
Good Morning!

Transcript of Personality

Good Morning!

Lets take a personality test!

Here is what you need to do for this very simple test.

Draw EACH of the symbols one time: the TRIANGLE, the SQUARE, the CIRCLE, and the SQUIGGLE.

also draw another symbol once

Here are the descriptions for each symbol that you have drawn two times

• This personality test is based on a theory that we tend to be attracted to certain shapes and forms based on our personality, our attitudes, our education and the way our brain functions.


Now let’s look at the symbols you drew two times to learn what they represent.

• Of the 4 symbols, the Triangle most closely represents leadership.Triangles are ambitious and very interested in their careers.

• You are an OVERSEER, an expediter, a leader, a man or woman of action.

• You are often charismatic, a person who likes to be the boss, who likes to give orders, who likes to be in control.

• Potential pitfalls: impatience, aggressiveness, self-centeredness.

• Of the 4 symbols, the Square places the most emphasis onorganization and structure.

• Your mantra is ‘Get it right – if it takes all night.’

• You enjoy collecting data and information to enter into the database but others may see you as having a compulsive attention to detail.

• Your positive traits: you are organized, knowledgeable, analytical, patient, persevering, generally neat.

• Potential pitfalls: you may be a procrastinator, a perfectionist, aloof, resistant to change, meticulous.

• Of the 4 symbols, the Circle is the most kind and caring about others. Your focus is to smooth the waters and keep the peace.

• You are an OPTIMIST– you enjoy working in league with others to get things done.

• Your mantra is harmony –'Can’t we all just get along?'

• You express kindness, caring and concern and are an excellent communicator because you are an effective listener and know how to establish empathy quickly. You are an excellent ‘people problem solver.’

• Potential pitfalls: you may be indecisive, moody, manipulative, have a tendency to get too personal.

• Of the 4 symbols, the Squiggle is the most unique and the most creative.

• Your mantra is get it done … differently.

• You are crazed by sex and booze. No, no, just kidding! You are future-oriented.

• Your positive traits: You are conceptual, creative, intuitive, expressive, motivating, witty, inventive.

• Potential pitfalls: you may be disorganized, impractical, unrealistic, illogical, eccentric, naïve, uninhibited.


•Personality is the configuration of the total characteristic

traits (mental, emotional and


•Refers to the sum total of all the physical or

biological, psychological or mental, social cultural, emotional and spiritual;

traits of a person.


• Dewey and Humber (1966) look at personality as the way by which

the individual is interrelated through ideas, actions and attitudes to the non human

aspects of his environment and biological heritage.


The following are what constitutes personality:

1. CHARACTER• This pertains to the mental traits of a person such as intelligence, internalized ideas, values and beliefs, line of thinking, mental state and perception and thoughts and motives

2. Temperament

• The hereditary aspects of personality which are emotional tendencies such as sensitivity, moods, irritability, distractibility and tolerance level.

2. Behavior

• It refers to all ways of voluntary and involuntary actions, reactions or response, adjusting or coping to different situations,

Factors that affects personality development


1. Biological Factors (Nature)• This refer to hereditary traits that have been passed on genetically by parents and ancestors

2. Social Factors (Nurture)

• Social factors are influenced by culture while culture is influenced by the environment

Geographic EnvironmentCultural Environment

Social Environment

• The kind of geographic environment where a child lives can greatly

affect the kind of personality he/she will


Geographic Environment

• Culture determines what can be learned and acquired from one’s

society; thus, a person behaves and acts within

the premise of his culture

Cultural Environment

Social Environment

• Social environment refers to the different social groups and the social interactions that take place in the groups of which a person is a participating member.

Theories of Personality Development

1. Freud’s Theory of Socialization

• Id• Ego

• superego

2. Cultural Determinism TheoryFranz Boas view is that

personality development is a result of learned ways

of the group.

3. Symbolic Interactionism TheoryPersonality is the result

of the interaction between individuals

mediated by symbols or language.

4. Biological DeterminismThis theory views the inherited biological

structures as the main factor that determines

human behavior.

5. Labelling TheoryPersonality is viewed as the result of society’s

labeling on human behavior as either good or
