President Obama High Profiles Article 7, Offers Yet Another Full Mea Culpa...

President Obama High Profiles Article 7, Offers Yet Another Full Mea Culpa, Experiences Jimmy Fallon’s MK-Ultra Gate Hot Seat and is Inexplicably Still Selling the Benefits of Congress’ Allocation Right after the epiphany delivered that which led to what is now almost fifteen months of condemnation and pressure the U.S. leader didn’t deny the allegations; instead he chose to say he’d take concrete steps- his first mea culpa . That implicit admission persisted throughout 2011 and until March 16, ‘12 when he offered his second mea culpa . His third was delivered on April 23rd - the Canadian lawyers birthday - during an event that sought to underscore what his Article 7 Institute was at its genesis then after the February 11 discovery accountability for MK-Ultra R&D, deployment and global proliferation and then coalition public sector unlawfulness and impropriety. When the Article 7 Accountability Institute was launched in January 2011 its first target audience was every Jewish organization, association, group and news agency in the United States. As is stated in e-mail intros: What has remained out of the public domain to date is their multi- decade militarized violation of Article 7 of the International Covenant on Civil & Political Rights; the successor to the Nuremberg Code and its prohibition on governments conducting experiments on citizens without consent. Given what the Nazis did in the concentration camps in this regard there is no other group in the world that has a greater entitlement to be in the forefront of condemnation than the Jewish people. […] In January 2011 all major organizations and news agencies in the U.S. and some in Israel were contacted and invited help trigger the international incident. […] You will observe in the diplomacy archive many high profile American and international public and private sector leaders and individuals have contributed, some repeatedly. (The gateway to the archive is in the Historysection.) In the New Submissionssection there’s a compilation of prominent Jewish-Americans who assisted in the back- channel effort over the years. Former Israeli Prime Minister Olmert and his government joined the coalition in June 2007; and Prime Minister Netanyahu’s first of several contributions was in May 2009.

Transcript of President Obama High Profiles Article 7, Offers Yet Another Full Mea Culpa...

  • President Obama High Profiles Article 7, Offers Yet Another Full Mea

    Culpa, Experiences Jimmy Fallon’s MK-Ultra Gate Hot Seat and is Inexplicably Still Selling the Benefits of Congress’ Allocation

    Right after the epiphany delivered that which led to what is now almost fifteen months of condemnation and pressure the U.S. leader

    didn’t deny the allegations; instead he chose to say he’d take “concrete steps” - his first mea culpa. That implicit admission persisted throughout 2011 and until March 16, ‘12 when he offered his second mea culpa. His third was delivered on April 23rd - the Canadian lawyer’s birthday - during an event that sought to underscore what his Article 7 Institute was at its genesis then after the February ‘11 discovery – accountability for MK-Ultra R&D, deployment

    and global proliferation and then coalition public sector unlawfulness and impropriety.

    When the Article 7 Accountability Institute was launched in January 2011 its

    first target audience was every Jewish organization, association, group and

    news agency in the United States. As is stated in e-mail intros:

    What has remained out of the public domain to date is their multi-decade militarized violation of Article 7 of the International Covenant on Civil & Political Rights; the successor to the Nuremberg Code and

    its prohibition on governments conducting experiments on citizens without consent. Given what the Nazis did in the concentration camps in this regard there is no other group in the world that has a greater entitlement to be in the forefront of condemnation than the Jewish people. […]

    In January 2011 all major organizations and news agencies in the U.S. and some in Israel were contacted and invited help trigger the international incident. […]

    You will observe in the diplomacy archive many high profile American and international public and private sector leaders and individuals have contributed, some repeatedly. (The gateway to the archive is in the “History” section.) In the “New Submissions” section there’s a compilation of prominent Jewish-Americans who assisted in the back-channel effort over the years. Former Israeli Prime Minister Olmert and his government joined the coalition in June 2007; and Prime Minister Netanyahu’s first of several contributions was in May 2009.

  • Two of the plethora of direct contacts made were The Elie Wiesel Foundation

    for Humanity and the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. It was

    more than surprising when not one of these many organizations was

    interested in what was presented. Sixteen months later the founder of the

    former is face-to-face with President Obama and during his speech geo-

    politicizes it; and, most encouragingly, there’s intended-to-be observable

    collaboration between the White House and his audience to deliver the

    message how tenaciously resolved the people with a front-row entitlement

    to be outraged and involved is now working to achieve stated goals.

    The day chosen for this remarkable event was April 23rd; the Canadian

    lawyer’s 54th birthday. Being one of the dates on the coalition calendar

    partners acknowledge as significant, the President arranged his speaking

    schedule for that day to involve the high profiling of in what the Article 7

    Institute finds its conceptualization. In the same category of initiative as

    what’s documented in President Obama Schedules First Visit to Canada to

    Help Coalition Partners Celebrate the Canadian Lawyer’s Fifth Anniversary of

    Seeking Political Asylum, the U.S. leader spoke at New York’s Holocaust

    Museum as the guest of Elie Wiesel. Doing so drew geo-attention to Article

    1 and 4 of the Nuremberg Code, and thus their successor: Article 7 of the

    U.N.’s International Covenant on Civil & Political Rights.

    The voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential. The experiment should be so conducted as to avoid all unnecessary

    physical and mental suffering and injury: Nuremberg Code, Articles 1 and 4. No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment. In particular, no one shall be subjected without his free consent to medical or scientific experimentation: International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, Article 7.

  • His first communiqué is to put on the record the fact that Jewish

    organizations are now involved in pursuing coalition interests and objectives.

    We're joined today by communities who've made it [19:46: O-S M.] your mission to prevent mass atrocities in our time.

    Next he looks like he’s amplifying the approach of the Canadian Citizens

    Party; seeking to build a grassroots enthusiasm for its primary reform of


    He immediately goes on to say he talked with Mr. Wiesel about his and his

    predecessor’s unlawfulness and offers another mea culpa.

    [20:28: O-S M.] It's an achievable goal. But [O-S M.] is one that does not start from the top. It starts from the bottom up. It's remarkable as we walked through this [20:35: Obama M.] exhibit, Elie and I were talking as we looked at the unhappy record of the State Department

    and so many officials here in the United States during those years; and he asked “what would you do?”.

  • Him saying...

    We're joined today by communities who've made it [19:46: O-S M.] your mission to prevent mass atrocities in our time.

    ... is demonstrated shortly thereafter to be true when the camera cuts to a

    member of the audience who’s cued to employ the lexicon that confirms this


    [25:53: attendee: Colbert M.] The world sent a message to war criminals everywhere we will not relent in bringing you to justice. Be on notice.

  • What will prove the following communiqué to be an accurate representation

    of the U.S. leader’s loyalty to coalition aspirations is when the Canadian

    lawyer takes possession of what Congress’ allocated:

    ... to bring together senior officials from across our government [26:39: O-S M.] to focus on this critical mission. This is not an afterthought.

    View video

  • But until then it’s to be presumptively categorized as yet another instance of

    chronic dysfunctionality, revelatory of a systemic abdication of U.S. and

    coalition national security interests that emboldened the malfeasant and if

    there’s no swift action a circumstance that should be publicized.

    It’s to be noted the foregoing came only hours after the following was


    Delay is not tolerable. Why was there after the construction of a transference mechanism from Washington to Vancouver? Why the delay between February 17th and April 10th? For that matter, why the delay from February 28, 2011 when the President said he’d take “concrete steps” until being condemned by a wide variety of world leaders and the high profile up to and including while in Europe in late May? Why also the delay when it appeared an agreement had been reached in late July, early August over quantum by House and Senate

    leaders and the President? And what about the delay after the October 26th statement he’d take those steps and the day after’s militarized deployment of MK-Ultra? And then one must point out the delay after the late November ultimatum that led to his Canadian counterpart being summoned to the White House for a December 7th meeting, and the time that transpired from the battering he took throughout that month and all of January until the State of the Union

    Address. That’s a whole lot of inexplicable and inexcusable delay. A possibility, or perhaps even a high likelihood given circumstances involving undetected egregious conduct over seven years, has to do with just how much MK-Ultra is the Holy Grail for military and intelligence leaders and law enforcement. Could it be that even after being caught engaging in these abuses of power and threatened with all sorts of

    consequences that would dwarf Watergate Obama et al. stalled for even more time to give the R&D program an opportunity to deliver more advances? It’s a discussion and debate worth having within coalition circles.

    On April 24th he delivered a speech at the University of North Carolina. At

    11:16 he executes a Brooke M. timed to and O-S M. immediately following

    the word “borrow”, which refers to what the allocation represents.

  • At 13:35 another O-S M. “we’ve been in your shoes; we didn’t come from a

    wealthy family”.

    And another O-S M. [@ 16:15] timed to “One of the best investments

    America can make in our future; this is important to all of us”.

  • The next use of that geo-gesture is timed [@ 16:40] to “We can't make

    higher education a luxury; it's an economic imperative”.

    Another O-S M. timed [@21:34] to “by making higher education a higher

    priority in their budgets”.

  • At 33:49 his O-S M. to “don’t double my rate” referred to the increase from

    $5 to $10 billion. And then grimaces.

    View video

    He indicates during this appearance he’d taped a show with late night host

    Jimmy Fallon in the city. The broadcast, of course, was recorded expecting

  • the comedienne to continue helping advance partners’ collective goals and

    do to the President what the likes of David Letterman, Jay Leno and Jon

    Stewart did in turning up the heat over the MK-Ultra Gate scandal.

    Jimmy’s contributed to coalition interests and objectives related to the

    scandal as documented:

    October 5th ended with Jimmy Fallon, whose comedic monologue has often included MK-Ultra Gate relevant jokes. He began the show with one that had President Obama in the MK-Ultra Gate condemnation crosshairs unabashedly describing him as a mutation.

    Welcome to Late Night with Jimmy Fallon everybody. Thank-you for being here. Hey, ah, did you guys read about this: a new study found that being publicly embarrassed can make people like you more; which explains Obama’s new campaign slogan “Barack Obama - I have a third nipple”. [audience laughter]

    On November 21st Jimmy Fallon began his show with a Clooney M., to red

    flag the first joke of his monologue as geo-relevant.

    Jimmy: [Cl.M.] Thank-you for being here. It’s gonna be a fun show tonight. First some political news. Yesterday President Obama returns home to the U.S. after his nine day trip to Asia. He got to see some stuff he never sees at home, like jobs.

  • Here’s an election update. Last week in New Hampshire [Prince Harry M.] Herman Cain said that presidents don’t need to know [bouncing Bl.M.] every detail of every country in the world. And he said he’s going to take that

    message across America to all 30 states. [SNL M.] I think that’s his platform. All 30 of them.

    That’s right Herman Cain said presidents don’t need to know every detail of every country. He said we should focus on our neighbor to the south, Mexico, and our neighbor to our north Cold Mexico. Cold Mexico?

    Audience: That’s Canada. Steve: That’s Canada. Thank-you. Jimmy: Canada, Canada, Canada.* * coalition identifier

  • Then there’s what’s occurred on February 7th as documented in The

    President’s Wife Joins Forces With Jimmy Fallon to Compel the White House’s

    “Concrete Action”.

    During the first moments of a comedy sketch that took place before the

    interview, Jimmy employed the lexicon when his guest isn’t looking but the

    rest of the back-channel audience was – Letterman and Erin M.s – to convey

    how he’s going to use this appearance to advance partners’ interests.

    President Obama, feeling the accumulation of condemnation and pressure

    since March 2011 and recently over no follow through, couldn’t but grimace

    and cringe throughout. The first came to him reacting to a geo-gesture and

    saying “really enjoy spending time with him”, referring to a sports coach.

  • When Jimmy reminds him he’d met the First Lady (as documented supra),

    there was another grimace because that initiative included her going on

    record as saying matters critical to the coalition were going to move ahead

    expeditiously. Because all of February and March and most of April had

    come and gone and there was nothing but a pronouncement, words and

    more words in the form of “come get your money”…

    The Jimmy Fallon initiative was broadcast on February 7th and her demeanour couldn’t have been more opposite. She was poised, confident and obviously consented to the late night talk show host employing the lexicon, the Bl.M. [@ 2:22], so it could be linked to her statement “Are you ready to do this?”, referring to her husband not just saying he’ll undertake that which the coalition demands, but actually following through on it.

    … he understood and felt exceptionally uncomfortable about it all.

    Jimmy executes a Brooke M. to “I was thinking about your home life”, to

    which he grimaces and his eyes drop. The objective here was to underscore

  • the traumatic effect publicity would have on his wife, children, parents and


    Another grimace comes when the host says “we all know what happened”,

    employing an Erin M. to remind his guest everyone in the coalition is privy to

    what the epiphany delivered, how he behaved since then, Congress’

    authorization and his “come pick it up” communiqué.

  • Scripted to generate an analogy with what the President did in terms of

    faltering in a most embarrassing and memorable way while in office, Jimmy

    illustrates how some of his predecessors tripped or fell. He suggested his

    guest manufacture an instance like this just for fun, stating “I like [Erin-O-S

    M.] people tripping”.

  • The recipient knew exactly what he was saying and reacted with another

    moment of guilt- and inadequacy- motivated discomfort. Jimmy glares at

    him to accentuate the potency of the coalition critique.

  • Capitulation to what he was witnessing took the form of underscoring

    Congress’ allocation: “The [O-S M.] single most important investment…”.

    This is something one wouldn’t expect if there was an intention in the Oval

    Office to contribute to and expedite the transference process. The question

    that naturally arises is ‘Why is he still trying to sell this circumstance and

    who is he making the argument to?’.

  • Did Jimmy feel satisfied with what he saw in response to his barrage? No,

    because when the President finished talking about the adverse effects on

    Super PACs he described what was going on behind the coalition’s back as

    “crazy”, stating “It’s pretty crazy when you think about it [Eva M.]”. It’s

    preceded with another guest grimace to “That’s part of our democracy we’re

    going to have to fix”.

  • A second scripted confrontation came during the part of the interview Jimmy

    read Tweets from his audience. At one point his guest asks if he should

    Tweet a submitter back. The host reminds him “In 140 characters or less”.

    Then a long answer is given to an inquiry. Jimmy jokes what he heard was

    3,000 characters, adding “you were over about 2,000”.