PHILIPPINES: COUNTRY DATAxlvi Notes: 1 - As of Jan 2010 (4Q-09 report). This figure is subject to...


Transcript of PHILIPPINES: COUNTRY DATAxlvi Notes: 1 - As of Jan 2010 (4Q-09 report). This figure is subject to...




Base Year Source DEMOGRAPHIC DATA Population (Official estimate) Million 88.5 2007 NSO Population (projection) Million 94.0 2010 NSO/PRB Population Global Rank Rk 12 Mid-2010 PRB Population Growth Rate % 2.3 1980-2007 NSO Age group distribution <15 % 33.0 Mid-2010 PRB 15> and <65 % 63.0 Mid-2010 PRB <65 % 4.0 Mid-2010 PRB SOCIAL DATA Poverty Households % 26.9 2006 NSO & NSCB Individuals % 32.9 2006 NSO & NSCB Gini coefficient % 0.458 2006 NSO Life expectancy years 72 2008 World Bank ECONOMIC DATA Real Sector GDP (current prices) (Note 1) Tn PhP 7.7 2009 NSCB GDP per capita (annual, current prices) (Note 1) PhP 83,155.4 2009 NSCB & NSO Labor force (Domestic) Million 35.1 2009 NSO Annual number of college graduates (Note 8) Units 458,106 2009 CHED Computer Penetration, % of households % 12.7% 2009 ITU Estimated number of internet users Million 5.9551 2009 ITU Number of internet users per 100 inhabitants Units 6.474124 2009 ITU Proportion of households with internet % 11.0% 2009 ITU Main fixed telephone lines in operation Million 4.1 2009 ITU Main (fixed) telephone lines per 100 inhabitants Units 4.45734 2009 ITU Mobile cellular phone subscriptions - (Post- & Pre-paid) Million 74.489 2009 ITU Mobile cellular phone subscriptions per 100 inhabitants Units 80.98118 2009 ITU Electric power generation GWh 61,934 2009 DOE Annual new vehicle sales Units 132,444 2009 CAMPI Infrastructure spending, % of GDP (Note 2) % 2.1 2009 DBM NG infrastructure spending, % of GDP (Note 2) % 2.1 2009 DBM Public sector infrastructure spending, % of GDP % 3.3 2009 DBM Social spending NG education spending, % of GDP % 2.9 2009 ADB NG social security and welfare spending, % of GDP % 1.2 2009 ADB NG health spending, % of GDP % 0.5 2009 ADB NG housing and community amenities spending, % of GDP % 0.1 2009 ADB Fiscal sector Revenue Effort % 14.6 2009 BTr Tax effort % 12.8 2009 BTr Budget deficit Bn PhP 298.5 2009 BTr Budget deficit, % of GDP % 3.9 2009 BTr National Budget Tn PhP 1.541 2010 DBM NG actual debt Tn PhP 4.4 2009 BTr Debt ratio (Note 3) % 57.3 2009 BTr Debt service, % of GDP % 8.1 2009 BTr



External Sector Goods exports, FOB, total value Bn USD 38.3 2009 NSO Goods exports, distribution Total agro-based products % 5.5 2009 NSO Forest products % 0.1 2009 NSO Mineral products % 3.8 2009 NSO Petroleum products % 0.8 2009 NSO Manufactures % 86.0 2009 NSO of which: Electronics (Note 4) % 61.6 2009 NSO Special transactions % 3.7 2009 NSO Export recipients (Top 10) Countries: US % 17.7 2009 NSO Japan % 16.2 2009 NSO Netherlands % 9.8 2009 NSO Hong Kong, China % 8.4 2009 NSO China % 7.7 2009 NSO Singapore % 6.5 2009 NSO Germany % 6.4 2009 NSO Korea % 4.8 2009 NSO Taiwan % 3.5 2009 NSO Thailand % 3.2 2009 NSO Others % 16.1 2009 NSO Economic Blocs East Asia (Note 5) % 40.4 2009 NSO EU (Note 6) % 20.6 2009 NSO ASEAN (Note 7) % 15.2 2009 NSO Import sources (Top 10) Countries: Japan % 12.5 2009 NSO US % 11.9 2009 NSO China % 8.9 2009 NSO Korea, Republic of % 7.0 2009 NSO Singapore % 8.7 2009 NSO Indonesia % 4.0 2009 NSO Taiwan % 7.0 2009 NSO Thailand % 5.7 2009 NSO Saudi Arabia % 3.6 2009 NSO UAE % 1.8 2009 NSO Others % 29.0 2009 NSO Economic Blocs East Asia (Note 5) % 38.7 2009 NSO EU (Note 6) % 7.6 2009 NSO ASEAN (Note 7) % 25.4 2009 NSO Number of foreign tourist arrivals Million 3.02 2009 DOT Remittances Bn USD 17.3 2009 BSP Stock estimate of Filipinos overseas Million 8.2 2008 CFO Gross International Reserves Bn USD 44.2 2009 BSP Monetary and Finacial Sector CPI (eop), 2000=100 Index 160.0 2009 NSO Inflation rate, annual ave % 3.3 2009 NSO Inflation rate, 10-year ave % 5.2 2000-2009 NSO 90-day T-bill rate, ave % 4.2 2009 BSP Domestic interest rate, all maturities, ave % 4.5 2009 BSP Overnight repo rate (eop) % 6.0 2009 BSP Overnight reverse repo rate (eop) % 4.0 2009 BSP Exchange rate average P/$ 47.6 2009 BSP Exchange rate end-of-period P/$ 46.4 2009 BSP




1 - As of Jan 2010 (4Q-09 report). This figure is subject to revision by NSCB. 2 - This refers to the national capital outlay for infrastructure (excludes corporate equity, capital transfer to LGU and other capital outlays. 3 - This only covers the actual debt and excludes the contingent debt 4 - Major electronic products and “other electronics” 5 - Includes China, Hong Kong, Japan, Macau, Mongolia, N. Korea, S. Korea, Taiwan 6 - Includes Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Malta,

Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Latvia, and UK Great Britain & N. Ireland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg

7 - Includes Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam 8 - Preliminary data * ADB - Asian Development Bank; BSP - Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas; BTr - Bureau of the Treasury; CAMPI - Chamber of Automotive

Manufacturers of the Philippines, Inc.; CFO - Commission on Filipinos Overseas; CHED - Commission on Higher Education; DBM - Department of Budget and Management; DOE - Department of Energy; DOT - Department of Tourism; ITU - International Telecommunication Union; NSCB - National Statistical Coordination Board; NSO - National Statistics Office; PRB - Population Reference Bureau

Per capita GDP based on purchasing-power-parity (PPP), ASEAN-6

2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 Indonesia 2,441 2,552 2,674 2,825 3,005 3,207 3,449 3,727 3,985 4,151 Malaysia 9,169 9,135 9,579 10,159 10,902 11,610 12,478 13,449 14,149 13,800 Philippines 2,320 2,365 2,458 2,582 2,764 2,935 3,130 3,383 3,515 3,516 Singapore 32,251 32,281 34,702 36,618 40,330 43,976 47,319 50,130 51,247 50,180 Thailand 4,962 5,140 5,456 5,920 6,350 6,838 7,404 7,942 8,243 8,051 Vietnam 1,423 1,535 1,648 1,781 1,949 2,143 2,365 2,609 2,801 2,942 Source: IMF; As of Oct. 2010

Per capita GDP, current prices, US$ Country 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009

Indonesia 807 773 928 1,100 1,188 1,300 1,636 1,916 2,238 2,329

Malaysia 4,030 3,864 4,112 4,409 4,898 5,319 5,951 6,967 8,143 6,950

Philippines 987 906 958 973 1,040 1,159 1,351 1,624 1,848 1,748

Singapore 22,791 21,001 22,028 23,029 26,419 28,498 31,616 36,527 39,266 36,379

Thailand 1,967 1,836 1,999 2,229 2,479 2,709 3,174 3,759 4,108 3,941

Vietnam 402 413 440 489 554 637 724 835 1,048 1,068

Source: IMF; As of Oct. 2010



Selected ASEAN-6 economic indicators and ASEAN trade profile Base year Source

Population, ASEAN-6 Million 520.5 Mid-2010 PRBASEAN-6 GDP, current prices Tn USD 1.44 2009 ASEAN SecASEAN-6 average real GDP growth (Note 1) Indonesia % 5.1 2000-2009 World Bank Malaysia % 4.8 2000-2009 World Bank Philippines % 4.6 2000-2009 World Bank Singapore % 5.6 2000-2009 World Bank Thailand % 4.1 2000-2009 World Bank Vietnam % 7.3 2000-2009 World BankPer capita income, PPP (As of Oct. 2010) Indonesia USD 4,151 2009 IMF Malaysia USD 13,800 2009 IMF Philippines USD 3,516 2009 IMF Singapore USD 50,180 2009 IMF Thailand USD 8,051 2009 IMF Vietnam USD 2,942 2009 IMF ASEAN Trade Total export value Bn USD 802.7 2009 ASEAN Sec Share per destination

ASEAN % 24.6 2009 ASEAN Sec Japan % 10.1 2009 ASEAN Sec European Union (EU)-25 (Note 2) % 11.1 2009 ASEAN Sec China % 9.7 2009 ASEAN Sec USA % 10.0 2009 ASEAN Sec Republic of Korea % 4.3 2009 ASEAN Sec Australia % 3.9 2009 ASEAN Sec India % 3.3 2009 ASEAN Sec Rest of the world % 23.0 2009 ASEAN Sec

Total import value Bn USD 718.6 2009 ASEAN Sec Share per destination

ASEAN % 23.8 2009 ASEAN Sec Japan % 13.3 2009 ASEAN Sec European Union (EU)-25 (Note 2) % 11.3 2009 ASEAN Sec China % 11.4 2009 ASEAN Sec USA % 9.2 2009 ASEAN Sec Republic of Korea % 5.6 2009 ASEAN Sec Australia % 2.2 2009 ASEAN Sec India % 2.0 2009 ASEAN Sec Rest of the world % 21.2 2009 ASEAN Sec

Notes: 1- 2009 growth estimates are preliminary and are subject to revision by the country sources 2- Includes Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy,

Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, and United Kingdom