PUBLICATIONS BY CURRENT RESEARCHERS AT ASIA RESEARCH CENTRE UPDATED DEC 2016 2017 Haakonsson, Stine Jessen (2017) ‘Danish multinational corporations in China: an evolutionary approach to internationalization’. International Journal of Multinational Corporation Strategy, 2(1). 2016 Aggarwal Aradhna (Forthcoming) "Local R&D and Technology Transfers: A Comparative Analysis of Foreign and Local Firms in Indian Industries, Asian Development Review Aggarwal Aradhna 2016 CDM and Dynamic capabilities of firms : Evidence from India, South Asian Network of Economic Development and Environment SANDEE working paper no. 106. Aggarwal Aradhna 2016 Growth, Employment and Structural Change: Punjab versus Sixteen Major States of India, in L.Singh and N.Singh eds Economic Transformation of A Developing Economy, New Delhi:Springer Aradhna Aggarwal 2016 A Conceptual framework for success drivers and development outcomes and the experience of selected Asian countries, Background paper for Regional Economic Integration Report, 2015 Manila: ADB Christensen, Nis Høyrup 2016. Kinas autoritære statskapitalisme og dens forudsætninger: Med industripolitikken som omdrejningspunkt. Samfundsoekonomen, No. 1, 4. p. 24-29. Clausen, Lisbeth; Maria H. Keita 2016. Bicultural Resourcefulness in Global Management : From Education to Corporate Collaboration. Copenhagen Journal of Asian Studies, Vol. 34, No. 1, p. 58-80 Gammeltoft, Peter (accepted), ‘Characteristics and host country drivers of Chinese FDI in Europe: a company-level analysis’, International Journal of Technology Management. Gammeltoft, Peter and Bersant Hobdari (forthcoming), 'Emerging economy multinationals, international knowledge flows and innovation', International Journal of Technology Management. Geraint Johnes, Ricardo Freguglia Gisele Spricigo & Aradhna Aggarwal 2016 Education And Occupational Outcomes: Evidence From Brazil, International Journal of Manpower, 37(8).1304-1321 Gorm Hansen, Louise Lyngfeldt 2016. ‘Bargaining science: Negotiating Earthquakes’. In K.E. Brødsgaard (ed.) Chinese Politics as Fragmented Authoritarianism: Earthquakes, energy and environment. London and New York: Routledge 2016: 120-134. Haakonsson, Stine Jessen; Kirkegaard, Julia Kirch (2016) ‘Configuration of Technology Networks in the Wind Turbine Industry: A Comparative Study of Technology Management Models in European and Chinese Lead Firms’. In: International Journal of Technology Management, 70 (4), 2016, p. 281–299. Hobdari, Bersant, Klaus Meyer, Jing Li and Peter Gammeltoft (forthcoming), 'Outward investment from emerging economies: home country effects', Asia Pacific Journal of Management Jakobsen, Michael, Verner Worm and Xin Li 2016. Making Sense of Culture in International Business: Some Theoretical and Methodological Reflections. Copenhagen Discussion Paper Series. No. 62, April.



2017 Haakonsson, Stine Jessen (2017) ‘Danish multinational corporations in China: an evolutionary approach to internationalization’. International Journal of Multinational Corporation Strategy, 2(1). 2016 Aggarwal Aradhna (Forthcoming) "Local R&D and Technology Transfers: A Comparative Analysis of Foreign and Local Firms in Indian Industries, Asian Development Review Aggarwal Aradhna 2016 CDM and Dynamic capabilities of firms : Evidence from India, South Asian Network of Economic Development and Environment SANDEE working paper no. 106. Aggarwal Aradhna 2016 Growth, Employment and Structural Change: Punjab versus Sixteen Major States of India, in L.Singh and N.Singh eds Economic Transformation of A Developing Economy, New Delhi:Springer Aradhna Aggarwal 2016 A Conceptual framework for success drivers and development outcomes and the experience of selected Asian countries, Background paper for Regional Economic Integration Report, 2015 Manila: ADB Christensen, Nis Høyrup 2016. Kinas autoritære statskapitalisme og dens forudsætninger: Med industripolitikken som omdrejningspunkt. Samfundsoekonomen, No. 1, 4. p. 24-29. Clausen, Lisbeth; Maria H. Keita 2016. Bicultural Resourcefulness in Global Management : From Education to Corporate Collaboration. Copenhagen Journal of Asian Studies, Vol. 34, No. 1, p. 58-80 Gammeltoft, Peter (accepted), ‘Characteristics and host country drivers of Chinese FDI in Europe: a company-level analysis’, International Journal of Technology Management. Gammeltoft, Peter and Bersant Hobdari (forthcoming), 'Emerging economy multinationals, international knowledge flows and innovation', International Journal of Technology Management. Geraint Johnes, Ricardo Freguglia Gisele Spricigo & Aradhna Aggarwal 2016 Education And Occupational Outcomes: Evidence From Brazil, International Journal of Manpower, 37(8).1304-1321 Gorm Hansen, Louise Lyngfeldt 2016. ‘Bargaining science: Negotiating Earthquakes’. In K.E. Brødsgaard (ed.) Chinese Politics as Fragmented Authoritarianism: Earthquakes, energy and environment. London and New York: Routledge 2016: 120-134. Haakonsson, Stine Jessen; Kirkegaard, Julia Kirch (2016) ‘Configuration of Technology Networks in the Wind Turbine Industry: A Comparative Study of Technology Management Models in European and Chinese Lead Firms’. In: International Journal of Technology Management, 70 (4), 2016, p. 281–299. Hobdari, Bersant, Klaus Meyer, Jing Li and Peter Gammeltoft (forthcoming), 'Outward investment from emerging economies: home country effects', Asia Pacific Journal of Management Jakobsen, Michael, Verner Worm and Xin Li 2016. Making Sense of Culture in International Business: Some Theoretical and Methodological Reflections. Copenhagen Discussion Paper Series. No. 62, April.

Li, Xin, 2016. ‘Modesty or overconfidence: On the attitude of Chinese indigenous management research’ 谦虚谨慎或

者骄傲自负:中国本土管理研究的心态问题., Chinese Journal of Management 管理学报 Guanli Xuebao., (13) 1: 40-

48 Li, Xin, 2016. ‘Letter to the Editor: The Danger of Chinese Exceptionalism’, Management and Organization Review, (12) 4: xxx-xxx Xiaojun Xu and Verner Worm (2016) Intersecting or Dissecting: Interrelated components of CQ, Domain-relevant Knowledge Acquisition And Task Performance. Under review Journal of Management. Special issue Xin Li, Verner Worm and Peihong, Xie. (2016) Is Yin-Yang Superior for Paradox Research? Submitted revised edition. Under 2nd review in Cross Cultural & Strategic Management. 2015 Aggarwal Aradhna and Nagesh Kumar 2015 Structural Change, Industrialization and Poverty: The Case Wim Naudé, Adam Szirmai and Nobuya Haraguchi, (eds) Structural Change and Industrial Development in the BRICS, London: Oxford University Press Christensen, Nis Høyrup 2015. Subsidization in China's Renewable Energy Sector: Negotiability as the Norm. Copenhagen Journal of Asian Studies, Vol. 33, No. 1, p. 107-124 Clausen , Lisbeth 2015 Team Dynamics and Diversity - Corporate Experiences in Japan. Copenhagen: Copenhagen Business School Press Gorm Hansen, Louise Lyngfeldt 2015. ‘Rachel E. Stern, Environmental litigation in China: A Study in Political Ambivalence’. Copenhagen Journal of Asian Studies, 33(1): 125-127. Christensen, Nis Høyrup; Gorm Hansen, Louise Lyngfeldt 2015. ’China's Road to Sustainability: Energy Policies and the Dynamics of State Capitalism’. Copenhagen Journal of Asian Studies,33(1): 5-12. Haakonsson, S. J., & Ujjual, V. (2015). ‘Internationalisation of R&D: New insights into multinational enterprises' R&D strategies in emerging markets’. Management Revue, 26(2). Jakobsen, Michael 2015. Ethnic Chinese Entrepreneurship in Malaysia. On Contextualisation in International Business Studies’. London and New York: Routledge (Chinese Worlds Series). Johansson de Silva, Sara, Ari Kokko, and Hanna Norberg 2015. ‘Nya svenska exportörer i Asien år 2013. Vilken roll har exportfrämjandet spelat?’ PM 2015:5. Östersund: Swedish Agency for Growth Policy Analysis (Tillväxtanalys). Johansson de Silva, Sara, Ari Kokko, and Hanna Norberg 2015. ‘Now Open for Business: Joint Development Initiatives between the Private and Public Sectors in Development Cooperation’. Report 2015:06. Stockholm: Expert Group for Aid Studies (EBA). Kokko, Ari, Patrik Tingvall, and Johanna Videnord 2015. ‘The Growth Effects of R&D Spending in the EU: A Meta-Analysis’. Economics: The Open-Access, Open-Assessment E-Journal 9 (2015-40): 1-26.

Kokko, Ari 2015. ‘The imbalances between the European Union and China’. In A. Bakardieva, M. Mårtensson, L. Oxelheim, and T. Persson (Eds.) The EU’s Role in Fighting Global Imbalances. Cheltenham and Northampton MA: Edward Elgar, 165-204. Li, Xin, and L. Ma 2015. ‘Management practices across countries: Converging in some aspects but diverging in others’, Management and Organization Review, (11) 4: 795-805

Li, Xin, 2015. ‘X-integrationism: A philosophical perspective of Chinese indigenous management research’ 中国本土管

理研究的X整合主义., Chinese Journal of Management 管理学报 Guanli Xuebao., (12) 2: 157-166

Slepniov, D., Lassen, A.H., Haakonsson, S. & McKelvey, M. (2015). ‘Understanding innovation spaces through emerging multinational enterprises in China: an explorative case study of a Chinese wind turbine manufacturer’ in M. McKelvey & S. Baghi-Sen Innovation Spaces in Asia, Entrepreneurs, Multinational Enterprises and Policy. Edward Elgar.

Z. Cheng and Xin Li 2015. ‘Cross-border mergers and acquisitions: What you need to do right’, 国并购,你需要做对

什么., Business Review 商业评论, 10: 88-102.

Business Review is China’s top 1 management practice-oriented journal. Verner Worm, Xin Li, Michael Jakobsen, Peihong Xie 2015. Culture Studies in the Field of International Business Research: A Tale of two Paradigms’, Copenhagen Discussion Paper Series. No. 53, November. Jakobsen, Michael 2015. Exploring Key External and Internal Factors Affecting State Performance in Southeast Asia. Copenhagen Discussion Paper Series. No. 48, May. Verner Worm; Xin Li; Michael Jakobsen; Xie Peihong (2015) Culture Studies in the Field of International Business Research : A Tale of Two Paradigms. Copenhagen Business School. 46 p. (Copenhagen Discussion Papers, No. 53) Paper presented at The 41st EIBA Annual Conference 2015. European International Business Academy, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. (Under review in Critical Studies in International Business.) Xin Li; Verner Worm; Xie Peihong (2015) Solutions to Organizational Paradox : A Philosophical Perspective. 53 p. (Copenhagen Discussion Papers, No. 49) (to be sent to Strategic Management Journal) Wang, G; Lamond, D; Worm, V.(2015). It’s the Context All the Way Down!": An Institutional Theory Perspective on Chinese HRM Research. Journal of Chinese Human Resources Management, 6 (1). P. 2-13. Verner Worm; Michael Jakobsen; Xin Li 2015. Culture as Process : Navigating Cross-Cultural Business Landscapes. Poster session presented at The 41st EIBA Annual Conference 2015. European International Business Academy, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. 2014 Aggarwal Aradhna 2014 Promoting SEZs as a strategy of industrialisation and lessons learnt for New Manufacturing Policy, in an edited vol. on Handbook of the Indian economy in the 21st century Ashima Goyal New Delhi : Oxford University Press Aggarwal Aradhna and Prakash Singh 2014 Regional Development Polices in India in T. Farole eds The Internal geography of trade: Lagging regions and Global Markets World Bank: Washington DC. Aggarwal Aradhna 2014 New Insights on the relationship between Employment and GDP, Wadhwani Foundation Policy Research Centre, Working paper 001, New Delhi: Policy Research Centre, Wadhwani Foundation, USA

Aggarwal Aradhna and Sakshi Chawla 2014 Promoting PPP in R&D: Impact Assessment of SBIRI and BIPP, Research Report, New Delhi: Policy Research Centre, Wadhwani Foundation, USA Hallvarsson, Daniel, Ari Kokko, and Patrik Tingvall 2014. ‘Sverige och EU: handel och tillväxt’. In N. Karlsson (Ed.) Vilket EU vill vi ha? Stockholm: Ratio, 9-40. Hemrit, Maetinee and Ari Kokko 2014. ‘The Internationalization of Thai Family Business Groups: Beyond the Bamboo Network’, mimeo, Bank of Thailand and Copenhagen Business School. Jakobsen, Michael 2014. International Business Studies and the Imperative of Context. Exploring the “Black Hole” in Institutional Theory. Copenhagen Discussion Paper Series. No. 45, January. Kokko, Ari and Patrik Tingvall 2014. ‘Distance, Transaction Costs, and Preferences in European Trade’. The International Trade Journal 28 (2): 87-120. Kokko, Ari and Tran Toan Thang 2014. ‘Foreign Direct Investment and the Survival of Domestic Private Firms in Vietnam’. Asian Development Review 31 (1) 53-91. Kokko, Ari, Bengt Söderlund, and Patrik Tingvall 2014. ‘Redirecting International Trade: Contracts, Conflicts, and Institutions’. Journal of Economics and Statistics 234 (6): 688-721. Kokko, Ari 2014. ‘Obalanserna mellan EU och Kina’. In L. Oxelheim, A. Bakardieva, M. Mårtensson and T. Persson (Eds.) EU och De Globala Obalanserna. Europaperspektiv 2014. Stockholm: Santérus Förlag, 193-237. Liu, Yingqi, Jinguy Wang, and Ari 2014. ‘EV Demonstration Policies and Business Model Innovation: Global Experiences and Chinese Practices’. China Soft Science 288: 1-16. Li, Xin, and Jens Gammelgaard 2014. ‘An integrative model of internationalization strategies: The corporate entrepreneurship – institutional environment – regulatory focus EIR. framework’, Critical Perspectives on International Business, (10) 3, pp.152-171 Li, Xin, 2014. ‘Can Yin-Yang Guide Chinese Indigenous Management Research?’, Management and Organization Review, (10) 1: 7-27

Y. Cao and Xin Li 2014. ‘Huawei: Conquering Europe’, 华为: 攻克欧洲., Business Review 商业评论, 5: 126-139. Business Review is China’s top 1 management practice-oriented journal. Wang, Jingyu, Yingqi Liu, and Ari Kokko 2014. ‘Electric Vehicle Development: Experiences Aboard and Enlightenment to China’. Applied Mechanics and Materials 541-542: 1549-1555. Pragmatism versus Idealism: Understanding the Negotiating Practices in China and India.(2014) With R. Kumar. Thunderbird International Business Review, Vol. 56 (6): 519–530

Understanding the Indigenous Chinese Concept of Suzhi (素质) from an HRM Perspective : A Conceptual Analysis.

(2014) With G. Wang; D. Lamond; W. Gao; S. Yang. Journal of Chinese Human Resources Management, Vol. 5 (2). Xie, Peihong, Xianzhong Meng, and Xin Li 2014. ‘Spurious and genuine competitiveness: New perspective on

enterprise competitiveness’ 虚假与真实竞争力:企业竞争力研究的新视角., Management World 管理世界 Guanli

Shijie., supplementary issue: 67-75

2013 Aggarwal Aradhna 2013 Performance evaluation of Food parks in India in Ralph D.D.Christy, Carlos A. Da Silva N. Mhalanga, Krisztina Tihanyi and E.Mabaya eds Innovative Institutions, Public Policies, and Private Strategies for Agro-Enterprise Development, Singapore: World Scientific Publishing Co Ltd. Aggarwal Aradhna Geraint Johnes, Ricardo Freguglia and Gisele Spricigo 2013 Education And Labour Market Outcomes: Evidence From India, Indian Journal of Labour Economics, , 563, 331-347 Albu, Oana Brindusa; Larsen, Frederik; Sigurdarson, Hallur; Reitan Andersen, Kirsti; Gorm Hansen, Louise Lyngfeldt 2013. ’What is Business Anthropology?: An Ethnographic Study of an Explorative Workshop’. Journal of Business Anthropology (spring). Andersson, Magnus and Ari Kokko 2013. ‘Market Integration and Transportation: Beer in Lao PDR’. In J. Gammelgaard and C. Dörrenbächer (Eds.) The Global Brewery Industry. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar,107-130. Christensen, Nis Høyrup 2013. Shaping Markets: A Neoinstitutional Analysis of the Emerging Organizational Field of Renewable Energy in China. Frederiksberg : Copenhagen Business School, 227 p. (PhD Series, No. 3.2013) Gammeltoft, Peter (2013), ‘Outward FDI from Denmark and its policy context’, Columbia FDI Profiles, Vale Columbia Center on Sustainable International Investment, New York: Columbia University, 10 May: 1-17. Gammeltoft, Peter and Ari Kokko (2013), ‘Outward Foreign Direct Investment from Emerging Economies and National Development Strategies: Three Regimes’, International Journal of Technological Learning, Innovation and Development, 6(1-2): 1-20. Gammeltoft, Peter and Lepi T. Tarmidi (2013), ’Chinese Foreign Direct Investment in Indonesia: Trends, Drivers and Impacts’, International Journal of Technological Learning, Innovation and Development, 6(1-2): 136-160. Gorm Hansen, Louise Lyngfeldt 2013. ‘Hydropower Sustainability in China’ CBS Sustainability Quarterly 4(03): 30-31. Gorm Hansen, Louise Lyngfeldt 2013. ‘Judith Shapiro: China's Environmental Challenges’. Copenhagen Journal of Asian Studies, 31(1): 99-101. Kirkegaard, Julia Kirch, Gorm Hansen, Louise Lyngfeldt 2013. ’Conference Report: Politics of Sustainable Energy Transition in China’. Available from Kirkegaard, Julia Kirch, Gorm Hansen, Louise Lyngfeldt 2013. ’Rapid Sustainable Energy Transition: Chinese Style’. Conference abstract 4S annual meeting, San Diego, California. Kokko, Ari 2013. ‘Offentliga insatser för exportfinansiering’. Globaliseringsforum Rapport Nr. 5. Stockholm: Globaliseringsforum. Liu, Yingqi and Ari Kokko 2013. ‘Who Does What in China’s New Energy Vehicle Industry?’ Energy Policy 57: 21-29. Xie, Peihong, Xin Li, and X. Xie 2014. ‘The Integration of Corporate Non-Market and Market Strategies: Why, What and How’, Nankai Business Review International, (5) 1: 115-132 This article is winner of the Journal’s one of three Highly commended Papers, an Emerald Award for Excellence 2015 Li, Xin, 2013. ‘Chinese Traditional Philosophy and Indigenous Management Research: Discussion and Reflection’,

Chinese Journal of Management 管理学报Guanli Xuebao., (10) 10: 1425-1433 in Chinese.

Li, Xin, and K.E. Brødsgaard 2013. ‘SOE Reform in China: Past, Present and Future’, Copenhagen Journal of Asian Studies, (31) 2: 54-78 Wang, Yingyu, Yongqi Liu, and Ari Kokko 2013. ‘New Energy Buses in China: Policy and Development’. In F. Chen, Y. Liu, and G. Hua (Eds.) LTLGB 2012: Proceedings of International Conference on Low-carbon Transportation and Logistics, and Green Buildings Berlin and Heidelberg: Springer, 379-385. Worm, Verner 2013. Culture-led Discrepancies and Negotiating Conflicts in Strategic outsourcing Alliances. With J. Gammelgaard and R. Kumar. Thunderbird International Business Review. Vol. 55 (5): 563-578 2012 Aggarwal Aradhna 2012 SEZ-led Growth in Taiwan, Korea, and India: Implementing a Successful Strategy, Asian Survey 525 : 872–899. A.Kamiike, Takahiro Sato and Aggarwal Aradhna 2012 Productivity Dynamics in the Indian Pharmaceutical Industry: Evidence from Plant-level Panel Data Science, Technology & Society 17(3): 431–452 Blasco, Maribel, Liv Egholm Feldt, and Jakobsen, Michael 2012. ‘If only cultural chameleons could fly too: A critical discussion of the concept of cultural intelligence’. International Journal of Cross Cultural Management. Vol. 12 Issue 2, August, pp. 229-245. Clausen, Lisbeth 2012 The Global-Local in News Production Tales from Field in the "Shoes" of Journalists In: The Handbook of Global Media Research. ed. /Ingrid Volkmer. Oxford : Wiley-Blackwell 2, p. 485-503 (Handbooks in Communication and Media Di Minin, Alberto, Jieyin Zhang and Peter Gammeltoft (2012), ‘Chinese Foreign Direct Investment in R&D in Europe: A New Model of R&D Internationalization?’, European Management Journal, 30(3): 189-203. Gammeltoft, Peter, Igor Filatotchev and Bersant Hobdari (2012), ‘Emerging Multinational Companies and Strategic Fit: A Contingency Framework and Future Research Agenda’, European Management Journal, 30(3): 175–188. Gorm Hansen, Louise Lyngfeldt 2012. ‘Contested Rivers: Dam(n) Policymaking in China.’ Abstract from 4S/EASST Joint Conference 2012, Frederiksberg, Denmark. Gorm Hansen, Louise Lyngfeldt 2012. ‘Field Report: An Academic Workshop’. Journal of Business Anthropology, 10. Haakonsson, S.J., Jensen, P.Ø. and Mudambi, S. (2012) ‘A Co-Evolutionary Perspective on the Drivers and Dynamics of the International Sourcing of Pharmaceutical R&D’ Journal of Economic Geography, doi: 10.1093/jeg/lbs018 Kokko, Ari and Viktoria Kravtsova 2012. ‘Regional Characteristics and Effects of Inward FDI: The Case of Ukraine’. Organizations and Markets in Emerging Economies 3 (2): 91-118. Kokko, Ari and Yingqi Liu 2012. ‘Governance of New Energy Vehicle Technology in China: The Case of Hybrid Electric Vehicles’. In M. Nilsson, K. Hillman, A. Rickne, and T. Magnusson (Eds.) Paving the Road to Sustainable Transport: Governance and Innovation in Low-Carbon Vehicles. London: Routledge, 200-220. Kokko, Ari 2012. ‘EU and Vietnam: From a Parental to a Competitive Relationship’. In L. Oxelheim (Ed.) EU-Asia and the Re-Polarization of the Global Economic Arena. Singapore: World Scientific, 467-504.

Kokko, Ari 2012. ‘The Swedish Model’. In A. K. Fosu (Ed.) Development Success: Historical Accounts from More Advanced Countries. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 73-114. Kokko, Ari, Christer Ljungwall, and Patrik Tingvall 2012. ’Läge att fördjupa relationerna med Kina’. Kina-nytt 1: 14-15. Wang, Jianyu, Yingqi Liu, and Ari Kokko 2012. ‘Policies and Effects of “Ten Cities One Thousand New Energy Vehicles” Project’. Scientific Decision Making 12: 1-14. Li, Xin, 2012. ‘Michael Barr: Who’s Afraid of China? The Challenge of Chinese Soft Power’, Copenhagen Journal of Asian Studies, (30) 1: 117-119 Liu, Yingqi and Ari Kokko 2012. ‘NEV Technology in China’. Chinese Management Studies 6 (1): 78-91. Pradeep Mehta Aggarwal Aradhna Natasha Nayak 2012 Global Welfare Consequences of Cartelisation in Primary Commodities: Cases of Natural Rubber and Banana in Simon J. Evenett and Frédéric Jenny (eds) Trade, Competition, and the Pricing of Commodities. London: Centre for Policy Research (ebook) Wuthnow, Joel, Xin Li and L. Qi 2012. ‘Diverse Multilateralism: Four Strategies in China’s Multilateral Diplomacy’, Journal of Chinese Political Science, (17) 3: 269-290 Worm, Verner 2012. Transpatriate learning in multinational corporations: Cultural Intelligence in context With L. Clausen. Paper presented at The Academy of Management Annual Meeting 2012, Boston, USA. Worm, Verner 2012. The Chinese are coming (Kineserne kommer!): Six suggestions from the Professor. Lederne, Nr. 7.pp 1-2. 2011 Aggarwal Aradhna 2011 Strategising of SEZs : Analysis of China and India, Asia Kenkyu, pp 345-370 Aggarwal Aradhna 2011 Promoting agglomeration economies and industrial clustering through SEZs: Evidence from India, Journal of International Commerce and Economic Policy.2 2, 201-227, Aggarwal Aradhna 2011 Trade Effects of Anti-dumping: Who benefits, International Trade Journal, 251 112-15847 Aggarwal Aradhna 2011 Firm Dynamics and Productivity Growth in Indian Manufacturing: Evidence from Plant Level Panel Dataset with Takahiro Sato No DP2011-07, Discussion Paper Series from Research Institute for Economics & Business Administration, Kobe University Aggarwal Aradhna 2011 Achieving equity in health through community based health insurance: India’s experience with a large CBHI programme” Journal of Development Studies, December 2011 Aggarwal Aradhna 2011 South-South Cooperation in Technology Transfers and the Clean Development Mechanism: Some explorations Tech Monitor, May-June, 2011, pp: 37-47. Chen, Taotao, Ari Kokko, and Patrik Tingvall 2011. ‘FDI and Spillovers in China: Non-Linearity and Absorptive Capacity’. Journal of Chinese Economic and Business Studies 9 (1): 1-22.

Clausen, Lisbeth. 2011. Corporate Communication across Cultures : A Multi-level Approach. In: Cross-Cultural Management in Practice: Culture and Negotiated Meanings. ed. /Henriett Primecz; Laurence Romani; Sonja Sackmann. Cheltenham : Edward Elgar Publishing, Incorporated The Academy of Management Annual Meeting 2009, Chicago, United States. 2011, p. 77-88 Jakobsen, Michael 2011. ”Glocalization” versus Notions of Decoupling: A Critical Appraisal of the Impact of Global Economics on National Economic Performance’. Copenhagen Journal of Asian Studies, 29(2), pp. 11-32. Jakobsen, Michael and Kjeld Erik Broedsgaard, 2011. Political and Economic Decoupling and Risk Assessment in Contemporary Asia. Special issue of the Copenhagen Journal of Asian Studies. Vol. 29, Issue 2. Li, Xin, and V. Worm 2011. ‘Building China’s soft power for a peaceful rise’, Journal of Chinese Political Science, (16) 1: 69-89 Vesa Peltokorpi; Lisbeth Clausen. 2011 Linguistic and Cultural Barriers to Intercultural Communication in Foreign Subsidiaries. In: Asian Business & Management, Vol. 10, No. 4, p. 509-528 Worm, Verner. International Negotiation in China and India – A Comparison of the emerging Business Giants. (2011) With R. Kumar. Palgrave MacMillan Worm, Verner 2011. Building China's Soft Power for a Peaceful Rise. (2011) With X. Li. Journal of Chinese Political Science, Vol. 16 (1): 69-89. Worm, Verner 2011. Communication and Collaboration in Subsidiaries in China : Chinese and Expatriate Accounts. (2011) With A. M. Søderberg. European Journal of Cross-Cultural Competence and Management, Vol. 2 (1): 54-76. Worm, Verner 2011. International Assignments in Asia : Individual Learning in Context. (2011). With L. Clausen. Paper presented at Det Danske Ledelsesakademi 2011 konference: Behov for ny ledelse? Frederiksberg, Danmark. 2010 Aggarwal Aradhna 2010 Regional Economic Integration and FDI in South Asia : Prospects and Problems, The IUP Journal of International Business Law, Vol. 9, Nos. 1 & 2, pp. 8-41, January & April 2010 Aggarwal Aradhna 2010 Impact Evaluation of India’s Yeshasvini Community Health insurance Programme, Health Economics, Volume 19, Issue S1, pages 5–35, September 2010 Aggarwal Aradhna 2010 Achieving Sustainable Trade and Investment: The role of FDI policies in China, Vietnam and India; Background paper for Trade and Investment report, UNESCAP, Bangkok. Andersson, Magnus, Anders Engvall and Ari Kokko 2010. ‘In the Shadow of China: Integration and Internationalization in Lao PDR’. In L. Yueh (Ed.) The Future of Asian Trade and Growth: Economic Development with the Emergence of China. London: Routledge, 271-294. Christensen, Nis Høyrup 2010. ‘Kinas frie marked: Og hvorfor grænsen mellem stat og marked så let overskrides’ in Kaspersen, Lars Bo; Joachim Lund; Ole Helby Petersen (ed.) 2010. Offentligt eller privat?: Historiske og aktuelle udfordringer i politik og økonomi. København: Jurist- og Økonomforbundet, p. 37-51 Clausen, L. 2010. Moving beyond stereotypes in managing cultural difference: Communication in Danish-Japanese corporate relationships. Scandinavian Journal of Management. vol. 26, Issue 1, March, Pages 57-66

Clausen, Lisbeth. 2010. Globalisation of News : Distribution, Production and Reception. In: Norden och världen: Perspektiv från forskning om medier och kommunikation: en bok tillägnad Ulla Carlsson. . ed. /Porbjörn Broddason; Ullamaija Kivikuru; Birgitte Tufte; Lennart Weibull; Helge Østbye. Göteborg : Göteborg Universitet 2010, p. 335-344 (Göteborgsstudier i journalistik och masskommunikation, No. 61) Gammeltoft, Peter, Helena Barnard and Anoop Madhok (2010), ‘Emerging Multinationals, Emerging Theory: Macro- and Micro-Level Perspectives’, Journal of International Management, 16(2): 95-101. Gammeltoft, Peter, Jaya Prakash Pradhan and Andrea Goldstein (2010), ‘Emerging multinationals: home and host country determinants and outcomes’, International Journal of Emerging Markets, 5(3/4): 254-265 Jakobsen, Michael 2010. Interdependency Versus Notions of Decoupling in a Globalising World: Assessing the Impact of Global Economics and Industrial Developments and Inter-Ethnic relations in Penang, Malaysia. Copenhagen Discussion Papers series. No. 35, November. Jakobsen, Michael 2010. Triangulating Global Economics, Inter-Ethnic Relations and Industrial Development in Penang, Malaysia. Paper presented at the 7

th International Malaysian Studies Conference, Penang.

Kokko, Ari 2010. ‘20 Years of Economic Reform in Vietnam’. In R. Frank and S. Burghart (Eds.) Driving Forces of Socialist Transformation: North Korea and the Experience of Europe and East Asia. Vienna: Praesens, 247-278. Kokko, Ari 2010. ‘Facilitating North-South Knowledge Sharing: Conditions for Enhanced Knowledge Flows’. In E. Kraemer-Mbula and W. Wamae (Eds.) Innovation and the Development Agenda. Ottawa: OECD/IDRC, 111-131. Kokko, Ari 2010. ‘Global Rebalancing: Higher Chinese Wages Rather Than Appreciating RMB?’ In Beijing Forum 2010: The Harmony of Civilizations and Prosperity For All, Beijing: Peking University, November 5-7, 2010. Kokko, Ari 2010. ‘Chinese Rebalancing: More Expensive RMB or Higher Wages?’ Dragon News 3: 6-7. Li, Xin, Kjeld Erik, and Michael Jakobsen 2010. Redefining Beijing Consensus: Ten General Principles. China Economic Journal, 2(3): 297-311. Liu, Yingqi and Ari 2010. ‘Wind Power in China: Development and Policy’. Energy Policy 38 (10): 5520-5529. Rasiah, Rajah, Peter Gammeltoft and Yang Jiang (2010), ‘Home government policies for outward FDI from emerging economies: lessons from Asia’, International Journal of Emerging Markets, 5(3/4): 333-357. Worm, Verner 2010. Chinese Personality: A Center in a Network.(2010) In P.Durst-Andersen and E. Lange. Mentality and Thought- North, South, East, West. Copenhagen Business School Press. Worm, Verner 2010. Corporate Cross-Cultural Collaboration the Contextual Challenges of Multi-cultural Teams in China and Japan.(2010) With L. Clausen. Association for Computing Machinery. Pp. 239-242. 2009 Aggarwal Aradhna 2009 Impact Assessment of Sunset Clause, SEZs and Global Crisis on STP firms, Electronics Information and Planning Journal, Department of Electronics, Government of India, Issue 1 and 2 Oct.-Nov, 1-42, Clausen, Lisbeth. 2009. International News Flow. In: The Routledge Companion to News and Journalism. ed. /Stuart Allan. London : Routledge 2009, p. 127-136

Jakobsen, Michael 2009. Preparing for a Global Encounter: From Internationalisation en route towards Globalisation. Paper presented at a conference on cultural intelligence at Stanford University, Palo Alto, USA. Jakobsen, Michael 2009. Frozen Identities. Inter-Ethnic Relations and Economic Development in Penang, Malaysia. Copenhagen Discussion Papers Series No. 30, August. Kokko, Ari and Kenji Suzuki 2009. ‘The Nordic and Asian Crises. Common Causes, Different Outcomes’. In L. Jonung, J. Kiander and P. Vartia (Eds.) The Great Financial Crisis in Finland and Sweden: The Nordic experience of financial liberalization. Cheltenham and Northampton MA: Edward Elgar, 265-300. Kokko, Ari, Christer Ljungwall, and Patrik Tingvall 2009. ‘Economic Growth and Growth Linkages in China 1994 – 2003’. China Economic Journal 2(3): 257-275. Kokko, Ari, Kenji Suzuki, and Kenji Tanimoto 2009. ‘Does Foreign Investment Matter? Effects of Foreign Investment on the Institutionalization of Corporate Social Responsibility by Japanese Firms’. Asian Business and Management 9 (3): 379-400. Li, Xin,, K. E. Brødsgaard, and M. Jacobsen 2009. ‘Redefining Beijing Consensus: Ten economic principles’, China Economic Journal, (2) 3: 297-311 This article is reprinted in Thomas Oatley 2011. Debates in International Political Economy, 2nd Edition, Longman Jakobsen, Michael 2009. Navigating between Disaggregating Nation States and Entrenching Processes of Globalisation: Reconceptualising the Chinese Diaspora in Southeast Asia. Journal of Contemporary China. Vol. 18, No. 58. January. Worm, Verner 2009. Cultural Intelligence as a Strategic Resource in Multicultural Teams.(2009) With L. Clausen, A.M. Søderberg, and M. Zølner. Proceeding of the 2009 International Workshop on Intercultural Collaboration. Association for Computing Machinery. Worm, Verner 2009. Foreword. Bibliographical Dictionary of New Chinese Entrepreneurs and Business Leaders. red. / Wenxian Zhang; Ilan Alon. Cheltenham : Edward Elgar Publishing, INC, 2009. s. s. xv. Worm, Verner 2009. Konfutze på fabriksgulvet : Fremtiden bygger på traditionen.(2009) Kinabladet, No. 43, pp. 38-40. 2008 Aggarwal Aradhna 2008 Special Economic Zones and Economic Diversification: Some Evidence from South Asia Aradhna Aggarwal Mombert Hoppe and Peter Walkenhorst in Breaking into New markets : Emerging Lessons for Export Diversification, by William Shaw, and Peter Walkenhorst Washington DC: World Bank and Stanford University Press. Christensen, Nis Høyrup 2008. The Chinese Paradox : Integrating Socialism and the Market Economy. Politik, Vol. 11, No. 2, p. 59-66 Daniele Archibugi, Suma Athreye and Peter Gammeltoft (2008), Opening to the world: International cooperation in Science and Technology. Report of the ERA Expert Group, EUR 23325 EN, Brussels: European Commission.

Forsberg, Le Thanh and Ari Kokko 2008. ‘The Role of Donors in Vietnamese Development Planning’, In A. Kokko (Ed.) Vietnam: 20 Years of Doi Moi. Hanoi: Thê Gioi Publishers and Vietnam Academy of Social Sciences, 242-285.

Forsberg, Le Thanh and Ari Kokko 2008. ‘From Growth to Poverty Reduction: The Framework for Development Cooperation in Vietnam’. Country Economic Report 2008:2. Stockholm: Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency. Gammeltoft, Peter (2008), ‘Emerging multinationals: outward FDI from the BRICS countries’, International Journal of Technology and Globalisation, Vol. 4, Iss. 1: 5-22. Hakkala, Katariina and Ari Kokko 2008. ‘The State and the Private Sector’. In A. Kokko (Ed.) Vietnam: 20 Years of Doi Moi. Hanoi: Thê Gioi Publishers and Vietnam Academy of Social Sciences, 81-116. Jakobsen, Michael 2008. ‘Ethnic Chinese Entrepreneurship in Southeast Asia: Measuring the Economic Impact of Mainland China’, in Verner Worm (ed.) China – Business Opportunities in a Globalising Economy. Copenhagen: Copenhagen Business School Press, pp. 155-70. Kjersem, Julie Marie and Peter Gammeltoft 2008, ’Knowledge exchange with offshore R&D units: Novo Nordisk, GN Resound, and BenQ Siemens Mobile in China’, in Govindan Parayil and Anthony D'Costa (eds.), The New Asian Innovation Dynamics: China and India in Perspective, Palgrave Macmillan. Also printed in Verner Worm (ed.), China – Business Opportunities in a Globalizing Economy, Copenhagen: CBS Press. Kokko, Ari (Ed.) 2008. Vietnam: 20 Years of Doi Moi. Hanoi: Thê Gioi Publishers and Vietnam Academy of Social Sciences. (Also published in Vietnamese as Viêt Nam 20 Năm Đôi Mơi, Hanoi: Thê Gioi Publishers and Vietnam Academy of Social Sciences, 2008). Kokko, Ari and Anders Engvall 2008. Svensk export och internationalisering – utveckling, utmaningar, företagsklimat och främjande. SOU 2008:90, Stockholm: Fritzes. Kokko, Ari and Viktoria Kravtsova 2008. ‘Innovative Capability in MNC Subsidiaries: Evidence from Four European Transition Economies’. Post-Communist Economies 20 (1): 57-75. Kokko, Ari 2008. ‘Introduction and Overview’. In A. Kokko (Ed.) Vietnam: 20 Years of Doi Moi. Hanoi: Thê Gioi Publishers and Vietnam Academy of Social Sciences, 1-44. Kokko, Ari, Kerstin Mitlid, and Arvid Wallgren 2008. ‘Internationalization and Macroeconomic Management in Vietnam’. In A. Kokko (Ed.) Vietnam: 20 Years of Doi Moi. Hanoi: Thê Gioi Publishers and Vietnam Academy of Social Sciences, 127-176. Kokko, Ari and Patrik Tingvall 2008. ‘The Welfare State’. In A. Kokko (Ed.) Vietnam: 20 Years of Doi Moi. Hanoi: Thê Gioi Publishers and Vietnam Academy of Social Sciences, 177-241. Kokko, Ari 2008. ‘Vai trò của công suất thặng dư trong sự phát triển công nghiệp Thụy Điển’, Tia Sáng No.1 (available at ). Worm, Verner 2008. China - Businesses Opportunities in a Globalizing Economy (Editor) Copenhagen Business School Press. Worm, Verner 2008. Guanxi capital as sustainable competitive advantages.(2008) With M. Bjørn. In China – Businesses Opportunities in a globalized world. Ed. by V.Worm. Copenhagen: Copenhagen Business School Press. Worm, Verner 2008. Sino-Western Business Negotiation revisited – 30 Years after China’s Open Door Policy (2008) With Tung, R & Fang, T. Organizational Dynamics 37(1): 60-74.

Worm, Verner 2008. How Small Nations Fare in the Global War on Talent? The Case of Denmark .(2008). With Tung, R. & Aagaard Petersen, S. Journal of Small Business Strategy. 19(1):1-14 Worm, Verner 2008. Editorial: The Changing Chinese culture and business Negotiation. (2008) With T. Fang & S. Zhao International Business Review Vol 17, pp. 141- 145. Worm, Verner 2008. Changing success and failure factors in Cusiness negotiations with the PRC. With T. Fang and R. Tung. International Business Review Vol. 17, pp 159-169. Worm, Verner 2008. Book review: Shenkar, O. The Chinese Century. International Business Review. Vol 17. pp 210 - 212. 2007 Aggarwal Aradhna 2007 Trade Remedial Measures in South Asia in South Asia Trade Year Book, CENTAD, OXFAM Aggarwal Aradhna 2007 Impact of SEZs on Employment, Human Development and Poverty, working paper 194 New Delhi: Indian Council of Research in International Economic Relations Aggarwal Aradhna 2007 ‘The Anti-dumping Agreement and Developing Countries’ New Delhi: Oxford University Press Aggarwal Aradhna 2007 ‘Anti-dumping Protection: Who Gets It, An Exploratory Analysis of AD use in the Most Active User Countries’, Discussion paper, Centre for Trade and Development Centre for Trade and Development, OXFAM: India Andersson, Magnus, Anders Engvall, and Ari Kokko 2007. ‘Regional Development in Lao PDR’. Country Economic Report 2007:3. Stockholm: Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency. Blomström, Magnus and Ari Kokko 2007. ‘From Natural Resources to High-Tech Production: The Evolution of Industrial Competitiveness in Sweden and Finland’. In D. Lederman and W.F. Maloney (Eds.) Natural Resources: Neither Curse nor Destiny. Washington, DC: Stanford University Press and The World Bank, 213-256. Clausen, Lisbeth. 2007. Corporate Communication Challenges : A "Negotiated" Culture Perspective. In: International Journal of Cross Cultural Management, Vol. 7, No. 3, 2007, p. 317-332 Jakobsen, Michael and Ng Beoy Kui 2007. Changing Ethnic Chinese Business Practices in Southeast Asia. Special issue of the Copenhagen Journal of Asian Studies. No. 25. Jakobsen, Michael 2007. Re-Conceptualising Notions of Chinese-ness in a Southeast Asian Context. From Diasporic Networking to Grounded Cosmopolitanism. East Asia: An International Quarterly. Vol. 24, No. 2. June, pp. 213-227. Jakobsen, Michael 2007. Living in the Shadow of Mainland China: On Delineating Social and Political Constrains Among Southeast Asian Chinese Entrepreneurs. Copenhagen Journal of Asian Studies. No. 25, pp. 28-49. Jakobsen, Michael 2007. The Political Economy of Cultural Stereotyping. From Hofstede Towards a Hermeneutic Understanding of Contemporary Identity Making in East and Southeast Asia’. Paper presented at the China in the World, the World in China International Conference: ‘Implications of a Transforming China: Domestic, Regional and Global Impacts’. Organised by Institute of China Studies. University of Malaya in Malaysia. 5-6 August.

Kokko, Ari 2007. ‘EU som global aktör – effekter på Vietnam’. In P. Cramér, S. Gustavsson, and L.Oxelheim (Eds.) EU som aktör i världen. Stockholm: Santérus Förlag, 133-167. Kokko, Ari and Patrik Tingvall 2007. ‘Effekter av FOU – en historisk analys’. In P. Tingvall (Ed.) Varför FOU? Hur dagens internationella företag bedriver sin forskning och utbildningsverksamhet. Stockholm: SNS Förlag, 15-45. Kokko, Ari and Patrik Tingvall 2007. ’Innovationspolitik’. In P. Tingvall (Ed.) Varför FOU? Hur dagens internationella företag bedriver sin forskning och utbildningsverksamhet. Stockholm; SNS Förlag, 184-208. Kokko, Ari, Thomas Mathae, and Patrik Tingvall 2007. ‘Regional Integration and Trade Diversion in Europe’. Integration & Trade 26 (11): 205-246. Kokko, Ari, Thomas Mathae, and Patrik Tingvall 2007. ‘Integración regional y desviación de comercio en Europa’. Intergración y Comercio 26 (11): 213-260. Worm, Verner 2007. Are Virtual International Assignments Feasible? With Welch, D. and Fenswick, M (2007) In International Human Ressource Management. Ed by Kutching, K & De Cieri, H. Aldershot: Ashgate. Reprint of journal article. Worm, Verner 2007. Transients and Knowledge transfer: The role of the international business traveller. With D. & L. Welch. International Journal of Human Resource Management 18(2) 173-183. 2006 Aggarwal Aradhna 2006, “Special Economic Zones: Revisiting the Policy Debate”,. Economic and Political Weekly, Vol. XLI Nos. 43 and 44, November 4-10. Aggarwal Aradhna 2006 Performance of Export Processing Zones: A Comparative Analysis of India , Sri Lanka and Bangladesh, Journal of Instaflag Institute, Vol XXX No.1, 33-122, World EPZ Association, Arizona, USA, editor reviewed Aggarwal Aradhna 2006 The Indian Pharmaceutical Industry in a book “International Competitiveness and Knowledge Based Industries in India “ Nagesh Kumar and K.J.Joseph eds Oxford University Press India Aggarwal Aradhna 2006 Anti Dumping Law and Practice : An Indian Perspective in Anti-Dumping (eds) Hyderabad: ICFAI University Press Aggarwal Aradhna 2006 The WTO Anti-dumping Agreement: possible Reform through a public interest clause (eds) Anti-Dumping, Hyderabad: ICFAI University Press. Andersson, Magnus, Anders Engvall and Ari Kokko 2006. ‘Determinants of Poverty in Laos’. Country Economic Report 2005:10. Stockholm: Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency. Clausen, Lisbeth. 2006. Intercultural Organizational Communication: Five Corporate Cases in Japan. Copenhagen: Copenhagen Business School Press. Gammeltoft, Peter (2006), ‘Internationalisation of R&D: trends, drivers, and managerial challenges’, International Journal of Technology and Globalisation, Vol. 2, Nos. 1/2: 177-199. Gammeltoft, Peter and Erman Aminullah (2006), ‘The Indonesian Innovation System at a Crossroads’, in Bengt-Åke Lundvall, Patarapong Intarakumnerd, and Jan Vang-Lauridsen, Asia’s Innovation Systems in Transition, Edward Elgar.

Jakobsen, Michael 2006. Positioning Strategies of Southeast Asian Chinese Entrepreneurs’. Co-authored with Vivienne Wee and Tiong Chong Wong. Journal of Contemporary Asia, Vol. 36, No. 3. Jakobsen, Michael 2006. Doing Business the Chinese Way? On Manadonese Chinese Entrepreneurship in North Sulawesi. The Copenhagen Journal of Asian Studies. No. 24, pp. 72-104. Kokko, Ari 2006. ‘Export-Led Growth in East Asia: Lessons for Europe’s Transition Economies’. In S. Söderman (Ed.) Emerging Multiplicity—Integration and Responsiveness in Asian Business Development. Basingsstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 33-52. Kokko, Ari and M. Lundahl 2006. ‘Are There Recipes for Economic Development?’. In R. Tansini (Ed.) Cuba and Vietnam: Economic Reforms and Development. Montevideo: Sida and Universidad de la República,19-41. Kokko, Ari and Kenji Suzuki 2006. ’Asienkrisen och den svenska krisen – en jämförelse’. In J. Aunesluoma and S. Fellman (Eds.) Från olika till jämlika: Finlands och Sveriges ekonomier på 1900-talet. Helsingfors: Svenska litteratursällskapet i Finland, 151-178. Kokko, Ari 2006. ‘The Home Country Effects of FDI in Developed Countries’, paper prepared for UNCTAD’s World Investment Report, April 2006. Kokko, Ari, Tran Toan Thang, Le Thanh Forsberg, and Vu Xuan Nguyet Hong 2006. ‘The Harmonization of ODA and Trade Policies: The Case of Vietnam’, paper presented at OECD Policy Dialogue with Non-Members on Aid for Trade: From Policy to Practice, Doha, Qatar, November 2006. Worm, Verner 2006. Der skal drikkes meget te. I Vi skal til Kina. Ed. by K. E.. Brødsgaard.København: Forlagskompagniet. In Danish. Worm, Verner 2006. International Business Travellers: A Challenge for IHRM. (2006).With Welch, D. Handbook of Research in International Human Resource Management. Björkman, I & Stahl, G. (eds.) Chap. 15 Boston: Elsevier. Worm, Verner 2006. “Kina i international politik – et erhvervsøkonomisk perspektiv (China in international Politics – a business perspective) [in Danish] (2006). Økonomi og Politik. December, DJØF 2005 Kumar Nagesh and Aradhna Aggarwal 2005 ‘Liberalization, Outward orientation and R&D behaviour of local firms and MNE affiliates: A Quantitative Exploration’, Research Policy, 34 (2005): 441-460. Aggarwal Aradhna 2005 Performance of Export Processing Zones: A Comparative Analysis of India , Sri Lanka and Bangladesh, Working paper 155, New Delhi: Indian Council of Research in International Economic Relations Aggarwal Aradhna 2005 The SEZ Bill 2005: Can it Re-Ignite the Engines of Growth, Yojana, Planning Commission, and October, 2005 Aggarwal Aradhna 2005 ‘The use of Anti-dumping by China, Brazil, India and South Africa’, Report, National Board of Trade, Sweden case study of India. Gammeltoft, Peter and Henrik Sornn-Friese (2005), 'National Embeddedness of Economic Activities: Industrial and Technology Policy in Korea and Taiwan', Asian Journal of Technology Innovation, Vol. 13, No. 2: 1-22.

Jakobsen, Michael and Jan Kanne Petersen 2005. The Tsunami and its Social and Political Implications. NIASnytt: Asia Insights. Special Issue. Published by the NIAS-Nordic Institute of Asian Studies. No. 2, June. Jakobsen, Michael 2005. Islam and Processes of Minorisation among Ethnic Chinese in Indonesia: Oscillating between Faith and Political Economic Expediency. Asian Ethnicity, Vol. 6, No. 2. June pp. 71-87. Kokko, Ari and Fredrik Sjöholm 2005. ‘The Globalization of Vietnamese SMEs’. Asian Economic Papers 4 (1): 152-177. Kokko, Ari 2005. ‘Excess Capacity in Swedish Industrial Development’. International Journal of Learning and Change 1 (1): 122-140. Kokko, Ari 2005. ‘Economic Systems and the Role of the State’. In 2

nd Workshop on Economic Reform and the

Development of Economic Relations between the EU and the DPRK, Pyongyang, October 12-14, 2005. Kokko, Ari, Thomas Mathae, and Patrik Tingvall 2005. ‘European Integration and Trade Diversion: Yeats Revisited’. SIEPS Report 2005:7. Stockholm: Swedish Institute for European Policy Studies. Kokko, Ari and Patrik Tingvall 2005. ‘Regional Development and Government Support to SMEs in Vietnam’. Country Economic Report 2005:5. Stockholm: Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency. Kokko, Ari 2005. ‘Economic reforms and skill requirements in DPRK’, paper presented at Conference on Future Multilateral Economic Cooperation with the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, The Stanley Foundation and the German Council on Foreign Relations, Berlin, June 15-17, 2005. Worm, Verner 2005. ”A Comparative Analysis of Indian and Chinese Negotiating Behavior” With Professor R. Kumar. International Journal of Conflict Management 15(3): 304-334. Worm, Verner 2005. Implications of Short-term international Assignments. (2005). With Tahvanianen, M. and Welch, D. European Management Journal 23(6): 663-673. Worm, Verner 2005. Moderating Effects of Culture in Transfer of Knowledge: A Case of Danish Multinationals and their Subsidiaries in P. R .China and India. With Xu, X.J. & Sinha, J.B. Working Paper. Worm, Verner 2005. HR implications of short-term international assignments. With Tahvanainen, M & Welch, D. Paper at the IHRM Conference, Cairns. 15 June 2005. 2004 Aggarwal Aradhna 2004 The Impact of Tariff Reduction on Exports: A Quantitative Assessment of India’s Exports to the US, Working paper 120, New Delhi: Indian Council of Research in International Economic Relations Aggarwal Aradhna 2004 Export Processing Zones In India : Analysis of the Export Performance, Working paper 148, New Delhi: Indian Council of Research in International Economic Relations. Clausen, Lisbeth. 2004. Anmeldelse af Barbara Sato: The new japanese woman. Modernity, media and women in interwar Japan. Duke University Oress: Durham and London, 2003, xiii, 242 pp. ISBN:0-8223-3044 In: Copenhagen Journal of Asian Studies, No. 19, p. 114-116 Clausen, Lisbeth. 2004. Localizing the global : "Domestication" processes in international news production. In: Media, Culture & Society, Vol. 26, No. 1, p. 25-44

Engvall, Anders, Ari Kokko, and Patrik Tingvall 2004. ‘The Swedish SME Sector after EU Membership’, paper presented at Workshop on the Impact of Regional Integration on SMEs in Indochina, Vientiane, December 2004. Gammeltoft, Peter (2004), ‘Development of Firm-Level Technological Capabilities: The Case of the Indonesian Electronics Industry’, Journal of the Asia Pacific Economy, Vol. 9, No. 1: 49-69. Gustavsson, Patrik and Ari Kokko 2004. ‘Regional Integration, FDI, and Regional Development’. EIB Papers 9 (1): 110-135. Gustavsson, Patrik and Ari Kokko 2004. ‘Regional integration och regionala handelsavtal’. SIEPS Rapport 2004:1. Stockholm: Svenska institutet för europapolitiska studier. Jakobsen, Michael 2004.: De-essentialising “Chinese Capitalism” in Southeast Asia. NIASnytt: Asia Insights. Special Issue. Published by the NIAS-Nordic Institute of Asian Studies. No. 3. September. Jakobsen, Michael 2004. Tightening the Unitary State. The Inner Workings of Indonesian Regional Autonomy’, Indonesian Quarterly. Vol. 32. No. 4. December, pp. 384-404. Jakobsen, Michael 2004. On Factionalism and Secessionism in North Sulawesi Province, Indonesia. Asian Journal of Political Science. Vol. 12. No. 1. June, pp. 65-94. Kokko, Ari and Nanhee Lee 2004. ‘North Korea: From crisis to tentative reform’, paper prepared for International Policy Conference on Transition Economies, Hanoi: UNDP, May 31-June 1, 2004. Kokko, Ari 2004. ‘Growth and Reform since the 8

th Party Congress’. In D. McCargo (Ed.) Rethinking Vietnam. London

and New York: Routledge, 69-90. Kokko, Ari 2004. ‘Economic Reform in Asia’. In Workshop on Economic Reform and Development of Economic Relations between the EU and the DPRK, Pyongyang, August 31-September 4, 2004. Kokko, Ari 2004. Review of James R. Markusen (2002), Multinational Firms and the Theory of International Trade. Cambridge MA: MIT Press, in Journal of Economics 81 (3): 284-287. Wee, Vivienne, Michael Jakobsen, and Tiong Chong 2004 Oscillating Between Economic Opportunities and Contextual Constrains: Assessing the Positioning of Southeast Asian ethnic “Chinese” Entrepreneurs in Relation to China’. Paper presented at the international conference on ‘China and Southeast Asia. Challenges, Opportunities and the Re-Construction of Southeast Asian Chinese Capital’ at the Research School of Southeast Asian Studies, Xiamen University, China. Worm, Verner 2004. “Short-term international assignments: how do companies manage them?” With Tahvanainen, M. Paper presented at Workshop on Expatriation. EIASM, Brussels, October 18-19, 2004. Worm, Verner 2004. “Recent research in International Assignments.” Panel participant at Academy of International Business. Annual Conference in Stockholm, 10-14 July 2004. Worm, Verner 2004. “New managers in China and International negotiations: Lessons for European Multinationals” Poster presented at the IACMR Conference in Beijing 17-20 June 2004.

Worm, Verner 2004. “Cross cultural Differences in Mood Regulation: An Empirical Comparison of Individualistic and Collectivistic Cultures. (2004) With Luomala, H., Kumar, R. & Singh, J. Journal of International Consumer Marketing 16(4): 39- 62. “The Management of Process Ambiguities in Sino-Danish Business Negotiations” (2004) With R. Kumar. Copenhagen Journal of Asian Studies no.18: 5-22 Aggarwal Aradhna 2004. ‘The WTO Antidumping Code: Issues for Review in Post-Doha Negotiations, WTO Series papers 4, New Delhi: Indian Council of Research in International Economic Relations Aggarwal Aradhna 2004‘Macro Economic Determinants of Anti-dumping : A Comparative Analysis of Developed and Developing Countries, World Development, 326, 2004 Aggarwal Aradhna 2004 Patterns and Determinants of Antidumping: A Worldwide Perspective Working paper 113, New Delhi: Indian Council of Research in International Economic Relations 2003 Aggarwal Aradhna 2003 Developing countries and the WTO Antidumping Code: Issues and Suggestions, Developing countries and the WTO Antidumping Code: Issues and Suggestions, in Future negotiation issues at WTO: An India China Perspective, ed Bibek Debroy and Mohammad Saqib, Globus Books New Delhi June, 2004 Blomström, Magnus and Ari Kokko 2003. ‘The Economics of Foreign Direct Investment Incentives’. In H. Herrmann and R.E. Lipsey (Eds.) Foreign Direct Investment in the Real and Financial Sector of Industrial Countries. Hamburg; Springer Verlag, 37-56. Blomström, Magnus and Ari Kokko 2003. ‘Foreign Direct Investment Incentives’. In M. Lundahl (Ed.) Globalization and Its Enemies. Stockholm: EFI/Stockholm School of Economics, 49-68. Clausen, Lisbeth. 2003. Global News Communication Strategies : 9.11.2002 around the World. In: N O R D I C O M Review, No. 1, p. 105-115 Clausen, Lisbeth. 2003 Global News Production. Copenhagen: Copenhagen Business School Press. Gammeltoft, Peter (2003), ‘Embedded Flexible Collaboration and Development of Local Capabilities: A Case Study of the Indonesian Electronics Industry’, International Journal of Technology Management, Vol. 26, No. 7: 743-66. Gammeltoft, Peter (2003) ‘National Innovation Systems, Development and the NEPAD’, in Mammo Muchie, Peter Gammeltoft, and Bengt-Åke Lundvall (eds.), Putting the Last First: The Making of African Innovation Systems, Aalborg: Aalborg University Press. Gustavsson, Patrik and Ari Kokko 2003. ‘Sveriges konkurrensfördelar för export och multinationell produktion’. Annex 6 to LU 2003 (SOU 2003:45). Stockholm: Ministry of Finance. Jakobsen, Michael 2003. Reconceptualising the Ethnic Chinese Diaspora in Southeast Asia. Exploring the Outer Limits of Ethnic Affiliations. Working paper Series No. 41. April, pp. 1-26. Southeast Asia Research Centre. City University of Hong Kong. Kokko, Ari 2003. ‘Globalization and FDI Policies’. In The Development Dimension of FDI: Policy and Rule-Making Perspectives. Geneva and New York: UNCTAD, 29-39.

Kokko, Ari, Katarina Kotoglou, and Anna Krohwinkel-Karlsson 2003. ‘Characteristics of Failed FDI Projects in Viet Nam’. Transnational Corporations 12 (3): 41-77. Lundvall, Bengt-Åke, Mammo Muchie, and Peter Gammeltoft (2003), ‘Introduction: African Systems of Innovation and Competence Building’, in Mammo Muchie, Peter Gammeltoft, and Bengt-Åke Lundvall (eds.), Putting the Last First: The Making of African Innovation Systems, Aalborg: Aalborg University Press. Mammo Muchie, Peter Gammeltoft, and Bengt-Åke Lundvall (eds.) (2003): Putting the Last First: The Making of African Innovation Systems, Aalborg: Aalborg University Press. Worm, Verner 2003. “Social Capital and the dynamics of business negotiations between the Northern Europeans and the Chinese” 2003 With R. Kumar Interna- tional Marketing Review, 20(2), 262-285. Worm, Verner 2003. “Personal networks in Russia and China: blat and guanxi in an international business context”. (2003) With Professor S. Michailova. European Management Journal 21(4), 509-519 2002 Aggarwal Aradhna 2002 Liberalization , Multinational Enterprises and Export Performance : Evidence from Indian Manufacturing, Journal of Development Studies, Vol 38, No. 2, 119-137. Blomström, Magnus and Ari Kokko 2002. ‘Good Governance at the Macro Level: Foreign Direct Investment Incentives’. In A. Petchsiri, P. Sutthisriprok and P. Thontiravong (Eds.) Comparative Regional Integration: ASEAN and the EU, Monograph Series Vol. 2, Bangkok: Chulalongkorn University, 82-98. Blomström, Magnus and Ari Kokko 2002. ‘FDI and Human Capital: A Research Agenda’. OECD Development Centre Technical Papers No. 195. Paris: OECD. Blomström, Magnus, Ari Kokko and Fredrik Sjöholm 2002. ‘Growth and Innovation Policies for a Knowledge Economy: Experiences From Finland, Sweden and Singapore’. EIJS Working Paper No. 156. Stockholm: European Institute of Japanese Studies, Stockholm School of Economics. Gammeltoft, Peter (2002), ‘Remittances and Other Financial Flows to Developing Countries’, International Migration, 40 (5), Special Issue 2: 181-212. Jakobsen, Michael, Timo Kivimäki, and Pius Suratman Kartasasmita 2002. Democracy, Decentralisation, Identity and Conflict in Indonesia’. Helsingki: Published by CTS-Conflict Transformation Service. Jakobsen, Michael 2002. On the Question of Contemporary Identity in Minahasa, North Sulawesi Province, Indonesia’, in Asian Anthropology. Vol. 1, pp. 31-58. Jakobsen, Michael 2002. Appropriating the Global within the Local. On Identity Formation among the Minahasa in North Sulawesi, Indonesia’, in Catarina Kinnvall and Kristina Jőnsson (eds): Globalisation and Democratic Development in Asian. London and New York: Routledge, pp. 230-46. Jakobsen, Michael 2002. Nation-making and the Politicisation of Ethnicity in Post-Suharto Indonesia. Working paper Series No. 26. January, pp. 1-19. Southeast Asia Research Centre. City University of Hong Kong.

Jakobsen, Michael 2002. Cross-Border Communities and Deterritorialising Identities. Assessing the Diaspora Triangle: Migration-Host-Home. Working paper Series No. 19. January, pp. 1-17. Southeast Asia Research Centre. City University of Hong Kong. Kokko, Ari 2002. ‘FDI and the Structure of Home Country Production’. In B. Bora (Ed,) Foreign Direct Investment: Research Issues. London and New York: Routledge, 152-167. Worm, Verner 2002. “Are virtual International Assignments Feasible?”) With D. Welch & M. Fenwick. Management International Review, special Issue 2003/1: 95-114 Worm, Verner 2002. ”Nailing the myths of an International Assignment”. (2002) With C. Skovbro. European Business Forum. 11: 70-73. 2001 Aggarwal Aradhna 2001 Technology Policies and Acquisition of technological Capabilities in the Industrial Sector : A Comparative Analysis of the Indian and Korean Experiences, Science, Technology and Society 2001, vol. 6, No. 2, July-December 2001, 255-304. Blomström, Magnus and Ari Kokko 2001. ‘Foreign Direct Investment and Technology Spillovers - Views on Japan and Asia Pacific’. International Journal of Technology Management 22 (5/6): 435-454. Blomström, Magnus, Steven Globerman, and Ari Kokko 2001. ‘The Determinants of Host Country Spillovers from Foreign Direct Investment: A Review and Synthesis of the Literature’. In N. Pain (Ed.) Inward Investment, Technological Change and Growth: The Impact of Multinational Corporations on the UK Economy. Basingstoke: Palgrave, 34-65. Fors, Gunnar and Ari Kokko 2001. ‘Home Country Effects of FDI: Foreign Production and Structural Change in Home Country Operations’. In M. Blomström and L. Goldberg (Eds.) Topics in Empirical International Economics: A Festschrift in Honor of Bob Lipsey. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 137-157. Gammeltoft, Peter (2001): Embedded Flexible Collaboration and Development of Technological Capability: a case study of the Indonesian electronics industry, Ph.D. dissertation. International Development Studies, Roskilde University. Gammeltoft, Peter (2001), The Indonesian Electronics Industry: dual or segmented?’, The Indonesian Quarterly, 29 (3). Globerman, Steven and Ari Kokko 2001. ‘A New Millenium for Japanese-North American Economic Policy Relations?’ In M. Blomström, B. Gagnes, and S. LaCroix, (Eds.) Japan's New Economy: Continuity and Change in the 21st Century. New York: Oxford University Press, 263-285. Hakkala, Katariina, Olivia Kang, and Ari Kokko 2001. ’Step by Step: Economic Reform and Renovation in Vietnam before the 9

th Party Congress’. Country Economic Report 2001:6. Stockholm: Swedish International Development

Cooperation Agency. Kokko, Ari, Ruben Tansini, and Mario Zejan 2001. ‘Trade Regimes and Spillover Effects of FDI: Evidence from Uruguay’. Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv 137 (1): 124-149. Kokko, Ari 2001. ‘Trade and Industrial Policy Reform: The Challenge of Continuous Change’. In C. Brundenius and J. Weeks (Eds.) Globalisation and Third World Socialism: Cuba and Vietnam. Basingstoke and New York: Palgrave, 197-216.

Kokko, Ari, Bruce Lambert, and Fredrik Sjöholm 2001. ‘Japan as Number Three: Effects of European Integration’. In M. Blomström, B. Gagnes, and S. LaCroix, (Eds.) Japan's New Economy: Continuity and Change in the 21st Century. New York: Oxford University Press, 286-306. Worm, Verner 2001. “Human Resource Development for Localization. European Multinational Corporations in China”(2001). With Selmer, J & de Leon, C. In Kidd, J., Li, X. Richter, F. Advances in Human Resource Management in Asia. London: Palgrave. 188 -212 Worm, Verner 2001.”Social capital and the management of process ambiguities in Chinese – Danish Negotiations.”(2001). With R. Kumar. In International Business. Børsens Forlag. In Danish. Worm, Verner 2001. “Network Capitalism: the Role of Human Resources in Penetrating the China Market.”(2001). With Professor Tung, R. International Journal of Human Resource management. 12 (4): 517-534 2000 Aggarwal Aradhna 2000 Deregulation, Technology Imports and In-House R&D Efforts: An Analysis of the Indian Experience’ 2000, Research Policy, 29 9, 1081-1093 Blomström, Magnus, Ari Kokko, and Mario Zejan 2000. Foreign Direct Investment: Firm and Host Country Strategies. Basingstoke and London: Macmillan. Blomström, Magnus and Ari Kokko 2000. ‘Outward Investment, Employment, and Wages in Swedish Multinationals’. Oxford Review of Economic Policy 16 (3) 76-89. Blomström, Magnus, Steven Globerman, and Ari Kokko 2000. ‘Regional Integration and Foreign Direct Investment: Some General Issues’. In J. Dunning (Ed.) Regions, Globalisation and the Knowledge-Based Economy. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 109-130. Globerman, Steven, Ari Kokko, and Fredrik Sjöholm 2000. ‘International Technology Diffusion: Evidence from Swedish Patent Data’. Kyklos 53 (1): 17-38. Hakkala, Katariina and Ari Kokko 2000. ‘Sverige i en globaliserad ekonomi’. In B. Södersten (Ed.) Marknad och politik. Stockholm: SNS Förlag, 415-445. Jakobsen, Michael, and Ole Bruun 2000. ‘Human Rights and Asian Values. Contesting National Identities and Cultural Representations in Asia’. Richmond: Curzon Press Ltd. Kokko, Ari and Mario Zejan 2000.‘Asienkrisens effekter i Sydamerika: Chile, Argentina och Brasilien’. Ekonomiska Samfundets Tidsskrift 53 (1): 61-70. Kokko, Ari and Fredrik Sjöholm 2000. ‘Some Alternative Scenarios for the Role of the State in Vietnam’. The Pacific Review 13 (2): 257-277. Kokko, Ari 2000. ‘Structure, Performance and Reform Requirements in the Vietnamese Private Sector’. Studies in Private Sector Development 2000:1. Stockholm: Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency. Worm, Verner 2000. “The Dilemma of Managerial Cooperation in Sino-Western Business Operations”. (With Professor Frankenstein, J. Thunderbird International Business Review. 42 (3): 261-285.

Worm, Verner 2000. “Northern European Expatriates in China - Perspectives for the 21st Century”. With Petersen, S. ARC Newsletter. No. 8. Worm, Verner 2000. “Western Joint Venture “Partnering” with Chinese SOEs: A Corporate Governance Interpretation.” With Professor Davis, J. ARC Newsletter. No. 8. 1999 Jakobsen, Michael and Stephanie Lawson 1999. Between Globalisation and Localisation: A Case Study of Human Rights versus State Sovereignty. Global Governance, Vol. 5, pp. 203-219. Kokko, Ari 1999. ‘Asienkrisen: många likheter med den svenska krisen’. Ekonomisk Debatt 27 (2): 81-92. Kokko, Ari 1999.‘Vietnam: Ready for Doi Moi II?’ In H.W. Arndt and H. Hill (Eds.) Southeast Asia’s Economic Crisis: Origins, Lessons, and the Way Forward. Singapore: ISEAS, 81-92. Kokko, Ari 1999. Review of Our future with Asia: proposal for a Swedish Asia strategy, Stockholm: Ministry for Foreign Affairs, in Asian Pacific Economic Literature, November, 1999. Worm, Verner 1999. “Managerial Adaptation in a Transitional Economy: China” With Selmer, J., Erdener, C., Tung, R. & Simon. D. In China’s Managerial Revolution. Ed. Warner, M. London: Frank Cass. 1999, 29-46. Worm, Verner 1999. “Managerial adaptation in a Transitional Economy: China” With Selmer, J., Erdener, C., Tung, R. & Simon, D.(1999) Asia Pacific Business Review. 5 (3/4): 29-46 Worm, Verner 1999. “Culture guide: China” Virksomhedens Internationale Aktiviteter. Nr. 2. 1999. København: Børsen Forum A/S. In Danish. 1998 Blomström, Magnus and Ari Kokko 1998. ‘Multinational Corporations and Spillovers’. Journal of Economic Surveys 12 (3): 247-277 . Reprinted 2011 in Journal of Economic Surveys 25th Anniversary Virtual Issue, The Top 25 Papers in 25 Years: The Editors’ Cut, edited by Donald A. R. George, Les Oxley, Colin J. Roberts, and Stuart Sayer. Blomström, Magnus and Ari Kokko 1998. ‘Foreign Investment as a Vehicle For International Technology Transfer’. In P. Dasgupta and G. Barba Navaretti (Eds.) Creation and Transfer of Knowledge: Institutions and Incentives. Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 279-310. Blomström, Magnus and Ari Kokko 1998. ‘Sverige’. In M. Paldam (Ed.) Dansk u-landshjælp: Altruismens politiske økonomi. Aarhus: Aarhus Universitetsforlag. Jakobsen, Michael 1998. Regional Identity Formation in a Changing International Society. A Case Study of the Minahasa, North Sulawesi, Indonesia. Report to the Danish Social Science Research Council, pp. 1-75. Kokko, Ari 1998. ‘Vietnam – Ready for Doi Moi II’. ASEAN Economic Bulletin 15 (3): 319-327. Kokko, Ari and Mario Zejan 1998. ‘Guinea-Bissau’. In H. White (Ed.) Aid and Macroeconomic Performance: Theory, Empirical Evidence, and Four Country Cases. Basingstoke and London: Macmillan, 109-138.

Kokko, Ari 1998. ‘Technology, Market Characteristics, and Spillovers’. In J.A. Cantwell (Ed.) Foreign Direct Investment and Technological Change. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 406-421. Kokko, Ari 1998. ‘Asienkrisen: ett nordiskt perspektiv’. In Asiatiska vägval. Delstudier för en svensk Asienstrategi. Ds 1998:34, Stockholm: Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 267-321. Kokko, Ari 1998. Review of J. McMillan and B. Naughton (Eds.) Reforming Asian Socialism: The Growth of Market Institutions. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, in Economic Journal, 108: 276. Kokko, Ari 1998. ‘Vad hände egentligen i Asien?’. Affärsvärlden, 97 (26-32): 21-23. Kokko, Ari 1998. ‘Vietnam and the Asian Crisis: Causes, Consequences and Cures’. Country Economic Report 1998:8. Stockholm: Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency. Kokko, Ari and Mario Zejan 1998. ‘Only Keynesian plan can save economy’. The Daily Yomiuri, No. 17351, November 20: 8. Kokko, Ari 1998. ‘International Finance’ in Evaluation of World Bank Research, Washington DC: The World Bank. Worm, Verner 1998. China and the Chinese – a guide for Danish visitors. København: Fuhu/Gyldendal. In Danish Worm, Verner 1998. "Interpersonal Cooperation in Western Subsidiaries in China." In International Management in China. Ed. by Selmer, J. London: Routledge. 183-196. Worm, Verner 1998. “Business environment and business culture in China” In China- the world largest challenge (Kina - verdens største udfordring). Copenhagen: Federation of Danish Industry, 1998. 13-26. In Danish Worm, Verner 1998. “Zhongxi Fang Qiye Jingying Zhong de Guanli Hezuo Nanti” In Chinese. (The Dilemma of Management Cooperation in Sino-Western Business Operations) With Frankenstein, J. Shantou University Journal 14 (6.):1-11. 1997 Aggarwal Aradhna 1997 Liberalization, Internalization Advantages and FDI : Indian Experience in the 1980s' 1997 Transnational Corporations, UNCTAD, Geneva. Blomström, Magnus and Ari Kokko 1997. ‘Sweden’. In J. Dunning (Ed.) Governments, Globalization, and International Business. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 359-376. Reprinted as paperback 1999. Blomström, Magnus, Ari Kokko, and Mario Zejan 1997. ‘Host Country Competition, Labor Skills, and Technology Transfer by Multinationals’. In B. Yeung and J. Oxley (Eds.) Structural Change, Industrial Location, and Competitiveness. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 199-211. Blomström, Magnus and Ari Kokko 1997. ‘How Foreign Investment Affects Host Countries’. Policy Research Working Paper No. 1745. Washington DC: The World Bank. Blomström, Magnus and Ari Kokko 1997. ‘Regional Integration and Foreign Direct Investment: A Conceptual Framework and Three Cases’. Policy Research Working Paper No. 1750, Washington DC: The World Bank.

Kokko, Ari 1997. Quàn lý trình chuyên sang chê dô thu’o’ng mau tu’ do: Chính sách thu’o’ng mai cùa Viêt Nam cho thê k`y XXI. Hanoi: Political Publishing House. Kokko, Ari 1997. ‘Managing the Transition to Free Trade: Vietnamese Trade Policy for the 21st Century’. Macroeconomic Reports 1997:4. Stockholm: Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency. Kokko, Ari 1997. ‘While Vietnam Struggles with Economic Reforms’. Asian Wall Street Journal May 27: 3. Kokko, Ari 1997. ‘Small, Medium, or Large: Some Scenarios for the Role of the State in the Era of Modernization and Industrialization in Vietnam’. Macroeconomic Reports 1997:6. Stockholm: Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency. Kokko, Ari 1997. ‘The Tiger Crisis is Pushing Hanoi Communists’. Asian Wall Street Journal December 17: 8. Worm, Verner 1997. Vikings and Mandarins. Sino-Scandinavian Business Cooperation in Cross-Cultural Settings. Copenhagen: Copenhagen Business School Press. Worm, Verner 1997. East meet West: North European Expatriates in China. with Professor Tung, R. Business and Contemporary World. 9(1): 137-148 Worm, Verner 1997. “Management of Chinese Human Resources in Foreign Companies in China.” ARC Newsletter. No.2. 1997. 1996 Kokko Ari and Mario Zejan 1996. Viet Nam: Chung duòng tiep theo cùa cài cách. Hanoi: Political Publishing House. Kokko, Ari 1996. ‘Productivity Spillovers from Competition between Local Firms and Foreign Affiliates’. Journal of International Development 8 (4): 517-530. Kokko, Ari, Ruben Tansini, and Mario Zejan 1996. ‘Local Technological Capability and Productivity Spillovers from FDI in the Uruguayan Manufacturing Sector’. Journal of Development Studies 32 (4): 602-611. Kokko, Ari and Mario Zejan 1996. ‘Planned and Failed Foreign Direct Investment in Viet Nam’. Asia-Pacific Development Journal 3 (1): 37-54. Kokko, Ari, Mikael Revelius, and Mikael Sami 1996. ‘MNE Responses to Economic Liberalization in a Developing Country: Evidence from India’. Journal of Economic Development 21 (2): 163-184. Kokko, Ari 1996. ‘Svédorszag és az EMU’. Európa Fórum 6 (4): 3-21. Kokko, Ari 1996. ‘The Swedish Economy on the Threshold of the EMU’. In Strategic Possibilities of Hungary in 1996-2000 with Special Attention to the Fulfillment of the Convergence Criteria of the Maastricht Treaty. Annex. Budapest: GKI Economic Research Co. Kokko, Ari and Mario Zejan. ‘Vietnam 1996: Approaching the Next Stage of Reforms’. Macroeconomic Reports 1996:9. Stockholm: Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency. Worm, Verner 1996. Hong Kong’s Economy.” Geografisk Orientering. No. 6. 1996. 524-529. In Danish.

1995 Behar, Jaime, Ari Kokko, and Mario Zejan 1995. ‘Makroekonomiska effekter av bistånd i Guinea-Bissau, Nicaragua, Tanzania och Zambia’. In E. Ganuza and M. Lundahl (eds.) Är Sveriges bistånd effektivt? Stockholm: SNS Förlag, 132-164. Blomström, Magnus and Ari Kokko 1995. ‘Policies to Encourage Inflows of Technology through Foreign Multinationals’. World Development 23 (3): 459-468. Reprinted in S. Young (Ed.), Multinationals and Public Policy, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2003. Kokko, Ari and Mario Zejan 1995. ‘Analysis of World Class Industrial Clusters: The Swedish Wood Products Cluster’. In Kota Kinabalu Industrial Park Project. Vol II: Industry Studies. Sabah: Institute of Development Studies. Kokko, Ari and Mario Zejan 1995. ‘Planned and Failed FDI in Vietnam: A Note on the Characteristics of Issued and Withdrawn Investment Licenses’. In Multinational Enterprise in the Global Economy: Sixth International Conference on Multinational Enterprise. Taipei: Chinese Culture University (also in Chinese as ‘Touzi Yuenan de Chengbai: Gouji Shouquan Qianding ji Chexiao de Tezhi’). Kokko, Ari. 1995. ‘Az Európai Unióhoz való csatlakozás hatási a beruhásásokra és a növekedésre Svédországban’. Struktúrak Szervezetek Stratégiák 26 (1-2): 32-54. Worm, Verner 1995. Nordic Companies in China. Ph.D.-dissertation. København: Handelshøjskolen i København. In Danish. 1994 Blomström, Magnus and Ari Kokko 1994. ‘Home Country Effects of Foreign Direct Investment: Sweden’. In S. Globerman (Ed.) Canadian-Based Multinationals. Calgary: University of Calgary Press, 341-364. Kokko, Ari 1994. Review of Ulf Bernitz et al. Vad betyder EG? and Bilagorna till EG-konsekvensutredningen, Samhällsekonomi, Fi 1993:06, in Ekonomisk Debatt 22: 91-96. Kokko, Ari and Mario Zejan 1994. ‘The Macroeconomic Effects of Aid in Guinea-Bissau’. In H. White (Ed.) The Macroeconomic Effects of Aid: Case Studies of Four Countries. Ds 1994:115. Stockholm: Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 115-153 Kokko, Ari 1994. ‘Sverige: EU-medlemskapets effekter på investeringar och tillväxt’. In M. Blomström and R.E. Lipsey (Eds.) Norden i EU: Vad säger ekonomerna om effekterna? Stockholm: SNS Förlag, 11-30. Kokko, Ari 1994. ‘Technology, Market Characteristics, and Spillovers’. Journal of Development Economics 43 (2): 279-293. Blomström, Magnus, Ari Kokko, and Mario Zejan 1994. ‘Host Country Competition, Labor Skills, and Technology Transfer by Multinationals’. Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv 130 (3): 521-533. Kokko, Ari 1994. ‘Sweden: Effects of EU Membership on Investment and Growth’. The World Economy 17 (5): 667-677. Worm, Verner, Brødsgaard, K.E. & Dall, M 1994. China - A market for Danish companies? With Professor. København: Industriens Forlag.

Worm, Verner 1994. ”Danish management in China – the cultural Challenge. (1994). With Associate Professor Schultz, P. Virksomhedens Internationale Aktiviteter. Bind 2. København: Børsen Forum A/S Worm, Verner 1994 . “Chinese Management keeps its roots.” (1994). With Schultz, P. Ledelse i dag.13: 64-69. 1993 Worm, Verner 1993. “Transformation of China’s State-owned Enterprises”. With Professor Schultz, P. In Stetting, L., Svendsen, K. & Yndgaard, E (Eds.) Global Change and Transformation. Copenhagen: Handelshøjskolens Forlag. 1992 Kokko, Ari 1992. Foreign Direct Investment, Host Country Characteristics, and Spillovers. Stockholm: EFI/Stockholm School of Economics. 1991 Kokko, Ari and Tarmo Haavisto 1991. ‘Politics as a Determinant of Economic Performance: The Case of Finland’. In M. Blomström and P. Meller (Eds.) Diverging Paths. A Century of Scandinavian and Latin American Economic Development. Baltimore and Washington, DC: Johns Hopkins Press and IDB 1991 (with T. Haavisto). Kokko, Ari 1991. Review of R.C. Feenstra (Ed.) Trade Policies for International Competitiveness. Chicago and London: University of Chicago Press, in Asian Pacific Economic Literature, March, 1991. 1990 Kokko, Ari and Tarmo Haavisto 1990. ‘La política como factor determinante del desempeño económico: el caso de Finlandia’. In M. Blomström and P. Meller (Eds.) Trayectorias divergentes. Comparación de un siglo de desarollo económico latinoamericano y escandinavo. Santiago: CIEPLAN-Hachette, 199-230. 1987 Kazarian, Elias and Ari Kokko 1987. ‘Islamic Banking and Development’. Minor Field Study Series, No. 4. Lund: Department of Economics, Lund University.