Proyecto Cafe Monica Beatriz 2


Transcript of Proyecto Cafe Monica Beatriz 2

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Art to coffee lovers


Imagine the large travel of coffee bean has to go over to arriving the last consumer who is in a somewhere of world, during this travel beans pass through many hands to transform it off a cup of coffee. So that the last product isn’t only the work of one person, but the effort and the collaboration of a chain that begins to the producer. We invite you to go through this fascinating travel.

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With this work we want to offer a panoramic glance on the world of coffee to know the process of production of a cup of coffee.

To demostrate how the different stages of the process can influence in the quality of coffee, especially the parts that depend the producer since the selection of the bean, agro ecological work, profit and post home grow.

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The coffee of Huila has all the characteristics of the best coffee in the world: The Colombian.

The municipality of Garzon is named after a bird species from the family of heorns called “Garzon” because of their large size and is also known as the “Diocesan capital of Huila”. Here the coffee grows between 1300 and 1900 meters above the sea level, the southeast of the Departament of Huila, on the foothills of the western slopes of the Cordillera Oriental. The region is green, fertile and privileged; the rivers Suaza and Magdalena, the latter being a source of life en Colombia, flowing through its mountains and valleys.

Garzon is a town of friendly and religious people where the livestock sector and coffee are economically most important.

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The farm Vereda Fatima is located at about 1600 meters above the sea level in a small mountain. The farmer, Mr. Mariano Castro lives here with his wife and two sons.

Although the farm isn’t in a high elevated area and the trees are influence for the roya.

One of the most interesting parts of this visit was that we got to interview some coffee pickers. A coffee picker earns about 7 USD per day if he picks about 90 kilos or red coffee cherries per day. (Which is a lot of cherries). This is something frustrating when people complain about quality coffee being too expensive. It is not our coffee that is expensive it is the mass produced coffee that is way too cheap and not sustainable for a farmer, nor a picker in terms of income. If the consumers only knew.

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Coffee is the second commercial product besides oil most countries in the world consume it. Our country is one of the countries that produce a high quality coffee and Garzon its port of this.


“The process begins since the worker selects the bean which must be of high quality to grow few weeks later will become in a baby coffee tree the bean grows in a pot over smooth sand 70 days later the small plant breaks out. It is important to select the land also where the baby coffee tree is going to grow, this has to be fertilized previously and It’s took to plastic bags the plant will be in these bags around 6 months, past this time they’ll be ready to the last sow this is a hard work because each hectare require at least of 5000 trees approximately”.

Coffee’s crop can alternate with other products such bananas, yuca, corn, arracacha, and fruit trees. Around two years later the plant flourish and he bean develops green at the beginning then it ripe and will be ready to harvest. A coffee tree produces ½ kilo of coffee beans per year.

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In this picture we can see a plant with ripe beans ready to harvest and take them pulping this process should be done immediately after the harvest and is about to separate the skin from the bean, if this process takes more than six hours will affect the quality of the bean making the drink gets a sour flavor.

Most farms classified the pulp beans winnowing them this way they separate and benefician the good and the bad coffee.


The skin is used for many farmers to fertilize the some plants of coffee after pulping it, Mr Mariano explains us that twice a year the crop should be fertilized like a fundamental base for the next harvest this is made with the skin and with chemical products.

The process continues then with the fermentation in this part the grain keeps settle one day after this time it’s whished up and has to be done with vey clean water.

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The process of drying is based on putting the grains under the sun shine, in a natural way or it’s taken to the silos that are buildings made with oil, the artificial way, this is done to take out the wet from grain and this process facility its conservation.

The dry bean is packed in clean craft bags made of natural fibers which the farmer takes from his forms to the sale’s point.

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The threshing lot has store rooms of pergamin coffee. Once got the threshed instruction, coffee is delivered using an elevator to start the threshed process. Coffee is carried to a pergamin monitor then to a machine that cleans the bean taking out by vibration the air weight and any kind of dirt it has.

Using elevators coffee is delivered to the threshing machine which takes the skin of the bean auto leaving the grain or lofty coffee, the thresh coffee is carried to another machine that contains eight different size wire meshes where coffee is selected and classified in the correct mesh according with its size and weight.

The grain is stored according with its type in four containers where are delivered using elevators and canals to the electronic selection machines that have two optical lenses each. Where the grain is selected according with its color.

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The grain goes thru the optical render that really fast select the grain according with its color and it’s compared with light. Using air compressors rejecting the grains of different color. It means the non accepted grain.

Later it’s handly taken out the bad grain that the machine didn’t detect. Some times because of the coffee characteristics it’s necessary to check the coffee and this process consist in pass the grain many times thru the electronic machine.

At the end of the selection process its taken a grain by lot and it’s homogenized taking out 500 grams to do the quality control according to the established standards of the outside buyer and for the National coffee Federation respect the export coffee.

Coffee is deli end to the containers of the store to be packed straight from the containers is filled the bag with coffee which is located in a small scale where is packed 70 kilos if the coffee is of high quality 62,5 kilos is not of high quality and 50 kilos if it’s bad.

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The bag is closed using a sewing machine and is stopped in big bags in the storage according to the type of the coffee and lot number. The high quality coffee is loaded on the truck and is delivered to the port to export it, or it’s toasted with a heat source taking it to the point where gets its characteristic smell and flavor of the Colombian coffee.

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After an easy cooking with water it’s drunk as soon as possible, otherwise it lost its wonderful flavor if it’s kept for more than an hour.

Grandpa’s advise says “never reheat it!”.