Promotional Management · MKT 337: WSK Establishing Objectives and Budgeting for the Promotion...

MKT 337: WSK Establishing Objectives and Budgeting for the Promotion Programme Promotional Management Chapter 7 ESTABLISHING OBJECTIVES AND BUDGETING FOR THE PROMOTION PROGRAMME

Transcript of Promotional Management · MKT 337: WSK Establishing Objectives and Budgeting for the Promotion...

Page 1: Promotional Management · MKT 337: WSK Establishing Objectives and Budgeting for the Promotion Programme Marketing Vs Communication Objectives • Statements of what various aspects

MKT 337: WSK Establishing Objectives and Budgeting for the Promotion Programme

Promotional Management

Chapter 7



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MKT 337: WSK Establishing Objectives and Budgeting for the Promotion Programme

The Value of Objectives

• Don’t value the importance of setting objectives

• Disagreement as to what the objectives should be

• Reasons: The functions they serve in

– Communications [coordination]

– Planning and Decision Making [all phases based on objective, choices]

– Measurement and Evaluation

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MKT 337: WSK Establishing Objectives and Budgeting for the Promotion Programme


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MKT 337: WSK Establishing Objectives and Budgeting for the Promotion Programme

Marketing Vs Communication Objectives

• Marketing objectives are statements of what is to be accomplished

by the overall marketing programme within a given time period

• Defined in specific measurable outcomes – sales, mkt share, ROI

• Good marketing objective

– Quantifiable

– Have a time frame

– Realistic and attainable

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MKT 337: WSK Establishing Objectives and Budgeting for the Promotion Programme

Marketing Vs Communication Objectives

• Statements of what various aspects of the IMC programme will


• Marketing goals are not appropriate for communication goals

– They are objectives for the overall marketing programme

• For example, a company might be successful at communications

– But has poor distribution. CANNOT BLAME Communications Manager

• Sales Vs Communications Objectives

– To sell or to communicate?

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MKT 337: WSK Establishing Objectives and Budgeting for the Promotion Programme

Sales Vs Communications Objectives

• Sales-oriented Objectives

– Only meaningful objective

– Believe objectives should be based on sales


– Make agencies accountable

• Problems with sales objectives

1. Communications alone does not attain success

[“Nothing can kill a poor product faster than good advertising”]

2. Effects of advertising occurs over an extended period [Carryover Effect]

3. Offers little guidance to Promotional Planners

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MKT 337: WSK Establishing Objectives and Budgeting for the Promotion Programme

Factors Influencing Sales



The economy

Product Quality

Price Distribution

Advertising and



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MKT 337: WSK Establishing Objectives and Budgeting for the Promotion Programme

Where Sales Objective are appropriate

• Direct Action Promotion Efforts

• Direct-response advertising

• Retail Advertising

• Advertising plays a dominant role [Eg. OnePlusOne]

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MKT 337: WSK Establishing Objectives and Budgeting for the Promotion Programme

Communications Objectives

• Some believe primary role of IMC is to communicate

• Designed to achieve brand knowledge, favourable image and

purchase intention

• Consumers cant be expected to respond immediately

• Favourable predisposition towards the brand before purchase


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MKT 337: WSK Establishing Objectives and Budgeting for the Promotion Programme

Communications Effects Pyramid

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MKT 337: WSK Establishing Objectives and Budgeting for the Promotion Programme

Problems with Communications Objectives

• Too difficult to translate sales objective into communications objectives

• Increase sales by 10% will translate to

– Increasing the percentage of consumers in the target market who

associate specific features, benefits, or advantages with our brand

– Increasing the number of consumers in the TA who prefer our product

over the competitor’s

– Encouraging the current users of the product to use it more frequently or

in more situations

– Encouraging consumers who have never used our brand to try it

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MKT 337: WSK Establishing Objectives and Budgeting for the Promotion Programme

Characteristics of Objectives

• Concrete, Measurable Tasks

• Target Audience

• Benchmark and Degree of Change

• Specified Time Period

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MKT 337: WSK Establishing Objectives and Budgeting for the Promotion Programme

Establishing the Budget

• Many fail to recognise the importance of advertising

• View it as an expense

• First to be cut, when cost-cutting

• Not a one time responsibility

– Each time a new product is introduced

– Internal/external factors necessitate change for competitiveness

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MKT 337: WSK Establishing Objectives and Budgeting for the Promotion Programme

Budgeting Approaches

• Top down Approaches

– The Affordable Method

– Arbitrary Allocation

– Percentage of Sales [% of sales $, unit cost for advertising]

– Competitive Parity

– Return on Investment

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MKT 337: WSK Establishing Objectives and Budgeting for the Promotion Programme

Budgeting Approaches

• Build up Approaches

– Objective and Task Method

a) Define communication objectives

b) Determine specific strategies and tasks needed to attain them

c) Estimating the costs associated

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MKT 337: WSK Establishing Objectives and Budgeting for the Promotion Programme

Budgeting Approaches

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MKT 337: WSK Establishing Objectives and Budgeting for the Promotion Programme

Allocating the Budget

1. Allocating to IMC budgets

– Away from traditional media

– Stretching their budget

2. Client-agency Policies

3. Market Size

4. Market Potential

5. Market share goals

6. Economies of Scale

7. Organisational Characteristics

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MKT 337: WSK Establishing Objectives and Budgeting for the Promotion Programme

End of Chapter