OpenFest 2012 : Leveraging the public internet

Leveraging the public internet Tonimir Kisasondi, mag.inf., EUCIP

Transcript of OpenFest 2012 : Leveraging the public internet

Leveraging the public internet

Tonimir Kisasondi, mag.inf., EUCIP

$whois tkisason

•  Junior resarcher @ •  Head of Open Systems and Security lab

• Likes to build and break things •  [email protected] •  skype:tkisason

What happens when you digitize the whole world?

•  Google, Facebook, Twitter •  Is it a bubble or a valid business model?

•  The new buzzword is big data •  Storage per capita doubles every three

years •  Kryder's law says that storage density

doubles every 18 months •  Can you really store the whole world?

What happens when you digitize the whole world?

What happens when you digitize the whole world?

•  Storing 20 Tbps traffic •  Map/Reduce like infrastructure to mine and

combine data •  Why is this interesting to us now?

o  Storage is cheap o  Big data is useful everywhere o  Use tricks that intel agencies use to enable cool stuff o  It’s not rocket science... o  Yes, the most interesting applications are in cross

disciplinary fields

First: OSINT

•  OSINT: Open Source Intelligence o  Finding, selecting and acquiring information over

open, publicly available sources like newspapers, internet, books, internet, social networks (twitter)...

o  Various registries (firm, open postings, public listing) o  Metadata o  Mine those, and you might find a lot of interesting


o  White zone – Legal and ethical o  Black zone – Illegal and Unethical o  Gray zone – Legal but unethical

First: OSINT

•  Not everything is OSINT, but you can actually glean interesting data from almost anything

•  It worked for the guys that wrote Splunk, so

they decided to write Splunk. •  It works for data mining folks.

Data analysis 101

•  Data is just data, you have to correlate it or put it in context for it to be useful o  Find outliers o  Spot differences o  Find common attributes o  Find connections, not answers o  First identify, then try to interpret o  Put data into perspective, seek help J o  "Data driven design”

•  A nice showcase of data driven design: o  A/B Testing

Do i need advanced statistics?

•  Most of the time: No •  Are statistics awesome? Yup •  Well, don’t play with things where you can

get hurt. J •  Seek professional help

•  Grep, Google refine/Mojo facets, and your favorite scripting languages are just fine...

How can we approach the problem

•  There are many (finished) tools, if they help, great

•  Roll your own script •  Duct tape some finished libraries •  Most of the times it takes less time then finding a

tool. •  Cheating and stealing is encouraged. ;)

Finished tools

•  Wget, python, ruby, perl... •  Just kidding

•  Tapir •  Maltego •  Metagofil, FOCA, ExifTool •  Wayback machine (Extremely interesting)

Bad design 101

•  If you hack it together, watch out for some gotchas

•  Line per line analysis o  Minimal complexity O(n)

•  You can easily kill the speed of your script/parser/*

•  Best separator is \t •  .split() is godsent


#!/usr/bin/python import re a = open("access.log") b = open("test.log","w") for line in a: if"DENIED",line,re.IGNORECASE): b.write(line) b.close() $ time ./ real 0m4.516s user 0m4.444s sys 0m0.056s

simple RE

#!/usr/bin/python import re a = open("access.log") b = open("test.log","w") for line in a: if"DENIED",line): b.write(line) b.close() $ time time ./ real 0m2.520s user 0m2.456s sys 0m0.056s


#!/usr/bin/python a = open("access.log") b = open("test.log","w") for line in a: c = line.find("DENIED") if c >= 0 : b.write(line) b.close() $ time ./ real 0m0.781s user 0m0.728s sys 0m0.044s


$ time grep DENIED access.log > test real 0m0.074s user 0m0.040s sys 0m0.032s

To sum it up...

Python RE ignorecase : 4.516s Python RE : 2.520s Python find : 0.781s grep : 0.074s

Primer on useful and interesting tools

•  ipython o

•  python-nltk o (nltk.clean_html(messy_html))

•  python-requests o

•  python-graphviz o

•  python-google by Mario Vilas o

pydot and graphviz #!/usr/bin/python import pydot graph = pydot.Dot(graph_type='graph') graph.add_edge(pydot.Edge('link 1','person 2',label='link 3')) graph.add_edge(pydot.Edge('person 2','person 3',label='link 4',color="red",penwidth=6)) ......... graph.write_png('output.png',prog='dot')

Visualization: pydot and graphviz

So, how about a short showcase of some things i did

•  Yeah, they are lame, and simple •  Works for me

•  Available on github •  Hope they can motivate you to do some fun

and simple “one afternoon” stuff •  Most of the “hard” stuff is easy once you try

to hack it together

mkwordlist -

•  Idea: Create wordlists with google results for a set of keywords

•  For a keyword return top 5 links (or N) •  Scrape and clean with NLTK •  Optional lowercasing for future mutations

o  You can use JtR/HashCat with a ruleset to mutate the lists

•  Result: Nice targeted wordlist generator

mkwordlist -

•  Some other cool things o  Keywords can be google dorks

§ §  filetype:txt §  “”

•  Interesting results for targeted attacks •  Broad keywords are also ok

o  If you are pentesting a company or similar

gcrack -

•  Idea: Most of the weak password hashes are cracked and leaked on the public internet

•  Google indexes the pages, and the content of this pages contains the plaintext

•  Use google searches for password cracking •  Create bag of words as a wordlist •  Result: Very effective and fast hash cracker •  Bonus: hash agnostic


•  log files are interesting..ish •  Especially if you have a compromised

machine and the attackers were noobish enough to leave the log files

•  What can you learn: o  IP addresses (known proxyes and tor exit points) o  Usernames (are they generic or are they specific) o  IP-GeoIP data o  Toolmarks (user agents, wordlists for attacks)

linkcrawl and nltk

•  Building a simple crawler is easy (or use wget and cURL, man up and write some shell scripts)

•  NLTK is awesome! o  import nltk, nltk.clean_html(data)

• is also a nice platform


•  Well, have just have fun •  Problems are all around you, try to solve

some J


Thank you!