Rainbow Stamp News December 2013

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  • 8/13/2019 Rainbow Stamp News December 2013


    Merry Christmas & Happy New Year !!

    Shimla December 2013 Vol. VI Issue # 72

    Monthly e-Stamp Bulletin Edited by Jeevan Jyoti for free circulation among philatelists

    Readers are requested to send reports of philatelic activi ties in their area for pub lication.Short write ups by the readers about their journals, societies, publications and philatelicrequirements can be sent for inclusion in this bulletin toj.jyot i9@gmail .com and by postto

    Ms. Jeevan Jyoti, c / o Mr. Ajay Srivastav, CCF, GHNP , SHAMSHI, Kul lu -175126. (H.P.)India

    Note- This bulletin is only for circulation among a limited group of philatelists without anycommercial purpose. The bulletin will be sent to the readers only on request. Those who wish toreceive it regularly please reply giving the name of your city / country with the subjectSUBSCRIBE RAINBOW

  • 8/13/2019 Rainbow Stamp News December 2013


    Rainbow completes 6 years of publication with this 72nd issueDear Reader,With this Issue No 72, Rainbow Stamp News completes six years ofpublicationHope you enjoyed the journey of six years with Rainbowand Ihope it will be continued in the years to come..

    First of all, Heartiest Congratulations to all the winners at World Philatelic ExhibitionBRASILIANA 2013 which concluded on 25

    thNovember at Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. In this

    big philatelic show some participants had bitter experience. Some of the exhibits wereshown as not present and out of competition in the award list. Rainbow Stamp News isone of those unlucky entries. The detailed reply from the organizing committee is

    awaited. However the clear reason must be given by the organizers to the participantsindividually on which ground their entry was put out of competition. There is stillconfusion as per national commissioners report, the exhibit was found missing at thevenue though it was personally handed over to the concerned authority so it could notbe judged ..Questions and Confusion still arise unless the organizing committee givesits clear reply with a valid reason.

    The year 2013 is going with some important philatelic events to remember like the issueof Sachin Tendulkars 200th Test Match stamps by India Post, record number ofparticipants from India in BRASILIANA 2013 and many more.Wishing all my Readersa very Happy and Prosperous New Year

    This is all for this monthMore in next issueHappy Collecting

    -- Jeevan Jyoti

  • 8/13/2019 Rainbow Stamp News December 2013


    View this issue on Blog

    Contents From the Desk of Naresh Agarwal

    Recent Indian Issues

    In The News


    Beginners Section

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    New Issues from Other Countr ies

    The Lighter Side

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    Editors Mail Box

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    Current Philatelic Magazines - Newsletter

    Fr om t h e D esk o f N a r esh g a r w a lA LOOK AT INDIAN PERFORMANCE IN BRASILIANA 2013

    BASLIANA 2013, a world philatelic show was an overall success. This time there wereas many as 41 number of participating entries from India. A few more were sent butwere somehow not considered or accepted. And one entry that of our beloved philatelic

    journal Rainbow Stamp News was shown in the award list as out of competition. The

    appropriate reason, explanation and clarification is being sought for. However, thisprobably was one of the highest number of entries ever sent from India in any such levelof philatelic show. Looking in to the entries, there were as many as 11 from Literatureclass,5 from Modern Philately (21st century),7 from One frame exhibit, 3 from PostalHistory,3 from Thematic, 3 from Youth (19 to 21 years), 3 Youth (10-15 years) ,1 Aerophilately,1 Astrophilately,2 Fiscal/revenue and 1 each from Traditional and Youth (16-18years) classes.

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    Now looking in to results, there are in totality 25 medals awarded to Indian participantsdetailed as under : 1-Gold,2 Vermeil,5 Large Silver,7 Silver,4 Silver Bronze, 6 Bronzeand rest were either given certificates of participation, diplomas and /or marks.

    First of all my heartiest congratulations to all the participants and award winners. While

    going through comments given by my philatelic friends and also various facebookusers/friends to congratulate each other, one remark which struck strongly speakingabout performance of Indian participants came from Col Jayanta Dutta. His commentreads as Good but India has not done too well. For me, looking in to the abovestatistics where only 2 Vermeil and 5 large silver have been awarded and the remarksgiven by Col Dutta, the questions which come to my mind are

    1. Was the performance of Indian participants genuinely below the mark? The awardsgiven at Indian National Show are lowered not only by one step by two but even up tothree steps . Where as in most of the cases there has been quite good changes done tobetter the exhibit ?

    ( We do accept there is difference in marking and judgment at both the levels andmedals are lowered by 1 or 2 steps but not in all cases. A difference of 5 to 7 marks hasbeen seen in practice.)

    2. Is the judgment at National Level Shows in India up to the standard to matchInternational quality judgment or is quite lenient?.

    3. Is the judgment at World Level Show strict and harsh?

    4. Any prejudices or lapses during judgment at both National or International Levels.

    5. Lack of proper guidance to the exhibitors

    The performance, is genuinely not that good in terms of getting higher medals. Here weneed to view the scenario quite seriously so that we may improve our own performanceas well as comparative performance and get better awards in the future exhibitions. Thepersons from India who visited this show can speak well on comparative analysis of theawards given to Indian participants and the participants from other countries. I wouldlike to receive a detailed report on judgment and comparative analysis of exhibits by theIndian Commissioner, if possible to help improve the stature of Indian exhibiting

    While going through the overall result, we find that not so much higher awards havebeen given. In case, finance or medal arrangement is not a burden/issue, then certainlythere is something to do with judgment or the quality of exhibits accepted. I haveobserved that in such shows where participation is high, the number of lower medals isalso high. This is not wrong but there is certainly some effect on the judgment and theresult. .

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    The only jury member from Ipresence of jury from particulclass as the jury can well undthe same nation and can putabsence has to some extent

    We need to be provided withthat we may ask the lapses in

    When some of my friends seall in all, a fare analysis is toperformance.

    By writing all this, I never mdone by the International accof such result and the ways t

    - Naresh Agarwal : email : n

    Recent Indian Issue

    ndia could not attend the exhibition. I perar country has certain impact on result paerstand the exhibitors mind and his reservforward his views to the other jury membffected the Indian results.

    the contact details of the jury who adjudgethe exhibit and the area requires improve

    em satisfied with the results others seembe done and necessary steps to be taken

    an to be mean or tarnish the image andredited jury but I want that we should findimprove it.

    [email protected]

    onally feel thatrticularly of thattion being fromrs. May be this

    d the exhibit soent.

    issatisfied. Butto improve the

    lower the workut the reasons

  • 8/13/2019 Rainbow Stamp News December 2013


    5 November 2013 : Boys High School, Allahabad Rs 5

    7 November 2013 : Bhartiya Vidya Bhawan Rs 5 8 November 2013 : 50 Years of Indian Academy of Pediatrics Rs 5

    11 November 2013 : Central Bureau of Investigation Rs 5

    13 November 2013 : 175 years of Times of India Rs 5

    14 November 2013 : Sachin Tenulkar 2 x Rs 20 + MS

    14 November 2013 : Childrens Day Rs 5

    23 November 2013 : Satya Sai Baba Rs 5

    23 November 2013 : Intelligence Bureau Rs 5

    26 November 2013 : Railway Workshops at Kanchrapara and

    Jamalpur Rs 5

    29 November 2013 : Sashastra Seema Bal Rs 5

    Recent Special Covers

    1 November 2013 : Save the Future Pune

    13 November 2013 : XXVII National Sub Junior Badminton Championship 2013,


  • 8/13/2019 Rainbow Stamp News December 2013


    9 November 2013 : St. Johns School, Chandigarh

    9 November 2013 : Trichur Philatelic Exhibition

    26 November 2013 Golden Jubilee Celebration of Carmel Girls Higher Secondary

    School, Thiruvananthpuram

    New special cancellationsNew Special Special Cancellations by Gorakhpur Postal Division

    3 November 2013 : Deepawali

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    14th November 2013 : 200th Cricket Test Match of Sachin Tendulkar at Wankhede Stadium,


    In The NewsStamps on Sachins 200th Test

    It was a great moment when greatest Indian Cricketer, Sachin Tendulkar playedhis last 200

    thTest Match at Mumbai and India Post issued two special postage

    stamps and a Miniature sheet in h is honour. It was indeed an honour to the playerfrom India Post as the stamps on living personalities are rarely issued . As perrules, only stamps on Presidents of India can be issued in their life time. It is agreat honour to Sachin with Mother Teresa and 3 other personalities whoappeared on commemorative stamps in their life time as a special case .

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    (Read more in this issue)

    Video Stamp from Australia Post

    Australia Post has introducedpersonal video message to sen

    We're surprised, after Croatia ireally taken off; after all, stampsbarcodes.

    It's awesome to see Australiawas used to track the passagecalled the Video Stamp, lets yrecord 15 seconds of footage up

    When the recipient receives thereceive whatever message youcan enter an eight-digit code on

    Watch Video : How to use it.. ht

    Video Stamp from Australia Post

    a new kind of stamp: a QR code that allowsd with your package.

    ntroduced the QR code stamp last year, thaare the perfect size and shape for the smart

    ost getting in on the action. Unlike the Croatiof your mail across the globe, though, Australiu record a video message to send with yoto 12 hours after you have posted your item.

    package, they can scan the stamp using theiwant to send. If the recipient doesn't have a s

    the Australia Post website to view the video.


    you to record a

    the idea hasn'thone-scannable

    an stamp, whicha Post's version,r post. You can

    r smart phone toart phone, they


  • 8/13/2019 Rainbow Stamp News December 2013


    The videos can be shared viarecord, and can be viewed forslightly so philatelists might fi

    The stamps are now availableproducts and are currently undthey'll be made available perma

    Source : Crave

    3D Postcard from Cr

    Croatian post issued 3D postcaInside of this postcard you can fwhere such huts were construct

    ocial media, so you might want to be carefulthree months after recording, which lowers td them a little disappointing.

    for free with Express Post and Express Couergoing a trial for the Christmas period. If thently.

    atian post

    rd which can be turned in Herzegovinian hut inind herbs like sage and heather which are sped.

    about what youheir collectability

    rier Internationaley're successful,

    only few moves.cific for locations

  • 8/13/2019 Rainbow Stamp News December 2013


    Rare 1894 Shanghai to

    The 1894 registered cover fromauctioned in December with an

    The cover has a combination owith provisional surcharges. This also franked with a French Po

    New Pictorial Cancella

    On January second 2014 aThe cancellation is featurincancellation honors the Daphilatelists may please coPhilatelic Collector Group Arates: 0,75 Euro AIRMAIL, 2,

    ermany cover to be auctioned in

    Shanghai to Germany with date stamp Aprilstimate between 130,000 215,000.

    f the 1894 Empress Dowager and 1897 Redy are cancelled by the Shanghai Pa-Kua oblit

    st Offices in China 50c stamp.

    ion from Germany

    ew pictorial cancellation will be issued ing a Hedgehog together with young h

    of the museum of hedgehogs in Bo ntact: Wolfgang Beyer,Vice Chairman

    GE ZOOLOGIE.Mail: Wolfgang.beyer1@ 80 Euro Registered AIRMAIL


    22, 1897 will be

    evenue stampsrator in black. It

    49163 Bohmte.dgehogs. Themte.Interestedf the Germanol.de .Postage

  • 8/13/2019 Rainbow Stamp News December 2013


    Philatelic Exhibition

    BIRDPEX 2014 Inte

    BIRDPEX is an international p

    years. After Christchurch (Ne(United Kingdom, 1998), Leeand Antwerp (Belgium, 2010),

    Every "bird" exhibitor can parphilately, maximaphily, openyouth.

    Entry forms and regulations ybelow.

    Hope to see you and your exMay 2014 in Poitiers !

    - The organization commi


    Contact :

    Jean-Francois Duranceau

    2 rue de Berry, 86170 AV

    email : jean-francois.dur

    national stamp exhibition on B

    hilatelic exhibition on "birds" that takes p

    w Zealand , 1990), Rosenheim (Germany,k (the Netherlands, 2002), Nrresundby (, the 7th edition will take place in Poitiers (F

    ticipate - no qualification needed - in the cclass, postal history, traditional philately,

    ou may find on the website or if you contac

    ibit on BIRDPEX 7 and POITIERS 2014 fr

    tee BIRDPEX


    NTON (France)

    [email protected]


    lace every four

    1994), Londonenmark, 2006)


    lasses thematicone frame and

    t the addresses

    m 1th to 4th of

  • 8/13/2019 Rainbow Stamp News December 2013


    National Commissioner for PHILAKOREA 2 14

    PHILAKOREA-2014, World

    dong , Gangnam-gu, Seoul, KoMr Surendra Kotadia has beencontacted at following address :

    Mr. Surendra Kotadia, Dimple D

    Jamnalal Bajaj Road, NarimanEmail: surendrakotadia@gmail.(M) + 919819903789 (O) + 91-2

    Philatelists, interested in participdetails.


    WORLD STAMin the city of Rio de Janeiro, BrFederation of Philately (FEBREnterprise of Posts and Telegrfor Exhibitions. 73 countries pNational Commissioner - IndiaKumar of Bareilly was member

    Official website: www.brasili

    Indian participation at BrasilianaAnil Suri: Fiscals of Cochin (Fisc

    Angeet Suri: Fiscals of Jodhp

    Commissioner for PHILAKOREA 2 14

    hilatelic Exhibition, 7- 12th August, 2014, S

    rea. ppointed the National Commissioner from Indi

    rums and Barrels Pvt. Ltd., 1119, Maker Cham

    oint, Mumbai - 400 021.om2-22024130 / 31 (R) +91-22-23805125 / 3789

    ating in above exhibitions may contact Commis

    P EXHIBITION Brasiliana 2013 was helazil from November 19 to 25, 2013 organizedF) and Brazilian philatelists under the Patrophs (ECT), in accordance with the F.I.P. Ge

    articipated in this exhibition. Mr. Madhukarfor BRAZIL 2013. e mail: [email protected]

    f Jury but he could not attend the exhibition.


    Brasiliana 2 13als) - Gold

    ur(Fiscals) - Vermeil

    amseong 1-

    a. He may be

    ers - V, 221,

    sioner for more

    at PIER MAUby the Brazilianage of Brazilianeral Regulationshingan was theom Mr Yogesh

  • 8/13/2019 Rainbow Stamp News December 2013


    Pragya Jain: I am Bow and this is my story (Thematic) - Vermeil

    Madhukar Jhingan: Indian Internal Airmails (Aerophilately) - Large Silver

    Rajesh Paharia: The Dead Letter Offices of India 1854 - 1912 (Postal History) - Large


    Pravesh Kumar Gupta: The Imperial Durbars of Delhi (Postal History) - Large Silver

    Pratisad Neurgaonkar: Postal Stationery of British India 1856-1947 (Literature) - LargeSilver

    Avinash Sharma: Olympic Games (Youth 10-15 Yrs) - Large Silver

    Rohit Prasad: Decimalisation of Postal Rates (Postal History) - Silver

    Naresh Agrawal: Mail and its Movement (Thematic) - Silver

    Brij Mohan Modi: Architecture is Soul of Civilization (Thematic) - Silver

    Binod Kumar Jain: India Refugee Relief Tax 1971 -73 (Traditional) - Silver

    Niyogi books / Sekhar Chakrabarti) - The Indian National Flag unfurled through Philately(Literature) - Silver

    Samira Bose: Glimpses of India (Youth 19-21 Yrs) - Silver

    Maira Bose: Lady Di (Youth 10-15 Yrs) - Silver

    Savita Jhingan: From India to Space (Astrophilately) - Silver Bronze

    Ranjit Singh: Sikh Heritage through Stamps (Literature) - Silver Bronze

    Kashish Thaper: Science & Technology as a Vehicle of Progress in India (Youth19-21 Yrs) - Silver Bronze

    Paritri Upadhyay: Wild Life on Maxim Cards (Youth 16-18 Yrs) - Silver Bronze

    Prashant Pandya: Glimpses of innovations in 21st Century Indian Postal services(Modern Philately, 21st Century) - Bronze

    Vikas Singh: Philatelic Handbook on Indian Railways (Literature) - Bronze

    Madan Middha: Year Book of Indian Philately (Literature) - Bronze

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    Praful Thakkar: Collectors Guide to First Day Covers & Folders of India 1947-1964Official & Private (Literature) - Bronze

    Praful Thakkar: Collectors Guide to First Day Covers & Folders of India with Set ofstamps, Se-tenant Stamps & Miniature Sheets (Literature) - Bronze

    Siddharth S Tawker: Reptiles (Youth 10-15 Yrs) - Bronze

    Yogini Jhingan: Holograms (Youth 19-21 Yrs) - Diploma

    Nisha Gupta: Meghdoot post card(Modern Philately, 21st Century) - C

    Himanshu Gupta: Indipex 2011 World Philatelic Exhibition, New Delhi (ModernPhilately, 21st Century) - C

    Parvesh Gupta: 100 Years of Indian Cinema (Modern Philately, 21st Century) - C

    Anushtha Jain: Delhi 2010 - XIX Commonwealth Games (Modern Philately, 21stCentury) - C

    Narendra Kumar: India Postage Stamp Year Book 2008 (Literature) - CP

    Narendra Kumar: India Postage Stamp Year Book 2009 (Literature) - CP

    Narendra Kumar: India Postage Stamp Year Book 2010 (Literature) - CP

    Narendra Kumar: India Postage Stamp Year Book 2011 (Literature) - CP

    Ashish Talwar: The First Flight of Air India International (One Frame Exhibit) - 75 Marks

    George Reynolds: Leonardo's Vitruvian Man (One Frame Exhibit) - 74 Marks

    Leeza Padhi: Ramayana The Great Indian Ballet Beyond India (One Frame Exhibit)- 70 Marks

    Srinivasan Paramasivam: Peacock A bird and A Symbol (One Frame Exhibit) - 68Marks

    Rohit Prasad: Bullock Train An Unexplored Chapter of Indian Postal History (OneFrame Exhibit) - 66 Marks

    Nagendra Nayak: Global Warming (One Frame Exhibit) - 62 Marks

    Vikas Singh: Darjeeling Himalayan Railway - A World Heritage Site (One Frame Exhibit)- 53 Marks

  • 8/13/2019 Rainbow Stamp News December 2013


    Saudi 2013 - New date for exhibition

    Saudi 2013 is postponed to 12-17 March 2014. It will be a 6-day General Asian

    International Stamp exhibition and will includes Traditional, Postal History,

    Youth, Literature and Modern Philately classes.

    Website : http://www.saudi2013.com/

    Mr Umesh Kakkeri , the National Commissioner for this exhibition may becontacted at : Email: [email protected] (M) +919969571767

    Forthcoming Stamp Exhibitions

    MAPPEX 2013

    11th Madhya Pradesh Philatelic exhibition will be held in Bhopal from 19 to 21

    December 2013.

    New Delhi - 7th to 9th December 2013 orgainsed by Stamps of IndiaBhopal- 19th to 21st December 2013Coimbatore- 4th and 5th January organized by PR KrishananRaipur-9th and 10th of Jan.

    Serious mistake on recent Cinema stamp

    This stamp featuring Bangla actor and director Dhirendranath Ganguli from set of 50stamps on 100 years of Cinema issued by India Post on 3 May 2013 bears a wrongpicture of the person. The actual photo of Dhirendranath Ganguli is the second

    one. Mr Dipok Dey, artist and noted philatelist of Kolkata points out the mistakeclearly in the following picture. According to him the person shown on the stamp isBangla actor Robin Majumdar.

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  • 8/13/2019 Rainbow Stamp News December 2013


    Mrs Ratni Jatia , wife of renowned philatelist of India LateShri DN Jatia passed away on 15th November 2013. Our deepest condolences to all

    family members. May her soul rest in peace . Please view FB page : Deoki NandanJatia - Philatelist


    In this issue, meet the noted philatelist from Indore, Mr Om Prakash Kedia. He is a wellknown Postal History Collector Here he answers to the questions of Mr Naresh Agarwaland shares his views and experiences on various aspects of Philately with the Readers.

    It is a great pleasure to publish his interview in this special issue . - Editor

    Mr. O.P Kedia is an engineering post graduate from University of Roorkee(Now IIT Roorkee). He is now self retired from business as his children not interested incontinuing his business. His entry in to the world of stamps goes back to 1960 and now has a

    journey of 53 years with changing phases of philatelic collecting and exhibiting.

    Recalling his old days days Mr Kedia says my interest started very early in1960s ,by removingstamps from letters received in course of our business-as in those days there was no TV orinternet and every children in my vicinity used to have this hobby. Later we made pen friends inmany countries and exchanged stamps. At some stage I tried to collect theme like Cricket andother popular themes. But I found I could not go very far in this field as proper material are notavailable in India and buying them from abroad is very expensive.

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    He has various Regional, National and International awards to his credit on different collections.Recently he won Vermeil medal at AUSTRALIA 2013 for his exhibit "DEVELOPMENT ofINDORE POST (1873-1908)" and Large Vermeil at INPEX 2013 for single frame entry "WarContribution stamps of Dewas state". A man of jolly nature and being a hardcore philatelist, heloves philately and of course philatelists.

    Mr OP Kedia may be contacted at email : [email protected]

    At Stampmania 2009, Baroda

    Interview with OP Kedia

    1.How did you come in contact with stamps and what inspired you to pursue thishobby in a systematic way ??

    I started as a young collector taking stamps from the envelopes received in the course of my

    family business. I started making systematic efforts for country collection during my stay as astudent at University of Roorkee now IITR.

    At UOR my professor Dr. S.Lal (an eminent engineer who later became director of IITKharagpur and president of Institution of Engineers) was a keen collector and he refined mycollecting interest. As was fashion during those days I collected mainly popular countries likeGB, Australia, USA, Germany,Nepal ,Ceylon and Pakistan I made basic collections of all thesecountries, which I still have. I was secretary of Philatelic and Numismatic club at UOR and was

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    awarded trophy for best overall performance. I stopped collecting country collection after 2000as they become very expensive to continue.

    My romance with serious philately started when I shifted to Indore which is surrounded by manyprincely states and I was lucky to acquire good material at reasonable prices. My experiencewith philatelic exhibitions started in 1997 with MAPPEX -state level exhibition held in Indore .

    2. We would like to know about your philatelic interests and which is your mostfavourite subject ?

    I have tried few facets of philately e.g. country collections, thematic, revenue, postalstationeries and postal history. However I like postal history most because every item inthis field is unique and there is always a chance to discover new facts. My presentcollections and interest include postal history of Indore, postal stationeries of India and Gwaliorstate, Cancellations of Gwalior state and Bazar cards of India besides fiscals of princely states

    of Madhya Pradesh.

    3. Looking in to the present scenario when stamps collectors are turning in toinvestors/traders, there is fast intrusion of other modern communicationtechniques, life styles are changing, means of entertainment have changed,digitalization has overpowered how do you see at the future of phi lately? Whatshape it will take.. how it wi ll survive..?

    I see a few trends emerging. :

    First there are newcomers who start getting new issues from philatelicbureaus/counters/accounts. They soon turn into investor/dealer.This trend of turningcollector to investor/dealer may not last long with India Post increasing the print quantityof new stamps.Second some people start collecting thematic and I think this trend will continue.

    Lastly there are professionals / business people / NRIs with deep pockets. Thesepeople like to buy / invest in classical materials and their demand is hiking the price ofclassical items. These people will remain a long term lover of philately in my opinion andthe price of classical material will go up in future with increasing demand.

    4. India post, one of the biggest postal administ rations has failed to promotephilately in true sense in-spite of the fact that it is spending huge amount in thiscause? Where exactly it is lacking? What are your suggestions?

    The biggest failure in my opinion is not to involve philatelists in spending the budgetavailable.There is a philatelic advisory committee at all India level. This should be replicated atdistrict/regional and state level with local philatelists adopted/nominated as member and

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    regular meetings held. The budget available and its uses should be discussed andimplementation should be tracked.

    5. It is seen now a days that collectable postal material whether mint/unused orused has become very costly. Internet seems to have converted value of Indian

    material from rupees in to dollars. So It has become a boom at one hand (as it hasbecome search and procurement very easy) and curse at the other (because ofhigh prices).This is detrimental for the promotion of philately as common Indiancannot buy such material. How do you look at it and what are your suggestions?

    In my opinion Internet is not a bane but a boom for philatelists. The conversion fromRupees to Dollar on internet was being done by Indian dealers only. The foreigncollectors/dealers who bought these items in old days start the auction at very low priceand if you are lucky you may get your want for a fraction of the market price. I got mostof my material in this way. The keyword is time and patience.Further with facebook and other exchange sites people are discovering exchange

    partners in other countries. I know a few people who built their thematic collectionsthrough this route.

    6. At the age of 61 and having good collectible interest ranging from postalhistory to thematic, how are you planning to pursue this hobby. Your message tothe philatelists of your age?

    None of my children are interested in my hobby. So I plan to dispose loads of materialcollected during last fifty years barring India mint stamps and princely state items*. Iwant to advance my Indore postal history collection to large Vermeil level (I got 82marks in Australia 2013) and later make it to 8 frame collection. I also want to makeanother collection of international vermeil level in different field.For philatelists of my age-if you are already a collector continue with whatever you arecollecting now. For new comers I would suggest a thematic interest or India mint/used.If you can afford you can go for serious philately also.

    7. There is no exhibit evaluation committee in India. We feel PCI should come upwith some new systems to help philatelists in procuring philatelic material,guiding philatelists and postal evaluation of exhibits .. to help promotion ofphilately and to get better awards in International shows? Do you think this isfeasible?

    The idea is good but is not the only way to go forward. Self help can be the best way togo forward in present scenario. I learned my way through internet andbooks/catalogues. F.I.P. have detailed guideline for exhibiting on their website for allcategories of philately. There is another site of American Association of Philatelicexhibitors(AAPE) where you may get idea about how to organize your collection into anexhibit.

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    For learning about philatelic items there are catalogues /handbooks available ondifferent topics of postal stationeries, revenues, postal history besides SG/Scott forstamps. The CD on old issues of ISC bulletin is a goldmine on Indian philately.Some philatelic forums also discuss philatelic topics. One such forum is stamp boardsfrom Australia which discuss topics on every field of philately with an excellent

    discussions on Indian state stamps .

    8. Your opinion about inclus ion of youth in the main stream of philately in India?

    Youth can always be attracted to philately with proper efforts. Philatelic clubs can beorganized at school level. Now with F.I.P. including MOPHILA on international levelwhere only items issued after 2000 can be exhibited more youth can be lured withattraction of international awards. All international exhibitions also have youth classwhere entry is free. So this is an added attraction.Further, regarding inclusion of youth at various important posts of philatelic fields suchas appointing them commissioners or jury at higher levels, while agreeing to your

    opinion that youth are energetic, fast, skillful etc. and they can be helpful in many ways,I feel that to be jury or commissioner -it requires reliability, experience, knowledge,consistency in devotion to the cause of philately and also the consistency in judgment.

    All these things come with time and that is why you find internationally the jury membersand commissioners are elderly philatelists. However, PCI has recently appointed newcommissioners like Mr.Kotadia (he attended all PSI meetings since 1973) and UmeshKakkeri from Mumbai. They have also appointed new apprentice juries at state levels -some of them will graduate to national and international level.

    If you go through my earlier suggestion on setting philatelic advisory committee atregional, state levels-here youth can play a major role in promoting the hobby and theywill have a chance to show their mettle there and may go up higher in the ladder withtheir leadership quality.

    9. With the fast internet activity a new concept of virtual or online philatelicexhibition like EXPONET has emerged. What is your opinion about such shows.Can competitive online exhibition be organized ???

    EXPONET is not a virtual but an online philatelic exhibition. As I understand virtualphilately means organizing an exhibit with material taken from internet/other sourceswithout owning it.EXPONET-an online exhibition is a welcome idea because it gives access to viewingworld class collections at your leisure and knowledge about how to organize yourcollections.Competitive philatelic exhibitions can be organized for virtual philately as a separateclass where the jury do not have to bother about authenticity or ownership or condition.With computer editing you can create, copy, change colors so you are not sure what isbeing exhibited is real. It will be just like a fine art exhibition.The traditional competition though now becoming very costly cannot be replaced byvirtual edition.

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    10. This month MAPPEX 2013 , a regional level exhibition is being held at Bhopal.Certainly a very good news for philatelists of not only central India but whole ofthe India. What do you expect from this show and what message do you want togive to the philatelists?

    MAPPEX 2013 is being held after almost 13 years and I hope to see some goodcollections from Philatelists of M.P..It will certainly give boost to philatelic activity in thestate.I myself preparing two new exhibits for this event and my collection on Indorepostal history will be exhibited in invitee class. I wish all philatelists who are participatinggood luck for their hard work.

    At INDIPEX 2011, New Delhi

    11. Finally, Please share your most memorable experience of your long philatelicjourney wi th the readers and your advice to the phi latelists in generalregardinghow to enjoy philately..

    My most memorable experience was when I got my first Gandhi 10 Rs stamps in1979.This was my long cherished dream at that point of time and I cannot express mypleasure of affording a 10 Rs. Gandhi stamp.To enjoy philately one must separate the financial part of it and enjoy the possession of

    your dreams.

    Interview : Naresh Agarwal

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    Beginners SectionDo you know ?

    India Post has issued stamps

    exceptions. As per rules of Indlifetime except presidents of Indissued as commemorative stam

    1.Sachin Tendulka2. Mother Teresa27 August 19803. Welthy Fisher ( 1

    4. Dr. Dhondo KesBirthday (18 April

    5. Sir Mokshagundstamp on 100th Bi

    Specialized Section

    Some Remarkable

    - Dr Avinsh B

    Beginners Section

    on 5 living personalities so far . Only Presid

    ia stamps cannot be issued on any personaliiaThe five great personalities are : These sts on these personalities.

    r stamp issued on 14 November 2013(26 August 1910 5 September 1997) sta

    Sep 1879 16 Dec 1980 ) stamp issued on

    hav Karve ( died at the age of 104) stamp1858 9 November 1962)

    um Viswesaraya (1860 - 1862) (died at tthday

    Specialized Section

    Cancellations and Postm

    . Jagtap

    nts of India are

    ty during his/heramps have been

    p issued on

    18. March 1980.

    n 100th

    e age of 102)

    rks 15

  • 8/13/2019 Rainbow Stamp News December 2013


    Camp and Field Post Offices (Type 18a)


    This is a rectangle of nine bars, with no letter inset. It is in duplex form, the left half of

    the duplex reads CAMP.OF.EXERCISE/HEAD QUARTERS and the date JAN: 7.Renouf classifies this under All-India Series of cancellations and denotes this as Type18a, perhaps because of nine parallel horizontal bars in the right duplex.Thiscancellation was used by the Temporary Post Office opened on the occasion of ThePrince of Wales visit to India in 1876.

    1876 Cover from Delhi to Urugalla (Ceylon) franked by 4 As. adhesive (SG69), bearingthe word Cancelled in ms. is obliterated by a rare duplex cancellation (Renouf Type

    18a). The left dupelx is a circle (Diameter 26mm) containing the wording CAMPEXERCISE: HEAD QUARTER along the circumference and the date in the date JAN:7 in the centre. The right half of the duplex is a square (22x22mm) with 9 parallelhorizontal bars.

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    The reverse of the cover shows the following marks:

    1. Round stamp with inscriptions CAMP OF EXERCISE: DEHLI FIELD P.O./JAN.7inverted. (Mark the spelling of DELHI, DEHLI instead of DELHI)

    2. Octagonal Railway Stamp T/ B F/ I /SHOLAPUR/JAN: 11 (Renouf T.132)

    3. CALIMERE POINT / JAN: Octagonal Arrival Mark of Ceylonese Post Office in RED

    4. URUGALLA/ JA 16/76/ PATD Arrival Mark of Destination in RED

    Some Remarks by the compiler:Renouf classifies this particular cancellation as his Type N0. 18a, based on his othercancellations used in India under All-India Series of 1873-84, where it is a duplex form

    with a circle on the left containing name of the town and the date and the right half withthe capital letter assigned to the headquarters of that particular circle and thedistinguishing number & letter for post offices. This right hand duplex contains parallelhorizontal bars.This cancellation has not been taken into consideration by Jal Cooper orby Col. D.R.Martin.

    Brig. D.S.Virk in his book Indian Postal History 1873-1923, on page 135, depicts thefollowing cancellation, with the left duplex formed by a circle containing the letters

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    GOVERNOR GENERALS/CAMP. P.O./DEC 29 and the right duplex with 9 horizontalby parallel bars. This was also in use during 1873.

    - Dr Avinash B Jagtap : email : [email protected]

    Hindu Gods & Goddesses and Their Vahans(Part I) : Shiva

    Dr.Satyendra Kumar Agrawal

    Although, Hindus believe in only one supreme God or power, they do tend to worshipdifferent Hindu gods and goddesses. They are all the different forms of the Supremeand divine almighty power that is above all. Also, there are many animals, birds and seacreatures which are depicted alongside Hindu Gods and Goddesses, known as theirVahans, mounds or vehicles and enjoy a place of their own as divinities and asincarnations or aspects of Vishnu or Shiva. They embellish and beautify Hindudecorative art and temple architecture, adorning the outer walls and towers oftemples as objects of beauty or being installed inside as objects of veneration.

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    Lion Garuda Nandi

    Each vehicle is very different and even more symbolical representing the animalenergies or qualities or skills which need to be strengthened or sublimated in our lowernature with the help of the divinities who can transform them.


    Shiva is one of the most complex gods in Hinduism, embodying seemingly contradictoryqualities. He is the destroyer and the restorer, the great ascetic and the symbol ofsensuality, the benevolent herdsman of souls and the wrathful avenger. Nandi, a whitebull is the bull vahana of Shiva. Nandi means causing gladness and its idol is found inalmost all Shiva temples seated and watching over the main shrine quite and benignfacing the Linga or the image of Shiva. In this position, Nandi is acting not only asShiva's guardian, but also as a constant devotee.

    Nandis idol is found in almost all Shiva temples

    He is also the chief of Shivas Ganas (attendants) and Nandishvara is another name ofLord Shiva. The disciplined bull, which is calm and docile, symbolizes Dharma, animage of controlled power. Lord Shiva rides the Nandi bull, which stands for the brute

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    and blind power, as well as the unbridled sexual energy in man - the qualities only hecan help us control.

    Lord Shiva on Nandi

    The two of the largest Nandi statues in India is found in the Halebid Shiva Temple inKarnataka. One of the famous Nandi Statues in India is at Chamundi hills in Mysore,again in Karnataka.

    Second Largest Nandi

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    Shiva's consort, Durga (and Parvati, Uma, Chandi and Kali), is the mother of the

    universe and believed to be the power behind the work of creation, preservation, anddestruction of the world. She symbolizes the power of the Supreme Being thatmaintains moral order and righteousness in the universe. Worship of the goddessShakti is very popular among the Hindu people. Durga stands for the unified symbol ofall divine forces (Shaktis).

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    Goddess Durga riding on a Tiger/Lion

    Vande Mataram (Sanskrit: Vande Mataram "I do homage to the mother"; is a poem inthe 1882 novel, Anandamatha by Bankimchandra Chattopadhyay. It is written in amixture of Bengali and Sanskrit. It is a hymn to the goddess Durga, identified as thenational personification of Bengal.

    Vande Mataram a hymn to Goddess Durga

    Since time immemorial she has been worshipped as the supreme power of theSupreme Being. Durga has the role of a warrior goddess who destroys demons. andwas created by the powers of Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva to kill the demon Mahisasurawho had unleashed a reign of terror on earth, heaven and the nether worlds, and hecould not be defeated by any man or god, anywhere as Brahma had given Mahisasura

    the power to be the invincible conqueror of the universe. Thus Durga slewMahisasur,and got the name Mahisasurmardhini - the slayer of Mahisasur She isusually depicted with ten arms that hold the weapons of the various gods with a lion asher vehicle and one of her many weapons.

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    Goddess Durga as Mahisasurmardhini

    The lion represents power, will and determination. Mother Durga riding the lionsymbolizes her mastery over all these qualities. This suggests to the devotee that onehas to possess all these qualities to get over the demon of ego. Lion also stands forcruelty, mercilessness, anger, violence and hostility towards other beings and riding onhim Durga also symbolizes that her grace can help man to control all these qualities inhim and become an enlightened one.

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    In Hindu belief Goddess Ganga was a celestial being and descended on Earth in theform of a river on the request of the great king Bhagirath to relieve his ancestors andfind them a place in heaven. Legend has it that the earth was unable to bear the force ofthe celestial river, and that the Gods requested Shiva to bear the river on his mattedlocks and bring down its energy.

    Ganga is thus often regarded as one of Shiva's consort as he is often depicted with theGanga on his matted hair


    Ganga on Shivas matted hair.

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    Ganga is the most sacred of the rivers for Hindus and Gangajal - the holiest of water isused in all the rituals of Hindus and is believed to wash away the sins of mortal men.Goddess Ganga is mostly represented in Hindu scripture riding on her mount themagara (crocodile), one of the rivers strongest water creatures identifies her as themanifestation of the river but also demonstrate her unquestionable power of assimilation

    and all pervasiveness.

    Maa Ganga on her carrier-a crocodile

    To understand the symbolism of this vehicle an important incident found in theBhagavad PuranaGajendra Moksha, (rescue of elephant),may be helpful which showsthe importance of Bhakti, prayer and true devotion.

    Once there was an elephant named Gajendra. He was the king of a huge herd ofelephants and he had thousands of queen elephants with whom he used to bathe andplay in a huge lake. Gajendra was proud about his status and on a summer day he was

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    arrogantly bathing in the lake with his friends. Suddenly a crocodile from below caughthim by the foot and tried to pull him to the bottom of the lake.

    Gajendra fought hard to get rid of the crocodile but the battle continued for thousandyears. In the meantime, all his friends and queens deserted him. Finally realization

    dawned on an exhausted Gajendra and he prayed to Lord Vishnu. Soon the Lordappeared and rescued the elephant from the crocodiles deadly grip, freeing him frommaterial existence.

    This story symbolizes the egoistic soul as an elephant and as long as we are young,healthy and wealthy, we feel many people love us and we become egoistic. Thecrocodile symbolically represents death, which ends everything. When we are caught inthe jaws of death, there is no one who can save us. Friends flee, relatives disappear.Our own body fails us miserably. Like the elephant in the story, the only solution fromsuffering is to turn to the Lord who rushes to our aid, destroys death, and releases oursoul from the clutches of death and that is liberation or Moksha that comes by the

    grace of the Supreme.

    It can also be achieved with the assistance of our merciful Mother Ganga, who uses acrocodile as a vehicle, symbolizing the crocodile of maya can easily be tamed andliberation or Moksha can be achieved.


    Karttikeya is the eldest son of Shiva and Parvati, the brother of Ganesha, and said tohave been born to destroy the evil demon Tarakasura representing the negativetendencies in human beings. He is known by many names Subramaniam, Sanmukha,

    Shadanana, Skanda Kumar and Guha. In the southern states of India, Kartikeya is apopular deity and is better known as Murugan. He is the principal god of war andGeneral of the Army of the gods. He is known for his extraordinary strength and carrieson one hand a spear and his other hand is always blessing devotees. His nameShadanana, meaning one with six heads corresponds to the five senses and the mindand indicates that if humans wish to lead themselves efficiently through the battle of life,they must always be alert lest they are shown the wrong path by crafty people with thesix demonic vices: kaama (sex), krodha (anger), lobha (greed), moha (passion), mada(ego) and matsarya (jealousy).

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    The peacock with Lord Kartikey

    Kartikeya is the symbol of youth, beauty and valour.His vehicle is a peacock namedIndranilaratha, a pious bird that grips with its feet a serpent, which symbolizes the ego

    and desires of people. The peacock in Sanskrit is called "mayura", which alsosymbolizes Kartikeya's effulgent beauty.The peacock with Lord Kartikey riding on it withhis battle armor on, represents the destroyer of harmful habits and the conqueror ofsensual desires.

    Pictorial Postmark of Palani , Tamil Nadu which is famous for the temple of Kartikeya

    (Murugun) depicting Murugan's 'Vel' (the Divine Lance) as well as a Peacock feather symbolic

    of his mount: the Peacock


    The chubby, gentle, wise, elephant-headed Lord Ganesha is one of Hindus mostpopular deities and is born from Goddess Parvati alone without the intervention of herhusband Shiva.

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    Lord Ganesha

    As described in the Mudgala Purana, Lord Ganesha has taken eight incarnations andhas a mouse as his mound in five of them. In his incarnation as Vakratunda, lion washis carrier, a peacock in his incarnation of Vikata, and Sheshnag, the divine serpent, inhis incarnation as Vighnaraja.

    Lord Ganesha and Sheshnag

    According to Ganesha Purana, of the four incarnations of Lord Ganesha,Mohotkata has a lion, Mayuresvara has a peacock, Dhumraketu has a horse,

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    and Gajanana has a rat. Jain depictions of Lord Ganesha show his mound variously asa mouse, elephant, tortoise, ram, or peacock.

    He is the remover of obstacles, and he is usually shown in sculpture accompanied by orriding a very small mouse, which represents the fear and nervousness in man, the

    feeling of doubt and weakness that overwhelm us at the onset of any new venture.Since mouse is seen as being capable of gnawing its way through most things, itsymbolizes Ganeshs ability to destroy every obstacle. By praying to Lord Ganesha, hisdevotees can go about their task confidently, with the assured feeling thatVighnavinayaka, The Lord of obstacles-Ganesha alone can remove obstacles from ourminds.

    Ganesha and his Vahana

    The mouse is interpreted in several ways.

    A legend is also associated with this mound according to which mouse was a godcalled Kroncha.At the assembly of Indra,King of Gods, Kroncha accidentally steppedon the toes of Muni Vamadeva, who got angry and cursed Kroncha to become a mouse.Terrified, Kroncha fell to his knees and pleaded for mercy. This subdued MuniVamadevas anger but he could not retract the curse, instead offered that Kronchawould meet Lord Ganesh and become his vehicle and become worthy of worship even

    by gods.

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    Carrier of Ganesha a Mushika

    - Dr Satyendra Kumar Agarwal email : [email protected]

    New Issues from other countries


    5 November 2913 Christmas

    The motifs of these Christmas stamp designs are pieces of traditional icedginger bread.


    Russian Post issued a stamp to celebrate the 75th anniversary of Sambo in Russia.Sambo is a Russian martial art and combat sport. The word SAMBO is an acronymforSAMozashchita BezOruzhiya, which literally translates as self-defense withoutweapons.

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    Sambo is relatively modern since its development began in the early 1920s by theSoviet Red Armyto improve their hand-to-hand combat abilities. Intended to be amerger of the most effective techniques of other martial arts, Sambo has roots inJapanese Judo, international styles of wrestling, plus traditionalfolk stylesofwrestling

    such as: Armenian Kokh, Georgian Chidaoba, Romanian Trinta, Tatar Koras, UzbekKurash, Mongolian Khapsagayand, Azerbaijani Gulesh.

    The stamp depicts Sambowrestlers on the background depicting elements of thecorporatedesign developed to celebrate the 75th anniversary of Sambo.


    Sinterklaas and sinterklaasfest

    PostNL issued a sheetlet of stamps celebrating Sinterklaas and sinterklaasfest. The stampsradiate the atmosphere of joy and expectation corresponding to the spirit of the Saint Nicholas

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    feast in the Netherlands. The five illustrations in ten stamps are based on the classic SantaClaus story.

    Sinterklaas is a traditional winter holiday figure still celebrated in the Low Countries, includingthe Netherlands, Belgium and Luxembourg, as well as some parts of Germany, FrenchFlanders, Lorraine and Artois. Although he is usually referred to as Sinterklaas, he is also

    known as De Goedheiligman (The Good Holy Man), SintNicolaas (Saint Nicholas) or simplyas De Sint (The Saint).

    He is celebrated annually on Saint Nicholas eve (5 December) in the Netherlands. Originally,the feast celebrates the name day of Saint Nicholas patron saint of children, sailors,philatelists, and the city of Amsterdam, among others. Saint Nicholas being a bishop and thisgeographical spread make clear that the feast in this form has a Roman Catholic background,although the papacy has never officially recognized his existence.

    Hrvatska posta issued a stamp to commemorate Faros Marathon. During last four decadesFaros Marathon has developed from a small provincial competition into a world institution of

    long-distance swimming and enjoys today the primacy as the most prestigious world marathon.

    The Lighter SideSachin Tendulakar worlds greatest Cricket player has touched the hearts ofCricket and sport lovers all over the world . On 14th November he played hislast Test match and took retirement from the Cricket. India Post issuedcommemorative stamps and a MS to commemorate his 200the Test . I amsharing here a special article published in Business World related with hisstamps for the interest of Readers..

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    Stamping Approval of Sachin

    Philately, the king of hobbies, has honoured Sachin Tendulkar, the king of cricket, many timesbefore India Post issued special stamps on 14th November, 2013.

    Prof Arvind Jain of Bhilwara (Rajasthan), has the complete collection ofstamps featuring Sachin Tendulkar. issued worldwide in the last five years. Jain, a philat elist bychoice, is the Vice Principal of Government Girls College, Bhilwara. He holds the national record

    (in Limca Book) since 2007 for the largest collection of postage stamps issued on the theme ofCricket.

    According to Jain, Sachin was first featured on a Stamp-Tab attached with an official UKstamp. A very special sheetlet was issued by England in 2009 during the British National StampExhibition -- Stampex-2009 -- honuoring record breakers in test cricket. Out of the 10 stamp-tabs, one was issued on Sachin for the most number of runs in International Test Cricket(12,429 runs at that time).

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    The Republic of Congo issued a special sheetlet in 2009, on which six living legends of thecricket world were featured, including Sachin. On the occasion of Cricket World Cup 2011, StVincent issued a set of nine miniature sheets featuring nine cricket playing nations, one of whichwas issued on India featuring Sachin on three stamps. Republic of Togo issued one miniaturesheet and one souvenir sheet on the same occasion, featuring the Master Blaster in action.

    Guinea Bissau also congratulated Team India on their World Cup victory by issuing onebeautiful souvenir sheet and one sheetlet in 2011, featuring Sachin Tendulkar and other Indianplayers.

    Even Easdale Island, Scotland, issued a complete sheet of eight stamps in four differentdesigns, featuring portraits of Sachin in various moods. This sheet was issued on the occasionof the completion of 12,000 runs by Sachin Tendulkar in international Test cricket. This sheetwas prepared exclusively as a collectors item and was not valid for postal use. These stampswere called Propaganda Stamps. Surprisingly, Sachin Tendulkars name was also printed inHindi on all the stamps, although wrongly spelt as Sacheen.

    So, its a big #ThankyouSachin from the world of philately.

    Ten Extraordinary stamps of 2012Here are Top 10 Most Extraordinary stamps 2012 ranked by International Stamp News

    1. Worlds First stamp to incorporate a genuine diamond f rom Jersey Post2. First Holographic Portrait of Queen Elizabeth II featured on a Jersey stamp3. The worlds first pop-up stamps from the Netherlands4.Bat shaped stamp from Switzerland5. Stamps for Sami cul ture from Finland6. Visit Iceland stamp with the QR-code

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    7. Embroidered and Paprika Fragranced stamps by Hungary Post8. Seasons stamps from the Netherlands9. Aromatic Flowers Jasmine stamp from Cyprus10. Grapefruit scented postage stamp from French Polynesia

    View all above Extraordinary stamps

    Editors Mail BoxDr Avinash B. Jagtap SwitzerlandThere is a nice article by Dr Satyendra Agarwal on Amrita Sher Gil, who was rather unknownfora long time.

    Cdr G. Sriramrao , Vishakhapatnam

    I went through the article in the Rainbow Stamp News, Monthly News Bulletin, regardingAmritha Sher- Gil , her great paintings and the stamps, Fdc's and Souvenirsheets,Special covers issued on her birth centenary covering many of her paintings..The article is extremely interesting and I was amazed to see the research carried outin preparing the article.

    Pradip Jain - Patna

    I am glad to see the current news of every new stamp release ceremony with photoplaced in the Rainbow which is remarkable and speaks itself your hard work over theyears with dedication and remain well communicated.

    Rainbow family grown up in many fold over the year. It is now the best News letter,information and presentation wise. I must compliment all your good work.

    Blogs & Websites

    1. Welcome to the World of Indian Philately - http://www.indianphilately.net/An exclusive website created by Mr Prashant Pandya dedicated to Indian Philately .Thephilatelists can register for Online Philatelists Directory on this website.

    2.Virtual Stamp Club http://www.virtualstampclub.com/index.html It is website for On Linecollectors. Membership is free. Many collectors around the world are its members.

    3. Stamp Magazine - http://blog.stampmagazine.co.uk/ This blog is updated by AdrianKeppel every Friday with new Articles on a variety of subjects.

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    4.Indian Thematics - http://www.indianthematics.blogspot.in/ - A new blog created bynoted Thematic Philatelist Mr Dinesh Chandra Sharma. This blog is all about ThematicPhilately.

    5. Indian Philatelists Forum - http://groups.yahoo.com/group/indianphilatelists/This is an electronic discussion forum dedicated exclusively to Indian Philately that allowsmembers to engage into meaningful discussions on all aspects of Indian Philately. Membershipto the forum is open to all philatelists who have interest in Indian Philately. Members can shareand discuss their ideas, knowledge, research, collections, events, exhibitions, auctions,publications exclusively related to Indian Philately.

    6. The best stamps - http://thebeststamps.blogspot.co.uk/ Its a beautiful blog created byJulian Fernandes of Pune ( Now living in UK) featuring lovely stamps of birds with the photos ofthe same birds giving a wonderful look !!

    7. Robin Stamps Criticism : http://robin-stamps.blogspot.in/ : This blog is about newissues of postage stamps and the critical study of their design

    8. Numismatic & Philatelic Association -http://numismaticphi lavellore.site40.net/index.htm - This Numismatic & Philatelic

    Association is a nonprofit and non-trade motive association that aims to promote the hobbies Philately (Stamp Collection) and Numismatics (Coin Collection) among children, students,interested individuals among the general public and especially for the budding philatelists andnumismatists.

    9. How to Collect Stamps - http://www.howtocollectstamps.com/ : The Complete GuideTo Stamp Collecting

    10.GANDHI Stamps & Philately Study Circle : http://gandhistampsclub.blogspot.in/ - Anew Blog by Ketan Patel .. Saving Gandhi Philately by trying to bring awareness and

    exposing illegal activities in Gandhi Stamps and Philately.

    11. Europa Stamps : http://europa-stamps.blogspot.in/ : A blog on Europa, cept, norden &sepac stamps

    12. Phila Mirror : http://philamirror.info/ : The Indian Philately Journal

    13. Se- tenant Stamps of India - http://setenantsofindia.blogspot.com/ It is a specializedBlog on se-tenant stamps.

    14. Flags & Stamps - http://flagstamps.blogspot.com/ - It is a specialized blog on FlagTheme .

    15. Glimpses of Modern Indian Philately : http://modernindianphilately.blogspot.com/ - Itis a specialized blog on Modern Philately, created by Mr Prashant Pandya .

    16. Question & Answers on Philately : http://en.allexperts.com/q/Stamps-Philately-1610/indexExp_69442.htm - It is a site based on Question & Answers on Philately. MrPrashant Pandya replies to queries.

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    17. Philatelic Journalists Forum - http://philatelicjournalistsforum.blogspot.in/ ThePhilatelic Journalists is an initiative by a few enthusiast philatelists, who love the hobby to thedeepest.18. The Philatelist - http://o-filatelista.blogspot.in/ - A blog with lot of info about stamps andphilatelic activities around the world.

    19. Phila India - http://philaindia.info/index.html - Website created by Mahesh Reddiarwith lot of info and articles on philately .

    Philatelic Clubs & Societies

    Baroda Philatelic Society - http://www.vadophil.org/

    Deccan Philatelic Society Pune, Maharashtra

    Eastern India Philatelists Association - http://www.filacapsule.blogspot.com/

    India Study Circle - http://www.indiastudycircle.org/

    Indian Stamp Ghar - http://www.indianstampghar.com/

    Indian Thematic Society, Ludhiana - http://indianthematicstamps.webs.com/

    Ludhiana Philatelic Club

    Mobile Philately - http://www.mobilephilately.webs.com/

    Numismatic & Philatelic Association of Vellore Fort


    Philatelic Society of Rajasthan, Jaipur

    Rainbow Stamp Club - http://rainbowstampclub.blogspot.com/

    Rajkot Philatelic Society Rajkot , Gujarat

    Gujarat Philatelic Association - Ahmedabad

    South India Philatelists Association - http://www.sipa.org.in/

    Stamps of India - http://www.stampsofindia.com/

    The Army Philatelic Society, Pune

    Current Philatelic Magazines Newsletters

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    Stamp of India Collectors Companion - Indias first weekly e-newsletter edited by Madhukarand Savita Jhingan from Stamps of India, New Delhi. E-mail: [email protected] Website:www.stampsofindia.com

    India Post Quarterly Journal of the India Study Circle publishes original articles submitted bymembers of ISC.

    ITS Stamp News - Quarterly - Editor: Suraj Jaitly Publisher: Indian Thematic Society website -http://itsstampnews.blogspot.com/

    VADOPHIL, Editor - Prashant Pandya and published by Baroda Philatelic Society, Vadodara.Website -http://www.vadophil.org/

    Journal of the Army Philatelic Society : Editor Col Jayanta Dutta

    SIPA Bulletin Editor - Mr G. Madan Mohan Das and published by South India PhilatelistsAssociation, Chennai website : http://www.sipa.org.in/

    GPA News Editor - Ilias Patel and published by Gujarat Philatelists Association,Ahemadabad.


    This is a blog of e-stamp Club www.rainbowstampclub.blogspot.com . The idea of this blog is toextend philatelic fraternity in all corners of the world. Readers may write about themselves withtheir collecting interests and share new ideas with other philatelists. New Post on recent issues,news on stamp activities and Contribution by members are published every day on thisblog.Readers may also express their views on any philatelic matter which will be publishedunder Club News at Rainbow Stamp Cub Blog. Philatelic Clubs and Societies may also sendbrief write ups. News about new issues of India and abroad and other information related withPhilately are regularly posted on this blog. Readers may send reports on new issues, specialcovers, cancellations & philatelic activities of their area for inclusion in this Blog. - Editor

    Promotional SectionNew Books on Philately by India Post

    India - A Philatelic Journey

    This coffee table book, India- A Philatelic Journey, was released by Honble President of Indiaon 3rd September, 2013 at Vigyan Bhawan in the inauguration ceremony of 11th Asian PacificPostal Union Congress. The book gives a glimpse of our country having chapters on MahatmaGandhi, freedom struggle, art & culture, wild life, flora & fauna, sports and heritage sites ofIndia. The book has been made in collaboration with the Times of India Group. The designing,printing and editing has been done by the Times of India Group. The packaging of the book isexcellent; it is inside a beautifully designed Shrink wrap box. The most important thing whichdifferentiates it from other coffee table books is that real stamps are used to describe the above

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    mentioned subjects. One side of the page have the text and other side have stamps related tothe subject. Approximately 117 stamps issued since 1974 to 2012 have been inserted, inoriginal, in each book. This book is a limited edition and exclusively for niche customers. Only800 copies are available for sale. The book can be purchased from National Philatelic Museum,Dak Bhawan, New Delhi. This will also be made available to major philatelic bureaux. Interestedcustomers can also place their orders to the nearest bureaux or send an email to Shri

    V.K.Singh, ADG(Philately) on [email protected]. The price of the book is kept as Rs. 5500.

    Art and Culture of India

    India Post issued another book on Art and Culture of India. It contains 42 stamps and 1MS issued on various themes like Greetings, Taj Mahal, paintings, Handicrafts, Textiles,gems and Jewellery, Festivals, Mimiature Paintings Dances , Masks etc. The book isavailable at all Philatelic Bureaux . Price Rs 2500.

    Year Book Of Indian Philately by Madan Middha

    For the book contact : MADAN MIDDHA, Saket Vihar, Phalka Bazar, Gwalior 474 001email : [email protected]

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    Courtesy - News and Image Resource to this issue Stamps of India,International Stamp News; Indian Philately Digest ; Mansoor B.- Mangalore; Prashant Pandya Vadodara; Sreejesh Krishnan Trivandrum;Ashwani Dubey - Gorakhpur

    For detailed images related to this issue Please Visit :


    Address for communication:

    Jeevan Jyoti, c / o Mr. Ajay Srivastav, Chief Conservator of Forests, GHNP, Shamshi,Kullu (H.P.) PIN 175126 India

    E-mail [email protected]

    Last date for receiving wri te ups 25th of every month. Kindly send imagesin jpg compressed format & text in MS Word only.

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    Any material from this newsletter may be reproduced only with the

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    ..Happy Collecting

    Rainbow Stamp News is edited and published monthly by Jeevan Jyoti, from Kullu(Himachal Pradesh) India.

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