

Transcript of Planets

Page 1: Planets


Year 8

Page 2: Planets

There are nine planets in our Solar System that circle around our Sun. The Sun sits in the middle while the planets travel in circular paths (called orbits) around it. These nine planets travel in the same direction. The solar system is made up of two parts: The inner solar system and the outer solar system.

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. Closest star to the Earth

. Formed over four billion years ago

. Made up of Nitrogen, Helium and other elements.

. Over 300000 times larger than earth

. About 1.4 million kilometers in diameter

. All planets orbit around Sun


The surface of the Sun is much cooler than its atmosphere.

The surface of the Sun is much cooler than its atmosphere.

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Mercury.Low Gravity .Second Smallest Planet.No life.Closest to Sun.Rotates the Sun in 88 days.Named after a Roman

messenger of gods.Has no moons

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Venus• No life found • Hottest Planet • Also known as ‘Morning Star’ or

‘Evening Star’ • Consist of Carbon Dioxide with

clouds of Sulphuric Acid droplets

• Names after the roman goddess of love and beauty.

• Considered as Earth’s twin Sister.

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Earth.Formed almost 3 billion

years ago.The Earth's atmosphere is

77% nitrogen, 21% oxygen, with traces of argon, carbon dioxide and water.

• Only place were life is found • 71 Percent of the Earth's

surface is covered with water

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Mars.Also known as Red Planet.Named after roman god of

war.Very thin atmosphere. Has two moons . Seventh largest planet .About 6700km in diameter . Orbits the Sun in 687 Earth

days . Consist of carbon dioxide,

nitrogen argon

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Jupiter.Largest planet in the Solar System . Named for the king of ancient

roman gods. Consist of hydrogen, nitrogen,

helium and water.. Orbits the sun once in every 12

years. Have 64 moons . Giant ball of gas. The giant red spot is a storm that

has lasted for over 100s of years

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Saturn.6th planet from the sun.Has rings around it .2nd largest planet. . Named after roman god of

agriculture. Rings are made of billions of

chunks of ice and rock . Have 31 moons. Has a diameter of about

120536km . Consist of hydrogen ,helium

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Uranus.3rd largest planet in the solar

system .Named after roman god who

was the father of titans .Gas planet like Neptune, Saturn

.Has at least 27 moons . Uranus takes some 84 years to

orbit the sun . The bluish is because the

methane gas in the atmosphere absorbs red light and reflects blue light

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Neptune.Named after the roman sea god.Has 13 moons .The methane gas gives the planet blue

color because the gas absorbs red light and reflects the blue back into space

.Has rings around it

. Diameter is about 30,200 miles

. The stormiest planet

.Orbits the sun once every 165 Earth Years

. Consist of Hydrogen, Helium and Methane.

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Pluto.Smallest planet in Solar System

. takes 248 Earth years to orbit the sun

.Only planet discovered in twentieth century

.Orbits the sun in a different plain

.Has 1 moon

.Atmosphere is cold

. The Diameter is 2340km

.No longer considered as planet