Calendar Comparison March 2002 - Online Shop - Home · Web viewSecond Sunday of the Passion (or...

March 2002 The month of March falls almost entirely in Lent (Quadragesima). Lent contains some of the oldest texts in the Roman Missal and, in contrast to the Eastern Churches, the Roman Mass was celebrated on a daily basis from an early period. The ancient Roman custom of wearing folded chasubles, planetis plicatis, was preserved right up to modern times. This practice pre-dates the introduction of deacons wearing the dalmatic which was seen as a vestment symbolising joy (c.f. the deacon wearing a white dalmatic for the Praeconium Paschale). Originally all ministers at the Eucharistic Liturgy wore chasubles. These were full, outer garments. As the deacon and sub-deacon had to sing the lessons their chasubles were taken off for these (to give freedom for the use of their arms to hold the lectionaries) and later resumed. The practice of the ministers wearing dalmatic or tunicle in Lent was first introduced in the 1956 rite for Holy Week. The planetis plicatis were abolished for the rest of Lent (and for Advent and the Quarter Tense days) in the new rubrics promulgated by John XXIII in 1960. In all Masses of ferial rite prior to the reform of Paul VI an Oratio super Populum was added after the post-communion(s) of the day. For the sake of space this has been omitted in the following table.

Transcript of Calendar Comparison March 2002 - Online Shop - Home · Web viewSecond Sunday of the Passion (or...

Page 1: Calendar Comparison March 2002 - Online Shop - Home · Web viewSecond Sunday of the Passion (or Palm Sunday), d I cl. Second Sunday of the Passion (or Palm Sunday), I cl. Palm Sunday

March 2002

The month of March falls almost entirely in Lent (Quadragesima). Lent contains some of the oldest texts in the Roman Missal and, in contrast to the Eastern Churches, the Roman Mass was celebrated on a daily basis from an early period. The ancient Roman custom of wearing folded chasubles, planetis plicatis, was preserved right up to modern times. This practice pre-dates the introduction of deacons wearing the dalmatic which was seen as a vestment symbolising joy (c.f. the deacon wearing a white dalmatic for the Praeconium Paschale). Originally all ministers at the Eucharistic Liturgy wore chasubles. These were full, outer garments. As the deacon and sub-deacon had to sing the lessons their chasubles were taken off for these (to give freedom for the use of their arms to hold the lectionaries) and later resumed. The practice of the ministers wearing dalmatic or tunicle in Lent was first introduced in the 1956 rite for Holy Week. The planetis plicatis were abolished for the rest of Lent (and for Advent and the Quarter Tense days) in the new rubrics promulgated by John XXIII in 1960. In all Masses of ferial rite prior to the reform of Paul VI an Oratio super Populum was added after the post-communion(s) of the day. For the sake of space this has been omitted in the following table.

Day \ Rite 15701 (Pius V) 1939 (Pius XI) 1956 (Pius XII) 1962 (John XXIII) 19702 (Paul VI)


Feria, sp. Feria, sp. Feria, sp. Feria, III cl. Feria.

(Office of BVM in choro)

At Mattins 3 lessons. At Mattins 3 lessons. At Mattins 3 lessons. At Mattins 3 lessons. At Mattins 2 lessons.

At Lauds ferial preces, suffrages of the Cross, (BVM)3, SS Peter & Paul, Patron and for Peace.

At Lauds ferial preces, suffrage of ‘All Saints’.

At Lauds ferial preces. At Lauds ferial preces.

Penitential psalms and Litany.

At Hours ferial preces. At Hours ferial preces.

In Mass 2nd collect A cunctis, 3rd In Mass 2nd collect A cunctis, 3rd In Mass one collect, Prf of Lent, In Mass one collect, Prf of Lent, In Mass one collect, Prf of Lent5,

3 The suffrage of the BVM is not said at Lauds and/or Vespers when the ‘Little Office of the BVM’ has been said.

Page 2: Calendar Comparison March 2002 - Online Shop - Home · Web viewSecond Sunday of the Passion (or Palm Sunday), d I cl. Second Sunday of the Passion (or Palm Sunday), I cl. Palm Sunday

March 2002Day \ Rite 1570 (Pius V) 1939 (Pius XI) 1956 (Pius XII) 1962 (John XXIII) 1970 (Paul VI)

collect Omnipotens, Prf of Lent, Benedicamus Domino4.

collect Omnipotens, Prf of Lent, Benedicamus Domino.

Benedicamus Domino. Ite, missa est Ite, missa est.

At Vespers ferial preces, suffrages of the Cross, BVM, SS Peter & Paul, Patron and for Peace.

At Vespers ferial preces, suffrage of ‘All Saints’.

At Vespers ferial preces. At Vespers ferial preces. Vespers of the feria.

At Compline preces. At Compline preces.


Of Saturday, sp. Of Saturday, sp. Of Saturday, sp. Of Saturday, III cl. Of Saturday.

(Office of BVM in choro).

At Mattins 3 lessons. Ad Mattins 3 lessons Ad Mattins 3 lessons. At Mattins 3 lessons. At Mattins 2 lessons.

At Lauds ferial preces, suffrages of the Cross, (BVM), SS Peter & Paul, Patron and for Peace.

At Lauds ferial preces, suffrage of ‘All Saints’.

At Hours ferial preces. At Hours ferial preces.

In Mass 2nd collect A cunctis, 3rd collect Omnipotens, Prf of Lent, Benedicamus Domino.

In Mass 2nd collect A cunctis, 3rd collect Omnipotens, Prf of Lent, Benedicamus Domino.

In Mass one collect, Prf of Lent, Benedicamus Domino.

In Mass one collect, Prf of Lent, Ite, missa est

In Mass one collect, Prf of Lent, Ite, missa est.

Vespers from chapter of the Sunday, suffrages of BVM, SS Peter & Paul, Patron and for Peace.

Vespers from chapter of the Sunday, suffrage of ‘All Saints’.

Vespers of the following. Vespers of the following. Vespers of the following.

At Compline preces. At Compline preces.3

SundayLent III, sd II cl. Lent III, sd I cl. Lent III, d I cl. Lent III, I cl. Lent III.

At Mattins 9 lessons. At Mattins 9 lessons. Ad Mattins 9 lessons. Ad Mattins 3 lessons. At Mattins 2 lessons.

At Lauds suffrages of BVM, SS Peter & Paul, Patron and for Peace.

At Lauds suffrage of ‘All Saints’.

4 Benedicamus Domino was always said in place of Ite, missa est when the Gloria was not said, prior to 1962, regardless of the colour of the vestments; the exception being that in Requiems Requiescant in pace was the ‘dismissal’.5 A choice of four are given in the 1970 Missal for Lenten ferias.

Page 3: Calendar Comparison March 2002 - Online Shop - Home · Web viewSecond Sunday of the Passion (or Palm Sunday), d I cl. Second Sunday of the Passion (or Palm Sunday), I cl. Palm Sunday

March 2002Day \ Rite 1570 (Pius V) 1939 (Pius XI) 1956 (Pius XII) 1962 (John XXIII) 1970 (Paul VI)

At Prime Quicumque, Dominical preces.

At Prime Dominical preces.

In Mass 2nd collect A cunctis, 3rd collect Omnipotens, Credo, Prf of Lent, Benedicamus Domino.

In Mass 2nd collect A cunctis, 3rd collect Omnipotens, Credo, Prf of Lent, Benedicamus Domino.

In Mass one collect, Credo, Prf of Lent, Benedicamus Domino.

In Mass one collect, Credo, Prf of Lent, Ite, missa est.

In Mass one collect, 3 readings, Credo, Prf proper (Samaritana), Ite, missa est.

Vespers of Sunday, suffrages of BVM, SS Peter & Paul, Patron and for Peace.

Vespers of Sunday, com of S Casimir C, suffrage of ‘All Saints’.

Vespers of Sunday. Vespers of Sunday. Vespers of Sunday.

Vespers of the Dead.

At Compline preces. At Compline preces.4

MondayFeria, sp. S Casimir C, sd. Feria, sp. Feria, III cl. Feria. (S Casimir Rel)

(Office of BVM in choro)

At Mattins 3 lessons. At Mattins 9 lessons, 9th lesson of feria.

At Mattins 3 lessons. At Mattins 3 lessons. At Mattins 2 lessons.

At Lauds ferial preces, suffrages of the Cross, (BVM), SS Peter & Paul, Patron and for Peace.

At Lauds com feria, S Lucius I PM, suffrage of ‘All Saints’.

At Lauds com S Casimir C and S Lucius I PM.

At Lauds com S Casimir C and S Lucius I PM.

Mattins & Lauds of the Dead.

Requiem for Benefactors in choro. (Where this can not be sung the collect Fidelium is sung in the Mass of the day).

At Hours ferial preces. At Prime Dominical preces.

In Mass 2nd collect A cunctis, 3rd collect Omnipotens, Prf of Lent, Benedicamus Domino.

In Mass Gloria, 2nd collect feria, 3rd collect S Lucius I PM, Prf of Lent, Ite, missa est, last Gospel of the feria.

In Mass (2nd collect S Casimir C, 3rd collect S Lucius I PM in Low Mass only), Prf of Lent, Benedicamus Domino.

In Mass (2nd collect S Casimir, 3rd collect S Lucius in Low Mass only), Prf of Lent, Ite, missa est.

In Mass one collect, Prf of Lent, Ite, missa est.

At Vespers ferial preces, suffrages of the Cross, (BVM), SS Peter & Paul, Patron and for

Vespers of S Casimir C, com of feria, suffrage of ‘All Saints’.

Vespers of the feria. Vespers of the feria. Vespers of the feria.

Page 4: Calendar Comparison March 2002 - Online Shop - Home · Web viewSecond Sunday of the Passion (or Palm Sunday), d I cl. Second Sunday of the Passion (or Palm Sunday), I cl. Palm Sunday

March 2002Day \ Rite 1570 (Pius V) 1939 (Pius XI) 1956 (Pius XII) 1962 (John XXIII) 1970 (Paul VI)


At Compline preces. At Compline preces.

Option: Option:

Mass of the feria, 2nd collect S Casimir C, 3rd collect S Lucius I PM, Prf of Lent, Benedicamus Domino

For S Casimir Rel Mass of feria with collect of S Rel, Prf of Lent, Ite, missa est.


For S CasimirRel at Mattins add 3rd lesson and responsory of S CasimirRel and collect of S Rel.

At Lauds of feria after collect, omit conclusion and add antiphon and collect of S Rel.

At Vespers of feria after collect, omit conclusion and add antiphon and collect of S Rel


Feria, sp. Feria, sp. Feria, sp. Feria, III cl. Feria.

(Office of BVM in choro)

At Mattins 3 lessons. At Mattins 3 lessons. At Mattins 3 lessons. At Mattins 3 lessons. At Mattins 2 lessons.

At Lauds ferial preces, suffrages of the Cross, (BVM), SS Peter & Paul, Patron and for Peace.

At Lauds ferial preces, suffrage of ‘All Saints’.

At Hours ferial preces. At Hours ferial preces.

In Mass 2nd collect A cunctis, 3rd collect Omnipotens, Prf of Lent, Benedicamus Domino.

In Mass 2nd collect A cunctis, 3rd collect Omnipotens, Prf of Lent, Benedicamus Domino.

In Mass one collect, Prf of Lent, Benedicamus Domino.

In Mass one collect, Prf of Lent, Ite, missa est.

In Mass one collect, Prf of Lent, Ite, missa est.

At Vespers ferial preces, suffrages of the Cross, (BVM), SS Peter & Paul, Patron and for

Vespers of following, com of feria.

Vespers of the feria. Vespers of the feria. Vespers of the feria.

Page 5: Calendar Comparison March 2002 - Online Shop - Home · Web viewSecond Sunday of the Passion (or Palm Sunday), d I cl. Second Sunday of the Passion (or Palm Sunday), I cl. Palm Sunday

March 2002Day \ Rite 1570 (Pius V) 1939 (Pius XI) 1956 (Pius XII) 1962 (John XXIII) 1970 (Paul VI)


At Compline preces.


Feria, sp. SS Perpetua & Felicity MM, d. SS Perpetua & Felicity MM, d. Feria, III cl. Feria.

(Office of BVM in choro)

Gradual psalms.

At Mattins 3 lessons. At Mattins 9 lessons, 9th lesson of the feria.

At Mattins 9 lessons. At Mattins 3 lessons. At Mattins 2 lessons.

At Lauds ferial preces, suffrages of the Cross, BVM, SS Peter & Paul, Patron and for Peace.

At Lauds com feria. At Lauds com feria. At Lauds ferial preces, com SS Perpetua and Felicity MM.

At Hours ferial preces.

In Mass 2nd collect A cunctis, 3rd collect Omnipotens, Prf of Lent, Benedicamus Domino.

In Mass Gloria, 2nd collect feria, Prf of Lent, Ite, missa est, last Gospel of feria.

In Mass Gloria, 2nd collect feria, Prf of Lent, Ite, missa est.

In Mass Gloria, (2nd collect SS MM in Low Mass only), Prf of Lent, Ite, missa est.

In Mass one collect, Prf of Lent, Ite, missa est.

Vespers of following, com of SS Perpetua & Felicity MM and feria.

Vespers from the chapter of the following, com SS MM and feria.

Vespers of the feast, com feria. Vespers of the feria, ferial preces.

Vespers of the feria.

Option: Option:

Mass of the feria, 2nd collect SS MM, Benedicamus Domino.

Mass of the feria, 2nd collect SS MM (Low Mass only), Benedicamus Domino.


Office of the feria, commemoration of SS MM, ferial preces at Lauds and Vespers


S Thomas Aquinas C, d. S Thomas Aquinas CD, d. S Thomas Aquinas CD, d. Feria, III cl. Feria. (SS Perpetua & Felicity MM)

At Mattins 9 lessons, 9th lesson At Mattins 9 lessons, 9th lesson At Mattins 9 lessons. At Mattins 3 lessons At Mattins 2 lessons.

Page 6: Calendar Comparison March 2002 - Online Shop - Home · Web viewSecond Sunday of the Passion (or Palm Sunday), d I cl. Second Sunday of the Passion (or Palm Sunday), I cl. Palm Sunday

March 2002Day \ Rite 1570 (Pius V) 1939 (Pius XI) 1956 (Pius XII) 1962 (John XXIII) 1970 (Paul VI)

feria. feria.

At Lauds com feria and SS Perpetua & Felicity MM.

At Lauds com feria. At Lauds com feria. At Lauds com S Thomas Aquinas CD.

In Mass Gloria, 2nd collect feria, 3rd collect SS MM, Prf of Lent, Ite, missa est, last Gospel of feria.

In Mass Gloria, 2nd collect feria, Credo, Prf of Lent, Ite, missa est, last Gospel of feria.

In Mass Gloria, 2nd collect feria, Prf of Lent, Credo, Ite, missa est.

In Mass (2nd collect S Thomas Aquinas in Low Mass only), Preface of Lent, Ite, missa est.

In Mass one collect, Preface of Lent, Ite, missa est.

Vespers of the feast, com feria. Vespers from the chapter of the following, com S CD and feria.

Vespers of the feast, com feria. Vespers of the feria. Vespers of the feria.

Option: Option: Option:

Mass of the feria, 2nd collect S Thomas Aquinas, Preface of Lent, Benedicamus Domino.

Mass of the feria, 2nd collect S Thomas Aquinas (Low Mass only), Preface of Lent, Benedicamus Domino.

For SS Perpetua & Felicity MM: Mass of the feria with collect of SS MM, Prf of Lent, Ite, missa est.

Option: Option:

Office of the feria, commemoration of S CD.

For SS Perpetua & Felicity MM: At Mattins add 3rd lesson SS MM and collect of SS MM.

At Lauds of the feria omit conclusion of collect and add antiphon and collect of SS MM.

In Vespers of the feria omit conclusion of collect and add antiphon and collect of SS MM.


Feria, sp. S John of God C, d. S John of God C, d. Feria, III cl Feria. (S John of God Rel)

(Office of BVM in choro)

At Mattins 3 lessons. At Mattins 9 lessons, 9th lessson feria.

At Mattins 9 lessons. At Mattins 3 lessons. At Mattins 2 lessons.

Page 7: Calendar Comparison March 2002 - Online Shop - Home · Web viewSecond Sunday of the Passion (or Palm Sunday), d I cl. Second Sunday of the Passion (or Palm Sunday), I cl. Palm Sunday

March 2002Day \ Rite 1570 (Pius V) 1939 (Pius XI) 1956 (Pius XII) 1962 (John XXIII) 1970 (Paul VI)

At Lauds ferial preces, suffrages of the Cross, (BVM), SS Peter & Paul, Patron and for Peace.

At Lauds com feria. At Lauds com feria. At Lauds ferial preces, com S John of God C.

Penitential Psalms and Litany of the Saints.

At Hours preces feriales.

In Mass 2nd collect A cunctis, 3rd collect Omnipotens, Prf of Lent, Benedicamus Domino.

In Mass Gloria, 2nd collect feria, Prf of Lent, Ite, missa est, last Gospel of feria.

In Mass Gloria, 2nd collect feria, Prf of Lent, Ite, missa est.

In Mass (2nd collect S C in Low Mass only), Prf of Lent, Ite, missa est.

In Mass one collect, Prf of Lent, Ite, missa est.

Vespers of following, com of feria.

Vespers from the chapter of the following, com of S C and feria.

Vespers of the feast, com feria. Vespers of the feria, ferial preces Vespers of the feria.

At Compline preces.

Option: Option: Option:

Mass of feria, 2nd collect S John of God, Prf of Lent, Benedicamus Domino.

Mass of feria, (2nd collect S John of God inLow Mass only), Prf of Lent, Benedicamus Domino.

For S John of God Rel: Mass of the feria with collect of S Rel, Prf of Lent, Ite, missa est.

Option: Option:

Office of feria, ferial preces, commemoration of S John of God C.

For S John of God Rel: At Mattins add 3rd lesson and responsory of S Rel and collect of S Rel.

At Lauds of the omit conclusion of collect and add antiphon and collect of S Rel.

In Vespers of the feria omit conclusion of collect and add antiphon and collect of S Rel.


Forty Holy Martyrs, sd. S Frances of Rome Wid, d. S Frances of Rome Wid, d. Of Saturday, III cl. Of Saturday. (S Frances of Rome Rel)

Page 8: Calendar Comparison March 2002 - Online Shop - Home · Web viewSecond Sunday of the Passion (or Palm Sunday), d I cl. Second Sunday of the Passion (or Palm Sunday), I cl. Palm Sunday

March 2002Day \ Rite 1570 (Pius V) 1939 (Pius XI) 1956 (Pius XII) 1962 (John XXIII) 1970 (Paul VI)

At Mattins 9 lessons, 9th lesson of Saturday.

At Mattins 9 lessons, 9th lesson of Saturday.

At Mattins 9 lessons. At Mattins 3 lessons. At Mattins 2 lessons.

At Lauds com Saturday, suffrages of BVM, SS Peter & Paul, Patron and for Peace.

At Lauds com Saturday. At Lauds com Saturday. At Lauds com of S Frances of Rome Wid.

At Prime Dominical preces.

In Mass Gloria, 2nd collect Saturday, 3rd collect A cunctis, Prf of Lent, Ite, missa est, last Gospel of Saturday.

In Mass Gloria, 2nd collect Saturday, Prf of Lent, Ite, missa est, last Gospel of Saturday.

In Mass Gloria, 2nd collect Saturday, Prf of Lent, Ite, missa est.

In Mass (2nd collect S Wid in Low Mass only), Prf of Lent, Ite, missa est.

In Mass one collect, Prf of Lent, Ite, missa est.

Vespers from chapter of following, com of SS MM, suffrages of BVM, SS Peter & Paul, Patron and for Peace.

Vespers of the following, com S Wid and the Forty Holy Martyrs.

Vespers of the following. Vespers of the following. Vespers of the following.

At Compline preces.

Option: Option: Option:

Mass of Saturday, 2nd collect S Wid, Prf of Lent, Benedicamus Domino.

Mass of Saturday, (2nd collect S Wid in Low Mass only), Prf of Lent, Benedicamus Domino.

For S Frances of Rome Rel: Mass of Saturday with collect of S Rel, Prf of Lent, Ite, missa est.

Option: Option:

Office of Saturday, commemoration of S Wid.

For S Frances of Rome Rel: At Mattins add 3rd lesson and responsory and collect of S Wid

At Lauds of feria omit conclusion of collect and add antiphon and collect of S Wid


IV in Lent, sd II cl. IV in Lent, sd I cl. IV in Lent, d I cl. IV in Lent, I cl. IV in Lent.

At Mattins 9 lessons. At Mattins 9 lessons. At Mattins 9 lessons. At Mattins 3 lessons. At Mattins 2 lessons.

Page 9: Calendar Comparison March 2002 - Online Shop - Home · Web viewSecond Sunday of the Passion (or Palm Sunday), d I cl. Second Sunday of the Passion (or Palm Sunday), I cl. Palm Sunday

March 2002Day \ Rite 1570 (Pius V) 1939 (Pius XI) 1956 (Pius XII) 1962 (John XXIII) 1970 (Paul VI)

At Lauds suffrages of BVM, SS Peter & Paul, Patron and for Peace.

At Lauds com SS MM, suffrage of ‘All Saints’

At Prime Quicumque, Dominical preces.

At Prime Dominical preces.

In Mass 2nd collect A cunctis, 3rd collect Omnipotens, Credo, Prf of Lent, Benedicamus Domino.

In Mass 2nd collect SS MM, 3rd collect A cunctis, Credo, Prf of Lent, Benedicamus Domino.

In Mass one collect, Credo, Prf of Lent, Benedicamus Domino.

In Mass one collect, Prf of Lent, Ite, missa est.

In Mass one collect, 3 readings, Credo, Prf pr (de cæco nato), Ite, missa est.

Vespers of Sunday, suffrages of BVM, SS Peter & Paul, Patron and for Peace.

Vespers of Sunday, com of SS MM, suffrage of ‘All Saints’.

Vespers of Sunday. Vespers of Sunday. Vespers of Sunday.

Vespers of the Dead.

At Compline preces. At Compline preces.11

MondayFeria, sp. Feria, sp. Feria, sp. Feria, III cl. Feria.

(Office of BVM in choro)

At Mattins 3 lessons. At Mattins 3 lessons. At Mattins 3 lessons. At Mattins 3 lessons. At Mattins 2 lessons.

At Lauds ferial preces, suffrages of the Cross, (BVM), SS Peter & Paul, Patron and for Peace.

At Lauds ferial preces, suffrage of ‘All Saints’.

Mattins & Lauds of the Dead.

Requiem for Benefactors in choro. (Where this can not be sung the collect Fidelium is sung in the Mass of the day).

At Hours ferial preces. At Hours ferial preces.

In Mass 2nd collect A cunctis, 3rd collect Omnipotens, Prf of Lent, Benedicamus Domino.

In Mass 2nd collect A cunctis, 3rd collect Omnipotens, Prf of Lent, Benedicamus Domino.

In Mass one collect, Prf of Lent, Benedicamus Domino.

In Mass one collect, Prf of Lent, Ite, missa est

In Mass one collect, Prf of Lent, Ite, missa est

Page 10: Calendar Comparison March 2002 - Online Shop - Home · Web viewSecond Sunday of the Passion (or Palm Sunday), d I cl. Second Sunday of the Passion (or Palm Sunday), I cl. Palm Sunday

March 2002Day \ Rite 1570 (Pius V) 1939 (Pius XI) 1956 (Pius XII) 1962 (John XXIII) 1970 (Paul VI)

Vespers of following, com of feria.

Vespers of the following, com of feria.

Vespers of the feria. Vespers of the feria. Vespers of the feria.


S Gregory I PCD, d. S Gregory I PCD, d. S Gregory I PCD, d. Feria, III cl. Feria.

At Mattins 9 lessons, 9th lesson feria.

At Mattins 9 lessons, 9th lesson feria.

At Mattins 9 lessons. At Mattins 3 lessons At Mattins 2 lessons.

At Lauds com feria. At Lauds com feria. At Lauds com feria. At Lauds com S Gregory I PCD.

In Mass Gloria, 2nd collect feria, Credo, Prf of Lent, Ite, missa est, last Gospel of the feria.

In Mass Gloria, 2nd collect feria, Credo, Prf of Lent, Ite, missa est, last Gospel of the feria.

In Mass Gloria, 2nd collect feria, Credo, Prf of Lent, Ite, missa est.

In Mass (2nd collect S PCD in Low Mass only), Prf of Lent, Ite, missa est.

In Mass one collect, Prf of Lent, Ite, missa est.

Vespers of the feast, com feria. Vespers of the feast, com of feria.

Vespers of the feast, com feria. Vespers of the feria Vespers of the feria.

Option: Option:

Mass of the feria, 2nd collect S PCD, Prf of Lent, Benedicamus Domino.

Mass of feria, (2nd collect S PCD in Low Mass only), Prf of Lent, Benedicamus Domino.


Office of feria, commemoration of S PCD


Feria, sp. Feria, sp. Feria, sp. Feria, III cl. Feria.

(Office of BVM in choro)

Gradual psalms.

At Mattins 3 lessons. At Mattins 3 lessons. At Mattins 3 lessons. At Mattins 3 lessons. At Mattins 2 lessons.

At Lauds ferial preces, suffrages of the Cross, (BVM), SS Peter & Paul, Patron and for Peace.

At Lauds ferial preces, suffrage of ‘All Saints’.

At Lauds ferial preces. At Lauds ferial preces.

At Hours ferial preces. At Hours ferial preces.

In Mass 2nd collect A cunctis, 3rd collect Omnipotens, Prf of Lent, Benedicamus Domino.

In Mass 2nd collect A cunctis, 3rd collect Omnipotens, Prf of Lent, Benedicamus Domino.

In Mass one collect, Prf of Lent, Benedicamus Domino.

In Mass one collect, Prf of Lent, Ite, missa est.

In Mass one collect, Prf of Lent, Ite, missa est.

Page 11: Calendar Comparison March 2002 - Online Shop - Home · Web viewSecond Sunday of the Passion (or Palm Sunday), d I cl. Second Sunday of the Passion (or Palm Sunday), I cl. Palm Sunday

March 2002Day \ Rite 1570 (Pius V) 1939 (Pius XI) 1956 (Pius XII) 1962 (John XXIII) 1970 (Paul VI)

Vespers of the feria, ferial preces, suffrages of the Cross, (BVM), SS Peter & Paul, Patron and for Peace.

Vespers of the feria, ferial preces, suffrage of ‘All Saints’.

Vespers of the feria, ferial preces.

Vespers of the feria, ferial preces.

Vespers of the feria.

At Compline preces. At Compline preces.


Feria, sp. Feria, sp. Feria, sp. Feria, III cl. Feria.

(Office of BVM in choro)

At Mattins 3 lessons. At Mattins 3 lessons. At Mattins 3 lessons. At Mattins 3 lessons. At Mattins 2 lessons.

At Lauds ferial preces, suffrages of the Cross, (BVM) SS Peter & Paul, Patron and for Peace.

At Lauds ferial preces, suffrage of ‘All Saints’.

At Hours ferial preces.

In Mass 2nd collect A cunctis, 3rd collect Omnipotens, Prf of Lent, Benedicamus Domino.

In Mass 2nd collect A cunctis, 3rd collect Omnipotens, Prf of Lent, Benedicamus Domino.

In Mass one collect, Prf of Lent, Benedicamus Domino.

In Mass one collect, Prf of Lent, Ite, missa est.

In Mass one collect, Prf of Lent, Ite, missa est.

Vespers of the feria, ferial preces, suffrages of the Cross, (BVM), SS Peter & Paul, Patron and for Peace.

Vespers of the feria, ferial preces, suffrage of ‘All Saints’.

Vespers of the feria. Vespers of the feria. Vespers of the feria.

At Compline preces. At Compline preces.15

FridayFeria, sp. Feria, sp. Feria, sp. Feria, III cl. Feria.

(Office of BVM in choro)

At Mattins 3 lessons. At Mattins 3 lessons. At Mattins 3 lessons. At Mattins 3 lessons. At Mattins 2 lessons.

At Lauds ferial preces, suffrages of the Cross, (BVM), SS Peter & Paul, Patron and for Peace.

At Lauds ferial preces, suffrage of ‘All Saints’.

At Lauds ferial preces. At Lauds ferial preces.

Penitential psalms and Litany of the Saints.

At Hours ferial preces. At Hours ferial preces.

Page 12: Calendar Comparison March 2002 - Online Shop - Home · Web viewSecond Sunday of the Passion (or Palm Sunday), d I cl. Second Sunday of the Passion (or Palm Sunday), I cl. Palm Sunday

March 2002Day \ Rite 1570 (Pius V) 1939 (Pius XI) 1956 (Pius XII) 1962 (John XXIII) 1970 (Paul VI)

In Mass 2nd collect A cunctis, 3rd collect Omnipotens, Prf of Lent, Benedicamus Domino.

In Mass 2nd collect A cunctis, 3rd collect Omnipotens, Prf of Lent, Benedicamus Domino.

In Mass one collect, Prf of Lent, Benedicamus Domino.

In Mass one collect, Prf of Lent, Ite, missa est.

In Mass one collect, Prf of Lent, Ite, missa est.

Vespers of the feria, ferial preces, suffrages of the Cross, (BVM), SS Peter & Paul, Patron and for Peace.

Vespers of the feria, ferial preces, suffrage of ‘All Saints’.

Vespers of the feria, ferial preces.

Vespers of the feria, ferial preces.

Vespers of the feria.

At Compline preces. At Compline preces.


Of Saturday, sp. Of Saturday, sp. Of Saturday, sp. Of Saturday, III cl. Of Saturday.

Office of the BVM in choro

At Mattins 3 lessons. At Mattins 3 lessons. At Mattins 3 lessons. At Mattins 3 lessons. At Mattins 2 lessons.

At Lauds ferial preces, suffrages of the Cross, BVM, SS Peter & Paul, Patron and for Peace.

At Lauds ferial preces, suffrage of ‘All Saints’.

At Hours ferial preces. At Hours ferial preces.

In Mass 2nd collect A cunctis, 3rd collect Omnipotens, Prf of Lent, Benedicamus Domino.

In Mass 2nd collect A cunctis, 3rd collect Omnipotens, Prf of Lent, Benedicamus Domino

In Mass one collect, Prf of Lent, Benedicamus Domino.

In Mass one collect, Prf of Lent, Ite, missa est

In Mass one collect, Prf of Lent, Ite, missa est.

Vespers from chapter of the following (Suffrages not sung during Passiontide).

Vespers of the following, com of S Patrick EC. (Suffrages not sung during Passiontide).

Vespers of the following. Vespers of the following. Vespers of the following.

At Compline preces.17

SundayPassion Sunday, sd I cl. Passion Sunday, sd I cl. First Sunday of the Passion, d

I cl.First Sunday of the Passion, I cl.

Lent V.

At Mattins 9 lessons. At Mattins 9 lessons. At Mattins 9 lessons. At Mattins 3 lessons. At Mattins 2 lessons.

At Lauds com S EC.

At Prime Quicumque, Dominical preces.

In Mass 2nd collect Ecclesiæ or In Mass 2nd collect S EC, Credo, In Mass one collect, Credo, Prf In Mass one collect, Credo, Prf In Mass one collect, 3 readings,

Page 13: Calendar Comparison March 2002 - Online Shop - Home · Web viewSecond Sunday of the Passion (or Palm Sunday), d I cl. Second Sunday of the Passion (or Palm Sunday), I cl. Palm Sunday

March 2002Day \ Rite 1570 (Pius V) 1939 (Pius XI) 1956 (Pius XII) 1962 (John XXIII) 1970 (Paul VI)

for the Pope, Credo, Prf of the Cross, Benedicamus Domino.

Prf of the Cross, Benedicamus Domino.

of the Cross, Benedicamus Domino.

of Passion, Ite, missa est. Credo, Prf pr (de Lazaro), Ite, missa est.

Vespers of Sunday. Vespers of Sunday, com of following and S EC.

Vespers of Sunday. Vespers of Sunday. Vespers of Sunday

Vespers of the Dead.

At Compline preces.18

MondayFeria, sp. S Cyril of Jerusalem ECD, d. S Cyril of Jerusalem ECD, d. Feria, III cl. Feria. (S Cyril of Jerusalem ED)

(Office of BVM in choro)

At Mattins 3 lessons. At Mattins 9 lessons, 9th lesson feria.

At Mattins 9 lessons. At Mattins 3 lessons. At Mattins 2 lessons.

At Lauds ferial preces. At Lauds com feria. At Lauds com feria. At Lauds com of S Cyril of Jerusalem ECD.

Mattins & Lauds of the Dead.

Requiem for Benefactors in choro. (Where this can not be sung the collect Fidelium is sung in the Mass of the day).

At Hours ferial preces.

In Mass 2nd collect Ecclesiæ or for the Pope, Prf of the Cross, Benedicamus Domino.

In Mass Gloria, 2nd collect feria, Credo, Prf of the Cross, Ite, missa est, last Gospel of feria.

In Mass Gloria, 2nd collect feria, Credo, Prf of the Cross, Ite, missa est.

In Mass (2nd collect S ECD in Low Mass only), Prf of the Cross, Ite, missa est.

In Mass one collect, Prf Passion I, Ite, missa est.

Vespers of the following, com feria.

Vespers of the following, com feria.

Vespers of the following, com feria.

Vespers of the following, com feria.

Vespers of the following.

Option: Option: Option:

Mass of feria, 2nd collect S ECD, Prf of the Cross, Benedicamus Domino.

Mass of feria, (2nd collect S ECD Low Mass only), Prf of the Cross, Benedicamus Domino

For S Cyril of Jerusalem ED: Mass of feria with collect of S ED, Prf of Passion I, Ite, missa est.

Option: Option:

Page 14: Calendar Comparison March 2002 - Online Shop - Home · Web viewSecond Sunday of the Passion (or Palm Sunday), d I cl. Second Sunday of the Passion (or Palm Sunday), I cl. Palm Sunday

March 2002Day \ Rite 1570 (Pius V) 1939 (Pius XI) 1956 (Pius XII) 1962 (John XXIII) 1970 (Paul VI)

Office of feria, commemoration of S ECD

For S Cyril of Jerusalem ED: At Mattins add 3rd lesson and responsory of S ED and collect of S ED.

At Lauds of feria omit conclusion of collect and add antiphon and collect of S ED.


S Joseph, d. S Joseph, d I cl. S Joseph, d I cl. S Joseph, I cl. S Joseph, Solemnity.

At Mattins 9 lessons, 9th lesson of the feria.

At Mattins 9 lessons, 9th lesson of the feria.

At Mattins 9 lessons. At Mattins 9 lessons. At Mattins 2 lessons.

At Lauds com feria. At Lauds com feria. At Lauds com feria. At Lauds com feria.

In Mass Gloria, 2nd collect feria, Credo, Prf of the Cross, Ite, missa est, last Gospel of feria.

In Mass Gloria, 2nd collect feria, Credo, Prf of S Joseph, Ite, missa est, last Gospel of feria.

In Mass Gloria, 2nd collect feria, Credo, Prf of S Joseph, Ite, missa est.

In Mass Gloria, 2nd collect feria, Credo, Prf of S Joseph, Ite, missa est.

In Mass Gloria, one collect, 3 readings, Credo, Prf of S Joseph, Ite, missa est.

Vespers of the feast, com feria. Vespers of the feast, com feria. Vespers of the feast, com feria. Vespers of the feast, com feria. Vespers of the feast.


Feria, sp. Feria, sp. Feria, sp. Feria, III cl Feria.

(Office of BVM in choro)

Gradual psalms.

At Mattins 3 lessons. At Mattins 3 lessons. At Mattins 3 lessons. At Mattins 3 lessons. At Mattins 2 lessons.

At Lauds ferial preces. At Lauds ferial preces. At Lauds ferial preces. At Lauds ferial preces.

At Hours ferial preces. At Hours ferial preces.

In Mass 2nd collect Ecclesiæ or for the Pope, Prf of the Cross, Benedicamus Domino.

In Mass 2nd collect Ecclesiæ or for the Pope, Prf of the Cross, Benedicamus Domino.

In Mass one collect, Prf of the Cross, Benedicamus Domino.

In Mass one collect, Prf of the Cross, Ite, missa est.

In Mass one collect, Prf of Passion I, Ite, missa est.

Vespers of the following, com of feria.

Vespers of the following, com feria.

Vespers of the feria, ferial preces.

Vespers of the feria, ferial preces.

Vespers of the feria.


S Benedict Ab, d. S Benedict Ab, dm. S Benedict Ab, dm. Feria, III cl. Feria.

At Mattins 9 lessons. At Mattins 9 lessons, 9th lesson of feria.

At Mattins 9 lessons. At Mattins 3 lessons. At Mattins 2 lessons.

Page 15: Calendar Comparison March 2002 - Online Shop - Home · Web viewSecond Sunday of the Passion (or Palm Sunday), d I cl. Second Sunday of the Passion (or Palm Sunday), I cl. Palm Sunday

March 2002Day \ Rite 1570 (Pius V) 1939 (Pius XI) 1956 (Pius XII) 1962 (John XXIII) 1970 (Paul VI)

At Lauds com feria. At Lauds com feria. At Lauds com feria. At Lauds com S Benedict Ab.

In Mass Gloria, 2nd collect feria, Prf of the Cross, Ite, missa est, last Gospel of feria.

In Mass Gloria, 2nd collect feria, Prf of the Cross, Ite, missa est, last Gospel of feria.

In Mass Gloria, 2nd collect feria, Prf of the Cross, Ite, missa est.

In Mass (2nd collect S Ab in Low Mass only), Prf of the Cross, Ite, missa est.

In Mass one collect, Prf Passion I, Ite, missa est.

Vespers of the feast, com feria. Vespers of the following, com of S Ab and feria. Proper Doxology at conclusion of hymns

Vespers of the feast, com feria. Vespers of the feria. Vespers of the feria.

Option: Option:

Mass of the feria, 2nd collect S Ab, Prf of the Cross, Benedicamus Domino.

Mass of the feria, (2nd collect S Ab in Low Mass only), Prf of the Cross, Benedicamus Domino.


Office of the feria, commemoration of S Ab.


Feria, sp. VII Dolours of BVM, dm. VII Dolours of BVM, dm. Feria, III cl. Feria.

(Office of BVM in choro)

Proper Doxology for Hymns Proper Doxology for Hymns.

At Mattins 3 lessons. At Mattins 9 lessons, 9th lesson of feria.

At Mattins 9 lessons. At Mattins 3 lessons. At Mattins 2 lessons.

At Lauds ferial preces. At Lauds com feria. At Lauds com feria. At Lauds ferial preces, com of VII Dolours of BVM.

Penitential psalms and Litany of the Saints.

At Hours ferial preces. At Prime v Qui passus es. At Prime v Qui passus es.

In Mass 2nd collect Ecclesiæ or for the Pope, Prf of the Cross, Benedicamus Domino.

In Mass Gloria, 2nd collect feria, Sequence, Credo, Prf of BVM, last Gospel of feria.

In Mass Gloria, 2nd collect feria, Sequence, Credo, Prf of BVM

In Mass (2nd collect BVM in Low Mass only), Prf of the Cross, Ite, missa est.

In Mass one collect, Prf Passion I, Ite, missa est.

Vespers of feria, ferial preces. Vespers of the feast, com feria. Vespers of the feast, com feria. Vespers of the feria, ferial Vespers of the feria.

Page 16: Calendar Comparison March 2002 - Online Shop - Home · Web viewSecond Sunday of the Passion (or Palm Sunday), d I cl. Second Sunday of the Passion (or Palm Sunday), I cl. Palm Sunday

March 2002Day \ Rite 1570 (Pius V) 1939 (Pius XI) 1956 (Pius XII) 1962 (John XXIII) 1970 (Paul VI)


At Compline preces.

Option: Option: Option:

Mass of the feria, 2nd collect BVM, Prf of the Cross, Benedicamus Domino and last Gospel BVM.

Mass of the feria, (2nd collect BVM in Low Mass only),Prf of the Cross, Benedicamus Domino.

Where the Devotion exists permit 2 Masses of the VII Dolours: Gloria, 2nd collect feria, Sequence, Prf BVM, Ite, missa est.


Office of the feria, commemoration of BVM. (No proper Doxology for commemorated office.


Of Saturday, sp. Of Saturday, sp. Of Saturday, sp. Of Saturday, III cl. Of Saturday. (S Turibius of Mongrovejo E)

(Office of BVM in choro)

At Mattins 3 lessons. At Mattins 3 lessons. At Mattins 3 lessons. At Mattins 3 lessons. At Mattins 2 lessons.

At Lauds ferial preces. At Lauds ferial preces.

At Hours ferial preces. At Hours ferial preces.

In Mass 2nd collect Ecclesiæ or for the Pope, Prf of the Cross, Benedicamus Domino.

In Mass 2nd collect Ecclesiæ or for the Pope, Prf of the Cross, Benedicamus Domino.

In Mass one collect, Prf of the Cross, Benedicamus Domino.

In Mass one collect, Prf of the Cross, Ite, missa est.

In Mass one collect, Prf Passion I, Ite, missa est.

Vespers from the chapter of following.

Vespers from the chapter of following, com of S Gabriel the Archangel.

Vespers of the following. Vespers of the following. Vespers of the following.

At Compline preces. Option:

For S Turibus of Mongrovejo : Mass of feria with collect of S E.


Page 17: Calendar Comparison March 2002 - Online Shop - Home · Web viewSecond Sunday of the Passion (or Palm Sunday), d I cl. Second Sunday of the Passion (or Palm Sunday), I cl. Palm Sunday

March 2002Day \ Rite 1570 (Pius V) 1939 (Pius XI) 1956 (Pius XII) 1962 (John XXIII) 1970 (Paul VI)

For S Turibius of Mongrovejo E: At Mattins add 3rd lesson and responsory of S E and collect of S E.

At Lauds of feria omit conclusion of collect and add antiphon and collect of S E.


Palm Sunday, sd I cl. Palm Sunday, sd I cl. Second Sunday of the Passion (or Palm Sunday), d I cl.

Second Sunday of the Passion (or Palm Sunday), I cl.

Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord.

At Mattins 9 lessons. At Mattins 9 lessons. At Mattins 9 lessons. At Mattins 3 lessons. At Mattins 2 lessons.

At Lauds com S Archangel.

At Prime Quicumque, Dominical preces.

Asperges, as usual, before Mass. Asperges, as usual, before Mass. Asperges omitted. Asperges omitted.

Solemn blessing of Palms consisting of 9 collects, Epistle, responsories, Gospel and Preface.

Solemn blessing of Palms consisting of 9 collects, Epistle, responsories, Gospel and Preface.

Simple blessing of Palms facing the people (Red) one collect, Gospel.

Simple blessing of Palms facing the people (Red) one collect, Gospel.

Simple blessing of Palms, (Red for whole day) one collect (choice of two), Gospel.

In Procession (veiled cross) 6 antiphons, hymn and responsory.

In Procession (veiled cross) 6 antiphons, hymn and responsory.

In Procession (unveiled cross) 7 antiphons, hymn and responsory – vernacular hymns may be sung; final collect facing people.

In Procession (unveiled cross) 7 antiphons, hymn and responsory – vernacular hymns may be sung; final collect facing people.

In Procession (unveiled cross) hymn and responsory.

In Mass one collect, Passion (Mt 26: 1-75; 27: 1-66), Credo, Prf of the Cross, Benedicamus Domino.

In Mass one collect, Passion (Mt 26: 1-75; 27: 1-66), Credo, Prf of the Cross, Benedicamus Domino.

In Mass no preparatory prayers, one collect, Passion (Mt 26: 36-75; 27: 1-60), Credo, Prf of the Cross, Benedicamus Domino, no last Gospel (unless Palms not blessed then proper last Gospel)

In Mass no preparatory prayers, one collect, Passion (Mt 26: 36-75; 27: 1-60), Credo, Prf of the Cross, Ite, missa est, no last Gospel (unless Palms not blessed then proper last Gospel)

In Mass no preparatory prayers, no Kyrie, 3 readings (1 & 2 may be omitted), Passion (Mt 26: 14-75; 27: 1-66 - Year A only), Credo, Proper preface, Ite, missa est.

Vespers of Sunday. Vespers of the Sunday, com of S Archangel.

Vespers of Sunday. Vespers of Sunday. Vespers of Sunday.

At Compline preces.

Page 18: Calendar Comparison March 2002 - Online Shop - Home · Web viewSecond Sunday of the Passion (or Palm Sunday), d I cl. Second Sunday of the Passion (or Palm Sunday), I cl. Palm Sunday

March 2002Day \ Rite 1570 (Pius V) 1939 (Pius XI) 1956 (Pius XII) 1962 (John XXIII) 1970 (Paul VI)


Monday in Great Week, Privileged Feria, sp.

Monday in Great Week, Privileged Feria, sp.

Monday in Holy Week, sp. Monday in Holy Week, I cl. Monday in Holy Week.

At Mattins 3 lessons. At Mattins 3 lessons. At Mattins 3 lessons. At Mattins 3 lessons. At Mattins 2 lessons.

At Lauds ferial preces. At Lauds ferial preces.

At Hours ferial preces. At Hours ferial preces.

In Mass 2nd collect Ecclesiæ or for the Pope, Prf of the Cross, Benedicamus Domino.

In Mass 2nd collect Ecclesiæ or for the Pope, Prf of the Cross, Benedicamus Domino.

In Mass one collect, Prf of the Cross, Benedicamus Domino.

In Mass one collect, Prf of the Cross, Ite, missa est.

In Mass one collect, Prf Passion II, Ite, missa est.

Vespers of the feria, ferial preces.

Vespers of the feria, ferial preces.

Vespers of the feria. Vespers of the feria. Vespers of the feria.


Tuesday in Great Week, Privileged Feria, sp.

Tuesday in Great Week, Privileged Feria, sp.

Tuesday in Holy Week, sp. Tuesday in Holy Week, I cl. Tuesday in Holy Week.

At Mattins 3 lessons. At Mattins 3 lessons. At Mattins 3 lessons. At Mattins 3 lessons. At Mattins 2 lessons.

At Lauds ferial preces. At Lauds ferial preces.

At Hours ferial preces. At Hours ferial preces.

In Mass 2nd collect Ecclesiæ or for the Pope, Passion (Mk 14: 1-72; 15: 1-46), Prf of the Cross, Benedicamus Domino.

In Mass 2nd collect Ecclesiæ or for the Pope, Passion (Mk 14: 1-72; 15: 1-46), Prf of the Cross, Benedicamus Domino.

In Mass one collect, Passion (Mk 14: 32-72; 15: 1-46), Prf of the Cross, Benedicamus Domino.

In Mass one collect, Passion (Mk 14: 32-72; 15: 1-46), Prf of the Cross, Ite, missa est.

In Mass one collect, no Passion, Prf Passion II, Ite, missa est.

Vespers of the feria, ferial preces.

Vespers of the feria, ferial preces, com of S John Damascene CD.

Vespers of the feria. Vespers of the feria. Vespers of the feria.

At Compline preces. At Compline preces.27

WednesdayWednesday in Great Week, Privileged Feria, sp.

Wednesday in Great Week, Privileged Feria, sp.

Wednesday in Holy Week, sp. Wednesday in Holy Week, I cl Wednesday in Holy Week.

At Mattins 3 lessons. At Mattins 3 lessons. At Mattins 3 lessons. At Mattins 3 lessons. At Mattins 2 lessons.

At Lauds ferial preces. At Lauds ferial preces, com S CD.

At Lauds ferial preces. At Lauds ferial preces.

At Hours ferial preces. At Hours ferial preces.

Page 19: Calendar Comparison March 2002 - Online Shop - Home · Web viewSecond Sunday of the Passion (or Palm Sunday), d I cl. Second Sunday of the Passion (or Palm Sunday), I cl. Palm Sunday

March 2002Day \ Rite 1570 (Pius V) 1939 (Pius XI) 1956 (Pius XII) 1962 (John XXIII) 1970 (Paul VI)

In Mass 2nd collect Ecclesiæ or for the Pope, Passion (Lk 22: 1-71; 23 1-53), Prf of the Cross, Benedicamus Domino.

In Mass 2nd collect S CD, Passion (Lk 22: 1-71; 23 1-53), Prf of the Cross, Benedicamus Domino.

In Mass one collect, Passion (Lk 22: 39-71; 23: 1-53), Prf of the Cross, Benedicamus Domino.

In Mass one collect, Passion (Lk 22: 39-71; 23: 1-53), Prf of the Cross, Ite, missa est.

In Mass one collect, no Passion, Prf Passion II, Ite, missa est.

Vespers of the feria, ferial preces.

Vespers of the feria, ferial preces, com S CD.

Vespers of the feria, ferial preces.

Vespers of the feria, ferial preces.

Vespers of the feria.

At Compline preces. At Compline preces.28

ThursdayThursday ‘In Cœna Dni’, d I cl.

Thursday ‘In Cœna Dni’, d I cl.

Thursday ‘In Cœna Dni’, d I cl.

Thursday ‘In Cœna Domini’, I cl.

Thursday in Holy Week (In Cœna Domini)

At Mattins6 9 lessons. At Mattins 9 lessons. (Mattins & Lauds not anticipated)7 At Mattins 9 lessons.

(Mattins8 not anticipated) At Mattins 9 lessons.

(Mattins not anticipated) At Mattins 2 lessons.

At Lauds the last candle from the Tenebræ hearse is ‘hidden’ behind the altar during the singing of Christus factus es, Miserere and collect. The choir then makes the strepitus and the candle is revealed and returned to its place atop the hearse.

At Lauds the last candle from the Tenebræ hearse is ‘hidden’ behind the altar during the singing of Christus factus es, Miserere and collect. The choir then makes the strepitus and the candle is revealed and returned to its place atop the hearse.

At Lauds omit ps Miserere and ceremony with candle.

At Lauds omit ps Miserere and ceremony with candle.

At Lauds omit ps Miserere and ceremony with candle.

At Hours Miserere. At Hours Miserere. At Hours omit Miserere. At Hours omit Miserere. At Hours omit Miserere.

One Mass (Bishop blesses Holy Oils at this), Gloria, Credo, Agnus Dei as normal, Ite, missa est and Procession with Blessed

One Mass (Bishop blesses Holy Oils at this), Gloria, Credo, Agnus Dei as normal, Ite, missa est and Procession with Blessed

Chrism Mass in morning in the Cathedral, after Terce, Gloria, one collect, Prf proper, no distribution of Holy

Chrism Mass in morning in the Cathedral, after Terce, Gloria, one collect, Prf proper, no distribution of Holy

Chrism Mass in morning in the Cathedral, Gloria, one collect, 3 readings, Renewal of Priestly Vows, Prf proper, distribution of

6 Mattins and Lauds of the classical Roman Triduum were called Tenebræ, an allusion to the gradual extinguishing of candles during the service leaving almost total darkness by the end of Lauds. This service took place on the evening of Spy Wednesday, Maundy Thursday and Good Friday and was very popular with the faithful. The extinguishing of candles on the hearse (a triangular-shaped candelabrum placed in the choir on the ‘epistle’ side) represented the desertion of Christ by his disciples. The last candle which was not extinguished but hidden at the penultimate stage of the service represented Christ who would triumph over darkness. The reformers decided that the service would have originally taken place in the morning of the respective days. However, definitive research has demonstrated that there is absolutely no evidence that Tenebræ ever took place in the morning, being originally a night office later anticipated in the late afternoon. (Vide: ‘Fire and Light in the Western Triduum’, A. J. MacGregor, Alcuin Club Publications)7 The only exception being in Cathedrals where the Chrism Mass is taking place on Maundy Thursday morning: in this case Mattins and Lauds may be anticipated the evening before.8 In the ‘1962’ rite Lauds is never anticipated.

Page 20: Calendar Comparison March 2002 - Online Shop - Home · Web viewSecond Sunday of the Passion (or Palm Sunday), d I cl. Second Sunday of the Passion (or Palm Sunday), I cl. Palm Sunday

March 2002Day \ Rite 1570 (Pius V) 1939 (Pius XI) 1956 (Pius XII) 1962 (John XXIII) 1970 (Paul VI)

Sacrament to the Altar of Repose. (Adoration continues until Mass of the Pre-Sanctified.)

Sacrament to the Altar of Repose. (Adoration continues until Mass of the Pre-Sanctified.)

Communion, no last Gospel Communion, no last Gospel Holy Communion.

Vespers after Mass, Miserere. Vespers after Mass, Miserere. Vespers omitted (if evening function attended)

Vespers omitted (if evening function attended)

Vespers omitted (if evening function attended)

In evening Mass Gloria, No Credo, Washing of feet, Prf of the Cross, Agnus Dei… miserere nobis (thrice), Confiteor and absolution omitted before distribution of Holy Communion, Benedicamus Domino, no blessing and no last Gospel. Procession with Blessed Sacrament to Altar of Repose. (Adoration ceases at midnight.)

In evening Mass Gloria, No Credo, Washing of feet, Prf of the Cross (or of the Blessed Sacrament by Indult), Agnus Dei… miserere nobis (thrice), Confiteor and absolution omitted before distribution of Holy Communion, Benedicamus Domino, no blessing and no last Gospel. Procession with Blessed Sacrament to Altar of Repose. (Adoration ceases at midnight.)

In evening Mass Gloria, 3 readings, Washing of feet., Prf of the Holy Eucharist I, Agnus Dei as normal, no blessing. Procession with Blessed Sacrament to Altar of Repose. (Adoration ceases at midnight.)

Mandatum as separate function. Mandatum as separate function.29

FridayFriday ‘In Parasceve’, d I cl. Friday ‘In Parasceve’, d I cl. Friday of the Lords Passion

and Death, d I cl.Friday of the Lords Passion and Death, I cl.

Friday of the Lord’s Passion.

At Mattins 9 lessons. At Mattins 9 lessons. (Mattins & Lauds not anticipated) At Mattins 9 lessons.

(Mattins not anticipated) At Mattins 9 lessons.

(Mattins not anticipated) At Mattins 2 lessons.

At Lauds the last candle from the Tenebræ hearse is ‘hidden’ behind the altar during the singing of Christus factus es, Miserere and collect. The choir then makes the strepitus and the candle is revealed and returned to its place atop the hearse.

At Lauds the last candle from the Tenebræ hearse is ‘hidden’ behind the altar during the singing of Christus factus es, Miserere and collect. The choir then makes the strepitus and the candle is revealed and returned to its place atop the hearse.

At Lauds omit ps Miserere and ceremony with candle.

At Lauds omit ps Miserere and ceremony with candle.

At Lauds omit ps Miserere and ceremony with candle.

At Hours Miserere. At Hours Miserere. At Hours omit Miserere. At Hours omit Miserere. At Hours omit Miserere.

In Mass of the Pre-Sanctified In Mass of the Pre-Sanctified

Page 21: Calendar Comparison March 2002 - Online Shop - Home · Web viewSecond Sunday of the Passion (or Palm Sunday), d I cl. Second Sunday of the Passion (or Palm Sunday), I cl. Palm Sunday

March 2002Day \ Rite 1570 (Pius V) 1939 (Pius XI) 1956 (Pius XII) 1962 (John XXIII) 1970 (Paul VI)

celebrant wears black chasuble, ministers wear black folded chasubles. 2 lessons, 2 tracts collect, Passion (Jn 18: 1-40; 19: 1-42), 9 ‘Solemn’ collects (No genuflection in prayer for the Jews). Veneration of the Cross, (three prostrations made by all), Improperia (Celebrant reads these also with Deacon and Sub-deacon responding). Vexilla regis sung as Celebrant brings Blessed Sacrament from Altar of Repose, Orate fratres, Pater noster etc.

celebrant wears black chasuble, ministers wear black folded chasubles. 2 lessons, 2 tracts collect, Passion (Jn 18: 1-40; 19: 1-42), 9 ‘Solemn’ collects (No genuflection in prayer for the Jews). Veneration of the Cross, (three prostrations made by all), Improperia (Celebrant reads these also with Deacon and Sub-deacon responding). Vexilla regis sung as Celebrant brings Blessed Sacrament from Altar of Repose, Orate fratres, Pater noster etc.

Vespers after Mass of the Pre-Sanctified, Miserere.

Vespers after Mass of the Pre-Sancified, Miserere.

Vespers omitted (if attend afternoon function)

Vespers omitted (if attend afternoon function)

Vespers omitted if attend afternoon liturgy of the Passion.

In Solemn liturgical action ministers vested in black stoles and albs for entrance. 2 lessons, 2 responsories, 2 collects, Passion (Jn 18: 1-40; 19: 1-42). Celebrant dons black cope and ministers black dalmatic and tunicle for 9 ‘Solemn’ collects (or “prayer of the faithful”) inc. prayer for civil rulers and genuflection for the Jews. Veneration of the Cross (celebrant and ministers make three genuflections, people just one), Improperia (not read by Celebrant and ministers). Celebrant dons violet chasuble ministers violet dalmatic and tunicle. Deacon brings Blessed Sacrament from Altar of Repose,

In Solemn liturgical action ministers vested in black stoles and albs for entrance. 2 lessons, 2 responsories, 2 collects, Passion (Jn 18: 1-40; 19: 1-42). Celebrant dons black cope and ministers black dalmatic and tunicle for 9 ‘Solemn’ collects (or “prayer of the faithful”) inc. prayer for civil rulers and genuflection for the Jews (“perfidious” removed from collects). Veneration of the Cross (celebrant and ministers make three genuflections, people just one), Improperia (not read by Celebrant and ministers). Celebrant dons violet chasuble ministers violet dalmatic and tunicle. Deacon brings Blessed

At liturgy of the Passion red Mass vestments throughout. 1 collect (facing people), 2 lessons, Ps, Passion (Jn 18: 1-40; 19: 1-42). 10 solemn “General Intercessionsl” (prayer for Jews no longer for their coversion). Veneration of the Cross (simple genuflection or other sign of veneration), Improperia, (not read by Celebrant and ministers). Deacon brings Blessed Sacrament from Altar of Repose in silence. All present sing Pater noster, communion may be received by all, one post communion and ‘Prayer over people’ (both modified forms of 1956/62 adding reference to the Resurrection).

Page 22: Calendar Comparison March 2002 - Online Shop - Home · Web viewSecond Sunday of the Passion (or Palm Sunday), d I cl. Second Sunday of the Passion (or Palm Sunday), I cl. Palm Sunday

March 2002Day \ Rite 1570 (Pius V) 1939 (Pius XI) 1956 (Pius XII) 1962 (John XXIII) 1970 (Paul VI)

3 antiphons sung, all present sing Pater noster, communion may be received by all, 3 post communion prayers.

Sacrament from Altar of Repose, 3 antiphons sung, all present sing Pater noster, communion may be received by all, 3 post communion prayers.


Holy Saturday, d I cl. Holy Saturday, d I cl. Holy Saturday, d I cl. Holy Saturday, I cl. Holy Saturday

At Mattins 9 lessons. At Mattins 9 lessons. (Mattins & Lauds not anticipated) At Mattins 9 lessons.

(Mattins not anticipated) At Mattins 9 lessons.

(Mattins not anticpated) At Mattins 2 lessons.

At Lauds the last candle from the Tenebræ hearse is ‘hidden’ behind the altar during the singing of Christus factus es, Miserere and collect. The choir then makes the strepitus and the candle is revealed and returned to its place atop the hearse.

At Lauds the last candle from the Tenebræ hearse is ‘hidden’ behind the altar during the singing of Christus factus es, Miserere and collect. The choir then makes the strepitus and the candle is revealed and returned to its place atop the hearse.

At Lauds , omit Miserere and ceremony with candle, new collect.

At Lauds , omit Miserere and ceremony with candle, new collect.

At Lauds , omit Miserere and ceremony with candle, new collect.

At Hours Miserere At Hours Miserere At Hours omit Miserere ,new collect.

At Hours omit Miserere, new collect.

Celebrant wears violet cope and ministers violet folded chasubles to bless new fire (3 collects), collect to bless incense, Deacon dons white dalmatic and procession with reed and triple candle, 3 Lumen Christi, actions carried out during Exsultet (insertion of incense, lighting of candle and lamps). Deacon resumes folded chasuble, Celebrant violet chasuble, 12 prophecies, blessing of font, Litany of the Saints, Kyrie, Gloria, collect, solemn Alleluia, Tract, Prf of Easter. At end of

Celebrant wears violet cope and ministers violet folded chasubles to bless new fire (3 collects), collect to bless incense, Deacon dons white dalmatic and procession with reed and triple candle, 3 Lumen Christi, actions carried out during Exsultet (insertion of incense, lighting of candle and lamps). Deacon resumes folded chasuble, Celebrant violet chasuble, 12 prophecies, blessing of font, Litany of the Saints, Kyrie, Gloria, collect, solemn Alleluia, Tract, Prf of Easter. At end of

Vespers of the day (as previous day with new first antiphon, new antiphon at Magnificat, no Miserere at end and new collect.

Vespers of the day (as previous day with new first antiphon, new antiphon at Magnificat, no Miserere at end and new collect.

Vespers proper, no Miserere.

Page 23: Calendar Comparison March 2002 - Online Shop - Home · Web viewSecond Sunday of the Passion (or Palm Sunday), d I cl. Second Sunday of the Passion (or Palm Sunday), I cl. Palm Sunday

March 2002Day \ Rite 1570 (Pius V) 1939 (Pius XI) 1956 (Pius XII) 1962 (John XXIII) 1970 (Paul VI)

Mass ps Laudate Dnm omnes gentes and Magnificat for Vespers, post communion and Ite, missa est Alleluia, Alleluia. Last Gospel as normal.

Mass ps Laudate Dnm omnes gentes and Magnificat for Vespers, post communion and Ite, missa est Alleluia, Alleluia. Last Gospel as normal.

Paschal Vigil:Celebrant wears violet cope and ministers violet dalmatic and tunicle to bless new fire (one collect only), incision of year digits on Paschal candle, incense grains inserted, collect to bless candle9 Deacon dons white dalmatic and procession with candle 3 Lumen Christi, Exsultet sung without accompanying actions. Deacon resumes violet dalmatic, 4 prophecies, Litany part 1, Blessing of baptismal water facing the people, procession to font. Renewal of Baptismal Promises (vernacular allowed, Celebrant faces people); Litany part 2. No preparatory prayers; Kyrie, Gloria, collect, solemn Alleluia, Tract, Prf of Easter, prayer Domine Jesu..qui dixisti omitted. At end of Mass ps Laudate Dnm omnes gentes and Bendedictus for Lauds of Easter, post communion and Ite, missa est Alleluia, Alleluia. No last Gospel.

Paschal Vigil:Celebrant wears violet cope and ministers violet dalmatic and tunicle to bless new fire (one collect only), incision of year digits on Paschal candle, incense grains inserted, collect to bless candle10 Deacon dons white dalmatic and procession with candle 3 Lumen Christi, Exsultet sung without accompanying actions. Deacon resumes violet dalmatic, 4 prophecies, Litany part 1, Blessing of baptismal water facing the people, procession to font. Renewal of Baptismal Promises (vernacular allowed, Celebrant faces people); Litany part 2. No preparatory prayers; Kyrie, Gloria, collect, solemn Alleluia, Tract, Prf of Easter, prayer Domine Jesu..qui dixisti omitted. At end of Mass ps Laudate Dnm omnes gentes and Bendedictus for Lauds of Easter, post communion and Ite, missa est Alleluia, Alleluia. No last Gospel.

Paschal Vigil:Celebrant and ministers wear white Mass vestments from beginning. Introductory greeting, blessing of fire (one collect), incision of year digits on Paschal candle (optional), incense grains inserted, no collect to bless candle, Deacon carries candle in procession, 3 Lumen Christi, Exsultet (optional shorter form). Introduction to lessons, 7 Old Testament readings (6 may be omitted), no preparatory prayers, Gloria, collect, solemn Alleluia. Litany, Blessing of baptismal water (facing the people), Renewal of Baptismal Promises, Vidi aquam, Prf of Easter, Ite, missa est, Alleluia, Alleluia.

9 Former collect used to bless the incense grains with the word “candle” added.10

Page 24: Calendar Comparison March 2002 - Online Shop - Home · Web viewSecond Sunday of the Passion (or Palm Sunday), d I cl. Second Sunday of the Passion (or Palm Sunday), I cl. Palm Sunday

March 2002Day \ Rite 1570 (Pius V) 1939 (Pius XI) 1956 (Pius XII) 1962 (John XXIII) 1970 (Paul VI)

Compline & Regina Cœli. Compline & Regina Cœli. No Compline No Compline No Compline.


Sunday of the Resurrection, d I cl with Octave.

Sunday of the Resurrection, d I cl with Octave of the First Order.

Sunday of the Resurrection, d I cl with Octave.

Sunday of the Resurrection, I cl with Octave.

Easter Sunday of the Lord’s Resurrection, with Octave.

Mattins and Lauds of the Resurrection (at Mattins 3 lessons).

Mattins and Lauds of the Resurrection (at Mattins 3 lessons).

No Mattins or Lauds (if attend Vigil).

No Mattins or Lauds (if attend Vigil)

No Mattins

In Mass Gloria, Sequence, Credo, Prf of Easter, Ite, missa est, Alleluia, Alleluia.

In Mass Gloria, Sequence, Credo, Prf of Easter, Ite, missa est, Alleluia, Alleluia.

In Mass Gloria, Sequence, Credo, Prf of Easter, Ite, missa est, Alleluia, Alleluia.

In Mass Gloria, Sequence, Credo, Prf of Easter, Ite, missa est, Alleluia, Alleluia.

In Mass Gloria, Sequence, (Choice of Gospels), Credo or Renewal of Baptismal Promises, Prf of Easter I, Ite, missa est, Alleluia, Alleluia.

Vespers of the feast. Vespers of the feast. Vespers of the feast. Vespers of the feast. Vespers of the feast. (The 1984 edition of the Cæremoniale Episcoporum recommends the practice of Baptismal Vespers11 where it is the custom.

11 This is an ancient practice. At Rome antiphons were sung in procession to the baptistery by the newly baptized during Vespers for the entire Octave. Some were so ancient they were never translated into Latin but remained in the original Greek. In mediæval rites the liturgical books give several stations with Magnificat and collect for each. The psalmody was interspersed with Alleluias (an exquisite example of Ps 113 In exitu by John Sheppard, William Byrd and William Mundy can be heard on disc: ASV, The Byrd Edition: Early Latin Church Music Propers for Christmas Day, The Cardinall’s Musick, Carwood, CD GAU178, London, 1998).