PROCEEDINGS - GBV · proceedings mecombe'86 iv mediterranean conference on medical and biological...


Transcript of PROCEEDINGS - GBV · proceedings mecombe'86 iv mediterranean conference on medical and biological...





Edited by:Laura M. RoaJ. R. Zaragoza



89O UB/TIB Hannover117 671 002

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— Limited angle diffraction tomography instam: An analysisC. H. Chen, A. Meyyapan and G. Wade. 3

— Rule-based recognition of medical imagesGuido Tascini 7

— 3D display system of CTYiuki Ko, M. D.; Keith Wong, M. S.;Martin, W.; Herman, Ph. D.; Lee C. Chiu,M. D.; Joseph Tabrisky, M. D 11

— A hybrid image processing Ian for medicalresearchMarc Nyssen, Eirk Blockeel, Alfons Cor-nelis, Ronald D. Zanger 14

— An inverse scattering approach to micro-wave imaging tomographyN. K. Uzunoglu, N. G. Alexopoulos andP. Kareklis % 18

— Computer processing of thermographicimagesDr. Hanka and Miss M. Loth 21

— Decomposed analysis of ultrasound ima-ges by computers with conventional anddata-flow processorsP. Jensch, J. Grotepab, W. Ameling 25

— Pecualiarities of ultrasound spreading withinosseous tissue in rheumatic diseasesA. J. Bundonis, A. A. Matulis, G. S. Pe-trulyte, V. J. Alekna 29

— The C.N.R. project on biomedical andhealth engineering: Activities and resultsof the nuclear medicine programGuzzadi, Ricardo 29


— External brace for hybrid assistive systemdejan Popovic 33

— An anthropomorphic tactile sensor forsensory substitution and artificial handsDario, P.; Bergamasco, M 37

— Mechanical stresses in natural and artifi-cial elbow-joints using the finite elementmethodRohrte, H.; Sollbach, W 43

— Dynamisation of the seat and quantifica-tion of consolidation for a bone fracturestabilized by means of external fixationdevicesLavaste, F.; Loriat Jacob, A 47

— A dynamic study of the human knee jointmotion by simulatorLandjerit, B.; Thourot, M 49

— The use of symmetry indeces for thequantitative evaluation of the gait qualityPepino, A.; Ham, R.; Regan, J. F.; Dea-ne, I.; Roberts, V. C 52

— A two-phase particle modified bone ce-mentSilvestre, A.; Hodgson, J . ; FernandezFairen, M.; Behiri, J. ; Planell, J . A 56

— An additional criterion for the selection ofcement used in prosthetic applicationsBezerianos, A.; Nikiforidis, G 60

— Active Orthotic aids for dystrophic and si-milar patientsHristic, D.; Vukobratovic, M 63

— Analysis of the human motor coordinationbased on the determination of voluntarymovement transference functionHoyos, J. V.; Vera, P.; G6mez Ferrer,R.; Nieto, J 63

— Analysis of a new method of error minimi-zation for the determination of articularkinematic parametersVera, P.; Hoyos, J. V.; Pichel, C ; Nie-yo, J 63

S. 1.2. C - P A T I E N T M O N I T O -RING A N D I N S T R U M E N T A -TION (I) 65

— Intracraneal pressure monitorOrtega, J. R.; Gonzalez, M. A.; Garciade Sola, R.; Hernandez, C 67

— Cerebrospinal pulsewave US. Intracranialmean pressure correlation. An approach toincranial elastance * °Heissler, H. E.; Schmit, G.; Brawanski,A.; Maier, G.; Gaab, M. R 72

— Intercranial pressure analysis for intensivecare purposesCzosnyka, M.; Wolk-Laniewski, P 76

— A portable electrocardiographs data ac-quisition systemSancho Diaz, F. J.; Roy Yarza, A 8°

— Optimization of the front end of biopoten-tial amplifiersPallas Areny, R M

— A mioneural transmission monitor foranaesthesiologyCelso de Lima, W.; Martins Pacheco Lu-cia, H.; Freire Duarte, D.; Zanchin, C.I. 89

The calculation and display of the rate/pressure product during anaesthesiaSaleem, M. R. Taha 93Computerized circuit for isolated organperfusionDesco, M.; Cafiizo del, F. J.; Desco Mar,M.; Garcia Barreno, P 93An updated neuromuscular transmissionmonitorTorres, F. P.; Steen, S. N 93Motor activity assessment system for dia-betes managementGomez, E.; Zoreda, J. L.; Del Pozo, F. _ 93


— A viscosimetric study of pleural secretionGarcia Fernandez, S.; Barraco Serra, M.;Adria Casas, M. A.; llari Rocabert, J.; Ra-vent6s, S 97

— A least squares algorithm to determine thetime-constants distribution from the spi-rometryRotger, M. M.; Navajas, D.; Farre, R 100

— Circannual bootstrapping complementspattern discrimination in the assesmentof endocrine markers for an expansivepersonalityHermida, R. C ; Halberg, F.; Del Pozo, F. 104

— Cluster automata in the analysis of animalsocial behaviourCabello, D.; Mira, J 108

— Algorhyitmic lateral interaction in colorspacesGonzalez Rodriguez, M.; Moreno Diaz, R. 112

— Spline aproximation of the experimentalphysiological dataSpasic, V. A.; Ivanovic, J.; Jankovic, M. 116

— Excitable membrane model based on theelectrostatic compression and channelstructure. A new lookFerrero Corral, J . M.; Guijarro, E.; Ro-bles, M 120

— Compartimental modelling for brain tissuemechanicsSorek, S.; Bear, Z.; Kami, J 123

— Modelling of bacterial growthGrosssi Calleja, R.; Gutierrez Diez, V. M.;del Olmo Martinez, R 127

— Computer model of dynamic capillary con-trol systemRoa, L.; Gomez Cia, T.; Gonzalez B a -ron, S 130

— Another curve fitting approach when rela-tive errors in both axis variables haveknown boundariesGomez Garcia, J. A.; Garcia Gallo, J. ;Gomez Moli, M. I.; G6mez Moli, M. E.... 134

— Mathematical model for the design andcontrol of treatment systems for agricultu-ral wastesGonzalez Porres, J. M.; Uranga Oate-gui, M. E 138


Reverberating memory circuit: An ap-proach to serie-parallel processing .Inostroza, 0. A 138

Automata concepts for a servant roboticmanipulationHernandez Sanchez, J. L 138


— Fully programmable data acquisition am-bulatory systemGranie, M.; Chauveau, N.; Moreau, J. J.;Morucci, J. P 141

— Long term recording of minute to minuteheart rate with a portable deviceChauveau, N.; Granie, M.; Rouch, Y. Mo-rucci, J . P 145

— A portable system for digital recording ofelectrocardiogramsChaouche, M.; Baudoin, G 149

— A home made hotter analyser. Applicationto the study of the.relation between ven-tricular arrhytmias and trend of heart rateDe Caprio, F.; Marciano, F.; Mazzarella,M.; Migaux, M. L.; Predotti, P 153

— A new method to measure electrical ad-mittance, blood flow, and temperaturesimultaneously in the same skin siteZhigui Qiao; Lars Morkrid; Sverre Grimnes 157

— Assessment of myocardial ischemic stressby electric tissue impedanceGersing, E.; Gebahrd, M. M.; Brockhoff,C; Bretschneider, H. J 161

— Device for measuring mechanical respira-tory impedance with adapted excitationsignalsFarre, R.; Navajas, D.; Rotger, M. M 164

— Method for measuring inert gases neededin the assessment of the ventilation per-fusion ratiosClerbaux, T.; Willems, E.; Fesler, R.; Co-lard, M.; Reynaert, M.; Frans, A 168

— An autocalibration microcomputer contro-lled capnometerSaleem, M. R. T.; Safa S. Omran 171

— Incidence of the gas analyzer transferfunction on the design of a metabolic gasexchange monitorJane, R.; Caminal, P.; Diez, J. L.; Beni-to, S.; Sanchez, J. M 176

— The cadmotron a new totaly computeri-zed, ambulatory, automatic, non-invasiveblood pressure monitorWegmann, R. J . ; Wegmann, A. J . ; Weg-mann Goddijn, M. A 182

— Portable instrument of the continous andautomatic meassurement of blood pressu-re profilesGallardo, F.; Zoreda, J . L ; Larasa, M.;Hermida. R. C ; Del Pozo, F .182



— Optimized flow curve during artificial ven-tilationZsolt Balassy 185

— A combined computer simulation of leftventricular dynamicsAzhari, H.; Beyar, R.; Barta, E.; Side-man, S 189

— Unicus. A compiler for simulation of dina-mic systems and its applicability to heartparameter identificationMatko, D.; Karba, R 194

— The technicon heart simulator programSideman, S.; Beyar, R.; Dinnar, U.;Adam, D.; Lanir, Y.; Pearl, M 197

— ECG preprocessing based on a physicalmodelNyssen, E.; Cornelis, J . ; Christophe, Y.;Block, P 200

— Computer simulation of aneurysm forma-tion in human left ventricle infarcted re-gion during isovolumic contractionEarah, A.; lung, C ; Maurice, G.; Ber-trand. A.; Karcher, G.; Yvroud, E 204

— Experimental and model studies of theesophageal electrocardiogramGeselowitz, D. B.; Me Mullen, D.; l in-ger, D.; Scott Deno, N 208

— Operative quantitative evaluation of pro-cess activity in patients with rheumaticdiseasesBundonis, A. J . ; Matulis, A. A.; Alek—na, V. J 212

— Hydrodynamic perspective of the arterialdoppler velocimetry close to a bifurcationJimenez-Ortiz, C ; Martinez-Val, R.; Men-dez, J 212

— Cybernetic approach to decision makingproces by atherosclerosis. Clinico-bio-chemical model of cholesterol metabolismHrisoho, D.; Hrisoho, M 212


— Accuracy in the estimation of spectral pa-rameters for doppler signalsD'Alessio, T.; Di Giulomatia, C ; Sacco,R.; Manca, G.; Zanette, E 215

— Feasibility of computer aided diagnoses ofdepression through voice analysisTalavera Garcia, J . A.; Jimenez, A 219

— Pole-zero modeling of kindling trasientsGalvez, J. M.; Garcia-Alegre, M. C ;Guinea, D 223

— A microprocessor based signal storage anacquisition systemOtero, R. P.; Zapata, E. L; Marin, R 226

— Macroassembler implementation of bio-medical signal processing algoritmsBarro, S.; Zapata, B. L.; Mira, J 236

A videographic terminal for digitalization ofbiomedical patterns.Pepino, A.; Bracale, M.; Castaldo, R. 235An algorithm for QRS wave detection inelectrocardiogramsGyergyek, L.; Jager, F.; Bjelogrlic, Z.;Zazula, D 239

On line acquisition and analysis of mem-brane ionic currents using a general pur-pose interface bus card and a microcom-puterUrena, J.; Mateos, J. C; Lopez Barneo, J. 243Application of the Kalman filter to the ana-lysis of biological signalsDe Arriaga, F.; Garcia, J 243Feature extraction in audiograms usingstatistical techniquesChacon, P.; Villanueva, 1 243Automated processing of electrocardio- ,graphic an vectocardiographic exercise ,signals in the presence of noise ' iVezjak, M.; Mihelic, F.; Gyergyek, L.; Pa-vesic, N 243

Speech discrimination on emotional states ^ \ pJimenez, A.; Larana, M.; Zoreda, J. L.;Del Pozo, F 243

Microcomputer system for flexible moni-toring of electrophysiological signalsGuinea, D.; Garcia Alegre, M. D.; Ledes-ma, J 243

Computerized protocol for doppler vas-cular measuramentClemente, F.; Cesarelli, M.; Bracale, M.;Selvetella, L.; Bracale, G. C 243A low cost high performance acquisitionsystem for processing doppler signalsPragliola, C ; Buonomano, M.; Pepino, A.;Castaldo, R.; Bracale, M 243


— Definition of events on fast biological sig-nals in a microprocessor systemBan, G. Y.; Sogor, M 247

— Automatic apparatus using a microproces-sor for the recording of animals circadianactivityRougny, R.; Benneton, M 249

— Current development in urodynamic diag-nosticsPlevnik, S.; Janez, J . ; Vrtacnik, P.; Hol-mes, D.; Stanton, S. L 252

— A computerized high-frequency respirato-ry weaning systemHernandez, C ; Moret, V.; Ginesta, V. . . . 254

— Dielectric properties of bone: A compositematerial model approachPio da Fonseca, J . C 258

— The chemolytic effect of the non-ionoge-nic surface-active substance MGI-57 onrenal concrementsIvanova, M.; Angelieva, R 262

Pre-embedment staining of the lateral plas-malemmas in isolated epithelial cells ofmouse small intestineBajd, B.; Pipan, N 264

A microprocessor-based ultrasonic visionaid for blind peoplePopovic, M.; Jaukovic, N.; Pepovic, D. 268Surface examination of electrodes of re-moved implantsRozman, J. ; Pihlar, B.; Strojnik, P 268

Independent control and communicationsystem for an insects collector towerDel Castillo, T.; Guinea, D.; Ayala, A. . . . 268Phase locked loop apparatus for DopplerUS waveform investigationCesarelli, M.; Castaldo, R.; Chiriatti, A.;Bracale, M 268


— Syntactic pattern recognition techniquesapplied to the measurement of encephalo-pathyHernandez Sande, C ; Arias Rodriguez,J. E.; Alonso, A 271

— A new method for adaptative segmenta-tion of E.E.G.Nieminen, A.; Neuvo, Y 274

— Pattern recognition of electrocardiogramsMitchell, R. H.; Weir, D. K 278

— Automated scanning of auscultatory spec-tral characteristicsDruzgalski, C 282

— Spectral analysis of human voice in par-kinsonismGath, I.; Yair, E.; Wajsbort, J 286

— Dichotic listening. Analog delay line andvoice synthesis processor aplicationsPuerta, A 289

— An automated analysis and diagnosis ofthe stomatognatic systemEvangelisti, A 293

— Diagnostic value of the vector cardiogra-phical parameters for the exercise testMihelic, F.; Vezjak, M.; Sinkovec, M.;Gyergyek, L.; Janezic, A 293

— Fetal cardiac frequency detection bymeans of Wiener's algorithmGarcia, J. ; Arriaga, E 293

— Digital processing of precordial E. C. G.Jalsevac, G.; Batinic, Z.; Goldner, V.;Simunec, Z.; Sokac, Z.; Tonkovic, S 293


— Frequency features of two classic breathingmechanics modelsAvanzolini, G.; Barbini, P.; Massai, M. R. 297


Computational model of lung mechanicalbehaviour during forced expirationRotger, M. M.; Navajas, A.; Farre, R 301Application of the Arima procedure to themodelling of the glucose regulatory sys-tem during an oral glucose tolerance testRuiz Fernandez; Serrano Rios; Aldana, F. 305Informational spectrum method (ISM) ap-plied to growth factorsCosic, I.; Paulovic, M 309Monotest in preference of other statisti-cal methods for the chronobiologic asses-ment of an expansive personalityHermida, R. C ; Del Pozo, F.; Hernandez,C; Halberg, F 313

Laminar mass transfer due to simulta-neous dialysis and ultra filtration in a paral-lel-plate dialyserTyagi, V. P.; Abbas, M.,; Grimsrud, I 317Mathematical and graphical aspects ofbiogas digester technical design. Relation- r

ship between temperature and hidraulic 'retention timeMuniozguren, J.; Grafulla, C 321


— Integral evaluation of an implantable be-low-knee peroneal stimulatorAcimovic-Janezic, R.; Krajnic, J.; Strojnik,V.; Vavken, E 325

— Positioning of stimulating electrodes andprediction of ankle movement in implanta-ble peroneal stimulationMalezic, M.; Gregoric, M.; Kljajic, M.;Vavken, E.; Acimovic-Janezic, R 329

— Evaluation of ankle movement predictionwith implantable peroneal stimulatorsKljajic, M.; Krajnic, J.; Malezic, M.; Aci-movic, R.; Ahlin, A.; Stanic, V 333

— Use of an implantable peroneal simulatorin a paraplegic patientStrojnik, P.; Bajd, T.; Simic, V.; Acimo-vic, R.; Benko, H 336

— Electrical stimulation of the spinal cordin the treatment of traumatic injuries ofcervical spineKiwerski, J.; Pasniczek, R 340

— Realization of an instrumented cane forreeducationFail, A.; Hean, C. C ; Yvroud, E.; An-dre, J. M 343

— Optimization of electrical stimulation para-meters for improvement of motor respon-se of denervated muscle tibials anteriormuscle in humansValencic, V.; Vodovnik, L 345

— New Methods of transcutaneous stimula-tion for analgesia and motor controlMorawetz, P. L ; Agar Wala, P 349

— Optimization of stimulus parameters forreduced fatiguabiHty during standing by

functional electrical stimulation of para-plegicsMizrahi, J . ; Susak, Z.; Isakov, E.; Solzi,P.; Najenson, T 353

Comparision of passive and electrical sti-mulation training of atrophied spasticmuscleBajd, I.; Kralj, A.; Benko, N.; Gros, N . . . . 357

Versatile electronic communicator for se-verally motor and speech handicappedpeopleBourhis, G.; Yvroud, E.; Andre, J. M. . . . 361

A pressure controlled stimulator for incon-tinence patientsPuers, B.; Hendrickx, M.; Folens, G.;Sansen, W.; Vereecken, R 364

Initiation of gait during a two to threeweek therapy with multichannel electricalstimulationBogataj, V.; Malezic, M.; Gros, N.; Kelih,B.; Kljajic, M.; Acimovic-Janezic 367Preliminary results of studies on functio-nal electroestimulation of paraplegicsPasniczek, R.; Kiwerski, J 371Bectroestimulation of upper limb: Program- ,- ymed hand function t/Wi -..PNathan, R. H 371

- Transfer of stimulators from research ins-titution to patientsStanic, U.; Strojnic, P 371

- Electronic circuitry of totally implantablestimulatorKelih, B.; Strojnik, P.; Rozman, J . ; Gori-can. A.; Stanic, U 371


— Miniaturized apparatus for ergonomic stu-dies of man in his working enviromentRigaud, B.; Van Meurs, W,; Feracho-glou, J . ; Chaveau, N.; Morucci, J . P 375

— Skin stretch during normal movementWilkinson, R.; Millington, P. F .~ 379

— Skull structure study by brittle coating andstrain gaugesFdez. Villacanas Marin, M. A.; DomenechRatto, G.; Ramon Garcia, J . L.; MorenoCascales, M 383

— Self-locking tapers for modular segmentalbone replacementWilkinson, R.; Reeves, P 386

— The measurement of force applied to thefemoral head during hip joint insertionStone, M. H.; Wilkinson, R.; Stother, I.G. 390

— Piezoelectric polymer matrix sensor forthe measurement of foot-ground verticalforce distributionDario, P.; Starita, A.; Francesconi, R. . . . 394

— Comparation of response frequencies bet-ween "in vivo" and isolated humerusMoreno, M.; Ramon, J. L.; Domenech,G.; Femandez-VHtacanas, M. A 398

Hybrid myoelectric sensorHean, C. C ; Bourhis, g.; Demorise, C ;Blonde, J. P.; Yvroud, E 406

Stabilitty measurement in aiming tasksHadani, I.; Smolinsky, Z.; Bar, A 410Comparative analysis of force change whi-le moving and foot pressure changePerovic, D.; Jaukovic, N.; Popovic, M. .. 414

A posibility of directiong an active ortho-sis an the basis of foothold pictureJaukovic, N.; Popovic, M.; Perovic, P 414Carrier back-pack interface forces during nload carryng j/lTSmolinsky, Z.; Ishai, G.; Gil, Y.; Hadani,I.; Bar, A 414

Comparison of selected biomechanicaltake-off force parameters in men and wo-men gymnasts when performing back-ward somersaultWagner, I.; Medved, V.; Zivcic, K 414

Surface EMG power spectrum changes withfatigue in sportsmenMedved, V 414Parametric analysis of normal human wal-king. Influence of laterally, sex, age andfoot morphologyHoyos, J. V.; Vera, P.; Ayora, M.; Nie-to, J 414

Configuration of an automatized laborato-ry for the development of kinematic,kinetic and energetic analysis of humanwalkingVera, P.; Hoyos, J. V.; Ramiro, J. ; Nie-to, J 414Microcomputer aided alignment procedu-re of lower limb prosthesesIshai, G.; Smolinsky, Z 414


— Mechanics of head injury: some accelera-tion and load pulse experimentsMillington, P. E 417

— An integrated system for gait analysisMacellary, V.; Chistolini, P.; Gazzani, F... 421

— Pelvis ring stress distribution with humanand prosthetic jointAngevin, S.; Darmana, R.; Petit, J . A.;Morucci, J . P.; Blanquaert, D 4 2 5

— Self-generated dynamic signals for thecontrol of two-degree of freedom artificialarms: Displacement versus force signalsJ. Mizrahi; E. Kotzer; and R. Seliktar 428

— A study of some of the factors affectingthe surgical alloy bone cement interfaceStone, M. H.; Wilkinson, R.; Stother, I. G. 432

— Process engineering for separation of bio-active materialsGrunfeW, H.; Lotan, N 436

— Biodegradation of polymeric matricesAzhari, E.; Lotan, N 440


— Modelling and simulation of a total elec-tro-fluidic artificial heartGrossi C , R.; Del Olmo, M., R.; MiguelA., L.; Gutierrez, D., V 447

— Activation patterns in the myocardium - asimulation studyAdam, D.; Sideman, S 450

— Mathematical modelling of coronary sinuspressure reaction on coronary sinus occlu-sionSchreiner, W.; Mohl, W. Schuster, J.;Wolner, E 454

— A porous medium approach for modellingheart mechanicsSorek, S.; Sideman, S 458

— Design of cardiovascular system regardingthe stability of the mean arterial pressure.Stare, V., Lakovic, G 462

— Modelling and simulation of cardiovascu-lar system by bond-graph method.Del Olmo M., R.; Grossi C , R.; Gutie-rrez D., V 466

— Transport of fluid within the arterial wallLanir, Y.; Israeli, M.; Prissman, Z 472

— Experimental modelization of the cardio-vascular system and its application to thestudy of aortic prosthessesMartinez-Val, R.; Viedma, A.; Lichtens-tein, 0.; Mendez, J 472

— Heat transfer coefficients in blood flowDumas, A.; Barozzi, G. S.; Salvigni, S. 472

— A distributed control and identification ap-proach to physiological systemsHernandez Sanchez, J. L 472


— An automatic system for frame samplingfrom a commercial video recorderNeroni, M.; Fadda, A.; Stanzani, S 475

— Anatomic landmark enhancement techni-que for CT pilot scan imagesWong, C. K.; Yiuki Ko; Herman W. M.;Chiu C. L. and Tabrisky, J 478

— Data compression for analysing imagesTosser, A. J. ; Weber, S.; Lebris, D.; Be-char, H.; Hachin, A.; Bernard, R 480

— Computerized chronotopographic repre-sentation of the EEGSuarez, T.; Fernandez Gonzalez, F 482

— Computerized radiological analysis of kneekineticsCartier, S.; Lavaste, F.; Lassale, B.; Mor-van, G.; Antionietti, P 482

— Quantitative analysis of images in aPDP11 /De Anza image processorChung-Bin, A; Chung-Bin, D 482

— Microprocessor based processing of car- -diac data and images. ^ ->** (

Ameling, W.; Jensen, P.; Effert, s



— Contrast enhancement in infrared thermo-graphy by the application of microwaveirradiation applied to tumor detectionSteenhaut, 0.; Van Denhaute, E.; Corne-lis, J 485

— Use of isolated wires for localized hyper-thermiaRoussey, C ; Nadi, N.; Marchal, C ; Gau-lard, M. L; Tosser, A. J 489

— A UHF hyperthermia system with a waterloaded applicatorUzunoglu, N. K.; Angelikas, E 493

— Computer simulation of microwave hyper-thermic treatmentsCaorsi, S 496

— Microwave hypertermia: About applica-tors operating at 434 and 2450 MHz ^ ,/>7 f /Morelli, M.; Gnani, G.; Lovisolo, G. A.; --/Cruciani, G.; Alberti, L.; Salvagiani, P 500

— The rejection of high order modes in rid-ged waveguides used for hyperthermiaGuendouz, L.; Massamba-Sita, H.; Mar-chal, C; Tosser, A. J 500

— E-field launchers for regional hyperthermiaEttinger, K. V 500


— Advanced automatic system for precisionmeasuring of pacemaker characteristic pa-rametersFadda, A.; Barbara, V.; Bartolini, P 503

— Detection and processing of cardial latepotentials in pathological subjetsBaselli, G.; Cerutti, S.; Bemareggi, M.;Mazza, A.; Merri, M.;; Dalla Vechia, L.;Finocchiaro, M. L.; Lombardi 507

— Frequency content during ventricular fi-brilation-and cardiac resuscitation: Rela-tion between coronary flow restoration,ECG frequency content and hemodinamicrecoveryMartin, G.; Llamas, P.; Hernandez, A.;Such, M.; Alambiaga, V.; Toledo, F.;Cosin, J 510

— Metabolic turn-over in the human heartduring cardioplegic arrestMinten, J. ; Flameng, W 515

— Autotransfusion: Treatment of jaundicedpremature infants by resin hemoperfusionMor, L.; Sideman, S.; Zeltzer, M.; Bran-des, J. M 519

— Determination of the arterial pulse wavevelocity: A new method using ultrasounds(Doppler)Jimenez-Ortiz, C ; Martinez-Val, R.; Men-dez, J 522

— Real time three-dimensional echocardto-graphyGarcia Hernandez, M. J.; Martinez Mu-ftoz, A 526


Intramyocardial pressure control of coro-nary microcirculation. A basic regulatory s>mechanism in the coronary circulationDinnar, U 526


— Mapping of the motor unit action poten-tial in rat soleus muscle. Theoretical andexperimental resultsMiller-Larsson, A.; Piotrkiewicz, M 529

— Tetanic potentiation in rat motor unitsPiotrkiewicz, M.; Miller-Larsson, A.; Grot-tel, K.; Celichowski, J 532

— Investigation of relationship between elec-tric and mechanical activity of skeletalmusculatureSogor, M.; Ban, G. Y 536

— New instrument for the assessment of vi-sual functions in babiesHugeux, J. P.; Charlier, J . ; Nguyen,D. D.; Hache, J. C ; Defoort, S.; Quer-leu, D.; Dewavrin, D 538

— A microcomputer-based instrument tostudy the effects of drugs and toxinsin the transmission of impulses from ner-ve to muscle.Farias, M. A. C ; Amaral, D. A 541

— Method and device for the estimation ofthe mental loadRougny, R.; Fouquet, R.; Bensaoula, S.;Maillon, P.; Daniene, J 545

— Non orthogonal components for the ana-lysis of the auditory brain stem averageevoked responses (ABSR): Towards aphysiological basisGlaria, A.; Rongagliolo, M.; Montero, H.;Castro, A 549

— A computer stimulation of the total abdu-cens nucleus output and its physiologicalimplicationsGomez, C ; Escudero, M.; Delgado-Gar-cia, J. M 553

— Differences among normal visual evokedpotentials (VEP) to reversing checkerboardpattern colored in one of the three pryma-ry colorsKostov, A. P.; Ercegovac, D. V.; Zorica,M. (nurse); Pesev, S. (nurse) 557

— Behaviour plasticity of axotomized abdu-cens nucleus motoneurons in the alertcatTorres, B.; Delgado-Garcia, J . M 561

— Simultaneous generation of different pa-tern of firing discharge in neurons.Ribas, J.; Sanchez, D 565

— Event reatted brain potentials (ERP) duringinformation processing of visualli presen-ted meaningful and meaningless three-kana-sequences.Goto, Hitoshi; Adachi, Toshihiko; Yama-moto, Masayasu; and Utsunomiya, To-shk) 568

Evaluation of quick acoustic impedancevariations by a bi-microprocessor-baseddeviceInchingolo, Paolo; Gandin, C 573Accurate measurement of binocular eyemovements in strabismus by a micropro-cessor-based device using the limbus -Tracking techniqueAngelilli, P.; Inhingolo, P.; Piano, P.; ac-cardo, A 573


— Medical Diagnosis support system withlearning capabilityHolzman, C ; Perez, C ; Alonso, R 577

— Teleges: A new Ian for management, te-lemonitoring telecontrol and data basefor hospitalsMochon, J. ; Diaz, C ; Castanos, C . 581

— An ambulatory system for message trans-missionChauveau, N.; Coll, J. ; Martinez, E.; Mo-rucci, J.P 585

— Critical evaluation of information systemsin public hospitals of Rio de JaneiroMachado, J. R 588

— Out-patient care information system. Asuccess storyCosta, A. C. B.; Machado, R. J. ; Aguiar,A. L 592

— Proposal for the establishment of the cli-nical engineering service for the Belgradohealth regionTomovic, R.; Zivanovic, I.; Stojiljkovic,Z.; Bozovic, Z.; Srdanovic, V.; Djakovic,D.; Trajkovic, M 596

— Data processing for nuclear medicine la-boratory assaysPuchal, R.; Roca, M :. 599

— Evaluation of the healthy metabolic res-ponse to controlled feedingBleiberg, B.; Guy, N.; Sideman, S.; Bursz-tein, S 602

— A noninvasive study of the elasticity ofarterial wallCifiello, B. J.; Gessaroli, G. M.; Palotti, G. 606

— Prevention of «legionellosis» in hospitalMartin Zorraquino, J. V 609

— Role of visual media in training of medi-cal equipment in the field of clinical en-gineeringForgacs, L 6 0 B

— Data processing and enviromental real ti-me control in ethologyGuinea, D.; Hen-era, F.; Ledesma, J 609

— Local net for data acquisition and controlin biological studiesPerez, J.; Guinea, D.; Galvez, J. M 609

— Possibilities and needs intraining in biome-dical engineeringGalvan, J • »


— Performance characteristics of the co-oxi-meter corning 2500 with respect to refe-rence methodsClerbaux, T. H.; Willems, E.; Nullens,W.; Brasseur, L 613

— The PC as a work station for vascular ambu-latory: Spectrum analizer of Doppler USsignals and medical recording data-baseClemente, F.; Cesarelli, M.; Bracale, M. 615

— The use of semi-custom integrated cir-cuits in biomedical electronic equipmentGrainger, S. R. W 619

— Advanced bacterial growth analyzer sys-tems based on electrical measurementsMonteagudo, J. L.; Medrano, J. C; Pa-tron, C ; Ramirez, E 623

— A microcomputer controlled system in vivovoltametry in brain

Ramos, A.; Luengo, M.; Alvarez, P.; Gon-zalez, J.; Mas, N 623


— Implantable interfaces between the neu-rons and the microcircuitsEttinger, K. V.; Zeinab Mohammed Aha-med 627

— Estimation of single epoch evoked cere-bral potentials using system identificationand Kalman filtering techniquesSpreckelsen, M. V.; Bromm, B 633

— A digital lattice for cochlear parameteridentificationGomez, P.; Rodellar, V.; Newcomb, R. W. 637

— Reflex responses of paraspinal muscles:An electromyographic studyGregoric, M.; Dimrtrijevic, M. R 641

— A full-field random pattern visual stimu-latorCarrato, S.; Inchingolo, P.; Accardo, A. 644

— Evaluation of the visuo-vestibular systemfunction by the automatic laboratoryUEMA3Accardo, A.; Inchingolo, P.; Spanio, M. 648

— Influence of the afferents to the retina onthe adaptable nuclei of visual signal pro- . .•cessing 'Nunez. A 652

— A mathematical model for the dual-processtheory of the habituation in the statleresponseParreflo, A.; Subero, C ; Rodriguez, F. 652


- Computerized follow-up of parenteral andenteral nutritions in hospitals


Fuentes, I.; Santacreu, A.; Alcaraz, A.,Gassull, M. A.; Cabre, E., Cardona. D . . 665

Current results in forecasting vital proces-sesMarinov, M.; Marinova, N 660

On the first aid service. A bio engineeringproblemEppinger, F.; Gilli, G.; Graziani, C , Gra-ziani, E.; Nanni, P. G.; Palloti, G., Pa-rra, M.; Pettazzom. P 663

Working conditions in the operating thea-treGraafmans, J 666

Automatic construction of diagnostic rulesMozetic, I.; Lavrac, N.; Kononenko, I. . . . 672

A knowledge engineering based systemfor perinatal diagnosis and prognosisHernandez Sande, C . Alonso Betanzos,A.; Anas Rodriguez, J . E 676

A microcomputer consultation system supporting medical decisionsTrajkovic, M . Srdanovic. V ; Limic, B.;Stojiijkovic, Z , Bozovic, 1 ; D|akovic, D 680

Computer aided assesment of the patientstate in an intensive care unitJordanov, J. , Marinov, M.; Terzinatche-va, P ; Davidkova, T 684

Emergency health data cardBarbaro, V ; Bedim, R.; Bosi. C ; lalon-so, D 687

Artificial mtellegence concepts and toolsfor medical engineersDelcaris, N 691


- Time variyng magnetic fields: Mutagenicefects on drosophtla melanogastefRamirez, E.; Patron, C ; Monteagudo, J .L.; Medrano.J. C 895

- Temperature dependence of bacterialgrowth under pulsed magnetic fieldsMonteagudo, J . L ; Patron. C.; Ramirez,E.; Medrano, J . C 998

• In situ heart action response to magnetostimulation depens on applied anaesthesiaDekleva, N ; Beteslin. B Majic. V 701

- A percotaneous ultrasonic ItthotriptorMuhlen, S S , Wang, B 705

A radiometer for phototherapyNetto. E J . Wang, B 708

The importance of coding treatment regi-mes for decision-making in radiotherapyGfirtnet, N ; Krope, F., Brert. A 712

- General solution for Co-60 radiation the-rapy planning with a PC microcomputerPatomares. E ; Gil Gayarre. M.; Oton.J. M 716

- Tridimenaional isodose curvss in Curie the-rapyCorona, A.; Atzeni, G.; Bernini, P.; Bo-sk), M.; Marzi, M 720


Electron bean arc therapy in breast can-cer. Technical, dosimetric and clinical as- [/)/pects iCrommelin, M. A.; Kersten, C. W. M.;Bakker, D.; Theunissen, W 722

The effect of atmospheric air ions on ag-gresivity. Experimental study ' / ' 'Zaragoza, J. R.; Laviana, J . ; Fernan- /dez, R 722

The use of biopotentials of bap skin pro-jection in evaluation of patologic changesin knee jointsCheremnych-Aleksejenko, C. N.; Bundo-nis, A. J 722

A model for direct interaction betweenlow frequency magnetic fields and cellsSaali, K.; Juutiiainen, J . ; Lahtinen, 1 722Searching of the optimal magnetic fieldfrequencies to use in magnetohealing andmagnetosteogenicsGuillen Garcia, P.; Galvez, J. M.; Madro-Rero, A.; Pinillas, I.; Llopis, A 722


— Modular system for ECG signal analysisan monitoring, based on personal compu-tersKun, S.; Bozovic, Z.; Megeous, T 725

— Diagnostic value of transtelephonic elec-trocardiogramCadiemo, M.; Gonzalez, M. L.; Antu-nez, F 728

— Automatic processing of fetal E.C.G. fromabdominal leadCerutti, S.; Baselli, G.; Civardi, S.; Fe-rrazzi, E.; Pardi, G 730

— High ampliation electrocardiography: De-tection of late ventricular potentialsBarbaro, V.; Bartolini, P.; Bechetti, G.;Di Mascolo, R.; lalongo, D 734

— Adaptative system for high performancepacemakersMontero del Pino, M.; Perez G6mez, F.;L6pez Martin, V.; Zamorano, A.; Castro-sin, J . C ; Daza, J. M 738

— Relation between ECG power spectrumduring ventricular fibrillation and electro-mechanical dissociation: Effects of nifedi-pineMartin, G.; Llamas, P.; Hernandiz, A.;Such, M.; Alambiaga, V.; Toledo, F.;Cosin, J 741

— An algorithm for computer detection ofs^jnificiant waveforms in vectorcardiogramVladimir, B.; Ludvik, G 746

- Polyurethane and silicone insulating leads:Seven years follow-upBarbaro, V.; Bartolini, P.; Caiazza, S.;Cnistolini, P.; lalonso, P 750

- Histological, biochemical and biophysicalcorrelates of the canine superior vena ca-va wall: methods and resultsMinten, J. ; Verheyen, A.; Ronbauts, W.;De Geest, H 754

- Ultra-light pick-ups and calibrated ampli-fiers for standardized recording of heartvibrations (phonocardiography) and lungsoundsVermarien,. H.; Van Vollenhoven, E.; Ja-queloot, J 759

- A computer program to help the prepara-tions procedures of cardiopulmonary by-pass.Sant'Anna, J. R.; Biscegly, J . ; Leao, B. 763

- Biaxial esophageal heart vibration investi-gationVermarien, H.; Chin, J. G. J. ; Van Vol-lenhoven, E.; Koops, J . ; Jacqueloot, J . . . 767

Evaluation of the mechanical events ofthe heart using electroimpedance methodsPalko, T.; Pawlicki, W. G 771

- A real time stress-analysing systemMarinov, M.; Marinova, N 773A study of the influence of heparin onthe Theological behaviour of pleural secre-tionGarcia Fdez., S.; Barraco, S., M.; AdriaC , M. A.; llari Rocabert, J. ; RaventosS.,M 776

Useful information contents of vectorcar-diographic signal for clinical distinction ,;/between left ventricular hypertrophy nor-mal patternsPavesic, N.; Vezjak, M.; Mihelic, F.; Gyer-gyek, L 779

Hydrodynamic characterization of heartvalve diseasePenalosa, C; Martinez-Val, R.; Alvarez, C. 779A structural approach towards a 3D cons-titutive law for the myocardiumKorowitz, A.; Lanir, Y.; Peri, M 779

Information theory in diagnosing coronarydiseasePacacios, H T79

Statistical analysis of the factors thataffect the incidence of ventricular arrhyth-mies in the implantation of endocavitaryleads for permanent pacingAlvarez Luflo, V.; Manonelles, P.; Cam-pos, C ; Pelegrin, J . ; Sanchez Valver-de, B 779A microprocessor analysis of the bloodpressure parameter in real timeSimunec, Z.; Sukac, Z.; Sesto, M.; Jal-sevac, G 779