Our Town February 27, 1926

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Transcript of Our Town February 27, 1926

  • 8/7/2019 Our Town February 27, 1926




    Narber th B. & L. S ha re s t oB e Av a i la b l e Thursday

    Night .

    HA S S P L E N D I D R E C O R D

    6700 OF, USSaid toastmaster W. R. D . H al l at

    the banquet Thursday night: "Thepopulation of Narberth is n ow 6700,according to the government figures.We have t ripled in 15 years.

    "No l on ge r is Narberth a s ta ti onon the railroad. It is large community.The t ime is not far d istant when this

    town, a nd m an y others nearby, wil lbe a part o f t he city of Philadelphia."

    U n i t y a nd D e f in i t e N o t e Missi ng i n Orches t ra




    t "s' gorn et',.V,1. . N' rhcrth Ave.3(,3 N. a "


    H u g h W. B r o w n Resigns, Du e Near ly 200 Citizens E n j o y E v e n i n g of Food, Melody, Speechesto F r ~ q u e n t ,Absence an d G o o d Fellowship. F o r d Aw a rd e d.

    From Narberth.


    That Narberth is proud of h e r s en ti ng several pleasing vaude-T H A N K E D F O R S E RV I C E firemen, and r ev el s i n her com- ville acts. Mr. Hall introduced I N C R E A S E D S U P P 0 R T

    munity spirit, was shown: T hu rs - t he celebrities present. They were:On Monday, February IS, the d ay n ig ht w he n Elm Hall held Chief Charles V. Noel, who A well-filled house gave tribute NARBERTH SCOUTS Another y ea r. h as g on e around

    Narberth N at ion al B an k hel d it s w it hi n her walls nearly 200 men, m ade a brief and 'stirring appeal to the popular i ty of the Main Line BUSY THESE DAYS and the , N : a ~ b e r t hB ui ld in g a ndannual election of officers. Mr. a lot of music and noise, and for the abolition of sh ing le roofs. Orchestra at its second concert o f Loan ASSOCIatIon has completed itsHugh W. Brown resigned as presi- numerous speeches . " Si nc e t he anti-shingle ordinance the season, in the Ardmore The- nineteenth year and is pu,blishing' itsd d I f 1 F ro m t he splashing grapefruit was shelved," h e s ai d, "w e have I S I B u d ge t C a m pa i gn a nd H on or 1 '

    ent, ue to t le pressure 0 ot ler to the drawing of the Ford t i ck et , h ad 16 fires attributable to shingle atre, as t u nd ay, u nd er t he ead- a n . n u ~report ~ n a n o t h ~ rpage ofwork which keeps him out of town no heads were seen to nod; no roofs." ership of Adolph Vogel.' C o u rt M e et i ng I nt e re st thIS Is sue. ThIS A ss oc Ia ti on w asa g re at p ar t o f t he time. A m ot ion sudden silence fell I The "i\1aritana" o ve rt ur e o f Troops . s tar ted in 1907 and has matured 18was passed and c ar ri ed b y u na ni - gathering. over t le , His assistants, Ed . "Vipf, John vVallace opened the concert, fol- series; each year two ser ies come tomous vote of the board, expressing t\ d I' 1 Miller, Tavlor Henry and Charles lo,ved b.v t ,he second movement, MINSTREL PL A N S O FF a cl ose and t he s to ck ho ld er s r e-" f l ' d . goo ga t lertng, a p.easant Young. , . I d I h d .appreCIatIOn or, t le servIce ren er- r ep as t a n d snappy enter tamment \ Perl' Red'f f t' e andan te can moto , from :Mendels- celve t le ues t ley ave pai, 111ed t he bank by Mr. Brown. Mr. f I tl J k d f tl ' r. V I er, ormer ac IV sohn's Italian Svmph,ony. plus the earnings at 8% per cent., orC ar l B. M et zg er, f or me r B urge ss I l o l o r t s l 1 t e < ~ " t l c ~ e e ; : . 0 : . ) f a t l c lgorfOuannnuaolr fir1e: lfineember

    t, il

    teau les. c 111 any. ~ The assets are now $()()3,OOO,con-I t t I f I Dr . "lbert C Ba 1 f ~ , r ' ine- and l!race and was e-iven ex- tertaimnent; meeting of patrol : 7 ~bers and abi li ty are capable of deal- -

  • 8/7/2019 Our Town February 27, 1926


    ",. :# U ft


    Ardmore, 923

    " ........"".


    We Deliver Any where

    ... :w: __ w

    At the Station

    C R A N E ' STh e Busy Drug Store

    Open F1'iday evenings, 7 unti l 9

    Do your Teeth need a more thoroughcleansing t ha n they a re receiving?Is the Cleanser too harsh, or not rigidenough? The different blends ofToothpaste will aid you in choosingthe right blend for your use.

    Ardmore Laundry Inc.

    Do no t forget we ar e convenient ly loca ted fo rth e commuter. Drop your bundle a t ou r office an dsave 10ro. Phone A r d m o ~ e92 3 today an d have ou r

    driver call.

    Service for the Individualfo r th e b us y m an o r woman, perfectly laundered an ddelivered promptly.

    Ou r Ne w American Float Rollwill relieve many a household from all-aay worry.

    L a rge r q u a rt e rs p e rf e ct l y v e nt i la t ed a n d sanit ar y w i th all modern equipment permits us to of ferth e abo ve. We invite you to i ns pe ct o u r n ew b ui ldin g j list completed and equipped a t a tremendouscost, with th e sole purpose o f r e n de r in g t o th e publicon th e M a in L i ne a b e t te r L a u n dr y Service.


    .Cricket Terrace.

    A Bank account i s p a rt ic ul a rl y valuable to th eHousekeeper.

    It saves those pe t ty annoyances so often concurren twith th e payment of your household bi l l s -makingchange, asking fo r a receipt, being sure you have th e"cash on hand."

    T he l it tl e s tu b on your c h ec k -b o ok w il l te ll y ouplainly "how m uc h" a nd " w h er e " t h e money went ;t h e n e a tl y designed check, easily filled i n a n d signed,will be a p l ea s ur e t o dispense. Payment by checkis a re l iab le, d ign i f ied m et ho d o f s et tl in g yourobl iga t ions-and a s ur e p r oo f tha t t he y h av e b ee nmet.

    'Phone 1620

    Introducing the Four Greates tLaundry Services Known




    Ii!i!_ u1 ID l m l U 11 I 1 I1 I 1I Dl 11 l 1U 1I 1I 1I 1 I1 I1 I1 I1 I1 I 111111111111111111 01 i1 U11I 1 I 1 I1 I 1 U I U l UI 1 l11111 l 111111 UU 111l J U lD l U I W I DI e 'E

    S Cricket Ave.Ardmore, Pa.

    Ardmore 183-J

    THOS. C. THOTTER, JR.,Secretary.

    VERL PUGHElectrical Contractor

    Elootrieal Repairs Rnd Appllanees

    r a r a - M ~ G i n l e10U 218 N . 1 3 t . . h S ~Phila. ~


    N A R B E RT H B. &. L . A SS N.The annual meeting of stockholders for

    election of Officers and Directors for theensuing year from nominations made at~ ' e b r u a r ymeeting. will be held Thursday,~ l a r c h-1. 19:!13. at 9 P. ~ 1 . ,at BoroughHall.

    ESTATE NOTICEESTATE OF AUGCST('S J. LOOS.D J o : C E A S I ~ D .Letters Testamcntary on the above

    Estate Ituw' been l :ran te ,1 to the undersigned. who reqllest ail persons havingClllhllS or demands against the l':state ofthe deceden t to make known tbe same.and aU persons Indebted to the decedentto make payment. without delay. to

    PAUL It. LaOS,15 Sltirley roa,!. XarlJerth, Pa.

    l\IAUIOK M, LOOS DOTHAHD.417 H:n'erford avenue. NarlJerth, Pa.

    Or tlteir attorneys,GILl .. GL'CKES & SHRADER.

    1919 PlIckard Building,Philadelphia, Pa.

    I N ' l' HE ORPHANS' COURT OF ;,\IONT-~ o m e n 'Countv Pennsylvania-Estate of

    Harry Y. Messec,'Deceascd. o:SUce Is bereb ~ 'given that Florence 1\1. l\lessec, widow ofsaid dece,lcnt. has filed in suid Court herpetition for her widow's e:temptlon underthe provisions of the Fiduciaries Act of11l17, c1l1lming cash nmounting to $(;00 outof snid estut". and that the same will benpproved by the Court on Wednesduy. ;,\larchluth. 1926. at 10 o'clock A. )[.. unless exceptions thNeto be filed bcfore tba tUm.

    J. STROUD WImER,.aUorny for Petitioner.

    LOST-Diamond bal' p.in in vicinity ofCottl'r'" markl"t. Liberal reward if reotlll'nell to II:! \ Y ~ l l I H l a l eIIn'nue.

    At:TO REPAIRING-Honest work Iind f:dt p r i c e ~ .l-1url H. Mpcke. auto re'lpair ~ h O I ) ,rNtl II I Ionn t l \ 'PIII lC. Phone:-'::u'bpl'rh ( i ~ 7 . 1&


    . _ . - - ~~ ~ ~....~ ~ ~ ~ ~.....~ ~ - - _.~ t ~ ~ ~ ~ I ~ ~c ~ ~ ! E ~ ! i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ l ~a ,, P H O N E , O V E BB B O OK ~ A nr.ta it

    word. T h r e ~inaertiona .for the pri?e o.f.two. Claaslfied advertJac11lents wl.l l be !A Ireceived bV telephone from sllb.aCriberS I' SAl..I0N DE BEAUTE

    GET PAY EVERY DAY-Distribute 't150 n e c e s s a r ~ 'products to estllJblished 63rd & City Line , Overbrook , Pa , tusers. E ~ t r a c t s ,soaps, food products, etc. tWorld's largest company will back you SPECIALISTS IN SCALP twith surprising plan. \Vrite Dept. K-6. t AND FACIAL MASSAGE t231 Johnson avenue, Newark, ~ . J.

    (2-27-26) t French Marcelling. Hairdressing and All It s Branches. IFOR REST-Threeroom nml bath - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -ltI1artml'nr. for man and wife. unfurnished. IIII1I11Ul J JW.EWl _omn_UII1IIIUl nlI01IDIDlmUIDIIIIIIUlIIIIIIIIIIIIJ 1U1lII Ul UIIUIIIUIDIIIIIIIIDJIIIIIUIIUlUlIII_l1I1I1IIIIIIwllililm, " e -

    ~ I n n o r l , r , 0 : t d ,"-rnnewood. Phone " t ~ d 'I .I\torl" .... !1l

    WAN'f TO BE NOTICED-Haver:nmics :tud initinlt; drllwn on slic\'ers.G"rdnel' Crowell, 626 ~ l o l l t g o m l " r ~ 'aveHue. Xarbl'rth.





    Saturday, February 27, 1926.

    Read the advertisements.

    Narberth 1683-W RepamDgIF IT'S ANYTHING IN


    Principal George H. Wilson andDr. LeRoy A. King have returnedf ro m t he m ee ti ng of the Nat ionalB oa rd o f Education, recently heldin Washington.

    . Senator Fletcher W. Sti tes hasbeen ill at hi s h om e on Haverfordavenue during the past week.

    :l\Iiss Grace Elizabeth Houston,w ho g ra du at e d f ro m Lower Merion last ye ar, is a me mber of theGl ee C lu b a t t he C on ne ct ic ut C ollege for \\Tomen, at New ;London,Conn. This club has given seyeralpublic performances in the interestof a $5 00 ,0 00 e nd ow me nt d ri ve .In December the Glee Club broadc as te d f ro m Hartford, a nd' t hi smonth i t wil l appear in Waterbury,Bridgeport, New Haven, Stamfordand Greenwich, Conn., and also inWesterly, R. 1.

    Mr. and rl1rs. E. W. Fehr, of 210Essex 'avenue, entertained at bridgeon Saturday e \' en in g i n h on or ofJ\olrs. Robert Tabor, of \Vorcester,Mass. The Fehrs have been entertaining extensively since moving intotheir new home. .

    Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Crane, of 524Essex avenue. spent the past weekend in New York.

    j\liss E. M. Posey, of the Windsor-Essex, enterta ined at dinner onTuesday in honor of Mr. and Mrs.J . 1.. l \I cC re ry. M rs . M cC re ry, befo re h er m ar ri ag e l as t Saturday,was l \I iss Marjorie Needs, of Colwyn, Pa, Seventy-five covers werel ai d in t he d in in g r oo m w hi ch w asatt rac ti ve ly de cora te d with c utflowers, fems and palms. Theguests marched in to the room tothe tune of "Here Comes t heBri de," r end ere d b v 1111. RalphBishop. .

    Mrs. R obe rt T ab or , o f Worcester, Mass., has been visiting herew it h h er p ar en ts , Mr. and Mrs.

    George P ry or , o f the Windsor-Essex.

    Mr. H. C. Keim, of 202 Dudleyavenue, has gone on a business tripto Lancaster, Pa,

    Entered ss second'class matter, Octobertilth. 1914. at tbe Post Offtce at Narberth.Pennsylvania. under the act 'o f )I.reh I,1879.

    The Women 's Fore ign Missionary Society of the Methodis t Episcopal Church wil l meet at the homeof Mrs. IVIusser M. Moore, 325Grayling avenue, at 2.30 o'clock onMonday afternoon, March I.


    While about 120 0 l et te rs w er e'sent through the m a i l ~ ,with upward FEBRUARY BOOK LISTof 100 returned, the members of . . .

    Philjp Atlee Livingston the Fathers' Association and also I In addltton to the. book.s ltsted be-E d it o r G M P u b " ' ' ' I h C L b I]. Richmond Magney the t roop commit tee feel ve ry muc h ow t e ommu!1 1ty 1 rary 1 ~ S

    A.. ocMe. 61f4for encouraged. This i s part icular ly!also purchased thIs mo.nth 'about :J?SUBSCRIPTION PRIClll. en . DoUu .. . true because of the many fine ex-' volumes of poetry, fictIon and va.n-

    Fift)' Cents per :rear In a4TUGe pressions of opinion c o n c e r n i n ~t he ous s t ~ n d a r dwor. ks that are 111w or k w hi ch h av e a cc om pa ni ed t he ~ l u d e d111 the reqmred ~ c h o o lf(:adcontributions. As the work is go- mg of t he b oy s and gIrls of Naring on and t he i mpr ov em en t be rt h. '-';'hese l at te r books \ ;'ereplans ful ly out l ined so as to be able bought w l ~ hthe funds th3;t !emallledto s ta rt o n them as soon as the from t!1e bbrary appropnatlOn madespring weather permits, it i s hoped s o ~ et Ime ago bythe Board of Edu-that those who contemplate assist- catIOn. .ing "the boys" will not delay mak- Th e new books add.ed to t he b-inguse of the return envelope which b ra r y f or general readmg follow:accompanied the original le tter. NONFICTION

    There wi ll be a me et ing of the "Choosi ng You l' Li fe Work,"Fathers' Association in The Scout IRosengarten. Designed to assistC ab in o n March 3, at w hi ch t he t he i nd iv id ua l "to a na ly ze h is o wnt ro op c om mi tt ee and the Scout capacities, a p t i t ~ d e sand i.nterests.masters wil l be present . A complete Icompare them With the reqUIrementsr ep or t w il l t he n be made by Secre- of representat ive occupat ions alldt ar y E . K. Monnington, J 1'., on the pl an his c are er accordi ngly." .financial standing of the local Scout "Doctor Looks . a t B io gr ap hy."organization. Dr. Joseph Collins. A key to the

    K ee n i nt er es t w as d is pl ay ed by interpretat!on of m o d ~ r . nsocie.ty.a ll t he b oy s i n t he d is ti nc ti on c on - An. ~ n a l y s l so f t he . ~ a m t l e sand 111ferred on Narberth b y h ol di ng t he s am tt es of the hour.

    . . Court o f H on or for Delaware and "Handy Book of Literary Curi-l\IIS.S Anna M ~ K e a g ,p r e s l d ~ n ~of M on tg om er y c ou nt ie s i n t he Nar- osities," vValsh. O dd s a n d ends of

    !he. Narberth LIbra ry ASSOCIation, b er th N at io na l B an k b ui ld in g l as t p oe tr y a nd prose, mostly unusualIS III at her h om e o n D ud le y a ve - e ve ni ng . C !l rl B . M et zg er, b ei ng t he or "curious." t ak en f ro m w ri ti ng snue. llocal representative serving on The of various k in ds a nd compiled' in

    Court, extended to t he other mem- one volume.1Iiss J. Adeline Bawden, of bel'S a hearty welcome and express- "Heroes and Heroines of Fiction"

    G ou ch er C ol le ge , B al ti mo re , M d. , e d t o ~ h e mt ~ egratitude of the bor- , ~ M o d e r nProse a ~ dPoetry) . a n ~spent t he p as t w ee k- en d w it h her ough 111 havll1g the work done here. H er oe s a nd Rer0111es of FictIOnparents, Mr. a nd M rs . A. J. Baw- Ab?ut .20 b oy s t oo k t he v ar io us ( Cl as si ca l and Mediaeval Legend-den, of No. I Woo ds id e a ve nue . e xa mm at lo ns and tests. The StlC- ary), vValsh. These two books are

    cesSfully passing of a t es t e nt it le s of famous characters and famousthe Scout to display on his uniform n am es i n n ove ls , r om an ce s, p oe ms

    Mrs . P. J. Newmaker, o f D ud - a m er it b ad ge i nd ic at in g t he s co pe and drama . .~ Va { e n ~ e ,is~ p c d i n gt he we ek i n of t he s pe ci al t est t ak en. T he re " Un iv ers al Atlas," \Vanamaker,

    as 1ll1g on, . . a re separate badges indicating mas- \ ' l i th new maps and census figures- - - tery of each subject. of all countries and c it ies . 19 25.

    A l un ch eo n w as g iv en on Thurs-I Of t ho se w ho w er e e xa mi ne d, "\Vorld Almanac." New Yorkday, February 2.5, at the Chat ter- five were members of the two local \ Vo rl d. T he 1 9 ~ 6e d i t i o ~ lof thisb ox Tea Room 111 Bryn Mawr, by troops. They were Eugene Lane, handy book of II1formatlOn on aMrs .. Edward Lyndal l Smith, of Robert Caldwell, R ob er t H ar ri s. w id e variety of subjects.Menon avenue, in honor of Mrs. Henry Shenneman and Edward FICTIONJ . B. Di ve n, of 208 Grayl ing ave- Smith. E ac h o f these boys took at "Democracy," Henry Adams. Anue. The g ue st s w er e t he of fi ce rs l ea st t wo s ub je ct s, and some of new edition of th is novel which waso ~ the Missionary Society of t he t he m as h ig h a s five, w hi ch i s c on - f ir st p ub li sh ed a no ny mo us ly. It isNarberth P re sb yt er ia n C h u l' C h. s id er ed a r ec or d for any Court of entertainin

  • 8/7/2019 Our Town February 27, 1926


    PAG E F I VE



    Holy Trinity Lutheran ChurchM. E. McLinn, Pastor.

    Sunday Services, February ~ ~ 8 :9.45 A. M.-Sunday School and Bi

    ble Classes.11 A. M.-Morning Service . Ser

    mon. "Our Lives over Others."6.45 and 7 P. M.-Luther Leagues.

    Very interesting meetings.7.45 P. M.-Evening Service. Ser

    mon, " Ot he r Sheep to Ga th er In .' 'yOU ARE WELCOME.

    Every Wednesday evening there willbe held, instead of the usual PrayerMeeting, a helpful Lenten service withan explanatory talk by the Pastor.C om e a nd worship.

    On next Friday evening there wil l bea choir practice.

    Very interesting services w er e h el din the Lutheran Church on las t Sunday .. Dr. S. D. Daugherty, of Philadelphia, preached a mightily moving

    sermon in the morning on "PersonalEvangelism."In the evening a sermon was given

    by t he P as to r on "Doing, Sharing,Sacrificing."

    The attendance is improving.

    Baptist Church of the Evangel.Robert E. Keighton, Minister.

    Services for February 28:9.45 A. M.-Church School.11 A. M.-Morning Worship. Ser

    mon, "Spiritual Alchemy." In the balloting for the three sermons preachedin 1925 to be repeated during thismonth, "Spiritual Alchemy" was firstby an unusual margin of votes. It willbe remembered as the sermon preachedby the Pastor at the Union Serviceslast July on the lawn "of the MethodistChurch.

    7 P. M.-Young People's Service.7.45 P. M.-Evening Worship. Ser

    mon. "Queer Judson." This w ill b ein the nature of a bookreview. Ofspecial interest is the fact that we expectto have Mr. Joseph C. Lincoln, theauthor, worship with us.

    Wednesday, March 3:8 P. M.-Prayer Service. Topic,

    "The Fi rs t Wo rd from the Cross."This is the first of our Lenten meditat ions . The First Word offers a s tudyin Forgiveness that we would d o w el lto learn.

    Friday, March 5:4.30 P. M.-Class in Church Mem

    bership. "

    NEWS OF THE CHURCHESFirst Church of Christ, Scientist.

    Women's Club Building, Ardmoreavenue, Ardmore, Pa.

    Sunday services, 11 A. M.Wednesday evening tes timonial

    meeting, 8 o'clock.Reading room, No. 19 West Lan

    caster avenue, open each weekday, 10.30to 4.30 P. M.

    The subject of the Bible lesson serm on f or February 28 is "Christ Jesus."

    All Saints Church, Wynnewood, Pa.Rector-Rev. Gibson Bell

    Asst. Rector-Rev. Francis A. Gray.Sunday Services:8 A. M.-Holy Communion.10 A. M.-Church School.11 A. M.-Morning Prayer and Ser

    mon by the Rector. Music-"Judge

    Me 0 God," Mendelsoshn, and "Benedicite in F," Stowkovsky."7.30 P. 1:I.-Evening Prayer and

    Sermon b y Rev. Francis A. Gray.During Lent there will be services

    on Wednesday evening at 8 P. M.,conducted by the Rector. Anthem"Jesu, Priceless Treasure," Robertsand "Magnificat in B-f1at," Stanford.

    The Presbyterian ChurchRe\. Tohn Van Ness, M. A., Minister.

    Meetings for February 28:9.30 A. 1L-Bible School . A wel

    come for all.11 A. M.-Morning Worship. Ser

    mon Theme: "The Choice of Life."11 A. M.-Junior Church. directed

    bv Mrs. A. S. Digby.-4 P. M.-ComlUunicant's Class. For

    all young people desiring to unite withthe church.

    6.45 P. 1L-Senior Endeavor Societymeeting. The address will be made byM r. Van Ness.

    7 P. M.-Intermediate Endeavor So-ciety meeting.

    7.45 P. M.-Evening Worship. Sermon on "Life's Great Visions."

    Meetings For The Coming WeekMonday Evening. Teachers' Bible

    Class conducted by M iss Harrison.A stt{dy of the lesson for the f?lIow

    ing Sunday. Open to the publ tc .Wednesday. 2.30 P. M. Annualmeeting of the 'Nomen's MissionarySociety with election of officers. Aaimportant meeting for all the womenof the congregation.

    Wednesday E\ening. Prayer Meeting. An address w il be m ad e by R ~ v .\VilIialU D. Ferguson. Ph. D . on ChrISt ian work among the youth of Ken-t u c k y. . .

    Friday Evenmg. Monthly meetll1g ofthe Church Session.



    st . Mary's Laund1'y offers se1'vices tofit every family's budget-all ironedservices, partially i1'oned se1'vicesservices in which the clothes a1'e ret ur ne d damp to be i1'oned a t home.

    You have all these to choose bom.

    A few years ago the laundry was exclusively a shirt an d collar bus iness - todaySt. Mary's LalDldry no t only cares f or t heentire bundle, bu t it cares f or it in exactlyt he w ay t h e p at ro n desires.





    To m ak e l aun dr y service accessible t o e ve ryfamily St. Mary's Laundry has spent large sumso f m on ey i n t he b es t o f equipment.

    Because of "the wide variety of services St.Mary's Laundry has become the Wash DayServant of hundreds of Main Line families.

    Hundreds of homes are relieved of family washing cares each w e e k - a day's time saved foreach home-many years of leisure, y ou t h a n dhealth are given to t h e w o me n along the MainLine.

    Winifrede Coal

    Bala-Cynwyd, Pa .

    Pocahontas Coal

    In" .nu t sizes


    Jos . M. Cranston


    'Phone>: Cyn-wyd 700

    in lump and stove sizes

    for furnaces-

    Until the price of

    anthracite coal becomes

    normal, we recommend

    t he N ew Yea r com es around again.Methodist Episcopal Church. But the Bui lding and Loan idea is

    Rev. W. Sheridan Dawson, Minister. not f o q ~ o t t e n ;you realize that everySunday, Februaq' 28: month vou nw."t" pu t a c er ta in sum9.45 A. M .- Bt bl e School. Hon .. , ," 'I . A . . , dFletcher \V. Stites, Superintendent. ,- ~ t . .t.1e ssocI. atl oI. a n you. s oo n11 A. M.-Morning \Vorship. Ssfr- consider that m place of s av mg s o

    mon Theme: "Personal ~ p . : . r r e l i s m . "much money each month, it is aA n t l ~ e m :"Make a J ~ f : " U 1 N o i ~ e , "~ y debt that comes due m r ~ J YandPetrie. T e n ~ rand ass duet: In t e y ou m us t f ind the mane .! l)aV itCross of Chris t Glory," by H o w e . . .J

    3 P. M.- Probationers' Class or you WIll have. to p a ~a small fine.will mt' ' or for instruction. T he n a f te r paYing thiS debt for a

    6, ,tus," ' by ' Gounod; Contralto solo, or 20 0 o.r every s are 0 stoc you"Gloria" by Buzzi-Peccia, and A n t h e ~have carned-then-then, t he on ly"Till tile N i g h ~is O ' e r , " ~by. Wilson. way to express i t - O h Boy Ain' t It

    T he Women s F ?r el gn MISSIonary a Grand and Glorious Feeling! "S o c i ~ t ywill hold their regular monthlly If at some t ime after vou "havemeetmg on Monday, March 1, at t Ie . . .Jhome of Mrs. Musser Moore, No. 325 been paymg 111 on y ou r s ha re s f orGrayling avenue. at 2.30 P. ~ L a y ea r or two and suddenly a neces-

    The Sunday SC!lool B o a r ~WIll meet sity arises that you must have someon Tuesday evenmg at 8 0 clock. r I l ' I r ,I ' -IPrayer and Praise Service on Wed- m an e) anc yo u c an. t ,no\\ \\ lie 1nesday at 8 P. M. wa y to t ur n, you t hm k a bo ut yonI'

    Choir rehearsal on Thursday e\'e- Building and Loan shares and won-niiTIg. Ch h f G d F 11 1 'p llas d er i f y ou w on 't ha ve t o w it hd ra whe urc 0 00 e ows 11 . , d ta w el co me f or y ou at all services. from the ASSOCiatIOn 111 or e r t o g e

    " ) : E l : 9 : l ~ a : e : : e : a : : e : a : : e : a C 8 : l : a : l P l : i a : e : a : e : : e : e : : e : a : a : e l : a : l l : a : l ~ a : e : : e : a : : e : e : : e :this 111oney. The sec I' etary then te 115. S g y ou t ha t y ou c an m ak e a s to ck l oa n

    Ii! and obtain the money you mustha ve p ut ti ng u p y ou r s to ck a s collater;ti on your no te a nd p ay in g i nterest at 6 per cent., while at thes am e t im e you are receiving over8% per cent. interes t.

    T h e r ep o rt shows J 1.% 3 s h ar e sin f or ce , 0268 are in the longterm and 26!l5 are in t he s ho rtt e rm, making $14,658 paid monthly in dues. Some 0 f our stockh ol de r s h av e one share a nd p ay$] each month, others h av e v ar io u s a m ou n ts up t o h un dr ed s ofdollars each month. and thesmall stockholder is welcomed asw el l a s the large one, as we knowg that each one will c ar rv j us t asmuch as he possibly cai l .

    Annual r epor t s a re being mailedt o t he s to ck ho ld er s and also anappl i ca t ion b lank fo r new sharesin the series which opens onThursday evening, March 4 atElm Ha n in Narberth from '(until 9. It is not necessary t o u sethe subscription blank, just dropa line t o t he N ar be rt h Buildingand Loan Association, Narberth,Pa . , enc los ing your c he c k f or thenumber o f s ha re s w a nt ed , a d di ng25 cents a share for th e entrancefee and g ive the name and addressof the ' on e y ou want the bookmade ou t to. T he n e ac h m on thsend by mail a check for th e

  • 8/7/2019 Our Town February 27, 1926


    @ u RTo W N -AGE SI X

    22 Ardmore Ave. Ardmore, Pa.

    GEO. W. BOTTOMSC o n ~ r a c l o r~ , B u i l d e r


    NeW or Used AU Hakee Repa i r edSEWING MACHINES

    (Phone-Merion 14118-11:1)

    . LOUIS T. SCHOCH107 ~ e n i l w o r t hRoad, Narberth


    Residence, Station,Narbe rt h 1731 Narbe rth 1713W

    Baggage Called for and Delivered108 CONWAY AVENUE NABBE:&TB

    For PermanentSalis/action

    B U Y A


    Built HomeWM. D. & B. T. SMEDLEY



    Wayne 47ry n Mawr 327

    See a Demonstration at the Gas Office

    Hot Water ConvenienceMakes Housework Interesting

    It is so easy to k ee p t he h ou se spotlesswhen you ca n always obtain ho t water instantly without attending to a coal fire.

    An Automat ic S to rage Gas Water Hea tersupplies this invaluable service.

    It is placed i n t he c el la r an d o p e ~ t e sautomatically, switching on t h e m ai n burneronly when the call comes fo r more hot water.

    The price is s o low and the terms are soeasy that you canno ta ffo rd to be without this 'convenience.

    $7.50 J;>own and $7.50 a Month'Pho'ne today 101' a Representative

    No Obligation




    I I,,',IJ


    Subscribe to Our Town

    WELSBACB" H o r Z O N E "

    Starage Gas WaterHeater

    Prices Oonnected$00.00



    21:> Haverlorcl Ave.

    Phone Narberth 672

    Walter Roser

    National Bank BrliIdingNARBERTH 2287

    HARRY: B. WALLPlumbing, Gas Fitting

    and Heating. NARBERTH, P A.


    Phones: Narberth 661-J or 1612-W




    Estimates Cheerfully GivenPlans and Estimates Furnished

    for Repair and Construction


    211 H a Ter ford ATe.

    Narberth Taxi Cab Co.





    Large L is t o f MaIn Une HomesFundlJ for 1st and 2d Mortgages

    B. & L. AssocIation MoneyQuIck Settlements

    HURWITZ & THOMAS2119 North 63rd St., below Overbrook

    Station. Overbrook 2405.

    local o r o ut of toWDQuick and Efficient Service

    P. J. DUF}'Y335 Dudley Avenue

    Phone . Narbe r th 1817 ....

    YEARLY REPORT... I . " " " ' - " ,

    f 'h".. rt eNarberth Building and Loan Association


    $903,918.91- - - - -


    Dues Paid in Monthly by Stockholders $711,363.00Dues Paid in Advance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 724.50Interest Paid in Advance. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62.18Money Borrowed from Banks to Loan on M ~ r t g a g e s. . . 14,100.00Interest Accrued on Above Bank Loans. . . . . . . . . . . . . 136.24Cancelled StQCk 94.25Reserve F und . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 717.30Net Gain " 176,721.46,833.38







    ASSETSLoans Secured by First Mortgages on Homes of Stock.

    holders $409,800.00Loans Secured by Second Mortgages on Homes of Stock.

    holders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . " 390,900.00Loans Secured by B. & L. Stock Held as Collateral . . .. 95,205.00Due from Stockholders in Arrears:

    Account Dues .Account Interest .Ac.ocunt Fines : .Account Premiums .Account Entrance Fees .

    Cash in Bank


    DIRECTORSHoward C. FritschEdwin P. DoldCarl B. MetzgerWm. S. HowardJohn S. KetChamDaniel Leitch

    Edward C. Griswold

    Wm. D. SmedleyThos. C. Trotter, Jr.C. Howard McCarterWm. B. KraftA. P. RediferChas. S. Powell


    WM. D. SMEDLEY President

    WM. B. KRAFT Vice President

    c. HOWARD McCARTER TreasurerTHOS. C. T R O T I E R ~ 'JR. Secretary

    FLETCHER W. STITFS . . . . . . . . . . . Solicitor