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RINGS RESORT if CLASS- I Sprints tiolf from uratlt known ivi nlim a flail without A OHIO fvrvatlons Hi- S5 pro dwtiI- cflf Vorki ilu- tourhnut V- niurr l ltl lo- PSOV O IPPINCOTT a lln audition r etc irtBVPrnp OS It anil nol Ocu Ui ill1- K Hi c metier- Mh nnrt- inz If- p MA than tau nt Hot adI- lonl II liii 1 I I tll I ic ir- warj 98 each each each each ward ward 2Tety- g and t 1 I llOOP- i I rt- g 1nagt V s UB- SEA ROOMS 3 IN l I aftr3 M J oL SIL- eacU tbe hoiie bI OLF lt p- CLiilL I J S 2pefl44 tfl flIt rr C aIl Uf- Il 1rw- ifl TC 1A6 3IUtI- rilti > > > > > Rain probable today VOL LXVIILNO 201 NEW YORK WEDNESDAY MARCH 20 1901COPYRIGHT 1901 BV THE SUN PRINTING AND PUBLISHING ASSOCIATION PRICE TWO CENTS ft i ti1 l t I ID t un 1F j TO TROT FOR A FORTUNE ynX AUHOT AD UOKAU1A lilt KAC- FOlt 3SOOCO l STAKES jrrUmliurlM Uetwcat Thorau W Lawso- an i Johl J bcaa ll Arrange Orer Tcltphon M ht to II Followed To- day br Ik PoiUar of 20000 In Forfeit d the Signing of ArticlesEntire Cut R ctlpUi fJaarunt el to no Not Leu Thai 23 00 to Go to Ch rlty of Tha Amount Ilflng riodgel to Now York In itllutloojnto to De Derided Probabl it HoidvlUo Next Heptcmbtr Gerkeni- Ottti of MO 00 for The bbet Kefnfed BOSTON March it Thomas W Lawson owner f thn trotter llonilma stated to Tint Brs correspondent this evening that tin match between his horse anil The Abbot had been arritiBed practically In accordant with th terms of hU offer Tho onl- dUerenco is tht Mr Lawson nam- ln the oharltle to which thn entire gate re- ceipt of tho track ru to BO Mr Scntinell tn name it tharlty to which onehalf of tin receipts I t BO Mr Laweon snld Mr Scanriell called me up this afternoon andu e cpted term of my flr t proposition tn run fur fiiooo a side ho requester tint In giving I to the trick repii en for purposes ho to rccelv the prh liege of where nnp hilf slionh- j This I considered extremely fair nni- TI arranged the preliminaries of thn Inflict Jlr gcimnell will deposit IIOooo In New York Mlnndthoiireemoit and I forwarded a Ilk mount this nftrnxion My shirn of the riKdpi i to fi to i hi two Uoiton ln tltntloti 1 hive prmloinly inniitlon il nml In case Bcriilma win ln rnnlch thoy wilt dlvld- hiiillyMrrc nnpll t2lonn If Th Abbot h niM win Mr Smnnpll my 500 but this rriliiMnn liort rccclvf- or halr f tin Kat receipts whlrli nujrht to he a fntrlv la rue nm In vlow of the nfler- nornt i iort niafnh U for HIM lift four In seven h it and I IIIVM tin1 riainiiic of tin trnck hut miiot no bofore July I The rur If- to tiPld some tinio during tlio month of heptrtnlwr nnd tin1 PMict duln lnil t al oI- n1 niaiil l fnr July I As we onrli- dtioulPil lovxi iilmiily on July Mr Kcnnnfll nnl myself mu t dopoHlt nn tionnl I50DO and the nlelt ffoM tho r c place the rpiniinlng 10000 enrh In tho ssme- h ml If eltbir horso falls to rr ponil to the tall the owner of that horre forfeits thn full imHinl liiOsllpil Should Mr Scaninll forfeit I nlll klve the money to llie two In itfiticns I hnvn named While th tIm named In the nliorn de- ppattb for tX H sldo In stakes It van nIght thAI onoo n side would b ncreeil upon litforn the neuotlatlonH nre- rotirliideil A mom the orlslnal Mlpiiln lion nnm d by Mr Iawjon wai one thot he- wniijil guarnntee fiitn reculpts of nt least If thnt Is the undcrstnmllnc- Mid Scnmiill lilt nleht I will n rret t rainc IMAO more If Mr Ijiwaon wilt accodo- to ray tmns th charity btiiuests Mr Sinnndl that he dill thinks the reotlplt paid by tho tiiibllo to eeo the race oBd o to cK 1Wjr or charities that neehalf at least lionM BO to New York and not alt to one city ItAitardlnic thin propo- ntlnn Mr Lawson In a lat r Interrlpw in Boston last night Under n Ircumstances will I ran Bo- rnlma against Abbot unless It Is dls- tnctly specified In the formal nsreement that the entlrn track receipts go to charity- I was told this afternoon that this claiifo- WM In the atrrppment nnd unless If U the document will not signed by my personal- rcrresentatlvo nor tho StOOOO check posited My representative Is John J Koch- no Now York for me when he sfes that rverythlncc Is satisfactory Thu- nifrtine for sitrnlnt of thn pipers will l o- h 1 at II oclock tomurrow mornini In Now York Mr Iaw ons last Rtatftinont WN promple- df inforimtlin rnrrlcd to him thnt Mr Hcat- irII Htitml to civi only hull the receipts to- imriv Bu1 it WDidd appntr tutu there merely a slight mlsuiidnrstnndlnir and that th mitrh will be ratified this tuornini- Vefoiiations looking to the arriinifcmpnt of hut will lio the hieccxt milili between iroiers ever held In AmericH hogan yi ter- rii morning Mr Invson lad previously expressed do re to nmtch nurnlnui iivniisi Ilie Abbot r tio sake of sport and had tinlntd Unit he n t rrifipt should to lo tjir- harilile in itiitiunH but when th us ftl ilinn yenterdiiy Iii the miitdii- i ilT ir lnwsnti nuniil to cut the receipts in imf in nicnnhnci wltli Mr McanncHsi- i iniMiterexpreslii ii dislu1 to i Vw York and Snfutnia elinrlllcs- ivi ihH preliiiiliiariis were arrinueii- v IHB Mr livv iri was iisltml to name iiis nvir tin Inns dsrniico phone i itinl- i iie o they werpcninniiitilcitcd- u lirnnkert to Mr Scannill Thn iiifnrilile ererytliltiir nnd viidt- in1 I lilti to tn et Mr ln siii or MI irwit to rllwh h il dCtild probably Head i tni lln Htakelinldur will It II- n tte Kiuland Breedfrs Astocla I iiio irunln of the Itendvlllo trnck- HF n ev Mr rwsons proposition tn inah- ti s Mnch were dl e ll I V n i vellkllivn- i i t niifht in liiswnv tn soi B bill through llie Missi- icilitiiri Iniralizinii pool nlllnff- i nir i rui k iiinl lht iiHUiUt- n i H rf iiy villuiK 10 civ a hl purse rnie wiili fiji Idea that u ubMmi- iiiiMi Ilnsion chtirltltv miffht hcln i i lniili Ket lntiitbSmie Hou i- II iM in k I hat llornlnm iamiot trot II o inint hut In is willunr to inikv- it h fr thn fun f tin tlilnc in HIM if in hl Stale m urijiiiilly wn anxious to u1 i iijrn red rncc fur The Ahhol- ri llirr and Croieem but wmilil nt contnt to enter his k in ILI a itintov BecflHi- I i Itnowledscd cliiiinplori of i trMinu iiirf Mr Kmnnell at 11 t i it le nnd not Mr IAWMJII BI r ihrinic the Irms Hut from if dvoiB rn nts it would eiiu him has wirried tifiirly ov r W nicht Ited ierlcn offered jMimci fur the Ahbul but Mr- hu tnilkd nnd aid Hint JIIKIOIMJ- t i the ilmmplon l wl I Iiu ilen weie pre ent when I in In a 1rUnlc jr New rl teiilrnl and IliiiUon IJIvcr- Jl i iun rivnin i ir WU- Mit ii1il li llri eierdny nfiTlTon- Mr m the Yiilil iiveiiiiH leri- Hi iiii I in l ho HCI N mil i rnu- ifil HIM I he luxwlll ni i iniliu wi i 11 illicit ronvrxdlhn v- nhlle ljhfl alnne Hln- D tijunrl Vtfr tin Jut Halt frt In I hit r hIp I cal S I Ir bolt Alt Th hA 1 th I O hal d I IlL all I A I U t ant I I 0 d I tnt j I I q I 1 hOI i i I lon I 0 n I r 4 f > r J It d t n ra t I in tIn get 4 ii lit tfl1 t Ill I tie Ill fll Iii gaul u some ito ilona lid I I fit tur 0 III 0 a ii it tip to day tonI terP tu pu Ill 1 0 a ri tiu y i I d g n e s I a iI it 1 lo I I > > > > < < > > < < < > > > > < < J47T STICKS TO FOUCE HILL VtrT Positive la Declarlni That a Metropolis Illll Will lie ivmd Senator Platt who hint been Insisting ever day In the of more opposition than h has met over nny proposition lu recur years that a Stuto police bill would ho In iroduced and parsed by the LvgUlaturn b toro adjournment ndtaruted this assertlo yesterday He told all the reporter h went to him at his cfllce In thn ufternoo that th bill would be pained and at the Fifth Avenue Hotel lost nltfht he said A State pollen bill Is now being drawn when It Is completed It will be sent to Albtinj- bt Introduced Into the Legislature bo passe out become u law Thu bill will be read for Introduction toward the close of the week It will bo Introduced In both thu Senate the Assembly simultaneously und will h passed Will It bn signed by Ihe I think It will It will receive a thud te- as to lu constitutionality before It become a law Thu bill which Is now In the hands of ex Justice Cohen and Finnic II Ilatt son o- thn Senator I It Is understood to be pine llcally drawn along thus lines of the Metrqpol- ltnnpollc Js57 That measure Include New Vork Kings Richmond nnd Westche ter counties The present bill Is to Inclitd In addition to those count lo ueens n ai and that pnrt of Ilitnuin in which li s th Croton watershed the property of the rlty Tin friends of bill maintain that If tin old Metropolitan lull wis constitutional thi one lie so that If Iov OdMIn nttltud- hus correctly understood namely that Im will not sign nny bill unless convince of Its constitutionality the difficulty ii thy opinion of the advocates of the lull m liters down to convincing tb Governor tin the bill of M7 was constitutional or wouli- bo regarded ns constitutional by tho Cour- of Appeals now Jilts J MOVS uiAiKs AKdE A 111111 n ti InlteMlt of rhtrijn Mbnn- nf rducatlnn- CniiAuo March 10 Mrs Kmmons Illnlne- aevordlne to nn announcement by ITutldor- Vllllnm It Hnrper nt tlie Tnlvorslty of Chi caeo convocation late this aftirnoon hn clven Hnoowii to the Diversity of Chlcnir- Srhool or Kiluintloii lately orcanUml by alflllntlon of ih Chicago Instltut and tin tinlvorslty This sum throtiKli tin trustees of thnChlcnto Institute foundod hj- Mr lllnlnn nnd U to be used partly for pur- chisH of Kroinil partly for nni partly for endowment- OWPMV ASYLUM BLOCK SHII The MirtUon Arcane Property tiring fU2iin 001 at Private Sale John I Crlmmlns of tlm IniMcrs ol- ho limnpii Catholic orphan Asylum nu- horlzerl tho statement yostertlny that the iloele bounded by Mailisnn avenue md Klftyllmt and Fiftysecond ureets luau Foul for Tlm property housei 111 female wurfls f the asylum which sold he companion block occupied bv the male wards between Madison iind Fifth avenue December 1SW A new orphanage has icon partly completed at West heater Jr Crlmmlns the f buyers but stated positlvtiy that lako V Dowllng trio of operator mem loned In yesterdays Sfs as credited with being Interested In the transaction were aiming the puruhusers nnd that thn nine WaS trim of other real eitnie speculator VUOSH names had been coupled rnnMotion The block according to Mr Crlmmins will w restricted mrnlnt tall bunlling or build which might prove olili ctlormble in- he neighborhood Si nthoilrnl mil II will in sitct suitable for high rade privnto residences thl UICK nenlls ittfntion to he notable addition that bisn mnde iti the tew years lo tle i Itys private liuuwi- nnd club iircliiteituii as H result of the moal uptown of St luKes Hnspltal Colum- bia ISe linmnn i ntlmllo- ilrphnn A yliiiu The I niversilv i Inlj adorns the northwest corner nf Fifth avenue nnd Fiftyfourth street the I ninn I hid Is in- iroffsj of on th northeast ioner- f Fifth avenue and Fitlyflrt street nnd thn lost 11 th it In question bavi been built lth lmtid olie hin lln t ltike Hnspilal prcporly pit n i market soven your awn t e to wblib it- nulil In tti crinsidurod prihlennti Klftyllfth being largely hy tallies nnd a similar uiicermlnrv wus P- Hlerlenceil later hpn niher lw inetobdl1pi siiliif ns thniisvluniprnpartvi- vas stnbles in ttnet Hid tlie Columbia Mlv md tho iaI av i ut the rear However the ehlMctor of tlie rilmprnve- ii nti of tle vprid silos tills rnlsil ihf ihir liter ot their lie stnili nre lo costly rcsldenc- vlillo Ihe niitliuated though still substantial Hltlby lironusloni ilwdllnvs nre nither i in1 mi or lnliis reinndeleil mtli- iritiiUciuraMv vnrWil fmrt Indeed tlie- liiiiind dwellings is th most iinKoil leiiiuruof current dentine iniiiii miHi Ihejr Wet K rinrrl- Iarmrrs intl It1 rlnniihliig Time Vu Minli There have been w u v nbsentols at rollcill since iruier Dixie Helknnti- nt off tin Potomac riid bank iinil nine here tu iro Into Many tars took Fremli look In and II Is anticipated Mill never Dine had except In Irons iHhert struggling In today overdue from entyfr Bixty hours When lark i the DUi compleniPtit was short lalilvono men Slxlynne thesn iiro nuiiiiv Westunier and twenty- renf I h sdi flew t iiiiiiiind r Hellimp lielievos thnt mo t if the mis ln on n lark and will KIIUM- HI k sotre will not i attest by Iii fin thai tno were nverliaiiled yeuri- iv when miles Irnm Norfolk nml their way overland Most nf the mi- it VP farmer until riceiilly urd II ilointliin lime Tin ppirl that thx xv i Mnnlln tnMnd by Mime wn held b Millie f hive led tlie tnr tn iteri- be siy tli v left liimnso tinuo lilieily- u refii lbl Tibiol r deserti iis 111 HI HWAOIIV- us a Unit rla a ril the lur fr I UN- llrmalns Henry Ulnlo IeM of h J Vejt Cml nvrntin- as irettlni iibonrd an Amsterdam uvemm ir tsixth iivermo 1 iftynintli streei- si nIght when n man who vins trylnB to- il oir at the Mimo tlni P hU In Mr nnd pulled out JJi- I lii sli fell the hand nnd Imt The irl pntkt threw niiny under th run Fifth foil iweij min h hud rib uondmtir mid timmi inrinii nil Ihi wis tli thief mirnrlini to till inol- lle Iliilter of tIll Neiv- r At AlHub who wn jul 1nvinu- iliillntl f Ihlif leniM tin i koof irvnK to plinth t tet nm- it of tin wi rest wa eny iiller- jiiovnn luid t through tbe rnllimj if n- p like th thief i ns it I rl In the tlnrnliu lilt iS le Allll t i tact ee and overnur t or Ill fur I on 3n I Ion In lo th the b- In Ini t JI tu r llt II r t 1 h r I rr a n ll Il 1 I I hi I doc hart 1 t II Sa ur1 Inn I i tl I I n I rlt fur I lln I 111 I Ii I rr Ir rhlr Ih h I II Of r- lriIr li1 I lp 11 r- KIIII tlu r 11 nl Ir 1111111 rr Ii II I 1 nl1 11 In 11 ina I I 1 11 JtI ant bill 1 hIs r the I I a the u gI you hut Ii dl Ii CS heAl t I I a t rl 4 0 4 tim I i a lid cti 0 i I I tit i ill iil Ii thin itt Juot lvi II hill iIiuuvu iy II t iith 11 isItII f heidI cr1 N it Ill II ut rut I tulnIna color ea have- n ft I I uhit uitu 1 hi ith l ut Iou n Sims I tu4 ill to Ic L I It Itli aht lit p I nfl hi ii i lion d lt arab tub I ti ii nil tIm lu IIIhu lit I IiIil 1 t I hi till w 4 t t It IsiI- Il thu a uh 7tei flu rulii inIr YiuIv Iii ii at iii irIti i uS I q iii it iiI i Iii I < ¬ < < > > > > > > > IN A PRISON MINI Kt3Ai IttVriCTS HOLD lAWS IA DEli OHOVXn AH HO3TAOCS Demand Ilftttrr Work anti Ilettrr Food Iinorcs Thflr lu Wreck the Dtmandi Snrrfnde Expects to Starve Them Out r mlllf- of Cotrli Year Thrj Will lie Killed LLAVENWOIUH lath March Is a utrlka and mutiny In the coal mine a the State Penitentiary at Lunging The 28 convicts have overpowered the fifteen guard1 and are holding them as hostages for the enforcement of their demands for llghtci work nnd Tetter food The families of the guards are mud alarmed over the situation end fear that come of them have been or wilt be murderci If the warden does not soon come to term with thn strikers Homo of the prisoner In thin mine nru desperate men already undpi death sentence for murder hut owing ti the peculiarity of the Kansas statute regnrd Ing capital punishment are really servlni life sentences The In which tile convicts are In trenched Is TSO feet deep Its mouth Is In side tho pri on walls All the convicts In mine have been tonfnod to their celli- so that the full force of deputies mny the thnft closely against a rush by the strlk Ins convicts The first outbreak In the tOme look place shortly after the noon meal yesterday am started by the convicts In Division 8 Of tile nineteen men In this division six- teen seized the gunrd overpowered him nnd announced hut they hInd decided U strike They told the guard that they decided to mine two Instead of three car if as a days work In fuMire and that they proposed tn have bettor root This guard was left In charge of two ol the convicts in mutiny whllfl thin other marched to th inljnlninif division spreac the revolt mid culled on the convicts to Join Thn convicts were son iiiHrchlnK thruiiKl the mine from onn division to another yell- Ing and swinging their Inmps and The short term men joined wild the mor- d perati llfesentent lenders of revolt the murds were only armed with clubs becauvj of the danger of fire If n gun shoulil- be dlschnrged the convicts haul no difficulty In overpowering them Th convIcts then forbade any one to con down Into the mine nnd announced that th warden would be communicated with In writing Later a mesnse from thIn con- victs written on white paper In a verv poor hand wa sent up for the warden It rend as follows Wo have concluded to wreck everything In the mine unless you accedn to our demands Wo demand that you give is thre snuare meals a day every day In the week tILt you tilt the link 10 two can a day We hInt want any more corn or corn beef or pea any- more corn bread liter or pigs feet We are willing to do right and demand yon do thus same Vn thosn men taken off pun- ishment and must be This Is our rtion and we rl mand an answer an hour This was not signed Warden Tomllnson sent down the following reply To TIIK Misriis I cannot agree to your demands they uro not right Of cours you cnti wreck everything In the mine If iou want to do It hut that will not help you Quit Every uRlcur In the bottom mast be- cnt up in safety to the top before the miner are brought up WAHDHX Since then a number uf riiiuest have come mil nf the mine and the warden has promised n give thtm better fond hut his condition eit down from lime t lime deniHiid us a lr t tep an unciindltluiml surrender by iien The fifteen oRliers held in thn mine ure H- McSlntii W Diivin K lorbyshlri- Inch Mimnhaii John SontiTfcldt W M- reiirli Thomit llaitliii David Iurvis II lli Iey A J Hill W II V Ifueycko- K Minrbui k W II Hint and M K Main meA communlcalion was received from nne if the guards m noon Indny stntlni they K pro ury hungry and tired hull IIK tar as he mild lenrn nil were alive The warden is cool and expects to tire Urn nut He points out that lie can hiil off supply from lh mine und If niicoinnry- iillocate nvcry man below In a quarter hour Iiu adds that tif course ho would not do thli- iecaise It would his men to snuio- lunger us their cnptnrs- AH ii stand th prisoners tunlrtil tin coin aiinicntloiih with the Kurfnce und doiiiiiiiti- he liiiiitloii Iher oif weakness is lurk if food und drink So fur us is known nn ihe surface they hive had nnlhing to eat r- ilrik Mi io n nienl VHslerduy The men say fiey will kill the nmle of rhlch there nrn a ftore In the mine If he unrdon docs nut nentl them food lonlglit tho rtitimtinn has tInt grown anv teller nnd the convicts refuse tn cum out The warden still stand firm in hi decision FKII U Ills WKKTIIKMirS FKKT- Ibrrt Van Ilantrns Suitde Death hll lie Hat Calling nn iiirn- MASAngiASf N Mnrch 10 Alh rt- nn w s engaged lo be mnrrlid viniii Oshorn llo hnd been sick fur omo time but had recently from iew York wbern th doctors told him lit on d be well in a week He wa bright ml cheerful when he failed on MUs tinrn n Sunday night ho wiis preparing to avu h complnlneil of teeling ill A giuis- f wnter brought him und he lint just dink il wiien lie foil ill Miss OHburuit feet i hho screamed with terror ir J II ilnwrlght was ummoned but an Ilouten died about midnight The uneral will be held on Thur si y front thn- Mdence f his llancee Iir Walnwrlitlit- nid thai wis duo In lliitknits of he bruin membranes 10 IlWKSn- tUws Altn Kill servant and rirry OR ill IIU Valuable Mexico March Ift Pedro Ma7a- ivpalihy iiintr wiu nttackid In his home i bnnd f brigand nnd llternlly cut to- cos with knives mid his servant who inptcd to defend him WHS shot and killed robbers enrrled oil nl till money nnd on thn The lire icing iMisely pursued nnd will prolin dy be iptured- Murcin and Itmkrf filers nl likjll IUnil- J I Morgan now at Jekyll Island IT iiu const if tinriria II Is nut e ierle l to- ilurri I tins itlv until Hi latter tart of this Mr mid Mrs inhn l llni kefeller Mr r nnd- r William Hnckefeller James uleni f the Niitinnil Illy is now w ut tUyll Island MUTINY rAt JUne minI hit wa o haul pIck A anti Alt prop I I ill MI 0 Va tjiii III 11 10 P Ill I I I TI t 1IiUn HIIIIIII n I nan al War- den sad 19 Then hit guard coal lie tIc the t I l 0 a iIi S lull thu lilt I cx tote t hue I I t J I 1 I nut t hi lls TI Ii rood 0 III lie lot it 11X1IX Ill riitii oil tuuV 1 C I 1k 1 Iii itckr toIler uul if a nil ni I ¬ ¬ > < > > srntKK iva nor rouwr xritDK Italian ltborrr Shot Donn bj Watchman C riled Hob Threateu Violence WHITK ILAINS N Y March 18 As result of in Italian murder at Kenslco miles from this village which was coimiiltu about midnight tact flight 300 ItalUre eu- ployed In building a double track from Whti Plains to Mount Kcnslto on the Harle- ItaUroad went on strike today Most i the Italians lived In a row of rhnntle net Kenslco owned by the contractor loIn the work The Italian my It woe a rule the bosses that very mon nhould be In It- rhantlun by 10 oclock at night To tnfurc- thU ruth an Italian night watchman Pleti- Notall was etuployoj Domliino Sambastlni void to be u foreman on the work whll attempting to enter one of that houses Inc night was ordered to halt by the watchman anti when he railed to do no the watuhma discharged both barrels of a shotgun f him almost blowing his head off 1 he nell This morning the Italians threatened t burn the shanties and went on strike The say that man of them hav their own horns hut ore compelled to live In the shantlt quit their jobs They have to pay 81 enc for their job they cay and 17 a month npieci for board at the shanties whether they In them or not They threatened to lync- Xotall the murderer If they caught him and a mob of l i alter procuring n ror searched the surrounding woods early th morning for him The mob then patrolle the railroad tracks and threatened to kill an laborer who raised a pick or rhovel A crow of women followed the Mrlkars all day him cursing the murderer of Sairbnctlno Th riot hnd subsided considerably tItle afternoon nnd it Is thought that thn strikers will to work tomorrow morning They insls however that they will not gn back to tli shanties II7II KAIIt DKlltOE JTIIISTT- DUIrlrt Attorncj Utillnri tn KtprrM an Opti Ion About It Offhand Tim Sfsn article of Sunday last concern- Ing sums of money lost at bridge whl the houses of women of noilety by per suns who could 111 afford It some reporter yesterday to ask District Attorney Ihllbi If he would proceed against persons nluvr Ins such games In tlielr hon es Mr Ihll bin said that he would a n sworn oftlrei proceed against any nne violating the law providing hn haul evldem He sihl that h know whether or not it was agate the Inw to gamble In 11 private house or club and lie declined to express an opinIon off hind nn to whether a section of the coil railed In his attention xn illlined piny The soctlnii is n follows person who the owner agent or su- perintcndent of II place or of nuy ilevicn apparatus for gambling or who hires o nil iw to be ued n room table establlshimli or nppnrntus for such n purpose or who en- gages aft denier garlic keepur or player gambling or bunking game whore innne property Is dcpemlent upon the remit Dr wlin ells or offers to sell hat are commonl railed lottery policies or writing pnpc or document In thin nature t n bet wngs or Insuranco upnn the drawing or drawn lumbers of any public or private lottery or who IndoriMS or u fs book or docu merit for the purpose nf enabling other Lo wit or offer to sell lotter pullcl s or othe inch writings papers or documents n corn mon gambler and punishable by Imprison nent for not more than two years or by i tine not exceeding 100 or both rorn roirvs iirnEi v A witKR- Ihff Are r lnuhilllr v llbrrlr Ib- IHtcst InmmunliMlInn Tut ISMMF Ky March M Within th last week hero tins been an epidemic o- Ires wlid nut MMrnl suinll linn Ibe WM at I Inrrrport K In which persons were rendered homeless Tin oinifll tonight appropriated SfOco heir Iust nliilil Mimphi I ml- rns pricttcnlly ii stroy il tin1 loss helm ibout MMiinm Iliis morning trmdill I ml- uis find bull Ii Io4s OhM only f2vim Thli- Ctornoon Hi town nf S w Liberty tiin- urrollton caught tiro and wh n tcligruplm- omiliunlrallnli was cut off r oiiiei dooinci- o d iruction It Is H lon of about ivn In iviry i 3 0 the lire mluinated In chIle rilling manner but th derm winds lie rlnmes with mi rapidity mnrrrn i iiKimiiii ti IIMWIV- Urlruilrr lu Siyilli ivtall Slinulfl I Hsn- Jt II Ih i mil ly Trunk A man In evening rloihes lioldlng on to rnniMii who was rnsplendmit In Inrgu dlii- nonds allrncted 1 crowd nl llrnnd ir nn- iluriyfli t street nt II irloelj last nlkht- he mini shoilteil I wiinl III ilnlhes live me bick mj runkVntral Office Detective Hughes nnd Mil nore pushed through th crowd and old UK- oupl they would hay to move Tin nan refused ninl he and the woman rre te- At tlui Tenderloin stalinn the IIKIII said I- Ki lounge lt hert n birlender iinr hat h lived nt 5 l Oak street Buffalo roman said she was Uertrudf Molt n home slip of the same addrms mil that she wa topping nt the iriiinl Inlon Hotel The iir delured slut luid departed liffali with his trunk mill ll hi rbthi niit- e wanted to hOt thorn M tii ncF Kur ov in i rlrunl from till e llrnn wkk nil nn 10 n IUII llellevrs lip Stilt lie Vlmtlciitrd- Niw N 1 March in st- icors Kemfor editor of tho New York n urnriri Journal who hue tIn editing nper from jill slnie lii Noveinlie- rlere hn was Inciriernted on ihe lechnnn- lHireof contempt won n leased nn SLOW nIl bunds about 7 oclock ihlt evening Ills ninsel Hubert nrrlveil here at 7 clock with the hond and in order trOth hancellor Mngle directing his realeie he loft jail ho ris driven In the rail iind tJllon whore he tonic 73 train fur o York Mr leinpon contempt cnn ted In not n- strnlnlinr order afcHln nblainlng u dlvoicn- n North Dnliitil Tlie oilier lie snys ns cured iipnti e imrti nniilnvlis nml louneetii- oiith liter he eciired hi dlvorcelinhnil Ml Amv DanjH thn ynungvl- iiighter of of Ir wife h ny the divorce nnd h ileilnred that till th roieeiling tutu er by- Is Pininles lie i iiinlldnt hunt ie higher hurts ill vlmliente hln unlit llomnii tiiiii hrs n Sxlmiti- HfTlKit Ohi Mil nh in Th1 city as lie scene of n Cnrrio Nation smiKhiiig- t night when Mr Mel l o wife nf u- irber sninsheil Tnylnr snloon windows ml wrecked iltiire wnnvins- iibilid nnd several olrir ineji were in llie nliOi IIIMO Hi iltmk Si ernl deivolished Ihn pUin- irisj whitlow mid he nnitn ent In end rediipnj the fliiire The lniior wis piured out IMI ih Jut the tour or II r t- In 1 II lId I lIT An or nil r I her I e 1 hid for I I hitch iurvuttkui for 1111 hllll iircid I II till Flit l ii Bet s- oon a I lItlnll r 11111 I II In 0 Till II Ipr J lId Iltll multi watch- man ill bIn rot tin thIn lit bunt t itt TAll Ill 1 coil tu lie nhjubh li lit 4 lilVu I hun 101k uuiihiulIlhrlP o w ore I l I tin t rca hi stct his her d nan C I hun uc Iti Hull It lull tIct lichen II t t I Ii y I t I tuluiu a I itl > > > > > > > > < < < < TREASUttYMAY BUY BONDS THE 31KIUS 1 SIK 3WMIIS OYE 31100 wo Secretary Oir Hill live Advance Matte of llond Purtbasmi bat Uo Ii Watching th IlsrkttUaj hay When Snrptiu It scti- Flft Millions Price Too nigh WisuisoTON March 19Despite heav draft m de necessary by reason of tarn expenditure for the military establUuraer and other purposes the surplus funds In United Status Treasury have grown uteadll since tho beatniilug of the heed year ou 1 last Early In the current fiscal period SeCretOr Gage estimated that the balance of Government receipts over expenditure would reach t6U000buo by Juno 3d 1001 flu the payments growing out of the ndmlnlstra tlon of tilt Refunding act were larger that was expected en I them was a coincidence u thor large expenditures near close of th last calendar year that retarded the growt- nf the surplus Sine Jan I however th Increase In surplus funds his been ulmos Phenomenally rapid until the Treasur balance today reached the lotul of 3Cr4 Xf for less Ihin nine month of thIn fiscal year Iind tho Increase been as rapid during th entire period as It has been during tho Ins three months tilt surplus would rcrtnlnl bill exceeded rn0ouoo and tho predlctlo- f mud by the Treasury nuthorltlc for tho whole yenr would probably live ben jiitmedf- ilncn Ian 1 the surplus has grown about H8inoM to more than 3ilVX fton ni Increase of about jjrsWO for every buslnes- rlty Only ono Item of extraordinary expendItur- U expected between this time und the end o the year on Juno so lint Item I only jlMOooo These favorable conditions have led i some consideration of tlm policy of buylr bands to iiiver Into the sinking fund tuft it not impossible tlml such a purchas will be madn by the dovernment In tIle nen future to do tbl 1 vested In ih- oiTviciail 11 iii i nafiii i 111 MI viiiH been studying the financial situation careful fur some time prepared to ejerclsn MH whenever the nf the stir pliin und the probable Ixptidllures of th slmll such i When iiMid lodiijr fnr hi views relatlv- to a purclins of hoids Senetnry Inge snli that no iidrance notice would bo glvon o- kiieh uctlon und he intimated that it wn only right that thu Covernmerit should ndvantiue of a favorable market In thn fiuiv- wiiy as n prlviiie buyer of bonds or Mock would do Tho prlcn of bunds he snij i too high at present but a morn fuvornbl market mny appear later AH a hrond gen- eral principle the Hrniiry di pomd ti- luirehnse bunds nt the Hrst favorable nppnr- tiinltv and he ha expressed tlmn and the advantnge that would nccrii to iov eminent from the saving of payment would fiillow such n purchuso A iirphi- nbovu n certain safe margin he regards undesirable anil ns merely furnishing i weapon for opponent of thin Adiiiinlslrntlm who complain of n large bonded Indobtednes and high Federal taxes Ho believes tin surplus should he kept within hounds b purchasing bonds thus saving Interest pay menU It Is doubtful from general views ex praised by Mr tinge It he will hesitate ti purchase bond after the Treasury surphr has reiihed 7500Jmii nnd he might do wilh a IMUOOIIUOO providing then were no extraordiinrv ex jienditures for other purin e in contcm Secretary iage Miid luduv h believed tin mrplus in ih Treasury reiih SlnWH m by Juno 30 nest If the relation of re- ceipts to cipenditiirtH should continui for the nest thrco In the sami rela- tion has existed for the last quarter of j ear thu surplus would S oouon the end ol the llscal year Mr iage callo- cnticnllonhonnvcr In the fact the liqui- dation nf the debt will bo viirrlei out immediately under the nccnt art o- ltongress nnd this will nil for nn uiitliy o- lfii iOKi in cush by this Government Then will aNo be II reductiun probably In tht- re eiptii from internal levnnun iiwinl tin- ilo of till local yell This will from lb fnct that purchases of intend roveinn- htiiiuiu will dimlnith toward Ihn IO H nf tin year in view of thn revenue law which will M Into effect on July I There will be a natural pinching process on the part of buyer whc wilt nut wish to buy stump whiih will be me lest after tbe Hrst nf July Tbii reduc- linn nusht ii t to nmniiul to more than ISoonI- KW It is believed so Mr inge thinks tin of n tMiOiiOuW surplus for tlie cur- rent lltcal year Is Ju tiflii- ThcllVjooi to pay Ilruailan indebtedness will be hippinl to Honolulu within the next Month i wilt probably In sent nn army transport culling at the Hawaiian capital on the way to Mnnlla m- on n naval ve p The Idnd tf nruer in bf sent bus nut been determined jut It is prob- able that n lInt of It will b In sperio nnd pnrt In lecal tender paper monev flit s r in i nlin irMiriit lie s lining to Set the llnnrrv hut Illdn Ort Kurthrrlimn raTio lni ialiinn Thomas Orntit H Westerner ftarted on- to see Ihe Bowery InH night but eliot t n- mm befnro ho gut off 1ark row nnd war locked In ttrcet station iiiing to the Jlnwer iratit droppd In Patrick nidmns saloon ut us 1nrl row He went Into thn buck room nnd sittltig dowi- nt II with another man ordered for both They had several drinks nml thci begun to nrcue und from iiriruing got ti- flchllng irunt aottliiif the worst of it drew a knife hut Mliliuel rushed grabbed his arm before he could tun It Thentlrnnt turned on Knnowho fought him and yelled for help That brought llnhnn who is nn expolicemin In with n bung starter Me knocked the knife 0111 or irinlt hand und threw him mn freth air revived llrvt1 iind he wont buck Into ihe saloon It WHS full of peopn IIB pulled n revolver mid began to hon Itolinn received II btillel in this urm luiliti- ilroptied with one in inn shoulder Then turned to ro out Init the crowd sur- rounded him and h ll niri li il IIH empty dsinl riid orderid ihoin in mnkn way but bey laughed t him MOM jmopln iolIeiMd the siilonll and the trnllny enr vere- iilnuked until pilleemn gntiirrei Cirnnl in Klines wniind strinus went lo Ibn- Hurlon n linfilnl- Ihls Itrlilc1 VidiKlj Inll- PAIII i All KN Mnr h t Ibe uddli I ill of Marv Teddir n bride nf two vni k resulted frim th i nf Iinr diimninl- rings Sim wis in n MIr win n sn rt eov Ted the n nf tnn iliniond ring run tier Iliuer she ut HIM fainted nnd only H few moments elaped ii mre her death t nilirheritlininrkiimtilllltrrs Tonic Jloinn n ln nipntt Adi u the July t S I pr I nil a jfl at lit uri ill rnsh oft lIe I A Jail pill l lit In IT I I ill I i II Iii t W SI lh m- I llIrr I Ir t Nsw the ilfl Juolsu rotc ii seal I nil A cit hionit y ha- to gal lye lOdI I lilt love rn IUPIII fill troll t shell t filth a ini It t lie I In bore It pit till ii OuJlIffl lit lila 111111 lcD ild ni oIl I its uu coed II iii at lao day li I Ill t 11 ill tim Iii lIce t n bit dnh tIlls hot II ruth hun H hull I trOll I alIt tire I IS I lies ii cii c tie I ir I i Iii l C fi < > < > < > ¬ > < > < > Y0jiivinu Caucus auici liLa for Mliort T rm Senator but lloltes Slay Prevent Uli Election LISCOIS Neb March 10 Kittyfive Ie publican members the Legislature attend the Senatorial caucus tonight and on th eighth ballnt I K Thompson of Uncoil was nominated for the short term Senator slip Tb nomination nt ont mnd unanimous Mr Thompson Is a capitalist whose wesltl- Id rated near million mark Nine of the severityone IlepuMlcMn m m ber have sworn that they will never vole ion him nnd nomination therefore does no necessarily mean his election After Thompson WAS nominated the door wore locied and balloting was begun on tlu long tern man with liosewnter lending intnvn OJIIATKS rnttiie For Mayor the Mentlment Hitch Tout Wagon to u Star oho irubcr nominated Andrew Cnrnezli for Mayor at smoker of the Twentyfir Assembly dUtrlct Itepuhllcnti In Colonial Hall mitt street Call Ioliimbu avenue last night Hodld speech accept- Ing a silver loving cup presented to him b his friends In the district He said Wn are all harmony In thU district now ThU smoker l a combination Austin Oruber meeting with 1latt and Julgg on tin outside This Is no time for troublo nmoni Republicans Tho Idea Is to make trouble fm- Tnmmany The host way to do that In noinlnnlo Andrew Cnrnegic ordinary candidate can be successful rile situatIon requires a man who stands well with nl classes The civilized world honors the nnnn of arnegln and what is good enough for the clvlll7d world is good enough for New York I am happy that thn Kepublloans of tin Twentyflrt district hnve hllched our wagon to such a star Iruber promised that till Republican or- ganization thn Commltten ot Fifteen and antiTammany forces would fall into thin for Carnegie lOT rnna sfioooo TO sumooo- fhjrgrs Hade ARalnsI hurlf I noun a- ewirkArrntet Vitrrdi- Clilef of police Hopper of Newark receIved a telegram from th chief of police of Lot Angeles CM last night that Charles I Unllei hAIl been arrested in that city Roller fled from Nowurkslx weeks ago and after In disappeared rhnrges were made that he haul forged nntes and snlndled various personi out of sums In the aggregate from loouon to 11 on ooo Holler wine a real estate donUt and hoc had nme trnnsaetinns with thin late F A Wilkinson formerly one of the leading rner- cliints in nrlk After Wilkinsons death Holler was nilssed find a number of whlel1 bore Wilkinsons name as lndor ei were protested The Indorsements were declared to have been forged lranr Mlrwlckl another Newarker ac cued tIdIer of having swindled him out o- HSnoJ left with Holler for Investment whll- iMlrwlckl wtis away In the Klondike TIters are a number of other U i said who ali are anxious for Hollers return HllZZARD IS XEB11ASKA- Snonitorm Follows Hint of Spring and It Keen Ir 1elt Lois of Ilv Stock Heavy Oil til A Nut MardI IB An extrnordlaar- snowstirm prevails In Nebraska tonight It bus nigcd nil day and Ihl evening the proportloriH of a blizard The wind has attained a velocity of fifty miles an hour and the line snow drifted Into rnormom piles through the State In thn eastern part of the State the hllzart Is nt Its Many of the car lines wen abandoned after much struggling against tht storm Alt evening tr Ins were nn hour bo hind time Through train wer ent ou with snow ploughs abend In the more exposed portions of till State tome truin were nlmn- do nod Whle thin snnw will be of ImntiMiso ad- vantage l till winter wheat field tIle line lunCh Industrr N suffering 1hn spring lumh will hardly be tilde In Muiid tho rnld and the he vy snow The frolic this noiircc will iindoiihtoillv bib heavy Ibis Is the only feature wniih entail diimnge The siorni appears to be nbntlng In this ivening It luis been keenly fell beiauu- he prevlois tow days ware very priiiglll e OAT Of UIIKttS STAFF HIT Chlpp A l l tn tnllilor of Arrr Jr and llimk- krrprr nf hit Umr in It wns learned last nlrlit that Chnrlm- Chlpp nsi ant collector of iifne ments and iitreir und tin tho bureau of the Department which looks the iulleetlrin of arrears nf hid re hlgnod Tit K Kr culled up Comptroller Color renlgned hut could learn nothing toil Uio- fiut In reply to various luosiinn ivliitive to- Chippn in the department nml thn- rea or fir hit relcimtlnn the i omptrnller mid lie leslKtied lerday For all other InforniHilon you will hnve to call at my oflke tomorrow A part of was to relieve Eugene F Mclaiighlin the cashier of the bureau nt noon hour MI that MrluucMin inula- an to luiirli Chili1 i i member of the Hit int nns riios IHKI- lurierd In iflltni Srtrnlren White Men Hr- Irnsrd From the Alabama Mines liniilNUAM Ala March to When nr- J Timer dnnis the young New Vcrkdevel- iind fhysii iiin was released from llie jciil- tftitiary at Irnti mines neir here in fjntiir- luy whore ho had served eleven day of u nf thro iiionlh on n ihnrgo nf un- awfiiily riding train In he- irniniseil thn eveiileeii other white non imoiu tiiiiu me h tbs able seamen nnd ant i ih1 tnedStjte wir hlp Ali iniiiii h werienieneid with bun s his to Ihir release Hit lilt tn Monlffomirv and npiienred bi her of tlie State and t n I wi received III Hi priiltetuli v- or nil sivilileen men ris fcvf in ntuirs HKAI- Antnnln So re Mlkpd Ilsrrlr Illicit I run the Hunt IJne 1lrr- Antnnln sunreii a ciibln passenger on t f- Auril liner City of Mexico which urrlv from llivmi yesterrlny dropped 1inoand Smith streets as h walked iiwin mill llm pier and his body was tilten lo t loliie Ktntlon tie luid Jl1 in Rnld and In silver In his pockets n vntch with S silver m the buck u IlUn gold ring with nnrne i ire d in ii Aiiiinek A o n nnd 7 Her cliue I itir wns in spnni li MS inninl unit the llrni lirnnture of IVdr- llmiHs Minre fi mi lh tier n utenm- Tiinli oiiiititninc suits of clotliei f unit at lint Kirlnx Arkansat mini SUlfs liotrrnmrnt o ns the iprltin n Pip t r tfteumAtliim so- euralgis anil nrftnua tronlilrs Writ Uuimu U- Dformntion tor Illuitinlrd took Idr m I XIflt4SK4 hIs lib II a It trio and o nil notes pIOISOV V wit the lot Ill assumed hues worst s los Oin abut I Ii w ill ii coup r li lu Ill I nfl en loSe I tit ul ihlt flu III ashucu I lit it it ih r I lii pp huit d a urIc luhlups hilt lit hthi I utiihflti huh I oil I I hilt I or llufl t V l ii 10 it Iii ll- I quire I hot a ill iIi iirhir I sir tciiss had a her tI p- at h t tutor ell I tel tp iutl Out ttuOhu It a ii uintlh lflrll It I Iii l < I lip eat itlil ere gnu > < < > > < > > ° PLOTTING TO RILL CZAR TWO It tlr XllllUST ATTJUXPTS TO SSASItlTK Ilia HErORTBD- On Ilot to Sttrt for the v I f deli labile Dill 11 11 1 Nut iu llan Arrtitei at an E IbltloD Wbll Trying to Approack the Ciarlloci In Ills Iorket Tbrse Attempts I rt uf ItMolutlimari MoTfiurnt- II K it LI v March ID Stories lire current of recent attempts upon the Crnrii life In con- nection with u widespread rnvoliitioatry movement of which the RtudDt riots In St 1ptersburg iind elsewhere are said to form a part The TagrUatfH St Petersburg correspond- ent says he has learned from an unques- tionable source of two separate conspiracies to assassinate IilsMajesty The fret attempt was planned to be made on tile oocanon of the jubilee bull of the Naval Cadet Corps which the Czur had promised to attend His Majesty was ready to start and was awaiting hU carriage when toy len Klelgels ar- rived at thin palace Informed him that he tOilet not go several Hiisplcioun persons belonging to the revolutionary party tInTIng been arrested nt the Nlcnlal Bridge with urns and forged passports He Informed hits Majesty that the prisoners were probably emissaries of the central Xlhlllxt committee Xurlch The visit was accordingly aban- doned The second affair occurred In the middle of January when the accompanied by Ids mother visited the ceramic exhibi- tion When entering onn of the rooms the members of the commlttte who were escort Ing thin Imperial party suddenly noticed unknown man hurriedly approaching the Vnr AS the publIc had been excluded and those authorized to attend had been carefully selected the pretence of the stranger excited suspicion Several of the Crars party hastened to meet him to lend him away Thereupon thin man stisplctousjy thrust his hand In a pocket He was Instantly seined Vhen- he was searched a bomb was found In his pocket Hn has nines disappeared from publlo sight and the correspondent adds U wIll probably be n long time before any one learns of tile whereabouts ltfOTOC5 fTtDEXTS SHOT fiOWlT TIT Killed and Eighty Wo nd d In MoioVa- Ontbrenk More TronliU Fe SfftM Diipueh la Tll SUM LONDON March 20 The 8t Pot mburr correspondent of thn fiallv MM says the rioting there was renewed Monday on the occasion of the moss at the Katan Ctthe drat for M Bogolyepoff the murdered Mln liter of Puhllo InstructIon The student created disturbances onttldt thin cathedral and the police were obliged to u their revolvers They fired several rnU nnd five students were killed and eighty wounded More than a hundred were ar rested The rioting broke out again at night and the pollen knouted many of th disturbers Is believed that Ihn trouble will Increase Thin Standard received advice from Moscow under data of March IS recording the niirrt of a fctudent by some of Ms com- rade ostensibly bscause he refused to Join In their demonstrations but more likely uciiuse he was supposed to have betrayed iiiieeru secrets lui g Imdles of trooiis ore posted about thn city bit they anti the police acting tinder Instructions from Grand luke Serge Gov- ernor of Moscow treiit the demonstrators with extreme gentleness Consequently no violence hit occurred The correspondent suds that one of the mciKt curious features of tIll situation Is that not the falnlett hint of the universal ferment ir of the dully u embUires In the street U- illnwed to appear In the newnpnrer- sfirAHIIH AWAIT l VA ri- n Army uf Check Sciktn will fleet lit Ills Arrlislln Kngl n- tipnlat CaltH llntxitiH o IHK Str LONDON M rch Z According to n dory irinted today Mr Andrew Ciirnegie U likely o be besieged by n hard of beggars upon iiu arrival In Knglind urn not of tfa punishablu liy the law against mcndl- unry but lire niilhly advocates of various oligious and plilanthriiplc objects who are n plr d by the iden tlmt they hatn only lo- i k for a elivvk in order tu receive It It U stitei iiit a number nf the and many le wf will go to Southampton lo await of the stenmer HI Loiiln- t l even B td that Mr Carnegies- rlends id h n lo proceed to France In irder n rno- hiive f iiles regarding the deli of i in nave Urn made nt th offlcn of lj neiiiaii Line Many nf the Inquirers u o concenlmtnt of their Intention to ohn llnlinn uf Muntaia nid Trnlje TlesmA- Klupe rraia llnllirit- Jihn hahn a rinchman was tn Tryntje Tlrsmr m Sunday Both ad arrived froni Holism Twelve ems ago thn i ouple ven sweetheart In Inlland but the girls MirpiM who are well niln looked with distiM ii thn suit of oung llolmii hoi the n fn poor farmer lolina cnmo tn tIlls niiii to end for hue swieihourt He tiled In Alon- finii nnd He turned trt lid lately to IHIM I inliln gIna iirents were sllll opp t i tile and i was kept a prlfonor imely that is unalilv even In see Ito bribed one the and m HP n vns planned snileil iii hi I liiiniship lnlsdAni whlh VIH at Hobo i mi Miniiui I in uiptiiu usiiected thni- niinff icuple bad elnt ed they were tn I ne nf ihe i th rvliis nf luiln Van Wycl- cmiirriid them in the i ir rnpliln nnd ntbors Mr option w s held thor left for their iiina nil Ii Int night Shortrst Ses U of Sew Voik 1s that of Un 014 DnmUdM LIne i VirginIa ETfrr fomJnrt UnllT VT I Atfn I j1 Dscotrrel a tie tZr Warn Abevt J i i 5 iCiti hIlt lpraQt Cable lPflldtth hi rutt SUN I 4 i f tit l I tJhis I and i 41 4 I i 1 P- at t I I rat 1 j 9 an I ui h 3 I Th I l I 11 5 4 red Cab I that I I ICY I It huts 1 i f J I I on r I 1 These cia U1 us I 3 f f thi I i qi 1 I I 14 0 l luC lit I I t flu i 4- IrrnDlli IA lisp I 1 lilA ihuurie till la ti led I just i lid I i n1 II lit Pier ui 1rneriei I liuis uut I iOu I Ito presence 110 ulr I t huiti tvpltI I Ii the i st ui I latch whCc I I 1 trIp I I V- c > < ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > > =

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jrrUmliurlM Uetwcat Thorau W Lawso-

an i Johl J bcaa ll Arrange OrerTcltphon M ht to II Followed To-

day br Ik PoiUar of 20000 In Forfeitd the Signing of ArticlesEntire Cut

R ctlpUi fJaarunt el to no Not Leu Thai23 00 to Go to Ch rlty of Tha

Amount Ilflng riodgel to Now York Initllutloojnto to De Derided Probablit HoidvlUo Next Heptcmbtr Gerkeni-

Ottti of MO 00 for The bbet Kefnfed

BOSTON March it Thomas W Lawsonowner f thn trotter llonilma stated to TintBrs correspondent this evening that tinmatch between his horse anil The Abbot hadbeen arritiBed practically In accordantwith th terms of hU offer Tho onl-

dUerenco is tht Mr Lawson nam-ln the oharltle to which thn entire gate re-

ceipt of tho track ru to BO Mr Scntinelltn name it tharlty to which onehalf of tinreceipts I t BO Mr Laweon snld

Mr Scanriell called me up this afternoonandu e cpted term of my flr t propositiontn run fur fiiooo a side ho requestertint In giving I to the trickrepii en for purposes ho to rccelvthe prh liege of where nnp hilf slionh-

j This I considered extremely fair nni-

TI arranged the preliminaries of thn InflictJlr gcimnell will deposit IIOooo In New YorkMlnndthoiireemoit and I forwarded a Ilkmount this nftrnxion My shirn of theriKdpi i to fi to i hi two Uoiton ln tltntloti1 hive prmloinly inniitlon il nml In caseBcriilma win ln rnnlch thoy wilt dlvld-hiiillyMrrc nnpll t2lonn If Th Abboth niM win Mr Smnnpll my 500 but

this rriliiMnn liort rccclvf-or halr f tin Kat receipts whlrli nujrht tohe a fntrlv la rue nm In vlow of the nfler-nornt i iort

niafnh U for HIM lift four In sevenh it and I IIIVM tin1 riainiiic of tin trnckhut miiot no bofore July I The rur If-

to tiPld some tinio during tlio month ofheptrtnlwr nnd tin1 PMict duln lnil t al oI-

n1 niaiil l fnr July I As we onrli-

dtioulPil lovxi iilmiily on July MrKcnnnfll nnl myself mu t dopoHlt nntionnl I50DO and the nlelt ffoM tho r cplace the rpiniinlng 10000 enrh In tho ssme-h ml If eltbir horso falls to rr ponil tothe tall the owner of that horre forfeits thnfull imHinl liiOsllpil Should Mr Scaninllforfeit I nlll klve the money to llie two Initfiticns I hnvn named

While th tIm named In the nliorn de-

ppattb for tX H sldo In stakes It vannIght thAI onoo n side would

b ncreeil upon litforn the neuotlatlonH nre-rotirliideil A mom the orlslnal Mlpiilnlion nnm d by Mr Iawjon wai one thot he-wniijil guarnntee fiitn reculpts of nt least

If thnt Is the undcrstnmllnc-Mid Scnmiill lilt nleht I will n rret trainc IMAO more If Mr Ijiwaon wilt accodo-to ray tmns th charity btiiuestsMr Sinnndl that he dill thinks thereotlplt paid by tho tiiibllo to eeo the raceoBd o to cK 1Wjr or charities that

neehalf at least lionM BO to New York andnot alt to one city ItAitardlnic thin propo-ntlnn Mr Lawson In a lat r Interrlpwin Boston last night

Under n Ircumstances will I ran Bo-

rnlma against Abbot unless It Is dls-

tnctly specified In the formal nsreementthat the entlrn track receipts go to charity-I was told this afternoon that this claiifo-WM In the atrrppment nnd unless If U thedocument will not signed by my personal-rcrresentatlvo nor tho StOOOO checkposited My representative Is John J Koch-no Now York for me whenhe sfes that rverythlncc Is satisfactory Thu-

nifrtine for sitrnlnt of thn pipers will l o-

h 1 at II oclock tomurrow mornini InNow York

Mr Iaw ons last Rtatftinont WN promple-df inforimtlin rnrrlcd to him thnt Mr Hcat-irII Htitml to civi only hull the receipts to-

imriv Bu1 it WDidd appntr tutu theremerely a slight mlsuiidnrstnndlnir and thatth mitrh will be ratified this tuornini-Vefoiiations looking to the arriinifcmpnt of

hut will lio the hieccxt milili betweeniroiers ever held In AmericH hogan yi ter-

rii morningMr Invson lad previously expressed

do re to nmtch nurnlnui iivniisi Ilie Abbotr tio sake of sport and had tinlntd Unit

he n t rrifipt should to lo tjir-

harilile in itiitiunH but when thus ftl ilinn yenterdiiy Iii the miitdii-

i ilT ir lnwsnti nuniil to cut the receiptsin imf in nicnnhnci wltli Mr McanncHsi-

i iniMiterexpreslii ii dislu1 toi Vw York and Snfutnia elinrlllcs-

ivi ihH preliiiiliiariis were arrinueii-v IHB Mr livv iri was iisltml to name

iiis nvir tin Inns dsrniico phonei


i iie o they werpcninniiitilcitcd-u lirnnkert to Mr Scannill Thniiifnrilile ererytliltiir nnd viidt-

in1 I lilti to tn et Mr ln siii orMI irwit to rllwh

h il dCtild probably Headi tni lln Htakelinldur will It II-

n tte Kiuland Breedfrs AstoclaI iiio irunln of the Itendvlllo trnck-HF n ev Mr rwsons proposition tn inah-ti s Mnch were dl e ll I V ni

vellkllivn-i i t niifht in liiswnv

tn soi B bill through llie Missi-icilitiiri Iniralizinii pool nlllnff-

i nir i rui k iiinl lht iiHUiUt-n i H rf iiy villuiK 10 civ a hl purse

rnie wiili fiji Idea that u ubMmi-

iiiiMi Ilnsion chtirltltv miffht hclni i lniili Ket lntiitbSmie Hou i-

II iM in k I hat llornlnm iamiot trotII o inint hut In is willunr to inikv-it h fr thn fun f tin tlilnc in HIM

if in hl Stalem urijiiiilly wn anxious to

u1 i iijrn red rncc fur The Ahhol-ri llirr and Croieem but

wmilil nt contnt to enter hisk in ILI a itintov BecflHi-I i Itnowledscd cliiiinplori

of i trMinu iiirf Mr Kmnnell at11 t i it le nnd not Mr IAWMJII

BI r ihrinic the Irms Hut fromif dvoiB rn nts it would eiiu

him has wirried tifiirly ov r

W nicht Ited ierlcn offeredjMimci fur the Ahbul but Mr-

hu tnilkd nnd aid Hint JIIKIOIMJ-

t i the ilmmplon l wlI Iiu ilen weie pre ent when

I in In a 1rUnlc jrNew rl teiilrnl and IliiiUon IJIvcr-

Jl i iun rivnin i ir WU-

Mit ii1il li llri eierdny nfiTlTon-Mr m the Yiilil iiveiiiiH leri-

Hi iiiiI in l ho HCI N mil i rnu-

ifil HIM I he luxwlll ni iiniliu wi

i 11 illicit ronvrxdlhn v-

nhlle ljhfl alnne Hln-D tijunrl Vtfr







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VtrT Positive la Declarlni That a MetropolisIllll Will lie ivmd

Senator Platt who hint been Insisting everday In the of more opposition than hhas met over nny proposition lu recuryears that a Stuto police bill would ho Iniroduced and parsed by the LvgUlaturn btoro adjournment ndtaruted this assertloyesterday He told all the reporter hwent to him at his cfllce In thn ufternoothat th bill would be pained and at the FifthAvenue Hotel lost nltfht he said

A State pollen bill Is now being drawnwhen It Is completed It will be sent to Albtinj-bt Introduced Into the Legislature bo passeout become u law Thu bill will be readfor Introduction toward the close of the weekIt will bo Introduced In both thu Senatethe Assembly simultaneously und will hpassed

Will It bn signed by IheI think It will It will receive a thud te-

as to lu constitutionality before It becomea law

Thu bill which Is now In the hands of exJustice Cohen and Finnic II Ilatt son o-

thn Senator I It Is understood to be pinellcally drawn along thus lines of the Metrqpol-ltnnpollc Js57 That measure IncludeNew Vork Kings Richmond nnd Westcheter counties The present bill Is to InclitdIn addition to those count lo ueens n aiand that pnrt of Ilitnuin in which li s thCroton watershed the property of the rltyTin friends of bill maintain that If tinold Metropolitan lull wis constitutional thione lie so that If Iov OdMIn nttltud-hus correctly understood namely thatIm will not sign nny bill unless convinceof Its constitutionality the difficulty iithy opinion of the advocates of the lull mliters down to convincing tb Governor tinthe bill of M7 was constitutional or wouli-bo regarded ns constitutional by tho Cour-of Appeals now

Jilts J MOVS uiAiKs AKdE

A 111111 n ti InlteMlt of rhtrijn Mbnn-nf rducatlnn-

CniiAuo March 10 Mrs Kmmons Illnlne-aevordlne to nn announcement by ITutldor-Vllllnm It Hnrper nt tlie Tnlvorslty of Chi

caeo convocation late this aftirnoon hnclven Hnoowii to the Diversity of Chlcnir-

Srhool or Kiluintloii lately orcanUml byalflllntlon of ih Chicago Instltut and tintinlvorslty This sum throtiKli tintrustees of thnChlcnto Institute foundod hj-

Mr lllnlnn nnd U to be used partly for pur-chisH of Kroinil partly for nnipartly for endowment-


The MirtUon Arcane Property tiring fU2iin001 at Private Sale

John I Crlmmlns of tlm IniMcrs ol-

ho limnpii Catholic orphan Asylum nu-

horlzerl tho statement yostertlny that theiloele bounded by Mailisnn avenuemd Klftyllmt and Fiftysecond ureets luau

Foul for Tlm property housei111 female wurfls f the asylum which soldhe companion block occupied bv the male

wards between Madison iind Fifth avenueDecember 1SW A new orphanage has

icon partly completed at West heaterJr Crlmmlns thef buyers but stated positlvtiy that

lako V Dowllng trio of operator memloned In yesterdays Sfs as credited

with being Interested In the transactionwere aiming the puruhusers nnd that thnnine WaS trim of other real eitnie speculatorVUOSH names had been coupledrnnMotion

The block according to Mr Crlmmins willw restricted mrnlnt tall bunlling or build

which might prove olili ctlormble in-

he neighborhood Si nthoilrnlmil II will in sitct suitable for high

rade privnto residencesthl UICK nenlls ittfntion to

he notable addition that bisn mnde itithe tew years lo tle i Itys private liuuwi-nnd club iircliiteituii as H result of themoal uptown of St luKes Hnspltal Colum-bia ISe linmnn i ntlmllo-ilrphnn A yliiiu The I niversilv i Inljadorns the northwest corner nf Fifth avenuennd Fiftyfourth street the I ninn I hid Is in-

iroffsj of on th northeast ioner-f Fifth avenue and Fitlyflrt street nnd thn

lost 11 th it In question bavi been builtlth lmtid olie hin lln

t ltike Hnspilal prcporly pit n i

market soven your awn t e to wblib it-

nulil In tti crinsidurod prihlenntiKlftyllfth being largely hytallies nnd a similar uiicermlnrv wus P-Hlerlenceil later hpn niher lw

inetobdl1pi siiliif ns thniisvluniprnpartvi-vas stnbles in ttnetHid tlie Columbia Mlv md tho iaI av i ut

the rearHowever the ehlMctor of tlie rilmprnve-

ii nti of tle vprid silos tills rnlsil ihf ihirliter ot theirlie stnili nre lo costly rcsldenc-vlillo Ihe niitliuated though still substantialHltlby lironusloni ilwdllnvs nre nither

i in1 mi or lnliis reinndeleil mtli-iritiiUciuraMv vnrWil fmrt Indeed tlie-

liiiiind dwellings is th mostiinKoil leiiiuruof current dentine

iniiiii miHi Ihejr Wet K rinrrl-Iarmrrs intl It1 rlnniihliig Time

Vu Minli There have beenw u v nbsentols at rollcill since

iruier Dixie Helknnti-

nt off tin Potomac riid bank iinil

nine here tu iro Into Many tarstook Fremli look In

and II Is anticipated Mill neverDine had except In Irons iHhert

struggling In today overdue fromentyfr Bixty hours When lark

i the DUi compleniPtit was shortlalilvono men Slxlynne thesn iiro

nuiiiiv Westunier and twenty-renf I h sdi flewt iiiiiiiind r Hellimp lielievos thnt mo t

if the mis ln on n lark and will KIIUM-

HI k sotre will not i attest byIii fin thai tno were nverliaiiled yeuri-iv when miles Irnm Norfolk nml

their way overland Most nf the mi-

it VP farmer until riceiilly urd II

ilointliin lime Tin ppirl that thx xv iMnnlln tnMnd by Mime wn

held b Millie f hive led tlie tnr tn iteri-be siy tli v left liimnso tinuo lilieily-u refii lbl Tibiol r

deserti iis


us a Unit rla a ril the lur fr I UN-

llrmalnsHenry Ulnlo IeM of h J Vejt Cml nvrntin-

as irettlni iibonrd an Amsterdam uvemm

ir tsixth iivermo 1 iftynintli streei-

si nIght when n man who vins trylnB to-

il oir at the Mimo tlni P hU In Mrnnd pulled out JJi-

I lii sli fell the hand nndImt The irl pntkt threw

niiny under th run Fifthfoil iweij min h hud rib

uondmtir mid timmi inrinii nil Ihiwis tli thief mirnrlini to till inol-

lle Iliilter of tIll Neiv-

r At AlHub who wn jul 1nvinu-iliillntl f Ihlif leniM tin i

koof irvnK to plinth t tet nm-

it of tin wi rest wa eny iiller-jiiovnn luid t through tbe rnllimj if n-

p like th thief i ns it

I rl In the tlnrnliu

lilt iS le Allll

t i










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Demand Ilftttrr Work anti Ilettrr Food

Iinorcs Thflr lu Wreck theDtmandi Snrrfnde

Expects to Starve Them Out r mlllf-

of Cotrli Year Thrj Will lie Killed

LLAVENWOIUH lath MarchIs a utrlka and mutiny In the coal mine athe State Penitentiary at Lunging The 28

convicts have overpowered the fifteen guard1and are holding them as hostages for theenforcement of their demands for llghtciwork nnd Tetter food

The families of the guards are mudalarmed over the situation end fear thatcome of them have been or wilt be murderciIf the warden does not soon come to termwith thn strikers Homo of the prisonerIn thin mine nru desperate men already undpideath sentence for murder hut owing ti

the peculiarity of the Kansas statute regnrdIng capital punishment are really servlnilife sentences

The In which tile convicts are Intrenched Is TSO feet deep Its mouth Is In

side tho pri on walls All the convictsIn mine have been tonfnod to their celli-

so that the full force of deputies mnythe thnft closely against a rush by the strlkIns convicts

The first outbreak In the tOme look placeshortly after the noon meal yesterday am

started by the convicts In Division8 Of tile nineteen men In this division six-

teen seized the gunrd overpowered himnnd announced hut they hInd decided Ustrike They told the guard that theydecided to mine two Instead of three carif as a days work In fuMire and thatthey proposed tn have bettor root

This guard was left In charge of two olthe convicts in mutiny whllfl thin othermarched to th inljnlninif division spreacthe revolt mid culled on the convicts to JoinThn convicts were son iiiHrchlnK thruiiKlthe mine from onn division to another yell-Ing and swinging their Inmps andThe short term men joined wild the mor-

d perati llfesentent lenders of revoltthe murds were only armed with clubs

becauvj of the danger of fire If n gun shoulil-

be dlschnrged the convicts haul no difficultyIn overpowering them

Th convIcts then forbade any one to condown Into the mine nnd announced that thwarden would be communicated with Inwriting Later a mesnse from thIn con-

victs written on white paper In a verv poorhand wa sent up for the warden It rendas follows

Wo have concluded to wreck everythingIn the mine unless you accedn to our demandsWo demand that you give is thre snuaremeals a day every day In the week tILtyou tilt the link 10 two can a day We hIntwant any more corn or corn beef or pea any-more corn bread liter or pigs feet We arewilling to do right and demand yon do thus

same Vn thosn men taken off pun-ishment and must be This Is ourrtion and we rl mand an answeran hour

This was not signed Warden Tomllnsonsent down the following reply

To TIIK Misriis I cannot agree to yourdemands they uro not right Of coursyou cnti wreck everything In the mine If

iou want to do It hut that will not help youQuit Every uRlcur In the bottom mast be-

cnt up in safety to the top before the minerare brought up WAHDHX

Since then a number uf riiiuest have comemil nf the mine and the warden has promisedn give thtm better fond hut his conditioneit down from lime t lime deniHiid us a

lr t tep an unciindltluiml surrender by

iienThe fifteen oRliers held in thn mine ure H-

McSlntii W Diivin K lorbyshlri-Inch Mimnhaii John SontiTfcldt W M-

reiirli Thomit llaitliii David Iurvis II

lli Iey A J Hill W II V Ifueycko-K Minrbui k W II Hint and M K Main

meAcommunlcalion was received from nne

if the guards m noon Indny stntlni theyK pro ury hungry and tired hull IIK tar as hemild lenrn nil were aliveThe warden is cool and expects to tire Urn

nut He points out that lie can hiil offsupply from lh mine und If niicoinnry-

iillocate nvcry man below In a quarter hourIiu adds that tif course ho would not do thli-iecaise It would his men to snuio-lunger us their cnptnrs-

AH ii stand th prisoners tunlrtil tin coinaiinicntloiih with the Kurfnce und doiiiiiiiti-he liiiiitloii Iher oif weakness is lurkif food und drink So fur us is known nnihe surface they hive had nnlhing to eat r-

ilrik Mi io n nienl VHslerduy

The men say fiey will kill the nmle ofrhlch there nrn a ftore In the mine Ifhe unrdon docs nut nentl them food

lonlglit tho rtitimtinn has tInt grown anvteller nnd the convicts refuse tn cum outThe warden still stand firm in hi decision


Ibrrt Van Ilantrns Suitde Death hll lieHat Calling nn iiirn-

MASAngiASf N Mnrch 10 Alh rt-

nn w s engaged lo be mnrrlidviniii Oshorn llo hnd been sick fur

omo time but had recently fromiew York wbern th doctors told him liton d be well in a week He wa brightml cheerful when he failed on MUs tinrnn Sunday night ho wiis preparing toavu h complnlneil of teeling ill A giuis-

f wnter brought him und he lint justdink il wiien lie foil ill Miss OHburuit feeti hho screamed with terrorir J II ilnwrlght was ummoned butan Ilouten died about midnight The

uneral will be held on Thur si y front thn-

Mdence f his llancee Iir Walnwrlitlit-nid thai wis duo In lliitknits of

he bruin membranes

10 IlWKSn-

tUws Altn Kill servant and rirry ORill IIU Valuable

Mexico March Ift Pedro Ma7a-

ivpalihy iiintr wiu nttackid In his homei bnnd f brigand nnd llternlly cut to-

cos with knives mid his servant whoinptcd to defend him WHS shot and killed

robbers enrrled oil nl till money nndon thn The lire

icing iMisely pursued nnd will prolin dy beiptured-

Murcin and Itmkrffilers nl likjll IUnil-

J I Morgan now at Jekyll Island IT

iiu const if tinriria II Is nut e ierle l to-

ilurri I tins itlv until Hi latter tart of this

Mr mid Mrs inhn l llni kefeller Mrr


r William Hnckefeller Jamesuleni f the Niitinnil Illy is now

w ut tUyll Island


rAt JUne



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srntKK iva nor rouwr xritDKItalian ltborrr Shot Donn bj Watchman C

riled Hob Threateu Violence

WHITK ILAINS N Y March 18 Asresult of in Italian murder at Kenslcomiles from this village which was coimiiltuabout midnight tact flight 300 ItalUre eu-

ployed In building a double track from WhtiPlains to Mount Kcnslto on the Harle-ItaUroad went on strike today Most i

the Italians lived In a row of rhnntle netKenslco owned by the contractor loInthe work The Italian my It woe a rulethe bosses that very mon nhould be In It-

rhantlun by 10 oclock at night To tnfurc-thU ruth an Italian night watchman Pleti-

Notall was etuployoj Domliino Sambastlnivoid to be u foreman on the work whllattempting to enter one of that houses Incnight was ordered to halt by the watchmananti when he railed to do no the watuhmadischarged both barrels of a shotgun f

him almost blowing his head off 1 henell

This morning the Italians threatened tburn the shanties and went on strike Thesay that man of them hav their own hornshut ore compelled to live In the shantlt

quit their jobs They have to pay 81 encfor their job they cay and 17 a month npiecifor board at the shanties whether theyIn them or not They threatened to lync-

Xotall the murderer If they caught himand a mob of l i alter procuring n rorsearched the surrounding woods early thmorning for him The mob then patrollethe railroad tracks and threatened to kill anlaborer who raised a pick or rhovel A crowof women followed the Mrlkars all day himcursing the murderer of Sairbnctlno Thriot hnd subsided considerably tItle afternoonnnd it Is thought that thn strikers willto work tomorrow morning They inslshowever that they will not gn back to tlishanties


DUIrlrt Attorncj Utillnri tn KtprrM an OptiIon About It Offhand

Tim Sfsn article of Sunday last concern-Ing sums of money lost at bridge whl

the houses of women of noilety by persuns who could 111 afford It some reporteryesterday to ask District Attorney IhllbiIf he would proceed against persons nluvrIns such games In tlielr hon es Mr Ihllbin said that he would a n sworn oftlreiproceed against any nne violating the lawproviding hn haul evldem He sihl that h

know whether or not it was agatethe Inw to gamble In 11 private house orclub and lie declined to express an opinIonoff hind nn to whether a section of the coilrailed In his attention xn illlined piny

The soctlnii is n followsperson who the owner agent or su-

perintcndent of II place or of nuy ilevicnapparatus for gambling or who hires o

nil iw to be ued n room table establlshimlior nppnrntus for such n purpose or who en-

gages aft denier garlic keepur or playergambling or bunking game whore innne

property Is dcpemlent upon the remitDr wlin ells or offers to sell hat are commonlrailed lottery policies or writing pnpcor document In thin nature t n bet wngsor Insuranco upnn the drawing or drawnlumbers of any public or private lotteryor who IndoriMS or u fs book or documerit for the purpose nf enabling otherLo wit or offer to sell lotter pullcl s or otheinch writings papers or documents n cornmon gambler and punishable by Imprisonnent for not more than two years or by i

tine not exceeding 100 or both

rorn roirvs iirnEi v A witKR-

Ihff Are r lnuhilllr v llbrrlr Ib-

IHtcst InmmunliMlInn TutISMMF Ky March M Within th

last week hero tins been an epidemic o-

Ires wlid nut MMrnl suinll linnIbe WM at I Inrrrport K In which

persons were rendered homeless Tinoinifll tonight appropriated SfOco

heir Iust nliilil Mimphi I ml-

rns pricttcnlly ii stroy il tin1 loss helmibout MMiinm Iliis morning trmdill I ml-

uis find bull Ii Io4s OhM only f2vim Thli-

Ctornoon Hi town nf S w Liberty tiin-urrollton caught tiro and wh n tcligruplm-omiliunlrallnli was cut off r oiiiei dooinci-o d iruction It Is H lon of about ivn

In iviry i 3 0 the lire mluinated In chIlerilling manner but th derm winds

lie rlnmes with mi rapidity

mnrrrn i iiKimiiii ti IIMWIV-

Urlruilrr lu Siyilli ivtall Slinulfl I Hsn-

Jt II Ih i mil ly TrunkA man In evening rloihes lioldlng on to

rnniMii who was rnsplendmit In Inrgu dlii-

nonds allrncted 1 crowd nl llrnnd ir nn-iluriyfli t street nt II irloelj last nlkht-he mini shoilteil

I wiinl III ilnlhes live me bick mjrunkVntral

Office Detective Hughes nnd Mil

nore pushed through th crowd and old UK-

oupl they would hay to move Tinnan refused ninl he and the womanrre te-

At tlui Tenderloin stalinn the IIKIII said I-Ki lounge lt hert n birlender iinr

hat h lived nt 5 l Oak street Buffaloroman said she was Uertrudf Molt n homeslip of the same addrms mil that she watopping nt the iriiinl Inlon Hotel Theiir delured slut luid departedliffali with his trunk mill ll hi rbthi niit-

e wanted to hOt thorn

M tii ncF Kur ov in i

rlrunl from till e llrnn wkk nil nn10 n IUII llellevrs lip Stilt lie Vlmtlciitrd-

Niw N 1 March in st-

icors Kemfor editor of tho New Yorkn urnriri Journal who hue tIn editingnper from jill slnie lii Noveinlie-rlere hn was Inciriernted on ihe lechnnn-lHireof contempt won n leased nn SLOW

nIl bunds about 7 oclock ihlt evening Illsninsel Hubert nrrlveil here at 7

clock with the hond and in order trOthhancellor Mngle directing his realeie

he loft jail ho ris driven In the railiind tJllon whore he tonic 73 train furo York Mr leinpon contempt cnnted In not n-

strnlnlinr order afcHln nblainlng u dlvoicn-n North Dnliitil Tlie oilier lie snys nscured iipnti e imrti nniilnvlis nml louneetii-oiith liter he eciired hi dlvorcelinhnil

Ml Amv DanjH thn ynungvl-iiighter of of

Ir wife h nythe divorce nnd h ileilnred that till th

roieeiling tutu er by-

Is Pininles lie i iiinlldnt huntie higher hurts ill vlmliente hln

unlit llomnii tiiiii hrs n Sxlmiti-

HfTlKit Ohi Mil nh in Th1 city aslie scene of n Cnrrio Nation smiKhiiig-

t night when Mr Mel l o wife nf u-

irber sninsheil Tnylnr snloon windowsml wrecked iltiire wnnvins-iibilid nnd several olrir ineji were in llie

nliOi IIIMO Hi iltmk Si ernldeivolished Ihn pUin-

irisj whitlow mid he nnitnent In end rediipnj the fliiire

The lniior wis piured out IMI ihJut














I her



1 hid





iurvuttkui for 1111 hllll iircid









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> >




> >







Secretary Oir Hill live Advance Matte

of llond Purtbasmi bat Uo Ii Watching th

IlsrkttUaj hay When Snrptiu It scti-

Flft Millions Price Too nigh

WisuisoTON March 19Despite heavdraft m de necessary by reason of tarnexpenditure for the military establUuraerand other purposes the surplus funds InUnited Status Treasury have grown uteadllsince tho beatniilug of the heed year ou1 last Early In the current fiscal period

SeCretOr Gage estimated that the balanceof Government receipts over expenditurewould reach t6U000buo by Juno 3d 1001 fluthe payments growing out of the ndmlnlstratlon of tilt Refunding act were larger thatwas expected en I them was a coincidence u

thor large expenditures near close of thlast calendar year that retarded the growt-

nf the surplus Sine Jan I however thIncrease In surplus funds his been ulmosPhenomenally rapid until the Treasurbalance today reached the lotul of 3Cr4 Xf

for less Ihin nine month of thIn fiscal yearIind tho Increase been as rapid during thentire period as It has been during tho Ins

three months tilt surplus would rcrtnlnlbill exceeded rn0ouoo and tho predlctlo-f mud by the Treasury nuthorltlc

for tho whole yenr would probably live benjiitmedf-

ilncn Ian 1 the surplus has grownabout H8inoM to more than 3ilVX fton niIncrease of about jjrsWO for every buslnes-rlty

Only ono Item of extraordinary expendItur-U expected between this time und the end o

the year on Juno so lint Item I

only jlMOoooThese favorable conditions have led i

some consideration of tlm policy of buylrbands to iiiver Into the sinking fund tuftit not impossible tlml such a purchaswill be madn by the dovernment In tIle nenfuture to do tbl 1 vested In ih-

oiTviciail 11 iii i nafiii i 111 MI viiiHbeen studying the financial situation carefulfur some time prepared to ejerclsn MH

whenever the nf the stirpliin und the probable Ixptidllures of th

slmll such i

When iiMid lodiijr fnr hi views relatlv-to a purclins of hoids Senetnry Inge snlithat no iidrance notice would bo glvon o-

kiieh uctlon und he intimated that it wnonly right that thu Covernmerit shouldndvantiue of a favorable market In thn fiuiv-

wiiy as n prlviiie buyer of bonds or Mockwould do Tho prlcn of bunds he snij i

too high at present but a morn fuvornblmarket mny appear later AH a hrond gen-

eral principle the Hrniiry di pomd ti-

luirehnse bunds nt the Hrst favorable nppnr-

tiinltv and he ha expressed tlmn andthe advantnge that would nccrii to iov

eminent from the saving of paymentwould fiillow such n purchuso A iirphi-

nbovu n certain safe margin he regardsundesirable anil ns merely furnishing i

weapon for opponent of thin Adiiiinlslrntlmwho complain of n large bonded Indobtednesand high Federal taxes Ho believes tinsurplus should he kept within hounds bpurchasing bonds thus saving Interest paymenU

It Is doubtful from general views expraised by Mr tinge It he will hesitate tipurchase bond after the Treasury surphrhas reiihed 7500Jmii nnd he might dowilh a IMUOOIIUOO providing thenwere no extraordiinrv exjienditures for other purin e in contcm

Secretary iage Miid luduv h believed tinmrplus in ih Treasury reiih SlnWHm by Juno 30 nest If the relation of re-

ceipts to cipenditiirtH should continuifor the nest thrco In the sami rela-

tion has existed for the last quarter of

j ear thu surplus would S oouon

the end ol the llscal year Mr iage callo-cnticnllonhonnvcr In the fact the liqui-

dation nf the debt will bo viirrleiout immediately under the nccnt art o-

ltongress nnd this will nil for nn uiitliy o-

lfii iOKi in cush by this Government Thenwill aNo be II reductiun probably In tht-

re eiptii from internal levnnun iiwinl tin-

ilo of till local yell This will fromlb fnct that purchases of intend roveinn-

htiiiuiu will dimlnith toward Ihn IO H nf tinyear in view of thn revenue law which will M

Into effect on July I There will be a naturalpinching process on the part of buyer whc

wilt nut wish to buy stump whiih will be melest after tbe Hrst nf July Tbii reduc-

linn nusht ii t to nmniiul to more than ISoonI-

KW It is believed so Mr inge thinks tinof n tMiOiiOuW surplus for tlie cur-

rent lltcal year Is Ju tiflii-ThcllVjooi to pay Ilruailan

indebtedness will be hippinl to Honoluluwithin the next Month i wilt probably Insent nn army transport culling at theHawaiian capital on the way to Mnnlla m-

on n naval ve p The Idnd tf nruer in bfsent bus nut been determined jut It is prob-

able that n lInt of It will b In sperio nndpnrt In lecal tender paper monev

flit s r in i nlin irMiriitlie s lining to Set the llnnrrv hut Illdn

Ort Kurthrrlimn raTio lni ialiinn

Thomas Orntit H Westerner ftarted on-

to see Ihe Bowery InH night but eliot t n-

mm befnro ho gut off 1ark row nnd warlocked In ttrcet station

iiiing to the Jlnwer iratit droppd InPatrick nidmns saloon ut us 1nrl row Hewent Into thn buck room nnd sittltig dowi-

nt II with another man orderedfor both They had several drinks nml thcibegun to nrcue und from iiriruing got ti-

flchllng irunt aottliiif the worst of it

drew a knife hut Mliliuel rushedgrabbed his arm before he could tun It

Thentlrnnt turned on Knnowho fought himand yelled for help That brought llnhnn

who is nn expolicemin In with n bungstarter Me knocked the knife 0111 or irinlthand und threw him mn

freth air revived llrvt1 iind he wontbuck Into ihe saloon It WHS full of peopn

IIB pulled n revolver mid began to honItolinn received II btillel in this urm luiliti-

ilroptied with one in inn shoulder Thenturned to ro out Init the crowd sur-

rounded him and h ll niri li il IIH emptydsinl riid orderid ihoin in mnkn way butbey laughed t him MOM jmopln iolIeiMd

the siilonll and the trnllny enr vere-

iilnuked until pilleemn gntiirrei Cirnnl inKlines wniind strinus went lo Ibn-




Ihls Itrlilc1 VidiKlj Inll-

PAIII i All KN Mnr h t Ibe uddliI ill of Marv Teddir n bride nf twovni k resulted frim th i nf Iinr diimninl-rings Sim wis in n MIr win n sn rt eovTed the n nf tnn iliniond ringrun tier Iliuer she ut HIM fainted nnd

only H few moments elaped ii mre her death

t nilirheritlininrkiimtilllltrrsTonic Jloinn n ln nipntt Adi










ajfl at



ill rnsh oft lIe



Jail pilll lit







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Iii t W SI

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> <


Y0jiivinuCaucus auici liLa for Mliort T rm Senator

but lloltes Slay Prevent Uli ElectionLISCOIS Neb March 10 Kittyfive Ie

publican members the Legislature attendthe Senatorial caucus tonight and on theighth ballnt I K Thompson of Uncoil

was nominated for the short term Senator

slip Tb nomination nt ont mnd

unanimousMr Thompson Is a capitalist whose wesltl-

Id rated near million markNine of the severityone IlepuMlcMn m m

ber have sworn that they will never vole

ion him nnd nomination therefore does no

necessarily mean his election

After Thompson WAS nominated the doorwore locied and balloting was begun on tlu

long tern man with liosewnter lending

intnvn OJIIATKS rnttiieFor Mayor the Mentlment Hitch Tout

Wagon to u Staroho irubcr nominated Andrew Cnrnezli

for Mayor at smoker of the TwentyfirAssembly dUtrlct ItepuhllcntiIn Colonial Hall mitt street Call Ioliimbuavenue last night Hodld speech accept-

Ing a silver loving cup presented to him b

his friends In the district He saidWn are all harmony In thU district now

ThU smoker l a combination AustinOruber meeting with 1latt and Julgg on tinoutside This Is no time for troublo nmoniRepublicans Tho Idea Is to make trouble fm-

Tnmmany The host way to do that In

noinlnnlo Andrew Cnrnegic ordinary

candidate can be successful rile situatIonrequires a man who stands well with nl

classes The civilized world honors the nnnn

of arnegln and what is good enough for the

clvlll7d world is good enough for New York

I am happy that thn Kepublloans of tinTwentyflrt district hnve hllched our wagonto such a star

Iruber promised that till Republican or-

ganization thn Commltten ot Fifteen andantiTammany forces would fall into thin

for Carnegie

lOT rnna sfioooo TO sumooo-

fhjrgrs Hade ARalnsI hurlf I noun a-

ewirkArrntet Vitrrdi-Clilef of police Hopper of Newark receIved

a telegram from th chief of police of LotAngeles CM last night that Charles I UnlleihAIl been arrested in that city Roller fled

from Nowurkslx weeks ago and after In

disappeared rhnrges were made that he haul

forged nntes and snlndled various personiout of sums In the aggregate fromloouon to 11 on ooo

Holler wine a real estate donUt and hochad nme trnnsaetinns with thin late F A

Wilkinson formerly one of the leading rner-

cliints in nrlk After Wilkinsons death

Holler was nilssed find a number ofwhlel1 bore Wilkinsons name as lndor ei

were protested The Indorsements weredeclared to have been forged

lranr Mlrwlckl another Newarker accued tIdIer of having swindled him out o-

HSnoJ left with Holler for Investment whll-

iMlrwlckl wtis away In the Klondike TItersare a number of other U i said who aliare anxious for Hollers return


Snonitorm Follows Hint of Spring and It KeenIr 1elt Lois of Ilv Stock Heavy

Oil til A Nut MardI IB An extrnordlaar-snowstirm prevails In Nebraska tonightIt bus nigcd nil day and Ihl eveningthe proportloriH of a blizard The wind hasattained a velocity of fifty miles an hourand the line snow drifted Into rnormompiles through the State

In thn eastern part of the State the hllzartIs nt Its Many of the car lines wenabandoned after much struggling against thtstorm Alt evening tr Ins were nn hour bo

hind time Through train wer ent ou

with snow ploughs abend In the more exposed

portions of till State tome truin were nlmn-

do nodWhle thin snnw will be of ImntiMiso ad-

vantage l till winter wheat field tIle linelunCh Industrr N suffering 1hn spring lumhwill hardly be tilde In Muiid tho rnld and the

he vy snow The frolic this noiircc williindoiihtoillv bib heavy Ibis Is the onlyfeature wniih entail diimnge

The siorni appears to be nbntlng Inthis ivening It luis been keenly fell beiauu-he prevlois tow days ware very priiiglll e


Chlpp A l l tn tnllilor of Arrr Jr and llimk-

krrprr nf hit Umr in

It wns learned last nlrlit that Chnrlm-Chlpp nsi ant collector of iifne mentsand iitreir und tin tho bureauof the Department which looksthe iulleetlrin of arrears nf hid rehlgnod Tit K Kr culled up Comptroller Color

renlgned hut could learn nothing toil Uio-

fiutIn reply to various luosiinn ivliitive to-

Chippn in the department nml thn-

rea or fir hit relcimtlnn the i omptrnllermid

lie leslKtied lerday For all otherInforniHilon you will hnve to call at my oflketomorrow

A part of was to relieve EugeneF Mclaiighlin the cashier of the bureaunt noon hour MI that MrluucMin inula-an to luiirli Chili1 i i member of the Hit

int nns riios IHKI-

lurierd In iflltni Srtrnlren White Men Hr-

Irnsrd From the Alabama Mines

liniilNUAM Ala March to When nr-J Timer dnnis the young New Vcrkdevel-iind fhysii iiin was released from llie jciil-

tftitiary at Irnti mines neir here in fjntiir-luy whore ho had served eleven day of u

nf thro iiionlh on n ihnrgo nf un-awfiiily riding train In he-irniniseil thn eveiileeii other white nonimoiu tiiiiu me h tbs able seamen nnd anti ih1 tnedStjte wir hlp Aliiniiiii h werienieneid with buns his to Ihir release Hit

lilt tn Monlffomirv and npiienredbi her of tlie State and tn I wi received III Hi priiltetuli v-

or nil sivilileen men

ris fcvf in ntuirs HKAI-

Antnnln So re Mlkpd Ilsrrlr IllicitI run the Hunt IJne 1lrr-

Antnnln sunreii a ciibln passenger on t f-

Auril liner City of Mexico which urrlvfrom llivmi yesterrlny dropped

1inoand Smith streets as h walked iiwinmill llm pier and his body was tilten lo t

loliie Ktntlon tie luid Jl1 in Rnld andIn silver In his pockets n

vntch with S silverm the buck u IlUn gold ring with nnrne

i ire d in ii Aiiiinek A o n nnd 7 Hercliue I itir wns in spnni li

MS inninl unit the llrni lirnnture of IVdr-llmiHs Minre fi mi lh tier n utenm-Tiinli oiiiititninc suits of clotliei f

unit at lint Kirlnx Arkansatmini SUlfs liotrrnmrnt o ns the iprltin

n Pip t r tfteumAtliim so-euralgis anil nrftnua tronlilrs Writ Uuimu U-Dformntion tor Illuitinlrd took Idr


I XIflt4SK4




It trio















Oin abut


Ii w ill ii coup rli lu Ill I nfl en


I tit ul ihlt flu III ashucu I lit it it ih r I lii pp huit d

a urIc

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hthi I utiihflti huh

I oil

I I hilt I or llufl t V

l ii 10it Iii ll-

I quireI hot ailliIi iirhirI

sir tciisshad a

her tI p-


h ttutorell I tel tp

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< >









On Ilotto Sttrt for the v I f deli labile Dill

11 11 1 Nut iu llan Arrtitei at an EIbltloD Wbll Trying to Approack the

Ciarlloci In Ills Iorket Tbrse AttemptsI rt uf ItMolutlimari MoTfiurnt-

II K it LI v March ID Stories lire current ofrecent attempts upon the Crnrii life In con-

nection with u widespread rnvoliitioatrymovement of which the RtudDt riots In

St 1ptersburg iind elsewhere are said to

form a partThe TagrUatfH St Petersburg correspond-

ent says he has learned from an unques-

tionable source of two separate conspiraciesto assassinate IilsMajesty The fret attemptwas planned to be made on tile oocanon ofthe jubilee bull of the Naval Cadet Corpswhich the Czur had promised to attend HisMajesty was ready to start and was awaiting

hU carriage when toy len Klelgels ar-

rived at thin palace Informed him thathe tOilet not go several Hiisplcioun personsbelonging to the revolutionary party tInTIng

been arrested nt the Nlcnlal Bridge with urnsand forged passports He Informed hits

Majesty that the prisoners were probably

emissaries of the central Xlhlllxt committeeXurlch The visit was accordingly aban-

donedThe second affair occurred In the middle

of January when the accompaniedby Ids mother visited the ceramic exhibi-

tion When entering onn of the rooms themembers of the commlttte who were escortIng thin Imperial party suddenly noticed

unknown man hurriedly approaching

the Vnr AS the publIc had been excluded

and those authorized to attend had beencarefully selected the pretence of the stranger

excited suspicionSeveral of the Crars party hastened to

meet him to lend him away Thereuponthin man stisplctousjy thrust his hand In a

pocket He was Instantly seined Vhen-

he was searched a bomb was found In his

pocketHn has nines disappeared from publlo

sight and the correspondent adds U wIll

probably be n long time before any one learns

of tile whereabouts


TIT Killed and Eighty Wo nd d In MoioVa-Ontbrenk More TronliU Fe

SfftM Diipueh la Tll SUM

LONDON March 20 The 8t Pot mburrcorrespondent of thn fiallv MM says

the rioting there was renewed Monday on

the occasion of the moss at the Katan Ctthedrat for M Bogolyepoff the murdered Mln

liter of Puhllo InstructIonThe student created disturbances onttldt

thin cathedral and the police were obliged to

u their revolvers They fired several rnUnnd five students were killed and eighty

wounded More than a hundred were arrested

The rioting broke out again at night and

the pollen knouted many of th disturbersIs believed that Ihn trouble will Increase

Thin Standard received advice fromMoscow under data of March IS recording

the niirrt of a fctudent by some of Ms com-

rade ostensibly bscause he refused to Join

In their demonstrations but more likely

uciiuse he was supposed to have betrayed

iiiieeru secrets

lui g Imdles of trooiis ore posted about thn

city bit they anti the police acting tinder

Instructions from Grand luke Serge Gov-

ernor of Moscow treiit the demonstratorswith extreme gentleness Consequently no

violence hit occurredThe correspondent suds that one of the

mciKt curious features of tIll situation Is thatnot the falnlett hint of the universal ferment

ir of the dully u embUires In the street U-

illnwed to appear In the newnpnrer-

sfirAHIIH AWAIT l VA ri-

n Army uf Check Sciktn will fleet litIlls Arrlislln Kngl n-

tipnlat CaltH llntxitiH o IHK StrLONDON M rch Z According to n dory

irinted today Mr Andrew Ciirnegie U likelyo be besieged by n hard of beggars uponiiu arrival In Knglind urn not of tfa

punishablu liy the law against mcndl-unry but lire niilhly advocates of various

oligious and plilanthriiplc objects who aren plr d by the iden tlmt they hatn only lo-

i k for a elivvk in order tu receive ItIt U stitei iiit a number nf the and

many le wf will go to Southamptonlo await of the stenmer HI Loiiln-

t l even B td that Mr Carnegies-rlends id h n lo proceed to France In

irder n rno-hiive f iiles regarding the deli of

i in nave Urn made nt th offlcn oflj neiiiaii Line Many nf the Inquirers

u o concenlmtnt of their Intention to

ohn llnlinn uf Muntaia nid Trnlje TlesmA-Klupe rraia llnllirit-

Jihn hahn a rinchman wastn Tryntje Tlrsmr m Sunday Both

ad arrived froni Holism Twelveems ago thn i ouple ven sweetheart InInlland but the girls MirpiM who are wellniln looked with distiM ii thn suit ofoung llolmii hoi the n fn poor farmerlolina cnmo tn tIlls niiii toend for hue swieihourt He tiled In Alon-finii nnd He turned trtlid lately to IHIM I inliln gInaiirents were sllll opp t i tile andi was kept a prlfonor imely thatis unalilv even In see Ito bribed onethe and m HP n vns planned

snileil iii hi I

liiiniship lnlsdAni whlh VIH at Hoboi mi Miniiui I in uiptiiu usiiected thni-

niinff icuple bad elnt ed they weretn I ne nf ihe

i th rvliis nf luiln Van Wycl-cmiirriid them in the i ir

rnpliln nnd ntbors Mr

option w s held thor left for theiriiina nil Ii Int night

Shortrst SesU of Sew Voik 1s that of Un 014 DnmUdM LInei VirginIa ETfrr fomJnrt UnllT VT I Atfn



Dscotrrel a tie tZr Warn Abevt

J i



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I in1 II lit

Pier ui 1rnerieiI

liuis uut

I iOu I Ito presence110 ulr I

t huiti tvpltI I Ii the i st ui I latch whCc II



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