Rainbow stamp News February 2013

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  • 7/29/2019 Rainbow stamp News February 2013


    Sealed with Love

    For Valentines Day14 February

    Date of Issue: 1 February 2013

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    This elegant First Day Cover carries an affixed Sealed with Love stamp and a First Day of

    Issue color postmark. Evoking the romance of handwritten love letters, the stamp art depicts

    an envelope flap fastened with a red wax seala small heart inside a larger heart, surrounded

    by a delicate filigree circle. The complimentary postmark design features custom script

    typography, and includes the official First Day of Issue date and location.

    Shimla February 2013 Vol. VI Issue # 62

    Monthly e-Stamp Bulletin Edited by Jeevan Jyoti for free circulation among philatelists

    Readers are requested to send reports of philatelic activities in their area for publication.Short write ups by the readers about their journals, societies, publications and philatelicrequirements can be sent for inclusion in this bulletin to [email protected] [email protected] and by post to

    Ms. Jeevan Jyoti, c / o Mr. Ajay Srivastav, CCF, GHNP & Pin Valley National Park,SHAMSHI, Kullu -175126. (H.P.) India

    Note- This bulletin is only for circulation among a limited group of philatelists without anycommercial purpose. The bulletin will be sent to the readers only on request. Those who wish toreceive it regularly please reply giving the name of your city / country with the subject


    I am pleased to release February 2013 issue of Rainbow. It is a matter of pleasure that INPEX2013 is being organized by The Philatelic Society of India. It will give once again a big platformto the philatelists all over India to meet and interact with each other. But at the same time theorganizers have disappointed many eligible philatelists living in different parts of the country by

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    not allotting them entry to participate in the exhibition without giving any specific reason. Theyhave received a very vague and irrational response from the organizing committee that theirentry is on hold. It should be noted that we have less than one month time for the exhibitionand this answer to the applicants is not only unreasonable but ridiculous too. As an applicant,one must get a clear reply at least 30 days before the exhibition in order to give final touch up tohis or her exhibit. So what is the meaning of this doubtful status received by the applicants?

    Many eligible entries which have won high awards at several exhibitions after INPEX 2008 havebeen rejected by the organizing committee. The point should be considered that no officialexhibition took place after INPEX 2008, Chennai. Only some All India Exhibitions wereorganized by the leading philatelic societies / organizations of the country namely BarodaPhilatelic Society, SIPA and SINE by Stamps of India. The exhibits prepared in this gap of 5years must be considered in INPEX 2013 which had been awarded in these exhibitions andsome district and state level exhibitions.

    Moreover there are some states like Himachal Pradesh and some States of the North Eastwhere no state level exhibitions have ever been held. So the philatelists of these states do nothave the long list of awards to mention in their forms. If INPEX 2013 is considered to be as a

    National Philatelic Exhibition then, entries from these states must be considered on the basis ofawards won at other exhibitions. As far possible, the philatelists of such states must be givenprivilege in the exhibitions to some extent.

    The question arises as to what is the purpose of such exhibitions? Is it to promote this wonderfulhobby or to display again and again the same old collections which had already won manyawards in the past and honour them with high awards once again? The point should be notedthat in this way we shall never achieve the objective of promoting the hobby of philately throughsuch exhibitions rather many new enthusiasts will get disheartened and leave this great hobbygradually.

    The present situation demands the new way of thinking and quick action in allotting 40 %frames to the new collections of new philatelists as well as noted philatelists who do not havethe tag of long award list in their entry forms for new exhibits but have already won Internationalawards for their other exhibits. I wish to draw the attention of all that state level exhibitions havenot been held in many states for the last 5-6 years. Then how new entrants could tag them withstate level awards???

    It has been observed from discussion with some philatelists and the mails received fromsome readers that organizers are promoting PCI. As Philatelic Society of India issupposedly accepting entries from those applicants who are in one way or the otherassociated with the PCI. Anybody who is not associated with PCI will not be allowed toparticipate. The organizers are virtually compelling the exhibitors to become the memberof PCI which is defunct national body. A very good move to increase membership, but atthe cost of decision of acceptance or rejection of entries. This is absolutely not fair assome states like Himachal Pradesh has not any registered society. So the philatelists ofthis state are always ignored !!

    This is all for this monthMore in nextissue....Happy Collecting !!

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    See more images onBlog

    From the Desk of Naresh Agarwal

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    "Improving Judgment of Thematic Exhibits in Exhibitions"

    What to do to overcome the constant problem of judging thematic exhibits at higher level. Varioussuggestions have been given and ideas put forward but all in vain. It is not that easy to make bigchanges in the existing system of judging. Thematic exhibit is always a very common but a verydifficult class a of philately because it contains a big element of thematic content around which theentire story line and exhibiting of philatelic elements revolves. It is highly painful to note that judgesforget to give due importance to this aspect on which a big research is done by an exhibitor. The

    reasons are obvious that no juror can be master of so many subjects to understand the thematicaspects at that level. But in thematic judging, the thematic element carries very high marks.Sometimes also such items are displayed in the exhibit which do not appears to have direct relationwith the theme yet those are very importance and highly suitable. And here the jury fails tounderstand the contents and the items and so lowers the scores.

    Sometimes the jury fails to understand or identify the newly discovered philatelic items and treatthose as illegal or fake or irrelevant or unsuitable or banned. In one case in INPEX 2008, one of thesouvenir sheet displayed in Gandhi exhibit was considered as a photo and the marks were lowered,

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    in another case the jury failed to identify even the properly marked perforation errors, the error sheeton display was considered wastage of the space, stamps on wheels in an exhibit on Automobileswere considered to be wrong as the jury considered evolution of wheels had nothing to do with theevolution of automobiles, and so on .examples are numerous where the jury totally failed andmisunderstood the contents and the displayed items. And the exhibitor became the victim of theirignorance/ lack of knowledge. Various suggestions have been given such as :

    1. Academic courses for jury followed by appropriate tests. i.e. opening of academies

    2. Apprentice jury to be given appropriate training

    3. Hiring of local experts on particular subject to check / to give their opinion on thematic part of theexhibit

    4. Invitation to the exhibitor at the venue during judgment so that necessary discussion could bedone with him

    5. Deployment of a referee with a team of experts or senior philatelists at the venue to look in to the

    grievances of the exhibitors and to solve them prior to the declaration of the results

    6. Inviting the Xerox copies of the exhibits well in advance and providing copies of them to the juryfor pre-preparation

    7. Making a separate wing of thematic experts to help the jury and the exhibitors

    8. Providing a team of stenos along with the jury to give explanation and detailed comments on theshortcomings of the exhibitor with special remarks on the Xerox copies provided. Presently givenmark sheet is not enough to really understand the areas where the jury deducted the marks and theareas which have been appreciated.

    9 Arrangement to consult senior philatelists present at the venue during exhibition on voluntarybasis.

    10. Looking in to the vastness of the thematic philately ,it may be subdivided in to different wingssuch as philosophy, personalities, science and technology, flora and fauna, religion etc this willhelp a lot in judging the exhibits thematic elements.

    11. Number of jury to be increased so that more time is allocated for judging the exhibits.

    12. Different chapters on thematic philately may be opened to guide and help both the juror and theexhibitors.

    13. An official panel of senior and experienced philatelists may be framed to give postal guidance tothe thematic philatelists on payment.( philatelists who have got higher awards in National orInternational exhibition may be placed on the panel along with the jurors at these levels)

    14. Jury look forward for the old, rare, newly searched and most relevant items in the exhibit whicheither they miss out or waste sufficient time in finding them out. So, a separate sheet should beprovided by exhibitor to the jury ( to be sent along with exhibit)highlighting those items with sheetnumbers.

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    15. One thing the exhibitor must keep in mind that with the same material there can be a betteraward up to two grades. This depends upon various factors such presentation, fitment of the philatelicmaterial in the storyline, placement of the material on the sheets, fitment of sheets on the frames,nature and quality of write up and so on.

    16. Of course, comparison is done with the other exhibits ,but keep in mind that every exhibit is

    different and differently displayed .Yes, gross mistakes are not excusable like skipping out thebanned / illegal items in an exhibit.

    17. Encouraging the local societies and clubs. Gross help by the deptt. Or other organizations tothem to build good library and to provide subsidized guidance, assessment, evaluation services.

    18. Check upon the philatelic dealers to provide genuine philatelic items to the exhibitors and to giveproper and genuine information about it. Because most of us buy these items from the philatelicdealers and are also sometimes misguided which results in lowering of marks during judging.

    I hope the above few suggestions will be thought over by the readers to improve the qualityof their exhibit to help judges to judge better and to produce better judges. Comments are -

    welcome from the readers.

    - Naresh Agarwal email :[email protected]

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    3 January 2013 - 100 Years of Science Congress of India

    7 January 2013 - Post Graduate Institute of Medical Education andResearch, Chandigarh Rs 58 January 2013 - 125 years of Uttar Pradesh Legislature Rs 5

    8 January Ghadar Movemnet Rs 511 January 2013 Silk Letter Movement Rs 5

    12 January 2013 - 150th birth anniversary of Swami Vivekananda 3x Rs 5 + Rs 20 + sheetlet

    13 January 2013 - C. Achyutha Menon Rs 5

    14 January 2013 - Aditya Vikram Birla Rs 522 January 2013 - Shrine Basilica,Vailankanni Rs 5

    Recent Special Cover and Postmark

    Kumbha Mela Prayag Paush Purnima : 27 January 2013

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    10 January 2013 VADOPEX 2013 3 sp covers

    14 January 2013 Makar Sankranti Kumbha Mela, Prayag

    18 January 2013 - Takhat Sri Harmandir Ji Patna Sahib

    27 January 2013 Paush Purnima - Kumbha Mela Prayag

    30 January 2013Mahatma Gandhi ( Gandhi Jis stick)

    ISC won Gold Medal in AmeriStamp Expo 2013, America

    Americas Second Largest Stamp Exhibition, AmeriStamp Expo 2013 concluded in Louisville,Kentucky from 18th January to 22n January. It featured about 75 dealers, 300+ frames ofexhibits, and participation of about 25 national societies including renowned and more than 100yr old India Study Circle which has members having collecting interest in India RelatedSubjects.

    9 Indian members were selected in India Study Circle Team which participated in this exhibitionand won 2 Gold , 5 Vermeil and 2 Silver Medals . Society members have won 2 Gold Medalsout of seven awarded with many special awards which is highest achievement by any society inthis exhibition.

    The Exhibition started on Friday, January 18, 2013 with Inauguration including United StatesPostal Service First day Ceremony of release of Wedding Cake Stamp. Award Ceremony on20th Jan was conducted at Hyatt Louisville - Regency Foyer South. The Exhibition hostedseveral meeting which included Womens Exhibitors Meeting, Young Stamp Collectors of

    America and India Study Circle General Meeting. More Exhibition Details are available atwebsite of American Philatelists Association at following link :


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    (From L to R) Prem Chand Jaiswal, Rajesh Paharia, Sandeep Jaiswal, Pradeep Jain,

    Markand Dave & Praggya Kothari

    The Indian Participant won following awards :

    1. Gold and Indian Study Circle Award to Indian Postal Stationery for the Boxer Rebellionby Mr Sandeep Jaiswal, Calcutta

    2. Gold and American Association of Philatelic Exhibitors Novice Award and AmericanPhilatelic Society 1940-1980 Medal of Excellence to Refugee Relief Tax Exempted Mailsby Mr Rajesh Paharia, Jaipur

    3. Vermeil to 1929 Indian Airmail Stamps by Mr Markand Dave, Nadiad4. Vermeil to The Great Quetta Earthquake by Ms Priti Dave, Nadiad5. Vermeil to India 1929 First Airmail Stamps & Postal Stationery by Mr Pradip Jain, Patna6. Vermeil and Collector Club of Chicago Award to 1854 Issues by Mr Deepak Jaiswal,

    Calcutta7. Vermeil to Sangli State Court Fee Adhesives by Mr Prem Chand Jaiswal, Calcutta8. Silver to Man Measures His Environment by Mr Pragya Kothari, Patna9. Silver to British India King George VI Postal Stationery by Mr Pratisad Neurgaonkar,


    The new is incomplete without the mention of Mr Sandeep Jaiswal who has not only advisedISC on selection of subject and participants for making team but also organized receipt anddelivery of Entries from India at minimal paper work and Cost. It is a example set for NationalCommissioners representing India at International Level.

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    INPEX 2013




    A National Philatelic Exhibition INPEX 2013 will be held at the World Trade Centre,(Expo Center), Cuffe Parade, Mumbai-400 005 from 21st February to 25thFebruary, 2013.

    The exhibition is being organized by The Philatelic Society of India with the patronage ofPHILATELIC CONGRESS OF INDIA, the apex body of Philately in India, and the active supportof the Department of Post and other Philatelic Societies to celebrate the 115 years of theSocietys active existence.

    The exhibition will provide an opportunity to philatelists residing in India to enter theiroutstanding philatelic collection in the Competitive Class. The exhibition will consist of INVITEE

    AND COMPETITIVE classes. In the Invitee section collections of eminent individuals andnational institutions will be exhibited. The Competitive section will also include a championshipclass and will be open only to those collections which have won at least a Gold Medal in aprevious National or International World Philatelic Exhibition.

    For details contact email : [email protected]

    Website : http://www.psi1897.com/impex.html

    Read More

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    Online Directory of Philatelists

    Indian Philatelists Forum, a web based forum on yahoo groups, has come out with aninnovative idea of creating online directory of Philatelists. This directory is intended to facilitatenetworking among philatelists and members of forum.

    The Directory of philatelists is divided in to two categories. (i) Philatelists residing in India (ii)Philatelists residing abroad and collecting on any aspect of Indian Philately.

    An online directory is available on forums website www.indianphilately.net . Indian PhilatelistsForum respects privacy of its members and thats why directory information is accessible toregistered members only. Username and password has been allotted to each member.

    Philatelists community will certainly welcome this new innovative idea of making online

    directory. A web based data form is now available on forums official websitewww.indianphilately.net and free registration is open.

    International Exhibitions

    THAILAND 2013 - Word Stamp Exhibition

    THAILAND 2013, International Philatelic exhibition will be held in Thailand from 2 to 14 August2013 in Bangkok, under the patronage of FIP. The World Philatelic Exhibition will take place

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    from 2 - 14 August 2013 at the Royal Paragon Hall 1-3, 5th floor, Siam Paragon, Bangkok. Mr.R D Binani as Commissioner for India, his address :33-B Rowland Road, Kolkata 700 020E mail :[email protected]:9830073058www.thailand2013.com

    AUSTRALIA 2013 Melbourne / Australia 10.-15.05.13www.australia2013.com

    Mrs Damyanti Pittie is the national commissioner . For details contact:[email protected]


    WORLD STAMP EXHIBITIONBrasiliana 2013 will be held at PIER MAU in the city of Riode Janeiro, Brazil from November 19 to 25, 2013 organized by the Brazilian Federation ofPhilately (FEBRAF) and Brazilian philatelists under the Patronage of Brazilian Enterprise of

    Posts and Telegraphs (ECT), in accordance with the F.I.P. General Regulations for Exhibitions.

    Mr. Rajesh Kumar Bagari is National Commissioner- India for BRAZIL 2013.

    Address for communication

    Rajesh Kumar Bagri

    National Commissioner India

    C/o Computer Management Centre, 33A, Chowringhee Road, 5th Flr, Room-13 . Calcutta -

    700071. PHONE : +91 33 22265722.

    Email :[email protected]

    BRASILIANA-2013 Individual Regulations


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    Visit :http://brasiliana-2013.blogspot.com.br/

    Loveland Valentines Day Postmark Travels the WorldContinuing a 67-year old tradition, the U.S. Postal Service and Loveland Chamber of Commerce

    are teaming up to send cards and letters around the world with a coveted Loveland special


    A unique design created by a local artist and selected via a competitive contest is stamped on

    the outside of all Valentine envelopes and re-mailed from the Sweetheart City. Since the start of

    the program in 1947, more than 12 million Valentines have been re-mailed by Loveland. Its the

    largest program of its kind in the world. More than 200,000 cards and letters were handled last

    year, from more than 100 countries and every state in the Union.

    To have cards and letters re-mailed with the Loveland postmark, properly stamp and

    address each individual Valentine and put them all in a larger, stamped envelope and

    mail them to:


    Valentine Re-mailing

    446 E 29th St

    Loveland CO 80538

    Deadlines for re-mailing and delivery by Valentines Day, Feb. 14:

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    18th Jan 2013 was an auspicious day for philatelic community as on this day the marriageceremony of the daughter and son of two noted philatelists were performed. Moomin Sinha,daughter of Mr Bijoy Sinha of Bhubaneshwar got married to Smruti Ranjan and Aalekh,youngest son of Mr Sudhir Jain of Satna got married to Shweta. Rainbow Stamp News wishesthe newly married couples a very happy and long married life and congratulates Mr and MrsBijoy Sinha & Mr and Mrs Sudhir Jain on this auspicious occasion.

    The newly outlined Tradition of Czech Stamp Design issue commemorates another significantstamp designer, Ivan Strnad. The stamp shows a portrait of Ivan Strnad; a part of the mirrored

    motif which first appeared on a 1975 postal stationery item commemorating the 50thanniversary of the launch of automated telephone operation in the country, placed in the left-hand side; and a female nude from the 30th stamp Intersputnik issued in 1974, placed in theright-hand side.

    Czech graphic artist and teacher Ivan Strnad created many Czech stamps and commemorativecoins. He was a member of the associations of Czech graphic artists "Hollar" and "Grafis".During his lifetime he won many awards for his works of art. Most of them came for his stampdesigns (1964: 2nd prize for the stamps 20 Years of the Socialist Republic; 1966: 1st prize for

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    the stamp series Vanguard 65; 1967, 1970-1972, 1974, 1975: various Best Stamp of the Yearawards) and the most beautiful banknotes (1980: the 500 Kcs banknote).


    We are sorry to inform our Readers that Smt. Usha Devi Bayanwala, wife of renownedphilatelist of Ahmedabad Shri Ashok Kumar Bayanwala, passed away on 16th January2013.Our heartfelt deepest Condolences to Mr Bayanwala and his family members . May hersoul rest in peace.

    Suggest a Stamp to India Post

    India Post has invited suggestion from general public for new subjects / themes to be depictedon the commemorative postage stamps. Suggestions were invited on any theme to be depictedshould be related to Art, Culture, National Heritage, Flora & Fauna, Sports, Wild Life, Nature,Historical Monuments, Children oriented subjects and World Heritage. However, suggestionsregarding personalities, institutions and events will not be considered.

    Best three suggestions will be recommended for inclusion in stamp issue programme of 2014.Anyone willing to participate in this Suggest a Stamp Poll of India Post can submit onesproposal on email address:[email protected] by 15th February, 2013.

    More details can be had from visiting India Post website using URL:http://www.indiapost.gov.in/Pdf/Suggest_A_Stamp_15_01_2013.pdf

    Grand Numismatic & Philatelic Exhibition at Vellore (Tamilnadu)

    Date:8,9&10 Friday,Saturday and Sunday.

    Place : Vellore. Venue :Town hall

    For details Contact :C.M.A.Tamilvanan[secretary]Numismatic & Philatelic association of vellore fortPh : 09245591886email :[email protected]://numismaticphilavellore.site40.net/

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    Sudhir Jain is a well-known name inthe field of Jainism Philately. He has a very specialized collection of stamps on

    various subjects including Environment, Lions International, Rotary International,Jainism etc. He has won number of awards in National & International StampExhibitions. Besides stamps he has a big collection of Special currency notes,coins, Jokers, Lions Pins, Newspapers, Match Box, Old Locks etc. Professionally

    he is working as Vice President in a large MP Birla group industry-

    Universal Cables Ltd.

    Mr Jain is also the President of Central India Philatelic Society. Many of hisarticles have been published in different Magazines and Newspapers. Itis a great pleasure to publish here his interview in which he answers to

    some of the questions asked by Mr Naresh Agarwal and shares his

    views on different aspects of philately.- Editor

    Interview with Sudhir Jain

    Q1. Sudhir Jain a social worker, an administrator, an organizer, a writer and aphilatelist. Who dominates more in terms of your dedication, inclination and time?

    It depends on the situation. During office hours the administrator dominates. At home I haveother priorities, Family & other social assignments. Saturday night and Sunday evening are forhobbies. I employ my dedication, inclination & time as they are warranted for. I am not a rigidperson even otherwise. I do not disturb one for another and believe in honest tasking. You may

    say my all roles are democratic and the one which is needed at a particular moment, comes tothe fore and executes.

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    Q2. Let us start with the beginning of your journey in to the world of philately, by askingabout your induction in to it and how did it all begin ?

    It was 1967 when I visited a private Museum at Ramvan near my home town Satna and saw theScinde Dawk there. That was the love at the first sight and this inspired me for collecting stampswith a target to have Scinde Dawk in my collection. Within nine years I achieved my target ofhaving Scinde Dawk in my collection.

    Dr Ravindra Pahelwan of Indore & Madan Middha of Gwalior are my earliest philatelic friends,we learnt the philately together and we still cherish our friendship to the fullest. In the meantimeI started writing articles on a number of subjects and also got associated with a reputed Hindinewspaper Nai Duniya of Indore as a journalist. Shri G.S.Vohra of Bhilai inspired me to write onphilatelic subjects. There was no looking behind from there.

    Q3. You are well known in the field of philately for your organizing skills, active

    participation and regular interaction with philatelists all around. How do you manageyour time as you have a responsible managerial job and are an active social worker too.

    Philately and also Lionism, are my main hobbies since very long and both of these have helpedme immensely in my professional carrier too. They provided me with confidence, friendships,leadership & organizing skills and a lot more. I owe my success to them. Thats why I still lovethem and manage my time for them. Whenever I visit any place, even abroad, I always try tocontact Philatelists and Lions Club members of that place. It gives me great pleasure and alsohelps in developing my friendship, social network and my collections.

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    Q4. Tell us about your philatelic interests and your achievements.

    Although I am collecting since 1967 and have Scinde Dawk, Lithographs and a number of otherclassical items in my collection, I know I am still far behind in Traditional & Classical Philately. Ilove Thematic Philately and have worked a lot for it in my region. We have organized a numberof Philatelic exhibitions under the banner of the Central India Philatelic Society, my home club.Some of them had All-India participation. Shri Dhirubhai Mehta and a number of other seniorphilatelists inspired me in a great way by coming down to remote place like Satna on myinvitation for judging the All India Thematic Philatelic Exhibitions, CITPEX-81 in 1981 andCITPEX- 83 in 1983.

    I have published & edited a large number of Philatelic Souvenirs, written hundreds of articles,

    have won acclaim and recognition but not much of the medals. Gold at State level and Bronzeat International FIP level for my thematic collections are the credits on my account. My mainPhilatelic interests are - Pre Independence India ; Postal Stationery of Queen Victoria & Edwardperiod; & Countries : Kenya, Tanzania & Uganda. My favorite themes are Jainism, Lionism,Rotary & Environment. I do not believe in buying collections, but love to build them up, stamp bystamp, bit by bit and enjoy their build-up fully.

    Q5. You are known as an ardent thematic philatelists, what are your reasons for this ?What is your opinion about new trends in philately like Virtual Philately, One FrameExhibits, Experimental Class etc ?

    I love thematic philately to the core of my heart as I think that this is the form of the hobby whichcan be useful in every way for the collectors. It is attractive, it is economic, it appeals to a largeraudience, it helps in gaining knowledge, it can be expanded to any point, it is always completewith the materials you have in your collection, it adds value, it is relevant always & everywhere,every type of philatelic material can be a part of it, you can mould it the way you like, it canshowcase every subject in the universe and what not. No other form of the hobby is thisversatile.

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    Other new formats of the hobby like One Frame Exhibits, Virtual Collections, Open ClassExhibiting and so on, are essential aspects of the hobby to explore new frontiers. These formatsprovide new perspectives to Philately. These should be welcomed and encouraged wholeheartedly.

    Q6. What are your other interests along with philately? How do you co-ordinate them ?

    My other collection interests are collection of coins, currency notes, newspapers coveringspecial events / death of important persons, old locks, playing cards jokers, bells etc. I try totravel as first passenger in new trains, new flights etc. I have some old train tickets bearingnumber 000001 for the new stations. All of them are co-ordinated automatically, as they arecomplimentary to each other as collectibles. A number of times I go to fetch one item and findanother with it at the same place. I need not do extra efforts to co-ordinate them.

    Q7.You are founder of the Jainism Philatelic Group. How is this group working and how itis helping in promotion of philately?

    Jainism is a very serious theme. After formation of this Group we are able to increase theawareness about this theme and have also been able to attract a large number of philatelistsfrom all over India to this. We are regularly in touch with our members, about 200, through SMS,e-mail, circulars, material exchange etc.

    Formation of this group started a new trend in Indian philately that of formation of specializedPhilatelic Groups. In philatelically advanced countries this trend is known as formation of StudyGroups. Under this, collectors of a particular theme or subject are united under a commonumbrella and help each other in every possible way in building up the mutual knowledge andcollections. After the Jain Philatelic Group, several other specialized groups followed this trend.We are ready to share our experiences about this if any of the specialized groups want toorganize such a Specialized Unit.

    Q8.You have seen various phases of philately in India and all over. How do you see thefuture of philately in terms of a hobby and an intelligent pastime?

    Time has changed drastically. We have seen a time when hobby and the enjoyment was theprime concern. Now money-making dominates. I remember the days when, whenever we founda new item or variety we used to share the joy and happiness of the discovery with fellowphilatelist friends immediately. Now, nobody is interested to take trouble to show you anythingunless he smells monitory gains. Now people do not hesitate to fool others to make money ;then, everyone used to guide others like a true teacher and a mentor. Infusion, excessiveinfusion rather, of the money into the hobby has corrupted the environment.

    Even then I am optimistic. I believe, nothing can surpass the innocent enjoyment of the hobby.Monitory dominance is a temporary phenomenon which will end soon, as the greed of moneymakers will not be fulfilled in philately indefinitely. True philatelists are not money makers &money makers cannot become true philatelists. You cannot buy happiness with money, neitherthe enjoyment of a hobby. Soon, money makers will be out of circulation from Philately and thehobby will regain its natural innocence.

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    Q9.You have worked closely in collaboration with the high names in Indian Philately inthe past. What differences you underline, between past & present generation of theIndian Philatelists ?

    In old days seniors were like teachers & mentor, encouraging, appreciating and even sparingmaterial for the new comers. But now no one wants to share anything, even their knowledge.

    Rest is like the answer of the pervious question. And as earlier, I am optimistic because Ibelieve in the happiness and not in the money.

    Q10.Philately for money making & investment and not for enjoyment. What do you sayabout it?

    It is true that in these modern times, philately the hobby has been taken over by Philately theInvestment in the race. But I see nothing to worry about; proponents of the Investment Philatelyare friends of good times only whereas the lovers of the hobby love Philately always, in the thick& in the thin. What is positive, they are building up better infrastructure for their convenience,which they can afford to do & which will benefit the hobby in the long term. Additionally, they aremaking more people aware about the hobby and also putting the financial perspective of thehobby to the fore, which the traditional philatelists were ignoring earlier. This has given a newimpetus to the Hobby.

    Even otherwise, the spending on philately & philatelic items were never considered asexpenses, they were & still are treated as investments. The only difference is, that the traditionalphilatelists invested both, money & knowledge while the investors invest only money. Moreinterestingly, the investors also turn into Philatelists over the time, as a wise investor does notinvest his money without proper study of the investment class & study of philatelic materialschosen for the purpose converts the investor in to a knowledgeable philatelist.

    As far I am concerned, I prefer the Hobby for enjoyment & not for money making.

    Q11.Philately and philatelists, when compared with the sports and cultural activities,have not achieved their due social recognition & respectability. What are the reasonsbehind it and what should be done to achieve this?

    There are a large number of reasons for this, foremost being our own social-inferiority complex.We ourselves hesitate to announce our achievements. Why ? Because we ourselves stillconsider philately a hobby of children. This is because we have failed to higher the awarenessin the society about the hobby we pursue. Secondly, there is no responsible organization in thecountry to raise the legitimate voice of the philatelists for the cause. Thirdly, the increasingdominance of the money is `responsible for this; any person, deserving or not, who has money,can own a medal winning collection; this is not so in other cultural activities or sports, you

    cannot win medals with only money power. We can enumerate a number of other reasons forthis.

    No sincere and focused effort has been made to correct the situation so far. We need to make apowerful effort to put Philately at par with the sports and other cultural activities. We also winlaurels for the country in international exhibitions and bring medals back home. We should getthe stature we deserve and should not hesitate to work for this.

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    Q12.Your suggestions for overall growth and promotion of philately which is passingthrough the shadows of e-mails & the Internet, of constraints on students due toacademic competitions, of failure of local philatelic clubs and societies; and of policiesof India Post ? Can anything be done immediately?

    Your observations are correct; the hobby is passing through all this. We are required to make

    the hobby more interesting, more visible, more respectable and more acceptable to combat thesituation. We need to attract new generation to the hobby by establishing small philatelic clubsat schools, organizing workshops at educational institutions, organizing local, regional &national exhibitions at regular intervals and announcing personal & national philatelicachievements more vigorously.

    Philatelists can work very effectively for all this, they can be resource persons for all these andcan also create favorable local atmosphere for the hobby by writing in the local & regional newspapers / magazines about the philatelic activities and achievements of the philatelists in theirregion. Only sincerity & strong will is needed.

    Mr Sudhir Jain may be contacted at email :[email protected]

    Interview : Naresh Agarwal

    Beginners Section


    Royal Mail released a number of philatelic products to make the perfect way to remember theLondon 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games. Royal Mail decided that every Gold Medal winby Great Britain , whether by an individual or team will be featured on a separatecommemorative Miniature Sheet comprising six special stamps. What is more, no matter what

    the time of the medal win, the stamps will be designed, printed and onsale by the noon of thefollowing day making them the first next day stamps that Royal mail issued. Every one ofTeam GBs 29 Gold Medals has been celebrated on a golden miniature sheet and also theincredible 34 Gold Medals at Paralympics .

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    Though this is a path breaking effort it is not a Record Breaking one as many countries haveattempted to print stamps in the shortest time.

    Gibraltar issued a stamp in the Year 2001 to celebrate the 75th birthday of Queen Elizabeth II. Aphotograph of Queen Elizabeth II was taken at Buckingham Palace and was chosen by theQueen. It was printed and was available for Sales in Gibraltar Post Offices in 10 Hours and 24Minutes a Record then.

    This record was held for quite sometime until Austria released a stamp in the year 2008 tocommemorate European Football championship 2008.The Stamp was produced in 1 Hour and

    25 Minutes. The Foot Ball Game ended at 2236 Hours on Sunday 29th

    June2008.The projectwas approved at 2316 Hours and the press started printing the stamp. The first Stamp was soldat Vienna at0041 Hours on Monday 30 th June2008.

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    This record has been recently broken in the year 2012 by Liechtenstein. On 16 th August 2012during a Stamp Exhibition LIBA Liechtenstein a competition was held to design a Stamp onLegends of Liechtenstein.

    A jury selected three finalists from each category of Children, Youth and Adult. Once chosen thedesign was made in paper .A director of Guinness World Records pressed the start button: thedrawings were immediately transmitted electronically to the printing of Gutenberg AG. At theend of all the processes (printing, drilling, cutting, etc..) The miniature sheets were deliveredpromptly to the Special post office at LIBA in Schaan where it was available for sale in 57Minutes and 50.17 Seconds., thus creating a New World Record.

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    It wont be long before some postal administration breaks this record.

    - K. Ramarathnam - email :[email protected]

    Specialized Section

    - Dr. Avinash B. Jagtap


    In the year 1873 the variety of cancellations which were in use in different Circles mounted tosuch a huge number, that the Central Postal Authority had to devise a uniform system to for thewhole of India. A characteristic cancellation was issued for every post office composed ofnumbers and letters. Each Circle was allotted a letter, which generally was the initial letter of theheadquarters.

    In these All India Series of 1873-84, while designing Renouf Type 17a for Bhewani (later

    Bhiwani, about 110 Km west of Delhi) a mistake crept in. This type consists of a circle on the lefthand side of the cancellation, which contains the name of the town. The other half on the righthas three parallel horizontal lines above bearing a number of the Non Disbursing Post Office inthe middle. Below this there is the letter representing the Circle (L for Lahore) and the numberof the Disbursing Post Office.

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    A Disbursing Post Office was the office of account for all the postal establishments attached to

    it. It incorporated their accounts into its own and prepared their salary bills. It obtained advancesof money to pay these bills. It paid money into and drew money from the Controller of Accountsand with the audit. It performed all classes of postal work.

    In 1891 the distinction between Disbursing and Non Disbursing Head Office, with which thepublic was never concerned was abolished, even for departmental purposes. By the time thePostal Manual of 1873 was issued, the old nomenclature of Sudder- and Subordinate PostOffices had been changed to Head- and Branch Post Offices. The Head Post Offices weredivided into Disbursing and Non-Disbursing Post Offices.

    Renouf Type 17a Cancellation which was used at Bhewani Non-Disbursing Post Office was

    erroneously given the number 17, instead of 3. This mistake was corrected later.Unfortunately, all postmarks and transit-marks used round about 1870 do not show the year andtherefore it is difficult to trace the exact date when the appropriate correction was made. A.C.Glenhill has mentioned about the correction of this well-known erroneous Type 17a cancellationin The Philatelist, January 1965.

    - Dr. Avinash Jagtap - email : [email protected]

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    Birth of Playing Cards : Pt. IV

    Dr.Satyendra Kumar Agrawal

    Other than playing

    Because playing cards are both standardized and commonly available, they are often adaptedfor other uses too, such as Magic tricks, Cartomancy or building a house of cards.

    1. Magic Cards

    Magicians most commonly use card tricks to enthrall and mystify their audience. Special trickcards and magic decks have been used by magicians and everyday people for centuries forvarious card tricks.

    Card Magic Show

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    Magic Cards

    2. Card Cartomancy

    People are still superstitious today, but in the past they were more so. Cards would play a partin how they made sense of the world in an era when there were so many unexplainedmysteries. They are more than just a pack of cards, people could read into the symbols andinscriptions, draw analogies, make decisions or find meaning in everyday life.

    In addition to Tarot cards,the use of ordinary packs of playing-cards for cartomancy, fortune-telling or divination is also known to exist soon after playing cards were first introduced intoEurope in the 14th century .It all evolved from the belief that the four suits are associated withthe four elements (Fire, Earth, Air, and Water).

    Four Suits of Playing cards

    Clubs correspond to the element of fire, and generally signify business, ambition, andachievement issues. They generally indicate success and happiness. Diamonds correspond tothe element of earth, and generally signify career, and money issues. Spades correspond to theelement of air, and generally signify gossip, challenges, messages, and upsets. And Hearts

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    correspond to the element of water, and signify love, friendship, happiness, and domesticconcerns. Generally speaking, they are "happy" cards.

    3. House making

    Making House of Playing cards is a favorite game of all ages around the globe.

    Playing Cards House

    Guinness World record for highest card building is of about 8.5 meters high made of 218000playing cards.

    Highest card building

    4. As Disney characters

    Encounter of Alice with playing card Jacks and King and Queen of hearts is interestinglydescribed by Lewis Carroll in an episode of Alices Adventures in Wonderland. She is a foul-tempered monarch that Carroll himself pictured as "a blind fury", and who is quick to decree

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    death sentences at the slightest offense. Her most famous line, one which she repeats often, is"Off with their heads!

    Disney converted playing cards as cartoon character in his animation film based on above bookand in his Mickey Mouses cartoon strips and short animated films Through the Mirror.

    Alice in Wonderland

    Through the Mirror

    Legends & Symbolism

    Playing cards have also been used as vehicles for political statements. One important exampleis a playing card of the French Revolution symbolising freedom of religion and brotherhood. In

    this, the traditional design of Kings, Queens, and Jacks became Liberties, Equalities, andFraternities. The radical French government of 1793 and 1794 saw themselves as toppling theold regime and a good revolutionary would not play with Kings or Queens, but with the ideals ofthe revolution at hand.

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    Cards symbolizing French Revolution

    Patriotic Cover, USA

    There are many legends also associated with Playing cards. One says that sailors in Columbusvoyage were forced by their superstition to throw cards overboard to stop the storms and badweather in dangerous seas. When they finally arrived to the New World they made new cardsout of the leaves of the copas trees.

    Also popular legend holds that the composition of a deck of cards has religious, mystical, orastrological significance too.

    There are thirteen cards in each of the four suits, associated with the four elements (Fire, Earth,Air, and Water) corresponding to the 13 lunar months in a year. Fifty-two cards correspond tofifty-two weeks in a year and the Ace is symbolically Alpha and Omega or the Beginning andEnd.

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    Symbolic of the Beginning and End

    Modern Innovations

    Alongside the evolution of traditional designs, in most countries there have also been

    persistent efforts to publish more fanciful cards, either as artistic essays, or with some purposeother than simple card-playing: for example, instruction, propaganda, or even amusement.England in the late 17th and early 18th century produced a range of very idiosyncratic packs ofcards of this type.

    In America, around the turn of the century it was exploited in order to turn photographs ofscenery into souvenir packs intended to promote the joys of rail travel. And such packs werefurther distinguished by colourful pictorial designs on the backs of the cards-which have latelybecome collected for their own sake. Many modern packs of cards use a similar format to carry52 different pictures of all kind of subjects: animals and birds, views, works of art, cartoons, pin-ups, trains, planes, etc.However, certain of these are little more than "photographs pasted ontoa rectangle with pips."

    Souvenir packs

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    Fanciful cards

    Playing cards give us understanding of characteristic features of periods, ideas, beliefs andexperiences of people in the past, reflecting past eras and ways of life. They are a lesson incraftsmanship and the assembly and combination of components and materials. They havebeen a focus for design, advertising or invention... a little encyclopedia of social history.

    We are popular in every nook and corner of the world

    (Note: Most of the illustrated cards are Chinese Postal Stationery Cards and stamps arepreparedby Zazzle.com under license from US Post).

    : Dr Satyendra Agrawal email :[email protected]

    The Cape Triangulars

    - Col (Dr) Jayanta Dutta & Dr Anjali Dutta

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    South Africa, as a nation rather than a geographical term, came into being with the creation ofthe Union of South Africa on May 31, 1910. The development, both political and philatelic, ofthe area is complex, with stamps being issued by various colonies and republics that formedthis federation.


    1 d brick red Anchor watermark

    The famous block of six- the largest known mint multiple of the 1853 issue

    The postal authority of the Cape of Good Hope was one of the first in South Africa to issue apostage stamp on September 1, 1853. The stamp was of triangular design, the first ever in theworld. The design depicted Hope seated. It was designed by Charles Bell, the SurveyorGeneral, and engraved by W. Humphrys.

    These were printed by the recess process by Perkins Bacon Ltd, London, on deeply bluedpaper and were imperforate. Each stamp had an anchor watermark and was issued in twovalues, one penny brick red and 4 pence deep blue. Both values are known with watermark

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    sideways. Plate proof of the 4 pence stamp in a shade similar to the issued stamp onungummed watermarked paper is known to exist. The blueing on the reverse of these proofs isuneven giving a blotchy appearance.

    Between 1855 and 1858 these Cape Triangulars were reissued. The 4 pence stamp on whitepaper was issued in 1855, the one penny in 1857 on cream toned paper, and new values, 6

    pence slate violet on blue paper, and one shilling bright yellow on white paper. The 6 penceand one shilling values were issued on February 18, 1858.


    1 d deep rose

    6 d slate purple on white paper

    6 d slate lilac 6 d rose lilacon blued paper on white paper

    6 d slate lilac on blued paper

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    1 sh yellow green 1 sh dark green

    The method adopted for producing the 4 pence, 6 pence and one shilling stamps involved theuse of two dies so that there are two types of each of these values, differing slightly in detail butproduced in equal numbers. All values are known with watermark sideways. The one penny indull rose on ungummed watermarked paper with watermark sideways is a plate proof.

    The 4 pence is known bisected in1858 and used with two other 4 pence to pay the inlandregistered fees. The 6 pence is known bisected and used with one pence for the 4 pence rate.The paper for the one penny is similar to that of the 1853 issues, but without the blueing. It ismuch thicker than the white paper used for the later printings of the one pence. The evolution ofthe paper on the Cape Triangulars is similar to that on the line engraved issues of Great Britain.The 4 pence value printed in black on white watermarked paper is known. Eleven authenticatedcopies have been recorded. It is thought that these stamps represent proof sheets pressed intoservice during the shortage of stamps in 1861. There is however, no official confirmation of thistheory. All 4 values are known unofficially rouletted.

    1861The wood blocks

    1 d carmine

    4 d pale grey blue 4 d pale milky blue

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    4 d blue pair

    4d pale milky blue showing traces of adjacent stamps and unofficial roulettes onall sides cancelled and tied on piece with Port Elizabeth oval d.s in red (SG-14)

    Between February and April 1861, there was a local provisional issue of the one penny and 4pence stamps. These are also called the wood block issues. They were engraved on steel byC J Roberts and printed from stereotyped plates by Saul Solomon and Co, Cape Town. As withthe previous issues, these were imperforate but on laid paper. The one penny was issued in 3shades, vermillion (February 27, 1861), brick red (April 10, 1861) and carmine (March 7, 1862).However, an error shade of pale milky blue is known, as is a pale bright blue. The 4 pencevalue is known in 2 shades, pale milky blue (February 23, 1861) and deep bright blue (April 12,1861). However, one does come across the 4 pence value in pale grey blue and pale brightblue. Error shades are also recorded in the 4 pence stamps, which are vermillion andcarmine.

    1861 issues were issued in tete-beche pairs, normally joined at the edges, bearing theinscription POSTAGE. One used example is known which comes from the first printing wherethe right hand stamp is misplaced so that FOUR PENCE adjoins POSTAGE. Both valueswere reprinted in March 1863 on wove paper.

    Early in 1863 Perkins Bacon Ltd. handed over the 4 plates used for printing the CapeTriangulars to De La Rue and Co. Ltd, London, who made the subsequent printings between1863 and 1864.

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    1 d deep carmine red 4 d steel blue

    6 d mauve 6 d bright mauve

    1 sh emerald green

    4d vermillion error of colour. Ex Ad Indusopon. The only known in private hands.

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    4d vermillion as a part of 1d block of 4 on cover

    Single bisected 4d deep blue used with two complete singles to pay 4d postageand 6d registration on cover from Fraserburg to Cape Town. Probably bisected

    due to the lack of 6d stamps at Fraserburg (SG-6b)

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    1d, 2d and 1sh on cover

    The De La Rue printings were also imperforate with the anchor watermark. The onepenny was also, however, printed with Crown CC sideways watermark. The one penny,4 pence, 6 pence and one shilling are known with anchor watermark sideways. Thecolours of the 4 values were: One penny deep carmine red, deep brown red andbrownish red. The 4 pence is known in deep blue, blue, slate blue and steel blue. The 6pence is known only in one shade, bright mauve, while the one shilling is known in twoshades - bright emerald green and pale emerald green.

    The De La Rue printings are easily distinguished from the Perkins Bacon printings bytheir colours, which are quite distinct. The De La Rue printings are also less clearlyprinted, with the figure of Hope and the inscriptions standing out less boldly while thefine lines of the background appear blurred and broken. The background as a wholeoften shows irregularity in the apparent depth of colour due to worn out plates.


    All triangulars were demonetized on October 1, 1900. They constitute one of the gemsof philately and command very high prices.

    This article on the romantic Cape Triangulars is based on the Stanley Gibbons 1999catalogue and a study of other auction catalogues. Over the years we have beenfortunate to see some of these triangulars at philatelic exhibitions and in the personalcollections of philatelic friends.

    - Col Jayanta Dutta & Dr Anjali Dutta : email :[email protected]

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    New Issues from other countries

    An Post has issued a stamp on January 24, 2013 for The Gathering Ireland 2013. TheGathering is a tourism-led initiative that seeks to harness and strengthen the connectionsbetween Ireland and its global diaspora.

    Billed as a spectacular, year-long celebration of all things Irish, The Gathering is an openinvitation from the Irish people, to the 70 million people worldwide that claim Irish ancestry andindeed to anyone with a love of Ireland, to take a trip to Ireland during the year, and join inunique events being staged in their honour.

    All around Ireland, towns, villages, communities and families are organising events, festivalsand special gatherings that will showcase the very best of Irish culture, tradition and sport to theIrish diaspora. It is hoped that The Gathering will deliver an additional 325,000 visitors, while

    also enhancing the reputation of Ireland as a warm and engaging place to visit.

    The stamp was designed by Design Factory. The stamp features elements of the speciallydesigned logo, formed to represent the island of Ireland.

    Orchid stamp from Finland

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    Finland has issued a new stamp on Jan 21, 2013 depicting an orchid. This stylish stamp,designed by Susanna Rumpu and Ari Lakaniemi, is particularly suitable for purposes such ascondolence cards or other valuable greetings.

    The delicate, exotic and graceful orchid represents love, luxury, beauty and strength. In ancientGreece, orchids were associated with virility. During the Victorian era, orchid symbolism shifted

    to luxury, and today this sense of magnificence and artful splendor continues, with orchidsrepresenting rare and delicate beauty.

    The stamp is online..

    -Gautami Srivastava

    Though philately and letter writing have been fading in popularity due to the Internet, it is

    this very medium that is promoting both online

    The burgeoning popularity of the Internet forced philately, the hobby of collecting stamps andstudying postal history, take a back seat a few years ago. Even letter-writing became anothervictim of the Internets success story and has become near-obsolete an art now. However,owing to its multifarious inroads to different fields, the Internet is now serving as a significantplatform for philatelists to promote their hobby as well as patrons of letter-writing to build upsupport for the art through online newsletters and blogs.

    The Rainbow Stamp Club blog and newsletter was started by Jeevan Jyoti five years back withan aim to spread awareness about philately and also to create a common platform forphilatelists where they can share their views, get information about new issues, exhibitions and

    the philatelic world. The objective of Rainbow Stamp Club is to relate philately with every daylife and to present it in such a way that a common person can understand the essence of stampcollecting, says Ms. Jyoti, editor of the newsletter and a philatelist who started the blog fromKullu, Himachal Pradesh.

    These days, people prefer e-mailing over writing letters because it is quick and free of cost reducing the once popular youth activity to a lazy pastime for the elderly. We are using theInternet as a medium because it has a great impact on the youth and we can interact withpeople across the world. The response to the blog activities is very encouraging and gives hopeto all the philatelists who are struggling to keep the hobby alive, shares Ms. Jyoti.

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    RAINBOW PHILATELY:A miniature sheet on the letter box .PHOTO: V.V.KRISHNAN

    The members of this online club not only interact online but also send letters to each other andexchange postage stamps to enhance their collection.

    There are many other websites like Stamps of India, Arpin Philately and American PhilatelicSociety which cater to amateur philately enthusiasts by providing basic information aboutphilately, and also gives technical details about postal history and innovations to more seriousphilatelists.

    What makes stamp collection a unique hobby is that stamps are cultural ambassadors of acountry and tell the history of that country in a form of story where we can clearly see thegradual development of the country and its people. Philately cultivates a meticulous and

    focused attention to detail along with increasing knowledge and aesthetic sense, according toMs. Jyoti. It also helps one to make friends across territorial boundaries and age limits.

    According to her, stamps represent various colours of life and that is why she calls it RainbowPhilately. Postage stamps are not only tokens of receipt of postage but are also mediums tocommemorate, celebrate and promote national heritage and events.

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    I am positive that the popularity of this internationally recognised hobby will grow with time. TheInternet is already playing an imperative role in promoting the hobby and it has the potential tomake philately a part of peoples life, says Ms. Jyoti.

    Published in The Hindu - 7 January 2013


    New Blogs & Websites

    1. Welcome to the World of Indian Philately -http://www.indianphilately.net/ An exclusive website created by Mr Prashant Pandya dedicated to Indian Philately .Thephilatelists can register for Online Philatelists Directory on this website.

    2. Philatelic Journalists Forum - http://philatelicjournalistsforum.blogspot.in/ ThePhilatelic Journalists is an initiative by a few enthusiast philatelists, who love the hobby to thedeepest.

    3. Indian Philatelists Forum - http://groups.yahoo.com/group/indianphilatelists/ This is an electronic discussion forum dedicated exclusively to Indian Philately that allowsmembers to engage into meaningful discussions on all aspects of Indian Philately. Membershipto the forum is open to all philatelists who have interest in Indian Philately. Members can shareand discuss their ideas, knowledge, research, collections, events, exhibitions, auctions,publications exclusively related to Indian Philately.

    4. The best stamps - http://thebeststamps.blogspot.co.uk/ its a beautiful blog created byJulian Fernandes of Pune ( Now living in UK) featuring lovely stamps of birds with the photos ofthe same birds giving a wonderful look !!

    5. Robin Stamps Criticism : http://robin-stamps.blogspot.in/ : This blog is about newissues of postage stamps and the critical study of their design

    6.This Numismatic & Philatelic Association -http://numismaticphilavellore.site40.net/index.htm - This Numismatic & Philatelic

    Association is a nonprofit and non trade motive association that aims to promote the hobbiesPhilately (Stamp Collection) and Numismatics (Coin Collection) among children, students,interested individuals among the general public and especially for the budding philatelists andnumismatists.

    7. How to Collect Stamps - http://www.howtocollectstamps.com/ : The Complete GuideTo Stamp Collecting

    8.GANDHI Stamps & Philately Study Circle : http://gandhistampsclub.blogspot.in/ - Anew Blog by Ketan Patel .. Saving Gandhi Philately by trying to bring awareness andexposing illegal activities in Gandhi Stamps and Philately.

    9. Europa Stamps : http://europa-stamps.blogspot.in/ : A blog on Europa, cept, norden &sepac stamps

    10. Phla Mirror :http://philamirror.info/: The Indian Philately Journal

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    11. Se- tenant Stamps of India -http://setenantsofindia.blogspot.com/ It is a specializedBlog on se-tenant stamps.

    12. Flags & Stamps - http://flagstamps.blogspot.com/ - It is a specialized blog on FlagTheme .

    13. Glimpses of Modern Indian Philately :http://modernindianphilately.blogspot.com/ - Itis a specialized blog on Modern Philately, created by Mr Prashant Pandya .

    14. Join Mobile Philately & Stay Updated - http://mobilephilately.blogspot.com/ MobilePhilately is a mobile technology based philatelic community with short messaging service (SMS)that allows the community members to get latest updates related to Indian philately directly intomobile message box.

    15. Question & Answers on Philately : http://en.allexperts.com/q/Stamps-Philately-1610/indexExp_69442.htm - It is a site based on Question & Answers on Philately. MrPrashant Pandya replies to queries.

    List of Books 1

    List of Books 2

    Editor s Mail Box

    - G.Sriramarao Vishakhapatnam

    I have in the last few years enjoyed going through articles in the Rainbow stamp clubregularly and learnt a lot. Some of the articles are very interesting and educative.I willenjoy reading them in the years to come.

    - KK Miglani New Delhi

    Wishing you a very HAPPY NEW YEAR -2013. Also wish that Rainbow stamp Newsreaches new heights in 2013.I convey my sincere thanks for regular updating us onphilately across the globe. It is always nice to receive your stamp news throughe-mail. Your efforts are commendable. Your love for the philately is always visiblethrough the newsletter.

    - Ilyas Patel - Ahmedabad

    I have just gone through the latest issue of RSN. Its wonderful. Your painstaking effortsis now resulting in a pleasant as well as colorful issue of RSN. With each passing issueits becoming enriched with new information and experience of noted philatelists. Keep

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    going and keep it up.I express my heartiest congratulations for the 61st issue of RSN.Good luck and all good wishes !

    Philatelic Clubs & Societies

    Baroda Philatelic Society - http://www.vadophil.org/Deccan Philatelic Society Pune, Maharashtra

    Eastern India Philatelists Association -http://www.filacapsule.blogspot.com/

    India Study Circle - http://www.indiastudycircle.org/

    Indian Stamp Ghar -http://www.indianstampghar.com/

    Indian Thematic Society, Ludhiana - http://indianthematicstamps.webs.com/

    Ludhiana Philatelic Club

    Mobile Philately -http://www.mobilephilately.webs.com/

    Numismatic & Philatelic Association of Vellore Forthttp://numismaticphilavellore.site40.net/index.htm

    Philatelic Society of Rajasthan, Jaipur

    Rainbow Stamp Club -http://rainbowstampclub.blogspot.com/

    Rajkot Philatelic Society Rajkot, Gujarat

    Gujarat Philatelic Association - Ahmedabad

    South India Philatelists Association - http://www.sipa.org.in/

    Stamps of India -http://www.stampsofindia.com/

    The Army Philatelic Society, Pune

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    An auction of philatelic material by Todywalla will be held during INPEX 2013 on22-23 Feb 2013 .

    Table Calendar issued by Bihar Postal Circle

    Department of Post, Govt. of India, Bihar Circle issued a Table Calendar - 2013. basedon unique things of Bihar. For More details contact : Philatelic Bureau Patna GPOContact No.- 0612-2226395 , 0612-2236937.

    Current Philatelic MagazinesNewsletters

    Stamp of India Collectors Companion -Indias first weekly e-newsletter edited byMadhukar and Savita Jhingan from Stamps of India, New Delhi. E-mail:[email protected]:www.stampsofindia.com

    India Post Quarterly Journal of the India Study Circle publishes original articlessubmitted by members of ISC.

    ITS Stamp News - Quarterly - Editor: Suraj Jaitly Publisher: Indian Thematic Societywebsite -http://itsstampnews.blogspot.com/

    Phila News, Editor Rajesh Pahariya and published by Philatelic Society of Rajasthan,


    VADOPHIL, Editor - Prashant Pandya and published by Baroda Philatelic Society,Vadodara. Website -http://www.vadophil.org/

    Journal of the Army Philatelic Society : Editor Col Jayanta Dutta

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]://www.stampsofindia.com/http://www.stampsofindia.com/http://www.stampsofindia.com/http://itsstampnews.blogspot.com/http://itsstampnews.blogspot.com/http://itsstampnews.blogspot.com/http://www.vadophil.org/http://www.vadophil.org/http://www.vadophil.org/http://www.vadophil.org/http://itsstampnews.blogspot.com/http://www.stampsofindia.com/mailto:[email protected]
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    e ZEP Newsletterhttp://www.ezep.de/zpj/zpj.html Editor : Dieter Leder [email protected]

    SIPA Bulletin Editor - Mr G. Madan Mohan Das and published by South IndiaPhilatelists Association, Chennai website :http://www.sipa.org.in/

    FILA Capsule Editor : Ajit Dash and published by EIPA, Bhubaneshwar.

    GPA News Editor- Ilias Patel and published by Gujarat Philatelists Association,Ahemadabad.

    Kar Phila News published by Karnataka Philatelic Society & edited by by AkshayBorad

    email :[email protected]\


    This is a blog of e-stamp Clubwww.rainbowstampclub.blogspot.com . The idea of this blog is toextend philatelic fraternity in all corners of the world. Readers may write about themselves withtheir collecting interests and share new ideas with other philatelists. New Post on recent issues,news on stamp activities and Contribution by members are published every day on this blog.

    Readers may also express their views on any philatelic matter which will be published underClub News at Rainbow Stamp Cub Blog. Philatelic Clubs and Societies may also send briefwrite ups. News about new issues of India and abroad and other information related withPhilately are regularly posted on this blog. Readers may send reports on new issues, special

    covers, cancellations & philatelic activities of their area for inclusion in this Blog. - Editor

    Courtesy - News and Image Resource to this issue Stamps of India,International Stamp News; Stamp Collecting Round Up; Mansoor B.- Mangalore ; US PostalService; Prashant Pandya Vadodara; Rajesh Kr Bagri Kolkata;Pradeep KumarMalik Patna; Rajesh Paharia Jaipur; Ilias Patel Ahmedabad; Patna Philatelic Bureau; MadanMiddha Gwalior; Pradip Jain - Patna

    All the images of this issue have not been included here. For detailed images related tothis issue Please Visit: http://www.rainbowstampnews.blogspot.com/

    Address for communication:

    Jeevan Jyoti, c / o Mr. Ajay Srivastav, Chief Conservator of Forests, GHNP & Pin ValleyNational Park, Shamshi, Kullu (H.P.) PIN 175126 India

    E-mail [email protected] or [email protected]

    http://www.ezep.de/zpj/zpj.htmlhttp://www.ezep.de/zpj/zpj.htmlhttp://www.ezep.de/zpj/zpj.htmlmailto:[email protected]:[email protected]://www.ezep.de/http://www.ezep.de/http://www.ezep.de/http://www.sipa.org.in/http://www.sipa.org.in/http://www.sipa.org.in/mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]://www.rainbowstampclub.blogspot.com/http://www.rainbowstampclub.blogspot.com/http://www.rainbowstampclub.blogspot.com/mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]://www.stampsofindia.com/http://www.stampsofindia.com/http://www.stampnews.com/http://www.stampnews.com/http://stampcollectingroundup.blogspot.in/http://stampcollectingroundup.blogspot.in/http://www.rainbowstampnews.blogspot.com/http://www.rainbowstampnews.blogspot.com/mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]://www.rainbowstampnews.blogspot.com/http://stampcollectingroundup.blogspot.in/http://www.stampnews.com/http://www.stampsofindia.com/mailto:[email protected]://www.rainbowstampclub.blogspot.com/mailto:[email protected]://www.sipa.org.in/http://www.ezep.de/mailto:[email protected]://www.ezep.de/zpj/zpj.html
  • 7/29/2019 Rainbow stamp News February 2013


    Last date for receiving write ups 25th of every month. Kindly send imagesin jpg compressed format & text in MS Word only.

    If you liked this issue please forward it to your friends and help in promotingphilately.

    A Request to Readers & Contributors -

    Please do not send the text in scan form or PDF. Send your write ups in MSWord only.

    Kindly specify your contribution such as article/News/ Readers Right / BeginnersSection/ Lighter Side etc.

    Please do not send forwarded messages for promotional section if you want togive any information for promotion please write personally with brief write up.

    As this newsletter is not used for any commercial purpose in any manner.

    Please send limited number of images in compressed jpg format only with your article.Please send text and images separately. Please do not send text or image for publicationin PDF.

    Any material from this newsletter may be reproduced only with the

    written permission from the editor.

    ..Happy Collecting

    Rainbow Stamp News is edited and published monthly by Jeevan Jyoti, from Kullu

    (Himachal Pradesh) India.

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