Taitz v Obama - Obama Foreign Student With Indonesian Citizenship - Obama ID Fraud 6/20/2013

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  • 7/28/2019 Taitz v Obama - Obama Foreign Student With Indonesian Citizenship - Obama ID Fraud 6/20/2013


    supror courr c.s. Numh.r

    T.irz v ob.n., F.ini.in, Eaken


    29339 s.nt. M.4.rna, ste 100Ran.ho s.rt. M:rlaft4 aA 92633Ph.9'r9433-s411,f.r949-165-7603

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  • 7/28/2019 Taitz v Obama - Obama Foreign Student With Indonesian Citizenship - Obama ID Fraud 6/20/2013


    A4!nentappella.r arach6 herein a noti.e of lhe foudh oisbid coudofAppeals ofth. noilc *ntio theappelleesonlune4 2013, advising them iha they did nolfilethen.ppllee'rbrifin lime, Appell@swereclvn additional 15daystoeubmitrhnbriel. Appelleeslailedtodoso.lune q 2013 noti.e statsr I Rspondernr b elisndfiledwnhin1sdavsnomrfidatoliiknotkqthe court m.y decide the appeal upon rhe rccod, ih openiig b Ef .nd ahy argunent hy thea!penant lc.r Ruresof cour!'ul. 3.220(.)(2),Dle to the la.k o, lh .ppellet brifs, aprllani res!ctfully requests the .oud ro g.a.t her appe.lbased on her openins briel.Additionally appellantsubmiB a decla.ation rl.tins io.ew fadt that appellanl belidewillweish inravor of gBntins hr appeal,Part of the appeal de.k whh th motion by the Apnellant to coEpl prcdudion ol lhe $udentreshr.rion by sa h.k oba m a ar th e o.. idental .ollege. appellant Ta lE sous ht rho* ,*ords in lthtof the tact thar ovr 100 pages of do.umnta.y vidence showed sa6.k obama usiig tod los .nda soci.l s..unty .umber, whi.h was asighed lo.noth.r indivadu.l born in 1390. rait soughr an.xpedlted motion to 6mpd ohama's r.gislf:lion al lh oddenbl .ollese- Iaih sought. reda.tedresisidioh to .heck ob.ma's .irizenship lktd on has appll.allon/.sist6tion. Taiu sousht thislnfomarton prior b rhe genehl .lction on Ndmbr 5, 2012. Two anorn.ys fol lhe o..idntalcollese aGued ih oppon(on to ihe motion ro comp.l produdlon and soush $4,3oo lhn adoheysfees,IhG nolion was decidd ih tavol of lh o..idental.ollegebyrhe loaer cout.on rune lt 2013 aprellantraih padtuipared ln.6lly in fiont of the u.s. capitolh washlnslon, Da.she was arprc.rhed rhcr bv a whistleblower, ,ho ls Hishe' Edu6riohcorporrlon ln Albany, Nq York. Th whanbblow. advi*d Taitu that she puonallv rviewed lhmi.rofilm o, 8.6.k Obama's fii.n.lal .ld and it shoas thar he E@lved nnan.i.l aid as a roreisi,udit, cnhen o, rndon6ia- whkdblder wot. for raiu in her owh h.ndwndns her tn* and la*nam., hr work -mailaddrest, her peenale hailaddrst.d her hone and.ellphone numbeETaii did her du. dlllse.c a.d indepehdedlv rerified rhar rhe ahidleblower ls l.deed mploved bYih Hisher Ed!..tlon sBi.es corpoBrion in Alb$y NN Yolk. she tudher .he.kd lhal obamaraisiered from th o.cidntal .ollege ro columbia u.iveElry in Nw Yo.k and his finamial aldwould ind.ed b. handled by rhe HGher tduarionYo*{Heeinaner HEsc), whistleblNer .dvlsed T.iiz that ihe Policy oJ the HEsa is nor b destoYr*6rds ..d mi.rofilm is coftln.d ,n lhe sare 6f rh .orporation. she ludher.dvls.d Iail, rhars.vehlemploves ofrh HESC hade.oples otihe micrcnlm, in.a* lh manasemed declds rod.*oy rh sidence. she 6me romad,.s she is.oncehed sbod f.aud b.ing.ommitd..d therad that.s . citnn ol lndonesaa obama was not lagible io be the prndent ot ihe Unitd states.swori delaEtion by Iaih G.ta.hed.

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    Tait [email protected] this lnt mdlon a3 lt mlShs in tavor of r:ntiru hd rpp..r, .! h B th. mtt import .t.nd most uBnt m.x. o, puhli( con..h and ol n.rlonal s.rulhy, MoreovI, lf fudh, vlden..onn.hr thL infom.rl.. and it wlll b. found rl'.l .horn w ior o6id.nr.l @llse kn.w rh.tOb.E'3 Eijrtrdrio., .Ddi6rim -d finami.l .l.l 3h6* tin r.dtrqtd - . ioEian rbd.m .nd a.niz.n ol l.don6r., rh. rh tunqs ror the o.crL6bl collar ur. @mnlt ll. Gsn.lrlnnthe Unhd sbt6 o, Amilc. ..d w.r. .ldhg and .btti.E the m.tt .8r.Eaout lr.ud in rlE hhbry or4,*-Dlc to.ll ohh. ah4, .h. Apral ,hould h. sdd.d ln hE, of rlE A!!.lhit.

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    oI california c.s. G00745. havepeuona knowedgeolthefa.6des.ribedbeow.ndafrenunderrhe perdrry o' oe'Jury orr5r'ol ow.s.

    Onoh 19lol3 rtutuorr.d 'nr,Jllv 'n fionr olrh. U s (.onolAt the ra llv l mer a wh isnbbwe r, who k an cmolqee or the H irher EduGrion Se i.6corporarion inAbanyNewYork (Hercinaller HESC)The whi5t ebloweradvisedmethat she is seekircto provlde to Eludseevidei.eoffraodThe whi5r.blower stared lhal5he pe^oialLy rcv ewed rimn. a aid re.oids ofMr. BaractObama She @iewd th liMncial.id mi(ofilm, where il5tared that Mr Obama r(eived,inan.i.la'dasa toreicn srudenr, ci&en ol rndonesia.whistl.blowernabd that usualmodus opeEnd or the H 8he r t du.atio n seryi.es Co.po rai on,isnottodestrcv the recordsaid asolthe dateofourconvduar on 06.19 2011rh. fr nofllm of

    Ettest unde.rh. oe.alty of perlu.y th.t a lofthe inlormat on stue and corc.ttothe benofmyrnowedBe --1' l-,l'1 L

    Iaitz vObama, ta nne n, Emken



    rhe re.ord was inthe safe ofthecorForation.6 whistleblower nabd rh.r $e and eeral orh.. employeet mad .opies or lhe alormentiond,oreisn ud.nt r*ord lor Mr. Oba tio n na n.3 nnr d*id.sto desrcy rheoisinaL rccordr7. whai eblower *ated that5he made thenat.ientdue to thelactthatrhe scon.ernedw thlraud @mmitted by Mr. obama, as beinEa ciilren oflidonesia he war neve.l4itimate for the

    3. WhCrrebrowd preid.d me and wrore in he' @n handw lin3 hand .ell phon. numheu aid her work and pcconale mai addrc$es.9. Whisr eblower $ated rhrGh. scon.rned.boutreblaronbyMr.obamaandohamaregime

    10. ldid myduedilSen@and veiiedthatindeed aroremenroned whistleblower isehp oyed bythe Hishr tdGation stoicE corpo6rio..11. rveriliedrhat Mr.obama indcedrGnneredrrcn rheoc.id.nrrl.olleseroth. corumbia

    Unive6ty n NewYork,therclo hisnna.ca aid would be htndled bv A ba^y, N.w York oflic.12 Due torh. fa.t tharthewhkrleblowerG concerned ofretalht on, am asking th..ourtto a lowro.ubmit he.idenufiGtion ihfo.manon under sslandanyrnimony, f neded by the.ourt,lo

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    5. whkdeblower natedthat usualmodusoperendiofthe Hisher Edu.ationseryicescorporetion,h noriode*rcythe re@dsand as ofihedate ofouronversiion05.19.2013 the mic@film orthe re6rdwasli thesafeorthe @.poration.6. whisdeblowernatd thatshe and seveElotheremployees made @piesolthe alorementionedforeign *ud.nte6rdforMr. Obama incase someone in rhecorporarion m6nagemenldecidesto destroy the orisina records7. whGteblowernatedthatshe madethestatementduetotheia.tlhatsheisc.ncemedwlthfraud.ommitted by Mr. obama, asbei4a dtnenoflndonesia he was never leciumate ror the

    3. whcreblowerprdidedmeandwotenherownhandwrningh.rlirstandastname,herhomeand.ellphone numbe6 and her work and persnale mai addreses.9. wh isi e blower stated th sheG.oncernedaboutretaliationbyMr.obamaaidobamaregime.10. did myduedilisendandveifed thatindeedarorementoned whndeblower isemp oyed bythe nigher Education seruiFs corporauon.11. verilied that Mr.obaha lndeed tansfered rrom rheoccidental6lle3eto thecolombiaUnlveuilv in NewYork,lhereforc hh frnancialaid would be handled byAlban, New York ofiice.12.Duetothefadthatthewhdleblowerhoncernedofrtaliation, amaskingthecouhtoallowtosubmit heridentificationinformation undersealand anvtenimonY, if needed bY the coun, tobedoneinemeG.

    latest under the penalty orpeauryih3i alLofth inrormaiion iskue 3nd co ed tothe best of mv'; lc2''/s/ Dr Orlv ra tu. EsQ

    Tait? v obama, Feinnein, Emken

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    S'I'A'I'E OI C I-]FORNIA. COUR1 01: APPI]AI-l Oi:ri lli;\lll I i.\'lT l)l! ltia'l)lvlstoN l t{lllJunc 4.2013

    oRtY ]',AI'lz.Ildinlill nd.\!pcllanL

    B,{ltACK OLAI,I el al..Dclend nls lnd Rcspon.lcnts.Orangc Connly No.30-2012 00582135

    I I rcspondcnfs briei is nol lilcd wilhin l5 dals tur fie date olrhis nodce. dfcoun mrj dccide rhe apperlupoD tle record. fie opening bricl rd any oral a.g nfnr b),appellanr. (cal. Rules ofcourr, rulc 8.220(ax2).)No addnionalnorccs u.deitrrle 8.220will bc issled- even iffur.rherextensions

    Acrin! CleruAdminisrraiorBy:Bonnie Lesasc. Dcputy Clerk

  • 7/28/2019 Taitz v Obama - Obama Foreign Student With Indonesian Citizenship - Obama ID Fraud 6/20/2013


    Sup*ior Court of Omngc Counll

    29839 Sarn Nlaryadta l,k$1. Slc. 100R.nch. SrDr Mrpdri. C,\ 916S8

    1600 Pcnnsyh,nia Avc.Wnshingdi. l)(l 2000j

    P.O. 8ox 3lDan\i1lc. CA 94t26

    onc Posr S1r., Ste.2450San Imncisco CA 9110.r

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    oF sEFwrcE (counorapp..DM.[ r- P.tui.lserurc.6.dro pdids Fr.frhd. docutu trbanrh. coun or APrdL rrea$ n d/ omrr6,,(coud or App@, (oh APt.oogriFo, b.ton

    Trnz \ Obam. ljm[cn. l;.in$eitr

    Gol4..idnolltsdy6fuhltl..dq'MY - l tr4r r7l u3Eg rd@Er@rr,29139 smra Mfflarno, {c 100- Rancho sanb Ma rgar ra. cA q2 [email protected]) Noracc ol i.iluc b! ft. A,pdl6 lo file ihc Eslx)n* h.ici dirional! E ii ,hada6 dhee

    (.) Ll dFd te sH.ndqds) dh h u s ed $rye.6 6. P&se turr o@n&) E ph!.dhaenvd4.1')ror@r prae*owim r.tubeh*

    *ha!d*19MhFsegeful,Pqd12) 0.board 06 20 20rl(3) rh..Ne op. s! o, eNe op.r wF

    t) N.[ l . Ja) Riu. atromej lor rhc .ueodian olNddt Occi&nbl collcBc6i N RrymoM vcP.s!dcn! CA 9l l0l

    1,) Nan! Llizaberh EmkenDanvilleCA945:6

    (') Nem! Dione lditleinon. I'os sE n. 2450Srn lnn.i$o. CA 9410-1T- tudromrpeEore sMd .e rsbrdd{db, Rr(ho\rnrr MdSEirJ. ('

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    MME TaiD\ Obma, Emken, Feinsrein3 b E Pre r&nEry. r@mmrtdeivtrd a 68 o,te &@he n(1) tuEoi3ed

    ra N emdddEs"dddd dm.are brdoiseakhdFFrw'b


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