Our Town May 8, 1926

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Transcript of Our Town May 8, 1926

  • 8/7/2019 Our Town May 8, 1926


    f or l ib ra ry servi ce in the name ofthe library staff, in the name of theLibraryAssociation and in the nameof the whole community of Narberth."

    Many representatives of the threeorganizations were in attendance, including a large group of Girl Scoutsin uniform.,

    At the conclusion of the ceremonythe ent ire bui lding was open for inspect ion, and each of the organizat ions held informal receptions atwhich lig ht r ef res hmen ts we reserved.

    Everyone who attended the celebration was del ighted with the newbu ildin g a na t her e was a g en er alfeeling that Narberth had acquiredanother very fine community institution.

    The library, occupying the centrewing, was f u r ~ l i s h e dcompletely withthe new shelv111g, tables, oesks, etc.,made possible by generous contributions received from interested citizens. All the books had beenmoved fr om t he old q ua rte rs th eday before and arranged in the newshelves , making a very impressiveand pleasing sight. The library wasop en for " bu sin es s" f or the firstt ime th is pas t Monday a ft ernoon .

    Travel f rom Hand to Hand, Final ly Del ivered toLibrary, Girl Scouts an d Legion.



    Grand Jury Will Sit a Week KeysBefore Regular Trials

    Next Month


    Hospital Campaign Plans NearingCompletion-Final Steps Under Way

    Narberth, Pa., Saturday, May 8, 1926


    Commander Charles H. Shaw,

    U. S, N., spent las t week-end withhis family. He is on the destroyer,Sharkey and has charge of the riflepractice of officers and men on therifle range at Annapolis, Md.

    Mr. and Mrs. Harvey B. Austin,of Essex avenue, are receivingcongratulations on t he b ir t h of ason, Harvey B. Aust in, J r.

    Vol. XI, Number 31


    Such Is the Goal of LutheranLadies' Aid, Seeking



    This \Yeek marked the beginning to be sought unt il the opening of theof th e act iv e o rgan iz at ion o f the cam pa ign in June," said lvII', Rea,force of m ore than 600 res id en ts "There is to be no ind is cr im inat e

    canvassing, no house-to-house solof the 1\Iain Line and adjacent ter- ici ta tion, and in order that resident" Favored by as beautiful a May

    COMMISSIONS r itory ",ho ",i ll carryon the cam- may not be approached more than 17 FROM HERE CHOSEN Day as ever came over the horizon,paign to r ai se $ 1,000 ,000 to bui ld once , t he execu ti ve commi tt ee has II C 't B 'ld' 1. and equip an addition to the Bryn le new ommUl11 y t1l m g - t le

    .Resolved to secure.a s.ubscnjJ-1 Mawr Hospital. decided that no benefits, bazaars: Jurors for t he J un e term o f t he new. h o m ~of the N a r b ~ r t hCom-

    bridge parties, teas or any other slm C mumty LIbrary' the GIrl Scoutst lon f rom eve ry h om e 111 ~ arberth, I The e xecu ti ve com mi tt ee . com- i la r i nd ir ec t mea ns of obtaining ounty C r ! m i l ~ a lC o u ~ twere a nd , th e A m e ~ i c a nL e g i o n - w a ~and thereby to e ar n f unds for t he ir poscd of citizens of the hospi ta l dis- funds shall be employed. Subscrip' drawn at l '_ornstown thIs \ V e ~ kformally dedicated and opened tonew church, the Ladies' Aid of the t ri ct , met l as t n ight at the :Merion t ions wil l be obtained only through Sevent.een trom Lowe r M enon the public las t Saturday afternoon.Holy T ri ni ty L ut he ra n C hu rc h Clicket Club at .Ha ve rfor d a nd per sona l i nt er vi ews by authorized and 1\ arberth were s elec ted tc The ceremonies were held 011 thet hi s week b egan a c anvass of the ~ l a n sof the c a m p ~ l g n w e r ~adopted, members of the campaign. ser,:,e on the qrand .Jury and on s teps , t he wa lks a nd open spa ce in

    _ " Samuel Rea, Chatrll1an ot t he ex - PetIt Jury whIch WIll s er ve t he f ro nt o f the bui lding and were at-homes of the BorouO"h lor Our . "Instead of an emotional plea for k f JJ b ecutlve committee, nresided. w,ee - a une 7. tended by a goodly number of CItl-

    T " 'f charitv," :Mr. Rea continued, "theown. Robert E. Strawbridge, it was One w oman represents tIle zens.workers will appeal to the reason ofThe campaign is headed by ~ I t - s .stated, had accepted the chairman- h I I 1 tl I . t ownship on t he G ra nd J u ry. On :' . C. Slland, rept'eselltl'llg the1 f t e peop e anc SlOW lem t lat m C1.

    J. C. Van Newki rk and : ' lr s , I d a s lip a tl?e memorial committee , providing the $1,000,000 needed, the other jt1ry t he re a re t en men trustees of the late Y. M. C. A.,M . Chambley' . T he y' are a ided Horace B mney H ar e, o f Radnor, 1\"" L' 'd '11 b .. a nd s ix women from t h is d i st r ic t s po ke first, a nd to ld how the sale

    was a nn ou nc ed a s c om ma nd er of IJ.am me resl ents WI e g l v m g , , , t bl' h d f th ld Y M C A b 'ld'b y over a d oz en o th er m em be rs B e n' n 1 I P l' d l\/r TI n ot to the hospital, b ut to them- ."\. n ew s ys em, esta IS e r e 0 eo . . r. . . U1 mghadf I A T ' 'y al c ao I, an .1.1'. lOmas selves. The new hospi ta l wil l be cently by decree of Judge Knight: provided the money which paid foro t le UXI tary. E t Io r ts a r e h em g INewhall, of I than , a s c ommander m erel y t heagen cy by w hich the sub - wi ll be pu t in operation with thif the construction of the new buildirig.concent rat ed on tl.1e securing of of the district includine- Radnor and . . f h bl' li"t of J urors. The Grand Jury' He spoke of tIle many l'll1pt'ove-

    b . . 1 1 \ ~ T v scnptlOns 0 t. e pu IC are trans-new su scnptlOns. J ut r en ew a s '\ a)'ne. lated into hospital service for the for the first time will meet one men ts and developments that hadfrom present subscr ibe r s a re also "NT b . t' t tl " d f I I d . " week prior to regtl1ar J'Ut'y trlal

  • 8/7/2019 Our Town May 8, 1926







    C L O T H E S

    U E A D Y. l\IADE


    '1'0 o n D E R UBAL


    n E i ' A I ROFFIOFJ






    243 Haverford Avenue, Narberth

    Fun For The KiddiesA SANDBOX


    ' ~ M B ! ; : ; ~ : ~ ~Narberth 375

    We solicit t he o pp or tu ni ty t o s er ve y o u e it he r

    in t he sale o f y ou r property or in offer ing a

    home for your inspection.

    Spring activity in M a in L i ne real es tate is eVI

    dertced by the increased number of listings we

    have in this section.

    Butter Cream Sponge Cake Ib. 50c

    Delicious New England Pie , '" 25c

    Strawberry Tarts , each 9c; 3 for 25c

    Broadway and Danish Butter Cake .lb. 60c

    We Specialize in Different K in d s o f HealthBl'ead at 12 and 11,. Cents a Loaf


    For the Kiddies' out-of-door playtime, nothingcould give better surety of their safety and enjoyment than one o f t h e sandboxes we ar e selling.

    They are s tr on g a nd wel l-bui lt , with legs toraise them from the ground, anda ledge all around onwhich the little folks may sit. Each box is 4 feetsquare, and priced at $10.00. A canvas cover to fitis $2.25.

    White seashore sand is $1.00 a bag.








    LADIES '




    I UU l U I 1 I U I _ I 1I m I1 I J I U I U um _m nl U DI U lU Im nn I 1 l1 l J I J JJ 1l JJ ml 8I 11 1l 11 11 11 11 1U l nm mu l 1 11 1! 11 81 I1 11 11 1w l Oi 8i DD I "

    l ' l I J m D 1 I l l ' l 1 1 ! ! l ! l l l l D J D l l l 1 l D m I U m n I i I i U l I I I U I I I I U I I ~ m I U _ n n I U D D l m m m l l m m I J ! D m l l m U J I U l l l

    10 4 Far res t Avenue



    Wedding G1Tts in Silver

    The Gift Shop of Nal'berth

    D oe sn' t t ha t c la mm y b ru shs end t he s hiv er s d ow n yo urs pine of a m or ni ng? Don'tyou hate to come home in theevening all set for a bath,f ind there ' s no hot water,monkey with that old heater,then wait a nd wa it for hotwater?Let us show you the Pittsburg Lion Storage WaterHeater. It is one of theeighteen different PittsburgWater Heaters-one of whichwas designed to &ive youhot water AT TH E CHEAPEST POSSIBLE RATEPE R GALLON.Easy terms buy your Pi tt sburg. If y ou c an 't c om e in,write; we will send completedetails.

    offers m an y n ew c re at io nsa n d s u g ge s t io n s f or G ra du ations. \ Vc d di ng s a nd e ac h a n devery occasion.


    P i ~Water Beaters

    Do yo u LIKE t o s ha vein COLD WATER?

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ .

    Worn-Brassy Parts of Your Car withPure Silver. Reflectors, Lamps.

    Radiator Shell

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    . - " _ . ~ - , . , - , - - - - - - _ . , - - - -: N. R. PEACOCK: Int eri or and Exterior Painting: \ \ " l i , [ . H E G LA D TO ESTIMATE, 40 7 Essex Avenue: ] ' h o n e . Nnrberth 21\31

    ~ . , - - - - - , - - - - - - _ . _ - - - , - - - -:

    O UR T O WN



    GARAGE-Por r en t. N Ul 'b ert h an dMerion Il\enues. Phone Nl1l'berth 1654-"'.

    FOR SALE-Ice box, i v o l ' ~ 'couch,i v o r ~ 'i n fun t' s c rib, " 'p Iny pen, " w l l l l d n ~chnir. high chuir, b a b ~ 'scales, smull COllI

    r nn ge a nd s nx llp ho ne , l ik e n ew. P ho ll l'i'lllrlmth 1781.

    HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE-ForRille. 114 Elmwood avenue. Phone Narbelthl::!57 -,,1.

    ROOMS-Cheery rooms jn privatef n m i l ~ .convenient to stntion. Phone Nul 'berth ::!261.

    NARBERTH SPEAKERDr, E. S. Deubler, of Narberth,

    addressecl a dairyman's banquet atState CoIlege as one of t h e f eatu re "of the fou rth annua l clairy exposition. Dr. De ub l e r, who is managelof Pennh tl r s t Farm, was also judgfof the dairy cattle contest.

    IN MARYL.AND1\11'. a nd M r s. H or a ce R. Hillegas

    a nd d au gh te rGladys

    sp ent thfweek-end at t he ir f ar m in Maryland.

    APRIl, 1926 . ,A R R A ~ G E ~ l E X TOF ~ I J I . l i :A C C O H D I ~ l .TO- SASITARY GHADE



    OBSERVE CLEANUP WEEKInnumerable a tt i cs , c el Ia rs a n d

    backyards were overhauled herethis w eek in t he a nn ua l springclean-up campaign. Th e townshipco-operated with housewives int he w ork a nd detailed trucks tohaul away waste a n d r u bb i sh freeof charge. Tw o more days, tod ay a nd t omor row, remain of the

    Clean-Up Week decreed by theLower Mer ion Commission .

    PHILIP ATLEE LI\ 'INGSTOI(Editor alld publisher

    THOMAS A. ELLWOODBl/sllle88 Mal/ager


    Montgomery County to BeRepresented.

    B us se s a nd automobiles fromPhiladelphia an d automobiles fromPittsburgh, Harrisburg, Erie andmany o the r po in t s in t he S tat e , representing a majority of the 67 coun t ie s, w il l c on ve y "Get-out-the- Voteleaders in t he L ea gu e of \VomenVoters' pilgrimage to Valley Forgeon May I I, accord ing to plans dec i ded l a st week.

    Hundreds of automobiles andthousands' of women are expectedt o' m ak e up the p i l g r i l 1 1 a g e . T h ~

    pilgrimage is for the purpose ofgetting t h e l a rg e s t possible total ofmen and w om en v o te rs t o go to t h ~polls on pr imary election d ay , M ayIS.

    Th e Choir of t he M et ho di st'Church ",iII be a u gm e nt e d b y a\'ClUng people's chorus for th ernusical sen'ice on Sunday e\'en in g a t 7,.[:i.


    \CR IM IN AL AGE IN I, GENEROSITY CONTINUESH. Ludington Gives New Library COUNTY ABOVE30 L ib ra ry E qu ip me nt F un d A ss ur es

    Building. Financial Solvency.Qwned by tbe Nllrbertb Civic Associlltlon. T h e a nn ua l meetine- and election Cont r ibu tions cont inue to comePubllsbed every SllturdllY nt Nnrbertb, Pa. ~ p . S" I d' t I f d l b ' . dof officers of t he B ry n Mawr Wa r rIson tatlstlcs n lca e 111 to t le un t Jat IS e1l1g raIse

    Memorial a nd C om mu ni ty H ou se Young Desperadoes to pay fo r t he n ew equipmen t fo r ~Association was held at t he Memor- Scarce the Communi ty L ibra ry, now estabial building on Thursday evening, lished in the new Coml11unity BuildApril 29. FE W U ND ER 20 IN YEAR. ing on the' p layground . Seve ral of

    SUBSCRIPTION PRIOE I I 'b . d f 1l\'lr. UT. J. \nt'ISOI1, cl1al'rll1an of I t lese contn utlOns were rna e 0One Dollor ond FlflY Cents Per Yeor In AdTllllce ~ V\ '\ ,

    the Nominating Committee, read the Flip y ou th s a nd f la pp er g ir l s [ lowing inquiries as w he th er an yballot a n d a n o pp or tu ni ty w as given flitt,ing' into c r i l ~ l i l : a lsituations more money was needed. In v i e ~ vthose who h ad n ot voted to do so 1 he a v er a ge c n ml l la l a ge from of t he f ac t t ha t t he re m ay be stll1\lr. George F. Curwen was appo int - p r ison statistics of ] 925 is in the o the r s who will be glad to contributeed judge of the election. Mr ne ighborhood of :311. to the fund it is deemed advisableThomas A. Ryan and Mr. \Villiam Of the 218 pr i sone rs sen tenced to s t at e that a s mal l ba lance r ema i ns

    Entered as second clo"s motter. October 15. H ow er , t he tellers, a nn ou nc ed t h at t o t h e l \ lontgomery county p ri so n t o be raised b ef or e t he f u nd wil l be1914,at tile Po,t Office at Narbertll. Pa., under _ durinO" t he l ast vea r o nl Y 1+ of larg:e enough to pay f o ~~ l lthe newtile act of Marcb 8, 1879. the officers were unanimously re '" . . . " . . - 0 '" eqmpment. Any additional con

    elec ted as fo llows : Mr. Alfred M them \\ el e undel 20 ) ears of a" ,e , t r ibu t ions will, therefore, be weISaturday, May 8, 1926 , . 1 t th s of 20Collins, p re si de nt ; M r. P hi li p A :-;" wer e ) e we en e age come.

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 Hart, vice-president; Mr . T. \V and 30. a n ~68 were between 30 Contributions received durina' theST. MARGARET'S MINSTRELS H am mo nd s, s ec re ta ry ; M r. C, C and -W. while th e l 1 t ~ m b e r .between past week and the s t atu s o f the fund

    ENTERTAIN COACH English, treasurer. the ages of ,10 an d ;)0 dWlIldled to follow:The directors elected are as fol- 37. a nd o nl y 1+ \ ~ ' e r ~b ~ y o n dthe Special Contribution

    John J . Cabrey' s Vocal Rendi tion a l ow s: M r s. A le x an de r B ro wn , Dr 511-ye ar m ark. 1 ~ ~ c h c a t l l 1 g ; , t ~ 1 a tA friend $5.00Complete Surprise to All. \Valter Chrystie, Mr. Van Horn t he re a re a s many old m en c nm - N e w F i ve - Ye a r M e mb er s

    \Vi ll i am Lawrence . coach o f S t. E lv. M r. 'Wi l\ iam L. Hirst, Miss inals. at l e as t a m on g t h e c a pt u re d, M rs. A . P. R e di f er . . . . 5.00:Marga ret ' s Mins tr e l Troupe. was H"I B'ddl 1\1 J H L a" there a re b oy desperadoes. H A F 5 00 - = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = : : : ' ; \en I e, ' rs. . enry o n g - ' Average 1104 a Year. e n ~ y . r y e . . . . . . . . . tiltendered a s u rp r is e t e st i mo n ia l maid, M r. A lf re d C. Maule, Mr f h . t T. Noel Bu tl e r 5.00dinner at the l\lanufacturers' C lu b, S yd ne y Thayer and Mrs. \\T. J I n th e '1+ years 0 t e eXls ~ n c e New Year ly Members

    \\Tilson. of the M o n t b b I T o m e r ~ l c ? t : l 1 ~ l t ypnson Horace E. Ruch '. . . . . . . 100Ph i ladelph ia . on Tuesday evening I I en " ,- ) person'" .T h e m a tt e r of bui lding a swim- t l e r ~ 1


    le f ~ ., - J" of M rs C or a M cL ea n . . . . 1.00

    last. Th e affair, which prO\-ed to ming pool on the associat ion's confinec t lere, or an a\ 'erage Pre\:iously acknowled - La-t ) 'ea l' t Ile numbel - ,mi ttee to look further into the mat- 111 i),:;l. ~ C an'd {-'hs . Beshara G eo rg e C oncare o f b y o ld r el iab le "Charlie" tel'. was 9.39. ta t ine of H av er fo rd a nd G ra y

    C ha in , w ho l oo ked a ft er e\-ery- The t r easu rer ' s re!)ort showed a I n ] 8 ;2 t he n um be r p as se d t he IS. n . ~ ' f i c a t efortl . . I' I ff i ' 1(lOO nlark for the first time mg'a : ' e l 1 t l e ~ ,won a cer I

    lIng 111 l1S usua e clent way. halance at the end of the year 1925. . f +9'> In o n ly t hr ee profiCiency 111 Pa lmer methc;>d penA ft er p ar ta ki ng o f th e goo d of $16 59.i4 and liabilities amounting Jumping rom". - 1 m an sh ip a t the St. MatthIas pa

    things to eat, John .1. C a br e y a s- to $I I ,500. The liabilities include y ea rs w as the number more t la n . '1' 1 I I B la He is a st usumed the ro le o f an impromptu a $10,000 morte-ae-e on the property ;3000. and only five other years Iloe 1 1 ~S t ~~ o o~ 'e:tl1' o-rade .t t as t . I' . C 11

    ~ ~ , tl101'e tllatl 9.000. cent In 1 s \ ", "oas mer, 111 llS own 111 01 - a b an k l oan of $1000 and a personal -parable manner and, after eulo- loan of $500 .g i zi n g M r. Lawrence, Ivlr. Cabrey Mrs. J. Stanley Reeve. chairmancalIed on e ac h o f the b oys t o sa v of the Library Committee, reportedsome nice things about " B i l l ~ 'that a new building had been doLawrence, which thev all did in a nated by Mr . Charles H. Ludingtonvery effective manner. T . , b b b Sau. nr:ldehe new buildmg Will pro a ly e prieR JSIlRDLUXU

    A mo ng t he speeches, the one read\- for ttse in September and will ~ ~ r F ~ ~ h . . , . E T A O I ~ T J I L O D A:;;Hd b J I B 1

    - l RSHRDLUSUSma e y 0 In . ' -eenan . . r., was c o n t ~ i na separate room for children ~ : a l ~ ; ~ i tPowell : n ~ uoutstanding in a rhetorical sense, ill; R ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ; " I i 31e 4.8and , ve a re glad t o n ot e that an- S C HO O L P L AN S C O N CE RT 1 ~ ~ i ~ ~ : ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t f ; r ..:::: :: ..:: : : : :: : ~ 1 6 tAo the r o ra to r has sprtlng up in t ) t1 I ' Th e M a in L i ne School of l \hl s i c D l I l l r . ; I I \ I S ~ ~ ? ? ~ ? ~ .~ ~ , \ ~ '..~ I , I . I : ~ .~ c 44midst 10" A I A d nr Delchp'ter ,, , ve 4:3 Silver plates. worn-brassy bath room

    I f( more avenue, r more 'iI ""Olt PO"ell (Philip,) ;;0" ~ . ~ fixtures. Sheffield Plate where copperAfter all t he b oy s h ad t ak en a has is!3ued i m' it al io ns f or the gil Delo,he,ter (DeLII)r) ; ~ e 3.ii s ho ws . old s po on s a nd f or ks . B uy a"1 " Iv! L 1 H:l He'ott Powell ( p e n ~ l l l 1 r 5 t ) . . , __C

    s l Ot at i r. awrence. 1e was Sprine- Concert t o b e h eld at the 9 ~ ,"ullp" Hill 20c 4413 bot tle of UKANPLATE Polish TOt d .

    t I l fI t 1

  • 8/7/2019 Our Town May 8, 1926



    . .;


    The Merion Title and Trust Company

    @ii#ipwiOiiMMMIMMMIMIMIMls.vJIMMMMIMMMMMIMMMWJN?iM IMilk Control Report Shows Great1 Progress Made By Board In Its Work

    H al f- ac re . F iv e bedrooms and 3 baths;All stone construction.

    For PermanentSatisfaction

    B U Y A

    SmedleyBuilt Home

    English Type HouseFo r Sale

    Progress toward cleaner and milk. Th e conditions surroundbe tt e r mi lk f or t he M ai n Line was i ng t he p ro du ct io n o f i ns pe ct edseen by Dr. George W. G ri m, i n raw milk at the Brookmead Farm

    GEORGE R. MARKLE commenting upon this month's re- were satisfactory. Th e interiorBuilder ... p or t o f the milk control board. He of th e buildings had been recently

    called attention to t he f a ct that re- p ai nt ed a nd the h er d w as f ou ndNational Bank Building cent examinations of the milk sup- to be in good physical condi tion

    NARBERTH 2281 p ly o f t hi s d is tr ic t show t ha t t he an d the methods followed in milkdairies are in excellent condition, production c onf or me d to th eand that t he a ve ra ge b ac te ri a standard requirements. At thecount i s probably lower than it Ardrossan F ar ms i t was againhas ever been since the formation noted that the cows were notof t he M i lk Control Board. properly cleaned before milking.

    Th e regular reports have been New covers have been providedr ec ei ve d f ro m t he P hi la de lp hi a f or the milk cooler at t he Va ll eyMilk Commission on analyses of Farms. Some delay has occurredC er ti fi ed M il k, P hy si ca l I ns pe c- i n the removal of the manure fromtion of cattle producing Certified the vicinity of the milk barn. ThisMilk and Physical Examination of matter has been taken Ul) with th eCertified Dairy employees. The management, who a gr ee s t o takesanitary condition surrounding the necessary steps to remove rna-

    WM. D. & H. T. SMEDLEY t he product ion o f C er ti fi ed M il k nure to the f ie lds dai ly._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ w as f ou nd t o b e s at is fa ct or y. A A number of changes havebeenNarbe r t l l l ~ . W BEPAIBINO suggestion wasmade for the paint- made in t he herd o f M r. Emmons

    If It's Anything in i ng o f t he in ter ior of the bottling at Newtown Square. AlthoughR A D I 0 room at the Wawa Dairies. Five Mr. Emmons has been called upon

    c ow s a ff ec te d w it h d is ea se of t he to do so h e h as f ai le d t o r epor t theC. ROY SMITH udder were removed from herds tubercul in test of these animals to

    About It producing C er ti fi ed m il k. Re t he m il k c on tr ol of fi ce. A sugges-22 ARDMORE AVENUE ports have been received upon the t io n f or the location for the new

    ABD!IOBE. PA . examinat ion of forty-s ix samples bottling e st ab li sh me nt h as b ee n

    H NDof Cert i fied milk, the average made t o M r. Emmons.

    IGHLA 'bacteria count of these samples At the P or te r F ar ms it wasbeing 1559. found that a person had been tern-

    ESEqually g oo d c on di ti on s w er e porarily e mp lo ye d i n the dairy

    oA IRIo.._bserved in the inspection made of without being qualified b y h ea l th~ ~ a n t sproducing inspected raw certificate.

    u 4' u fWI u n w


    Helping the ma n b e hi nd t he bank accountto ge t t h e m os t o u t of his financial possibilities is no small part of th e service of amodem bank.

    We seek to give ou r clients an d f r iends th iskind of individual service. It will be ap le as ur e t o s ho w y o u h ow w e c a n immediately be of h el p t o you.


    A n Individual Service





    . .......... ,.ft_." ..... ft_Open Friday evenings, 7 to 9 o'clock.. .




    First Legislative District ofMontgomery County


    By following this systematic saving plan, I alwayshave a neat balance to my credi t when I need moneyfo r somespecial purpose. A haphazard p l an o f savin g will never accompl ish any th ing , as I found tomy sorrow. I t i s t he cer ta in amoun t eve ry weekthat counts. Tr y it once.


    Primary,Tuesday, May 18th, 1926


    Fred C. Peters


    Republican Candidate


    Primary Election, Tuesday, May 18

    Regular Republican Candidate



    ...... .A vote f or him is a vote

    against increased taxes.

    It is a vot e a gai nst M achine Rule .

    It is a vote againstextravagance and waste.

    It is a vote for honest andefficient administration ofState affairs in the interesto f t he public.

    It is a v ot e for represent at iv e g ov er nm en t a n dhome rule, as againstdominat ion of every community in Pennsylvania bythe Vare-Beidleman Combine.


    Keep the hands ofgrasping politicians ou to fthe State Treasury. Retaincontrol over y our ownpublic affairs.



    Edward E. Beidleman ............(Dauph in Connty )

    I -

    Thomas W. Phillips, Jr . . . . . . .(Butler County)

    I -

    J oh n K. Ten er ..................(Wnshlngton County)


    Xohn S. F i s h e ~" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(Intllnnll County) ---

    Nominate a Governor in Whose Ability andIntegrity You Can Place Complete Trust



    Pepper-F isber-Smi tb-Woodward Ticke t

    Pri lDary Elec t ion-Tuesday, May ~ 8Pepper-Fisher Campaign Committee

    Farmer Boy

    School Teacher

    Normal School Principal


    State Senator

    Constructive Business Man


    Pres. Good Roads Assn.

    Chairman Capi tol Investi .gating Commission

    Member Constitutional Re.vision Commission

    Commissioner of Banking

    Opposite i s an exactreproduction o f t ha t partof the Republican PrimaryBallot where you willvote for Governor.


  • 8/7/2019 Our Town May 8, 1926




    Way ne 4 7ryn Mawr 327

    Ma y 10th


    Ma y 25th

    Just w he n y ou m os t n ee d a n ewRange, comes this big offer

    Call At Our Salesroom 01'

    Phone f01' a Representative



    15 DAYS

    Ardmore 17

    A 10% REDUCTION ON ANY ORIOLE;The Range of Special Conveniences, such as Clean Top, Uti li tyDrawer, Raising and Lowering Broiler, Enamel Finish and OvenHeat Control . Oriole Ranges meet the most r igid specificationsand are fully guaranteed.



    ARDMORE 2975

    The first two telephones in Pennsylvania were on a "private line," eachconnecting only with the other.So i t was with the next two; and the next.Inter-communication between all telephones in the communitycame onlywith the first switchboard, in 1878.To many people the continued development of this switching apparatusis the outstanding accomplishment of fifty years of telephone history.They shake their heads at the thought of an ordinary conversa tion between two ci ties three or four thousand miles apart , and wonder at thes trides of Science. But perhaps the ir sense of mechanics is most confused in considering the switchboard complications involved in theconnection of any' two telephones-" anywhere, any time "-withoutinterference or confusion of the thousands of other calls being madesimultaneously.In cit ies like Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, 'Scranton, and Harrisburg themost ordinary local cal l may pass through two "private branch" andtwo "Central Office" switchboards. A toll call from any point in Pennsylvaniamay pass through four or five central office switchingmechanisms.To match with improvement and simplification the inherent complexitieswhich accompany telephone growth is an undertaking which becomesIllore difficult each year.Yet, at the present time, the general speed and reliabili ty of connectionare continually climbing, and the next ten years will show further attainment that should make the present service seem only commonplace.

    O N E P O L I C Y , O N E S Y S T E M , U N I V E R S A L S ~ R V I C E

    45-47 East Lancaster Avenue, Ardmore, Pa .


    Main LineNash an d Ajax Motor Cars


    H. B. Wanamaker-Narberth 1263-M


    . -Q ' t ~ 4 f t : ~ a .......~ On th e vWain Line

    Just 33 minutes f rom Broad St. S ta tion wi th the f ines ttransportation on t he M ai n L in e i s S TR AF FO RD . A b us y,growing Suburb, where ground or houses D1ay be purchasednow at h al f t he actual value. .

    There Is C h ar m A bo ut T he seHomes Which Is Irresisb"ble.

    T hi s b ea ut if ul G o lo nl a l- ty p e O n w el l- sh ad ed grounds, 75xresidence of stucco construction 15 0, In a beautiful \letting, long,Is of center-haIl d e si g n; F r en c h low English r e si d en c e, s t uc c ow l n d ~ sto porches from livIng O\'cr hollow tn/". its beautiful Inan d d in in g rooms; m o d e r n I ~ 'terlor nnd clueful jllannlng as toe qu i pp e d k I tc h en ; refrigerator closets, spaciousness of room\l,room; 3 SilUCiou's ehamhers, bath. e tc ., ma ke it n "ery desir"ableunfinished third floor; h a rd w oo d h o me ; 4 b ed ro om s. 2 b at hs o nfloors t hr o ug h ou t ; h ot -w at er s ec on d fioor. 'Vith garage,hea t ; ga rage . $16,750. $20,500.

    Come Out Today and Inspect These HomesOff ice on ~ r e m i s e s

    Strafford Realty CompanyPhlla. . O f f t c _ P en n s y l v an i a B l d l r .- P h o n e Spr. 14 \4

    At Strllft"ord S t l l t l o ~ P h o n eWIl)"ne 12:>6

    ARDMORE 2975

    =====TH==E=B=E=L=L=T=E=L=E=P=H=O=NE==C=O=:.=(!)=O=F==P=E=N=:N=S=Y=L=V=A=N=I= A = = = =



    51st & Gray's


    250 Haverford Avenue

    Has in stock all the necessary LUMBER to make:



    29 BaJa Ave., Bala-Cynwyd


    ALEXBE' ELECTRICSales : Service : Repairs


    Telephone, Boulevard 888


    With the Ute ll co I rone r, t he best combination

    for the home electric. We are the district repre

    sentatives of the famous Frigidaire Electric Re

    frigerator-the bes t on the market at any price.

    Let us give you an est imate on your o ld icebox. .


    When you buy coal you bu y absolutely onf aith . You can't tell the quality n or t he q ua ntity. The only t ime you play safe is when yo ubuy your coal from a reliable, responsible concern.

    We have built our business by giving ourcustomers a square deal in every respect.

    On Demonstration


    HOO1:er a.nd Westinghouse Agents

    63rd & Market

    Largest Independent Coal Dealer in Philadelphia

    Call CYNWYD 662 for Prices and Information

    'Phone: Narberth 2282





    \ l : = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = : = : : : ( 1


  • 8/7/2019 Our Town May 8, 1926






    RECREATIONPlans Completed for Baseball Season

    on Playground.Th e Narberth Recreation Board

    me t Monday night to go overplans for the season with represen ta t ives of th e baseball team.

    Permiss ion was granted to thec l ub t o p l a y o n the field, to l ayouta new diamond and t o e r ec t g ra n dstands. Plans are u nd e r w a y toraise money for a permanentstructure.

    Th e board also granted permission to the \\1'ar l'vfemorial Comm it te e t o e re ct a memor ia l t ab le t

    in f ro nt o f t he Com111unity building.

    Plans f or t hi s memorial w il l b e~ t1nOllnCed in the columns of "OurTown" next week. Th e dedicationof the tablet w il l b e m ad e o n Mem or ia l d ay , a s a par t of the annual celebration.

    8 P. M . - P r a y e r service. Topic:A Help fu l Pa rab le of Jesus.

    Friday, Ma y 14.7 P. M.-Boys Brotherhood.

    Like Flor ida-Watch it grow!


    (Daylight-Saving Time.)11.00 A. M.-Sunday services.

    8.00 P. M.-Wednesdav testimonialmeeting. -

    Reading room, 19 'West Lancasteravenue; open daily, 10.30 to 4.30 P. M.

    T he s ub je ct o f t he B ib le l es so n s erm on for M ay 9 is "Adam and Fal lenMan."

    All StUdents on Toes as Term NearsClose.

    Tu es da y, M a y 4, was Mr , 'v\Tilson's birthday. Miss Eames madean angel cake in h is honor. T heteacher s ab ly a ss is te d i n i ts disappearance.

    Miss Jantzen, assisted by lVII's.Elsb ree , a t t empted the g igan ti c t a skof taking the ninth grade girls ofthe art s ec ti on t o M e mo ri al H a llon \Vednesday. The ob jec t w as t ostudy the period furniture.

    :Miss Fricke has started the commencemen t music practice and wehope it will be as successful as theoperetta.

    The Junio r Dramatic Club, underthe direction of :Miss Yarnall, is tog iv e t wo p la ys in assembly in thenear fu ture ; their titles a re "Neve rthe-less" and "The Flower Show."

    Friday in assembly t he much-delayed Sesqu i speaker a rr iv ed a ndgave us a very enlightening talk.Th e pupils w ho a re w r it i ng p ap er son the subjec t have been given until next \Ved ne sd ay to c om pl et ethem. The extra t ime is allowed inorder to obtain, if possible, additional material from the address.

    Saturday M rs . E ls br ee a nd M is sChurch are taking a l ar ge p a rt yfrom t he n in th grade c la ss t o theP u bl i c L ed g er Building.

    The baseball team t ra ve le d t oMontgomery and ba tt e red the ir wayto a 16-0 v icto ry. Burgess, o f N arb er th , w as the ou t st and ing p laye rof t he day, pitching a no-hit , no-rungame. Hi s support was also good,th e t eam h av in g m ad e n o e rr or s.T h e n e xt game is wi th Nor ri s town ,May 14, at our grounds, 'a nd wehope to avenge the defeat we received at t he ir h an ds w he n w e playedup there.

    On Sa tt t rdav, Mav I, Narberths en t t hr ee representatives to theCollegeville - M on tg om er y c ou nt yMay Day exercises at Collegeville.Th e meet included exhibitions ofschool work, as wel l as athletic competition. Sing ing and spelling contests took place. Narberth did i10tsend Illany representatives. This

    ELEPHANTS WIN AGAIN was a grea t hand icap as aU theOn Saturday, May 1. the J u ni o r p oi nt s counted i n th e f in al standing.

    Eag.les w.ere again d;fe.atccl. by t he \ Ve did very well, however, despite11ll1lor 1'.lephants. 11m; tl111e t he t hi s handicap.score was 9-0. The featllres of the Robert Sige l, a ninth grade pupil,. . :: 0 0 ., 0 (' , is proud of their work.\\'11111101', lb :: 0 0 IiDilwol'th. e :: 0 0 1 :! (I 0 'J'ue total receipts frolll t he oper-W. :\Iicldll'roll. p . :! (I 0 1 : ~ () e tt a a mo un te d t o $220. After all

    - - - - - - expenses are paid there will be a2i 0 1 2-1 8 1 substantial balance f or the use of

    ' l ' h l ' l ' l ' , b l l ~ 1 'hil-l 'owl'll . Strilw O l l t ~ - , I I ldB ~ 'I ' " r k ~ .S; b ~ '\\'. :\liehl1pton. 1:.!. H l l , e ~next "ear's clubs. Jack v\'as 1 soon HIIII,-( Ill PIIIh. 2; 011 W. :\lidell.'ton. 8 I tickets. He outclassed all others-I. in this respect. Other s who s ol d 1 0

    or more t icket s were Phyl l is Gran t ,.rl'. 1:I.. p l l l l n t . ~. . . . :: (I 0 1 0 - 1'1 (I x-H 21', Jean Stal)les, 16: Bett," Jones,.11. EII;.:I..~ . . . . 0 0 0 0 0 0 (I 0 0 -0 -

    15 ' Helen McCracken, 10.th e lunchroom assistants to the

    number of 1:2 were t he g ue st s ofMiss E am es o n F ri da y a t a circusparty. .

    Th e fi f th p e ri od c lo se d on Apnl30. R ep or t c ar ds we.re issued topupils on May 7: SlX w ~ e k s .ofscbool remain. F1l1al exammatlOnsy,rill oegin a b ou t J u ne I. Graduation exercises will be held on Thursday, June 17

    Editors, i\Ialcolm Forsyth andRobert Caldwell.


    New L.eague Starts.A nell' boy's league, The Jr. Muin Line,

    i,; to ~ t l l r tSlItnrday. May S. There are:-oix t f ' : l I l lS in thp l e a ~ p l ( ' .'..rhey fire:

    "'amI' Home Field1. ,lI'. EIl'phant". ~ l I l ' h l ' l ' t h1'I:I,I';.;IOUIIII.., ;11. EII/:I ..~ . All [01':11' Fillel.

    BAPTIST CHURCH ::. H,.,I Sox. Ardmore Playground.OF T HE EVANGEL. -I. T i ; ' : l I ' ~ .1.011 ' ' '1 ' :\leriou High School.

    :i. l n d i l l n ~ . C ~ ' l l l l ' y dSchool.Ii. '''.\on!in/:. HllVl'l'forl1 College.

    'fIJ .. "eliI'dIII.. folloll''': ,:\lu\' S. .11. ljll'!lhllnt,. at .11. Eugles,

    . " ' ~ ' O l l 1 i l l g ,at Hed Sox; lndillus. at1 ' i g ( ~ 1 : - : .

    :\lu\" 1;'. ;Jr. l'jllgles. at .Jr. Elephullts; Red. Sox. ut W ~ ' l I m i n g ;Tigers, at Indians,

    )111Y :.!:.!.. 11'. Elephullts. at Tigers; Indillns,at He,l Sox; " ' ~ o m i l l g .ut .Jr. l ' J l I g l e ~ .

    :\luy 2n. ' . r i g e l ~ .a t J r. E lephan ts ; RedSox, ut Illdillll,;; .Tt. Engle,;. llt ' V ~ ' oluillg.

    .June ;,. E l e l ) h : l n t ~ .:It n ..d So x; 'rigel'S.a t J r. Eag les; W ~ ' o m i l l g ,at Indians.

    June 12. H ed S ox . nt .Jr. Elephants; Jr.Eagles, at 'rigel' '' ; Indians nt 'Vyomillg.

    June til. Jr. Elephauts. at Indians; ' V ~ ' o 'mingo at Tigel's; JI. Eagles. at HedSox.

    June 21. IndiunR. at ,Jr. Elephants; Tigers, at ' Y ~ ' o m i n g ;Red Sox, lit ,Jr.Eagles.

    June 28. J l" El ep han ts . a t ' V ~ ' o 1 U i n g ;Jr. Eagles,' at Indians i Tigel's, atR ed S ox .

    July 5. W ~ ' 0 1 U i n g ,'at .Jr. Elephunts; Indians, at Jr . Eagles; Hed Sox. at

    Tigers. 'J u l ~ '12 . h . Eugll's. at Jr. Elellhlluts;R ed S ox . at ' V ~ ' o m i n g ;Tigers, atIllllialls.

    .Tub 11l. 11'. Elellhulltl:!. lit Tiger!:!; Inllinll!!. ut Red Sox; ' Y ~ ( ) l 1 l i l 1 g .U t J r.Eagles.

    July 20. R ed S ox . at .Jr. Elephulltl:!; Jr.Engles, at Tigers; W ~ u a l i n g .nt Indiaus.

    Methodist Episcopal Church.Re\'. \0\'. Sheridan Daw;.;on. minister,Sunday, May n. 1 !I2(i:!l.-l5 A. ~ L - B i b l eSchool.11 A. i\I.-Morning preaching ;.;en

    icc. The pasto r wil l p l each . Thel11e." . Godly Mother,"

    Anthem-"C 0 111 I' a de s Eternallv,"\Vaghorne. -

    Q"u a I' t e t-HDear Old So n go s of11 other," \Villanl.

    Ii..!;; P. M.-EplI'orth L ea gu e d evotional meeting.

    7..1;; P. M.-E\ening worship Sel'mon t he me . " Ho I\ ' to Bu ild a I-Tom c."

    This wil l he the l11usical sen'icepos tponed f rom las t week

    Anthem-"Praise a nd T ha nk sg ivin g," A shford.

    "Breast the "'ave, Christian," 1l'Iill-cr.

    "Mighty Jehovah." Bellini.HCantate Domino." D. Buck.:Monday. 8 P. NI.-The regular

    monthly meeting' of the OAicial Board.Tuesday. 8 1 " . 11.-The regular

    1110nthly 111eeting o f th e La die s' AidSociety.

    \Veanes(\ay, 8 P. i\L-Pra\'er and

    praise servir'e. in charg'e of th ; pastor.

    Holy Trinity L.utheran Church.M. E. McLinn. pastor.Regular sen ' ices , Sunday, May 9,


    !lA,; A. J\L-Sunday School.11 A. M.-Preaching. "The Law of

    Change."7 P. 1L-Luther League.7.45 P. M.-Evening servicc . Ser

    1110n. "Signs of the Times ."A s. v ac at io n ti me c om es a s pe ci al

    call IS ne ede d a nd s ou nd ed for increased fai th fu lness to church dut iesg if ts a nd a tt en da nc e. The C h u r c ' l ~should be at the top in all t he linc o fwork and ~ l l 1 t i e sa nd life. T he p eo pl ethat rell1all1 can and should put ilthere.

    All Saints Church" yn n e w oo d . P a .


    F if th Sunday After Easter8.00 A. M.-Holy Communion.

    10.00 A. M.-Church School.11.00 A. M.-Morning Prayer and

    S er mo n b y t he R ec to r.Te peutt,l i n F Co leridge -Tay lorJubtlate 111 G JordanAnthem-"From Thy Lo ve as a

    Father" GounodSoprano Solo, Miss Verna Espenshade

    OF ALI.K I ~ D ! "

    O U R T O W N

    Plumbing, Gas Fittingand Heating



    Applications for individualand class lessons in piano andsinging will be received in Sept e mbe r by Miss Louise M. Butts,who has studios in Ne w York,Philadelphia and Suburbs. Dancing classes which have beenheldi n N ar b er th t hi s s p ri n g wil l beresumed at that time also. Fo rfurther information Phone Nar-,berth 1736-W.


    39 N. Narber th Ave .High Grade

    Shoe. Repai1'ing

    ~ l l r b e r t h2616

    LIGHT HAULINGlocal or out, of t o n

    Quick and Efficient ServiceP. J. DUFFY

    335 Dudley AvenuePhone. Narberth 1811 .. .

    Phone: Ardmore 2340

    STANLEY HOPKINSElectrician


    P. O. Box 223 Wynnewood, Pa.

    VERLPUGHElect1'ical Contractor


    I:U4 Grayling Ave. S Cricket Ave.

    N n r be r th , P a . Ardmore, Pa.

    Narberth 1620


    NO FLIESNeedApply

    When we finishScreening y o u rhome or place ofbusiness - no fliesneed apply f or a dmit tance. Made toorder, exper tly f itt ed . Ca ll me.Narbm'th 1671

    A Complete Drug Sore



    Some remembrance should mark th eday. We suggest a box of ArtstyleChocola tes in an, artistic ,.metal box,1 or 2lb. size. We also "have manyother gifts to choose from.

    HARRY H. HAMER, Jobbing Carpenter

    Narberth and Haverford Avenues


    Th e new Gi rl Scou t headqua r t er swere d ed ic at ed l as t S a tu rd a y a fternoon and the first meet ing to beheld in i t was th is week.

    It has long b ee n t he h op e of o urtroop to own a home of i ts o wnand to be a bl e t o fu rn i sh it so thatthe patrol "corner" could be equipped with tables and chairs. Atl as t, w e have been a bl e t o aCCOlllplish this. The c ha ir s w er e purchased frolll money earned by theS co u ts a nd t he tables w er e t h e giftof M r s. J ol m Gilp in, . Jr., a lieutenThe Presbyterian Church.a nt o f the troops.

    Rev. J oh n Van N es s m in is te r. Il \' Ieetings for May 9: ' A l ar ge part of the wor.: accOlll-This is M ot he rs ' D ay a nd th e v ar i- plished in a Scout meet ing i s done

    ous services in thi s church will he in in t he pa tro l "co rne r s. " However,h ap py a cc or d w it h t hi s b ea uti fu l o c- up until now w e h av e n ev er beencas ion. a ble t o have the necessary furni

    I n the Bible Sc hoo l the "Vo men 'sBib le Class wil l conduct the opening ture.

    Ardmore 2385 e;-ereises a n ~will sing a special selec- ' fhe establishment of uni formtlOn appropl ' late to the dav "co rne r s" was not t he o nl y differ-

    I n th e m or ni ng w or sh il ;' t he t ex t o f ence i n t hi s m ee ti ng . E a ch p at ro lthe s erm on will be. "Honor 1'11\' now h as a ! lo rt io n of t he w al I onMother. " Mr. Ped icord, the organ is t. Ihas composed the words and mus ic of whi ch they m ay post any p atr oa beant iful anthem, ent it led "Mother n ew s T h er e w il l a ls o be a b ul1 etina nd H er Lo ve ." which will be sun" board which wil l conta in any infor the f ir st t ime a t thi s sen i ce . "format ion f or t he troop in general.

    The J un io r Church will meet as If the pa tro l l eader so desires sheu su al thi s m or ni ng a t 11 o'clock.

    Th e S en io r E nd ea vo r Societ\ is mav call a meeting of h er p at ro l,plann ing a special Mothers ' Day 'pro- w hi ch m ay be held in the Scoutgram for their meeting at ('-4;;. T he h ea dq ua rt er s, n ot o nl y o n ,1Scout

    Iaddrcss will be dcli\'ered hy Mrs. T., meet ing n igh t , but d ur in g t he reB. l ~ i v e nand a Illessage in ' song wfll maindel' of the week.

    I,e gll'en by ;\Irs. L. H. Trotter.

    The Intermediate Endeal 'Or Society Th e first meeting was a great suc-meets a t 7 P. 1L a nd will be led h v c ess and wc hope to accomplish ever

    ===============;;;; Richard Banks. Subject, "God;s so much more work in our new. :300000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOC Plan." 5cotlt 110tlse.~ ~ O O O O O O O O O O O O O O J O O O O O O S O O E O O O p O O O H O O O O J O O O O S O O O K O O O E O O O L O O T O O O O O O O N o O O O O O J O R O O O O~ X ~ ~ \ ~ ~ ~ i : : \ ~ ~ ! : ~ l ~ ~ ~ ~ ," ~ ; ~ L t ! l o ~ l ~ : I : f : : ~ ; ~

    0 0

    . , .DO A busy week awaits us:

    0 0 BEl Monday evening-Men's Bihle Clas;',88 41 ,; DO hus iness mee ting ; annua l c lect ion of0 0 00 otticers.88 8El .Monday evening-Miss Harrison's00 DO Blhle Class for teachers.0 0 BEl \o\'ednesday. 10 A. M. to -I P. 1'1.-158 "JO W O ~ l 1 e n ' sAuxiliary.0 0 8El' . W c d n ~ s a y .~ P. .\1.-Prayer meeting.158 00 An evenltlg with the Psalms of David.0 0 0 0 Thu rsd ay e v e ~ li n g-\Vestmillster00 BElC i r c l ~al t he ho me of Mrs. Ralp h L.158 00 Rankm. :118 Chestnut avenuc. Mrs. A.0 0 BElG. Sparks and Mrs . H. A. S mit h a s-88 DO sistin.g hostesses. '0 0 DO F nda y even:ng -) ' Ie e ti ng in this

    158 BElchurch of theE l d e r ~ 'A s s o ~ i a t i ? n

    of00 .1 DO the Presbytery of Pluladelph1a :\orth.0 0 0 00 0 " 000 0 0 000 DODO 'DO

    , 0 0 0 000 DO0 0 DO00 ~0 0 DO0 0 0 00 0 000 0 DO00 DO00 000 0 0 00 0 0 00 0 0 00 0 0 00 0 0 0~ 0000 0000 0000 000 0 0 00 0 0 000 ' 0000 0000 0000 0000 000 0 0 000 0000 00on n ~00 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ,1 0000 0000 00B8 ElEl Robert E. Keighton, Minister.00 00 Services for Sllnda,v, iVTa,v o.00 ' 00 ~9[1 on 9-45 A. M.-Church school.B8 BEl 11 A. l \L-Morning w o r s l ~ i p .00 00 S er mon : \Vh y Be G oo d? BelllgEl8 .. BElgood has become a synonym for be-B8 / ElEl'i l ~ gold-fashioned. Obed ie nce to so-00 00 clal customs has become a mark ofB8 ' / ElElweakness. Wh y should we beB8 ! ~ " ;( cr.!}, BEl"good"? \i\That is "beinggood"?00 BEl i P. M.-Yol lng people's service.BEl .

    00 i-45 P. M.-Evening worship.BEl ElElSermon: Hymns My Mother130 BElTaught Me. M an y o f you will re-DEl .., 00 m em be r t he M ot he r' s D ay service138 CANDIDATE ElEll as t y ea r . You wiJl recaJl the i111-BEl BElpressive "Offering to Motherhood."00 00 'vVe invite v ou t o a tt en d this serviceBEl for the Republican Assembly Nomination i n t he ElEldedicated t o M o th er.BEl First District BEl Tuesday, May I I-00 ElEl 6.3 0 P. M.-Church dinner. This138 WILL SPEAK 0 0 d in ne r p re ce de s t he a nn ua l c h ur c h138 El

    Sbusiness meeting. We have had a

    138 at a public meeting i n the Cynwyd Fire Hall, Elove ry remarkab le y ea r a nd a SU111-00 0 0 mary w il l b e encouraging. Every138 THURSDAY MAY 13 8 30 P M ~ E lmember of t hechurchand congrega -~ " . ElEltion is invited to be present.00 00 Wednesday, May 12.

    ~ E V E RY O N E I N V I T E D b o ~ ~ 3 ~ ~~ ; ~ s1 ~ ~ ; 6 s : a d e ; : .y ; : ~ ~~ O C O C O O O C O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O D O O O O O O O O D o o o o o o n o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o c o o c o o o o o o o o ~old.D O O C O O O O O O O O O D D O D O O O O O O O O O O D O O O O O O o o o o o o o a ~ o o o o o o o o o o o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

    ,. ~ . _ , _ - -~ ,- ,


    ..- ,PHONE, NARBERTH 1661J _~ ,~ -, , .

  • 8/7/2019 Our Town May 8, 1926


    PAGE SI X O U R T O W N ..

    'Phone, Narberth 1254

    To Protect the Heal th ofT he Ma in L in e

    We Call for and Deliver

    When Dissatisfied Try

    HEWIT'STailors, Cleaners an d Dyers

    23 4 Haverford Avenue

    or Desser1666 9O-n itht

    Its praises beClllt. were sunJ! 8 ~If S

    whengrandma . JJ{inawa s lJoung h,One

    1926 O W 3 ~' ~L J ~ e . ,

    $1,000,000New Modern, FireproofHospital Building


    G ra - M ~ G i n l e y10I 218 N.13iji S ~Phila: I ~



    B el l P h on e , S p ru c e 38-00 and 3 8 - ~Keystone rhone , Race '10-M

    HOWARD C. FRITSCHJustice of the Peace

    REAL ESTATEFire Insurance-Best CompaniesPhone 1749W 215 Haverford Ave.

    R. S. TOUHILLElectrical Contractor

    501 S. Narberth AvenueB E L L ' P H O N E: M E R I ON 121

    B8lfmate F U N l ~ h e d

    GEO. W. BOTIOMSContractor 6- Builder

    "Servlce toft,. (J BaM/eli

    GARAnteed Roofs


    Residence, Station,Narberth 1731 Narberth 1713-W

    Baggage Called for and Delivered108 CONWAY AVENUE NARBERTH

    WHY a r e more than 60 0 o f o ur o wn p eo pl e o f th e Main Line an d

    ad jac en t t e rr i to r y un it i ng to raise at least $1 ,000,000 to builda nd e qu ip an addition to the B ry n M a wr Hospital? What is

    inspiring them to p ledge their time and effort in this movement toprotect health an d life?

    Facts. Here they ar e briefly.


    Screens Made, Repai red andPu t Up

    103 Dudley AvenuePHONE: NARBERTH 2289

    Shouldn 't each one of us be glad to subscribe liberally, first toprotect ourselves an d ou r families, a n d n ex t to be a real f r iend to thosewh o can't pa y when t he y n e ed t o b e healed?


    Phone Narberth 672

    With a ne w section for children, ample wards, private an d semiprivate rooms, and f our o pera ti ng rooms, o u r en la rged hospital willh a ve every facility for completeness an d efficiency in hospital care.

    This serious shortage of beds was revealed in a survey m ad e b yon e o f t he foremost hospital consultants i n t he country, wh o recommended a much larger hospital, completely equipped to serve the needso f the 80 ,000 peop l e dependen t u pon it.

    To build and equip it wil l cos t $1,000,000. I bel ieve everythoughtful citizen will consider i t h is privi lege as well as obligation todo his full p ar t t o provide this community fund for community health.

    Th e Bryn Mawr Hospital has only 1.8 beds for every thousandpeople in ou r hospital area, which includes t he w ho le M ai n L in e an dthe large territory a d jacen t t o it.

    Cha'innan, Campaign Executive- Committee.

    The Story That Will InspireMore Than 600 of Our Own People

    To W ork For Your Benefit


    BY THE HOUR OR DAYOffice: 215 Ha. -e rlo rd ATe.


    l\Ietropolitan Opera Company tenor,who will be feature SOloist at t he B ry nMawr ~ I u s i cFestiyal on May 29. Thea ff ai r, which i s to be given at the BrynMawr Polo groundS, will be f o r t he benefitof c h a l ' i t ~ .

    NarberthTaxi CabCo.


    L o ui s a K n ow l to n Miller, Soloist forChoral Concert.

    As preiously announced, the :MainLi ne C ho ra l will g i\ 'e its s pr ingconcert at the \ Vo men 's Club inArdmore, on Tuesday evening, MayI I ,a t8 .15

    T he cho ra l has been succe ss fu lin obtaining as soloist, l\lrs. LouisaKnowlton Mil ler, 'cell is t, who isvery widely known in Philadelphiamusical circles and wh o has a ppeared wi th many o f the leadingchoral o rgan izat ions . S he is afinished musician and her inclusionin the p ro gr am of the choral assur es a t re at to lover s o f this c la ssof music. .-\mong her selections willbe:\ ' a l ' i a l i o l l ~SYlllphonique . . . . BoellmannSW(dish ~ I e I ( ) d y .

    Air b ~ ' Peres GraingerHitornelle S i l l d i l l ~PnBspied . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DeIibes'l'arantelle Popper

    The program for the vocal numbers to be given by the choral willinclude some of the finest selectionstha t i t ha s b een p os sibl e to o bt ainfrom the old classics, as well as from

    modern composers. Two NegroSpirituals of t ll lusual beauty area mon g t he n umb er , "My Lord,\Vh at a Mo ri n' " a nd " \Ver e You IThere ?" :Mozart's "Adoramus Te,Christie" and "The Naiades," by:Brahams, Schindler's "Nightingaleo f F rance" and "The Love Bird,"by De\iVert are also part of the program.

    In addit ion to the t ickets whichh ave been d is tr ibut ed to the a ssociate and sustaining members of thechoral, there will be general admission at 75 cents each, which may beobtained either from the active membe rs o f t he cho rus or at the Women' s Club on t he n ight of the concert.

    Mrs. Huber has gathered togethera very eff ic ient organizat ion. Mrs.D av id Sol iday, o f Mer ion, is thecaptain, and among the lieutenantsare Mrs . Gu ier Wright, o f R os emont; Mrs. Dudley Guildford, ofHaverford; Mrs. \Villiam Paton, ofCynwyd; Mrs. Alexander Dickson,of North Ardmore, a nd l \h s . J oh nWilliams, of the "Haverford-WestArdmore" League, and Miss MarylV1iller, of Norristown. The drivehas already begun and the objective

    for the week's work is 500 members.Final instructions were given at alarge meeting held at "vVyndham,"the home of Miss Gertrude Ely, ofBryn Mawr, on l\{ay 4, at whichwere present , in addit ion to the officers in cha rge o f the d rive mention ed a bove : lvlis s De lapl aine ,M er io n; l \f rs . E . B . Wil fo rd , Merion; Miss An ne For st al l, Rosemont; Mrs. J. Aubrey Sutton, Mrs.O. F. McCormick, o f N or th Ardmore; Mrs. B. G. Calder, Mrs. G.G. Urquhart, :i'drs. H. A. Foster andMrs. H. H. Parcher, of Cynwyd;Mrs. Paul Monaghan, of Merion;Mrs. J. Archer Rulon, :Mrs. HughWilson, of Haverford, a nd Mr s.John Y. Hu be r, :Mrs. He rm anSchwartz and Mrs. Edward Lafitte,of the County League.


    Commander F. T. Van Auken andfamily plotored to Plainfield. N. J.,Sundayin theIr new Buick. Theoc,casion w as t he b ap ti sm of theiry onug s on , Ken ne th Cru ik shankVan Am'ken,'age 2.

    Honored at Birthday.

    .-\n event of unusua l in te res ttook place in the PresbyterianChurch on \Vednesday afternoon.when the \\ 'omen's ?dissionarvSociety held i ts month ly meet ingand heard an inspiring talk on thework in Brazil by i\I iss \Vill iamson, for many y e a r ~a missionaryto that country.

    \ Vh at m ad e' the clay un us ualwas that it was the lJirthday ofone of the oldest and best-lovedmembers. l\:Irs. Amanda Caldwell,and a ft er the m ee ti ng w as over.(l bi rthday par ty w as g iv en in h erhOllOI'.

    ?\Irs. Haws. t he p re si de nt ofthe ?d issionarv Society. was unable to be pl:esent bu t she hads en t a beaut if ul basket of flowersto be p re se nt ed t o " Gr an dm aCaldwell," as she loves to be called by h er m an y f ri en ds of allages.

    An elaborate and deliciousbirthday cake. with eighty-onecandles and b ea ri ng t he word,"Grandmother." w as b ro ug ht in,cut a nd s e rv ed w it h ice cream tothe large n u mb er o f g ue s ts . a ~ lofwhom gave hear ty congratulatIOnsand best ,vishes fpr Mrs. Caldwell,\Vho seepled h ap py a nd ple.asedwith the unexpected celebratIOn.

    Pin cho t w as war mlystated his two definite" an ti -g ang and ant i-

    "Personality Test" Applied toCandidates at League Luncheon

    A "personal ity test" was appliedwith varied and interesting resul tslast Thursday when nearly 600Montgomery county women, members of the League of vVomen Voters, had a " cl os e-u p" view a ndheard first-hand il1formation of thecandidates for who m th ey will bea sked to vot e at the primary election, May 18.

    The gathering at which the women put the magnifying glass on thequalifications of expectant officeholders was theannualspring luncheon of the county league of womenvoters, held at the 'WhitemarshCountry Club.

    Nineteen Narberth women werein a tt endanc e, m ak in g the t ri p byautomobile.

    While the ballot "report cards" atthe primaries wil l give the detai ledrating of the office seekers in thefinal t es t, the g at he ri ng both ofwomen and candidates was significant of the unusual enthusiasm andi nt er es t bei ng sho wn i n thi s yea r' selection by the women.

    More than 20 candidates for na-. tional, State and county offices were

    heard. Franklin Spencer Edmondsr e p ~ e s e n t e dSenator George \\Tharton Pepper, detained in vVashington.Governor Pinchot and vViliiam S.Yare were present in person.

    Miss Gertrude Ely, of BrynIV1awr, county chairman, in introducing the speakers, told of the dutie s o f eac h office, con ti nu ing theleague's pol icy of education alongnon-partisan and all-partisan lines.She also gave a "who's who" ofthe candidates.

    Speaking for Pepper, as a lJni tedStates Senator from Pennsylvania,Edmonds p ra is ed h is d evot ion t opublic service, his fairness and hisconvictions.

    Governorgreeted andissues werebooze."

    Congressman Vare pledged himself as a representative of the working m an as S en at or and recount edhis 14 y ea rs in C ongres s and' thepolitical history of the Vare family.

    Three f or E ac h D em o cr at .

    W'illiam B. Wilson, Democraticcandidate for United States Senatorand Secretary of Labor under Pres!?ent \V!lson, laughingly remarked:

    There IS o nly o ne D em ocra t to a tleast three Republican parties thisyear, but t he De mocrat s a re s ti ll

    with us." He gave his platform oncurrent problems of Governmentparticularly decrying American iso:lat ion with world Powers .

    Three candidates for the office ofGovernor were present.

    J?hn S . F ishe r, R ep ub li ca n, o fIndiana county, pledged his supportto all mat ters per ta ining to the betten11ent of con ditio ns f or men,women and chi ldren of the Commonwealth.

    Judge William E. Porter. Democratic candidate. and George L. Pennock, prohibition candidate for Governor, a lso were heard.

    O t h e r S p ea k e rs .

    C. J. Esterly, of Reading, Republican candidate for Lieutenant Gover, was the only candidate whospoke of the 10 running for that office. Mrs. Frances 1\,loser Hockerwas present, but was Obliged to leaveearly. No ne of the candidates forRepresentatives in Congress werepresent.

    Othercandidates who spoke included: For State Senator, James S.

    Boyd, B en jamin F. Ludlo w andBurd P. Evans; Legislature, Firstdistrict, Republican, Joseph J. Skelton; Democratic. Edward S. Haws:Republican, Third A.ssemblv d i s ~trict, Robert Campbell Ross; Democratic, Third Assembly district,Thomas L. Rutter;. Rep\lblican,Third Assembly district. C. 8. Tomllnson; Socialist, Third Assemblyd i ~ t r i c t ,Darlington l-Ioopes.

    A telegram of r egret was readfrom Congressman Henry vVatson.Assemblyman George 1\1. Fratt wasdetained in Harrisburg.

    Miss Sly in presiding was finn inher t ime l imit for the speakers, buti t was 5 o 'c lock before' the last candidate had been heard. The morning session began at I I o'clock, aftel' which lunch eon wa s s ervedMrs. Herman 1. Schwartz, legislative chairman, spoke of the summerleague program and also of the legislat ive mite boxes which financethe county league representatlQ"l1asobservers at the legislative sessions

    The meeting was the largest heldin the history of the tounty "league

    Beglnning in :May, the first county-wide membership drive was inaugurated for :Montgon?ef)' county.The drive is in charge of Mrs. JohnY. H ub er , J r., o f Ard more , vi cechairman o f the C ou nty Board.