Old Fulton NY Post Cards By Tom Tryniski › Newspaper 11 › New York...THE NEW YOBK AGE rJnL>~ I...

THE NEW YOBK AGE I la* -jm r JnL>~ '""l r lm S, SOCIAL NEWS Rev. S. E. EIHsoo i p « t a day in Norfolk. Va. Mr*, liionie Prince spent three weeks in Boston. S. L. Kin* of Norfo.V, Va., made a trip to New York. Charles A. Pack of Washington risited New York Oty. Mr. and Mrs. Anderson Hojran of Waihinron motored to New York, Philadelphia and Atlantic City for their vacation. Mr*. W. A. Traynham went to Norfolk. Va„ with the H. A. Rob- insons' party sad was the guest of Mrs. Robinson. Miss Helen L. Dishman and her His* Nellie Holmes of Norfolk. | niece, little Naomi Dishman, of in V*. vu«ted New York City, John Mebea spent two weeks Norfolk. V s . with his sister. York City to attend the funeral of his mother. Mrs. Mary Nixon. William Hubbard of No/folk. Va. was in New York for & few days. , Dr. Ernest R. Alexander was in Port Horon, Mich., for a brief visit Mrs. Charles Jones has returned Harry J. Edward*, district irrand master of the G. U. Order of Odd, Fellows of New York State, spent a part of bis vacation in Atlantic City as the truest of J. C Thomas. Mr. end Mrs. H. Bouchet Day and Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Alex- ander returned to the city on Tuesday after a pleasant two weeks vacation in New Hamp- shire. Mrs. Addie Davis of Philadelphia, Mr. and Mrs. Els worth and junior of Brooklyn. Mrs. Mamie Hender- son of Favetteville, N. C, were guests Of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Allen last dttnaay. Miss Adeline Smith, a graduate nurse, class '31. of Harlem Hospital Training School, Spent her vacation in New Orfcana and Reserve, La. She is back at her post of duty at Harlem. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Lewis and Mr. and Mrs. Louis R. Mehlinger of Washington stopped in New York enroute home after a motor trip to Canada and Braddocks Falls, Pa. Mrs. Alberta Galfoway, superin- tendent of the Crooms Settlement School. Washington, D. C, is at- tending the New York School of Social Service, taking a course in Washington, spent the summer in New York City, Mrs. Prudence Stewart of Washington spent her vacation in New York City, returning home after Labor Day. E. S. Douglass of Winston-Salem. N. C. was called to New York City to attend the funeral of his mother. Mrs. Mary Nixon. Mrs. Blanche Diggs and daugh- from a month's visit to Raleigh, N. ter. Miss Clara, spent two weeks C jin Pittsburgh as guests of Mr. L. . Miss Lillie Baker of Raleigh, N. W. H. Christian. 'C>, spent her vacation in New Yorkj Mrs. Blanche 'Barnes has been City. : visiting her son-in-law and daugh- Mrs. Jerome Turner of Ra*igh.i t « r . Mr. and Mrs LeRoy Carring- 'Training of Delinquent Girls N. C spent a month in New York.wn. » Pittsburgh. GHy. Mrs. Louise Vincent Thompson of Mis* Annie L. James of Norfolk ! Wichita. Kan,, nan return** home Va*. spent two weeks in New Yark>*fer attending summer school at £it ¥> Columbia University. Mrs. Blanch Harris of Norfolk , T M « . R o t t Warren ruu returned to Va., st to spend the winter in New New York City after a lengthy visit Yofk I with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Mrs Annie B. Harvey of Armis-i Bro * n f * " ^ * '±* M Mrs. Lilhe Mae Belasco and daugh- ter. Gwendolyn, of Washington, vis- ited New York City, motoring home by way of Atlantic Gty. Mrs. F. D. Gholston of Harris- burg, Pa., and her mother, Mrs. Mrs. Lwrie Alston and daughter; Wynn c \ M \^ MAt Ga., visited v ^$&. £ W relatives mjfnends in New York City. V, * %* t xx c • J Mrs. Elisabeth Wilson and the Mr. and Mrs. LH. Spivey or MJ$5e . g^ Williams and Doroth: Houston, Texas, spent some time m | Sntw o( Nor f 0 !k. Va.. were f»*J * ork Clt *' IguesH of Mrs. Maude Fisher. Dr. Simeon Carson, sureeon, of Attorney and Mrs. W. L. Davis Washmgton, D. C, was in New Yorkl ^ tt ^ft m Anne, of Norfolk. Va.. lor a tew days. ! motored t o New York, Philadelphia Mrs. Henrietta Shelby of Washing- and Atlantic City on a vacation trip. ton has returned home from visiting WiUiwi Mack ^^ ^^^ M oore Stew York City. motored to Norfolk. Va,, where they ton, Ala., visited friends in Newi York Chy. Mrs. Cora Bond was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. E D Anderson in l/saisville, Ky. Miss Rosetta Nolan of Kansas City. Kan., has returned home after attending summer sahool at Colum- bia University. She made the trip by motor, stopping over in Wash- ington to visit Miss Gladys Peters. The Rev. Dr. J. W. Brown, pas- tor of Mother A. M. E. Zion Church, spent part of his vacation in Nor- folk. Va.. the guest of the Rev. C. J. Henderson, and preached at the Metropolitan Church, pastored by Rev. Henderson. Mrs. Jean Patriek was the house guest for six weeks at Falmouth, Mass., of Mrs. Edna P. Greene of Auburndale. They motored to Canada and upper New York State before Mrs Patrick returned to r ? I New York City. Dr. Lloyd H. Cox of Daytons. Ohio, passed through New York Oty enroute home from Vienna. / stria. where he had been doing vost- graduate work during the summer. He joined Mrs. Cox in Washington before reurning to Dayton. Miss Alice Calhoun of 44 Brad- Miss Gertrude Dodson of Wash- ^^ ^ ^ oi j ame8 Cements. They hu ? « " « " ue returned uVfiun'day Ne^Y^Tk S Gtv VaC8tl ° n V,SUOr m stoW * d in Blltim ° re <nrOU,€ te £"S!SSaSln?S ssew morx W . Mrs. Ira Braswell. her daughter, j g> the West Indies and South T«I1J ,-• **' ' - ' Kinwough Medora. and sons. Venable and Leon.; American ports. Among the plac- enjOyed a niotor trip to Canada, 0 f Norfolk, Va.. motored to New ?« vieteH w*r» Ki«o-«»r.n i T ? m a «- a; swpping in Detroit. York. Philadelphia and New Jersey. I Panama. Cristobal, the Canal Zone, Miss Odessa Johnson was the guest! ^r. and Mrs. S. Hawkins, enroutel Port Limon, Costa Rica and Ha- j^J ,ew . h6 " r * °* Mi " L Go"" 1 !* Atlanta, Ga.. from New Yorkjvana, Cuba, fa Memphis. Tenn. Qty, were weekend guests in Cin-! Mrs. L. D. Crocker, her 'children. Miss Frances E. Brown and J. 0. cinnati of Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Tur- Albert and Lillian, and Mrs. Taylor Williams of Washington were in: nell. | Segue and daughter. Wilhelmina, of New York shopping. Dr. S, LeCount Cook of Wash- | New Orleans, La., spent three week? Mrs. Sybil Poston. wife of Ulysses ington wai injured in an autom»>- i in New York City as guests of Gyela $. Poston. was the guest in Chicago bile accident while enroute from \ Matthews and Dr. and Mrs. If. E. Of Mrs. A. L. Foster New York City to New Haven,; Roes. Thev were joined here bv ' Mrs. Myrtle Daigs of New Or- Conn - | Mr. Crocker, who attended summer leans. La., has returned home after! Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Robinson, school at Harvard University. -a visit to New York. Miss Cora Campbell and Mrs. Wil- Mrs. Addie Herbert of 5 3 West Mrs. Julia Tate has been the \**Jgf>g &JHg£ J^sSC SELSffi where 'shTwaatTe bouse truest of Mr and Mrs Tames ten TS m New ^ ork tnd Phila-1 Philadelphia where she was the •White ^ f Norfoi Va sJelishisu houseguen of Mme. A H.nsor, of Mrt. D \ f t o w n of 150 w J J j & ^ f ^ V ^ S ^ T L SSftJ^S, M^ •». *. ton, Mass., wnere sne spent ner ,, «. «_.v. t.- J - ^.„ R. C. Montgomery, hotel proprie-, vacation Brooklyn. N. Y. Both had a trtost .tor of Memphis, Term., spent three „. w v _ „„. . enjoyable week. weeks in New York Citv. L f ,s * B - 1 !f :h * [}[• V " JJ 00 *..^J Mrs. Althea Miller and her Mz and -Mrs Charles Pennibaker S^T^t, °.- Mtatta ^ * the Clty * daughters. Julia and Maude. Rev. ™..n?*Sli'fu v. * Z *'*« *2»*-y2 **J*5* *&luFUn. £ A. Downer and* Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hopson of Richmond, spent Sunday with Mrs Hopson's sister, Mrs. Isabella Braxton of 59 West 98th street. Mr. and Mrs. Sompter Caldwell returned to the city Saturday af- ter a motor trip to New Hamp- shire and other parts of New Eng- land. Mr. and Mrs. Christopher J. Dudley and Miss Frederick* Moore spent the holiday weekend in Washington, D. C. They made the trip by motor.. Rev. W. W. Hill of Petersburg, Va. spent the weekend here. Rev. Hill is the state missionary of the Virginia Baptist State Sunday School Convention. Mrs. J. A. Mo Duff ie, accompan- ied by her son and daughter-in- law, Prof, and Mrs. Clyde McDuf- fie, passed through New York City and spent the weekend, enroute to Washington D. C, from Saratoga Springs, N. V. They were greeted by many old friends. The Rev. Floyd Grant Snelson, now pastoring the Collymore Rock A. M. E. Church, Belleville, St. Michael, Bridgetown, Barbados, B. W. I., and presiding elder 18th epis- copal district, embracing Haiti, San Domingo, Jamaica, Barbados, Trinidad, Bratil and British Guiana, called at The Age office on Labor Day, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Horace Oliver of Washington, D. C. Dr. and Mrs. Ernest R. Alex- ander, of 234 West 1399th street, returned Sunday from a three week's motor trip to the Idlewild, Mich, summer resort. Enroute home they visited the Finger Lake region of New York as guests of Dr. William Lloyd Imes, pastor of St. James Presbyterian Church of New York City, and his wife, who have their summer home at Dundee, N. Y. While attending the Elks Con- vention in Philadelphia last week, Mrs. Lena Conyer of 166 West 141st street entertained a few friends at a dinner party at the home of her cousin, Mrs, Daisy Storkev, 4336 Wallace street, West Philadelphia. The guests, mem- bers of Daughter Elks, were Mrs. Pocahontas Booker, Rowena Le- veaus, Kittie Williams, Maud Coleman, Katie L, Jones, Carrie Broadnax, Catherine Brown, Jo- sephine McCloud, Mr. and Mrs. Earnest Thomas. o PRIMARY DAY, SEPT. VOTE FOR 12,1931 Manhattan Temple No. 93 The Crisis Girls Give Dinner for Mrs. Shook FRANCIS E. RIVERS Assemblyman. 19th A. D. Daughter Lena Conyers of 166 West 141st street gave a dinner in honor of some friends of New York and Philadelphia. Those who attend- ed were Mrs. Daisy Starkey. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson, James Mufler. Bud- die. Starkie, Mr. and Mrs. A. Crop- per. Mrs. Rowena Deveaux. Mrs. Kittie L. Williams. Mrs. Pocahon- tas Booker, Mrs. Maude A. Cole- man, Mrs. Carrie Broadnax, Kittie L. Jones, Mrs. Josephine Mc- Cain and Mrs. Katherine Brown. Mrs. Katie L. Williams received a beautiful pocketbook during the Elks Convention, given by the Home Coming Club, of which she is presi- dent. The drid team of Manhattan Tem- ple, No. 93, extend their sympathy to the bereaved family of the late Mrs. Sarah Parks, who was killed while enroute to the Elks Conven- tion in Philadelphia. POPULAR PALS SOCIAL CLUB The first regular meeting of the Popular Pals, Inc., for the fall sea- son was held last week at the home of the president, Theodore R. Johnson. Plans were made for a compli- mentary dance t*> be given early in October at the Bronze Studio. Dancing and card playing were the diversions of the evening. New members received* were Messrs. Clark and Brand and the Misses Brown, Bowers and Mol- lette. Ralmond Galmore, business man- ager, left Sunday with the 369th Infantry for two weeks field train- ing at Camp Smith, Peekskill, N. ™ • The complete roster of officers are: Theodore R. Jbhnson, presi- l i e Friendly Column A dinner was given by the girls of The Crisis magazine in (he gar- den of the Civic Club, Tuesday evening, September 1, in honor of Mrs. Cerella Shook, who is re- turning to her home in Naash- ville, Tenn. A corsage of lilies- of-the-valley and yellow tea roses was presented to Yolande DuBois in honor of her marriage, Wed- nesday, Setpember 2, to Arnette Williams. Those attending were Cerella Shook, Yolande Du Bois, Irene Malvan, Hazel Branch, Grace Powell, Lula Burton, JuHa Johnson and Daisy Wilson. —I Mil m^—•. I I.I Mi Mr. and Mrs. Anderson Give Bon Voyage Party FRED R. MOORE Alderman, 19th A. D. Harlem Business Men's Club's Labor Day Parade Visitors from India stntarfamAr! at aJUSVl HUIIVH %*» » W W By Dr. and Mrs. Tobias Mr. and Mrs. John Scott Miss Lucille Douglass of Norfolk Va., spent the summer Frances Monroe, of Knoxville, oias place. iTenn., were recent guests of Mr* Miss Myra Logan, who studied in William Brown of 302 West 13flth in New York.Qjjgajo during the summer, was street. Miss Jnlia Miller, who is with ner brother ami sister. \ guest of honor at a bridge party I an acomplished musician appear- Miss Pearlina Cornick spent twoj given Thursday night by Mrs. las. ed on the program of the National weeks in Norfolk. Va., with her Edwin Stamps. ' Association of Negro Musicians at mother. Mrs. Marv Cornick. Mrs Myra Vincent and Mrs Hampton Institute. Mrl Brown Miss Nellie Holland of Wash- Wilson of Chicago stepped in < arranged several interesting affairs ington was the weekened guest of New York Citv on their wav Home . in honor of her house guests. friends in New York Citv. , from the musicians' meeting at I Last Tuesday evening the La- ' Mrs. Claud Meband and Mrs Hampton Institute, Va. ! dies Aid Society of the Grace Tacob Pretlow of Norfolk, Va., spent I Mrs. Mamie E. Mosely has return-! Congregational Church gave a two weeks in New York City. ied to her home in Norfolk, Va.. af-1 2 f f f % * ^ S 2 S L WLITn «£ William Maton stopped over in ter visiting her daughters. Mrs. K * J ? ^ S l T ^ S u rSi^l M M<*eW Tohnson and Mis. Lil- ° f '!» members at her home 44 ? oston en route from New York hel Moseley Johnson and Miss Lil- £ 'i2 ™? , ity to Old Orchard, Me. Han Moseley. in New Y « k Gty. f "JJjJJ "J™ g? £ * $ £ , v Mis. June Collier of St. Louis, Mrs. C. E. Dougherty and dam for Bermuda for a month's is^at home after attending summer daughter, Mrs. Elizabeth Atkins, vaeat ion. Mrs. Calhoun was school at Columbia University. '•• of Washington spent two weeks the recipient of manv use- vr;.. ir r*„vi.: - .i.. i 'in New York Cttv with their son i r..i ...&.-*. fra-n the !a<*M>c «* Miss n. Cubbms was me nouse. . .. --.. -. C.»_;*„J n^„»k»-.« I '"' *»«*" lS "**«* "" .'*"'. s .."* guest in Boston of her cousins. Dr. * nd brotncr . Stamford Dougherty. |h<j ^jety Amjong the ladies and Mrs. A. DeCoursey Cheeks. Mrs. David D. Ferebee and daugh- ter. Miss Marian E., of Washington: spent two weeks in New York Gty. Richard Thomas, Albert DcMonde and O. W. Whitfield of the Oppor- tunity Magazine, were in Chicago recently. Miss Lucille A. Haywood has re- turned to her home in Raleigh. N. C after a vacation visit to Kew York City. Mr. and Mrs. Oarence Fitch and Mrs. Fitch's mother. Mrs. Reta Ad- kins, of Cleveland, O.. motored to New York City. Miss Joycie Brown of Winston- Salem. N. C spent her vacation in New York Gty. Philadelphia and Washmgton. Mrs. Aliee Harris of Washing- ton spent her vacation in New York City, returning home after Labor Day. Miss Pauline Turner, a public school teacherT was the guest in Oak- land. Calif., e* the Rev. and Mrs. A M. W*ara\ Miss Mildred C. Johnson of Nor- folk, Vs., has returned Home after attending summer school at Colum- bia University.'.* ". Mrs. Hjtira Wflltams and sons. Hiram jr. ««d Henry, were guests in Chicago of Mrs." Florence Attawty. and of Mrs. Williams' brother, Sam- uel B. Stmtten, a pubftc school rather. Miss Lenora S. Winkler of "The , present were Mrs. Edith Medley, Green Pastures" company took ad- vantage of lasr week's layoff to visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James H. Winkler, in Washington Mr. and Mrs. Gaude D. Hopkins had as their guests Mrs. Albert W. Hopkins of Howard University, Washington. Mr* HopVns' mother, and her niece. Miss -Mae B. Hop- kins. SUGGEST: That your Doc- tor subscribe Vapor-Bathe if suffering from excess fat, r.lief guaranteed in six treat- ments, for $5.00 by Harlem'e Outstanding Licenaed Medi- cal Gym-naat and Massage Expert, Joe Fox, Qym, 101 West 135th street,.enrner of Seventh avenue, New York City Mrs. Percy W. Bean, Mrs. Gladys Galloway, Mrs. Solomon O. Ward, Mrs. Annie Tait, Mrs. Beatrice Strickland, Mrs. Clifford Rahn, Mrs. Carrie Martin, Mrs. Evola Ferrebee, Mrs. Mary Perkins, Mrs. Dorothv Murray, Mrs. Mary Wil- liams Mrs. Fannie Shantley, Mrs. Amelia Richards, Mrs. Novella Toppitv Mrs, Alice Barton. Mrs. Alice Calhoun and Mrs. McGinnis. Mr. and Mrs. Charming H. Tobi- as entertained at an informal tea at their apartment at 203 West 122 street, Friday afternoon, September 4, in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Behari Rallia Ram and N. K. Mukerji of India. Mr. Rallia Ram is the national secretary of the Y. M. C. A. of India, with headquarters at La- hore, and Mr. Mukerji is a pub- lisher and member of the City Council of Allahabad. Mrs. Rallia Ram, was presented an auto- graphed copy of Jessie Fauset's Plum Bun", and Mr. Rallia Ram and Mr. Mukerji were , each pre- sented an autographed copy of Ralph W. Bullocks "In Spite qi Handicaps". After tea was served, each of the guests of honor made brief re- marks and Mrs. Georgia Douglas Johnson of Washington, D, G spoke in response. Following the remarks Mrs. Charlotte Wallace Murray sang. Those present besides the guest of honor were; Ralph W. Bullock, Robert B. DeFrantz, Mrs. Jessie Fauset Harris Mrs. Lela S Kellar, Miss Eva D. Bowles, Mr, and Mrs. Lucien H. White, Miss Mae C. Hawes, Mrs. Susie Payton Worth- am ,Mrs. Charlotte Wallace Mur- ray, Mrs. Cordelia A. Winn, Mrs. Adah B. Thorns, Mrs. M. V. Bout- te, Mrs. Ooldie C. Graves, Dr. and Mr*. P. F. Anderson, Misses Belle ami Mary Tobias, Franklin O. Nichols. W r alter S. Ramsey, John Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Anderson of 156 West 136th street, were hosts at a bon voyage party tendered Tuesday evening, September 1. in honor of Percival Sills. Dr. Joseph H. Nel- son and Norman Mclean, who sailed for Paris, France, on Wednesdav aboard the S. S. Paris of the French Line. A splendid program of music and vaudevihe acts was given, and much of the evening was spent in dancing. An ample buffet lunch was served with copious liquid supplies. Those taking part in entertaining the guests were Charles Pickering. Samuel Adams, Calvin Williams. George Stephens, MrXeal Robinson. Splickey Collins, Maxwell Lucas. Joe , Northern, Les>ie Wainwright, Ctar- dent; Ida Warren, vice president; j ence L. Francois, Miss Fav Canty, Louise Phillips, financial secretary, Miss Elsie Clark, Miss Eu'laUe Mit Althea Roper, recording secretary; chell and Mrs. James Mitchell By Stduonta of N. Y. Business Academy Our fail term begins Monday. Sep- tember 14, and the following ttudenu j have already enrolled to begin their course on that date—Romona Garcia, Hcena Dunn. Dorothy Morris, Wii- ma Anthony and Ona Thayer. We were glad to welcome Mitt Anna Robinson back to class but week. After a long summer vacation and rest, she is now ready to "carry on" with her work. The school is offering a special in- tensive course for the State examina- tion for License Gerk which will be held in October, for work at tbs State Motor Vehicle Bureau. Labor Day weekend was one of great enjoyment to the ca ipert at Swastika. Some of the camperi were Frankye Anderson, §*t Brown, Rubye Diggs. Edwine Sy- mer, Calliebelle Woods. Ethe; Pern-, Jerry Wilson, Mae and Tom Gor- don. Peter Huffstead, Conrad Ceam. Eric James. Ruth Roberts. Blincina Cooper. Gladys Outkar, Launcel* Armstrong, Thomas Ridge. Jack Chambliss, Eula Smith. Marguery Reid and Basil ft»«*»< o ARTHUR A. MADISON LAWYER 41 Wdt iSOOi St. Mew Tara Qtj T*l«j»ho«« TIlltathMt MSM Are You Lonely? Then Join the Washington Social Letter Clnb! Receive lota of hrttera Interesting men and DONT GROW OLD ALL ALONE Write for tnionnation today- Pott Office Bos S27I Washington, D. C. SOUTHERN AND WEST INDIAN RESTAURANT 182 S t Nicholas Avenue Near 119th Street Open from 8 a. m. to 2 a. m. H. A. CAIN, Manager EXPERT CHE*—MUSIC—RXCKLI.RMT SERVICE Oar Motto: We Serve to Please We cater to all CLUBS, LODGES, CRICKET- ERS, BASEBALL TEAMS and FANS Daily Dining Room Specials—4-Course Lunch 50c; 4-Coorte Dinner 60c; Sunday Special from 5 p. m. to 9 p. m.: ft-Couraa Dinner 75c. — A la Carta a' I .1" 'is as Specsa I LOW-RATE EXCURSIONS 3rd CLASS , ^ , - X t h Charleston r%, ix&uiscii *uu iMtas a«VCSl uiavcs, all of New York; and Mrs. Carol H. Carson, Mrs. Georgia Douglas Johnson and Miss Sametta Wall- ace of Washington, D. C; Mrs. Helen Taylor Dibble of Tuskegee Ala.; Miss France* Justine Morsell of Baltimore, Md.; and Mrs. Ella Barksdale Brown of Jersey City, N. J. In an effort to stimulate support for the Nejrro owned business places of Harlem, an elaborate parade was I staged through the streets of Har.eni on Labor Day afternoon, September 7. The aflair was itaged under aus- pices of the Harlem Business Men's Club. The following organisations and individuals were represented m the line of march: Harlem Business Men's Club float; Harlem Housewives' League; the New York Academy of Busines*; Junius M. Green, real estate; Cur- tis Pie Co.; J. W. Beckett, fruits and vegetables; Peoples' Model Grocery; P. L. Huffstead, jeweler; Kenerly and Peters garage; Marion Daniei* and sons, undertakers; Stnbe Exterminating Co.; Alfred Tucker, accountant; Hebbon's Printing Co.; Afro-Ice Co.; Hailstock Linen Sup- ply Co.; Lane and Nichols, hal>er- dashers; the Harlem Scouts; Belstmt Laundry Co.; Nail and Parker, real eitate; Grenier Turner, electrician; Jerry Gray, meats. and- eroceries; A. B. C. Auto School; Gerties' Hat Shop; Savoy Ballroom; Monarch Mattress Co.; Superb Laundry Co.; Canover Brown Grocery Co.; Thom- as Electrical Supplies Co. A.^o. Edward M. Fentress, under- taker; Cloran Motors; Howard Mat- tress Co.; Parson Ice Co.; Oscar's Fish Market; Morton'a Radio Shop; McDermott. sign painteT; Caramav StoresfHarlem Flower Shop; Ste- phens* Insurance Co.; J. E Distribu- tor, importers; Lark's Employment Agency; Plymouth Rock Provision Co.; Williams Pharmacy; the Na- tional Negro Business League; E. and H. Market; A. J. Bottling Co.; Crosbv Window Cleaning Co.; Ham- ilton and Peters, taxicab operators: Harlem Model Grocery; Hotel Du- mas; Robert Seganious. plumber; the Little Grav Shops. Inc.; the Dun- bar Bakery; Hart's Paper Supply Co.; Will Call Express; Gordon Reid Express; Aldenhurst Express; Rays Print Shop, and the Burns Printing Co. o- Raymond Galmore. business man ager; Marcella Davis, publicity manager; Edith Green, treasurer; Simeon Frita, sergeant-at-arms; and Freddie Marshall, chaplain. CLIO CENTRE NOTE8 * Clio Welfare and Community Centre, Inc., 278 West 127th street entertained more than two hun- The guests present were Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Choykee, Dr. and Mrs. Randolph Henderson. Dr. and Mrs. H P* Newsom, Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Gooding, Miss Elsie Clark, Miss Mil- licent Jones, Mrs. M. Jones; Mrs. Rosa Choykee, Miss Ida Wainwright Miss Fay Canty, Miss Mary Don- nell. Miss Eulaiie Mitchell, Mrs. James Mitchell. Miss Evelyn Ander- dred children at a matinee Friday ^ Clarence Fraincois, J. Owen aaftemoon. S*tpember 4 r through B!achc r^ ,, Vhilt f^jjj ' v V ainwr i K - m , the courtesy of C G. Hal.enback, j Shumpert Logan. Herman Stoute. manager jot the Alhambraa_ Thea- | Egmont Moore, Benj. F. Tartar, W. G. Springer. Herman Miller, Lt. J W. Pollme. D. Alien and Miss Con- suela Humfrey. o tre. It was an outstanding treat for the kiddies, and enjoyable ixfom every point of view, with a very worthwhile program. John- son B. Percy vice president of the Centre; Mesdames Mattie Watkins Evelyn Liddelaw; Miss Myra E. Lee and Dr. Adena C E. Minott, were guardians for the children at this matinee. The tea given Sunday, Septem- ber 6, at the home of Mrs. Rosa Taylor for the benefit of the Cen- tre was a gratifying success. Radio concert programs, interspersed by addresses fdom the Rev. Mrs. A. Vigal, Attorney J..W. Giggs and the Rev. Mrs. A. R. Jackson, with short talks by other visitors, con- stituted the main diversions of the evening. One of the vfsitoYs to the'Cen- tre during the past week was Prof. Congressman LaGuardia To Address Meeting On Accused Porter's Case Why Anb-Lyncning books Were Not Distributed Mrs. Elnora Johnson, president of the Women's Stop Lynching League, has made a statement, explaining why women belonging to the Gra nd * •tu- ple of Daughter Elks failed to get copies of the books of petitions for the securing of signatures urging ^ai- sage of Dyer Anti-Lynching Bill. Mrs. Johnson states that she vis- ted the Grand emple with copies of the petition books, and was assure* by Grand Daughter Ruler that she would be given an opportunity to pre- sent her cause and distribute the blanks to women present from dif- ferent states. She attended the session through three days to Saturday morning, whs she was given three minutes to speak. But for some reason which was not explained, Mrs. Johnson declares sat was given no opportunity to distri- bute the books, nor was she permit- ted to take a collection to assist in paying the expense of getting oat « literature. This explanation, she said, was n o t so that the women might understtnd why they failed to get the petitions. ADVERTISE YOUR FURNISHED ROOMS Congressman F. H. LaGuardia who is acting as attorney for James E. Smith, the Pullman porter ac- cused by his conductor ot annoying a white woman passenger on his car, has notified officials of the Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Por- ters that the trial J s set for this term of court and will be heard in CharTes'c 5 . Sriiert'oFthe Ethiopian i U V|* b . ei ° Te the tn * of . tWs m6nth Research Association, now oon- j nected with our Children's Calal, a? one of its contributing writers. The October issue of the Call will contain an article bv him, en- titled "Know Thyself." This ar- ticle treats especially upon child life in the adolescent period. ROUND TRIP Jacksonville .70 ROUND TRIP Miami $ 41 ROUND TRIP TJCKET8 NOW ON SALE Similar 30-oay i etui ii limit, rate* Northbound, Sailings from New York for Charleston and Jackson villa on Taeadaya, Thursday, and Sat- urdays, for Miami every Satur- day. Return sailings from Jack- sonville on Sundays, Tuesdays ani FrkUys from Charleston en Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays, from Miami every Tuesday CLYDHHAT S4S fifth Avenue, at 4Sth Street Pier 36, North River, New York "I Women In Anger Try to Get Honey Back When Excursion Boat Stalls Pendemonium reigned for a few minute* Thursday aftemoon, Septem- ber 3, about 12 30, when the William H. Bank's Got'den Democratic Club, which was scheduled to run an ex- cursion boat to Hook Mountain, fail- ed to leave the 132nd street pftr. North River. It is said that when the boat was chartered an initial payment of $100 was made. The balance was to have been paid before the boat started on the trip at 10 a. m. Because of the inclement weather the crowd that met at the pier was not large enouth to make UP the balance of the psv- ment They waited patiently until the clock slowly ticked off one, two and three hours, and vet no boat moved. i The crowd, which was composed most! yof women, bejran to surge around William H. Banks, manager of the club, who refused to return their fares of $1 each, but asked them to come to the club later, at which time an adjustment would be made. This proposition did not suit the fairer sex. "I want my dollar now," they cried. "A dollar is a dollar these days.* said rmt woman. A lone policeman tried to quiet the mob, but has was soon punched in the no*e with an umbrella. When thev became more boisterous, a rid call was sent in. The riot wairon came itisdH with tear bombs and most everything that it would take to quiet a bunch of talkative w«*n- en. Finally, when the eang plank was being pvlled in. William H. Banks made his exit on the boat while the Crowd §w*xf on the bank of the river ereeni-t-ed with anter. The Maoarch Lode* Band rlaved "Hail. Han. the Gang's All Here.- McNeel Ross, Daniels Beat Healey In Court BOARDERS WANTED Plenty to eat, high location, $12 weekly. Mrs, Abb, Star Route, Catskill, N. Y. Mr. LaGuardia, who is acting as attorney for the accused porter without charging any fee, will ad- dress a mass meeting wkhich the Brotherhood has called for St. Lukes Hall on September 15 at 8 o'clock. At this time, the Congress- man will explain the various fea- tures of the Smith case whrcn has attracted widapread attention. Other promiment men will talk at the meeting, among them being Rev. W. A. Byrd of Jersey City. VACATION ORTS Locust Grote & Cottage NOW OPEN Room by day or week with use of Kitchen First and Hiilnidt Avrnae* Atlantic Highlands, N. J. Mrs. C. A. SPRINGS, Prop, John McNeel. Dr. Marshall Ross and Theodore Daniels, regular Dero- ocratic candidates for Leader, Alder- man, and Assemblyman, respectively, defended successfully the action brought by Martin Healey. leader of the l°th Democratic District, in the Supreme Court before Justice Frank- enthaler. Mr Heafey. through his counsel moved to restrain the placing of the above candidates on the ballots to be voted in the Primary on September IS, also the county committee, which elects the leader of the District. His restraining order was against the Board of Elections, as well as the candidates, The Corporation Coun- sel, representing the Board of Elec- tions, stated to the court that the petitions were, m his opinion, as well as that of the board, lega.ly O. K. Many of the captains of the Healey organiratkm, together with workers, have visited the headquarters of Mc- Neil. Ross and Daniels, after having heard of the efforts on the part of Mr. Healey to throw off the ballots through technicalities, of these can- didates, instead of having the people decide the issue at the polls. Primary Day. and volunteered their help. • — o Dorrence Brooks Post To Give Bus Outing To Camp Smith Sunday FOSTERS COTTAGE 237 Beach 84th Street Himm«it-byth*-S»s Rockawav Beach. L. I. Complete accomtnodstioM for ONE DAY. WEEKEND or ENTIRE WEEK. RtMonsM* Rsttt. Private Rooms for couple*. Meats furaithed Radio ana care tablet free for guests. Phone Ball Harbor J 3622 ENGLISH HOUSE Catikill, N. T. IS, Propriatraaa 1*5 Worth Sti Mrs, C. ALWAYS OPEN Grand view ot th« Catikill Mono- taiaa, Light and Airy Rooms, Good Board, Reasowabta Rata* Writa ROT Particular* Tel. Rtdieweed The Hamilton House & Tea Room Praprietrtiaan Mrs. S. Raulkoar, Mr*. Cooper Alitor) Heady Fwtuahad Room*. Reasonable Rata* LATEST IMPROVEMENTS Partle* Served By Appointment Toariat* and Week-end Oueati FIRST CLASS SERVICE M7 Broa St. Glen Roek, N, J. SHADY GROVE A good place to rest oyer the weekend. Plenty fre*h, sweat and batter-milk and all kind* of vegetable*, Oft* da* or weekend parties • apeeialty Write or Phone: Mr*. MART COX Route S, Fairfield, Cona. Phone J-7351 Telephone io«t FLETCHER COTTAGE Mr*. W. O. TERRELL, Prop. 154 HULICK STREET Wttt End Station LONG BRANCH, N. J. Room Br TBS Day or Week, whb or without Board To Camp Smith Sunday Rial to Bus Sscursion By the Dorrence Brooks Pott Mo. 528, V. P. W Sunday, Sept 13 ROUND TRIP - 12.50 Tickets now on sale at Rialto Bus TerimntJ 2304 Seventh A^eane (Base* leave at 9 a. m.) FURNITURE AND PIANO MOVER MARSHALL S. WELLS 323 WEST 117th STRBET 411 MANHATTAN AVKKUE New York Oty Phone MOauaaem 1-2079 Factory—421 Weat Itth St Phone CHiekerim 4-1934 Connor's Hand Laundry Will Call For and Dehnr Shirt* with collar* ifc Pamilyjrork, all finiaboa .... Ik » r u t work lfle ft. WE WORK TO PLSASS 417 Manhattan Avenue Bet. 117th * MStfc St*. New York PhCM* UNrv. 4-JSJ1 CEDAR INN FAIR HAVEN, N. J. For a quiet and restful vacation or weekend RATES VERY REASONABLE Mr*. W. J. WILLIAMS. Propriatreu S91 E. Front Strtet Red Bank. N. J. THE HOLMES COTTAGE 17 Walworth St. Saratoga Striata Will open OH OT about the 15th of June. Pirat class room and board at reasonable rata*. Mrs, E. HOLMES, Prop. IT Walworth Street Annex 121 Wattrington Street Saratog* Ssring*. N. Y. "Think of these word* and succeed Love and Liberty These words represent Christ and Lincoln Anyone who will mark down these words and wear them and who doea not succeed I will re- ward." CHAS. E. MILE*. 1931 Broadway, New York HarlemitM rifsirinff to visit the .VrOtlf Infantry. N. Y. N*. &, on Sun- day. .September 13, at Camp Smith, are invited bv the Durrrnre Rronks Post. No. 528, Veterans of F'reiRn Wars, to join them an their bm ex- cursion to <"amf». These veterans have chartered sev- eral Rialto buses, which afford first- class accommodation* with individual seats, etc. thev will leave Seventh avenue and 133th itreet at 9 a. m. The round triy fare u $2.50. Beautiful Spot In Pocono Mountains With city convenience and country comforts. Tennis, Horseback riding, beau- tiful walks, and scenery. Rates; Single room with beard S20 otr week; Two in a room Sis. OPENS JUNE 20th Phone Pocono 52R3 BESSIE JAPPA. P For Colored People TWe 1* the Ideal oj.ca for p*^,, with weak Lunis, hi c h and D% recommemtH by leading Doctors for a complete rest. Rate* $20.00 r* r week. Room and Board. Mr*. L. WHITE 2S WILEY AVE. - LIBERTY. H.Y Telephone Liberty 429 Telephone: Residence! Witbank SS64 ISS Richmond Square MONTREAL, CANADA Excluaive Touriata* Accommo- dation Good Residential Section Crow to Railway Stations and Shoppiae, District Rooms $1.50 to $2.50 per day Make reservation early asm Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com

Transcript of Old Fulton NY Post Cards By Tom Tryniski › Newspaper 11 › New York...THE NEW YOBK AGE rJnL>~ I...

  • THE NEW YOBK AGE I la* -jm

    rJnL>~ '""l rlmS,

    SOCIAL NEWS Rev. S. E. EIHsoo i p « t a day in

    Norfolk. Va. Mr*, l i ionie Prince spent three

    weeks in Boston. S. L. Kin* of Norfo.V, Va., made

    a trip to New York. Charles A. Pack of Washington

    risited New York Oty.

    Mr. and Mrs. Anderson Hojran of Waihinron motored to New York, Philadelphia and Atlantic City for their vacation.

    Mr*. W. A. Traynham went to Norfolk. Va„ with the H. A. Rob-insons' party sad was the guest of Mrs. Robinson.

    Miss Helen L. Dishman and her His* Nellie Holmes of Norfolk. | niece, little Naomi Dishman, of

    in V*. vu«ted New York City,

    John Mebea spent two weeks Norfolk. V s . with his sister.

    York City to attend the funeral of his mother. Mrs. Mary Nixon.

    William Hubbard of No/folk. Va. was in New York for & few days.

    , Dr. Ernest R. Alexander was in Port Horon, Mich., for a brief visit

    Mrs. Charles Jones has returned

    Harry J. Edward*, district irrand master of the G. U. Order of Odd, Fellows of New York State, spent a part of bis vacation in Atlantic City as the truest of J. C Thomas.

    Mr. end Mrs. H. Bouchet Day and Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Alex-ander returned to the city on Tuesday after a pleasant two weeks vacation in New Hamp-shire.

    Mrs. Addie Davis of Philadelphia, Mr. and Mrs. Els worth and junior of Brooklyn. Mrs. Mamie Hender-son of Favetteville, N. C , were guests Of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Allen last dttnaay.

    Miss Adeline Smith, a graduate nurse, class '31. of Harlem Hospital Training School, Spent her vacation in New Orfcana and Reserve, La. She is back at her post of duty at Harlem.

    Mr. and Mrs. Richard Lewis and Mr. and Mrs. Louis R. Mehlinger of Washington stopped in New York enroute home after a motor trip to Canada and Braddocks Falls, Pa.

    Mrs. Alberta Galfoway, superin-tendent of the Crooms Settlement School. Washington, D. C, is at-tending the New York School of Social Service, taking a course in

    Washington, spent the summer in New York City,

    Mrs. Prudence Stewart of Washington spent her vacation in New York City, returning home after Labor Day.

    E. S. Douglass of Winston-Salem. N. C . was called to New York City to attend the funeral of his mother. Mrs. Mary Nixon.

    Mrs. Blanche Diggs and daugh-from a month's visit to Raleigh, N. ter. Miss Clara, spent two weeks C jin Pittsburgh as guests of Mr. L. . Miss Lillie Baker of Raleigh, N. W. H. Christian. 'C>, spent her vacation in New Yorkj Mrs. Blanche 'Barnes has been City. : visiting her son-in-law and daugh-

    Mrs. Jerome Turner of Ra*igh.i t«r. Mr. and Mrs LeRoy Carring- 'Training of Delinquent Girls N. C spent a month in New York.wn. » Pittsburgh. GHy. Mrs. Louise Vincent Thompson of

    Mis* Annie L. James of Norfolk ! Wichita. Kan,, nan return** home Va*. spent two weeks in New Yark>*fer attending summer school at £it¥> Columbia University.

    Mrs. Blanch Harris of Norfolk , T M « . R o t t Warren ruu returned to Va., st to spend the winter in New New York City after a lengthy visit Yofk I with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh

    Mrs Annie B. Harvey of Armis-iB r o*n f * " ^ * '±*M „ Mrs. Lilhe Mae Belasco and daugh-

    ter. Gwendolyn, of Washington, vis-ited New York City, motoring home by way of Atlantic Gty.

    Mrs. F. D. Gholston of Harris-burg, Pa., and her mother, Mrs.

    Mrs. Lwrie Alston and daughter; W y n n c\ M\^MAt Ga., visited v ^$&. £ W relatives mjfnends in New York City.

    V, * %* t xx c • J Mrs. Elisabeth Wilson and the Mr. and Mrs. L H . Spivey o r M J $ 5 e . g ^ Williams and Doroth:

    Houston, Texas, spent some time m | S n t w o ( N o r f 0 !k . Va.. were f»*J * o r k Clt*' IguesH of Mrs. Maude Fisher.

    Dr. Simeon Carson, sureeon, of Attorney and Mrs. W. L. Davis Washmgton, D. C, was in New Yorkl ^ tt^ftm Anne, of Norfolk. Va.. lor a tew days. ! motored to New York, Philadelphia

    Mrs. Henrietta Shelby of Washing- and Atlantic City on a vacation trip. ton has returned home from visiting W i U i w i M a c k ^^ ^^^ Moore Stew York City. motored to Norfolk. Va,, where they

    ton, Ala., visited friends in Newi York Chy.

    Mrs. Cora Bond was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. E D Anderson in l/saisville, Ky.

    Miss Rosetta Nolan of Kansas City. Kan., has returned home after attending summer sahool at Colum-bia University. She made the trip by motor, stopping over • in Wash-ington to visit Miss Gladys Peters.

    The Rev. Dr. J. W. Brown, pas-tor of Mother A. M. E. Zion Church, spent part of his vacation in Nor-folk. Va.. the guest of the Rev. C. J. Henderson, and preached at the Metropolitan Church, pastored by Rev. Henderson.

    Mrs. Jean Patriek was the house guest for six weeks at Falmouth, Mass., of Mrs. Edna P. Greene of Auburndale. They motored to Canada and upper New York State before Mrs Patrick returned to

    r ? I New York City. Dr. Lloyd H. Cox of Daytons.

    Ohio, passed through New York Oty enroute home from Vienna. / stria. where he had been doing vost-graduate work during the summer. He joined Mrs. Cox in Washington before reurning to Dayton.

    Miss Alice Calhoun of 44 Brad-Miss Gertrude Dodson of Wash- ^^ ^ ^ oi j a m e 8 Cements. They h u ? « " « " u e returned uVfiun'day

    N e ^ Y ^ T k S G t v V a C 8 t l ° n V , S U O r m s t o W * d i n B l l t i m ° r e < n r O U , € te£"S!SSaSln?S ssew morx W . Mrs. Ira Braswell. her daughter, j g> the West Indies and South T « I 1 J , - • **' ' • - ' Kinwough Medora. and sons. Venable and Leon.; American ports. Among the plac-

    enjOyed a niotor trip to Canada, 0f Norfolk, Va.. motored to New ?« vieteH w*r» Ki«o-«»r.ni T?ma«-a; swpping in Detroit. York. Philadelphia and New Jersey. I Panama. Cristobal, the Canal Zone,

    Miss Odessa Johnson was the guest! ^r . and Mrs. S. Hawkins, enroutel Port Limon, Costa Rica and Ha-j ^ J , e w . h 6" r* °* M i " L G o " " 1 ! * Atlanta, Ga.. from New Yorkjvana, Cuba, fa Memphis. Tenn. • Qty, w e r e weekend guests in Cin-! Mrs. L. D. Crocker, her 'children.

    Miss Frances E. Brown and J. 0 . cinnati of Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Tur- Albert and Lillian, and Mrs. Taylor Williams of Washington were in: nell. | Segue and daughter. Wilhelmina, of New York shopping. Dr. S, LeCount Cook of Wash- | New Orleans, La., spent three week?

    Mrs. Sybil Poston. wife of Ulysses ington wai injured in an autom»>- i in New York City as guests of Gyela $. Poston. was the guest in Chicago bile accident while enroute from \ Matthews and Dr. and Mrs. If. E. Of Mrs. A. L. Foster New York City to New Haven,; Roes. Thev were joined here bv

    ' Mrs. Myrtle Daigs of New Or- C o n n - | Mr. Crocker, who attended summer leans. La., has returned home after! Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Robinson, school at Harvard University.

    -a visit to New York. Miss Cora Campbell and Mrs. Wil- Mrs. Addie Herbert of 53 West

    Mrs. Julia Tate has been the \**Jgf>g & J H g £ J ^ s S C S E L S f f i where ' s h T w a a t T e bouse truest of Mr and Mrs Tames t e n *»TS m N e w ^ o r k t n d Phila-1 Philadelphia where she was the

    •White ^ f Norfoi Va sJelishisu houseguen of Mme. A H.nsor, of

    Mrt. D \ f t o w n of 150 w J J j & ^ f ^ V ^ S ^ T L S S f t J ^ S , M ^

    •». *. • ton, Mass., wnere sne spent ner — , , „ «. «_.v. t.- J - ^ . „ R. C. Montgomery, hotel proprie-, vacation Brooklyn. N. Y. Both had a trtost

    .tor of Memphis, Term., spent three • „ . w v _ „ „ . . enjoyable week. weeks in New York Citv. L f ,s* B-1!f:h*[}[• V " JJ00*..^J Mrs. Althea Miller and her

    Mz and -Mrs Charles Pennibaker S ^ T ^ t , ° . - Mtatta^ * t h e C l t y * daughters. Julia and Maude. Rev. ™ ™ . . n ? * S l i ' f u v . *Z *'*« *2»*-y2 **J*5* *&luFUn. £ A. Downer and* Mrs.

    Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hopson of Richmond, spent Sunday with Mrs Hopson's sister, Mrs. Isabella Braxton of 59 West 98th street.

    Mr. and Mrs. Sompter Caldwell returned to the city Saturday af-ter a motor trip to New Hamp-shire and other parts of New Eng-land.

    Mr. and Mrs. Christopher J. Dudley and Miss Frederick* Moore spent the holiday weekend in Washington, D. C. They made the trip by motor..

    Rev. W. W. Hill of Petersburg, Va. spent the weekend here. Rev. Hill is the state missionary of the Virginia Baptist State Sunday School Convention.

    Mrs. J. A. Mo Duff ie, accompan-ied by her son and daughter-in-law, Prof, and Mrs. Clyde McDuf-fie, passed through New York City and spent the weekend, enroute to Washington D. C , from Saratoga Springs, N. V. They were greeted by many old friends.

    The Rev. Floyd Grant Snelson, now pastoring the Collymore Rock A. M. E. Church, Belleville, St. Michael, Bridgetown, Barbados, B. W. I., and presiding elder 18th epis-copal district, embracing Haiti, San Domingo, Jamaica, Barbados, Trinidad, Bratil and British Guiana, called at The Age office on Labor Day, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Horace Oliver of Washington, D. C.

    Dr. and Mrs. Ernest R. Alex-ander, of 234 West 1399th street, returned Sunday from a three week's motor trip to the Idlewild, Mich, summer resort. Enroute home they visited the Finger Lake region of New York as guests of Dr. William Lloyd Imes, pastor of St. James Presbyterian Church of New York City, and his wife, who have their summer home at Dundee, N. Y.

    While attending the Elks Con-vention in Philadelphia last week, Mrs. Lena Conyer of 166 West 141st street entertained a few friends at a dinner party at the home of her cousin, Mrs, Daisy Storkev, 4336 Wallace street, West Philadelphia. The guests, mem-bers of Daughter Elks, were Mrs. Pocahontas Booker, Rowena Le-veaus, Kittie Williams, Maud Coleman, Katie L, Jones, Carrie Broadnax, Catherine Brown, Jo-sephine McCloud, Mr. and Mrs. Earnest Thomas.




    Manhattan Temple No. 93 The Crisis Girls Give Dinner for Mrs. Shook

    FRANCIS E. RIVERS Assemblyman. 19th A. D.

    Daughter Lena Conyers of 166 West 141st street gave a dinner in honor of some friends of New York and Philadelphia. Those who attend-ed were Mrs. Daisy Starkey. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson, James Mufler. Bud-die. Starkie, Mr. and Mrs. A. Crop-per. Mrs. Rowena Deveaux. Mrs. Kittie L. Williams. Mrs. Pocahon-tas Booker, Mrs. Maude A. Cole-man, Mrs. Carrie Broadnax, Kittie L. Jones, Mrs. Josephine Mc-Cain and Mrs. Katherine Brown.

    Mrs. Katie L. Williams received a beautiful pocketbook during the Elks Convention, given by the Home Coming Club, of which she is presi-dent.

    The drid team of Manhattan Tem-ple, No. 93, extend their sympathy to the bereaved family of the late Mrs. Sarah Parks, who was killed while enroute to the Elks Conven-tion in Philadelphia.

    POPULAR PALS SOCIAL CLUB The first regular meeting of the

    Popular Pals, Inc., for the fall sea-son was held last week at the home of the president, Theodore R. Johnson.

    Plans were made for a compli-mentary dance t*> be given early in October at the Bronze Studio. Dancing and card playing were the diversions of the evening.

    New members received* were Messrs. Clark and Brand and the Misses Brown, Bowers and Mol-lette.

    Ralmond Galmore, business man-ager, left Sunday with the 369th Infantry for two weeks field train-ing at Camp Smith, Peekskill, N.

    ™ •

    The complete roster of officers are: Theodore R. Jbhnson, presi-

    l i e Friendly Column

    A dinner was given by the girls of The Crisis magazine in (he gar-den of the Civic Club, Tuesday evening, September 1, in honor of Mrs. Cerella Shook, who is re-turning to her home in Naash-ville, Tenn. A corsage of lilies-of-the-valley and yellow tea roses was presented to Yolande DuBois in honor of her marriage, Wed-nesday, Setpember 2, to Arnette Williams. Those attending were Cerella Shook, Yolande Du Bois, Irene Malvan, Hazel Branch, Grace Powell, Lula Burton, JuHa Johnson and Daisy Wilson.

    —I M i l — • • m ^ — • . I • I . I Mi

    Mr. and Mrs. Anderson Give Bon Voyage Party

    FRED R. MOORE Alderman, 19th A. D.

    Harlem Business Men's Club's Labor Day Parade

    Visitors from India s tntarfamAr! a t a J U S V l H U I I V H %*» » W W

    By Dr. and Mrs. Tobias

    Mr. and Mrs. John Scott Miss Lucille Douglass of Norfolk

    Va., spent the summer

    Frances Monroe, of Knoxville, oias place. iTenn., were recent guests of Mr*

    Miss Myra Logan, who studied in William Brown of 302 West 13flth in New York.Qjjgajo during the summer, was street. Miss Jnlia Miller, who is

    with ner brother ami sister. \ guest of honor at a bridge party I an acomplished musician appear-Miss Pearlina Cornick spent twoj given Thursday night by Mrs. las. ed on the program of the National

    weeks in Norfolk. Va., with her Edwin Stamps. ' Association of Negro Musicians at mother. Mrs. Marv Cornick. Mrs Myra Vincent and Mrs Hampton Institute. Mrl Brown

    Miss Nellie Holland of Wash- Wilson of Chicago stepped in < arranged several interesting affairs ington was the weekened guest of New York Citv on their wav Home . in honor of her house guests. friends in New York Citv. , from the musicians' meeting at I Last Tuesday evening the La-' Mrs. Claud Meband and Mrs Hampton Institute, Va. ! dies Aid Society of the Grace

    Tacob Pretlow of Norfolk, Va., spent I Mrs. Mamie E. Mosely has return-! Congregational Church gave a two weeks in New York City. ied to her home in Norfolk, Va.. af-1 2 f f f % * ^ S 2 S L W L I T n « £

    William Maton stopped over in ter visiting her daughters. Mrs. K * J ? ^ S l T ^ S u r S i ^ l M Mer-dashers; the Harlem Scouts; Belstmt Laundry Co.; Nail and Parker, real eitate; Grenier Turner, electrician; Jerry Gray, meats. and- eroceries; A. B. C. Auto School; Gerties' Hat Shop; Savoy Ballroom; Monarch Mattress Co.; Superb Laundry Co.; Canover Brown Grocery Co.; Thom-as Electrical Supplies Co.

    A.^o. Edward M. Fentress, under-taker; Cloran Motors; Howard Mat-tress Co.; Parson Ice Co.; Oscar's Fish Market; Morton'a Radio Shop; McDermott. sign painteT; Caramav StoresfHarlem Flower Shop; Ste-phens* Insurance Co.; J. E Distribu-tor, importers; Lark's Employment Agency; Plymouth Rock Provision Co.; Williams Pharmacy; the Na-tional Negro Business League; E. and H. Market; A. J. Bottling Co.; Crosbv Window Cleaning Co.; Ham-ilton and Peters, taxicab operators: Harlem Model Grocery; Hotel Du-mas; Robert Seganious. plumber; the Little Grav Shops. Inc.; the Dun-bar Bakery; Hart's Paper Supply Co.; Will Call Express; Gordon Reid Express; Aldenhurst Express; Rays Print Shop, and the Burns Printing Co.


    Raymond Galmore. business man ager; Marcella Davis, publicity manager; Edith Green, treasurer; Simeon Frita, sergeant-at-arms; and Freddie Marshall, chaplain.

    CLIO CENTRE N O T E 8 * Clio Welfare and Community

    Centre, Inc., 278 West 127th street entertained more than two hun-

    The guests present were Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Choykee, Dr. and Mrs. Randolph Henderson. Dr. and Mrs. H P* Newsom, Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Gooding, Miss Elsie Clark, Miss Mil-licent Jones, Mrs. M. Jones; Mrs. Rosa Choykee, Miss Ida Wainwright Miss Fay Canty, Miss Mary Don-nell. Miss Eulaiie Mitchell, Mrs. James Mitchell. Miss Evelyn Ander-

    dred children at a matinee Friday ^ Clarence Fraincois, J. Owen aaftemoon. S*tpember 4r through B ! a c h c r^ , , V h i l t f^ j j j 'vVainwriK-m, the courtesy of C G. Hal.enback, j Shumpert Logan. Herman Stoute. manager jot the Alhambraa_ Thea- | Egmont Moore, Benj. F. Tartar, W.

    G. Springer. Herman Miller, Lt. J W. Pollme. D. Alien and Miss Con-suela Humfrey.


    tre. It was an outstanding treat for the kiddies, and enjoyable ixfom every point of view, with a very worthwhile program. John-son B. Percy vice president of the Centre; Mesdames Mattie Watkins Evelyn Liddelaw; Miss Myra E. Lee and Dr. Adena C E. Minott, were guardians for the children at this matinee.

    The tea given Sunday, Septem-ber 6, at the home of Mrs. Rosa Taylor for the benefit of the Cen-tre was a gratifying success. Radio concert programs, interspersed by addresses fdom the Rev. Mrs. A. Vigal, Attorney J . .W. Giggs and the Rev. Mrs. A. R. Jackson, with short talks by other visitors, con-stituted the main diversions of the evening.

    One of the vfsitoYs to the'Cen-tre during the past week was Prof.

    Congressman LaGuardia To Address Meeting On Accused Porter's Case

    Why Anb-Lyncning books Were Not Distributed

    Mrs. Elnora Johnson, president of the Women's Stop Lynching League, has made a statement, explaining why women belonging to the Gra nd * •tu-ple of Daughter Elks failed to get copies of the books of petitions for the securing of signatures urging ^ai-sage of Dyer Anti-Lynching Bill.

    Mrs. Johnson states that she vis-ted the Grand emple with copies of the petition books, and was assure* by Grand Daughter Ruler that she would be given an opportunity to pre-sent her cause and distribute the blanks to women present from dif-ferent states.

    She attended the session through three days to Saturday morning, whs she was given three minutes to speak. But for some reason which was not explained, Mrs. Johnson declares sat was given no opportunity to distri-bute the books, nor was she permit-ted to take a collection to assist in paying the expense of getting oat « literature.

    This explanation, she said, was n o t so that the women might understtnd why they failed to get the petitions.


    Congressman F. H. LaGuardia who is acting as attorney for James E. Smith, the Pullman porter ac-cused by his conductor ot annoying a white woman passenger on his car, has notified officials of the Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Por-ters that the trial J s set for this term of court and will be heard in

    CharTes'c5. Sriiert'oFthe Ethiopian i U V | * b.ei°Te t h e tn* o f . t W s m 6 n t h Research Association, now oon- j nected with our Children's Calal, a? one of its contributing writers.

    The October issue of the Call will contain an article bv him, en-titled "Know Thyself." This ar-ticle treats especially upon child life in the adolescent period.


    Jacksonville .70 ROUND T R I P

    Miami $ 41 — ROUND T R I P


    Similar 30-oay i etui ii limit, rate* Northbound,

    Sailings from New York for Charleston and Jackson villa on Taeadaya, Thursday, and Sat-urdays, for Miami every Satur-day.

    Return sailings from Jack-sonville on Sundays, Tuesdays ani FrkUys from Charleston en Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays, from Miami every Tuesday

    CLYDHHAT S4S fifth Avenue, at 4Sth Street Pier 36, North River, New York "I

    Women In Anger Try to Get Honey Back When

    Excursion Boat Stalls

    Pendemonium reigned for a few minute* Thursday aftemoon, Septem-ber 3, about 12 30, when the William H. Bank's Got'den Democratic Club, which was scheduled to run an ex-cursion boat to Hook Mountain, fail-ed to leave the 132nd street pftr. North River.

    It is said that when the boat was chartered an initial payment of $100 was made. The balance was to have been paid before the boat started on the trip at 10 a. m. Because of the inclement weather the crowd that met at the pier was not large enouth to make UP the balance of the psv-ment They waited patiently until the clock slowly ticked off one, two and three hours, and vet no boat moved. i

    The crowd, which was composed most! yof women, bejran to surge around William H. Banks, manager of the club, who refused to return their fares of $1 each, but asked them to come to the club later, at which time an adjustment would be made. This proposition did not suit the fairer sex.

    "I want my dollar now," they cried. "A dollar is a dollar these days.* said rmt woman.

    A lone policeman tried to quiet the mob, but has was soon punched in the no*e with an umbrella. When thev became more boisterous, a r i d call was sent in. The riot wairon came itisdH with tear bombs and most everything that it would take to quiet a bunch of talkative w«*n-en.

    Finally, when the eang plank was being pvlled in. William H. Banks made his exit on the boat while the Crowd §w*xf on the bank of the river ereeni-t-ed with anter.

    The Maoarch Lode* Band rlaved "Hail. Han. the Gang's All Here.-

    McNeel Ross, Daniels Beat Healey In Court

    BOARDERS W A N T E D Plenty to eat, high location, $12 weekly. Mrs, Abb, Star Route, Catskill, N. Y.

    Mr. LaGuardia, who is acting as attorney for the accused porter without charging any fee, will ad-dress a mass meeting wkhich the Brotherhood has called for St. Lukes Hall on September 15 at 8 o'clock. At this time, the Congress-man will explain the various fea-tures of the Smith case whrcn has attracted widapread attention.

    Other promiment men will talk at the meeting, among them being Rev. W. A. Byrd of Jersey City.

    V A C A T I O N ORTS

    Locust Grote & Cottage N O W O P E N

    Room by day or week with use of Kitchen

    First and Hiilnidt Avrnae* Atlantic Highlands, N. J.

    Mrs. C. A. SPRINGS, Prop,

    John McNeel. Dr. Marshall Ross and Theodore Daniels, regular Dero-ocratic candidates for Leader, Alder-man, and Assemblyman, respectively, defended successfully the action brought by Martin Healey. leader of the l°th Democratic District, in the Supreme Court before Justice Frank-enthaler.

    Mr Heafey. through his counsel moved to restrain the placing of the above candidates on the ballots to be voted in the Primary on September IS, also the county committee, which elects the leader of the District. His restraining order was against the Board of Elections, as well as the candidates, The Corporation Coun-sel, representing the Board of Elec-tions, stated to the court that the petitions were, m his opinion, as well as that of the board, lega.ly O. K.

    Many of the captains of the Healey organiratkm, together with workers, have visited the headquarters of Mc-Neil. Ross and Daniels, after having heard of the efforts on the part of Mr. Healey to throw off the ballots through technicalities, of these can-didates, instead of having the people decide the issue at the polls. Primary Day. and volunteered their help.

    • — o

    Dorrence Brooks Post To Give Bus Outing

    To Camp Smith Sunday

    FOSTERS COTTAGE 237 Beach 84th Street

    Himm«it-byth*-S»s Rockawav Beach. L. I.

    Complete accomtnodstioM for ONE DAY. WEEKEND or ENTIRE WEEK. RtMonsM* Rsttt. Private Rooms for couple*. Meats furaithed Radio ana care tablet free for guests.

    Phone Ball Harbor J 3622

    ENGLISH HOUSE — Catikill, N. T.

    IS, Propriatraaa 1*5 Worth Sti

    Mrs, C. ALWAYS O P E N

    Grand view ot th« Catikill Mono-taiaa, Light and Airy Rooms, Good

    Board, Reasowabta Rata* Writa ROT Particular*

    Tel. Rtdieweed

    The Hamilton House & Tea Room

    Praprietrtiaan Mrs. S. Raulkoar, Mr*. Cooper Alitor) Heady Fwtuahad Room*. Reasonable


    Partle* Served By Appointment Toariat* and Week-end Oueati

    FIRST CLASS SERVICE M7 Broa St. Glen Roek, N, J.

    S H A D Y G R O V E A good place to rest oyer the

    weekend. Plenty fre*h, sweat and batter-milk

    and all kind* of vegetable*, Oft* da* or weekend parties • apeeialty

    Write or Phone: Mr*. MART COX

    Route S, Fairfield, Cona. Phone J-7351

    Telephone io«t


    Wttt End Station LONG BRANCH, N. J.

    Room Br TBS Day or Week, whb or without Board

    To Camp Smith Sunday

    Rial to Bus Sscursion By the

    Dorrence Brooks Pott Mo. 528, V. P. W

    Sunday, Sept 13 ROUND TRIP - 12.50

    Tickets now on sale at

    Rialto Bus TerimntJ 2304 Seventh A^eane (Base* leave at 9 a. m.)



    411 MANHATTAN AVKKUE New York Oty

    Phone MOauaaem 1-2079 Factory—421 Weat Itth St

    Phone CHiekerim 4-1934

    Connor's Hand Laundry Will Call For and Dehnr

    Shirt* with collar* ifc Pamilyjrork, all finiaboa . . . . Ik » rut work lfle ft.

    WE WORK TO PLSASS 417 Manhattan Avenue

    Bet. 117th * MStfc St*. New York PhCM* UNrv. 4-JSJ1


    For a quiet and restful vacation or weekend


    S91 E. Front Strtet Red Bank. N. J.

    THE HOLMES COTTAGE 17 Walworth St. Saratoga Striata Will open OH OT about the 15th of June. Pirat class room and board at

    reasonable rata*. Mrs, E. HOLMES, Prop.

    IT Walworth Street Annex 121 Wattrington Street

    Saratog* Ssring*. N. Y.

    "Think of these word* and succeed

    Love and Liberty These words represent

    Christ and Lincoln Anyone who will mark down these words and wear them and who doea not succeed I will re-ward."

    CHAS. E. MILE*. 1931 Broadway, New York

    HarlemitM rifsirinff to visit the .VrOtlf Infantry. N. Y. N*. &, on Sun-day. .September 13, at Camp Smith, are invited bv the Durrrnre Rronks Post. No. 528, Veterans of F'reiRn Wars, to join them an their bm ex-cursion to