Red Alt Evalution

By Amy Carle

Transcript of Red Alt Evalution

Page 1: Red Alt Evalution

By Amy Carle

Page 2: Red Alt Evalution


Main image

Lead article Cover lines

Left third

I have kept to a typical cover page layout with my lead article being in the left third so when stacked in a shop this is visible to the buyers.

I based the layout on magazines like NME because it has a similar target audience.

I used a very simple font for my masthead and chose colours that would stand out.

Page 3: Red Alt Evalution

I have kept to a typical cover page layout with my lead article being in the left third so when stacked in a shop this is visible to the buyers.

I based the layout on magazines like NME because it has a similar target audience.

I used a very simple font for my masthead and chose colours that would stand out.

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As with my front cover have stuck to a very conventional contents page layout, making it look professional and keeping it similar to what would be a rival magazine; Q. I have kept it quite simple and not overcrowded it so it is clear to read. I have kept the house style consistent on the page (and through out the magazine) by keeping the font the same and using the same colours.

Example of Q magazine contents page.

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I have tried to represent the particular social group I was targeting, by styling the photos as well as possible. I did this by organising the way the band are dressed and also what is happening in the photo for example-The picture of one of the band members swearing brings across the rebellion side of the social group.

By dressing the band in an appropriate way it helps the target audience to relate to the magazine and the bands featured in it.

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My magazine is aimed at teenagers to young adults (15- 25) who are interested in the this genre of music and want to read about the bands they like.

I created a mood board to show the type of reader that would be interested in my magazine.

I included pictures of things they would like doing and the type of things they would wear to create basic image of the target audience.

I think the elements of my magazine would appeal to the target audience because it really relates to the type of music and the lifestyle they enjoy (messing around having fun and breaking rules).