

Saturday ........................................ 9:00 am−1:00 pm


Monday, March 26 ....................................... “A” Team

Interested in joining our parish or becoming Catholic? Call {216) 289-0770 to set up an appointment.