R. T. POTTS & SON · 2015. 2. 13. · set. for JhTy 12th. V. It. Ham asked that preperty on Halott...

Many Bid^rs ior=th«: New Sher- ~!SuS“ SetKjot -Building*— Very ----- jj3VOfabl6-Bids-Submitted ...Ground W ill Be Broken . Next Tuesday. 1 ,,st TThlaV was tlio d a te h ...•ivinii lilil« <»> tin' new Slierman V, , »1 lmlbUnK and nn /unuMwi tfe * . x m s r s t . (or the ehi'tncnl wink tin it .. vl:V .r_iiin(e^r()i''Itii;^TilnTiil,l'nir^f>>in' and tor til« tii'atini? anil veiitilaHns nt aet'thhtedn. There wan a-blB IUn L .it prices hunted «»n the K<‘ti- m l contract- but mi tlm ot '« l M l ; * hhiriinif wtis ilnsi*. On uu? * jrenernl cuutniet the hliih hill was sijSiKH) anil the low $lt^.M>. must —■ XV :the--blibv-liownver. .wxM-o^ehu'tn M115,0011 mol ?2I0,0<K1.- For the idcj- trlcal contract iilila ran [torn $7,.itl to |l0.5»l. M*w hbll. on the P umb- imr work wuh $10,;).W anti lnMi 1 « ! On the imnthiB anil vent tint iib ,fork_ low bid was *22,HOI and high ?“Tli^'.Muei-essful bidders anil total ’’’l^i'cieiioral Work-DiUon & W >, ley, lnc„ 10» I’ark avemu,. New KleiioVnrWork—T ^ Co., 20.TW: 57th .itrent, -New T oi.k, S'ror%hiinblnjf - • '^ r liO|'^7A‘ : V ’liulprwoi?.■ Kosi'llo l Ulk, *1 •• * ' Vor JlaallnK ami \ t'uUla,i)ili ? '' Walter P. lMnui.1u>';. l-! Mohan ie'street, Newark. *22,001. ' Total 1 ‘ost *'2p0,70S.liS. Tuesilay nit;lit" tlin l.oaril of l.ilu- aition belli a special nioeUnt, at vl • contracts wen» forma V nvaiileil To the contract total mist ho. aihleil architects anil emd- u>orki foos. approximatoly if mil fnmHhinK so tlio total will Jan s'linewhere botvyoon *225,000 and FS on ihh new l.nii.linK will bo- il\e l for formal commencement, by S ^ fc«% ag :5!S 'i£sii^irv&w> ~U-kT'i*V^t lio1 ’ ‘itili i'llInK^i'iVnni1 ! pnihably wi'l ^'nve^^he^ l*Deacnption of the New BuildinK^^ present Sherman School bulldliiB. sliojvn _ ..... .(l, ,,„,i ltruedon are U»>‘ “r* . .. i ...» fio t nil in tilt* 1)1 compieteli. present Sherman St‘ 1 ,0‘>\bu!J^I''Î; i^ 'ü>V[ollinKsworth anil llruRdon are rooms ns contemplateli in the, plans- Homm, __ ---- _ ----- hereWlth” n.dosei'lptiou of,J|H'; new Shèrmart Sellimi: r11 ,,,il.,.n The. Imililintr conslsts nf foUl <n standard si/.e class rooins fui fotty MViòili ench, cadi class room prò- viiìeii wìtli a standard si/.e doak room ami truchers 'dn^.- .el o ,,f tiwim* i'iass moni* un* I oouumi on V ^ f l m t o r mai., «;~.r V * soven Uhi, t > mlililli; of hiTililintr. 1« l° ''«'tóru. Sta ami lioors Z a rooms ami t_lu- su ¡p. ri fg ss “'Y lr a r e ’ two Ä Î vate toilets. hoen so planned I thè lialcmiy rt The school has bcc^soP^* j do tor the that the:»ndltoriqra taarms w?. « ... ffifSSft? « »-VS! a5fflàÌiwj*2SÌ2 nrranueil to take care, of these looms liull'penileiitly »f the rCkt of ' ' ’ n.e m-ind'pat's <*lllce w 1 th assftt- ¡iiit‘s rno'm im.i pviviito nni* *} Hoard room anil library, are located 0 1 n r t l l r W.H..I doors are provbled with separate tolbjt rujonji for each, sex, wltlTample toilet fat 1 litlos in c*m*U ruse. \n tlm basement'. In wUHtlnn to the reimlatioa boiler .room, fan room’ coal bln and storage room* nro toilets, shower rooins und locker known as Imam and irlriler const rue- tlX "veept for the auditorium nm cymtuoiiini. which are (o be e.cçtÇ !îfStructural1steel, on account or t L b'oc. r Mams an.t .be beile, ‘"rîh " Vïb^i-tofy l.niiilim; will. SSSL fS T ë ' in the busement a UM, eri kini, tl. ' 11 ' room has been « t | itiier piasti red or cement -pt the boiler room, co KH.iiis mal storace rooms h. 'Vvept fer »>•*■ kV"""1 '11 '1" ' 'nicitirul ins.Mctors rooms. 1 ,1 Zwòt'tbè^ditori,im.aU' M«e » ^ . ^ “cor'rJor^UUr r a t - Fruit salad White ^ J ^ a J s 3*1 Store will close Wednesday at M c M a h q N High-Grade Groceries 23 N. Union Aye Phone- 675 FREE DELIVERIES _ Looking Ahead q Have you a son or daughter graduating from school or college this year/ q Have yon considered>w essential to their "success., in life, are the habtts of thrift and industry? -i -V ------ - ---------------------- Why not give them a slarl toward savings account. . - ^if You may make an initial deposit _Qf .$h or upwards and will receive 4 /o interest compounded semi-annually on all amounts of $5 or over. , CRANFORD TRUST CO. CRANFQRD, N. J . .......... “Every Modern Banking Facility R. T. POTTS & SON GROCBKS ! At North and Unipn Avenues ^ ........... Phones 460 and 461 1 > K C 1 A E 3 FOR FR1PA v and SATURDAY PRUNES, Excellent Quality ...... ...... 49 c MATÎNËE S A ^E S iin Pure , per can.'............. ................... GRAPE JUICE, - ......... - r- ...... ¿OC o l ÿ ^ N C ............ V .............. ; 23 C MAXWELL HOUSE COM EE. ........ ........ 42 c per lb ....... .......................... » 01 : 1 VES, Very Large Jar, per jar; ................................. ...... . POTTS’ COCOA. Vt lb. tin. .. EATON’S SALAD DRESSING, __ per jar, ....... « ma,•bine tlressetl top smfaee.iwltb biadi siale la.i,Ieri and Invìi«. , Tli,. wull.1 ami cellhiK« " r 11,1 1 ! „„„n i ami balli .irti..« " . /‘ b Ini; t'-xcepl liollei'.nM'tu.. «'imi 'h'; Tu rtioiiFi' iihd-bicycle .numi aliali In .,1 whi «: ¡ibernative. tm u. ""in'1 iliilaim; fi"1 - sl"M 'b"V Sei .... . conxl.leniU.m Ima biim iuatle ior 11 fuLum »‘¡l - st untumi si/,«» VIush rooiiw» unti H»«' he! ¡ini 111 T 1 I v.mtilalhiK P i""'« >'uv« hl t n anàncetl et M.llldmil .al/, io itrtineilv llike care nf llie alx anni titillili inuma wiicii llistalled ,lt ¡“'''''J ( re timi*, wltlimit nnneeeaaiiy nnd ctntlv clianpini; nf thè "iiiiiia, liuti eie' and patelilm; and re pali m ut 1 iste.- walla and cclliaKa. Thla «xtra ebanm tur larBor timi «. ilucts ami lit.ller fapaclty 1« ‘^ÌÌlVhm l^ ÌSS*«r ...... - "7 r lUlt lwaa*,,'tb<»UKlit ftdvlsablp: /..uni iniM'd on Mi The tint business ineethiB <>f tin* Hnanl nt-Appeali untleLThe-It^.'L, '/nnini; Ordinance was lielil tail nlBbt ut tbeTuwtLililp H««>ma. Elev- en appeals were read and ctmaiih 1 ml ami dates fur public licaill.Bi set tin all except No. I. an appeal by Mr. I.cvy for clianKc of /one of piopeits owned by him from Kesldence A to |{,.il,lence It. This appeal was re- Ollier appeals for chunK" of /;1 Inc consltler.il Mere hy Shalieen Mlk r.L.for cluinBe in /nnliiB on W limns rstTi'et.— Hearln ^x-siO—fnr-.l uni^ -St It. Hv reililciits and owners bn Nortli Iivemie.Hast both for etmiiBe anil to retain present zonitiK- llearlijB set for .Imie »Sth. t'or plot nt Noiith avemio and the river to clump* from -Kt'iltleuce H to Ueslilence A. hear- hu; set for..lime UStli. Mrs. Stepea- son annealed fur elmiiBe to ituainess Zone froni Uesl.lenei* A; for her property at Kastman ami MU» streets. hearhiB set fur. Juno -tjtlit 1 { T Parrott, Kxeeutor, asked tlmt propi'ity on Walnut, avenue at t'hestnat street. In* phieed In Busi- ness Zone, lieiirlnii 'set for June -Hth. — Martin Hess asked' «haiiKe front Hesldenee A to liuslness for part of Ills property 011 Walnut avenue neiu the I.. V. U. It.. hearhiB set for July l-’tli ltnyinond Mills asked that . Huslness Zene, South avemio W. he . ehiiiiBt'd to Itesldenee Zone, henrliiK set. for JhTy 12 th. V. It. Ham asked that preperty on Halott avemu* Smith he chaimed toTlusIness A m , liearhu; fixed for June JXtli. Name owner asked like ehaitBe for prop- ,uty Union aveiiiie North, liearlltB set for July 12 th. Siutfi* owner■ Halt prupertv mi llrookalde I luce, < eillii Street and Hlvlstmi street he p need in llU'dlWMS ZolM*. l«H. .Inly hith. Mr. Carpenter for prop ,.,-ty. Hiilmi rivenue North, ehiumo t„ HiisI iiohh Zone, hearhiB set fm ^The "lieurliiKH are to he piiblie and all persons ImvIiiB hiterwls In t seetlmis altected ure expect.il to he present to he heard for. or uBivhmt I he chatiBes asked. Md Free D^veries to All ^ . x R. T. P O T T S & S O N vvirUre Taking Orders for D umber sextette 94- HIGH ST. TEL. 508 AtiAIN we want. In remark "that, our lumber. Is well, seasoiicil. H li taken eure of l.y liilll men who are experts In their line. It Is an art Ido tlmt-ymi will Und thm- milfhly depiaidahle.aiid priced »* Ihe wlailesale market comlltloli.i allow SUNDAY DESPATCH OF MAIL llmilnnhiB noxt Hunday, Juno 18, tliore will In* a spcelal pouch ot.roall tlcmiafeiM^rwMt) Oranford Sunday veiilnit. All mall depimlteil In tlio m »x Hi front- ..f the Post Olllco up to Six o'elm-k will he umile up I'nd sc it mìt that, t.lKht.. No imttel. vv ! bo received unii no mall delivered. The order for Sunday oijtB«dnk mail will necessitate tlio workliiB of he post olllee iderks In turn Hun- lav evenliiB. They do not Bet paid for Tills sbiwlee bujt may H'b" Time nfl Hi „enmpeiisate 1some time. throui;li thè wci'k. The Siiilday mall . desunteli Is. the -remili <>f tlm pell’ tion for such service He .t to he llepnrtiiielit some time Hliii.it by tlm Sunt It Side Civic Association. SOUTH SIDE O m 0 ASSOCIATION Tilt, Sonili Side Civic, Associatimi - met ai tile Macola School lliesday evenI b June Hth. There was m* new business and tlm inoethiK tt'*- ^'it'was deiihietl to «tf.lt all r'-BUlar „„.film's diirliiK ,l!'VKl'lu1 "tim call next imi'tlliB Is subject to tlio tan id ilm jirestilenl. ... . A party'Tt doleKiites from tbu V. T“ A went to New--llriliisvvlck last . Tiii.i'sduy t.i iitti-ml til», ...... exercises of the Now .h rsoy Wmiiall'H t 'ofleB*'. SPECTAL 1 Barthlemess IN ' “TOL’ABLE DAVID SPECIAL ! Charlie Chapfin ..... : * ; rN ' , -«- “ PAY DAY” ____ THE BEST SHOW OF THE YEAR ROBBINS & ALLISON STORAGE and MOVING NO ORDER TOO SMALL TO TAKE TeleplT°ne agQ»VV PHONE 0ME-JHREE W alter W riW ooner Company, Inc. NO ORDER TOO LARGE TO FILL ^AUTO SERVICE tifying to the lady of the house to have the gentleman of thte house confer with us after orthodox business hours.

Transcript of R. T. POTTS & SON · 2015. 2. 13. · set. for JhTy 12th. V. It. Ham asked that preperty on Halott...

  • M any B id^ rs ior=th«: N ew Sher- ~ !Su S“ SetKjot - B u ild ing*— V ery----- j j 3VOfabl6-B ids-Subm itted

    ...Ground W ill Be Broken

    . N e x t Tuesday.

    1 ,,st TThlaV was tlio d a t e h ...•ivinii lilil« tin' new Slierman V, , »1 lmlbUnK and nn /unuMwi

    t f e * . x m s r s t .

    (or the ehi'tncnl wink tin it..vl:V .r_iiin(e^r()i''Itii; T̂ilnTiil,l'nir f̂>>in'

    and tor til« tii'atini? anil veiitilaHns ■ nt aet'thhtedn. There wan a-blB IUn L .it prices hunted «»n the K, ley, lnc„ 10» I ’ark avemu,. New

    K le iioV nrW ork—T ^Co., 20.TW: 57th .itrent, -New T oi.k,

    ■ S'ro r% h iin b ln jf - • ' ^ r liO|'^7A ‘: V ’liulprwoi?.■ Kosi'llo l Ulk, *1 •• *' Vor JlaallnK ami \ t'uUla,i)ili ? ' '

    Walter P. lMnui.1u>';. l-! Mohan ie'street, Newark. *22,001.

    ' Total 1‘ost *'2p0,70S.liS.Tuesilay nit;lit" tlin l.oaril of l.ilu-

    aition belli a special nioeUnt, at vl • contracts wen» forma Vnvaiileil To the contract total mist ho. aihleil architects anil emd- u>orki foos. approximatoly if mil fnmHhinK so tlio total w ill Jan s'linewhere botvyoon *225,000 and

    FS on ihh new l.nii.linK will bo-

    il\e l for formal commencement, by

    S ^ fc « % a g :5!S'i£ sii^ irv&w>~U- kT'i* V^t lio1 ’ ‘itili i'll InK î'iVnni1!pnihably wi'l ^'nve^^he^

    l * Deacnption of the New BuildinK^^

    present Sherman School bulldliiB. sliojvn _ ..... . ( l , ,,„,i ltruedon are U»>‘ “ r*. .. i ...» fio t nil in tilt* 1)1


    present Sherman St‘1,0‘ >\ bu!J^I''Î; î 'ü>V[ollinKsworth anil llruRdon are rooms ns contemplateli in the, plans- Homm, _ _ ----_ ----- —

    hereWlth” n.dosei'lptiou of,J|H'; new Shèrmart Sellimi: r11,,,il.,.n

    The. Imililintr conslsts nf foUl < n standard si/.e class rooins fui fotty MViòili ench, cadi class room prò- viiìeii wìtli a standard si/.e doak room ami truchers 'dn^.- .e l o ,,f tiwim* i'iass moni* un* Ioouumi on V ^ f l m t o r mai., «;~.r V * soven

    Uhi, t > mlililli; of hiTililintr. 1«

    l° ' ' « ' t ó r u . Sta ami lioors Z a rooms ami t_lu- su ¡p. ri

    t ó f g s s

    “'Y lr a r e ’ two Ä Î Âvate toilets. hoen so planned I thè lialcmiy rtThe school has bcc^soP^* j do tor thethat th e :»ndltoriqra taa rm s w?. « ...

    ffifSSft? « »-VS!a 5 fflà Ì iw j* 2 S Ì2

    nrranueil to take care, of these looms liull'penileiitly » f the rCkt of

    ' ' ’ n.e m-ind'pat's K C 1 A E 3F O R F R 1 P A v a n d S A T U R D A Y

    P R U N E S , Excellen t Q uality ...... ......49cM A T ÎN Ë E S A ^ E S i i n Pure ,

    per can.'............. ...................G R A P E JU IC E , - ......... - r - ...... ¿ O C

    o l ÿ ^ N C ............ V .... . . . . . . . . . . ;23CM A X W E L L H O U S E C O M EE. ........ ........42c

    per lb ....... .......................... »0 1 : 1V E S , V e ry L a rge Jar,

    per ja r ;............................—..... ...... .P O T T S ’ C O C O A . V t lb. tin. ..

    E A T O N ’S S A L A D D R E S S IN G ,

    __ per jar, .......

    « ma,•bine tlressetl top smfaee.iwltb biadi siale la.i,Ieri and Invìi«. ,

    Tli,. wull.1 ami cellhiK« " r 11,1 1 ! „ „ „ n i ami balli .irti..« " . / ‘ b Ini; t'-xcepl liollei'.nM'tu.. «'imi 'h'; T u rtioiiFi' iihd-bicycle .numi aliali In

    .,1 w hi«: ¡ibernative. tm u .

    ""in '1 iliila im ; f i " 1- s l" M'b "VSei.... . conxl.leniU.m Ima biim iuatleior 11 fuLum »‘ ¡ l -st untumi si/,«» VIush rooiiw» unti H»«' he! ¡ in i 111T1I v.mtilalhiK P i " " '« >'uv« hl t n anàncetl et M.llldmil .al/, io itrtineilv llike care nf llie alx anni titillili inuma wiicii llistalled ,lt ¡“ '''''J ( re timi*, wltlimit nnneeeaaiiy nnd ctntlv clianpini; nf thè "iiiiiia, liu t i eie' and patelilm; and re pali m ut 1 iste.- walla and cclliaKa.

    Thla «xtra ebanm tur larBor timi «. ilucts ami lit.ller fapaclty 1«

    ‘̂ ÌÌlV h m l^

    Ì S S * « r ...... -" 7 r lUlt lwaa*,,'tb

  • T * *



    Ph.842-J V


    Through Her Influence “ Charley" Smith, Who Shot Noted Bank Robber, Eddie G u e rin ,!J l^S e t Free in England—

    Guerin, World Famous for His Escape From ........- ,. Devil’s Island, Now Broken Man. , ,

    'k ‘\ i - \r Y o r k F in e . _lm .h«'f

    -tossed up iiiiiny u queer unit um-xprci- ed comMiiiitlun un lier dizzily upImiinK wlti-id of filimi;«'; Imi seldom mi odd u one uu Hint of.today, «hen M 'l y A “- tur. Ilic ulnsninc. IIm brilliant. the Idul uf two ruminent », looked d i i » » frum Ilm heights " f In-r fimi timid turn fur u fidluw Virginian iunn who Inni «Tliulimls unii Jnllhlnls to^prJson liiiuKi’lf Immiiiim1 ili«;. liunrln, tTo* jdohI

    tiTis [ 1501. wh«*n fili .Tari? Bini Its tftiOHlfi uTiíTÍVhbk in« Il rrTiin 1 lItiT Tntilrs^n.f' t hr houU'VnnJK, Un; «tliif Iu^uIrIhmI AnierL.

    BUST OF GRANT UNVfc’XEP^ Philippines Bishop Visits His Home


    ræâflt' v

    to n fur the lust llftit-h yoars. ami who would have Imtii then* another ton long yours If It had not htvn-for-.Kato iind- her youngor ulster, Nano.v, hady.Astor.

    Umo ‘Tl.arh'y Smith," fiiolng a Jadgo, said that his real numo was

    ■ "Mr. Nobody, frotr Nowhere." The yoars Imvon t added mm li . to that Identification, tu.r to what is known lihout that ari'h-orltnlnal, t.h«r nmn ¡chose '{»alii "i.'hnrlO* Smith" luckless-

    *ly crossed —Kddle tJuerin. Tho tin* dorworld-JiiiiiWH all their secrets. and tho timlorworld doosn’t toll.

    Lot’s hoghi with what Is known about Kddio Guerin. Nobody knows hi what ohsotitv liolo ho Is] lurUlngjty»^ da"v. Fho oham-os nro tliat ho.-Ts u inisorahlo, gra.vlmlrod dorollct;x lhlov- lag and hogging on tho/ktroots .of London, ltut then? w ijkii time when la* posed as an Amelrionii nilllionalio, and when tho jmlloo of London. Paris and Now York hold him In nwo.

    Guerin a Gang Leader.Kddlo (juoiin was horn In n poor

    quurtor of Cldcugo, Homo sixty'' years •ago, in n day w Iumi Ctilcago-was notorious iih a sink- hole of vice and n

    • breeding place of crooks. Hy tho time lie was twenty, In IttSO. he iind his brother Paddy wore loaders of u gan.f of young toughs. 'J’helr t rst big "Joh" una |t>. walk ciihjjily _i_iwny one day. with Hourly ?*0,00 in onsli ̂ front the counter of a hunk In (¡aloshurg. 111. Kddlo m ight hu\e stayed on In Chicago, hut, t nly u few dayn after the hnuk robbery, he Kli t ThotmiH Tre- harp, u potteeinun, in the hack room

    i of n (dd|eag'd< saloon, mu) tied , from Ids old )• m id i :

    ",On his way! Last, u hank In .‘ Me- gljeny, I ’a., \ t . rohhod daringly, uml I’Mdlo (i'jerlt: win., •'wanted” for the crime, «hit ho .reached Now York and managed.to keep out of harm’s way, though ho became known td the Now \ork police. . •

    With'the money frojn an occasional hunk robbery or hnrgliiry of Jewels. Kddle hung u pout uptown -gambling houses and spent it freely Lu t! (»Ives i»t lhe4 ”1 emlerloln. He was a husky, handsome young fellow— If you didn't *tud.v Ins eyes too closely—and he liked “ (he women.” One o f them In % articular lie ■ Ilk» d— “Chicago May”. luirchill. lie was to change his opinion of her later. '

    May was easy to Iooir_iTt~lf—contemporary reports are It» he believed. Her blue eves could.'seem very...alluring to wcll-lo do men who didn't know

    •her record. Afterward, when they had accepted an Invitation -to her Mat. and. once there, foumL labile Cueriu maidenly dcmnniUngm * .fat bankroll from 'them as t/fihCpriee of silence, the.v «found >hWgP^hJue eyes as cold us the steel ofTSJdie s revolver.

    Part* Attracts Them.Ni'w ^ork crainpeii the two after n

    wldle ami. ill*tin* ’.Hi's they decided to Hike a look at Paris.

    - There, .was a robbery - of- 2.'*0,000 francs fn*tu that famous . I ’a.rislan hunk, tlie J jvd it Lyonnais, in ISOL

    - Kddle was stlsptvteiJ._tjf_Jiaviug--had « " halaTTif that. Hut nothing lmpp» ned . P> him for a good xion -vi ars. •

    Then, in the wrtnn spring days of

    cans planned u'mure spet’tactilnr ami richer haul. Around the corner from the ( ’afe de la'PalX, the busiest und most faiimtis corner in all Paris, and in the very shadow of the great j o|*eru house, were the oilleea of the | American Kxpre.»s company. |

    With them now were Kid McManus j a young Kastsider win* hud iisceml , ed from tlu; prosperous state of a

    The CoW-


    - r - f l

    L---} i» ùfriUfiÊ&lf&iZt

    New VórK salodnkm-per 1“ panlonslilp of Kddle Kuerln,Initch (Jus Miller, aci notorious nnin-Ainerlejiu criminal.

    Their booty frota the express role

    _Tha-huat-òf ..liiuiemLlL.A J »rant ln^

    hery consisted of only IWiOtH) francs, then worth about S(J,(K)0. Th

  • !̂ ~ * ÌC ’ Ì r J r

    Nation’s Memorial to Abraham Lincoln DedicatedJimmy Murphy Winning the 500-MUe Auto Race

    • ^ _____ .-I_V- ■' ___


    rhereof u gov-

    ionu- r the gnv- endl- ■rlng’ ?t of glble ough twice it In- vners naive

    diteci 5,000, its of nates Insti-

    Broke Into Federal Pan, i Now He Can’ i Get'Out i

    David Wolmiin waiiied ;place to spend Ihe winter uh.-rr hoard and lodging wmii.i ^ free.' In Chicago lie p„s,.,i „deserter from the navy ami sentenced to two years in ti,„ federal penitentiary. Uh,MI spring came he revealed Ids true Identity, expefllng ■ to I.,. released.' But the_government■wants pay for his board un.ikeepT

    AVolmnn explained In a letter j to the Navy department that lie 1

    “ whs nor'MTflinel..'.McCarty’. a {real deserter, whom he chilme'l t to be. An Investigation ills- '

    “closed the hrtax. Now Wohimii ! Is being held for fraudulently, v breaking Into the pepltentlary, $

    The .government Is seeking a i friend of Wolmnn who received ¡t a reward of $50 from the gov- v eminent for surrendering Wnl- v man ns a deserter. **

    tutlons carries the total during the greater part of the year close to the 00.000 murk. .

    "Across the gorge of the Colorado river Just west, of Austin is '‘1" “ ‘ r’ " " " t

    an avomi:«* la ili** wlnmT nftt’r

    PRINCE FROM LIBERIA Golfer Harding Presents the Prize



    Manifesto Urges Men of Faith to Halt Feelings of Mutual Hatred

    . ,,, and Rancor.

    Constantinople.—A manifesto has been issued to the Moslem faithful by the Islamic religious department exhorting them to banish -feelings of mutual hatred and rancor and to be united In religion and faith.

    The munlfesto says: “ In olden times when we were united nnd nttnehed to religion, we dominated over vnst territories In three continents and.‘ these territories we kept for many centuries,' thanks to our high qualities.

    “Let us give up. alcoholic drink and do nothing which our religion forbkUf us to do. Let ns try and love one another nnd preserve no rancor to- .wards anyone.” • ■, _____i - i'V*. ..rt*4*8*

    1 * - ■ n Of the beautiful Lincoln Memorial In

    Of all the Memorial day ceremon.esThe* * Iron, the

    they appeared together- that day ■ _ --------------.------------------- - : ” ” . .

    Len S m a l l Jury b Kept in Good Condition. - - ' • ' . .. ..... till» Ml 11 ~l ~ I I "'ll

    ^ being tried on u-vh J e «•* «•'“ * '» « “ l“ ,B iU''"S'




    !‘ ln- an— ce.

    a the imnn’s- le? To mtry? world n, fedI. ploy til un- wlth-

    lerina-' as u

    stinnv fe nnd omen, tubers Ion bf autnu- 20-30.


    will in nnd toil to noting ntlons. vlll be f Mln- d Fedone of lie nd- Ington- - "Tlte

    eard"t ishlng- nnmlt- : and Ife. of ilmmn

    world-, led by it the

    ted to cl,air-


    speak on “Citizenship Plus” ; Jessie Ilurrull of Stephens Junior college. Co- luntbln. Mo., whose subject Is. “Dynamics of Citizenship,“ and Ilunford MacNIder, national commander of the, American Legion, wit > will speak on . “The American Legion’s Attitude . Toward Citizenship” ; Judge Mm tin J. Wifde. United States District .court.- Iowa, who will speak on “Organizing for Defense of American Institutions.”At this session plans will be .made.tocelebrate July Fourth.lift an anuunlCitizenship day In every clty^ (own nnd hamlet in America.

    -“The New Publier Health” will be the topic of Dr.-Hugh S. Cummings, surgeon general of the United States, and the question, “ Is n high mural standard, the same for man ami woman, possible to achieve?" will be a question discussed by experts anil lay- mon.

    The -esponslhlllty of clubwomen In...promoting the welfare of children will he n topic discussed by Grace Abbott, chief of the children s bureau. United States-Department of Labor, and the public welfare and inoilern medicine will be the general topic of Simon Flexnor, M. D., I.L. D.,.director-f the laboratories of Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research. ' .. The fate of the education bill in con

    gress and other questions of Interest , to organized women.from a legislative standpoint will lie "presented by Mrs. i Kilward Franklin White, national legislative ç|iali;man and deputy nttornay general of the state of indlann. and a war on Illiteracy will be waged under tiie leadership of Mrs. Corn Wilson Stewart, chairman of the .Illiteracy i commission, ; National Education asso-[ elation. ■

    Thé possibilities of motion pictures,; for either good or evil, will be tits- - cussed antl-Wllir former post-'master general, now president of the Motion Picture Producers of America, will speak on "Upbuilding the Nation's Life. Through ..Motion Pictures.’!' Mr, and -Mrs. Thomas A. Edison will appear fan the program for June 22.

    Recreational events and musicwill relieve the program. O.1 Nevin and Thurlow Lleurance. noted 'musicians, nre among tltose’-who will appear, and there wl.il ho pageants and plays. Mollere's masterpiece, “Don Juan." wlll .be staged ty the Imitons Guild players and the. Hojy Land will be brought to the. -(invention through a biblical pageant . taged by Nanette II. -Pattlrsowner—of-the-world’s -greatest- collection of biblical costumes brought

    — ‘ \i,,i|,.|t ,,f llm WashingtonPresident Harding presenting „„mini tniinmnutit

    with the McLean cup .iV'.V ,, President Hurtling won fourth I’" - '

    - l e in e 'tut n prize a dozen golf balls. --------------IHR HU I» r* » ‘v - _ ■ ——

    Jury Box Designed for Short Skirts

    . . \

    „n in i té his own country to stari in agricultural school. »...1 111” M •

  • T O E C R A N F O R D O T E E N A F © C H R O N IC L E T H U R S D A Y . J U N E 15. 1922

    € h c € r a n f o r t > ( i ï i i i ï e n

    A N D CH RO NICLE P u t iu s U E u K v k k y T h u r s d a y

    , Union Avenue, Cranford, N. J. '


    JA WEH K. W AR N E R . Kdttar iinJ /'uWfiftn’.

    ~ 1 - RKI»AV. JUNK 15, r.i22

    Terms One Ooller and e H aifa Veer

    ' Stilemi At Ih# Oanfnnl IW ORi«* m •■ ttecoifcK'U*« Uatft-r.

    W ASH BURN—C RA N E............. . , , , _ ,____1 Miss Florence Alm ira Crane.

    Mrs. Edgar MjUer la giving a large ] (jmtiejIter c f Mrs. Jolm Miller Crane, bridge, at tlie Casino today. _ *of Miln street, was married at eight

    Mrs. (,'l,arli-s Rose entertained the „•c|(>(.|t last evening to Edward Mt-r- High School faculties last week. |r|t Washburn, of Cranford. V The

    .Miss Hattie Seward and Miss Vera .bride,.'who was given away by her Merriam spent the week-end at At- ¡brother, .Walter M. Crane, won ianticCily. . white georgette and Spanish lace,

    Mrs C, \V. MacCoiinell o f Keans- U it li a veil and orange Mowoms. burg/was a visitor in town over the and a gold b r a c e l e t - w i t h <

    monds and sapphires, tlie g ift of theMrs. I). C. N. Coltins of Walnut » o o t n . o^hunor.

    inemie, i~ entertaining tier »stMter j* ge „ rKette. and her flower girl, frr»A rvu-tit or » I r* m*y

    : iul.r«T*i.U. ihrfriH »ili- U* cucii ai» o|n*muimy tu la- Ite ami t*imitJi.lL»fprL--rMaUÌL̂ t l̂ Lv.nn.|mama:..and hi mi r k.-d*~~Tff>r-s< ̂ { fureWdbtUt-AsaiUufc itouav

    . .......................... ......... ̂ rooms were beautifully decoratedinfilled to iier home by |with palms and flowers, and tin'... ---- ----------- r— ' hip

    rlstown, Nutley.' Netherwood, Eust.............. , Orange and Cranford. A fter tiicn-

    h e r g o f K.ll/.nlictli avenue, entertain-|p | ju|| w|,|cli followed the cerei d friends- at curds on Tuesday even- y|r. ami Sirs. Wasliliurn dc-Ing. . / parted on a wedding journey, and

    Mi-s (Margaret Blake,/of North Upon their return w ill make their West, gave a/party to » I|,,,ino on Miln street.

    Win n the Hoard nf Education wii- «iithii'ri/.ed liy the voters lit Ilo- spit iriI -.elioni meet mg in Mulch to t-\ pi-mi fjóu.tgw tor u Ili ciiiss mom m - I i o o I witli aiHlitoiium and gyin

    -nasitiin—as—|dannt-d -tcy-the- ihond. tin- Citizen and t'linuiicle stated \cry pluinly that 'CiaiilTiul should get more tor.Its money l timi inn IHisi-d hy the. Board or slioiild spend lessmoney tor whirl was pioposcd and cited a niimlii-i ol school con tritets rigid in, l titoli loiinly to prove the statement. We me glad lo note the Scliool Board .Jpoki-d Blither Into the proposition witli tlie result the plans were redruvvn amt two additional class rooms pm vldpil, us described elsewhere ill This Issue Tlie total cost, iiurier the"coil tracts.will lie umle*J>JdU,liOU, so wr •have u saving directITolvriii,UOVI witli two auditionaT rooms Inclmlcd. which It figured-at pro-fata cost will add. i-m.titiu ' approximately to vatu«' rccctverl or j-si.ikhi over wliat original plans ol tile Board called lor amt wind tire Board asked lor. Me arc glad the Board oi Kdlicntion was noi uhnvc taking udvh-c and may he pardoned (or hiding the l'ltl/en unit Chronicle helped mu ti-rmlly in luinging about the changes wheri-tiy the Tow11-stii]i Is fiilMKHlJietter otl than It would have 'been under tlie original plans. Cranford will have one of .the till est sellimi buildings In tlie State when tlie new $liernuih .Scliool is completed, a credit to'the-Board, to tlm architects and to (lie Township

    avellile . . . . . . - - . . . - . .muni,er of lier young/friends lost ».„ .g Then- Teas dancing and ro-flcslilllents..

    Mrs Miditi-necoiirt, lier son .Ed: -■ yer i

    k end at' Mount Pleasant, turning Wednesday,

    ( l i s i i g e M a c k .Iinine tomorrowh'-ge. tvhiTp ire.

    BURR—A D A M S ..MIss’ MlldHä! K-AtMuu»; « n i Kdt ttKI,xl;siUYi T11E ,.|a(

    r*uin I'lcpitrTil Ly the T i.u tiih ij, Khuinrcr aii^nuM UI1 me itl il.t- .«fflci* ,(f ti.c TuHiubip

    .''crtioD^ t : T fu ( 'the Uncflis c«yrift rn'ci l*y It *rruiJiutf, paunj,*, rurl-s ami j:uiur.s be

    Bcs.ocJ ujkiu the lai.ds amj real « u i c iM-mfittU lli.n-hy pursuani to the Malta«- m "«uch ' ludtii* aiul pruvUJt-tl. — ' ? .

    KiriiuH :i. Thai this tirdiiuruu- ’shall take ffirt iiuiuodlatciy. — —*lhtinl AJay I I .

    A jzY yT T t. UENMAX,suû //'.', _ ' Tomialtip ('h-rk.

    N o t i c e l.i lu n l. j g lr ,ii u,at il„. Tuuusliin l mmiiilli'v m il i,us t i „ il„. T.iu ii.ilii,,

    ,-ma-ua ,ur ; , „u, n•fUf n .H.rrst A u nuo fromA aelranttc -snrfr—cotrttrr-ti* ”7ûiJ iliiirirc

    ■rtiUcd check

    right to

    T Btirr, son of Mrs. .Danieland .iu Irgí/M éyer’spcm E l K d i : 1''

    Mr. and .Mrs. Burr will live Jr., will return Mora «>" their return "from

    (mm Wesleyan' Col- [wedding true__ ^ ________ _pas just eolilplotcd | , - p r p .n .............

    in El their

    his tliiril year. I wiliiam KleiafeldorMiss Eli/uhetli Hoe of Miln street, william Kleinfelder, a wV'll-k.nown

    gave a simili dance on Friday even- fOI-ult,r resident of Cranford, died at lug to her young friends. Refresh- parkview Terraec, NeW-mciits were served. . Sunday morning, death result-

    \|i s. . (leiirgc- Moon,_ .of I.lnden i„g 'fm m a eoiuplieation of dlSL-ascs l 'Ìlice, went to Andover, Mass.,^"tills [ from which lie had sullered for some w ii* . to he present at the gradua-hiiiuChaek. He was in Cranford mi tini) oi lu*r mui Juuh*s. IhUNinoHS a ft?\v wocks silu*t‘ ami

    Mrs. John -Denman of Denman greeting old friends, avellile, ninde Ilvo entries and took Mr. Kleinfelder. u as horn In R three prizes at tlie Hose 'Show at selle ta years ago and wms the soil the ('arteret Anns.in Elizabeth, last o f .1 l io .lale J y y b^higlljlgiggL HeL-aine to Cranford TÌ years ago tttuT

    little AIlss Kent Hoc o f Miln Istartcd in business asa barber. - l.it li .miss n in i rroo. o i xiun . 18S,( j erected the buildingst,-eel, gave a party on Monday af I J « t1“ t|le |,ank ,m t'nlon avenue.ternoon to a score or more of her young friends, who enjoyed a program of games anil refreshments.

    Mis. Mount went to Andover, Muss., lust week to attend the com mem-i'iiieiiF exercises of. Abbott

    W H AT OTHERS TH IN KDear Mrs. Pcriias:

    Do you reinomber our conversa tion- Bt the Home that afternoon when you said you was wondering if the circus really was fanny Well, to me, it was the funniest tliiug I have seen for a long time! I sa\v it both afternoon and evi-n-

    -tug, and the people 'around. m< both times were' just in gale’s o f laughter.

    The Wciitfiold folks thought the whole thing was marvelous. Yegj terday we talked: nhout_.it '.on the street corners, at church aurp at home. A huge success w a y the verdict of all. And the spirit,-that wonderful spirit. Auy to.wu thut can arouse so great an enthusiiuu among its citizens to/work for'a good cause has reasoi/to feel very proud, for’ it has the commendation o f everybody./ . .

    The opportunity to publicly express my gratitude to you in applause the/even ing I greatly appreciated./ ’

    which lie sold, some years since tc Peter Kattl, at this time moving to Newark with-hls family. Mr, Klein folder for years conducted a l.i very stable In the rear of his Union avenue.’building. In Ids business lu-

    PAY o r J IM - li,A T K :.,U U'CLOCK |-, M.

    unsiii.r ilu- f*»||uMin4* i.rdiiiajicc, a t 'u b ,¡»mi Dia. c all iicr.suus un.«-,,- i 4ì,Uj iiu > i H-

    t*«l l > Midi ini(,r{*H»riua'iiv

    u- i«i;tn i c«ii»cvrnnn: >u«h iii»j»ruuiiHiit. * .tu or«JiuaiM-c a|i|iruj*ri.ttn«k: *.;u,yyu tur ¡»ri

    n » ic c comivctioiiA to N« w ir. yaa ami Wati-r ni.itua-ttttti-|iotN#--ror-753mtarr •ScWi:r_vYÌt'n'aionsilL-Ataiuul—IkcuuAi,-Alni-awtliorizui'g-the iAnttr- o lliin i^rary RoioL-i to ujrvi »ani a|»pro(«rutioba.

    11«? Il untameli l>y tln? Tiirtnshil» loiuiuitlcc o f thf Towiisim»/ o f t'rauf.uil. m tb«? touuty ù f l'nim i: •

    non I. T lu t thè stiius of $;5,yyò fur pri- iatv »erv ic f Coiumiioas lu ^ w cr, ami n aU r mauis ami $l,ouu tur *4U tur) .set«er ckUiiaioiis m Mainili Avellile t»c, ami ilit-y tn-r» L-y arrjipiirti-

    (ttl to ¡«loviile IUtilizi tur tilt* ¡uyiueiit-ot thè «•I »u d ì ilu(>rult-liirntA.'-

    i-dmu tu onice lo liu ti saul uj’jui'j'ri.i- Iiotl diitl ly telili,i.fju ly Imauct- ^aul |uiI|aul Uuitlv sitali 1« ixsucvJ m tln- ITnticipal'-aiiiijmii nr n«>l csi eciliiiji 5T.0(Tt} sliati mattile • Hi noi mure liu ti Ifiree Vearn afU-r lite pur pose t«.r vvhuli tluy an- l.vuu U ha.t Iteli tai iDxi uni aiul sitali li.iriln tcrcsl .il imi

    SIA J>vf Celli, per .llllUilil |>a>alilc '.v ille uuually. \ • • .

    T lu t ibis orAliiiaiu-e “ shnll “ takr- fTccI ililinetfi.ilcl). ' • ; . •

    , ALVAN U. DKVMAN, ~I * * 'ioWi»S|«n» l'Ierk.

    l'alt d j ilajr 17, VJTi. • . i . -

    » i.nstoDlur- lo Marsh Sin-el». ih« i,“ " » nurrUJ. - :IV u | «*a ' 1-r H .U f . « « Av.-i.m-i Im h c - C.s,l,.»-tiuiia'.' rulli jJu ll U- u .'. C. N. COLLINH,

    w TtAVliship EliKilU’er. Liated June lo ib , 11*3$


    r a o M SOUTH t o „ g r e e n a v e n u e s ------ -— _ _ _ ^ : h a m e í ib o . n . J, - ......... I .Scal.'.l l.i.ls w ill le r.t . 'i . .,! «•> the l.m nsh llr

    rejisT any «« U-st serve II.

    o í (he Township o f iTuiilord, .Nat tlu- iowiishi'ii K.i«ms. /"I .n.M

    \\ R UNKM »AY K V L M M ', JL NL -1. l-’ r - . at N I*- .M. . .

    Da>hylit Savin« Time.I.,r atwut J"-« lim-al I n t >- w w " ,“ nl1 .u.ntt z M m .w i m ivv.tli mu.,lK,l,S s „a ■;» • t.M'i.-lii-». '•«*-. " “. ofiLTiicv with -4.1ai«ik--aml-Mmcilhati'iiis to . obtained oil the

    ^K ach t - i í must U* acciiiiu n ied by a cerlilttHl IM), and shall he Hdtrly marked

    - f i » itosal l*»r Acuir eiteiisioiis NValuul A ic Í bi! » ¡U K- r „ . '. , v , l , » ! ! , . Ut vvrlUlvd

    . 1.»-» k f«»r tlie same amount. _. . ,The Township I'ommitUe reserves l,u' .rik !|

    to m ec í any or all bids as in their opmiim will

    ‘„S, " " :"u/.'sl.!' ‘ 'p 1’ c / v 'ni'l.Liss» -Township Kn«meer.

    Haled Julie U lh . I-1--- '

    us tor dun««* Ul. /.mi o are re«|Ueste< •«ivell oppurfU

    C LA S S IF IE D "ADVERTISEMENTSA d v e r t is in g un der th is h ead not n r . j

    O v e r 25 w o rd s , I c . a w ord .


    Aymlwilyg- from which her (laughter ,c 8 w|,|,, ocipiahitance and nil l.oulse, vyiLs graduated. these were frlemlH. The older rcsi

    The wedding O f Miss Helen Kklll- Ljents ot Cranford in particular will mini of Cent’ri«l avenue, and M r Ar l r,,m(.M|||(.f ihm with pleasant rccol llmr I'efan. o( New York, will fake||,,0tiuns. .place this evening, at the home o f yjr. Kleinfelder is survived by a tin- liritle. / Uyldow and two daughters. Mrs. \\.

    Miss Buckle, ot Orchard stregt, is [ a . Adams ami Miss Jlay Kleinfelder glving.ii garden party for tiro pupils I »11 of Newark. -of Intr selmol this afternooii, prcll-1 Funeral services were held at the mlnarv to the closing for/ho Sum- Kleinfelder home in. Newark lues mer, which will oo*ur/tomorrow, day night, dntennentw as at Kur- There are giimes and refreshments, j green Cemetery, Elizabeth, onvvvsi

    Chiirles Rose of Miln street, has nesday. 'goije-to t'oRirado an/Nebraska, for a vacation. W h i le absent he will attend the coimuenceitient of tho

    n o t ic euiumittie

    U bt-reby «iiui tlut .tin- Townshipwill lu tit ui in « Imviuhiji iwMiuu

    William O- MasiaWilliam U- Massa, seven months

    tesser of Mai hematics at Blair A ,c a . | n0n ieo f hïs'parents at 3 |>. m.. last irstown. N .rJ, attended|j,rlday ami t i|e Interment war

    Fai rv lew .. 'demy, , Bla

    fXDrd.Mos tlitre oi)Wtilnestlay of this

    Mri^Siirmt r I>ftinon, o f Madison I ’ V .X A . NOTES avyimo, attended the coinmenee l A sjieeial meetinK of the \. L A. merit oxorei>es of Abbott Academy, I held at the Clevtdand bchool at fit Andover. Mass., Inst week, when 3 p. in. yesterday. Heports were h»>r ilnughter Catherine. ..was Rra* read by Miss Lakey and Mrs. Kealuated. vim MeKslek. deleRates to the recent• ■ t j • .__ . 4|.„ L\ul.

    M LDNESDAY, THK -Is t DAY OK JCM / VJ22. A l ' »:..»> (M L I I t h 1*. Al.

    iiMiltr ilio tulluvviii« u iiliiu iuc, a t.w liK h liuti- antl place A ll pclAumt vvliu>»- lamL maj irfii'tcìl !•) sucii impruvriiu-iii or vvtu» uuy l-cli.liJ«nU-tl thcit-iii vvni t»e «iVcii an. Lx iio i ire. . * . .it ordabu-il l-y tlic Tmvuship CummitU-c uf

    Itlic iuWiulup ut tranlui'u, m ili« Luunly ut I l iiiuu :

    .lictiuii 1. T lu t u 1U‘ iiu-b vitrilliU tilc sani; t.tij r»«wei Le rotei 1« A )iVdiiM l*l.uv noni .tiatuir l 'U c r tu Leiiitt AvcliUc 111 ucE’urUaoct* utili plaM3 4nU sptvti»calnms prcpaicti uy ine luwustiip y/ i«in tir ami rum un f/k- m ili« office01 Uve iownsuip C lrrk .......................... . ' ’ .4

    Section «. in a i Uie MvcUU conferred l»y Urti, coristi uclum ul salti setter Lvasseasta uiHm 'iiu* uuus Bini rési ca la i« Dciiehlcd luervDy pursuaut tu irte ala lutò tu ^ c b ' case tuaUe ami piuvnitfd.

    hi-ction J. That tnia urUinancc a la li lake filtri rumu-diately. • ̂ ,

    ii.iicu .May 1«, 1UJJ.A L IA S n. D K N M A N .-l,_ . luvvii.siiip iltlrk.

    * NOTICE o r h e a r in g .. •.Notice 'mi *1.) pivtn that at llm r«-|;ultmvliu ul t!.c Ou.tr«! 4*1 Apptitls >«» Ih* held— w i :u m ;m i a v i p m - D'— • „ .llu- lulhvwii.̂ j.«un»DN t«*r cliait«»--m the /amm«tinlui.m« t . vv it l. l v 1« ar.l ami ihn .n u p s ic t h. .micIi P'Oh, ill« oruuiajut t.;r-upp«w t'» 'l-o ■prts’. 1.1 ami w a r.1

    '"V-.i'.ium . x / '! ! ' 11} M iuIu y ii Silk1, h< mill, 4 v'litciiiii il Avciiuc ami NkmaiiN

    M itc t. ami i«* rctit«Mc Im nlrr jartl iruin 1 S im , from K.-tlil.nn- 1, Iu Itll,im-ss

    Hy ur.I.r of H.i.iri, „1 AHi.alH.

    FO H SALE—M ISCElLANEOi .T lLL inaxL till ked ■ r, f ■ suiijcvt- tn trrwvi j today Tlie womlerlul ice cream

    -jioiajitJhe.Flaza,J. Eastman ctn-crlt,t-ym's_Pl,llud(‘lphiu Jce Creaia

    THREE-pieee parlor. suite, snmll table white enamel double, l Phone 275-W.

    L IK E a rock, our 3-piece indcstruc-1 table Steele Beds ($15.00, never rock. liniMtrted 0x12 rice straw rugs $ 1.05, Strong I). S. Cases SI :,(j A fte r supper come to Westth-l/l Stute Highway to -110 North .ave-1 mie. A. R. -.Maxwell, open till !, p. in.

    C U T l'LOYVERS, ' ' '"Sweet Peas—$2.00 per innHired. Caiia Lillies—$2.00 per dozen. Leliiglt Avenue Greenhouses, Kari .1 uill, 127 Nortli Lehigh avenue Cranford. Phone 354-M. tf. ’ i

    BOSTON .FE IiN S -N ieo n -u rt 'f iiient Ot eieah, ' iieaithy and strong plants, '10c tipi to' $,.Oo. Flowers and Floral Designs on short notice. Lehigli Avenue Greenhouses. Karl Juul, Pro prietor, 127 Lehigli Avenue. Phone i

    ,351-M. ■ tf .DON'T forget tire loved ones at

    home. Takiioina SutldUe or u Soda in-,, i hi per enn. (le t them ut the Plaza, 1 Eastman street.

    ISA'RGAJN for living room or cl ul,. mission set, consisting of two lea ther cushion clmirs, three rockers, large table-electric lampTtnttTTec, | also combination Victrola. Mtet he sold lit once. Call 301-.I or Pi i- | day niglit between''eight ami nim- o'eloi-k, at 7 Orange avenue..


    i»l,jj.ctin« th r ift«. •l or change :u,eil,g mi State's'Greatest'Dam-c Floor.

    . _Parking Space for 1000 Cars—. Trolley Cars Direct to Gates

    Strawberry Plants> POT GROW N

    —For July and. August Delivery— • A ll varieties including •

    •WASHING—W ill work out or take u «siting 1,ninth, also house, cleaning. ,.1’. O. Box 112, Cranford. N. .1.

    COZY' homes make happy peopleDecorating will mnke your homo more cozy. Make your selection ‘o f paper and let us quote you a price on doing the decorating for you. I t will be properly done and you will I lave no kick coming. Tho cost Will be b o low ns to bo a mnt- tor of strict eeonom yfor you. It's lim e to get’ busy. Broderick & Steemvertli, 50 Elm street, YVest- liehl. New Jersey. tl

    Early Jersey GiantMarshallChesapeake

    i Delivered per 100 .$7.50

    RODERICK M. CROCKET. 36 Hillcrest Avenue

    C R A N F O R D , N.’ J.* Phone 446-J .

    W ANTED—MISCELLANEOUSAN English' saddle, large size. Ad

    dress K, Citizeii-Chroniele oiiiee.lilt HI class music furnished for ail

    occasions. 'Also piano instruction. Address-Prof. Harry Spewak... 16« Nortli avenue, Cranford or phone 51,i. .. *>"23

    TW O or three unfurnished rooms by elderly couple, for light house: keeping. Phone 255-W. tf

    ORDERS taken for layer, loaf or snuill l,nine-made cakes. Three- layer cakes $1': phone 331. 'Gladys

    : Pettit. ______________ __________H ELP W AN TE D—Female :

    WOMAN to take wnshhTg at hoin'e for family of two. Call 2/9 YYal- nut nvelme, Cranford. .

    */To s t

    The McCarter School121 Cranford Avenue, Cranford

    Kindergarten and Primary ClassesAlso classes in French' after school hours, 50c per lesson. Tutoring In other subjects, $1 per hour. .

    tweet, Nortli avenue and Attica |„«tv'^oircus iast Saturday realized I ÌZ>ii\ii,»oh,,,',■> n,.nuai .....Criiipled Chit-1 ’

    Ä h t e f e , , akev. president o f the V. r.'l u*t*lJ >:a.r" 'KI'1- x- J--Jull,: *• ,

    >v. ^ , . . n ------ — - - w . C, _ _ _ « I a i iu .U l l l t a i l i u » . . i x i i « i , u i t i a i u w n i , a . •».. MIHI ' I ,The V. I. A . Booth at tlie i-OlllITlU* L|ie ¡i¿irtiuT*i)¡|i it* uh* S«lm»tz«r -*V Ki.v«. itasi

    l'n ion avenue to Nortli avenue,' thtej . M^ . 1Ii f kieLv-e ̂ ^ext^Tuesdny for I Nortli nvenue frontage being on 8,1 ,\;a/tauuua wltcre shtJ will remain angle. The;jjitrehase price has ™ t K ^ y p p r i f ” he . 12

    ’°TheS property has. frontage ..on _ _I oral Federation to be held there I ¡ g

    i r « i « ’VithltTu/p'roperty said hV wlii U « « e 2M 9- Mlsa Lakey who l* repnll, » hantlsoino brick Iresentative o f Insurance at the Gon- S*=.

    trlminod'imliding, which'will pr?1 i ) >dprat‘ ° " ' vii' ^ “th i-T lirH t ® or«/» hex isubJeot on June 28 Bt tlie

    • i.

    A L IC E M cC A R T h R , t Phone 231-W l*riiwlp»r

    Stone UIHIIlll'U i’iiiiuui5( mm ti mu i .-r -, -- .

    LVnn,ng‘ ' r l r ,Ufic'es " a Jh e ' “ íind ^nterencë. From'cirautau;,,,« she | m ntiiir.,KMVImttmHo'ald it ?s h i s ° m . U g° o n to her Summer home a t g tent Ion to make the building one |Mel\ in > iliage, N. Hr . I itateutlon to make the building one of the tlncst in town, /vto-dato in every way. A building! on'this plot, so long vacant certainly will -be a great improvement to tho section. Mr., Shapiro some years since put up tlic-throe story building In which lilit department store, is located. His purchase of. the Ferguson plot makes him one of tlie big owners of business realty in Cranford.

    A Verbal Salad.The following telegram.-w rites an I

    Irlili reader, was sent by a constable from si/outljlng district to bis ser-1 géant? “Motor just passed at furtousj rate In direction of town. Killed heifer, containing four gentlemen and two greyhounds, one of which was a clergyman.“—London Morning Post.

    CAMP KEEP-O FFATTwo-Act Farce Comedy» giver* by tlW C. E. Society .

    • — — of the Presbyterian Church on ! '

    Wednesday, June 28th; .... . at 8: J5 p. m., at Cleveland School . ! |

    Dancing Will Follow Tickets 50 Cents’

    Proceeds for Charityfusisi

    Very . Much to Be Desired.We all should like a cook such ts

    an English clergyman advertised tor In the Londou Times. In bis adveltlee- ment he snltl among, other things that It was oascuttal not only that his cook should have a sense of humor but alio Unit alto should exemplify the spiritof (fulntlans, verso 22. Now Galatians, , - , , .... ............ .

    wU1 tempt

    Seek to Bribe Ghosts.A firm belief In ghosts prevails

    among the Inhabitants of Central Africa. I f a native believes that he is possessed of a ghost he goes to hit local medicine man and asks him to expel i t One method. the: medicine.

    Now Gat at Ians, j man has ot dotog this to to „prepare.js I

    áw ^ tTs i^ 'LáV w rtf a|*irt oirHf'thw-spint-tii-ioTerjo^-peace. long- |-«l>s-ghi>«t to lsava-tho-body-o t -the 1 f * ie f «atti salló cold and Ann. suffering; gentleness, goodness, faith." 1 m4n

    O n account of the recent fire >vhich destroyed their office,

    Clarence Seward & SonReal Estate and Insurance Brokers

    ’ ~ Telephone Cranford 104-R

    will continue their business at their home address, 218 'W a ln u tA v e h u e .u n til f i i f th e rn o tre e ... •' .

    BANK BOOK No. 494G of tlie Crun- foi-tl Trust Company, Cranford, N- .1. Tlie tinder is requested to return it to the bank. I f not restored before the 10th tiny of July., 1922. nppjjcnt ion will be made for a new book. - <

    BANK BOOK No. GtH4 of Vhe Crnn- ford Trust «'oirii,any, Cranford, N. Jr-'IJie Under is requested to re- tu n rit to tlie hank. I f not restor- oil before the 9th tiny of July, 1922. application will he-ninde for a new hook.

    KURSK—Containing small amount ,(>( money and a key. on Not tIt avenue, on Tliursday. June 8tli. Reward if .returneir to t ’ itizen-Cl«ron-ioIt- iillii-e. • .

    OVA IT jet I,roach, with gold run; fTivlit value ,to owner. Reward. 1‘lione 71J. Mrs. AV.--B. Tliomp-

    ’ son, S Arlington road. . ‘ -W H ITE lemale poodle dog. about • four weeks ago. Answers to tlie

    name 'Trix ie” and "Fluflie. R eward if returned.to 27 South avenite, Cranford. Telephone 41 J.


    — 108! Walnut Avenue______Irving G. Hoff. Pastor.Sunday Services—9:45 a. m-. Bible

    School; 11 a. m., worship: 7 p. m., praver; ?"p. m., evangelistic service.

    Titesday—8 p. ni.. Young-Peopled Association. ' -

    Wednesday—10 a. m., prayer. Tliursday—8 p. m., Bible Study and

    Praise. .Saturday—S p. m. to 10 p . ta,

    prayer. _ ____

    MARTIN SCHAFER Ma’çqn and Contractor

    C R A N F O R D . N . J . '

    Estimates Furnished on all classes, __________ .____ot work.................

    -Telephone U N —

  • '‘JS *m. ' t - ■% », — i " ¿ V " " t ' , - Í

    ; * 5 r‘ ' * , '♦*,*/ ,»|f

    ----- -e-VC *-S „ S' -

    CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTSA /IWMélrlnái iLI. L * fAdvertising under this head not j In, 25_words, 25 « n i , « Æ “ " 4

    Over 25 words, lc. a word.

    It U> \V ill'

    ishtr ;. 4.,

    titledirkedAvnts an extraordinary showstart at 2:30 p. re. ¿..rUltlmrd BartU6)mess, star of VUy

    At a meeting , ol tho Board oi|}Witi ii k-.aa, •• u.m i„. prosentetl In

    « > » • » ’ * * * * - “ *».. atiABlIfilL . * _ i__...

    - I l l

    JPPLY OO-t

    A t a meeting o l tho. ®®R.^1w?!|l>o«n East," will be prosentetl In Trustees lustThursday n 'g lÎvS J J ^ Ijo sep h Hergeshelmer tjeclded that the 8onlor acÜvoT^m | Ev(,nlnK r „st story. “iLxütitn Hst bo. closed. I'orsonBi .... „ . . imMi,.Cft0n i

    h Saturday

    fog 80 good a supply, and >ou making application f0L ^,tlofKniw n i|01u' oI 11,0 thr0S bt'wK,pU1!m rim,dtnhave po anxiety whatever as to ltali„.r>,i1li. dating f wm | -------- -----wholesomeness." bo placed upon tho walttnB U s L ^


    Company Refers pH its Patrona »

    “ ihcralllP tiat-instho plavod upon tho tv alt tnBUst. _ _ At a recent meeting of tho Ten

    nls Commlttco ot tho Club, It was decided that more attention should he paid to tho development ot the »laying ol junior members ot th©’lut), in order to contlnu^JoAUtr

    vi'iir In”addition Charlie. Chapita wilF l’io seen“ id Ids latest “comedy.... . _ IV_M . . ■“Pay Day."

    ,r pi.-.i

    REAL ESTATE FOR SALEBARG AIN in- well-locuted house,

    six rooms and bath ■ (Cranfordi, three minutes from.station, paved street; $1700 easlt secures possession. Splendid chance. Address "Itargain” care Citizen nnd Clirnn- ielo. ' tf



    5 *

    W ASHING W ill work out or take wasliing' liome> also house-cleaning. .-..P. O. Box 112, Cranford. N. .1.

    COZY homes make happy peopleDecorating will mnke your homo more cozy. Make your selection ‘o f paper and let us quote you a price on doing the decorating for you. I t will be properly done and ( yon w ill have no kick coming. Tho cost Will be so low as to bo a mat

    . ter af .strict economy-for you. It's fim e to get’ busy. Broderick & Kteemverth, 50 Elm street, Westfield, New Jersey. tt




    ing In


    CAMILLOGeneral Contractor


    WANTED—MISCELLANEOUSAN English saddle, large size. Ad

    dress K, Citizen-Chronicle office.HIGH class music furnished for ail

    occasions. 'Also piano instruction. Address-Prof. Hurry Spewak,. ll’o

    « Nortli avenue, Cranford or phone m i ;. ..

    TW O or three unfurnished 'rooms by elderly couple, for light housekeeping. Phone 255-W. tf

    ORDERS taken for layer, loaf or snuill liome-mnde cakes. Three layer cakes $1': phone 331. 'Gladys -Pettit. ■________ -

    Grading Conor*»* WorkCellari Excavated

    Sewera, Bldowolka, Et*.

    P, O. Box 5S CRANFORD

    Wm. C. Goldig, tac.opticians

    2 f9 Broad Street

    Elizabeth, N. J

    Tho Interest ot the Company to Identified with the communities ta which Its plant to located end It to the policy ot the management to do Its full share to promote theli growth and prosperity. '

    I a roprçsentatlve ot the Company will be pleased to call on parties who do not at present use water from Its mains, and explain rates,

    . terms, method ot service, etc.I PLAINFIELD—UNION -1 WATER COMPANY

    175 North Ave, Plainfield, N.1M Broad 8t„ Westfield. N.

    '« •‘K#.

    Synopaia ot the Mtautea ot the Union County Board of


    GRASSMAN & KREMEBNEST li. MKYKR. Incorporated

    • EktablUhed 1Ö50 - '(SUCCESSORS TOl_EDWARD MOSHERlfi

    C i v i l B n s l n e e r a * S u r v e y o r *

    '■ n i « . . jM —00!0 Boildlag. t'___ ____________Ofitoealäw B rr^ 'i atrwit. Elizabeth. N. J. — ,

    rrooaoiuotBSub, in order to continue Tito regular meeting of tho Coun-dtico tdnhrs players of ability. This I j« *;* tho ' Prenbytorlan Church. }̂j!J¿ ‘S Ä Sä ™

    r Ä n T o fT m n ™ Veros taamount of ^ ,2« . 00 for ^ U ßes at Wood avenue, Llndch, mtthoruiru. tho treasurer to pay Ut C. IL win 1^ r o ^ h y « ^ u ^ r ; i don

    ^ « Ä u r n c d , to -r a t e r s .Ä S ä % l n^ no Ä n d ä y ,‘ teOhnlnnthor.’ ' - . _• I . . -ÍTIaClerk:

    Oranlord, S t iTelephone 26-M

    Raritan Valley FarmsPredata Oaxtlfiad MUk Only

    2 7 c. Q t.ORAHFOBD D A S p i .

    »hens j l f M M nU A va|


    Sunday Services—9:45 a. pi., Bible Sciiool; 11 a. m„worship: 7 p. m., prnver: ?T>. m.. evangelistic service.

    Tuesday—8 p. m.. Young Peopleis Association. ' -

    Wednesday—10 a. m., prayer. Thursday—8 p. m., Bible Study and

    Praise. .Saturday—S p.. m. to 10 p.. ul,

    prayer. . _

    O. Í.TOYB.

    MARTIN SCHAFER Mason and Contractor

    CRANFORD, N. J .'Estimates Furnished on all classes, ________of work . ._ .___

    JOBBING OF A l i ™ *D8 . n Q A C- promptly attended to I H c S b b n U D -

    Screens 'Repaired and;*«" M*d- ‘«lpiunjbing, Hating, TinningOrdar " I ¿Tsleptmoe M Ü __■ _

    ¿ .ttau tra td ra to to d 11 E Patern Avaana OBAEFOBD

    r o , b « m ■, caA in O B p j 5̂ r r n̂ w

    Wolfe Carpenter Co.- . Speetoltotatn

    - Real Estate, - - ..AND -Insurance

    Xttoabsth .T nvt Bldg.- - XJJ2ABETH, N. i phone Evening« 1» B Craaford

    or U nden 8618-B ,

    on COUgrtti.uini''''!Mr Roberts on hi» eleetl°n^ anti

    } * r t ewerWm « ‘t8rfofnthedrVo%V1c ^ ro U o n t and hup port and tim ed ovcrthowavel to tho ■ new president. But th e retiring president was not.alfowed to -assume his seat In the audience un-

    ( til he had’beon eulogized by several U j. bbeRHan j members and by Mr. Lange, the. mov0 I l .lorn /vi

    Carl Warsiniki & Son.PADITXRS AND DECORATOBfil

    80 Bnraside Avenue Telephone I5WB CRANFORD |

    BREHHRH&TOYEPlumbing, tinning,

    Heatingf t 4 S o « « l » A v e .E . -

    tnpinher» ana uy mi. ,aa»»»bv, leader, on his good work and untiring efforts on behalf ot the Class -while ho was ‘president... Mr. Bur® t made\ very, raOsfacrory rc-nort on the financial result of the concert given under the direction of the Class and tor the benefit of tho piano fund.. Mr. Burnett received a rising vote.of thanks for his activity. ( i «, The Class -la represented by a

    (committee who wUl work In con- 1 junction with the_ Bulldlng^'Fund

    . (^mmlttee of the S and« School toCrnnfortl ijj0lr efforts to ratoe tands lor tho

    R A T T I ’ S’/ HOM E-M ADE


    9 Union Avenue - ' Cranford

    Telephone U6-M

    FRED KANTNERUpholsterer and Decorator

    formerly” with W. Baumgarton A Co . N. Y.

    Sperry Building, 11 North Avenue, Eastr 7 Telephone 438-W

    s k m b w . h „ H F - 5

    Under New Ownership 11 beg to announce to the people of Cranford aod vice

    nity that I have purchased the

    at 7 Walnut Avenue, near South Avenue and will handle only high-grade meats at prices that

    will appeal to the thrifty housewife. _

    , ^ 'p o " '“y S T » i w always £ . ™y castomers the best and most satisfactory ̂service.

    May I have the pleasure of serving you?/ FRANK VODRASKA.

    Telophono JIM

    .. R O O F I N GDoes vour roof or cellar leak? U\ me waterproof

    h L d U r to roof. Work guaranteedJOSEPH DAMBRIA

    Phono C n m f o y g r ^ "

    Fresh Milk and Cream]Right from the Farm

    ' g v G lV B US A TRIAL*®#\Ve deliver In Cranford, Roselle and R°“ *'e"P “rk

    Address MEYER BROTHERS,. Qrove Dairy Farm

    « . „ . . . * » 1 . - - CKANFORD.N.J.


    I - NURSERYMEN AND LANDSCAPE (O P J ^ ^ ^ i e t l o s taI PEONIES for FALL PLANTING ta bloom note. Select your v I ' onr Nursery. -Over 100 kinds. „„ till'JULY ■1 - Wo plant EVEBGREENB, RHODODENDRONS, e t c ^ u p ^ U L ^| Ask for eatalogu*. . . . - . - '


    -Telephone. USJ—

    * 4*.

  • t'tf.Vf.'

    -TH' ■ f V :\ -* ntTFTx! ,

    yr>s^ , i

    «£ • !i. ÎeM• tUrtl

    ova \o t l l■ inni«coanU4Mil'1)1*

    \V*£is i #b w *î t L vi>4jti»i-oir.i l C

    I842-J V :


    842-J WestfieldResidence

    J i l l E. Broad St, Westfield


    (Orders’ Left at Reay's " Pharmacy Will Receive Prompt Attention

    • f


    iW A ÍS - “ ®Living i 3 doslgu L Di’ KItchcf i]fi

    Westfield Riding School11T MOUNTAIN ATE. WESTFIELD. H. J.

    Special Attention Given to Ladies end Children

    -------- ---- -------- HORSES BOUGHT AND SOLD.....- ..■Patronized Only by the Beit .


    THURSDAY, JUNE 15, 1922


    Fire InsuranceThe recent fire brings to mind the urgent

    need of proper protection.

    Real Estateis still active and many good bargains are

    on our books for sale— some for rent.

    Realty and Insurance DepartmentC R A N FO R D T R U S T CO.! CRANFORD, N. J.

    V 1


    M E T A LW O R K I N G

    BEA TIN G & PLUMBINGJobbing or Contract Work. The bee work by experienced men. Oar refer rum are pleased.ctMlomere. Eetimetee foruirbed. ,

    J O H N7 UNION AVE. North


    f t ( _ G L E N F . S T E E L E

    ' V

    C arpen ter and BuilderESTIMATES FURNISHED ......

    J o b b i n g o f A l l K i e s e l s

    Phone 373-M.

    ° > * 4 '

    AT TOUR SERVICE |No dirt, no dangerous matches. Just press a button -or turn the switch and the room is Illuminated, the coffee is heating, the toaster is toasting or the sweeper is sweeping. jThese are only a few o f the wondertnt services Electricity is waiting to perform for yon at slight liost. Command It-through ns. Wiring, re-

    _pnlrs and Ml kinds ot equipment.




    .210 South Avenue, Cranford, N . J.


    TcL 111


    ICE CREAM FREEZERS While Mountain & other makes

    Some as low as $1.50 We have a few high-grade

    H A M M O C K SMarked down to right pricesSCREENS AND DOORS

    . A l l sizes '

    A . C. Pike Hardwarfe C«»-, Inc- ■ Trust Building . . ...

    Totals...... ...... ..... 6 10 4Two base hits—Hurt. McCIt-Han

    and Frazier. Home run—C. Cox. .

    PORTSB y l i n y — -

    m z m H A L T BAYONNE 7 . aAfter running up nine consecutive

    wins the Bayonne Field Club paid a visit to Cranford and found In the Duue Giants a large- stumbling block as far as their winning streak whs concerned, being defeated 7-6. Having defeated some of the best teams in-the-hMUetthevisitorw^were conceded « good -rlianoe of setUng back the -homesters, but the Dixie's proved their ability and gameneasby starting ngfat after the visitors. Crowder was again chosen by Manager Tyree, as the pitcher to turn back the heavy bitting Bayonne boys; and Crowder did all that was posnibie to make his managers selection appear a very good one. There is hot many teams that would have defeated Crowder on last Sat unlay, as trie brand of ball he was pitching was. hard to solve with his control perfect. Washington, who was eatebtirg—for -the home- -team, again proved ins ability and uselul’ lies. Although at the age when most men are toting a tain-. Wash ington seems to improve with age and surely gives “Youth Must- be Served" an autul blow. On next Saturday the Dixie Giants will meet the W esi Orange A. A. at the Cram lord avenue grounds. Last Saturdays score was as follows:


    IL Williams, 2b__:_ ..___ 4McClellan, ss_______ ,___3P. W ilhams. 3b__________ iWashington, c-------------- 3Harris, rf_

    Cox. rf_ Hurt, ILJ. Cox. lb.. Crowder. p_

    Totals..,^ ..34 7.12 2BAYONNE FIELD CLUB

    AB R H EFrazier, 3b__-....... ........... 4 1 1 0Vosa; as.Came, lb__Wilson, r l.......Hartigan. i f __A irtele. 1L.._::_Artz. 2b_______Miller, a.Rysavy. P-

    THEF irr if-F ir r y s p l it f o rGARWOOD TEAM

    Holt ReleasedAs usual Garwood received an

    even split over the week-end, defeating the helpless Itoseiie Park team on Saturday £L0, and losing to the Pearl team on Sunday by the score ot 14k On Saturday the Gatwood team introduced a ' new pitcher, named Lawrence, to the Park fans, and he inaugurated hLs appearance m lfoselle Park by shutting out the lunne team with' four scattered hits. He had .tile Ketup-on tossers always puzzled with his assortment of curves and helped I in Ins team’s scoring, by pounding out a home run ami a ingle. . - - iOn ¡Sunday Manager Bums chose

    Johnson Brewer- to turn bark the greatly improved pearl team, but Brewer was not capable of the task and lasted but three Innings. As the pitcher went to the. well once too often.“sy a wore of lu-7, in A bfcAVj wuid -ronn and shower. The Stars had a new pitcher, named smockier, and his underhand delivery and slow litnl had the Casey batter» in a trance- MeCartliy, who .was on the mound lor the Casey s was batted HU her freely. Galinkin. who ap- iK-ars to be the best catcher m Hit*Te'Siriie:''t5rtd“np,T5mockh3r'1n-gTeat-iU ic, while BUl'MartiTxan-v t-tiw * Kiars went on a batting rampage, getting a home run. three base hit, single hnd sacrifice.

    Tim* Casey's are now in. third place wjtli the Stars and Linden tied, for the "leadership. Lmden won two games defeat mg the Stars on Saturday and the Roselle Bark team on Sunday. The Pearls, who liaie made several changes in their lineup, are now considered the class of the league, but it will take a good team io keep tbe Stars -from breezing iioine with the pennant, as they have a real 'murderers TJ»w m- Shriner, Iloutot, Galinkin, Redmond and Masterson, Jhc clean-up liome run hitter. And with their n™ pitching find they are well fortified, on the defence. Following is the results of the games over the week-

    Saturday's Results

    Garwood; 5; Roselle Park, 0.Railway. 3; Casey’s, 2.Linden. 7; Stars, 3Pearls, 14; Port A. C.. 5.

    Sunday’s ResultsPearR 14; Garwood; 5. .Mars. 10; Casey's, *- -.-Linden. 9: Roselle Park. 4.Fort A. C.. 15; Railway, (i.


    Elizabetli Stars ..... r.. 9 4Linden............................. 9 4Casey s.... .. ............ ........ k jPort A C. - 7 5Pearls...................... ——. C CRailway............. ...........Garwood_______ ---------Roselle Park.................



    7 .4628 .333

    12 .077

    SEMI-PRO NOTESThe ¡fast traveling Braves, who

    are leading the Elizabeth Junior Seim-Pro League, drew further away from their rivals by defeating the V. M. C. L A.'team on Sunday by the score of 7-3. Samson held tlie Lyceum team m elieck, allowing them only four Juts. Jacobson was again the batting star, getting two doubles and a single. The winners victory was somewhat marred by a painful aecideot which befell Iiaw- ky, the Braves flashy shortstop, wlio received a badly swollen optic, when a hatted ball took a nasty bound.

    The . Lakcsides of Elizabetli have a chip on tlieir shoulders and defy local teams to knock it off. They Ijave defeated some of the best teams in the County. In their ljno- ii|i will be found some o f the best light semi-pro plavers including Maiterson- of tlip Elizalieth Stars and Mickey Walker, who can fioiind a base ball as hard as lie pounds his opponents'in the padded ring.

    Seven Good Reasons why you Should buy a



    with, dieperfected valve in head motorNASH cart have Jumped from seventeenth place to fifth plate in

    volume of tales. - '

    Ninety-three per cent, of the HASH automobile is manufactured in the NASH Plant. .

    The great popularity1 of NASH cars means slower yearly depreelation. :

    The new type HARVET-NASH spring consDting of sixteen leaves have not only improved the riding qualities, but have shown 7% gas saving. ’

    .NEW GOLE CHAMPIONOni Saturday, .fmm.'JUli, a new

    golf champion will lie crowmsl, as Judge Robert H. McAdams, former title holder.. lost Ids chance to retain his laurels hv lining eliminated by Harry Tompson of .Hillside. -McAdams, wlio was slightly off form, put up a.stubborn game, but by a great finish, Compson pulled out ahead 3 up and 2 to play. Comyns Thomas eliminated Martyjsslcr 3 up and 2 to play. Dr. M. A. Shangle ami Dr. F. 11. Wnrncke tied witii net score« of 77.


    . Adam Sclirlmpt, the. Duano gunner, wlio captured high honors eat the ltoldn Hood Club on last Wednesday, captured first prize in the tournament conducted by tho Perth Atliboy Gun Club. Adam, smashed 97 . targets out of a twsslble 100, while John Barclay of Cranbury, won second prize with 9G lilts.

    ? QUESTION BOX ?1. W lio became the heavyweight

    champion when Jeffries retired? '2. What athlete lost ids Olympic

    won - lnurels for professionalism Why? -. 3. How many rounds did Sullivan and Kllrane tight? Where?

    4. - What was tlie name of Sir Thomas Lipton's last entry?

    5. What players were involvedin tlie deal that brought Groh to New York? ...

    Answers. 1. Tommy Burns by defeating

    Marvin Hart, was declared tlie champion. '■«

    2. Jim Thorpe, the Carlisle Indian. For playing professional base ball - .........— :

    3j John L. Sullivan knocked out Jake Kilrane in tlie 76th round In Mississippi. .

    4 Sir ThomasJLLuton's last entry was called Shamrock-IV.

    5(_When Groh came to New York, Gcprge Bums and Mike Gonzales went to Cincinnati. ....

    Mend in your questions to the Sporting Editor.

    CORN CURE!.',p»!nt com nlfbt *nend a imppy Summer vaca

    tion unless lie takesjtlong witii lilhi tlie proper toilet requisites. We can equip you In a happy manner at prices that will please you. Trip around here before you take your trip.

    North aver lug ol tins for tire be Fund,

    Tlie “ Wi given at. tl by the Cni sui'li an in play will I on June 2.

    ' III ot I lie lileil < lulu pickets all

    The hue graduatmwill lie p next Sum livlerinn ' Greene. ' a iieilv. II and trust' of the gi vi ted.

    Keliearlv tor "4 that tire give on

    . Plenty o dnnving are lor •

    ; only 5>le.s: 15 at. t

    . may b e . at Ueay goeds sti

    At tlo Firemen' Tlmrsdti; Henry I wood \n

    -soil deleturn at and 'l oi pilu". Ki

    . The reWomen R l.'lnir Mrs. II.

    ¡ last Mm tlie eoifollows. Keel; v liaiidol J C. Sel tary. -M urer, M meetini

    Venice Shoe Repairing Co.

    Fireplace^ Porches and Vestibules...THOMAS H. ROSS

    270 Jackson Avenue ..TeL «367 PLAINFIELD, H. X

    neons ..enport, to lie i Ri fie-l Joyed.

    11 Union Ava North, Cranford

    LOCIAt a

    ernors,van In evenin

    The Shoe Repairers Shoes Shined Hat Cleaning

    ' MICHAEL KISS Carpenter and Builder *

    116 Anchor Place, Garwood, N. J, Estimate« given on all kinds ot

    work. Jobbing a Specialty. Post Office, flanrood. K. J.


    All our work Is guaranteed, both as to quality and looks. Work called fur and delivered.

    11 Union Ava North, Cranford------------Phóne-UM.-----------

    -Telephone 23-J - .

    Cranford Economy Cement Block Manufacturers - - --.—

    Best Standard Made Blocks forBestPrieea.

    382 East North Ava., CRANFORD

    heth « i MacMi

    K Co. w i ' W’alsli -. r First

    o f. thr , Secóni

    of Crn - J. Sili

    — New . k -. house

    cadetW ,‘EID *

  • ' ' ' ' ‘ ‘ » ,' f ..ï«®;ÂS??ài»lt%®ÿ?î;'lW!Î •"VWHöi

    **■-V- i*VW


    rjfeÎ̂ &JéktâiÊ&fÈfcÂ

    »sons .why you buy à

    IÒBILEthein head motor

    iventeenth pUco to fifth plate in

    1SH automobile i* manufactured

    cars means slower yearly depn*

    pring consisting of sixteen leaves i tiding qualities, but have shown

    ition system is of the three unit preme auto electrical system in'

    ird equipment.. '

    in our service station a complete removing Job can be turned out

    possible on NASH cars.




    B l a b .


    ¿i' 6-Pass. Touring .

    P» 2-Pass. Roadster. V. • •

    Q 7-Pass, pouring .

    ß 4-Pass. Sport __ _

    FI 4-Pass. C ou pe__

    7-Pass. Sedan


    „ 1,360.00

    .-. 1,64000

    ... L645.00

    ... 2,090.00





    YjÓRU>' AN' MOU'U.GtT'N ^ b A O N E iS V lO R X H O '

    ÛOOO RENP\U!5l r

    .p a n *

    ri*# ** - £ .ÎJjìm. .©-wv

    V a le v i T - : W i

    CIRCUS WAS HUGE SUCCESSThousands Enjoy- Best Show Evct

    Brought to Town.—Targe Sum Realized for the Home for

    Crippled Children.The Community Circus (or which

    preparations had horn making for weeks past, after |Kist|Mincim-nt (or a week on aeeoimt of rain, became local history Saturday night and

    , this history will iocord .it as the biggest thing otJ.be kind ..Cranford lias attempted and with ‘the great e-w;n...No disi']dt'.r.Aif ivnykhidj .fmy Scmits- irnck-light*

    i•loniiiUti-o ill charge wish es ]16- M'-dm-sdny Morning tin1 C^ti/cn am},Chronicle ‘'to''express [7. ,publicly their thanks-to the ■1’olU’e l jV ' 11 liepartmeiit and the Firemen,who * *• helped s(, eOiciently and those* whose ativance suhserlptions for tickets helped-iu linimee the under-.

    ¡taking. The Committee also wishes ¡publicly to tlmnk Mrs. Pernns, in

    •lun ge of Hie Circus'-uml Mrs. U>W, ill charge of the. booths, for fhelr ph-ndid and untiring work and all

    tin- committees and heltiors who w-iii|..-d -.1, faitTFfuIIy to make the

    -=0.001 10.001 S.S7 4.80

    Joy Hansel...Men's T-eague...Tom -YV fenil....Hoys' and Girls


    Total Receipts Itootlis.....$ 031.litPrograms....... ; ............... — -I3.0PFreaks, SideTShow........... RtóWSlight of Hand , Side Show 10.70

    B y D r . C h a r le s M i l l e r


    Town Notes.

    BARNETTIÀSH 'Automobile “

    Aeth 1833 Elizabeth, N. X

    REAY'5^ question bird

    4^MsvC4«t.W - «Ü 9*i¿u. **i **ttt *

    A n s v e r ; - r~ ~ r ' f The-prov e r ‘ t o i le t A r t ic le s A rid ä iru q a W i l l ir tA K e ytmi*= VACAtlOlt A lvxppv

    NO,. PERSON should expect to spend a happy Summer vaca

    tion unless lie takes along with hitn the proper toilet requisites. We can otjuip you in a happy manner at prices that will please you. Tr>P wound here before you take "your trip. - .


    - Sunday and' Holiday Hour« i

    9 to 1 A. M. 3to7,P. M.

    .-.-Phone - 1 3 7

    Emergency Calls 387

    f o r

    The resident......I II. \V. Wlilpple.on . l “ros|ieet street, was fumigated fur searlet fever last Saturday, and tlie quarantine'-removed.“-.Miss Marion llom er of- Melvin

    1 Village, N. II , w:is a gm-sl ol Miss l,a|iey on Monday .and 'IJilesday ol

    ' ' t'fiis " ('vjv- “' ' * . *:■Cranlonl I'ire liepnrtmei.it won

    the cup at itu wood last J-'riday night, for ‘tlie tiest dressed and best-.

    ~Oi|iii|iped coiniumy in tlie parade. The ettp is on-’exhibit ion in Iteny's window...A Silver Tea fe rtile fiemtiit of The

    organ, fund o f Trinity Chiirctr- will tie given by Mrs. ((.eorge lltmsel unit .Mrs. Frank-I»avis on.Friday, Hie Odd, at tlie Inline of Mrs. Hansel, 7 Claremont Place. ' '

    At huff-past-three bn Monday afternoon there was a tieiip- on the railroad, a f Cranford stilt ion, when the'brakes stuck on engine 307 of the Philadelphia and Reading R. It. Tlie crossing w ¡is blocked lor about half im hour.

    The Lincoln Hil ls' Club w ill hold-a struwbeiTV and ice ere,ini festival mi the lawn of Anfim Kuril tier, 31(1 North avenue K„ on Saturday evening of this week. The proceeds are for the .benefit of the Tuberculosis Fund, . '. The “WitcUIhg J Im if" which was givon lit tlio Casino on Jun. ■.1 C Sellimi 1er;' ci ir respond III g soeie- t'uv Mrs. AV. 11. Sehitidlen Dens liVeV ill's divinili it h. ¡W ith the meeting was eo.otdne,,_ ̂md'elln-

    - T I L I N G -F1 replace*, Porches'and Vestibules

    ..THOMAS R BOSS, 270 Jackson Avenue ..

    Tel «367 PLAINFIELD, N. X

    i'“ MICHAEL' KISSCarpenter arid Builder •

    11B Anchor Place, Oanrood, N . J,. Estimates given on all kinds ot -

    work. Jobbing a Specialty.Post Office, Oanrood. N. J.

    Telephone 23-J ' - ,

    Cranford Economy Cement BIockMynufacturer» ..

    Best Standard Made Bloeka - for-Best Priest — -

    K2~JUk*t Berth Ava,

    m t I o ..larrii'd dm ing the Smmncr. Rcffo-.hm.-nts mid music, wort; «>Joyg'i- __

    LOCAL BANKERS HONORED\t a .... ting of tin- Roaid "l-Hoi

    erhors. F.liziilM-tli Clmidcr Ani.it- cati Instimti; ,,f_lti.nkwig. h*;1, . '* 1 evening in tin- iomn> of In i.Iiza ln-t i Clmnilior ot < oniim-ii con'tortionist-,Hrai'e Miller, and the tumblers. Maloney mid 11 ¡ill. — It is not fair, however, to pick out any performers for special mention for they all M ere good. - ,, • ,

    Prank Voung ,as tlii- champion strong man Wits ¡1 (Treat 'success. Tin way lie juggh-d 3nn ¡uni .'iiH( pound \\eights wiis ivoiideiful ¡mil awe in pil ing-, iljitil Hie Utile Craig twin.-

    cmni . Irf mid carried them out in liunelies. OH and'I'rolier as 11ained horses were -good, too. One of Hu inti-resHiig side shows was tin trained boxing li.mitmn moster? siniwu liy Chillies Si-mnmis o f Ro- selie. Tin- Craig twins, famous ns (lie smallest -buyers in the- stilt . gave a Mile-exhibition wlii.rh drew great applause.'

    The freaks shown ,in. one of-tin side shows drew lug mmmy under the: able harking ot -lin k IVniston,¡mil the other side shows’did good husiness ¡ill iliullg tile line. .Tile VII nuns hoot its, selling every t liing R'tnti peanuts to rake', sold out entirely, most-'of them and the Olliers nearly so. The popularity eontest took on great interest late in 4-Lie evening.Miss Lilliim Dill Inning a big lead up ( „ the last- lutlf Ilnur, when friends o f Miss Lewis rmiie to Die front heavily and put. her vote way in tin- h-ad - thus whining the a-lb. box of Png*' anil Sluiw's best. Miss Dill getting tlio big cake donut«!liy S|ieeht-,-tlie Imker. ..............•

    The clerk-oi the weather at last relented, and looked upon preparations tor a Cranford Idoek dance with a suiiie. In the afternoon the smiie was, perhaps, a trifle too wide apd, wa.mii for 1 he eomfqi tj of those smiled iqioii Imt. - nobody , km-keil, being only too glad id simslimo for ¡in deeasion for wliielt Hie prepara lioils had been so olnhoratix Fust imin l'm k wits gay. with .limit nig; brilliant erope paper , mid a well dii-s'sed, well--behaved croud, whitseenied-to oIite|- ciUii|ileteiy_ill!!LLh<spirit of tlm day. Till- main arena and Hu- side 'shows wen- strongly ennstruet-ed and walled m with strung brown canvas, and too much praise emmot hi given to the tasteful decoration o f the stalls and .attractive display id wm esju id pas time's. The miniature portable-car ioilsi-1 was mi Interesting feature, well - pat fOiiiz.ed by the small fry, who. jis usual on such oci-asions. were JrrJ heir element .and universally pervasive,. . J'.The arena performance began'vir

    tually on time, and all participants were op the job.-The :ldi-:iche^ vveiu- prnpi-iiy Imilt, so that everybody luiil an uninterrupted view of tinring, in which the program went otf according to schedule mid.-without a bitch, it might lie.supposed that the introditcfion of mi unchained lion and tiger, with no pri.tis-tiv. netting for the onlookers, would enlist- imensiliess, if not actual pa nic. Imt even inothers of young oh¡1(11on on tho-lowest t ¡er id seat, niaintaiiieil a- self-iHissessiim ami eiillimess selilmn equalled m the lace of this ineuuei-: anil the perfect discipline of- flu- immarehs of tin jungle justified the. ecmhdmioi These miinmls, and the limnkej- being native to. the tropics, doubt less MflTered 111) incolivi-nienee flolll weal ing a fur coat in the prevailing temperature.;, hut eonunou liiiina iiity would have suggi-sted clipping tin-'hear*] pelts. _

    Ruth afternoon (Old evening then ■irak-ixjdlLJEndnl out, the of T oiirse bringing out. iiy (i*r. 11 i "renter nuinlier. . F.nstmmi stn-Ft was rut oil at libtli 'bridges and Cell tiul avenue at Enstiiinn street. hiak ing throe cut ranees. A t the Idoek dance following, (the- evening -show,

    was, stationed at cither bridge, giving .continuous dancing for all who cared to enjoy i f , .

    Mayor Roach, 'at the evening per forinmice, as well, as in the afternoon. was introduced by C'hmrmnn F. T. Frnzcr. . iIt-' tInifikt"li tin- -l(I dien'i-e on 'behalf, of tlie Comniittee for -their generous-supiiort ol the Circus"whereby nincli needed funds would he raised ; to rnwy -iilendid work of the Childrens Home." -Mrs- Frank I ’ernas iilso wa c '

    -great suc.eess~ir proved

    program id the circus In

    nen: to Im-.

    The hided:Display'No. ! (¡rand Procession.

    .Order of i-ntrj: Riugmiister, Oip- niii James II. Fra/ier: tall uiun,

    (¡t-iald I'lirniaiir Alis.-'l'om-Tlnililh, Mûrie M tei l ly y - M r.— Tom Tlufmli; Frederick- (¡lade: strong man. Frank Young: t li in intuì, Fred Liivell; fa tooi-d man. Winchester Hritton, Jr/.

    forriFostumes-pnidItillte • Receipts............. ...... ...Woman's Hndges (workers) Tickets sold at drug storci*....Tickets sold at West Held...Tickets sold at Golf t ’luh.....Kphscrilicrs* Tickets.....


    soci.no I• 55.001 157.75 10:1.75 17.ÌH) I


    ¡ToriiTRi-cerpfs. fk-kets. etc. *1 5:i0.7.r> I Rain ¡nsurimcc collected... 5S!M'sl[

    $3.104.00 Itoned man, Winchester Rritton, Jr,: I ............ JM.104. „bearded lady. Katherine Elliott: f a t L . - i v - , - , , , , 1,11 s r,‘man. Ja... . T. Dockery: snako (. /J' . 1,1 ’ "T"’1' ,,f 'lisburse.V',a’" V ; 1 i J.1, ' ‘ '*rr.°: I to li.-tvc cmiiplfic report ncvT week I

    elreus wl|l net nliortV .-fL’.Viiin Fj. MDN'TENECOl! RT,

    E. L. II EDEN HERD, J R.,1 " lts" " ' 1 J Cbairnian Finance* t'ci'iuaitti



    legged hoy. Richard McFildden; fat I Fril"!.'! 1'11‘,=7,f!5"in'n1'¡ 'i '” L ,, , ,,, lady. La Hill Fatima; contortionist.ItLm i ' f ln,l!o>‘ l |«>ns It,is likely

    race Miller: Siamese twins, Tlllot-|x on 'sisters:, wild man' of .Romeo,- EdiMird TomliiiMm: Arabs', .Ir.-O. H.A. M.: horses, eleiihanls, giraffe, runici, lion Imner,.tight lope walker.'Display No. 0 The ('e.lehrated

    Community Clowns: . Morwin Fur tell. Umiditoli..Fay, Charles Toy, W illiam McMahon. M. A. Craig, .1. Ross Hates, Eugene Towlcr, Hurry Folk,Fi iink A oung, Willard Towlcr, It. it.I ’arrett. K; S. Ili'cckonridge.

    I >i~i,1:ix No. 3 - Trained Hear. Presented liy Walter. P. Elisor and Roland Robert. Hears: Andrew Mac-'Cohnell mill Jean Montènecotirt. '

    Display No. I . Two Rings and Stagi-. Tigli! rope-walkers: Mudu- niofselle. Esther Hartlett mill Muda- limisene Dorothy Ilogenctiinp; eon tortionisl, Hriii-e. Miller.

    Display No. 5 Ring 1. Monkoy gtimtette. Moiikeys: Harry Sisson,.lean Monteneeimit, Everett Fay,(Jiiinl in Frazer. . ■ ,

    Display No, IV--Ring 2. Tlio great-1 'Play., .est-exhihition of hhie-hhmdeil, HUpopIbluip In, Charlie. .My t rip- abroad.ediiejiteil daiu-lng and JumpinglucnHeiniin with u duster. Painted horses ever given In (Tunford.l 'vllidows -These heuutifiil animals were pro-IDukca Red Dusk and the morrow, sonted under tho direction ot tholr iBurroiighs. My hoy hood, trainer. Mndamoisello Eduardo Mon-1 Defiow. My luemiu le.s of eightylem-i-oiirt Horses: Harry Ott nnd I years----- ; ----- . ...Wiilimii Troeln-r. I 11.IHHI iiilb-s (lirmigh Hu- air.


    Nonfiction .Conquest u l fear. . -

    -..... Lessons hi truth:Tnnnetilmiiin. Wall sliadoivs: van Dyke. Open spaces.. lieining. Drninii o f the forests. -• Mills, Wutelied by wild miinmls. .lob. How to study birds.Robinson, Manual of radio tele ; grapliy fiiiil leieplimiy. : ■

    Yales and I'm-ent, Ciimpleli-radin | - honk." . . ‘ ’

    Verrill. Radio fur mmiicurs.Thick. ,Hardening with liralns.V'iiii Dyke. Sungs out of doors. Iicoiutrd. Atlantie book of modern

    Nothlng lo fenr. The ad Just men t ne v e r requin-s unire tlitui a few seeonds. Nopalli uf imy accoimt. / ■ . . . • -

    " Wliy Wall im fll-thè lieaUMtdays of thè fiolleni/atloti sea- s.in wlu-n -t Ile-liiotl iim du-l -nf plmit IU"cxaspemthig dlsease'.’ >V1.y noi lake thè m-eessary steps f-u"nmking yourself Ini pipite now? . .

    t'ne persoli oijCuf every tiu-nty Is sani to he suseeptlhlo tu Ibis socnlled, (liseuse. Ilo- ollu-r n iuél«-ii me immune. In other words tlié nervi- vigor o f thè nir Imssnge llnhigs is suoli

    jl,u t- l^cu*iliahrovDcJilLdJ!niJiJfY>:t]YOUR HEALTH .When ymir health starts depends on when yim telephone

    " . fur an appointment '

    Chiropractor19 UNION AVE., North (Shapiro Building) CRANFORD, Nr J.

    TELEPHONE BD5-W _ u' Office Hour»: TueBday and Thursday, 2-7:30 P . M..

    Saturday, 10¡30 A , M. to 'l P . M, -, No Charge lor Gonaultatlon. -

    N E W A R K OFFICE: 40 Sprueo St.,—Mon.,W eil,Frl.—10,78P.M.

    Display No. 7 Rings 1 and 2 Presented under the direetlim of Edna Monteiieemirl. J-kllth Cox and Aelisali Leu is.- Solo dance,. Kllsc Avery:Elaine Desmond, - Louise Cox, Edna Montenecoiirt. Estelle ' Ferguson,Dorothy Horry. Edith Skifleii, Aileen Hutson (YYestlleldi,.Frances «¡arrison W estfie ld ), Ach (.aLsuorthy. -ah Lewis. Gladys IHfhghton, hath Us e. llm-le4*rin«’ Klliott. . . ,

    Display No. 8 - lt in g 2. Trained eleplimits-"-direct Donr thi' A'H can Jungle. Jilinho the.Greut, YVil limn Me .Malum mid Charles 'loyo;Haliy Jwniho. Margarot Mhh-r andYgatlia Doyle: in eharge of Train or Ricnrdila MeFmlden.

    Display No: !i Ring 1. Fierce and wild tiger and lion from tho interior of] India, brought to Cranford espi- Hally, for this slmw. Phelps Aldrich. Victor Hartshorno, Eiliv. Tomlinson, -xhilbtod by Signora Y'oung.

    Di-plav^No. Id - Rings 1 (M*d _ ; 'liiiiildi-i's, a during exhibition of oiiL-inal acts. Artists, Ju(nes Ma , 'mev and WK.throp.Hull, Korkscru and Spickot. It. Cushing. ‘

    Display IE Kings I nnd i ilt„m, the hout. Yhe fentherwoIght champieiis of Cranford, tlm Ciaik Tw ins, and Clowns. - .

    Display-No. 12-Rings 1 and J Siiruloiv. strongest man on emth.

    ' ^ l i - i . b i y " Tbst eveiit. Grar.d

    Nnllivan,'tireut iu(V e n t u re at " YVasliingfon. ■ :Vmidui'llp. Wind nevi In l‘'.uropi-7 Inviti, ('oiupleto auelion player., Fiction : -Andrews. 'Ills soul- goes inarch,Ing

    on. . •Watts. House of Riminoli. .

    ■Forsyte Saga. ‘ llljali's ghost.

    O. Henry prize stories id IU2I. (Jiilek. Y'mideniark's folly.

    I Norris.- J.iien-Ha Loinhaid. . Onions. YVrong Mr. Wright. Nicholson. Ili-si laid schemes. Tarkington. Gentle Julia.Vurhell.1 iufiikers.Y'mi Y'erst. (Jueeii of Kariminlu. Glasgow. Olio lumi in bis ti lue. Sedgwick. Adrleime Toner, l'm-kard. Doors of-thè night..I.ymie. I‘ iriiti-s' Impe.Wells. Secret places of thè lieiirt. Di-land. Velieniiml, Manie.

    Ohildren's Books - Mminers 'unii coiiduc.l ini sellimi unii

    out. - . 'Dyer. L ittle people of-thè garden.Ilmicoek. t'Iilldrcn i>f hlstory.__Dutton. Little stories of Franco. Underwood. YVild hrotlier..(¡¡iris, lin d e YVIgglly ut tlio'flen-

    sliore.Ridt-YVImeler. . YVreck Imiiters. Henezet. Voiing people's lilstory of

    thè world wur.Van Loon: Story of Inanklad. Fateli. L ittle gateivay to sclence.

    Plioiir Cr.iidord 3%

    _ _ _ i . DOOLEYFuneral Director and Embalmer

    - Utr ol Modern Funrr.il Clupel II Drdrrd

    Folding Chair* and Card Table* to Hlra

    218 North Ave. West, Cranford, N. J.AUTO CORTEGE EQUIPMENT




    ASTERS____ *.................._______________ ._


    At Lehigh Avenue GreenhousesNORTH LEHIOH AVE m a k v c

    South Side


    . voliti'* ’t,:.,;i ¡ly'VlIo' lìnos? „Voui

    . idled out in Hie arena and publicly thanked for her splendid work in Organizing the Circus. .

    The goat and goat cart donated hv Mrs. A. \\ V. Hibson, created

    ______ . . V;Y,j','ii:„..v iiiiii-li fun and «a s a money maker.-v,:in,Union. Some!set. { olt>. it was won m tlie finish l*> -'l!*>‘ »rfeCounties. Its elass.i-s . |,ari|c=-'i Rom-li. Wlio donated the goat ha< k

    li,..,! steed-. Twive around. Hi«' iraik : Kennetli iiopklhs, Murwinf'urt.lL Hamilton Fay, Jarnos H.Drydcn. , ,

    Display No. lt.-Seconi eveiit. Thundering, desperate and furious two-horse Roman chariot race twice ¡'round the arena;. Estelle Ferguson

    J icr^M in m ''W h itfo rd and Ed,

    " !pn,g™ n“ GRis Gliristhm Temas. Katherine Adle, Marian Gell, Hah bette YViitson. - •' „ , : '

    Ollieial Harker.«-Jack Penlston, Kennetli Hopkins, Wallace Iziw, loi n l-'isher. Frederick Lange, Ed-

    „ H Ferguson. Robert. Crnivford. Ernest Wemple, Frank h. Slack, M.

    I \ S.-I1VV, II. I.Haskins. ^

    i s - r t r «•us^tant treasurer. Vice-clialnnen hihI elialrmen of coininlttees1 wer .. rpcils program. Mrs. Krank M m c*. renr-t ruetuuu—hdwin H. FergUHOri, »ui lii-itv »I-aineg E. Warner» parade» li lt Si-son: barkers Jack Penls- !„,: booths. Mrs. -T*hnT>>w; finance.K.iivmd Hedentmrg:,lighting, Edward J. Cole.nan;. intiSuc. YV. IL Bar

    Tappati, ileriies of progress.BiiTg'ëâHTT Black y tlm crow........... -Seluiltz. YVartrail fort. 1-Thompson.. Kahimifio in.Oz. Harbour nnd Holt.. Over two seas.

    S" ted wttlcthc Aniciican- isociation. . 'made

    J.u : ; ; " , ^ k pndéctibn A. L WJk land: Mrs. F. -S. Franklin, Danjel •Vrnolii David Brown. Mrs. Van pieve. Miss Alice Lakey, Wiüter. Hay. YVarren Kirkman, James Manning Mr«. K YV. Warner, Mrs. Charnier (Hen Steele, Louis Hendrickson.

    \ H Lewi* and C. W. T r pp were tiicTtleket collectors- a t , tlie main tent.

    During-the prraerit and coming week,.at tlm store of It. T . T’otts & Si'iri, Cranford, tliere Is a most uni (pie window display, featuring the Proctor & Gamble Co.'s large, we I- kirffwn 12-ounce size cuke of Satin (¡loss Soap, at a special price of live lor 2» cents. To each purclmser, n f |( ‘0 KUCHH will tfivwi, ttH to Low many cakes of Satin Gloss Soap are in tills lVimlow display.

    To the one guessing the nearest „umber. 50 cakes will he given free: next nearest guess, 30 cukes; third nearest guess, 20 cakes

    The Proctor .«¡.Gamble Company feels positive that Satin Gloss Soap

    |luis_no competitor, In quality,-size and price.—Adv.

    A. M. Shapiro, 17-19 Union avenue; is conducting a Special Mule in the following incrchandlse: Dr? Goods Department—Hemstitched L I n e n Tablecloths. ‘ formerly _ $2.-/1, j now si 19* Napkins, formerly 10c;.Boys’ Wash Suits, $1.49; Ladles' Bloonrerg and Step-Ins lOc. regular „rice 79c and 98c. In ou rS h ooD mm rtm ent^hildren ’» SandaligxvHlteand tan, at $L39 and $1-69; Ladles Sandals, patent leather and White, *325. formerly $4.45. A lot o f other novelties In all our departments at special prices. Also big reductions In Men’s Furnishing Goods, Including Stiirts. Flannel 'ITouaers „and Paint'Beach Bui tar—Adv.

    TAXI.SERVICE!New ’Phone Nujnber 5 3

    Day and Nijçht Service


    GOBLE’S TAX I SERVICEr e s id e n c e p h o n e


    Get Our Rates on Seashore Trips Touring a Specialty' ' Semi-Convertible Sedan Car . ‘


    V i



    All Kinds of Stenography Work . Typewriter

    TeL 85J ‘

    Telephone 361

    Leslie W agstaff

    REAL ESTA'19 Holly St... -..Cratt ' \ %

  • CORSET OF! No Indication of the Waistline ¡ Becoming Smaller.i

    [prevalent Style In Franco Is- Extreme- f ly Low, Not Very Lo^fl and j , Lightly Boned.



    ! The evolution of the /corset i tnmi-lyTiiteiestliig. 'observes a writer, i . .. ... r , % „ n . i t » Ainen-Suw York Tribune.--------- tf W tin i»----------------H ÌU-1MÌ.V»-- -----------

    .....--....... ( nil' history-dal es itaci.- -to-l-be -dU-l ''. .* - M (lie Pilgrims. when lilt1 Hist article of

    —-------| .

    - It takes several months m ?t.»rv- mites in an infested chicken h . :— ter the poultry has been rvite-v-,:. test made by the United S:. purtnient o f Agriculture s :;;e were still alive after 113. days hi uhundoned hen house. Th-- :.---:s dlcnted. too, that the mites live ; : In dump locations than in very conditions, which accounts, in |.:,j least, for the idea that mites are w In ilur/ip. badly veptilahed houses.

    “ She'waB *lu«wtinto his arms—

    > stir "her sd-raciJ

    •> ! *»x-

    Perry Row 'Over Näcllönnies’ ôtabue jorNew *York Ç ii/

    Jॠ-4 I

    ’ ujAliVjJ5 /

    prucllcally/ unprotected.- Keiiclilii* from one’s chest to waist, It gradually diminished in size toward the latter point, where it a^nln wldene»! sllKiitly. emllntf iiot more tlmn two inches-he- low I he waistline. The top ami bottom edges were finished with -uwhite leather hlndlng.

    liming recent years—cintiles having taken la straight lines—many women


    of/ both France and America have worn either no corset^nt all or. one duite lightly honed, tiradually, how- /ever. they are beginning to perceive the need of some support, however sllght.lt may be. Particularly Is this true of (Ire French w-oiuiul who was rhe-orlglnntor of the corsetless mode; iicrording to’ an Interview with the hemFof one of our largest American nniiinfucturlng enneerns, who recently returned from Furls. - '

    'Jhe women of America are under fhe impression that their French sisters-have entirely dispensed with cor-

    J Ê A©UNUt««L>OÜ h UN0tH *fOOLScarf and cape »eta aro sno.wn m

    great variety thle eeason. Thb one pictured here Is of most vivid.red flannel, appllqued with white felt, applied with black stitching.

    sets. Thls ls Inaccurate, becausejvlint we term u short corset or girdle they classify as-ti belt. -

    There Is uo change whatever In the Hues of corsets. At present there Is no Indication of the wulstllne becoming smaller. If anything, the waist Is larger. The prcvnlenl style in France Is a model extremely low. not very long und quite ¡lightly boned. Kor

    The only way Jth-get nd pests is. to brebfc up their hi.nag places. Past baths-will not .control them. Itoosts should be taken down, and all unnecessary hoards removed. In badly Infested houses the mil--' are to he found everywhere, including Ike roof. For small coops a hand al.-mm.-r will do for applying Insecticides such as sprays, hut for la'rger houses a bucket pump, knapsack sprayer, or barrel pump Is desirable. A rather conrse spray should he applied from all angles, and driven thoroughly info all the cracks. The floor also should I f treated, as many mites fall to the floor when roosts are 1-ein-g reniove-L

    Commercial carholiueum. which con- slsts essentially of a Iilgh-gra-le. anthracene bll. has prows! very effective against mites. ■ The killing I-over of this sub-dance. which Is derivedfrom r-onl tur. lasts for several months, and mites which may he Inclined, to come In from other buildings are repelled for a long time. This material costs ordinarily; SI a gallon, hot as -Its re

    In hand and Itsi “Tomorrow I

    the morning I i If you love me, as soon as 1 co the Arm. I f }' come baçk for the firm's'«gen to come back f hla voice eudlE amusement.

    She turned v him thoughtful a.tood before li resting tenderl note In hie vo!

    “ Stanley, I d —so much—I holds me baddined to tak< don't want to never 1 No—]There seems tseriously— mat1 don't want t

    • —and yet”—h She,stayed

    ; her In hls aim “Please glv«

    ■ —to your hote decision. I'll you; If 'I , d know.” -

    He nodded, added easily, i sentence. ”1 ■write,- the leti

    UMIfc «nu Mu,*v t-*’**---“ . .nRESS FOR TriE BRIDESMAID evening wear the hacks ure entirelyUKta& ru n m e c m . cm nwny> So umny French women

    liuve returned to thecorset In the past month that sules have increased 50 per cent.

    Nl-;w lo lt lv iuT,' tJ'ulei1 A’n -''Is

    jdeloil on llu- groimd tlmt It degradili womanhood. Marv Harrt'lt liny /imt It this way: "In this ago wj/uianshould he placed not helmv mini hut

    'Let ilie downtrodden ..men rise In rlgltteohs assertion of equhl rights 1 ' s a / Vox Popper. "Hive the -women tlii-lr Slufi-e—no liiore.t In the hast i t ' were lucky to get' Cleorgo ̂Wtish-

    /{nglon on a postage stamp. Now we want men upholding gilded scales on courthouse towers und all the rest d It."------------ ----------------

    Nevsn MoMoln, the artist, snys 'Well If wotiten don’t lure, who will?

    HATS A R E O F M ANY CO LO RSWide Range of Tints Adds to Charm . and Variety of Smart Worn-

    an’a Toilet.

    The w-lde range of tint ' offered In Mils season of colors udds to tho clmrm and- variety of the smart -woman's toilet, but It also necessitates a happy eye for color. In choosing the lint to top one's smartest spring costurne. This delicate sense of coloilwjï

    ' * oil*

    A charming bridesmaid s dress is a combination of venetlyn lace in scallops and a val lace bodice. With the outfit Is worn a hax whose tiansparent brim Is of sea-green horsehair with a val lace crown and rosette of flowers.

    UllUV. V .. .- ---------- . # ntuny be culled Into piny to «elect froiim assortment of queer browns and blues, vellows. reds and greens, tlio tone-which will blend to perfection with the suit or frock-In question. I or many of t*. tlnts olTered are more or less "queer!'/variations of the gn

  • ■ ’i . ' :


    W* ' T J..- ' 4* ~ ——r-̂ *1 S ^ ' > ">■ ' -l w t “ * « t e , v " .... ........ ■ ■

    jn|?f,,H!:‘i '• •

    r r



    In Tests, Mad« Parasite« Were s-.,|l .. A>iv« After 113 Days in Atan

    - doned Building. -

    By A. W. PEACH

    q 1111. «7 atectur* Newspaper 8r«dlceta.

    Mary turned ber back upon him and looked out of-the window Into the dusk- filled street. Her fingers picked at »he curtain, but ber mind .was busy.

    /Preparad by the States t- ; — - . -. .of Agriculture.. '■

    . It- takes several months m :;:Commercial earbolmeum. which consists essentially of a high-grade, anthracene' bll. has proyeil very effective against luttes. ■ The Kilting power of tills substance, which Is derived frwn coal tar. lasts for several months, and mites which may he Inclined, to come In from other buildings are repelled for a long time. This material msi* ■lrdlnnrlly; SI a cation, hur as its re

    ¿hewaialmost-readytoturnttod-fly..’ Into his arms—why did his mere pres__racq stir t er gdTIlu t shg kept herself

    la hand and listened." ~....'- “Tomorrow I -go to New York. In

    the morning I am sailing for Londou.If you love me, ask me. to come back as soon aa 1 complete my business for

    , the firm. I f you do not, I may nor come back for years. I can stay as the firm’s’ agent— I will have nothing to come back for, you know,” he said,

    | his voice ending with a light note of amusement. ’

    She turned Upoh hlnramHt>oked nt | t!: him thoughtfully. Tall aud slim, he stood before her, his dark blue eyes resting tenderly upon her. But that note in his voice— •

    “ Stanley, 1 do think so much of you —so much—but something always

    __holds, me back. You are so—so In-

    Mary’s coduueat was a little cry— “It would be better—It would!“

    “But. oh. honey. I can’t talk about It any more—1 hope;—well—good-by 1"

    &iury turned to the desk once more. Out of the minutes of thought came the final decision. B e was trusted and liked Id the great Importing firm; fie had the respect of. strong' men; surely he would be true to her If be was to them, , .

    She wrote ibe letter, slipped on a coat and. went out to the mull box. < >u her way she pussed a house where .rumor had told of scandal and heart, .break, and; she paused, the cold question rising In her heart: “Suppose that -mighj.-happeit.lS,jnieirMm.l.-.CT!i. the rlskV’i ller linagluatUm loomed. She knew she could love one tnuu and one only. Tfie Kiik! .Vo.she’ would ton take It.. Into the ashcan that stood hi« aide the post, ready for the night collectors of refuse, she burled the letter and rushed hack home. She passed a belated errund boy and a tall muu who stured at her curiously, ' ■■■■.

    In the seclusion of her room shs fought tho old, old battle of the human heart torn between longing for Mi|s pluess and fear of It. Sleep came la

    te oml If pence dhl not,---------- _The next , morning drnggeil with


    • aatnm»^

    dined to take things lightly, ani l don’t want to be tuken lightly—‘never, never 1 No—please don’t touch me! There seems to be so little you regard seriously—many things that I do; and 1 don’t want to Intrust my life to you. —and yet”—her .voice broke—"I do!"v

    She stayed his quick effort to fold I ; her In his anus. 1 '

    "Please give me time. I’ll write you | ■ —to your hotel In New York—iny- final