Pastor and Wife 4th Appreciation Service

N N e e w w S S t t . . P P a a u u l l B B a a p p t t i i s s t t C C h h u u r r c c h h P P a a s s t t o o r r L L o o r r e e n n z z o o & & L L a a d d y y S S e e b b r r i i n n a a E E d d w w a a r r d d s s 4 4 t t h h A A p p p p r r e e c c i i a a t t i i o o n n S S e e r r v v i i c c e e s s September 20 th & 27 th , 2009 @ 4:30PM Theme: "A Pastor and Wife Firmly Rooted In the Lord” , Psalm 1:3 & Jeremiah 17:8 1525 W. Santa Ana Blvd., Santa Ana, CA 92703 - (714) 542-8671 Bishop Dr. Jimmy Hartwell, Overseer Rev. Lorenzo L. Edwards, Sr., Pastor Rev. Earl Wyatt, Assistant Pastor


Thank you for making our 4th Anniversary as Pastor and First Lady of New St. Paul a success. God Bless You

Transcript of Pastor and Wife 4th Appreciation Service

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NNeeww SStt.. PPaauull BBaappttiisstt CChhuurrcchh PPaassttoorr LLoorreennzzoo && LLaaddyy SSeebbrriinnaaEEddwwaarrddss

44tthh AApppprreecciiaattiioonn SSeerrvviicceess

September 20th & 27th, 2009 @ 4:30PM

Theme: "A Pastor and Wife Firmly Rooted In the Lord” , Psalm 1:3 & Jeremiah 17:8

1525 W. Santa Ana Blvd., Santa Ana, CA 92703 - (714) 542-8671

Bishop Dr. Jimmy Hartwell, Overseer Rev. Lorenzo L. Edwards, Sr., Pastor

Rev. Earl Wyatt, Assistant Pastor

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Biographical Sketch of

Pastor Lorenzo L. Edwards, Sr.

Rev. Lorenzo Edwards was born in Gary, Indiana to Willie and Barbara

Edwards. He attended William A. Wirt High School where he graduated in


Rev. Lorenzo Edwards attended Rangeley College in Colorado, where he

played basketball and baseball. In 1993 he attended Vincennes

University where he earned his Associates of Science Degree. He also

attended Indiana State University for two years. He has received

his Bachelor of Theology Degree from Reed Christian College, and is

continuing for his Master of Theology Degree.

Rev. Lorenzo Edwards accepted the Lord as his personal Savior and was

filled with the Holy Spirit at Trinity Baptist Church in Gary Indiana

where he was a member. He later moved to California and joined New St.

Paul Baptist Church in 1996. Under the leadership of Dr. Jimmy Hartwell

and the Holy Ghost, Rev. Edwards began to grow stronger in the Lord.

In 1999 he was united in Holy Matrimony to Sis. Sebrina Edwards, First

Lady, who is his help mate and works by his side in the church. They

have three beautiful children together, Lorenzo Jr., Trinity, and Lamar.

Rev. Lorenzo Edwards served as a Deacon at New St. Paul. In the year

2000, he was called by God to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ. In April

2000 Rev. Lorenzo Edwards preached his first message at the New St.

Paul Baptist Church, after which he served as Assistant Pastor for two

years under Dr. Jimmy Hartwell.

On January 1, 2005 Dr. Jimmy Hartwell retired from Pastoring, and

appointed Rev. Lorenzo Edwards and wife Sister Sebrina Edwards as

Pastor and First Lady of the New St. Paul Baptist Church. Rev. Edwards

was installed as pastor on Sunday, September 18, 2005. Pastor Lorenzo

Edwards has proven himself over the years to be worthy of this calling.

He is a powerful man of God who preaches by example. Rev. Edwards is

empowering the vision as he stands on the shoulders of giants who went

on before him.

This is Our Pastor & First Lady

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TTTooo OOOuuurrr PPPaaassstttooorrr’’’sss WWWiiifffeee

WWWhhheeennn wwweee ttthhhaaannnkkk GGGoooddd fffooorrr ooouuurrr pppaaassstttooorrr WWWeee mmmuuusssttt gggiiivvveee HHHiiimmm ttthhhaaannnkkksss fffooorrr tttwwwooo,,, FFFooorrr wwwhhheeennn yyyooouuurrr hhhuuusssbbbaaannnddd cccaaammmeee tttooo uuusss,,,

GGGoooddd aaalllsssooo ssseeennnttt uuusss yyyooouuu...

AAA pppaaassstttooorrr’’’sss wwwiiifffeee mmmuuusssttt bbbeee mmmaaannnyyy ttthhhiiinnngggsss,,, YYYooouuu hhhaaavvveee mmmaaannnyyy hhhaaatttsss tttooo wwweeeaaarrr;;;

AAAnnnddd wwweee sssaaayyy ttthhhaaannnkkksss fffooorrr aaallllll yyyooouuu dddooo AAAnnnddd llliiifffttt yyyooouuu uuuppp iiinnn ppprrraaayyyeeerrr...

YYYooouuurrr ppprrreeessseeennnccceee bbbllleeesssssseeesss aaallllll ooofff uuusss

WWWhhhooo kkknnnooowww yyyooouuu fffrrrooommm dddaaayyy tttooo dddaaayyy... AAAsss ooouuurrr pppaaassstttooorrr’’’sss wwwiiifffeee,,, yyyooouuu aaarrreee ssseeerrrvvviiinnnggg GGGoooddd

IIInnn aaa fffiiinnneee aaannnddd wwwooorrrttthhhyyy wwwaaayyy...

Page 4: Pastor and Wife 4th Appreciation Service

TThhaannkk yyoouu FFoorr EExxpprreessssiinngg YYoouurr LLoovvee

TTrruullyy wwee ffeeeell bblleesssseedd,, kknnoowwiinngg tthhaatt iiff iitt hhaadd nnoott bbeeeenn ffoorr tthhee LLoorrdd wwhhoo iiss oonn oouurr ssiiddee,,

wwee wwoouulldd nnoott bbee wwhheerree wwee aarree iinn tthhiiss ssppiirriitt ooff uunniittyy..

TThhaannkk yyoouu ffoorr ssaaccrriiffiicciinngg yyoouurr pprreecciioouuss ttiimmee,, jjooiinngg tthhiiss ffaammiillyy iinn eexxpprreessssiioonn ooff GGoodd’’ss BBeelloovveedd,, PPaassttoorr LLoorreennzzoo aanndd LLaaddyySSeebbrriinnaa EEddwwaarrddss..

WWoorrddss ccoouulldd nneevveerr eexxpprreessss tthhee ggrraattiittuuddee wwee ffeeeell bbyy tthhee lloovvee tthhaatt eeaacchh ooff yyoouu hhaavvee eexxpprreesssseedd.. IItt iiss tthhoouurrgghh GGoodd’’ss WWoorrdd tthhaatt wwee lleeaarrnn ttoo ggrrooww aannddlloovvee eeaacchh ootthheerr aass

bbrrootthheerrss aanndd ssiisstteerrss iinn CChhrriisstt JJeessuuss.. TTHHeeBBiibbllee ssaaiidd ““TThhaatt’’ss hhooww tthheeyy’’llll kknnooww tthhaatt wwee aarree CChhrriissttiiaannss –– bbyy oouurr lloovvee..””

MMaayy GGoodd ccoonniinnuuee ttoo ssmmiillee oonn yyoouu ccoolllleeccttiivveellyy aanndd iinnddiivviidduuaallllyy.. MMaayy ggoodd ccoonnttiiuunnee ttoo

ggiivvee yyoouu ppoowweerr ttoo lleett yyoouurr lliigghhttss ssoo sshhiinnee tthhaatt mmeenn wwiillll ggiivvee oouurr GGoodd gglloorryy aanndd tthhee ccrreeddiitt.. MMaayy GGoodd ccoonnttiinnuuee ttoo sseenndd llaabboorreerrss iinnttoo aallll ooff oouurr cchhuurrcchheess tthhaatt HHiiss hhoouussee mmaayy

hhaavvee mmeeaatt,, aanndd HHiiss hhoouussee mmaayy bbee ssaavveedd aanndd ffiilllleedd..

TTrruullllyy,, wwee tthhaannkk yyoouu ffoorr tthhee lloovvee tthhaatt yyoouu’’vvee eexxtteennddeedd ttoo oouurr ppaassttoorr aanndd 11sstt LLaaddyy.. WWhheenn tthheeyy aarree sshhoowwnn tthhiiss lloovvee,, iitt mmaakkeess oouurr hheeaarrttss rreejjooiiccee..

GGoodd BBlleessss YYoouurr HHeeaarrttss,,

SSiiss.. LLooiiss NNaattiioonnaall,, CChhaaiirrppeerrssoonn

DDeeaaccoonn HHeennrryy NNeewwttoonn,, JJrr..,, CChhaaiirrppeerrssoonn AAssssiissttaanntt AApppprreecciiaattiioonn CCoommmmiitttteeee

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Sunday, September 20, 2009 @ 4:30 PM Invited Guest Churches

Christian Fellowship M.B.C., Pastor Jock Lewis (Guest Speaker)

True Light M.B.C., Asst. Pastor Kevin McKisic

Iglesia Yo Jesus La Fuente De Vida, Pastor Maria Castillo

Community B. C., Pastor Eric C. Jones

Just As You Are Deliverance Ministries, Bishop Michael and Pastor Rochelle Nooner

AUXILIARIES: Sunday School, Pastor’s Aid, Men’s Ministry, Children & Youth

Choir Processional............................................................................................................................All Choirs

Praise and Worship.....................................................................................................................Praise Team

Entrance of Honorees: Pastor Lorenzo & Lady Sebrina Edwards Escorts: Deacon Henry Newton & Sis. Barbara Edwards (Pastor’s Mother)

Introduction of M. C...............................................................................................................Rev. Earl Wyatt

Master of Ceremony...................................................................................................Deacon Henry Newton

Welcome..................................................................................................................................Sis. Kim Newton

(A) Selection........................................................................................................................New St. Paul Choir

Response to the Welcome ......................................................................................................................Guest

Presentation of Flowers………………………………………………………………………………………Sis. Lois National & Sis. Gloria

A & B Selections....................................................................................................................True Light Choir

Tribute to Pastor Edwards……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….Rev. Earl Wyatt

A & B Selections.........................................................................Iglesia Yo Jesus La Fuente De Vida Choir

Tribute to First Lady Edwards……………………………………………………………………………………………………….Sis. Kim Newton

A & B Selections..........................................................................................................Community B. C. Choir

Words of Encouragement..........................................................................................Sis. Barbara Edwards

A & B Selections...................................................................Just As You Are Deliverance Ministries Choir


Offering ..........................................................................................................................Ministers & Deacons

Introduction of Speaker...................................................................................................Minister in Charge

A & B Selections..................................................................................................Christian Fellowship Choir

Sermon................................................................................................................................Pastor Jock Lewis


Remarks / Announcements........................................................................Sis. Lois National, Chairperson

Closing Remarks..................................................................Rev. Lorenzo L. Edwards, Sr., Pastor

Blessing of Food & Benediction.......................................................................................Pastor Jock Lewis

Refreshments Served!

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2009 Pastor & Wife Appreciation Committee Members

•Sis Lois National•Deacon Henry Newton•Sis. Kim Newton

Chair Persons

•S & E DesignsPrograms

•Deacon Henry NewtonFinancial

•Sis. Kim Newton•Sis. LaTangela Mitchell•Sis. Alma Parson

Food Served By

•Deacon Henry & Sis. Kim NewtonFlowers / Gifts

•New St. Paul MembersClean Up Committee

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Sunday, September 27, 2009 @ 4:30 PM Invited Guest Churches

Bethel M. B. C., Pastor Guy Witherspoon(Guest Speaker)

New Philippian Baptist Church, Dr. Raymond L. Santee, Sr. Pastor

Greater Mt. Calvary B. C., Dr. John Tolliver

New Testament B. C., Pastor Felton Simpson

Shiloh B.C., Dr. Ambrose J. Warren, Pastor

The Anointed Word Ministry, Dr. Milton Wynee, Pastor

Moments of Meditation M.B.C., Pastor Rickey L. Beasley

AUXILIARIES: Women’s Ministry, Usher Board, Choir, General Church

Choir Processional............................................................................................................................All Choirs

Praise and Worship.....................................................................................................................Praise Team

Entrance of Honorees: Pastor Lorenzo & Lady Sebrina Edwards Escorts: Deacon Henry & Sis. Kim Newton

Introduction of M. C....................................................................................................Deacon Henry Newton

Master of Ceremony...............................................................................................................Rev. Earl Wyatt

Welcome.......................................................................................................................Deacon Henry Newton

(A) Selection........................................................................................................................New St. Paul Choir

Response to the Welcome ......................................................................................................................Guest

Presentation of Flowers………………………………………………………………………………………Sis. Lois National & Sis. Gloria

A & B Selections............................................................................................................New Philippian Choir

Tribute to Pastor Edwards……………………………………………………………………………………………………Deacon Henry Newton

A & B Selections....................................................................................................Greater Mt. Calvary Choir

A & B Selections...........................................................................................................New Testament Choir

Tribute to First Lady Edwards……………………………………………………………………………………………………….Sis. Kim Newton

A & B Selections...................................................................................................................Shiloh B.C., Choir

A & B Selections......................................................................................The Anointed Word Ministry Choir

A & B Selections..............................................................................................Moments of Meditation Choir


Offering ..........................................................................................................................Ministers & Deacons

Introduction of Speaker...................................................................................................Minister in Charge

A & B Selections...............................................................................................................Bethel M. B. C Choir

Sermon......................................................................................................................Pastor Guy Witherspoon


Remarks / Announcements........................................................................Sis. Lois National, Chairperson

Closing Remarks..................................................................Rev. Lorenzo L. Edwards, Sr., Pastor

Blessing of Food & Benediction............................................................................Pastor Guy Witherspoon

Refreshments Served!

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(714) 542-8671


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MMaatttthheeww 2288::1199--2200

GGoo yyee tthheerree ffoorree,, aanndd tteeaacchh aallll nnaattiioonnss,, bbaappttiizziinngg tthheemm iinn tthhee nnaammee

ooff tthhee ffaatthheerr,, aanndd ooff tthhee ssoonn aanndd ooff tthhee HHoollyy GGhhoosstt:: tteeaacchhiinngg tthheemm ttoo

oobbsseerrvvee aallll tthhiinnggss wwhhaatt ssoo eevveerr II hhaavvee ccoommmmaannddeedd yyoouu;; aanndd,, II aamm

wwiitthh yyoouu aallwwaayyss,, eevveenn uunnttoo tthhee eenndd ooff tthhee wwoorrlldd.. AAmmeenn

““GGoodd BBlleessss””,, yyoouu oonn yyoouurr FFoouurrtthh yyeeaarr AApppprreecciiaattiioonn SSeerrvviiccee,,

MMrr.. && MMrrss.. LLoorreennzzoo EEddwwaarrddss

LLoovvee,, MMoomm

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Congratulations Pastor Lorenzo & Lady Sebrina Edwards

On your Fourth Anniversary in His Service.

God has many Blessings in store for you.

I love you – Your Brother, Orlando Edwards

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Congratulations Pastor Lorenzo & Lady Sebrina Edwards

Her children arise up and call her blessed; Her Husband also and he praiseth her.

God Bless You, First Lady Sebrina Edwards

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Congratulations Pastor Lorenzo &

First Lady Sebrina Edwards on your

Fourth Appreciation.

Jeremiah 29:11-14

11 For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the LORD, thoughts of

peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope. 12

Then you will call upon

Me and go and pray to Me, and I will listen to you. 13

And you will seek Me and

find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart. 14

I will be found by you, says

the LORD, and I will bring you back from your captivity; I will gather you from all

the nations and from all the places where I have driven you, says the LORD, and I

will bring you to the place from which I cause you to be carried away captive.

Deacon Henry & Sis. Kim Newton

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Pastor Lorenzo & Lady Sebrina Edwards

May the Lord our God bless

and protect you as you lead

and feed the flock of the Good


Pastor Tony & Lady Debbie Edwards

Congratulations Congratulations Pastor Lorenzo

& First Lady Sebrina Edwards

on your 4 th Appreciation

Service. May God continue to

bless you and your family

spiritually, physically, and


Your Father,

Rev. J. E. Thomas

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Pastor Lorenzo & Lady Sebrina Edwards

Reed Christian College


Seek the unsought,

Bring the unbrought,

Catch the uncaught,

Teach the untaught.

1001 East Rosecrans Blvd.

Compton, California 90221

(310) 537-9730

Dr. Jimmy Hartwell, President

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God Bless you Pastor Lorenzo & Sister Sebrina Edwards on your 4th year of Feeding the Flock.

1st Timothy 6:12-14

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God Bless you Pastor Lorenzo & Sister Sebrina Edwards on your 4th year of Feeding the Flock.

1st Timothy 6:12-14

Bishop Jimmy Hartwell

Sister Maxine Hartwell

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Congratulations Best Wishes and Congratulations on your

Fourth Anniversary, Reverend

Lorenzo and

First Lady Sebrina Edwards.

“Blessed are they which do

hunger and thirst after

righteousness: For they shall be

filled.” Matthew 5:6

Your steps are ordered by the

Lord’ s Blessings

Your Sister, Gwendolyn Lewis

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Pastor Edwards, throughout our lives

are all kinds of distractions and

temptations such as worldly cares,

wealth, and evil desires, threatening to

choke off our commitment to the Lord.

Keep pressing toward the mark for the prize of the

high calling of God in Christ Jesus.

Your Sister, App. Missionary Debra Thomas

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Miracle Cleanses

Do you have a vision of victory for your life? Do you perceive victory in your every step?

Are you living each day filled with faith and expectancy? Do something new in your life right

now! Can you not perceive it? God wants to do something new in your life today. Let go of your old

way of thinking and take hold of the new things God has for you!! Behold I am doing a new thing,

Can you not perceive it? (Isaiah 43:19).

My testimony

What you should know?

For years, I hide myself from people because I didn’t want to

be tease. Weighing 300 pounds and wearing a size 26 was

unbearable. I was unconfident, uncomfortable, and had low

self esteem; I wanted to be unnoticeable. So, I became a

bashful and shy person. I got tired of seeing myself getting

larger, eating more, and being sad. I had no energy, short of

breath, and always tired. I couldn't understand why every

diet I tried failed. I knew it was time for me to change after I

saw myself on a home video. I said to myself, “I'm tried of

being overweight”. This cleanse was my breaking point from

Fat to Fab.

I’m sharing this because I’m living proof that if it works for

me, it can work for you. I feel and look my best and I would

like to help others succeed their goals by starting off

cleansing. It takes time and motivation. It’s priceless when it comes to your health.

Part 1 What you should know about the miracle cleanse?

This is the first phase of losing weight. We should cleanse twice a year, every 6 months.

Miracle cleanses is not refer as a diet but something we could add to our daily lifestyle. The

cleanse work as a detox that purify the whole body. The cleanse help eliminate unwanted waste

such as grease(fats) and fry food(meat red /beef) that seat in our system for years. It cleanses

your lower and upper intestinal and cleans the blood for toxicities.

To get more information on this product and how to order email me at [email protected]

Calita Edwards

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Strong Feelings

There are times in our lives, When things happen and we don’t

know why Man different reasons,

but one was the true cause’ Seeing something that opens your eyes,

Can scare and amaze you both When we believe and have the Lord

in our lives, that’s when Doing good is natural instinct,

From The heavenly Father above It is this feeling that keeps us going,

And our strength comes from Him also. He is with you

whether you realize it or not. As long as we believe,

he will always guide us in the right direction.

Sister Kim Newton

Congratulations, Appreciation and Much Love is a

small way to say THANK YOU

to the both of you for all

that you are, and for all

that you do. I am happy

and Blessed to be under

your leadership, grateful

that you hung in here for

the last 4 years and even

more Hopeful that you will be here 4 + many more

years. Don’t Quit and don’t give up!! God’s best

is in store for you.

From our hearts to yours, we love you both.

~ Eve & Alexis

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From Mary and AL

To Our Pastor and First Lady:

God continue to bless the both of you, and may you

always walk hand and hand, because when you walk

hand and hand with Christ, you set an example for other

young couples, and New St Paul can only be the better

for it, as for me and my first lady who having been under

your covering and stewardship. Congratulations on this


We love and sincerely miss you both very much with the

blessing of the Lord on you.