Our Town June 26, 1926

PRICE THREECEN'l'8 NARBERTH AVENUE WORK PROGRESSING S e co n d S e ct i on of R ep av in g Jo b No w Nearing Completion. TACKLE W IN DS OR N EX T Narberth, fa., Saturda y, June 26, 1926 A HINT PROVIDED RE Will Enforce Law Requiring Leashing or Muzzling of Animals. F1NES BOROUGH PROMISES TO CONTROL DOGS Vol. XI, Number 38 e e .... c I " -. : ' ~ w 3 ' s : Horner"' "', 39 3 N. Narberth I\ve:. . . ", .. VISITORS ADMIRE ' 'II COUNTY STILL SHY A ~ ~ ~ J ~ ~ ~ l D : e ~ ~ : I ~ ~ E ' ~ ~ 1 again It will ra in during the Slllll- NEW SCOUT HOME ON CMTC QUOTA le ad the Poor R ic ha rd C lu b of mer, and whcn it rains folks will e e e Philadelphia. Morton Gibbons ge t w et .' j But somet mes the cx ent of Neff, of \ Vy nn ew oo d a venue, has the we tt ing d ep end s on the Girl Scout C o m mi tt e e Holds I Will Take Applications Up to been elected preside nt of the large courtesy of the property owne rs June Meeting in L as t M in ut e, It Is advertise rs' and pub lici sts" club, and of the Borough. Narberth. Announced wil l assume office next month. I n m an y p ar ts of the to wn big 1\ T" I privet he dg es enc roa ch on the lvIr. Nett is the second Narbert 1 sid ewa lks , mak ing pas sag e diffi- LOCAL TROOP LARGEST NEED 19 MORE FO R 140 man to hol d thi s i mp or ta nt pos t. cult. Overhanging trees have Robert H. D urb in , of N ar be rt h limbs which sweep too low' is an ex-president of the cl ub. l' .A v ig or ou s c am pai gn a ga ins t u n- high weeds a re a ll owe d The Narberth Troop of Girl A total of 121 boys from 11ont- e work of re-surfacing parts leashed ancl t111muzzled clogs is to flourish in vacant lots and cor- Scouts, the largest in the district, g o me ry c ou nt y h a s m ad e alJplica- of Narberth 'ave nue is proc eedin CT at b d b I 1 I I · ners of properties. til F . 1 t l " d VARE SPENT MORE a ral Ji d p a ce . During the IJ ast , \ ~ e e l ? . e wage y t le Joroug 1 autlon- For the sake of politeness and ac e( as 1 0s te ss es 'nc ay to Ie t,on tor a mis is on to the Citizens' , 'ties, through the pol ic e, i t ,va s a n- appea ance, keep the sid ewa lks ?\1ain L i ne Committ ee of the Phila- :'Iilitary Training Camps, which THAN PEPPER HERE t he mont hl y ash collections and nounced yesterday by Burgess clear. delphia Girl Scout Council. will be held from July S to August r ai ny w ea th er h as he ld u p t he job, Henry A. Frye. The meeting was well attended, ,. at v ar io us p ar ts of the country, - - - but wit h the wor kmen r e le a se d f(om The d ri ve to control the c an in es WILL ARGUE AGAIN and the local troop was the re- it was reported this week, at re- His Com mittee Expended t he c ol le ct io ns i t is h op ed t ha t t he is b ac ke d UlJ by an ordinance 23 'ON YELLOW PERMIT ciIJient of many cone-r atulations on "ruiting headquarters in Norris- $1 7 168 P $15 866 pa\'ing may be fi ni s he d i n g oo d time. I '1'1' '11' ,; epper, , ; The first stretch , frOlll Ha\'erford years old . In August, 19 0 3, Coun- the new home provided in the Com- tJwn. lere IS stl room tor 19 P ' h $1874 '1 C . B'I I tl t f tl mc ot, . to \ Vindsor a venue, was f inished t'""O CI, of which J. . S im ps on w as mUl1lty til cing. ~ l 1 o r e , as le ~ l U O . a or .le county then pre sident , provi ded that Townshl'p an d NarUerth WI'11 The meeti ng, at w hi c h r e p re s e nta- I S. ~ 4 0 . Apl t c a tl O ns ;vlI I be re- L LO ---OST $ 4 4 wee ks ago, and opened 10 traffic. from June 1 to O ct obe r I, .each 0 t iv es of many nearby troops we rel=-' : l' , ed up to the last l ~ l 1 l . n u t e . .' UD W S C 3I ' Th e e nt ir e o ld s ur fa ce , w hi ch \'Vas year, "No dog shall 'be allowecl to Back Taxi. Men i n S e co n d pre sent, was followed by a lun che on H 0 1 ~ . J. Ambler \Vl l h am s , pi eSI- - - - in very b ad sha pe , was removed and Tun at l ar ge i n t he b or ou gh o f N HeanngToday s er ve d by t he Nar be rt h organiza- dent Judge of . the ~ I o n t g o m e r y Y ar e s pe nt m or e m one y i n M on t- a n ew w at er -b ou nd m ac ad am t op berth without being sufficiently 'tion under the direction of Mrs. county. Sourts, IS c h ~ ~ r m a n of gomery county in hi s v ai n a tt e mp t put on. 1 d t 't f b' . 18 FROM HERE' It )c al citizens' recrUiting COl ll nll t to beat the Joh ns on o rg an iz a ti on a t The n ew s tr ee t po li cy, a do pt ed lTIUZZ e to preven I rom ltll1g PROTEST JOl111 C. N a sh , c ap ta in , and her .: C1 1 F G St't' - I" tee 0 one n zmger the r ec en t p ri m ar i es than di d t he with the loan paving last year, was persons or al11ma s. s is te r, M rs . Arthur 1. Cooke, 't'h ffi . N' ··t . . ' A . I f $' 'd I f ' . I' \\1 0 ces 111 1 orns own IS v lc e- P ep pe r- Fi sh er f or ce s, r ep or ts fi le d f ol lo we d. Inste ad of constructing pena ty 0 5 IS proYI ee or . Another h e a n n ~ on th.e aPIJ!tca- leutenant. chal'rlll all. 'b" N' a t tt tl t f h l ' fl' .I ' Y campa ign commIttee s at 1 orrl s- , separa e gu er, lat par 0 te VIO atlOn 0 t le act, 111 ac1lJlti0J1 to tlon of the Yellow TaXicab Conl - 011 accoll'llt of tIle vast l'll'crease L t I b I . town, reveal. street was mac e contmuous with the a provision that the offending pany of the P. R. T. f or a c er ti fi - of i n t e r e ~ t ill SCOlltl'llg, I't , v a ~ all- a s d yedar fnear y wo scor 1 e I C!Ys t ffi . . I 1 I I . b respon e ronl La e Yare force s c ol le ct ed a t ot a l of ra c sectlOn, WIt 1 tle resu 1. t lat anJmal may e nabbed by a dog cate to operate in Philadelphia and nounced that infonl1a1 meetl'llgs of dN b h h' I 'h v d 1"' enon 1 f h b d I b . ap 1 ar ert '" IC 1 a t le se ' $19,500 I'n tl11'S county, but $:::000 of severa extra e et h av e be en a dd ed catc er, to e recovere on y y vicil1lty was held in Philadelphia the committee would be 11eld 'd l ' I t Il l d .J th t f dd 't' 1 t C't H 11 .t d AI' on 1]0" les num J er enro e m this came from Thomas F. vVa ts on, t o t he u se fu l w id th of the street. e paymen a a IlOna cos s. .I y. a yes er ay. t t lIS the t h r ou g h ou t t h e s u m me r and that the t1.. C '"M T CAlI TI . l' b ' 1 . 0 d d i'e sma er num chairman of the Philadelphia Vare- lIS same p an IS emg usee In So ma ny comp l ai n ts h av e becn; m epen ent cab o p er a to r s w n o w i nt e r s ea so n , vo ul d b eg in , vi t h t Il e b l' . . . d tIll h' - the part no, tl d t t' . d ' d tl . . fl' . ..:r l as a ns we re le ca t IS Beidleman-James vVoodward Com- v n er cons ruc IOn- receIVe by t he a ut ho ri ti es that oppose le extensIOn 0 t le cIty meetlllCT S e lJtell1 ber 8 at the 11'0111e of . f n "TO db'n t 1\,1' t f I> year mi tt ee . A s ur pl us r em ai ns , a cc ord - ro 1 vv 0 Ie avenue 0 Ihon- efforts are to be m ad e t o e nf or ce company s r .a nc hi se to the sub- t h e c ha i rm an , M r s . C ha rl e s C . Har- ·Tl· b ' f N bId gm TI fi t h If f tl ' f tl I t .. tl F urbs were remforced by legal re _. J . V'I . TI . . lree oys rom a.r er t 1 . an i ng to c om mi tt ee reo turns, as expen- 0 ery. le rs a 0 lIS, rom Ie aw nc y. or m an y y ea rs t ' f L ' I ' P nson, r., 111 I lanova. liS m ee t- t ,, 'o f ro m t he t o wn s hi p re ceIVed ses t ot a li ng $ 1 7 , 1 6 8 ' / ~ 6 we re i n- Price to W oo db in e, is p ra ct ic al ly n , si d en t s . h av e c om pl a i ned of a r es en a !l ve s 0 ower iV enon ing \ViII b e i n p re pa ra ti on for the I: ' . 1" kf h G curred. finished, and the rest will betac kled niultitude of apI Ja re ntIy unc o n- township and the borough of Nar- "S t P t P' ." t b . etters t lIS wee rom t e overn- Ill a sllort tl·llle. b th 1 h . . d h .' cou - a re n ICl1lC 0 e gIven mont orderinO' them to the coast m-olled dogs r u nn i n g at larg e, te'lr- tIer. ' W t l0 t ave Jome t em m S ep te mb er 25 at Mrs. H a rr i so n 's a r ti l le r y unit bat Fortress M on ro e, T he P ep pe r- Fis her Committee No w or k wiII be done on t he i n- ingup lawns and flowerbe ds, fi ght- lelr pro es . home f Ik V Th R I s pe nt $15, 886, whi le r ec ei pt s f ro m t er me di at e s tr et ch , f r om Windsor to i ng , s na p pi n g at pass e rs - by , ove r- The cab company at t he p re - I\t't 1I ld tl r-D r f d ti 7 H ey d 0 J e ~ t c on tr ib ut ions t ot al ed $6 5 55 · D e- W oo db in e, partly because· of lack of turning garbage pails 7"in fact , ddng vious hearing declared it had . "A dle r u m $ m a ~ e Ja e le ~ ~ c ~ n t h Y N' I ot eh .. I ~ i e H or r ~ ~ 9 f ie i ts amounti ng to $7 00 0 w e re made f un d s, a n d p a rt l y b ec au se that rart e ve ry an i lO yi n g and dangerous many calls to go 'out il110 the sub- 1r S m o ~ e , 14 · d7 w at s ne e Mar ~ ~ r t ;H ar 1 ' N n r ~ , 'th up by bank loans. is not in as bad shape. t' tlll Jlg of 'Vll'I'cll a doe- IS capable. u rb s, a nd that its deisre for a .Ir cou s. a cc or m g 0 a rep?r , ee mg ouse ane, I ar er ; Th p' h f S C b 1\1 'I B N tl V St II J k 1 9 7 U Ide mc ot - o r- enator om- T he w or k is beinll done Ly the franchise permittin rr operation g l v ~ n y I' ISS l\ ary . l or 1,. vice an ee ac 'son, "" p an C am paigns from time to time y outside of P hi la de lp hi a w as m er e- c ha mn an of t he Sale C on u11lt t ee . t e rr a ce , Bala; R a ym on d H . Rud- m i t te e spent $ 18 74. 0 4, of which s u m b or ou gh , t i nd e r d ir ec ti on of S tr ee t State employ ees have ser ved to cur b ly to allow it to get ' ;r et ur n p as- T he Sal e Committee was. ~ o m p o s e d rat,f f, :Montgomery and \Voodbine $1580 was cont r i bu t e d by \ Vi II i am C o mm i ssioner Geor ge B. Suple e, be , th e n ui s an ce, but t hi s ye ar the senITe rs" a nd e li mi na te o ne -w ay of C. Duane Wllha ms , of an nues, Narberth, and vVe nde ll S. Buck l an d , county Pinchot l ea de r. c au se of the economy eff cted . It b ur ge ss h as p ro mi se d s tr ic t poli ce h au ls . Haverford, as chairman; :Miss B. .stewart, :325 Bryn Mawr ave- Ludlow Spent $2827. is hope that s e ve r al thousand do I- measures. Both t he L ow er ~ I e r i o n c om - N or th al)d Mrs •. , \ Vi ll ia m B . o. y er , JJPt, Cynwyd. The campaign of Benjamin H. lars wiII be cut f ro m t he c on tr ac - All dogs must e it he r be un.!el' mission a nd t he Narberth Council, of Ardmore . . The following troops Ludlow, of Ardmor e, defeated c a n- tor's e st im at e. A part of vVinc1sor leash, or muzzled. In a ddit ion ) at meetilJO's la st w eek d ecl ar ed of the l\lal11 L1I1e sent rummage C).nd SEEKS RAR.E PLANTS didate for State Senator c ost a ve nu e wi ll a lso be r e pa ved t hi s that a license must ha ve bee n that s a t i s f ~ c t o r y servic; was now wil l g et a p er ce nt ag e of· the pro- )·Ir. \Valter Sfeckbec!:, \Vayne $3414.52, other reports filed N-or- year. . s ec ur ed . C ou nc il and the po li ce are b e in g rendered by local owners, c ee ds : C yn wy d, Ov p rl r':;uk, ~ a r - aveilue, accompanied by his w i fe r is tm vn s ho w. Of this tot al, $ 2 8 ~ 7 ' - In order k ~ e p the t a ~ e ~ down, checking up o n u nl ic ensed and un- a nd t ha t lHtside competition was ber th, Ardmore, Gladwyne, Ilaver- allrl son, \Valdo, are on a three ~ l f ' ,;v a"T hs.Pee rnetnblayl.l.lj\I.11Igr . $ ~ u 8 d 7 1 0 . \ , \ . v a ~ ; h i .•: .. t t \ h v e . e ~ ?es.tllIJrefabcU'dn. ggetJ . . , ? b o f w t a , , ~ u " d \I.,eladr: e d - , ".,. ,-""",-',·k",shed· dogs, and su1 1ll 11a ry acticn11l1Warr al HdJ. Th e borough Coun- ford, WaYI)e awl :1\ 01 r ) ~ l O W l i : ' " "'-- ' \ v ' e ' ~ i { ~ { ' trip i:uV-irgia;." -Nofthllnd " - . . : ~ ~ " . - , . ". " . is p r o m i s e d . : ~ i l in a lellgthy r e s o l u t i ~ n , went R e po rt s w er e g iv en h y t he c ha i r- South Carolina. is h o p e ~ that pended by a campaign commi t te e · of provIsIons w I ~ 1 be m ad e fer h11lsh .. S ig ns , w ar ni ng r es id en ts of the 1urther and d e ~ l ~ r e d t.hat It. w O t ~ l d men of five recently formed Troop t,nany plants of mterest WIll be which John S. \ Vi ls on w as t rt 'a s- I11g the work 111 19 2 7. campaign, are bein g poste d through- not grant addi tional p e r m it s 10r C om mi tt ee s, t he c ha ir ma n beinCT t ou nd a nd brought back for the urer. :out the b or ou gh , and e ve ry effort taxi stands in the Narberth b u s i- aut o m at i c a lly m e mb e rs of the M a i ~ University of Pennsylvania collec- The R e pu bl ic an O rg an i zation REINSTATEMENT OF POLICIES : will be made to abate the nuisance ,ness centre because it ,,;ould add L i ne C o mm i tt e e .. T he re we re r e- t io n. The main object of the rip Commi tt e e , f or me d b y D e pu t y Au- Fi ve -Yea r Level-Premium Offered t ll ls s u mm e r. . . . t o . t r af f i c c o n ge s t i o n. It a ls o e x- p or ts o f l un che ons gi ve n for the is furt!;er study of "Venus d it or Ge ne ra l C ha rl es J oh ns on, to World War Veter ns. pressed an opinion that ; ;d ri ve rs t ro op c amp f un ds a nd pl ans for Fly Irap, a plant w h ic h h as f re - w hi ch s up po rt ed t he P ep pe r- Fi sh er - A ns we ri nO ' a f lo od of inquiries I DETOUR ESTABLISHED of a large outside corporation, r e- s co ut s t o l ea d i n t he C hi ld re n' s D ay quently been d ~ s i g n a t e d the ;'1110st B o yd t i ck e t, fi led a report of its eX-I from local \\7'orld \Var veterans pro- n C yn w yd a s W o r k ~ f Wrecking Old gardless of t he ir p er so na l i nt eg - service of one of t h e c h ur c he s 8S remarkable plant in the world." penses t h r o u g ~ l R ob er t C. l\IiI.1 er , ?uced by con.fl ic t in g rumors of new Station Bri dge Begins. r it y, " w ou ld r eq ui re m or e p ol ic - we ll as on a cc ou nt of the J l r e s . . ~ n ~ ; ? }'he , ? I a n t ~ a I l e c ! ; ; I ? i o n ~ e a 1 1u - treasure r. It IS shown the receI pt s 111surance legIslation, H. J. Crosson, ing . than resident owners who of tIle S , v e e l l ' ~ l l (leleCTate to tile sClj ula by the scIentists IS fO,und f '1 ' 1 d $6 TI Pl'l I I I' R . 1 1\1 f A detour on l\Io ntgomery Pike in 11 k "I:>' 0 contn mtlOns tota e • 555· le 11 ae e plIa "eglOna 1 a na ge r 0 ! C yn wy d w as e st ab li sh ed M on da y w e ~ ~ ~ r s f n a ! ·nown. I E S \Vorld Conference at one t roo p n at iv e in a s ni al l. area n ~ a r . the expenditures were $13,934.3 2 , w hi le t he U. S. Ve tera ns' B ure au, a n- . . by the police when the work of I I : . le let_ ar C ll1 g yeslterc.ay .' m ee ti ng , w he re sh e t ol d of scout- const a r ou n d the City of V/ 1 lm l J1 g- unpaid bills tot al $195 2 .5 0 addi t io n- n ou nc ed t od ay t ha t t he bi ll s ig ne d - Iggl11S, 0 ynwy(, Vlce-preSI- ine- as.' it I · . ~ c.lolle Ill c,veclell. t.0I1, N. C.The southe.rn limit of I D fi . 1 f $ I' Ib P .I C l'd I w r ec k i ng t h e C y nw y d s t at i on b ri d g e dent of the Y e ll o w C a b Company," " oJ distri bution e x te n ds into. South a. e CltS to t le amount 0 7 000 tllS ,vee y reslc e nt 00 I ge las b eg an . l \I ot or is ts b ou nd f or P hila - 1 od lId 1. I tt t . were made up by b ank loans. extended for o ne y e ar the f in a l d at e . )r 1 ce< recor s w llC 1, a emp - 'SQUIRE 'FRED' TALKED Carolina. Here JOl111 Bartram, T I' I .I . I delphia are now shunted down ed to show a large d e ma n d for America's first and most" illustri- he amount s pe nt i n getting out ~ l l ? o n w lIC 1 war r.ls 111surance po - B al a a ve nu e t o C it y L in e and,over '\-"ell" .. tl ' t' Squire Fred \ Va lz er , of Nar- of the v ot e t ot al ed $ 72 86 .6 2, a nd JCles c ould be re ms ta te d a nd c on- l. ow servIce 111 lIS sec lOll. ous botani s t, f ou nd t h e' plant in f T fi 1 the City Line railroad bride-e to F allk H' f Cd' berth, was the speaker at the t he b al an ce w as s pe nt for st ation- vert ed to pe rm ane nt orm. he na . r, . arngan, 0 ynwy, IS kl l'j'44 while on a colIecting trip in d I f b J I C o ns h oh o ck e n r o ad , w h i ch cuts into tt f tl '30 lb' \vee' y l un ch eo n of the Bala- ery, Jrintinll, postage, etc. .ate t l ere o.r ecome.s u y 2,. 19 2 .7 . .' . . a orn ey or l e · suJur an 111- C d N the capacity as the King's Botan- 1'1 1 Fairmount Park toward ·th e city. d e pe n de n t o p er a tors who are pro- ynwy -l a rb er th R ot ar y Club. Pepper Fund Contributors. le necessity of t lIS ext ens Ion m The next bri dge over the Sch uyl - t e st i ng t h e Yellow Cab extension. Tuesday . . He t<;>ld of painting 1St. A' fl' . I d order to avoid an inj ust ic e t o all ki1I D i vi s io n tracks of t he Penn- Of this number.] 8 are from Low- business, 111 wlllch he IS e nga ge d. D io na ea is unique in its insect- hst 0 t le c on tn bu to r. s mc u e con ce rn ed is d em on st rated by the syl vania Rail road," below C yi l\ Vy d er'Merion ancl Nal'berth. I nc lu de d A no th er t a l k ~ r was Rev. Her- catching .habit a nd a ls o for its re- $ _0 00 , James S. Boyd, $1000, res ult s of Mr. Crosson 's educat ional station b ~ i d g e is Union a v e l ~ u e , but among the protesting owners are. b ~ r t \Valker B I ~ b e r , 'yho tOld. of s t ri c te d d i st r ib u ti o n. Attempts G e or ge \ V e av e r, C l a re n ce 1. Eder- campai gn about Gove r nm e nt insur ,co! l1pa ratt vely few aut .omoblle s use the S u bu r ba n Cab Company, of hls r T e ~ e n t e ~ p . e n e n c e s m the WIlds h av e b ee n m ad e to t ra ns fe r t he $500, John N . S t or b, 1. Pow el l a nce d ur in g t he pa st s ix m ont hs . tIllS, as the approach IS up a steep Ardmore; the Narberth TaXI of Noth Ca Ima. . plant to other parts of the world, f l: om as ; $4 00 , Fred C. Peters; D ur in g t hi s pe ri od $9,25 0 ,000 in grade and the pavi r l jf of tlfe"street 'Col iJiJ any , Patrick Donohue, also Joseph J .. Skeltol?, Jr., preSided but with no s u c ce s s . Even under $2:>0, George Fratt, Mary Warbur- G ov er nm en t pol ic ie s w er e pl aced there is poer. A n o p a r ki ng.area of o r .. Narberth ; ... Kromer ,.taxis,. at at the meetmg, WlllCh was at the favorable green house conditions ~ o n ; . $10 0, Nels on P. Fegley, Ben- a m on g e x-service men in the Phila- 200 feet has b e ~ n established below 'Cyn w yd s t at i on , and' the ' S ow d en C y nw y d C l ub , a s u su al . poorresults are Obtaine d. 'With the Jam111 Hughes; ~ 7 ~ , Geo rg e d e lp hia metr o p ol i t an area a s a g ai n st M 9 ~ l t g C ? m e r y P Ik e on Bala avenue and Little taxis, at Fifty-fourth rapid growth of vVilmington and Thumm, B. F. S t nt z mg er ; $5 0 , only $2,25 00,00 0 in the six months in order '{o ' reliev e traffic cbn gest ioi' l sfte'et'al 1'd'"City·Une;·Ba -hr.·· .. '-. NEW RADIO other smalIer towns in the area James H. ?agan, John Baltz; $35, immed iately preceding. In addition a t t h at point. H a v er f or d a v en u e is being e n- ' of " V en us F ly Trap" habitat the Samue l M i ll e r; $ 25 , H. C. P od al l, o ve r 4000 m en t hu s a ro us ed re- A n ew $ 73 ,0 00 c on cr et e b ri dg e APPOINTED TO ANNAPOLIS tertained by a Ilew radio loud- plant will very likely b e co m e e x- J. L. Adams; $20, H. M . T ra ce y, c ei ve d ful l i nf or ma ti on a s a r es ul t WIll r epl ac e t he p re se nt C ynwy d Robert l\1elville P a tt en , son of speaker set, which is being dem- tinct in time. Wilmer J o h l ~ s o n ; $15, John W i 1 ~ of personal appl icati on. span. Mr. and Mrs. Fred C. Patten, of o ns trated in front of the Narberth son; $5, DaVid Seasholtz. . Mr. Crosson said he was a dv i se d 'Woo ds i de ave n ue , has r e ce i ve d Electric Shop. Th e G a ro d R a di o GOING UP A t ot al of $19,5 00 was re c ei ve d b y t h e A ss i st a nt D i re c to r i n C h ar ge WIN PRIZES an a pp oi nt men t to A nn ap oli s Co rpo rat io n, o f N ew ar k, N. J., is Now that the school term has by the Yare force s in Montgomery of Insurance at t he V et er an s' At the drawing for the prizes from Senator George 'Wharton the latest i n v ad e r o f the local radio f in is he d, the work on the addition to county, accor d in g to r et ur ns made Bureau at \Va shington that the new offered by merchants in the re- Pepper. field. \¥alter G. Case, genial dem- the high sch ool b ui l di ng ' o n M ont- CONTINUED ON THE FOURTH PAGE law aso authorizes a fi ve -year leve l- c en t c am pa ig n by the baseball This w as a nn ou nc ed late last o n s tr a to r of the new set, claims gomery a ve n ue is progressing rapid- premium term policy, excha ngeable club to raise m ~ J 1 1 e y , 10 lucky per- week a f t er P a tt e n had successful- that it uses no bat teri e s, but plugs Iy. The steel structure is practically UNION PRAYER MEETINGS w i t hi n the fiv e-year period for other s on s w al ke d off with as many Iy p as se d t he e nt ra nc e e xa mi na - in on an ordinary house e le ct ri c a ll i n p la ce a nd t he s to ne work ha s Th e f ir st o f the series of U ni on f or ms of level-premi um life or en- gifts. tions, and had secured the ap- current. Cllready rea ched the sec ond fl oor. Prayer l \ I e e t in g s for this summer dowment poli cies. Th e drawings were held Mon .. p oi nt me nt . His f at he r, Postmast- will be held next vVednesday eve- ------- day at Davis' store. Th e winners e r F re d C. P a tt e n, m a d e a s p ec i al The Flereslede ning in t h e B a pt i st Church, with AID IN CONVENTION were: trip to vVashington and inter- Rev. \V. S. Dawson as leader. Many Narberth men, members of 1. H. Smith, Avon A pt s. , o ne - v ie we d Senator Pepper, to insure These meetings wiII be held e ac h t he Poor Richard Club of Phila- half ton of ice. his son's appointment. Mr s. George \V. Cook and Mrs. l\Jr. and Mrs. John W. Joyce, \Vednesday evening at 8 o 'c lo ck d el ph ia , h av e b ee n t ak in g a p ro mi - \V. W. Duer, Avon Apts., large Bob, who is 19, attended the \Varren, .. Auc!er.so n a.nd their ' c hi l - f o rm e rl y of Wynne w o od a v en u e, in the following rotation of n en t part in the activities of that Star ham. N a rb e rt h s ch oo ls , g ra d uating from cl re n a re s p en d in g inontli at <::t11- ha ve' m6,'ed ilit o their new home at churches: Bapti st, Presbyterian, du b a s h os ts to the c o nv en t io n of T. C. Martin, 229 Dudley ave- Lower Merion, taking additional pepper, Va : . II Narbrook Park, Narberth. M ethod ist and Lutheran, with the Ass oci ated Adverti sing Clubs of nue, box of cigars. courses at t he S ev er n School, leaders furnished by each of the the World. C. L. M cK ee , 2 24 v Va yn e a v e- Maryland. At both institutions four churches in turn. In former M o r to n G i bb on s N e ff , of 'Wynne- b k t f f 't I I 1 Miss Evelyn Jefferis, of F or re st Mrs . William G. Bartl ett and chil- . I' f nue, as e 0 rUI. Ie payee quarter-back on the y ea r s t h es e U n io n m ee ti n gs h av e w oo d a ve nu e, IS clalrman 0 the W H F t 126 CI t t f b 11 a ve nue , is ~ e n d i n g t,vo ,veeks at dren, of Elmwood avenu e, are at T . C . f l' h . . re z, les I1tl ave- oot a teams. b ee n m o st h el pf ul . A c or di al i n- r an sp or ta tl on o mm lt te , 0 W llC nue E, rersl arp'l nTh b f till "Byronden arms," C h e s t e ~ COllllty. their cottage at O ce an Ci ty, N. J. dd h bl· \V 1 A F fN b kP I 1 penci . vv en a mem er 0 le oca - vitation is exten e to t e pu Ie 'a ter . ox, 0 ar roo' ar {, C. M. l\{c C ra c ke n , 1 06 M e ri o n B oy S c ou t troop, he atta i ne d the to attend. is a m em be r. J am es B . M ac ke nz ie , avenue, Saville spigots. . rank of "Eagle Scout" for pro- Attorney esmond J. M c' l' ig he , M r. R os s H ow en st ei n, of Chest- Th e first of the Sunday evening also of the Park, is chairman of the Chester G. J o ne s, W o od bi ne ficiency in merit badge work. of Essex avenue, sailed l a st S at ur - nut avenue, IS r ec ov er in g f ro m a U n io n t w il ig h t m ee ti ng s will be Golf Tournament Committee. avenue, baseball glove. Patten's appointment is the d ay f or Havana, C ub a, a b oa r d the r ec en t o p e ra t io n. held on the l aw n in the rear of M an y N ar be rth m e mb er s h av e Mary Creamer, M e r i on a v en ue , s e co n d ' a nn ou n ce d f ro m' t he b or - " S. S. Sib oney; " He plans to be the Methodist Church on July 4 o ff er ed t he u se of theircars in trans- b ag of b on e' meal . o ug h o f N ar be r th d ur i ng the past away forthree or four weeks; dur- M is s J ea nn et te B ya ll , of Bryn at 7.3 0 o'clock. I t will be a m ee t- p or ti ng the m an y v is it or s a bo ut . "Slim" Stalker, M il l r oa d, box month. An appointment by the ing that time he will r new a'c- M ai ,v r a ve nue, w il l l ea ve o n July 1 ing in the interest of Christian One h u n dr e d and nin etycars are re- of candy. Navy Department was won by q ua i nt a nc e · w i th . b o yh oo d f ri e nd s f or Pine Log Camp, Maine, for the patriotism arid will be addressed q ui r ed to carry the lady visitors to Rqb.er t J.¥£qain!, 16. VV.ood- JosetJh Snyder, so n of Dr. and whom he has not se en since he l e ft s um me r. by H on . J am es L. Rankin, of the m a ny f un ct i ons being g iv en t h ·s side avenue, bathroom accessory: M r s : o - : ' } . S n Y d e r , · t e ' c E ~ ' f i t l y : · · ~ · · · · · · Havmursome"Vears·ago·.··· :-.' .' -. . Chester, Pa. week in their honor. . COlSTlNUED 'ON T l I E ' · T H I R D ~ A : G E e, e . t.-. ,.

Transcript of Our Town June 26, 1926

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Se cond Se ct i on o f Rep av in g

Jo b Now Nearing



Narberth, fa., Saturday, June 26, 1926



Will Enforce Law Requiring

Leash ing or Muzzling

of Animals.




Vol. XI, Number 38

I " . -. ~ · . - \ . . • :' ~ w 3 ' s : Horner"' "',. 393 N. Narberth I\ve:.. . ", ..

VISITORS ADMIRE ' 'IICOUNTY STILL SHY A ~ ~ ~ J ~ ~ ~ l D : e ~ ~ : I ~ ~ E ' ~ ~ 1 again

It will rain dur ing the Slllll- NEW SCOUT HOME ON CMTC QUOTA le ad the Poor Richard C lub ofmer, and whcn it rains folks will • e e e Philadelphia. Morton Gibbonsget wet.' jBut sometimes the cxtent of Neff, of \Vynnewood avenue, hasthe wetting depends on the Girl Scou t Commi tt e e Holds I Will Take Applications Up to been elected president of the largecourtesy of the property owners June Meeting in L as t M in ut e, It Is advertisers' and publicists" club, andof the Borough. Narberth. Announced will assume office next month.In many parts o f t he town big 1\ T" Iprivet hedges encroach on the lvIr. Nett i s the second Narbert 1

sidewalks, making passage diffi- LOCAL TROOP LARGEST NEED 19 MORE FO R 140 man t o hol d thi s imp or ta nt pos t.cult. Overhanging trees have Robert H. Durb in , of N ar be rt hlimbs which sweep too low' is an ex-president of the club. l'

.A v ig or ou s c ampai gn aga ins t u n- high weeds are allowed t The Narberth Troop of Girl A total of 121 boys from 11ont- he work o f re-surfacing parts

leashed ancl t111muzzled clogs is to flourish in vacant lots and cor- Scouts, the largest in the district, gomery county ha s made alJplica- of Narberth 'avenue is proceedinCTat

b d b I 1 I I· ners of properties. til F . 1 tl" d VARE SPENT MORE a ralJid pace. During the IJast , \ ~ e e l ?

. e wage y t le Joroug 1 autlon- For the sake of politeness and a c e( as 10stesses 'nc ay to Ie t,on tor a mis ison to the Citizens' ,'ties, through the pol ic e, i t ,va s an- appearance, keep the sidewalks ?\1ain Line Committee of the Phila- :'Iilitary Training Camps, which THAN PEPPER HERE t he mont hl y ash collections andnounced yesterday by Burgess clear. delphia Girl S cout Council. will be held from July S to August r ai ny wea th er h as he ld u p t he job,Henry A. Frye. The meeting was well attended, ,. at var ious par ts o f the country, - - - but with the workmen released f(om

The drive to control the canines WILL ARGUE AGAIN and the local troop was the re- it was reported this week, at re- His Committee Expended the col lect ions i t is hoped t ha t t he

is b acked UlJ by an ordinance 23 'ON YELLOW PERMIT ciIJient of many cone-ratulations on "ruiting headquarters in Norris- $1 7 168 P $15 866 pa\'ing may be finished in good time.I '1'1' '11' ,; epper, , ; The first stretch, frOlll Ha\'erfordyears old. In August, 1903, Coun- the new home provided in the Com- tJwn. lere IS stl room tor 19 P ' h $1874'1 C . B 'I I tl t f tl mc ot, . to \ Vindsor a venue, was f inished t'""OCI, of which J. . Simpson was mUl1lty til cing. ~ l 1 o r e , as le ~ l U O . a or .le county

then pre sident , provi ded that Townshl'p an d NarUerth WI'11 The meeting, at which representa- IS. ~ 4 0 . ApltcatlOns ;vlII be re- L LO • - - - O S T $ 4 4 weeks ago, and opened 10 traffic.from June 1 to O ct obe r I, .each 0 t ives of many nearby troops werel=- ': l' ,ed up to the last l ~ l 1 l . n u t e . .' UD W S C 3 I 'The ent ir e o ld sur face , which \'Vasyear, "No dog shall 'be allowecl to Back Taxi.Men i n S e cond present, was followed by a luncheon H 0 1 ~ . J. Ambler \Vllhams, pi eSI- - - - in very bad shape, was removed andTun at l ar ge in the borough o f N a r Heanng Today served by t he Narbe rt h organiza- dent Judge of . the ~ I o n t g o m e r y Yar e s pent mor emoney i n Mon t- a n ew wat er -b ou nd macad am topberth without being sufficiently 'tion under the direction of Mrs. county.Sourts, IS c h ~ ~ r m a n of t ~ gomery county in his vain attempt put on.

1 d t't f b' . 18 FROM HERE' It)cal citizens' recrUiting COlllnllt to beat the Johnson organization at The new s tr ee t po licy, adopted

lTIUZZ e to preven I rom ltll1g PROTEST JOl111 C. Nash, captain , and her .: C 1 1 F G St't' -I" tee 0 one n zmger the recent primaries than di d t he w it h t he l oan p av in g l as t y ea r, w aspersons or al11ma s. s is te r, Mrs . Arthur 1. Cooke, 't'h ffi . N' ··t .. '

A. I f $' 'dIf' . I' \\1 0 ces 111 1 orns own IS v lce- Pepper-Fisher for ces, r epor ts fi led fol lowed. I ns tead of constructingpena ty 0 5 IS proYI ee or . Another h e a n n ~ on th.e aPIJ!tca- leutenant. chal'rlll all. 'b" N ' a t tt t l t f hl ' f l ' .I ' Y campaign commIttees at 1 orrl s- , s epara e gu er, lat par 0 t e

VIO atlOn 0 t le act, 111 ac1lJlti0J1 to tlon of the Yellow TaXicab Conl- 011 accoll'llt of tIle vast l'll'crease L t I b I .town, r eveal. street was mac e contmuous with thea provision that the offending pany of the P. R. T. f or a cer ti fi - of i n t e r e ~ t ill SCOlltl'llg, I't , v a ~ all- a s d yedar fnear y wo scor1eI

C!Ys t ffi . . I 1 I I. b ~ respon e ronl La e Yare forces collected a total of r a c sectlOn, WIt 1 t l e resu 1. t latanJmal may e nabbed by a dog cate to operate in Philadelphia and nounced that infonl1a1 meetl'llgs of d N b h h' I 'h

vd 1"' enon 1 f

h b d I b. ap 1 ar ert '" IC 1 a t le se ' $19,500 I'n tl11'S county, but $:::000 of severa extra eet have been added

catc er, to e recovere on y y vicil1lty was held in Philadelphia the committee would be 11eld 'd l ' I t I l l d ~ .J

th t f dd't' 1 t C't H 11 .t d AI' on 1]0" les num J er enro e m this came from Thomas F. vVatson, to the u sefu l w id th of the street.

e paymen a a IlOna cos s. . I y. a yes er ay. t t lIS the throughout the summer and that the t1.. C '"M T CAl I TI . l ' b ' 1 .0 d d i'e sma e r n um chairman of the Philadelphia Vare- lIS s ame p an IS emg usee In

S o ma ny complaints have becn; m e pe n e nt cab opera tors wno winter season ,vould begin ,vith tIle b l' . . . d t I l l h' - the part no, tl d t t'. d ' d tl . . fl' . ..:r l as a nswe re le ca t IS Beidleman-James vVoodward Com- v n er cons ruc IOn-receIVe b y t he aut ho ri ti es that oppose le extensIOn 0 t le cIty meetlllCT S

elJtell1ber 8 at the 11'0111e of . f n "TO db'n t 1\,1' t


year mi tt ee . A s ur pl us r emains , a ccord - ro 1 vv 0 I e avenue 0 Ihon-efforts are to be made to enfor ce company s r .anchise to the sub- the chairman, Mrs. Charles C. Har- ·Tl· b ' f N bId g m TI fi t h If f tl ' f

tl I t.. tl F urbs were remforced by legal re _. J . V'I . TI . . lree oys rom a.r er t 1 . an i ng to commi tt ee reoturns, as expen- 0 ery. le rs a 0 lIS, rom

Ie aw nc y. or many years t ' f L ' I ' P nson, r., 111 I lanova. liS meet- t ,, 'o f rom t he t ownship receIVed ses totaling $ 1 7 , 1 6 8 ' / ~ 6 we re i n- Price to Woodb ine, is p ract ical lyn ,sidents . have complained of a r esen a!lves 0 ower iV enon ing \ViII be in p repara tion for the I: ' . 1" k f h G curred. finished, and the rest will be tackledniultitude of apIJarentIy uncon- township and the borough of Nar- "S t P t P' ." t b . etters t lIS wee rom t e overn- Ill a sllor t tl·llle.b th 1 h .. d h .' cou - a re n ICl1lC 0 e gIven mont orderinO' them t o t he coastm-olled dogs running at l ar ge , te' lr - t Ie r. ' W

tl0 t ave Jome t em m Sep temb er 25 at Mrs. Harrison 's ar ti l le ry unit bat Fortress Mon ro e, T he P ep pe r- Fis her Committee No wor k wiII be done on t he i n-

ingup lawns and flower beds, fight- le lr pro es . home f Ik V Th R I s pent $15, 886, whi le r ec ei pt s f rom t ermedi at e s tr et ch , f r om Windsor to

ing , snapping at passers-by, over- The cab company at t he p re - I\t't! 1 I ld tl r-Dr f d ti 7 H ey ~ r d 0 J e ~ t con tr ibut ions totaled $6555 · De- Woodb ine, partly because· of lack ofturning garbage pails7"in fact, ddng vious hearing declared it had . "A dle r u m $ m a ~ e Ja e le ~ ~ c ~ n t h Y N' I ot ~ a eh .. I ~ i e H or r ~ ~ 9 fieits amounting to $700 0 were made funds, and partly because that rartevery anilOying and dangerous many calls to go 'out il110 the sub- ~ 1r S m o ~ e , 14 · d7 wat s ne e Mar ~ ~ r t ;H ar e 1

'• N n r ~ , 'th up by bank loans. is not in as bad shape . t'

tlllJlg of 'Vll'I'cll a doe- IS capable. u rb s, a nd that its deisre for a .Ir cou s. accor mg 0 a rep?r , ee mg ouse ane, I ar er ; Th p' h f S Cb 1\1 'I B N tl V St II J k 19 7 U Ide mc ot - o r- enator om- The wor k i s b einl l done Ly thefranchise permittinrr operation g l v ~ n y I' ISS l\ ary . l or 1,. vice an ee ac 'son, "" p an

Campaigns f rom t ime to t ime Ly outside of Phi lade lphi a was mere- chamnan of the Sale Conu11lttee. terrace, Bala; Raymond H. Rud- mittee spent $1874.04, of which sum borough, tinder direction of Str ee t

State employees have served to curb ly to a ll ow i t t o get ' ;r et urn pas - The Sale Committee was. ~ o m p o s e d rat,ff, :Montgomery and \Voodbine $1580 was contributed by \ViIIiam Commissioner George B. Suplee, be, the nuisance, but t hi s ye ar the senITe rs" and e limina te one -way of l'l'1rs. C. Duane Wllhams , o f an nues, Narberth, and vVendell S. Buckland, county Pinchot l eader. cau se o f the economy effected. It

burgess has p romised s tr ic t police hau ls . Haverford, as chairman; :Miss B. .stewart, :325 Bryn Mawr ave- Ludlow Spent $2827. is hoped that several thousand doI-measures. Both t he Lower ~ I e r i o n com- Nor th al)d Mrs •., \Villiam B. o.yer , JJPt, Cynwyd. The campaign of Benjamin H. lars wiII b e cut f rom the con tr ac -All dogs must e it he r be un.!el' mission and the Narberth Council, of Ardmore. .The following troops Ludlow, of Ardmore, defeated can- tor's est imate. A par t o f vVinc1sor

leash, or muzzled. In a ddit ion ) at meetilJO's la st w eek d ecl ar ed o f the l\lal11 L1I1e sent rummage C).nd SEEKS RAR.E PLANTS didate for State Senator cost a venu e wi ll a lso be repaved thisthat a license must have been that s a t i s f ~ c t o r y servic; was now will g et a per centage of· the pro- )·Ir. \Valter Sfeckbec!:, \Vayne $3414.52, other reports filed ~ N-or- year. .secured . Council and the police are being rendered by local owners, ceeds : Cynwyd, Ov p rl r':;uk, ~ a r - aveilue, accompanied by his wife r is tmvn show. Of this total, $ 2 8 ~ 7 ' - In order ~ k ~ e p the t a ~ e ~ down,checking up on unlicensed and un- and t ha t lHtside competition was berth, Ardmore, Gladwyne, Ilaver- allrl son, \Valdo, are on a three ~ l f ' ,;va"Ths.Pee rnetnblayl.l.lj\I.11Igr . $ ~ u 8 d 7 1 0 . \ , \ .va ~ ; .hi t .•:.. t t \ h v e . e ~ ?es.tllIJrefabcU'dn. ggetJ.. , ? b o f w t a , , ~ u " d\I.,eladr: ed- ,".,.

dogs, andsu11ll11ary acticn 11l1WarralHdJ. Th e borough Coun- ford, WaYI)e awl :1\ 01 r ) ~ l O W l i : ' " "'-- ' \ v ' e ' ~ i { ~ { ' trip i:uV-irgia;." -Nofthllnd " - . . : ~ ~ " . - ,. ". " .is p r o m i s e d . : ~ i l , in a lellgthy r e s o l u t i ~ n , went Reports were given hy the chair- South Carolina. ~ is h o p e ~ that pended by a campaign committee·of provIsIons w I ~ 1 be made fer h11lsh ..

Signs , warning r es id en ts o f the 1urther and d e ~ l ~ r e d t.hat It. w O t ~ l d men of five recently formed Troop t,nany plants of mterest WIll be which John S. \Vi lson was t rt 'a s- I11g the work 111 1927.

campaign, are being posted through- not grant additional permits 10r Committees, the cha irman beinCT t ou nd a nd brought back for the urer.:ou t the borough , and every effor t taxi stands in the Narberth busi- automatically members of the M a i ~ University of Pennsylvania collec- The Republican Organization REINSTATEMENT OF POLICIES

:will be made to aba te the nuisance ,nesscentre


addLine Committee

..The re we re r e- t io n.

The main objectof the

tripCommittee, formed by Deputy

Au-Five-Year Level-Premium Offeredt ll ls summer. . . . to .traffic congestion. It a ls o ex- p or ts o f l un cheons gi ven for the is t h furt!;er study of ~ h "Venus d it or Gene ra l C ha rl es J oh ns on, to World War Veterans.

pressed an opinion that ; ;d ri ve rs t ro op c amp f un ds and pl ans for Fly Irap, a plant which has f re - which suppo rted the Pepper-Fisher - AnswerinO ' a f lood o f inquiriesI DETOUR ESTABLISHED of a large outside corporation, r e- scouts to lead in the Chi ld ren' s Day quently been d ~ s i g n a t e d the ;'1110st Boyd ticket, filed a report of its eX-I from local \\7'orld \Var veterans pro-n Cynwyd as W o r k ~ f Wrecking Old gardless o f t he ir p er so na l i nt eg - service of one of the churches 8S remarkable plant in the world." penses t h r o u g ~ l Rob er t C. l\IiI.1er, ?uced by con.flicting rumors of new

Station Bridge Begins. r it y, " wou ld r eq ui re mor e pol ic - well as on account o f t he J l r e s . . ~ n ~ ; ? }'he , ? I a n t ~ a I l e c ! ; ; I ? i o n ~ e a 11u- treasurer. It IS shown the receIpts 111surance legIslation, H. J. Crosson,ing .than resident owners who of tIle S , v e e l l ' ~ l l (leleCTate to tile sCljJula b y the scIentists IS fO,und f '1 ' 1 d $6 TI Pl 'l I I I' R . 1 1\1 fA detour on l\Iontgomery Pike in 11 k "I:>' 0 contn mtlOns tota e • 555· le 11 ae e p l I a "eglOna 1 . anage r 0

!Cynwyd was estab li sh ed Monday w e ~ ~ ~ r s f n a ! ·nown. I E S \Vorld Conference at one t roo p n at iv e in a s ni al l. area n ~ a r . the expenditures were $13,934.32, whi le the U. S. Ve tera ns' B ure au, a n-


. by the police when the work of I I : . le let_arCll1g yeslterc.ay ~ .' meeting , where she told of scout- const around the City of V/1lmlJ1g- unpaid bills total $1952.50 add it ion- nounced today tha t the bi ll s igned

- Iggl11S, 0 ynwy(, Vlce-preSI- ine- as.' it I · . ~ c.lolle Ill c,veclell. t.0I1, N. C . T h e southe.rn limit of I D fi . 1 f $ I' I b P . I C l'd Iwrecking the Cynwyd station bridge dent of the Yellow Cab C o m p a n y , " " oJ dist r ibution extends into. South a. e CltS to t le amount 0 7

000tllS ,vee y reslc e nt 00 I ge las

began . l \I otor is ts bound for Phi la- 1 odlId 1. I tt t . were made up by b ank loans. extended for one year the f inal date. )r 1 ce< recor s w llC 1, a emp - 'SQUIRE 'FRED' TALKED Carolina. Here JOl111 Bartram, T I' I . I . I

delphia are now shunted down ed to show a la rge demand for America's first and most" illustri- he amount spent in getting out ~ l l ? o n w lIC 1 war r.ls 111surance po -Bala avenue to C ity Line and ,over '\-"ell" .. tl ' t' Squire Fred \Va lz er , o f Nar- of the vote totaled $7286 .62, and JCles could be rems ta te d and con-

l. ow servIce 111 lIS sec lOll. ous botanist, found the' plant in f T fi 1the City Line railroad bride-e to F allk H ' f Cd' berth, was the speaker at the the balance was spent for st ation- vert ed to pe rm ane nt orm. he na

. r, . arngan, 0 ynwy, IS kl l'j'44 while on a colIecting trip in d I f b J IConshohocken road, which cuts into tt f tl '30 lb' \vee' y l un ch eon o f the Bala- ery, IJrintinll, postage, etc. .ate t l ere o.r ecome.s u y 2,. 19

2.7 .

.' . . a orn ey or l e · suJur an 111- C d N the capacity as the King's Botan- 1'1 1Fairmount Park toward ·the city. dependent opera tors who are pro- ynwy -l a rb er th Rot ary Club. Pepper Fund Contributors. le necessity of t lIS extensIon mThe next bridge over the Schuyl- test ing the Yellow Cab extension. Tuesday. . He t<;>ld of t ~ painting 1St. A' f l ' . I d order t o avoi d an inj ust ic e t o all

ki1I Division tracks of the Penn- Of this number.]8 are from Low- business, 111 wlllch he IS e nga ge d. D io na ea is un ique in its insect- hst 0 t le con tnbu to r. s mc u e concerned is demonst ra ted by the

sylvania Railroad," below Cyil\Vyd er'Merion ancl Nal'berth. I nc lu de d Ano th er t a l k ~ r was Rev. Her- catching .habit and a lso for its re- $_000, James S. Boyd, $1000, results of Mr. Crosson's educationalstation b ~ i d g e is Union a v e l ~ u e , but among the protesting owners are. b ~ r t \Valker B I ~ b e r , 'yho tOld. of st ric ted dist r ibution. Attempts George \Veaver, Clarence 1. Eder- campaign about Government insur,co!l1parattvely few aut.omoblles use t he Suburban Cab Company, of hl s r T e ~ e n t e ~ p . e n e n c e s m the WIlds h av e b ee n mad e t o t ra ns fe r t he ~ r $500, John N. Storb, 1. Powel l a nce d ur in g t he pa st s ix months .tIllS, as the approach IS up a steep Ardmore; the Narberth TaXI of Noth Ca Ima. . plant to other parts o f t he wor ld , f l: om as ; $4

00, Fred C. Peters; Dur in g t hi s pe ri od $9,250,000 in

grade and the pavirljf of tlfe"street 'ColiJiJany, Patrick Donohue, also Joseph J .. Skeltol?, Jr., preSided but with no success. Even under $2:>0, George Frat t , Mary Warbur- Governmen t pol ic ies were p lacedthere is poer. A noparking.area of or ..Narberth ;... Kromer ,.taxis,. at at the meetmg, WlllCh w as a t the favorable green house conditions ~ o n ; . $100, Nelson P. Fegley , Ben- among ex-service men in the Phila-

200 fee t has b e ~ n established below 'Cynwyd stat ion, and' the 'Sowden Cynwyd Club, as u sual . poorresults are Obtained. 'With the Jam111 Hughes; ~ 7 ~ , George delphia metropolitan area as againstM 9 ~ l t g C ? m e r y PIke on Bala avenue and Little taxis, at Fifty-fourth rapid growth of vVilmington and Thumm, B. F. S tntzmger ; $50, only $2,2500,000 in the six months

in order '{o' relieve traffic cbngestioi'l sfte'et'al 1'd'"City·Une;·Ba -hr.·· ..'-. NEW RADIO other smalIer towns in the area James H. ?agan , John Baltz; $35, immediately preceding. In additionat that point. Haverford avenue is being en- 'of "Venus F ly Trap" habitat the Samuel Miller; $25, H. C. Podal l, over 4000 men thu s a ro us ed re-

A new $73 ,000 concr ete b ridge APPOINTED TO ANNAPOLIS tertained by a Ilew radio loud- plant will very likely become ex- J. L. Adams; $20, H. M. T ra cey, c ei ved ful l i nf orma ti on a s a r es ul tWIll r epl ac e t he p re sent C ynwyd Robert l\1elville Pa tt en , son of speaker set, which is being dem- tinct in time. Wilmer J o h l ~ s o n ; $15, John W i 1 ~ of personal application.span. Mr. and Mrs. Fred C. Patten, of ons tr at ed in f ron t o f the Narberth son; $5, DaVid Seasholtz. . Mr. Crosson said he was advised

'Woodside avenue, has received Electric Shop. Th e Garod Radio GOING UP A total of $19,500 was received by the Assistant Director in ChargeWIN PRIZES a n a pp oi nt men t t o A nn ap oli s Co rpo rat io n, o f N ew ar k, N . J., is Now that the school term has by the Yare forces in Montgomery of Insurance at t he Vet er an s'

At the drawing for the prizes from Senator George 'Wharton the latest invader of the local radio finished, the work on the addition to county, according t o r et urns made Bureau at \Vashington that the newoffered by merchants in the re- Pepper. field. \¥alter G. Case, genial dem- the h igh school bui lding 'on Mon t- CONTINUED ON THE FOURTH PAGE law aso author izes a f ive-year level-cen t c ampa ign by the baseball This was announced late last onstra tor of the new set, claims gomery avenue is progressing rapid- premium term policy, exchangeableclub to raise m ~ J 1 1 e y , 10 lucky per- week after Patten had successful- that i t uses no batteries, but plugs Iy. The steel structure is practically UNION PRAYER MEETINGS within the five-year period for othersons walked off with as many Iy p as se d t he e nt ra nc e e xami na - i n o n an ordinary house e lect ric a ll in p lace and the s tone work has Th e f ir st o f the series of Uni on f orms o f level-premium life or en-gifts. tions, and had secured the ap- current. Cllready reached the second floor. Prayer l\Ieetings for this summer dowment policies.Th e drawings were held Mon .. pointment . His f at he r, Postmast- wil l b e held next vVednesday eve- -------

day at Davis' store. Th e winners e r F red C. Patten, made a special The Flereslede ning in the Baptist Church, wi th AID IN CONVENTIONwere: trip to vVashington and inter- Rev. \V. S. Dawson as leader. Many Narberth men, members of

1. H. Smith, Avon Apts. , one- v iewed Senator Pepper, to insure These meetings wiII be held e ach t he Poor Richard Club of Phila-half ton of ice. his son's appointment. Mrs . Geo rge \V. Cook and Mrs. l\Jr. and Mrs. John W. Joyce, \Vednesday evening at 8 o 'c lo ck delph ia , h ave been tak ing a p romi-

\V. W. Duer, Avon Apts., la rge Bob, who is 19, attended the \Varren, ..Auc!er.son a.nd their 'chil- formerly of Wynnewood avenue, in the following rotation of n en t part in the activities of that

Star ham. Narberth schools , graduating from clren are spending inontli at <::t11- have' m6,'ed ilito their new home at churches: Baptist, Presbyterian, du b as hos ts to the convention of

T. C. Martin, 229 Dudley ave- Lower Merion, taking additional pepper, Va : . II Narbrook Park, Narberth. M ethod ist and Lutheran, with the Associated Advertising Clubs ofnue, box of cigars. courses at t he S ev er n School, leaders furnished by each of the the World.C. L . McKee , 224 vVayne ave- Maryland. At both institutions four churches in turn. In former Morton Gibbons Neff, of 'Wynne-

b k t f f't I I 1 Miss Evelyn Jefferis, of For re st Mrs. William G. Bartlett and chil- . I ' fnue, as e 0 rUI. Ie payee quarter-back on the yea r s t hese Un ion mee ti ngs have wood avenue, IS clalrman 0 the

W H F t 126 CI t t f b 11avenue, is ~ e n d i n g t ,vo ,veek s a t d ren, of Elmwood avenue, are at T . C . f l ' h. . re z, les I1tl ave- oot a teams. been most h el pf ul . A cor di al i n- r an sp or ta tl on ommlt te , 0 W llC

nue E, rersl arp' l nTh b f till "Byronden arms," C h e s t e ~ COllllty. their cottage at Ocean C ity, N . J. d d h bl· \V 1 A F f N b k P I1 penci . vv en a mem er 0 le oca - vitation is exten e to t e pu Ie 'a ter . ox, 0 ar roo' ar {,C. M. l \{cCracken, 106 Merion Boy Scou t troop, he at ta ined the to attend. is a member. James B . Mackenz ie ,

avenue, Saville spigots. . rank of "Eagle Scout" for pro- Attorney Desmond J. Mc' l' ighe , Mr. Ross Howenstein, of Chest- Th e f i rst of the Sunday evening also of the Park, is chairman of theChester G. Jone s, Woodbine ficiency in merit badge work. of Essex avenue, sailed last Satur - nut avenue, IS r ecover ing f rom a Union twil igh t mee ti ngs will be Golf Tournament Committee.

avenue, baseball glove. Patten's appointment is the day for Havana, Cuba, aboard the recentoperation. h el d o n the l aw n i n the rear of Many Narbe rt h members haveMary Creamer, Merion avenue, second 'announced f rom' t he b or - " S. S. Siboney;" He plans to be the Methodist Church o n J ul y 4 o ff er ed the u se of theircars in trans-

b ag of b on e' meal . ough o f Narber th dur ing the past away forthree or four weeks; dur- Miss Jeannet te Bya ll , of Bryn at 7.30 o'clock. I t will be a meet- por ting the many v is itor s about ."Slim" Stalker, Mil l r oad, box month. An appointment by the ing that time he will renew a'c- Mai,vr avenue, will leave on July 1 ing in the interest of Christian One hundred and ninetycars are re-

of candy. Navy Department was won by quaintance· with .boyhood friends for Pine Log Camp, Maine, for the patriotism arid will be addressed quired to carry the lady visitors toRqb.ert J .¥£qain! , 16. VV.ood- JosetJh Snyder, son of Dr. and whom he has not seen since he left summer. by Hon . J am es L. Rankin, of the many functions being given th ·s

side avenue, bathroom accessory: M r s : o - : ' } . S n Y d e r , · t e ' c E ~ ' f i t l y : · · ~ · · · · · · Havmursome"Vears·ago·.··· :-.' .' -. . Chester, Pa. week in their honor.. COlSTlNUED 'ON T l I E ' · T H I R D ~ A : G E

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< ' I . ,



ft "' •


' f o r



29 BaJa Ave., Bala-Cynwyd

Open Friday Evenings-'1 until 9


We will be closed on July 3, 4 and 5(Saturday, Sunday and Monday) f or t he"Fourth" holidays.

To KEEP your possessions whe re th ey will be safefrom this crafty worker-to place them where h is

hand hesitates to go-where his brain is not keenenough

to d ir ec t. O ur S af e D ep os it V au lt s will hold all the'

valuables you w is h t o s to re , a nd are a safe, reliable,

inexpensive insurance against burglary.

the Cellar WindowLehigh Valley CoalJeddo-Highland CoalCannel CoalCord Wood

lo r The GardenBone MealSheep ManureMichell's Grass SeedSaVo Flower BoxesUnderground Garbage Receivers

lo r The ChildrenSand BoxesCanvas CoversWhite Seashore Sand

Phone Narberth 375•

A PICKET Fence for a P I C K ~ E D Home.

Arbors for Grape Vines and Roses.

Lattice work to screen off your Corn from

your Shrubbery, Lawn and Posies.

We do not build any of these articles, but

have, at a ll t imes , a good stock of the n e c ~essary LUMBER, which can be cut to

lengths, if desired.

' ~ T H ( M ~ 8 l J I l D J N G . r / 1. .NARBERJlI • PENNA.-; \.\(

Have You a Safe Deposit Vault?


It's The Burglar's Job'T 0 DISCOVER the secre t h iding places in your

... home that you thought such safe location for your

choice possessions. Once he ga ins entrance , the darkest

recess is not s afe e nough cover from his penetrating


It' s Our Job


q ) EMEMBER! Yourvaca tion t ime is th e Burglar ' s '\. working time-and your silverware is the bright,

object of his temptation. Better leave it safe in oneof our vaults until you return, than to find it gone toparts unknown-never to come back.

I ,



220 Bala Ave.

Cynwyd. Pa.

HARRY H. HAMERJ(lbbing Carpenter

Storm Enclosures-Screens


Phone Narberth 1671

'Phone, Narberth 1254


Minimum, 30 cents . Price , 2 cents aword. Three inser tions for the price oftwo.' Classified advertisements will be

received by telephone from subscribersof the telephone company.





t Phone: NARBERTH 2565

DAIRIES , ~ =====::;- .





\VANTED - Two respect ab le menboa I'dI.' rs. 1111 ferabIy frien<ls, in pri va te ~ ~ 5 2 ; 5 ' a ! ~ i C 5 : C S i : ! 5 i i ! 5 i ! S C ! 5 2 2 5 2 ! i C ! : i 2 S : C S C 5 i i ! 5 ' i ! S C ! 5 2 2 5 2 ! i C ! : i C 5 i 2 5 2 S i i ! 5 ' i ! 5 ' 2 ! 5 2 . 2 5 2 ! i 2 . ! : i 2 I Dfamil.v. Home-like. 521> Gordon avenue,Narberth.

DRESSMAKER - Desires appoint·ments by dny. 1·' irst·e!ass cutter and fitt er . P hone Diamond 5198-W. (7-10)

FOR RENT-Attraetive furnishedrooms near station. Best location. 'PhoneNarberth 2222-W. (tf)

FOR RENT-Ocean City. small furnished apartment by week or month..TUlIeand July. Reasonable. Narberth 1681-J.

\VANTED-Rooln and boa rd i n Narberth. Phone Narberth 702 before July 1.

LOST-I,adies' gold 'Val tham wristwa,tch. Heward. Return to Office of"Our 'I'own."



Hoover IIDd Weltinaboule Agenta

PboDe, Narberth ZZ82 250 Haverford Avenue

Narberth 2602

Cynwyd 928

We Call for and Deliver



' ( ~ U R T O W N



When Dissatisfied Tr y


TaiIon, Cleaners and Dyers

Little fans fo r $S, nineinch fans for $12.S0-Iarg..er fans at higher prices.Bu t they're all GeneralElectric fans-the best youcan buy at any price.

234 Haverford Avenue

,102 Forest Ave.

Narberth. Pa.

Nine-Inch Olcl11ator$12.50

Btdlt tAllth eitherA.c.01' D. C. rnorora

Miss Mary Chalfant, of Chestnut avenue, spent several days lastweek at Wilson College, Chambersburg, Pa. Miss Chalfant graduatedfrom Wilson in 1923.

For d ry t re at me nt of aphis usee ithe r one part of finely powderedquassia di luted with nine parts of flour,or powdered pyrethrum di luted in thesame proportion,' or tabacco dust .

Lime, Sulphur and Salt Wash.Lime 2 pounds.Sulphur . . . • . . . . . . . . • . . . . 1 pounds.Salt . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 pound.Water 4 gallons.

Boi l t he l ime and su lphur toge the rwith a gallon of the water, a nd whencombined add the rest of t he water andsalt. Can be made in concen tra ted MOTHERS-Place your' children unf rom, i f des ir ed , and diluted at the del' competent' supervision while away fort ime of a pp li ca ti on . Ef fe ct iv e a s a ,the duy. J j ~ o r further information addressdormant spray. 'Nar.berth Day Nursery, Mrs. HowardDr y Treatment of Leaf-Ea ting Pests White, 508 Brookburst avenue. NarberthParis green 1 part. 1736-W. 6-12Powdered lime 6 p ar ts . FOR RENT-Fu rn is he d rooms with.Mix. To be a pp li ed e ar ly i n the private family, eonvenien:t to station.

morning . S ui tabl e for potatoes, cu- Temporari ly or for permanent residence.cumbers and other vegetables, but not Phone Narbreth 2261.for roses and other flowers.Scale on Potatoes a nd O the r Tubers.flowdered sulphur • . . . . . . . . . . 1 part.Charcoal . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 part.The moistened potatoes are to be

rubbed i n t hi s powder before planting.A liquid preparation for t he s amepurpose is made f rom, s ol ut io n offormaldehyde colored with t inctur eof cudbear. One p in t is diluted witht en gal lons of water and pot at oesw as he d i n t he mixture before planting.

Rust or Fungus Diseases. ...,Lhne . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . 6 pound's;Copper sulphate 6 pounds.Lead arsenate 1 pound.\Va te r, enough to make .. :;0 gallons.

S lake the l ime a nd s et asi de . D is solve the copper sulphate in part ofthe water and mix with the slakedlime. Thcn add t he l ead arsenate and, --------------the balance of the water. Strain carefully.For plain bordeaux mixture omit the

arsenate.This preparation can be ma de in

concentrated form and sold subject todi lut ion on use. It is useful in treating rust and fungus disease,: ;, blackspot on roses, and in th e control of

leaf-eating pests.To Protect Trees.

Rosin '.. ", 1 pound.Castor oil 1 pound'lMelt t he ros in and mix with the

oil.This preparation i s u sed to enc ir cl e I

tree trunks to prevent leaf-eatingc rawler s f rom getting up into 'thefoliage.



• I


Editor and PublWlller


Business JCarwqer

Saturday, June 26,1926




n es s as an ant will be end ed. Th issame line of treatment i s effective forroaches and thousand-leggers.

Spiders in the house must b e d is Owned by the Narberth CIvic AssocIation. couraged by means o f b room and dustPublished every Saturday at Narberth, Pa. cloth, unless the house can be closed

and fumigated.Now for a considerat ion o f t he out

of-doors problem, the spraying againstleaf-chewing and sap-sucking pestsand those minute scale pest that aret he b an e of perennials, bo th of the

SUBSORIPTION pRIom o rn amen ta l a nd useful ly profitableOne Dollar and Fl t17 Cents Per Year in Advance varieties.

The Uni te d S ta te s Depar tment ofAgriculture, and a ls o t he d if fe re ntState' co1leges and universities, issul:bulletins on the subject of plant andtree pests, and always recommend aproper spray f or eac h of the multitudinous conditions. Their recommendat ions are invariably reliable and good,

but ther e m e d i e ~

suggested a re f re -Entered al second cJal8 matter. October 1D, quently not made use o f for the reason1914, at the POlt Omce at Narberth, 1'.. , aa4er that the average tree or flower ownert he a ct ot Marcil 8, 1m . is appa1led by the complexity of the

formulas involved. He is d ri ve n fo rconvenience sake to the f lorist , wherethe material needed is offered for salein a co nve ni en t ca n to be d il ut ed aswanted. The f loris t or seedman getsilie b ~ n ~ ud b m ilie p r o ~

Local Chemist Discusses Useful Anti · s imply because the druggist is ove rl ooking a bet .

bug Mixtures. Methods o f Spraying.Sprays may be divided i nt o t wo

The following article on the prepara- g en er al c la ss es : t ho se i nt en de d fort ion and use of sprays and insecticides u se o n growing plants and vegetablesappeared in the current i ssue of The and th ose us ed du rin g t he dormantBulletin of P h a r m a ~ y . It is of g ~ n e r a l season from late fal l to early spring.interest and is reprinted for the m f o ~ - Dormant sprays are suitable for apmation of our readers . The author 1S plicat ion to perennials of all kinds, useF. W. E. Stedem, of Koch's Drug ful or beautiful or both, and t hi s i nStore: cludes frui t trees of a ll var ie ti es andLet us b eg in w it h a l is t o f t h e drugs other plants hardy enough to renew

and c hemi ca ls u se fu l in p es t contro l their life season after season and yearthat are, or can b,?, ~ a r r i 7 d by. the afte r yea r without death to the stemaverage retail druggist 111 IllS ordmary part of the p lan t .stock. Dormant spraying is j us t a s neces-Heading t he l is t, at l ea st i n .th e sary for plant l if e a s dental cleaning

alphabetical, sense are t 1 ~ e . ar semcal o f t he t ee th i s neces sa ry for t he humanprepa ra ti ons: a rs en ic t noxlde . c a ~ - being.cium arsenate, copper arsenate (Pans Perhaps the best of all dormantgreen) and l ead a rsenat e. Nex t come sprays is th e old reliable lime andborax' a nd s od ium per bo ra te , c ar bo n s al t a nd sulphur solution, a formulad is ul ph id e, c op pe r s ul ph at e, c op pe r f or wh ic h wi ll be given later . Forc ar bo na te f orma ld eh yd e, g as olllle , s ca le d is ea se s such as oyster shell orkerosene,' l ime, l ime s u l p h i ~ e , para- Sa n J os e sc ale , t he spray should bedichlorbenzene, powdered white hel le- used after the perennial has been wellbore, powdered tobacc;o (made f ~ o m scraped, or on large r t re es scrubbedthe leaves and stems or sweep ll lg s w it h a w ir e or steel brush.from the cigar rol ler 's ben.ch) , pyreth- And now f or a br ie f d is cu ss io n ofrum roseum (ordmary !nsect pow- those pest which afflict plant l if e inder), quassia, sodium fluonde, sulphur , the spring and s umme r when therosin. plant is active. .

All these items, and a hos t of o the rs Aph is is an intolerable and dls-that will suggest themselves as. a r e- f ig ur in g pest at best. It i s usual ly seensui t of invest igat ion aJ;ld expenment , a s a m inut e g reen -color ed bug , veryare used in the preparation o pr?ducts s of t an d t en de r, and present in u nthat wil l a id in the ext erml ll at ion o f bel ievabl e numbers. They not onlyboth household pests and those that disfigure the plant but actually dei nf es t t he p lant s and shrubs o f t he s tr oy y ou ng t en de r shoots, and byoutside garden. their activities r et ard g rowth andFor getting r id o f that most trouble- sometimes kil l.

some of all invaders, the Cimex lectu- These pests should be gone after inl ar io us as it is termed scientifically, th-: early evening just before sundownor t he ' b ed bu g, as i t is c ommonnl y or/early in t he morning before the sunknown , t he l ea st dangerous agent t.o is, high. The y may be c?mbated ~ use is p owde red pyrethrum. ThiS wishing or spraymg, WIth ,soap III

substance is to be f ou nd on the mar- so1:ution, or with an alkaline mixturek et in n um er ou s copyrighted p ack- o f ':quassia and soap, or a mixture ofages. Pyrethrum i s also effective , infi ,lsions of pyrethrum and soap. Comagainst ants, roaches and other crawl- me,nce early in t h season a l l ~ spraying pests that may invade t he ho rn e. i nd us tr io us ly u nt tl t he y dlsll;ppearThe powder is used by spraying o r ( ab ou t J un e 15), and t he n a gam onb lowing into c racks and crevices. their reappearance in September.

As a l iqu id a pp li ca ti on , s ol ut io n o f A nt s are a garden nuisance as well

b ichlor ide o f mercu ry has been popu- a s a househo ld pes t. Their activitieslar, but on a cc ou nt o f t he d an ge r r e- o ut si de the house can be controlled bys ui ti ng f rom hav in g s uc h d ea dl y m a- p ou ri ng a s ol ut io n o f carbon disulp-I t;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;_;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;__ ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; _ ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; _ ~t er ia l about is not t o be recommended. hide or gasoline down the tunnels andEqual ly good results can be ha.d wi th s ha ft s o f t he c ol on y, t he entrance tocornman t ab le sal t, or basohne or which can eas il y be discovered bykerosene. Mixtures of borax and gently breaking a si de t he heaps ofsugar, or sodium perborate, or. sodium soil t hat cover t hem. .f luoride are l ikewise useful II I COm- Leaf-eat ing insects are best .dls-hating the invaders. couraged by sprays of arsenic. T h e ~ e

Thoroughness Is Essential. are many combinat ions of arsemcTo do a thorough job of ridding available and all of t hem a re useful.

t he p remi se s o f bedbugs . sys tema ti c A rsen ic 'alone is not satisfactory beprocedure is required. The first thing cause i t is l iabl e t o burn the fol iageto do is t o make s ure tha t the wa1l it is intended to protect.paper is not loose or broken or crack- In connect ion with arsel lic we mustc d a nd t ha t a ll c ra ck s i n t he wa ll s are remember the difference between leafproperly f il led with plaster of Paris , eating pests and sap-sucking pests.Thefor if su ch co ndit ions prevail n o le af-eater is to be p oi so ne d b y whatamount of bed-r enovat ing wi ll be o f he eat s, wh il e t he sap-sucker must beany use. The next step is to put o ut g ot ten at b y chok ing or smotheringa ll fi res and then treat the whole in- h im to dea th .t er io r o f t he house to a good b at h of There a re many fungus and rust diskerosene or gasol ine. Quant it ie s o f eases that to rment plant life, and onthe fluid sh ou ld be slosh ed into all the se we l a ~ [ dow n t he general rulethe c ra ck s in t he wa ll s, bas e boards that to h av e h eal th y, fl our ishi ngand flooring. plants we should not wait for diseaseNow we are r eady for t he beds, and to appear, but should for es ta ll i t by

the most effective and least danger- preventive measures. Our knowledgeous way to treat them, if they are of p lant l if e has not progressed to thewooden ones, i s w it h a hot solution of point o f vaccina ti on against disease,common tab le sal t of such concen- and we must dust and wash and sprayt ra ti on a s t o leave a d is ti nc t coating as often as necessary, and in a manne rof sal t i n t he var ious c racks and cre- that wi ll k il l if t he pes ts a re present orvic es wh er e t he b ug c ou ld h ous e a nd p re ve nt them i f t he ir p re sence is imbreed. If the beds are of metal , s losh minent.t hem well w it h gasol ine or kerosene, All fruit trees and hardy shrubsand when dry apply powdered pyreth- should be trea:ted with a dormantr um l iber a1 ly . Thi s treatment will spray twice during the dormant seakeep t he b ed s f rom further i nvas ion. son . One app li ca ti on can be madeI n o th er words, get t he b ug s out within thr ee weeks a ft er t he leaves

and keep them out. drop in the fall and the second spray-An t are an ot he r s ou rc e of an no y- ing may be in February or March be

ance in the home, and a n o ld country f or e t he b ud s a re o ut in full.precaut ion for protecting the reEri- For gr6wing plants and vegetablesgera tor and, sideboard from invasion the indicated remedies should be usedis to place u nde r eac h le g o f these a for as long a time as needed, whi chshallow vessel or tin partly filled with means all season, for we not onlywantwater. The ant does not l ike to swim, to kil l the invaders but want to pres o w he n he c rawl s u p the side of t he v en t them from reproduc ing theirvessel and s ee s a n ocean i n h is way kind for t he n ex t season.he simply backs down and tries other All powders used to kill or dis-fields for his foraging. In some 10- courage b ug s a nd insects must be,ealities it is the custom to put a used in the dry state, and are to be apsweetened solution of a rs en ic o r c o- p li ed o nl y when the sun is up andbait in t he tin vessel, t o which eus- leaves dry. They are never to betom I strongly obj ec t, f or t he reaso' used immediately before or immedithat t his s am e swe et en ed p oi so no us a te ly a ft er a r ai n. Included in thesolution is equa1ly dangerous t o c hi l- l is t of dry sprays are Paris green, mix-dren and household pets. tures of Paris green and lime and

Fo r Cr awli ng Pe st s. flour. ta ba cc o d us t, q uassi a-flo ur, andWhen the house is generally invaded powdered pyrethrum.

by ant s, t he var ious cracks under the To Kill Aphis or O the r S a p ~ S u c k i n gbase boards and the open places about Insects.t he k it chen s ink should be k ep t w el l S oa p . . . . • . . . . . . . . . • . •. •. . • 1 pound.d uste d wi th a mixture of powdered Infus ion of quassia . . . . Y:! to 1 gal lonsugar and borax, sugar and sodium Infusion o f pyreth rum (1 to 20)

perborate, sodium fluoride, or pow- may be u se d i n p la ce o f q ua ss ia . Thedered pyrethrum. If the condi tions amount of i nfus ion used depends onpermit, i t is advisable t o p ut a f ai rl y the tenderness of the plan t to be treatheavy l ine of asphaltum varnish or a ed. This wash is t o be app li ed earlyheavy Tanglefoot just inside of the in t he m o r ~ i n g or late in evening beopen places. The ant wil l f ind himself fore sundown'; nev er when the s un iswell stuck up and his f urther useful- high. '

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Mr. and Mrs. Victor 1. Ridenour,of Wyndale avenue, are being congratulated on t he bi rt h of a l it tl edaughter, weighing 7 3-4 pounds,on Sunday at 6 P. M. She isnamedDorothy Marie.

Miss Dorothy L. Chalfant, of 128

Chestnut avenue, a tt ended the recent June week activities and commencement exercises of the U. S.Mili tary Academy, West Point,N. Y.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Evans,


, 'a re spending' t he summer atAvalon, N. J.

Mr. and Mrs. William Phillipsand children, of Chestnut avenue,left for Ocean City on Friday.

Mrs . Hugh B. Speed, with her

daughter Anne, and son Hugh, Jr . ,

l ef t fo r Memphis, Tennessee, for

t he summer, on Friday night.

Mr. and Mrs . George Hicks, of.Oak Park, Ill inois, were gues ts ofMrs. W. L . Peebles a t luncheon onTuesday of last week.

Mr. and Mrs . J es se S . Harris, ofMerion avenue, enter ta ined Mrs .G. H. Schulte and Mrs. M. M.Livingston at dinner on Wednesdayevening.

Mr. J . A. England, of Sabine avenu e, m oto re d recently o n a three

weeks ' bus ines s t rip to Pittsburgh,



Miss Anne Eichengreen, of Elmwood avenue, is at Mount Stirlingin the Poconos. '

Mr. and Mrs; J. E .. ,Chappatteand family, of Haverford avenue,are occupying their cottage at OceanCity for the summer.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kennedy andtheir daughter, Betty, of Lantwyn

l an e, h av e r et ur ne d f rom a wee k' sstay at Ocean City.

Betty and Elise Green, of Chestnut avenue, are leaving for CampOwaissa in the·Pocono Mountainson July 1.

Mr; an d M rs . Al Peebles and

d augh te r, o f P it ts bu rg h, P a. , ares pe nd in g t he wee k- en d w it h Mr.

P e e b l e s ~ brother, Mr. W. J . Peebles,of lona avenue.

Mrs. William Claghorn, accompan ied by Donald and Allen Claghorn, of Chestnut avenue, is visi t ing Mrs. Francis Ottinger at OceanCity.

Mrs. Harold Treen, formerly ofNarberth, now of Fort Wayne,

I nd. , w as t he guest of f ri ends inNarberth last week.

Mr. George Morhart, of Lantwynl ane, is a tt ending a paint manufacturers' convention at Atlantic City.

The first Union prayer service willbe held in the Baptist Chur ch onWednesday, June 30. The service willbe conducted by the pastor of theMethodist Episcopal Church.The Union twilight services will be

held on the lawn in t he rea r of theMethodist Episcopal Church.The first service for the seaSon will

be July 4.This will b e a patriotic service with

a speaker from out of town, and musicwil l be furnished by the four churches,with Mr. E. B. Stanley as leader.On Sunday morning , J uly 4, the

Sacrament of the Lord's Supper will beadministered.The Epworth Leagues of Philadel

phia and vicinity will hold a moonlightexcursion on Monday evening, June28, leaving Chestnut Street Wharf,Philadelphia, at 7.30 o'clock.The Church of Goodfellowship has

a welcome for y ou at all its services.

Holy Trinity Lutheran Church.C. A. Senft, Acting Pastor.

Sunday, June 27 9,45-Bible School.11.00-Holy Communion.6,45-Luther Leagues.7,45-Holy Communion with ser

mon.Saturday, June 26, the annual picnic

of the Bible School will be held atGeorge's Hill, Fairmount Park. Conveyances will be at the church toconvey those going to t he picnic at 1o'clock.There w ill b e games and contests

for all and all are invited to comea long and have an enjoyable afternoon.Rev. A. R. Naus will be with us to

have charge of the Communion services this Sunday. He has just graduated from the Gettysburg TheologicalSeminary this spring and has acceptedthe charge at Delaware GardensPhiladelphia. '




Making Life HarderYou're doing it if you still get hot water from

a teakettle for bathing, dishwashing and all otherhousehold uses. You can easily get r id ofall thatinconvenience by installing a water heater.

With the many styles of modern water heaters available, everyone can have hot water, pipeddirectly to every place it 's needed-supplied a ta

faucet's turn-for much less money than is spentfor many unnecessary things.

Abundant hot water means bathing and shaving without wai ti ng. Housec leaning i s donequicker. S teaming hot water for dishwashingmakes dishes almost self-drying.

Don't continue doing without a modern waterheater without first investigating its low operating cost. Drop in a nd see t he va ri et y of waterheaters you have to select from.

Church News

3-oz. Trial Size 50c; Yz.pint $1.00;Pint $1.65

See DemonstrationE. J . Lyons: H. Ricklin

H. F. Cotter

Mrs. Robert M. Town, of

"Woody Nook," Beechwood lane,, has returned home from the hospital.

Mr. and Mrs . Royal D . Thomas,of Woodbine avenue, entertained on·Tuesday in honor of Mrs. G. H.Semite, of Glendale, California,formerly of Narberth.. Among thegues ts were Mr. a nd Mrs. W. H.Wild of Cynwyd; Mr. andMr-;·

Kern McHose, Mr. a nd Mrs. JesseS. Har ri s, Mr. and Mrs. Harry A.Jacobs , Mr. and Mrs. D. WarrenWright, Mrs. M. M. Livings ton,

Mr. an d Mrs. Clarence Litt le, Mr.and-Mrs. Harold C. Fenno and Mrs.G. H. Schulte., \

Plumbing: Heating: Roofing Bob Ward and Dick Odiorne

104 ESSEX AVENUE NARBERTH 1752 . have secured posts as councillors at~ : = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = * = = = = = : : : : ; : : = 1 ) 1 camp in Maine for. the summer.

It(=- = = = = = = = = = = : : ; : ; = = = = = = = = = = ~

Baptist Church cif the Evangel.Robert E. Keighton, Minister.

Services for June '27-9 . ~ 5 A. M.-Church School.

11.00 A. M.-Wo rs hi p. Sermon, "AHome for Incurables."

7 . ~ 5 P. M. -Wor sh ip . Sermon, " IBelieve in the Holy Spirit."

VVednesday, June 30--8.00 P. M.-Union prayer service.

This first Union service w ill beheld in the Baptist Church withthe Methodist Church in charge.

Firs t Church of Chris t, Scientist .VVomen's Club Building, Ardmore

avenue, Ardmore, Pa.(Daylight Saving Time.)

Sunday services, 11 A. M.Wednesday evening, tes timonial

meeting. 8 o'clock.Reading room, 19 West Lancaster

avenue, open daily, 10.30 to 4.30 P. M.The subject of the Bible Lesson Ser

mon for June 27 is "Christian Science."

The Presbyterian Church.Rev. John Van Ness, M. A., Min

ister.Meetings for June 27 9 .30 A. M.-Bible School.11.00 A. M.-Public worship. Com

munion meditation by the pastoron the meaning of l iThe Eucharist ." There will be a public reception of new members followedby the celebration of the Sacra-.ment of the Lord's Supper. .

7 . ~ 5 P. M.-Worship. Sermon theme,"Keeping One's Sel f in the Loveo f God ."

Next Wednesday evening thischurch will unite with the otherchurches in the first of the series ofUnion prayer meetings, to b e held during the summer. T he meeting nextWednesday will be held in the BaptistChurch and will be conducted by Rev.W. S. Dawson.

Methodist Episcopal Church. Miss Betty Hubbell, of ChestnutSUCCESSFUL LUNCHEON av 's ' 't' . St . KSunday, June 27, 1926. enue, I VISI mg III urgls, en-

9.45 A. M.-Bible School. Hon. . tucky. .Fletcher W. Stites, superintendent. Over 200 at Donation Day at Holiday

11.00 A. M.-Worship. Theme, "The HQ.use. Mrs. George W. Michener, ofStewardship of Life." 'I'h H l' H EA. :M. Anthem-"God Shall Wipe e a Iday ouse Luncheon lmwood a ve nu e, e nt er ta in ed onAway All Tears" Jones Wednesday of last wee k was at- Thursday. a t luncheon and bridge.

Gospel Song-"l Want to Live te nd ed b y o ve r 200 members of Among theguests were Mrs. JamesCloser" Gabriel var ious c ir cles o f King's Daugh- A. England, Mrs. John A. Caldwell,

6.45. P. M.-Epworth Leagu.e devo-I ters and was quite a success Mrs . E. H. Cockrill, Mrs. ArthurtIonal meetlllg. . '

7.45 P. M.-Evening worship. Theme, t ho ugh t he d ay t hr ea te ne d r am . \Y. Burns, Mrs . Llo yd B. Edger-"The Grace of Gratitude." A number of parties coming f orm t on , M rs . M. M . Li vi ng st op e, M rs .

P. M. Anthem-"All for. Thee," a distance had chartered busses. G. H. Schultz , Mrs. Walton M.Marsh Dona tio ns o f m an e c d 'V M ' D W W . IGospel Song-"There Is No Name . y, anne entz, rs. . arren rig lt,

So Sweet" Bradbury g ~ o d s d a nd g ro ce ne s were r e- M rs . William J. Torrance and Mrs.

============= Ic el ve . William J. Torrance, Jr.From now on t he H ol id ay

House will be known as the Mr. and Mrs. George H. Gifford,Home for the Aged. The house of Jacksonville, Florida, are spendhas been thoroughly renovated ing a weekwith Mr. andMrs. E. H.and is attractively furnished. Haws, of Dudley avenue.Th e gue st s o f the Home are

very happy and grateful for this

l ovely home mak ing them. f re e o fa ll c ares . They will b e g la d tosee visi tors at any t ime and donat io ns o f money or g roce ri es willbe greatly appreciated.

Th e Hol id ay Hou se h as beenmoved to Valley Forge , Pa., hav

ing outgrown the NarberthHouse. The King 's Daugh te rs

have purchased a 20-acre tract

with suitable buildings.

- U.. t < , ~ N "'E., PLA.

SILVERQ n ~ W o r n , Brassy Parts, Reflectors,,·1tadiators, Bathroom Faucets, etc., so

that they



Open Every Friday Evening

The Gift Shop of Narberth

,CHARLES F. EBERT····Jobbing

OF ALL KINDS103 Dudley Avenue

Phone: NARBERTH 2229

WALTER NEWRUCKCarpenter and Builder

Jobbing-Estimates Free


The opening of a Picture FramingDepartment. A tt ract iv e andArtistic Mouldings at ReasonablePrices.





We Deliver-6Oc Quart





just what to do for th e man who al

ways makes good money, bu t never

has anything t o show for it .

Stop now longenough toask usabout

ou r


Bryn Mawr 1280

And the cost for the trip wasless than ten dollars each



909-911 Lancaster Avenue, Bryn Mawr, Pa.

.The Country Beckons

Right now comes pretty close to be ing the bes t time of the y ea r t o get out inthe coun try o r t he woods . Wouldn't you like to take a four-day trip in a

luxuriously appointed car?

You haven't a car? No matter, we c an give you as f in e a one as you wouldcare to drive.

Costs too much? Not real ly-here's a typ ical case:

A party of five left Bryn Mawr af te r lunch o n F ri day and d ro ve up to the

Del awar e Wa te r Gap . S at urday t hey fished an d went in swimming; Sundaythey d rove around a b it a nd swam s om e m or e; Mon da y t he y c am e home,

getting back a l it tl e before six o 'clock. Th e total mileage was two hundred

and thirty miles-a glor ious tr ip and a wonderful four days' outing.

Breyer's lee CreQlfl

My, .How Refreshing!


United Cigar Stores Agency

Cigars and Cigarettes at Downtown Prices

The Merion Title andTrust Company ,





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. .

243 Haverford Avenue, Narberth


Try our H o m e ~ M a d ~ cPies for Dessert T ~ n i ; h t , 2 5 ~ ; sot '.'Danish Pastry Yz -doz. SOc

. 'Nut Honey Buns, large a piece lOcLayer Cakes, like mother's, large : 60cButter Crust RoDs '.' dozen 24cVanilla Wafers : ' ~ - I b . 30cFrench Macaroons Yz -lb. 40c

.-We Specialize in DijJe1'ent Kinds of Health IBread at 12 ancl 14 Cents CL Loaf



t .





HOWARD C. FRITSCHJustice of the Peace


Fire Insurance-Best·CompaniesPhone 1749W 215 Haverford Ave.

P. F. DONAHUEResidence, Station,Narberth 1731 Narberth 1713-W

Baggage Called fora n


00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000DDDDDDDDDDDDDODDDDODDDODDCUD uuDO DODO DODO DODO DODO DODO 00DO DODO 00DO '" . :0 0

§§ To Play Your ' §§BEl ---".'. '.- - ,','::.,'_::: ~ : . : ; 2 : ; , ' : : ' · __ ~ _ . : - : ~ · " - : ' . - ; - ' ; , ~ , _ : : ' . ~ ' ' ; ' ~ < . - : · -: .. EEI

BEl Best Game BElBEl BBDO DODO DODO DODO DODO DODO DODO DOBEl you must be in the best physical condition. The 138DO DOBEl same holds true for th e roofing on your home. To BBDO DO00 give you the best wea the r and fire protection service DODO DOBEl i t must be top notch roofing well laid. We specialize B§§§ i n many kinds of fireproof roofing of attractive hues 88DO DO

DO an d designs. Le t us pu t your roof in fire an d DO~ III l' weather defying tr im. DO

Bo...~ - . . . . J I":'0 ,DO


§§ §§BEl JOHN A. MILLER BBDO DODO DODO DOBEl Roofing-Gutters-Spouting-Sheet Metal Work BElDO DO

§§ Day Phone, Narberth 1706-J .. Night Phone, Narb'erth 386-M §§~ ~ DODDDDDDODODODDDODDDDDDDDDDDDODODODOOWOQDDDODDDDDDODDOODO00000000.00000000000000D D P D D D D D O D D D D D O D D O D D O D D D D O D D D D D D D D D D D D D O D D D D D D O O D D D D D D D D O D D D D D O D ~ D D O D O D D o D D D D a o

, ~ K I ~ ' ' S } ~ - : ' ' ~ ~ ~ I ~ ; ' ' ~ : ! ' L ~ U ~ ) . ~ ~ . r ( , Q Y ' ' ' ; ; b : ! ! ~ ' ' n J, . : - . . ~ ~ . .~ , ~ " J . OJ- .,. • .. ''!to .' . , ', . " ~ ~ . . ~

r , ~ I ' 6 /., I, \ ~ ~ . t . - . ~ . ~ i l i . : : ~ \ 1 ' i' ;) '.m_ / l " 1" 'I eJ!.~ (i ~ , ' t ; \ ' \ ~ ' i l "1 \\ i: i~ J j 4 ,\,\ \\ \ If It's Hot Water 1'4liI

>-<: r, ~ \ i' II Service You Want ,.. . " , \ \\ . ~ " 1"'\1 \ \\ You can get it ~ " ' J " ~'i . -.", ' \\ " • •~ F'= \ \\ \ ' \ \\ Better a nd mor e if4~ ~ ' S \ q i ~ - \ \\ ',\\0, \' Economically with 1 ~

I I I ! : ' ~ II, I" \1 11 . . . .~ \, . \ ' ' \i ,:, '\\ 1,\ Ga ••~ , \ ~ ~ J . _ ' , r t , : ' : - / ~ ~ " s. _. . ~ , . ~ I ~ i ~ P 14~ ~ SO EVERLASTINGLY CONVENIENT I ~ I ! ~ . '~ ~ That is what you will say when you try Self-Action Cas Hot- at.~ Water service. The storage tank in the cellar takes care of all I ~ . your needs for the bath, laundry, 'di sh-washing and general ' _., l ' I · I .

c eanmg. t S automatic-all you haveto do is turn the faucet, ' , ~ and the Hot Water is there. : ' . ~. 'i '

Get a Self·Action HOTZONE Storage Gas Water Heater. :1..' I",~ . . ~~ I ~ PRIC& COMPLETELY INSTALLED, $90 'ti

. $7.50 down and $7.50 per mon th ...)l,~ · ~ ~ · ~ I · :' 1, Phone or Write for Our Representative iii

I r i


~ ~ Ardmore 17 Bryn Mawr 327 Wayne 47 ~ ~ '.

'i .,' ~ ~ ~ , ..'r", ~ . "- ., . ~ I . \ . - .-"-'''' .J . ~ . - : : . ~ ~ " .-\

\ .., ' i · · ' i 7 ; ' : A ~ ~ ~ ~ . 2 f ' ~ 1 I ' . O ~ ) ~ ~ . r . r < < < " , : ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ : ' ·


Ardmore ::385

Phone Narberth 672

Hal f-ac re . F ive bed. rooms and 3 baths.All stone construction.

Walter Roser


Office: 215 HI)"erford Ave.

R. S. TOUHILLElecfrical Contrador

501 S. Narberth AvenueBELL' PHOND: MERION 121

1IJ8t(mate8 Fl l rt I ""eI I

For Permanent

SatisfactionBUY A

SmedleyBuilt Home

Plumbing, Gas Fittingand Heating


Bell Phone. Spruee 38-00 and 118-1nKeystone Phone . Bace '10 -M

English Type HouseFor Sale

W1\I. D. & H. T. SMEDLEY



National Bank BuildingNARBERTH 2287


Contractor & Builder

N ~ R B E R T H , ' PA.

Narberth 2616

VERLPUGHElect1'ical Contractor


314 Grayl ing A"e. 8 Cr Icket A"e.Narberth, ~ a Ardmote. rIO.

LIGHT HAULING ~ : J ; t 'local or out of toWD

Quick and Efficient ServiceP. J. DUFFY

335 Dudley AvenuePhone, Narberth 16lT""

eara.- M f ; G i n 1 ~ ~ 10\J j :::?18 N.13t1iS!; P h i l a l ~

1\1. L. Automobile LaundryWashing Polishing Simonizing



Haverford & Conway Ave.-Nar. 1731

Narberth Taxi Cab Co.




,302 Haverford Avenue

N A R B E R T H ~ 1 6 3 5


.: ,'THE "A.·B. C."







A bargain at' $8500. Cosy Broom and bath, s tone and s tuccohome, semi-detached, on large Jot;open fireplace, new furnace, metalweatherstripping; a wide, shaded,quiet street; near station.

C. S. BOLES,Wayne, Pa.

Save time; save money; read theads.

-----Totals . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12 1:3 27 17 0

BROOKLINEr. b. 0, a. e

J;. McHenry, abo ...... , 0 0 :3 1 0Lord, rf. •••••••••••• 0 • 0 0 1 0 0Hyde, lb. ............. 0 0 10 0 0H'rjgnn, 3b. 0 •••••••••• 1 1 3 1 2.J. McHem'y, SSt ., . 00 ••• 0 2 1 1 0Hhodes,

cf. ..,

......... 0 2 a 0 0Corney. 1f. ............. 0 0 :3 0 0Umholtz, c. • 0 ••••••••• , 0 0 2 0 0BlIl'kp, p. ............. 0 0 0 0 0Locl,hart, 1)• ••••• 0 ••••• 0 0 1 0 0

-----Totals . • • •• . • . • . • •• , 1 5 27 4 2

Narberth . . . . . . 2 1 0 4 0 0 0 0 5-12Brookline . . .•• 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0- 1Two·base hit-Davis. Tbree·base hi t

Babb. Home runs-KeJes, Dickie. Strucl,ont-BJ Babb, 9; by Bmke, 1; by Lock·bart, 1. Bases on balls-Off Babb, 4;

off Bnrke, 5; off Lockhart , 5. Umpire Henzy.

Standing o f t he Clubs.

W. L.Autoear . . . . •• . . • . . . • 5 1Berw)'n . . . • . . •• . • . . . 5 1i\urberth ............:3 3Preston ..............:3 3Brookline 1 ;," ' U ~ ' I J ~ 1 5


Whh the closing of the collegesfor the summer season, many Narberth s tudents have returned home.Among the recen t one s, who comp le ted the ir work dur ing the pasttwo we ek s, a re two graduatesRos s Howenstein received a de

gree in mechanical engineering fromState College, and Donald Hoffmangraduated last week f rom Dartmouth.Others relieved of college duties

for the s ummer inc lude Robe' rt.-\1Ien De Remer \ Yard fr0111Swarthmore; Richard TO\vn Odiorne, Franklin C. Hutchinson 'andGordon Rudolph from· Pennsylvania; Edwin Martin and Herber tBurrel l from State .

BACK IN FORM •• , . ~ . , . , . , __ • • , ~ , _ , . , • • • ,

After i ts ba d sl ump, Narberth N. R PEACOCK :c ame b ack w it h a v en ge an ce last : Int er io rand Exter io r Paint ing :Saturday by handing Brook line a: WILL BE GLAD TO' ESTIlIIATE :brutal beating to thetune of 12 to 1. , 407 Essex Avenue ,The game was played a t t he Brook- : Phone , Na rb er t h :103 1 :

line Square Club. t .Ge o rg e B abb was in g ood f O ~ l 1 l ,

striking out nine of the 0pposll1gbatsmen, and accounting for t wohits and a run. Keyes was h ig hs co re r w ith fou r s afet ie s and twocounters.

Th e boro ughites dr ov e two

1110undsl11en to cover before thesmoke cleared away.

Today Fred \Valzer's Autocarp la ye rs will t ry t he ir l uc k at thePlayground. Several of Narberth's

forme r p laye rs , who have d e s e ~ t e dt he f ol d t o j oi n Fred's aggregatIon,w il l be p it ted aga inst their f o : m ~ rt eammates and a good game IS 111


Saturday's score:NAIUlERTH

1. b. o. a. e.Powell, I'f. . . . • • • . . . . • • • 1 1 2 0 0Heckel, ::lb. . . . . • . . • . . . • 2 0 0 1 0Y. Fleck, d 1 1 0 0 0H a n k e ~ ' , If. • . . . • . . . . . •• 1 0 1 0 0K e ~ ' e ~ , ~ ~ . • . • . . . . . • . . . 2 4 2 2 0Duvi8, lb 0 1 9 1 0Diclde, 2b 1 lOa 0G. Flcck, c, 0 2 6 0 0Babb, p. . . . . • . . . . • • . • . 7 2 41 0 0Odiorne, rf. . . . • . • . . • . . 1 0 0 0 0

~ l u " t e r s , d. . 1 1 0 0 0 GARAnteed Ro'ofsG'ilIon, lb 1 0 4 0 0S l l ~ ' ( l e r , c. . . . . . • . . . . . . . 0 1 2 0 0 I ~ - - - - - - - - - - -





by B. Paul Sheeder, county chairman. Of this, expenses amountingto $17,168.76 were incurred.The contributors were: Thomas

F. Watson, treasurer Vare-Beidleman, James and \Voodward Committee, $5000; J. G. Fei st , $5000;B. Paul Sheeder, $2000; CharlesRhoads, $2000 ; Ado lf P ri nt z,$2000; Joseph L. Printz, $1000;Georg e I-Clauder, $1000, and CharlesA. Ambler, $1500.Charles Wolfe and Dennis O'NeiIl,

Yare clerks, r e c e i v ~ d $2:36.27 and $100,respectively, for salaries.

Harry Dooley rece ived $1675 for"campaigning eXpellseS," and HarveyFredericks' received $1600.

G ~ o r g ' ~ E - ) ! . - e i tenberger, Councilman,

receIVed oJ':.v5.. ==============- ' i ~ i l O m a s 1<' McKernan, defeated cand id at e f or Assembly, received $700,and Joseph McElhattan, of \Ves t Conshohocken, received $:300; Frank Clark,Magistrate, $200, and \Villiam J. Clark,defeated candidate for Assembly, $70.Automobile hire and t axicab bi ll s

amounted to nearly $100.Transcribing books, advertising and

other misceIlaneous ma tt cr s r an heavily i nt o t hc balance of the account.

- Pinchot Votes Cost 35e.The Pinchot committee spent only

$1874.04, according to the expense account f il ed wi th the Clerk of Courtat the Court house last Wednesday byWilliam S. Buckland, treasurer.Hence , t he 5414 vot es c as t for the

Governor in t hi s county cost on anaverage slightly less than :35 cents.Treasurer Buckland was t he main

contributor, giving $1580.04.Not a penny was p ai d t o workers

at the p ol ls, th e e nt ir e f un d beingdevoted to office expenses, advertisingill newspapers, salaries for stenogra-phers, postage and automobile hire for ii=============================-IIdistribution of watchers' certificates tovolunteer workers.

A complete list of contributions, thedate received, the contributors and the


The Strawberry Festival whichthe Luther Leagu e o f t he Luthe ra n Chu rch g av e was a b ig success. Their p resident , F riedaSenn, carried it through and engineered it with true executiveability. Everything was deliciousa nd w as e nj oye d b y all present.The co-operation among the

young people was splendid,and isa fine example f or al l o th er s t ofollow.

Icebergs are said to be responsiblefor the recent cool weather. Soundsas though the weatherman is at sea.Il.!;;;:;;;;:;:;;;;:;:;;;;:;:;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;:;:;;;;:;:;;;;:;:;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;:;:;;;;:;;;;;;;:;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;:;:;;;;:;:;;;;:.Y

Library 's Volume Conta ins Work's

New Rules fo r Game.

"Work on Auct ion Bridge" is abook that h as p ai d i ts way.at th.eCommunity Lihrary e\'er s1I1ce Itwas pu t on the ,shelves. Therewas never a doubt that it f il led awidespread and constant local ~ e mand. Therefore, there was chsmay in the minds of the l i b r ~ r ystaff when i t was learned last W1l1

te r that \ Vo rk h ad revised hisru les and, with possib le d e l i b e r a ~ eintent , h ad obsole ted to a certal11degree all of his previous booksof rules.

Th e l ibr ary was sho r t of. f t l l ~ d sas u sua l and ther e was hes Itat Ion

about buying a new book and.discardinO' t he ol d one, espeCIallywhen it was recognized t ha t M r.

Work could force such a situationevery year if he c are d to do so.At this point, M is s A nn a Ma c-. Keag, presidentof the Library Association and a valued member ofth e l ibr a rian' s s ta ff , s tepped for

ward w i th a solution.

Miss MacKeag, who is herselfa b ridge en thus ias t, said thatWork's new rules were concernedmostly with a simplification o f t h evalue o fhonor card s in relation tosui ts , a ss igning to each sui t, thesame value, Miss MacKeag, therefore suggested that the insertionof a'new score card in the library 'spresent volume would bring itdown to date and save the expen seof a new book. That was d on earid local br idgeplayers , whohavesince consulted the book, havepronounced it entirely satisfac


This incident is a typical illust r at ion o f th e r esou rceful character of Miss IVlacKeag's wor k i nthe library. He r wide knowledgeon many subjects and careful at:tention to numberless details andrequests f rom readers a re import

an t factors in the p r esent service,which th e library is giving to thepeople of Narber th, and it i s generally regretted that illness is atpresent interrupting her workthere.