Vegan evalution

Evalution By grace kennedy

Transcript of Vegan evalution

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By grace kennedy

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Original Intentions in finished work.I think my work does mostly reflect by original intentions. From the start I knew I wanted to focus on animal side of veganism, however I did research other aspects of veganism so I had other things to talk about if I wanted to. I researched information on a vegan diet, health benefits, leather industry, fur farming, mink farming, dairy cows, layer hens, the meat industry etc. From my primary research feedback I realized that the majority of people would turn vegan because animals are treated cruelly in the food industry, especially for meat and dairy. In my finished booklet I included an article titled ‘why being vegan is a good idea?’, which included information on the fashion industry (leather and fur production),the meat industry, the dairy industry (milk production) and the egg industry (egg production). I feel this reflects my intentions because my article does focus on animals and tells the audience the truth about what goes on in the various industries.

I made a few mood board for inspiration for my booklet.when i compare my moodboards to my booklet, I feel like some it does actual reflect my booklet. The main colours I used in my booklet were green,blue, yellow and orange; these coloursare clearly shown in my moodboards.I made lists of what I wanted my have in my work in my planning document. For example, I made a test cover with internet and photoshop graphics, which has a looks similar to my test cover.

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I wanted to feature a world graphic on my cover because it is relevant to the veganism topic. I wanted it to symbolize to the audience that animals are killed and mistreated all over the world for human consumption and human products. The earth rotates day in a constant cycle so the animal graphics used in combination with it, I think this shows the animals being used is vicious cycle, every day and every year. Also I wanted to have a world because veganuary have audiences internationally, not just in the uk.

Originally I wanted to feature 8 simple green on the cover to symbolize nature. in my planning but then whilst actually making the cover, I thought it would be a good idea to incorporate the 4 seasons for the trees. For spring I created a green tree with pink flowers, summer was represent by a green tree, for autumn I created a orange tree and winter was represented by a bare tree. I feel like this is symbolises that animals do get killed/used all year around due to food and fashion industries; the seasons change, the demand for animals in making of or for the making of products doesn’t stop. In my original plan the animals were facing clockwise but in my actual cover ,they go anticlockwise; I don’t it makes a difference.

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My cover test page looks quite similar to my actual booklet cover. My test cover is on the left side and my finished cover is on the right side. I knew I wanted the world and animals surrounding it. I think my planning of this page is a good reflection of my final cover as my cover incorporated my initial ideas within it.

my two moodboards,topleft and top middle, do reflect the style of my booklet. The coloursfeatured in my fact file (top right),infographic(bottom right) and cover (middle second from the left).

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Content TextArticleI feel like I have provided the audience with useful information to show them the truth about the fashion and food industry, without being too graphic or too biased. From my audience about my article one person said that it ‘teaches the audience about the conquences’ of what food and fashion products bring upon animals. I felt like I presented the information well without being too graphic but still put my point across.

Fact file and infographicI think its shows the audience interesting information like the difference between an animals natural span and its life span in the food industry.

Image and text together

I think that throughout the booket I have used a good balance of image and text/graphic and text. I feel both are really important in showing my audience information because tells the audience and images show. The majority of my article is text as I had a lot of things to talk about but I still included five images. My audience thought that the images backed up the points in my article well. For example when talking about layer hens and chicks in my article, I featured a picture of a chick and an egg and another picture of hens.

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ImagesI used a lot of images in my booklet; most of animals and some of people, like a women wearing a fur coat.

This image features a chick and an egg. I chose to use this image because I thought it would be good when I talk about the egg industry, in my article. I put this image in my article next to where I talk about the chick being separating into male and female and weak and healthy. The image almost appears like the chick is guarding the egg. I could of chosen a more graphic image, like the male chicks in the bin bag, but I thought would be upsetting for the audience to view.

This image is a women modeling a fur coat. I picked this image because in my article I talk about the fur industry. I chose this picture instead of an image of a fur farm because I didn’t want to show an animal suffering. I feel like this image is useful because it shows fur is used for fashion purposes, therefore to make money. It show the audience that the coat was once a living animal.

This is an image of a sheep and a women, and the women is kissing the sheep. I chose this image because I thought it would look good with a quote on it, as shown in the image. I think this shows a positive relationship within a human and animal as the women is showing the animal love by kissing it. I feel this shows the audience that human and farm animals relationships doesn’t have to be bad. I feel like enforces that change to a vegan diet will improve the relationship between the human and animals ,as when you change ,you will not be contributing to the cruelty and killing of animals in human consumption.

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This is an image of two turkeys. I chose this image because I thought it would be good when I talk about the food industry and Christmas. I featured a fact ,about how many turkeys are killed at Christmas, and a quote ,from a turkey ,on top of the image. Veganuary tries to encourage veganism, especially after Christmas so I thought featuring a turkey would be a good idea because most people eat them at Christmas. I feel like the fact and the quote in combination with the image will hopefully make the audience spare a thought for the all turkeys at Christmas.

FontsFor my booket I chose a few fonts:a mix of serif and sans-serif.

This font is called ‘barrio’. I chose to use this font because veganuary use this font, so I would create continuity between my booklet and their company. I feel like this font is quirky so it would grab the audiences attention.

This font is called impact. I chose this font because its bold and clear to read. I mainly used this in titles because it stands out.

This font is called chalet. Veganuaryuse this font in their work so I thought it would be good to use it in my work to create continuity. Also I picked this font because it is easy to read ,therefore my work will be understandable.

This font is called ‘true lies’. I featured this font in my multi page article. I chose it because the font looks like it been drawn in blood. I feel like the font symbolizes animals being killed and used in the food industry and fashion industry.

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In my booklet, I used a range of colours like green,blue,yellow,orange,red,purple and pink etc. I feel like these colours are good because most of the look natural and stand out . I chose to use green because represent plants like trees and grass. I chose to use blue as it could represent water and sky as they are usually blue; also I think blue is an appealing colour. I picked to use yellow and orange because they are softer colours; also they are autumnal colours. I decided to use red because it is a bold colour that will stand out; also the colour is festive so it will be good for emphasizing the ‘turn vegan in January’ pledge, after Christmas. I have chosen to use pink and purple because they are feminine colours ;I have used both colours for my page on mink farming as females are more likely to wear mink products than males.

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This is a screen shot from my article. I said ‘fur farm animals are forced to live in cramped, filthy wired cages, only to be killed for their fur’. I feel like this shows the audience that the fur industry doesn’t treat the animals very well but the information is not too upsetting or graphic. In one of my earlier drafts of my article it said ‘animals are skinned and bludgeoned alive for their fur’. I think this information would help someone to not use fur but it is a bit graphic ,which may upset or be unappealing to my audience.

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StyleIn my opinion I feel like the style is visually appealing. I have used different colours like blues, greens,oranges, red and purple. Keeping the same colours as veganuary use in their logos. I have used the same coloursthroughout the booklet so I feel it helps the pages to fit together.

I am really happy with how the cover looks because it has a lot elements in which provide some meaning, in regards the trees, animals and the earth. (explained on the next page).

I definitely had to use the skills I have learnt over past few years media to create an appealing booklet. I say the cover required the most skills because there was a lot of visual elements to go on it. To create the earth on the front cover, I used the polygonal lasso roughly on an existing earth graphic. Then I had to put a colour overlay on each layer,green on the land parts and blue as the water. To create the animals, I used the animals shapes in photoshop for some and rotoscoping images on the internet with the lasso tool. To create the tree I used the shapes in photoshop (for the tree leaves) and the lasso tool to create the trees bark.

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I have used I range of bright colours in my work. I think this makes my work look eye catching and visually appealing.

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Peer feedback Positive feedback

Multipage Spread: They thought that my article was ‘a strong piece’ of work. Also they said the article ‘shows clear writing skill’ and ‘informs the reader about the consequences of buying and using meat and animals products’. Furthermore they said one of the strengths were that the article ‘touches upon the alternative products', which are available for the audience to buy instead of animal products. They thought the spread was ‘very interesting’ and good use of image to support the text.

I agree with this feed back because I feel like my article does inform the reader about consequences animal products have on the animals by talking about the truth of the food and food industry.

Fact file: They thought my fact file was clear, easy to understand and follow.

I agree with this because I set it out in an clear layout so the audience could easily read it.

Infographic: My peers thought my infographic was very appealing to the audience.

I agree with this because I used lots of colour to make my infographic appealing and stand out.

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Peer feedback Negative/constructive feedback

Multipage: They thought that using different words at the start of a sentence like ‘fortunately or unfortunately’. Also they thought it would be a good idea to talk more about alternate products and where they are available to buy from. They suggested using a different font to ‘catch the reader’s eye’.I think those words may influence the reader to thinking what’s bad and what’s good but I feel like the words can get repetitive. I agree that I could of listed more alternatives because I think this would help make my article more positive, however I cut my script down significantly so I didn’t have much room to put any more alternatives. If my article was spread over 4 pages instead of 3, I would definitely consider researching more alternatives to animal products and where to purchase them.

Fact file:They thought I would be able to get by point across to the audience more if added more information and detail in my fact file. I agree with this because there is space on the fact file for more facts. Also I should of added more information to show the audience the point of the fact file about intelligence and personality of animals, like my piers have suggested.

Infographic:They suggested adding more information to my point across more.I think I did feature a lot of information in my life span infographic so I don’t think I could of adding anymore. However, I think I could of added a few lines of text to show my point ,which was that animals can live for many years but the food industry means that their lives are cut short.

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Audience feedback (1-3 questions)I asked my audience what gender they were:100% were female. It would have been nice to gain feedback from both genders because both genders read veganuary. Veganuary have a lot of female readers so the feedback is useful to me and will help me improve my booklet.

I asked my audience what age they were:100% were 0-19. I think it would have been beneficial to have the opinion of a more diverse age range. However veganuary’s reader range from 15 years of age so the feedback is still useful.

I asked my audience what diet they followed:100% followed a omnivore diet. I would of like to of had responses from people with other diets like vegan and vegetarian. Despite this, I would like to find out the opinions of meat and dairy eaters.

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Audience feedback (question 4)

I asked my audience their opinion on my colour scheme, which they seemed to like. They said it was a ‘good variation of colours’ and ‘bright’. I feel like this was what I was trying achieve, a colourful and bright booklet.

I asked my audience their opinion on the images I used, which they seemed to think were good. My audience thought I had a good use of images. I feel like I included a good range of image in my work, to back up text and appeal visually. One person commented on my spelling and grammar but its not relevant to this question, I will consider it as text feedback.

I asked my audience their opinion on my text ,and the feedback was positive. They thought there was a ‘good use of variation’ and ‘easy to read’. I feel like the text was easy to read and follow.

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Question 5 and 6

I asked my audience about their opinion on the text to image ratio: 100% thought there was a good balance of both. This tells me that my booklet have a good amount of image and text in it.

I asked my audience if they learnt anything from my booklet. My audience said they learnt ‘specific statistics and animal treatment’. However 33% said ‘no’ they didn’t learn anything. This shows me that some of audience understood the information well but this also tells me that I may need to put my point across more.

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Question 7I asked my audience how interesting my work was on a scale of 1-100: they gave me an average score of 79. This tells me that my audience did find my booklet interesting but there is still room to make it more interesting.

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Question 9I asked my audience what could be improved in the booklet. A person mentioned that there could be ‘a little less text’ on the multi page article.I did use a lot of text but I think the inform was all necessary and useful in my article;I think it would be hard to shorten it.Also they mentioned that my article had grammer error and was missing capital letter in some areas like ‘fishes’. I think I will have made some mistakes in my booklet but I will have to have a like and correct the mistakes.

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Areas for Improvement

I would definitely improve my fact file,for a few reasons: the grammar, the colours and the amount text. I feel like the colour are too bold and deep compared to other parts of the booklet ,when compared against each other. Someone from my audience brought to my attention that ‘fishes’ was spelt wrong, so I would change it to ‘fish’ .I would also be more careful when going over my work so I don’t make stupid mistakes. I would also carry out further research on this topic so I can provide more information to my audience.

From my own personal opinion iwould add more information to the quote pages because they don’t show the audience enough.