Residing in Asian Regions

Residing in Asian regions Residing in Asian regions is glinting the Flow of sewer in water bodies Pepper spread foods Piebald origami or Accommodating wooden horses, sadhus and terra-cottas Anticipating a most effective anti germ with skin diseases Those who prospered on the banks Shedding their blood for their dry-land’s ethics as well Furthermore buying a herbal  oil Ignoring the mendicants on the pavement Chasing bronzed women Which admits a campus that practices To merchandise their progenies Which bears the tragedy of receding appraise on Own currencies outside their boundaries Expanding the roadstead through demolishing domiciles To control deforestation On concise Residing in Asian regions is Removing the dentals from the jaw To keep the chapeau straight. 

Transcript of Residing in Asian Regions

Page 1: Residing in Asian Regions

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Residing in Asian regions 

Residing in Asian regions is glinting the

Flow of sewer in water bodies

Pepper spread foods

Piebald origami or

Accommodating wooden horses, sadhus and terra-cottas

Anticipating a most effective anti germ with skin diseases

Those who prospered on the banks

Shedding their blood for their dry-land’s ethics as well

Furthermore buying a herbal – oil

Ignoring the mendicants on the pavement

Chasing bronzed women

Which admits a campus that practices

To merchandise their progenies

Which bears the tragedy of receding appraise on

Own currencies outside their boundaries

Expanding the roadstead through demolishing domiciles

To control deforestation

On concise

Residing in Asian regions is

Removing the dentals from the jawTo keep the chapeau straight. 

Page 2: Residing in Asian Regions

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Exchanging a century to a different coin

No need to conceive the places

Those resemble jaunted earlier

A designed travel for a showery season

With early reservations

Which falls adjacent to the coast and

Through the residential

For a grub and body’s urge 

And to create an epilepsy to it

Do we admit a character of an erstwhile novel like this?

Those who talk to themselves

And those who trapped within parenthesis

Are travelling like fidget now

To search in the old landscape for a wood apple

Or who sow on their wrist motions

To secern a century for a coin from the history

To classic those wood shelters which ruined

Like women’s womb

On a train station that hastens with an animal’s howl 

List of those who are

Waiting with reservations by me… 1. A man who converts perishable fruit’s skin into a frog’s. 

2. Who pins down old wolves to the sanctuaries.

3. Who has submitted a thesis on world map of ore.

4. A spices trader.

5. A shooting crew of nude young girls.

Few household aerobic instruments with

Some imported sacks of proteinaceous beans.

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Kids with revealing hands

I saw caged birds and an inverted croc of mangrove

Trembling on a smelling ditch

Of a bootleg with raging approach

That sells old wooden frames

A man came forth with great belly

And adiposity all over his body

A man with a hawk on shoulder crossed me

Another with a monkey anguished me for money to buy his drink

With rotted gums and a vessel filled with pus like fluid

Wasn’t on a thought to buy a pair of demise hare

Kids revealing their hand full of condomsCollected from the filling stations

And calling to visit the top story of a house

I came for a motorcycle with newly coated and falsified numbers

They haven’t came back from the metropolis

A man with a leaking eye is following me for a long time

With dismay I have to scold and rush him away

She was smoking with a burnt cheek

Reptiles with gleaming bodies sneaked from a slanted tent and

Surveilled the air with their tonguesWith hair rings used for tickling sex spread on a tablet

There sat a man with a missing tooth and drinking his strong arrack

Night started its darkening

A savage woman with coloured and ringed lips rushed from nowhere

Pressed me against the wall and kissed me

I pushed her with her breast from me

Her ring ripped my lip and a drop of blood oozed out

With panic I ran and came across the bridge and looked back

Like a serpent which engulfs the moon

The street bent its tail and glittered.

Page 4: Residing in Asian Regions

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Search for the weapons

They prosecuted a trader of dates and crude

In the court of law

Keeping grievous weapons was the charge

He proclaimed with tears that he prays five times a day

And earns the rice from his own land

Dates and crude shouldn’t be considered as weapons

Disputant was a cool drink broker

Who has converted and preserved all the

Soft water bodies of the world into cool-drink

Further on accusation he appended

In the vales which resembles the camel’s humpHis blighters are hiding as arms

Crude is more valuable than cool-drinks he cued

Awoke from the cerebrations the judiciary

Towards safety and world benefit

Ordered to switch over the crude to broker and

Cool-drinks to his blighters

Rewards has been declared to

Find out the hiders under the camel

From thenExclude those who seated on crude-filled vehicles

And drinking the cool-drinks

All others have been ordered to remove their clothes

And stand for weapons search.