News Bulletin-Issue 28-Sept

Office of Research Services BMH 312 Dr. Gayle MacDonald, Assistant Vice-President (Research) Josephine Adda, Proposal Support Officer Danielle Connell, Office Assistant (Research) Margot Malenfant, Research Assistant (SSHRC Leaders) Research News September 2012: Issue 28 Please visit the Research website for information on internal and external funding opportunities, upcoming book launches, the Research Ethics Board, and policies, guidelines and deadlines. ORS News ORS Annual Report now available Hard copies of our report have been sent to various offices and departments around campus. To request a hard copy please contact Danielle at [email protected] or drop by BMH 312. Highlights include: Total external grant revenue (awarded between May 1, 2011 and April 30, 2012) for the university, students, and faculty was $469,364. $52,500 of this was awarded to three 4 th year students to pursue a Masters degree ($17,500 each) The Senate Research Committee handed out $87,097 in internal grants to STU faculty for travel and research Dr. Susan Machum, CRC in Rural Social Justice, had her Chair renewed for another 5 years (to 2016), and was awarded a $74,997 CFI grant to upgrade her lab SSHRC-funded Global and International Studies Initiative group actively awarded internal grants for STU-based research and facilitated workshops and partnerships relating to their areas Office of Research Services hosted/co-hosted 8 book launches, 1 visiting scholar (through the GISI group), and 14 workshops and events Professional Development Services



Transcript of News Bulletin-Issue 28-Sept

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Office of Research Services BMH 312

Dr. Gayle MacDonald, Assistant Vice-President (Research) Josephine Adda, Proposal Support Officer

Danielle Connell, Office Assistant (Research) Margot Malenfant, Research Assistant (SSHRC Leaders)

Research News September 2012: Issue 28

Please visit the Research website for information on internal and external funding opportunities,

upcoming book launches, the Research Ethics Board, and policies, guidelines and deadlines.

ORS News ORS Annual Report now available Hard copies of our report have been sent to various offices and departments around campus. To request a hard copy please contact Danielle at [email protected] or drop by BMH 312. Highlights include:

Total external grant revenue (awarded between May 1, 2011

and April 30, 2012) for the university, students, and faculty was

$469,364. $52,500 of this was awarded to three 4th year

students to pursue a Masters degree ($17,500 each)

The Senate Research Committee handed out $87,097 in internal

grants to STU faculty for travel and research

Dr. Susan Machum, CRC in Rural Social Justice, had her Chair renewed for another 5 years (to

2016), and was awarded a $74,997 CFI grant to upgrade her lab

SSHRC-funded Global and International Studies Initiative group actively awarded internal

grants for STU-based research and facilitated workshops and partnerships relating to their areas

Office of Research Services hosted/co-hosted 8 book launches, 1 visiting scholar (through the

GISI group), and 14 workshops and events

Professional Development Services

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We offer what we refer to in the ORS as “PD” hours. Dozens of faculty in the past year have availed themselves of this service. What professional development does for you is to help you get your writing/academic planning/publishing back on track (if you’re off track) or improved (if you’re on track but feeling overwhelmed). Taking into account all of your academic and personal responsibilities as well as your energy levels, health and well-being, PD hours are a great way to avail yourself of all the ORS has to offer you as a researcher. One hour at a time, we can help you make a difference in your writing/publishing career. Contact Danielle Connell ([email protected]) today to get started, and to make your first appointment. Your promotion/book/article deserves this specialized attention!


Dr. Lynne Gouliquer has been awarded STU and New Brunswick’s first Banting Postdoctoral Fellowship from SSHRC. This 2-year award is valued at $140,000 and places emphasis on both her individual merit and her potential to launch a successful research-intensive career. To learn more about the Bantings read more…….


Dr. Clive Baldwin has recently been awarded a $9,800 grant from MindCare New Brunswick. This grant is intended to support research on mental health issues in the province of New Brunswick. Relevant topics include research concerning the prevention of mental illness, early detection of mental health difficulties, assessment/diagnosis, and treatment.


Dr. Grant Williams, co-investigator with his colleague Dr. John Clement from the University of Massachusetts Amherst has just received word from the National Science Foundation that Dr. Clement’s application for DRK12 funding has been approved in the amount of approx. $300,000. Subsequently, the sub-contract that Dr. Williams applied for in the amount $25,492 to conduct related research here at STU has been approved as a part of this larger grant. The Discovery Research K-12 program (DRK-12) seeks to significantly enhance the learning and teaching of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) by preK-12 students, teachers, administrators and parents. All DRK-12 projects should be framed around a research question or hypothesis that addresses an important need or topic in preK-12 STEM education. The emphasis in DRK-12 is on research projects that study the development, testing, deployment, effectiveness, and/or scale-up of innovative resources, models and tools. DRK-12 invites proposals that address immediate challenges that are facing preK-12 STEM education as well as those that anticipate a radically different structure and function of pre-K 12 teaching and learning. DRK-12 especially encourages proposals that challenge existing assumptions about learning and teaching within or across STEM fields, envision the future needs of learners, and consider new and innovative ways to support student and teacher learning.


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Congratulations to Dr.Martin Kutnowski for his external grants received in 2011-2012, which include: Arts New Brunswick: Creation Grant for “Does the barley bid the wind wait in his course?” for mezzo-soprano and piano, based on texts by Canada's poet laureate Bliss Carman (1861–1929). Premiere forthcoming by Patricia Green, mezzo-soprano, and Stephen Runge, piano. Project amount: $5,900. Awarded in December 2011. Arts New Brunswick, Professional Development Grant, for Residency at Instituto Superior de Formación Docente Artística, Comodoro Rivadavia, Argentina, and Escuela Superior de Música de Neuquén, Argentina, August 2012. Grant amount: $2,900. Awarded in June 2012. Canada Council for the Arts: Travel Grant for $1,500. Awarded in September 2012.

Events Upcoming Book Launch Jan Wong Out of the Blue: A Memoir of Workplace Depression, Recovery, Redemption and, Yes, Happiness McCain Hall - Kinsella Auditorium Sept. 26th

Masters Funding Information Sessions Hosted by Dr. Gayle MacDonald, Assistant Vice-President (Research) Open to fourth-year students attending a Canadian graduate school in 2013-14 Session 1: October 16 at 6 pm in Brian Mulroney Hall room 103 Session 2: October 29 at 9 am in Brian Mulroney Hall room 101 Please Note: Session 2 is a repeat presentation of Session 1 SSHRC Joseph-Armand Bombardier Canada Graduate Scholarships (3 awards available) CIHR Frederick Banting & Charles Best Canada Graduate Scholarships (1 award available) These scholarships are valued at $17,500 each. RSVP at

Graduate School Information Session Hosted by Dr. Gayle MacDonald, Assistant Vice-President (Research)

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Are your students thinking about Grad School and don’t know where to begin? This is their chance to learn about funding (external awards and scholarships), tips on writing applications, valuable resources, finding a mentor and tools to help them choose the best graduate school for their needs. Friday, October 19th at 2:30 pm Brian Mulroney Hall room 101 RSVP at

NVIVO WORKSHOP presented by Banting Postdoctoral Fellow, Dr. Lynne Gouliquer McCain Hall, room 307 October 19th, 2012 2:30pm – 5:00pm The Atlantic Centre for Qualitative Research and Analysis is pleased to introduce Dr. Lynne Gouliquer, SSHRC Banting Fellow. Refreshments will be served. Interested Faculty are encouraged to attend.

General Information CIHR Soliciting Testers for the Canadian Directory of Researchers This is service that CIHR has developed to locate researchers by expertize area, location, etc.. Researchers using the CCV can consent to participate in this publically accessible directory and it is using data extracted from the CCV. CIHR anticipates it will be used by: • Researchers looking for collaborators • Students looking for supervisors • Journalists looking for SME • Funding Organizations looking for peer reviewers, focus group participants, media experts Contact: Kristina Casey Director, Strategic Services and Canadian Common CV, CIHR Article from the Research Universities Futures Consortium:

What is the Current Health and Future Well-Being of the American Research University? Developing and managing a research portfolio is not easy. There are many points of failure and the benefits are often not immediately obvious. The research grants and contracts landscape is competitive and globalized and the competition is only likely to intensify as a result of the current U.S. financial budget situation. In recent years, research has become more international and more interdisciplinary, making the management of research funding an increasingly complex task. On a broader level, universities are heavily regulated and scrutinized by governments and other sponsors who seek transparency and value for their investment. Read more…..

New version of the Canadian Common CV now available The new Canadian Common CV (CCV) application is now available.

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CCV Data Migration: The majority of data (approximately 90%) has been migrated from the old to the new CCV. You are advised to inspect each section and field of your CV to make sure that your data was properly migrated. Any missing or wrongly formatted data will have to be corrected. Contributions can no longer be attached as a file to the CCV and will have to be entered as structured data. Please allow for some time to capture this information. You will be able to connect to the new CCV using the same username and password as the previous version. However, when you connect to the new CCV for the first time, you will be asked to capture reminder questions and answers before you can access your CV data.

Science Media Centre of Canada Reports September 3, 2012 Report September 10, 2012 Report

Industry Research Connector Event and Networking Luncheon On Natural Health Products & Functional Foods Agri-tech Park, Truro, NS October 10, 2012 Meet companies who are looking for academic researchers who can respond to their company needs while getting new ideas for research collaborations off the ground. Representatives of several research funding and economic development agencies, including NSERC, BioNova, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Springboard Atlantic, Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency, National Research Council Canada-Industrial Research Assistance Program, and Mitacs, will be in attendance to help initiate partnerships and answer funding questions. Contact: Springboard Atlantic, Katie Kushner, 902-421-5678

University Affairs Magazine October 2012 - online edition

Harriet Irving Library Information Session - Videos from Alexander Street Press Thursday September 27, 2012

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Eileen Lawrence, Vice President of Alexander Street Press will be visiting UNB, accompanied by Canadian Distributor Gary Gibson of Gibson Library Connections. They plan to show and discuss any of the following new and forthcoming collections that people would like to hear about. To view the list of videos please click HERE.

Submit your manuscript to SAGE Open—an open-access publication Publish in SAGE Open, SAGE's groundbreaking, open-access publication of peer-reviewed, original research and review articles, spanning the full spectrum of the social and behavioral sciences and the humanities. More than 1,000 manuscripts have been submitted in the last year. Submit your manuscript through SAGE track, SAGE's web-based peer review and submission system, powered by ScholarOne Manuscripts™. Submitting your manuscript is free. Only if your manuscript is accepted will you pay the author acceptance fee of $395 (discounted from the regular price of $695). For more information, view the SAGE Open manuscript submission guidelines.

Research Ethics "Ethics Rupture: An Invitational Summit about Alternatives to Research-Ethics Review" St. Thomas University and the University of New Brunswick 25-28 October 2012 REGISTRATION NOW OPEN

Want to learn more about Research Ethics? Check out the online TCPS 2 CORE tutorial.

Does your research require REB approval? Click HERE to learn more.

Senate Research Committee Apply now for internal funding! Check out our updated application forms.

Did you know?....... The Major Research Grant amount has been increased from $4,000 to $4,500 and the General Research Grant amount has been increased from $2,000 to $2,500. Upcoming Internal Grant Deadlines: McCain Award (Course Release) – Oct. 29th

Major and General Research Grants – Nov. 5th

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Contact Danielle Connell for more info.


CIHR’s "Speaking of Aging" Tour Where: Throughout Canada WHEN: Various dates in September & October 2012 The CIHR Institute of Aging (IA) is currently in the process of preparing its Strategic Plan 2013-2018 and, as a part of this process, we are holding Town Hall meetings in 15 cities across Canada in order to meet with the community, to discuss the preliminary version of the Plan and to gather input.

The Marshall Lecture in Public Philosophy: The Dilemmas of Protecting Religious Freedom Today By Dr. Avigail Eisenberg, Department of Political Science, University of Victoria Scotiabank Theatre Auditorium - Saint Mary’s University September 27, 2012 When it comes to cases about polygamy, children wearing kirpans to school, or crosses on the walls of public buildings, how do our public institutions distinguish between authentic and inauthentic religious practices and how should they? Dr. Eisenberg explores how courts and legislatures make this distinction today and the risks and dilemmas they face in doing so. She offers an approach, grounded in respect for religious identity, which considers the individual and collective dimensions of religious freedom, while responding to some of the risks of this type of decision making. Dr. Eisenberg draws on recent court cases to illustrate her approach to protecting religious identity.

7th Annual Qualitative Lecture and Workshop St. Thomas University September 28th & 29th 2012 Hosted by STU’s Atlantic Centre for Qualitative Research and Analysis The 2012 keynote speaker and workshop presenter is Dr. Claudia Malacrida from University of Lethbridge, Lethbridge, Alberta. Dr. Malacrida’s lecture is entitled: Motherhood in the cross-hairs: The social and moral regulation of women's mothering. Her workshop will discuss Minding the Gaps: Feminist Discursive Ethnography. The Friday lecture is open to the public and free of charge. Pre-registration is required for the Saturday workshop.

Please visit their website for details and registration form.

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Call for Posters Researchers will present their health research work/project through poster display and oral

presentation sessions during the conference. The poster displays will provide a forum for researchers to showcase their work and to promote networking among conference participants.

Submission deadline: Oct. 1, 2012 at 4pm

SPIN‐OFF AND STARTUPS: INNOVATION PARTNERSHIPS BETWEEN UNIVERSITIES, RESEARCHERS, INSTITUTIONS AND INDUSTRY CARLETON UNIVERSITY OCTOBER 2, 2012 International Round Table The session will seek to create a turning point of economic innovation through creation of a competitive and collaborative model among institutions, researchers, universities and venture capitalists. This Round Table will feature the participation of dozens of the top innovation leaders from Italy and Canada in the private sector, universities and government. International collaboration is fundamental in order to leverage existing resources and energies, and to share knowledge and experiences toward a single objective which would be difficult for an individual company or researcher to achieve in isolation. The Round Table will provide the chance for all participants to meet and explore ways to create new innovation strategies, accelerate research collaborations and look for new funding sources through international partnerships.

Intellectbase International Consortium Academic Conferences Abstracts, Research-in-Progress, Full Papers, Workshops, Case Studies and Posters are invited. Atlanta, GA October 18-20, 2012 Submission Deadline: September 23, 2012 San Antonio, TX April 11-13, 2013 Submission Deadline: March 16, 2013 Las Vegas, NV December 13-15, 2012 Submission Deadline: November 23, 2012 Thailand March 14-16, 2013 Submission Deadline: February 22, 2013 Nashville, TN May 23-25, 2013

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Submission Deadline: April 28, 2013 Kuala Lumpur – Malaysia July 9-11, 2013 Submission Deadline: June 10, 2013

4th Conference on Recent Advances in the Prevention and Management of Childhood and Adolescent Obesity: Strategies and Solution – From Practice to Policy Halifax, NS Pre-Conference: October 24, 2012 Main Conference: October 25 & 26, 2012

Third Biennial Bilingual Conference of the Canadian Society for the Sociology of Health: Sociological Contributions to Health Equity Ottawa, ON October 25-27, 2012 Contact: [email protected]

Foreign Language Film Conference V: Rights and Representations University of Alabama at Birmingham November 1-4, 2012 The theme of this fifth edition of Foreign Language Film Conference Rights and Representations is not in the vein of Said's "Orientalism." The theme of the conference wants to express the representations of rights within. The fight between the Irish and the English, the Palestinian and the Israeli, the French and the Algerian, are the struggle of two nationalisms. Whereas the conference is interested in the fight within the same country, where two groups share the same culture, the same constitution, the same language, in short where the opponent is not an "other" but the "same," similar to what happened in the USA in the 60s with the struggle for Civil Rights, in Western Europe in the 80s (Red Brigades, etc.), or in South America around the same time, or the massacres perpetuated by the Khmers Rouges in Cambodia in the 70s, or the quasi civil war in Algeria between the army and the FIS in the 90s, or the recent spring time of the peoples. In essence this struggle goes beyond the protection of the voice of minority dear to a Western legal tradition; it goes to the core of the democracies. Contact: Serge Bokobza or Rosemary Peters

MMFC Workshop 2012: Wellness Pays Off - Family Violence Impacts Everyone UNB Wu Conference Centre November 2, 2012 This MMFC workshop is designed for participants from diverse workplaces (milieus) interested in exploring wellness and the impact of intimate partner violence on workplaces. MMFC Free Public Event – Public Address: Protecting Yourself from Burnout

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November 1, 2012 Mary Ann Baynton, MSW, RSW, Principal, Mary Ann Baynton & Associates Consulting, from Waterdown, Ontario, will give a public address entitled Protecting Yourself from Burnout. Mary Ann is the author of Resolving Workplace Issues and co-author with Dr. Martin Shain of Preventing Workplace Meltdown: An employer’s guide to maintaining a psychologically safe workplace. She provides consulting services to governments, organizations and unions that wish to improve or address issues related to workplace mental health.

“Global Trends in Higher Education: Challenges, Opportunities and Innovations” St. Thomas University - Forest Hill Conference Centre Nov. 2 – 3, 2012 Deadline to register: October 24, 2012 Join New Brunswick’s leaders in post-secondary education to consider the current Canadian, American and European context of post-secondary education:

• quality assurance and assessing learning outcomes • performance indicators • financial sustainability • research funding • tuition fees • interdisciplinary studies • needs of emerging economies • innovation in post-secondary education

To register, please contact [email protected]

2012 National Research Day conference: Sexual Violence, Domestic Violence: Exploring the Continuum of Violence Against Women and Girls Vancouver BC November 7-9, 2012 REGISTRATION

54th International Conference on Alcohol and Addictions Montreal, Quebec November 12-16, 2012 Addressed by some forty plenary speakers of the highest international standing with over one hundred workshops and poster presentations, the Montreal Conference will deliver an unrivalled scientific program of interest to policy makers, researchers and practitioners alike. Visit the website for more information on the conference program, Montreal, online registration and abstract submission.

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6th International Conference on Knowledge Generation, Communication and Management: KGCM 2012 In the context of: The 2nd International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies and Applications ICTA 2012 Orlando, Florida, USA November 13 - 16, 2012

3rd WORD CONFERENCE ON INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY - WCIT-2012 University of Barcelona, Spain November 14-17, 2012 Submissions Due: September 15, 2012

3rd Health & Wellbeing in Children, Youth and Adults with Developmental Disabilities Conference: Challenging Behaviour - The Tip of the Iceberg The Coast Plaza Hotel and Suites - Vancouver, BC Main Conference: November 15-16, 2012 Focused Workshops: November 17, 2012

Nova Scotia Centre on Aging, Mount Saint Vincent University’s Conference: "Our Future is Aging: Current Research on Knowledge, Practice and Policy" Delta Halifax Hotel, Halifax, Nova Scotia November 21-23, 2012 This one-time conference will bring together researchers, academics, service providers, decision makers, artists, students, policy analysts and members of the community to share the diversity of perspectives and approaches to aging research within the Atlantic region and throughout Canada. The Conference is being hosted by the Nova Scotia Centre on Aging as part of its activities to celebrate the Centre's 20th anniversary.

Nova Scotia Centre on Aging [email protected] 902-457-6546

Genomics: The Power and Promise Ottawa, ON November 27-28, 2012 Genome Canada, the Gairdner Awards, Genome Atlantic and Canada’s other regional Genome Centres are hosting a rare gathering of some of the world’s leading thinkers in genomics to discuss research progress to date, and the potential that lies ahead in the fields of human health, biofuels, environmental remediation, fisheries & aquaculture, food security and safety, and more. Please follow this link to learn more about this important event, and how you can participate.

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WORLD CONFERENCE ON PSYCHOLOGY AND SOCIOLOGY: PSYSOC-2012 Queen Elizabeth Elite Suite Hotel & Spa, Antalya, Turkey 28 November -01 December 2012 Abstract Submission Deadline: September 10, 2012

Innovation 2012 – Connecting R&D and Commercialization Ottawa Marriott December 2-4, 2012 ACCT Canada is preparing for a dynamic Innovation 2012 conference and in this regard have just issued a Call for Topics. Please use the following link with your members/colleagues and networks so that the planning committee is able to benefit from the broadest possible input in the development of the meeting program. See the ACCT Canada Website here. Contact: Janet E. Scholz

1st Annual International Conference: Social Media: Implications for the University York University, Toronto May 3-5 2013 Please send a title and abstract (350 words excluding bibliography) to the organizers, for a 20 minute presentation. All abstract submissions will undergo peer review and notification of acceptance will be sent out in early November 2012. Contacts: Prof. Roberta Iannacito-Provenzano & Prof. Jana Vizmuller-Zocco

30th Annual Qualitative Analysis Conference: Looking Forward: Perspectives, Methodologies, Stabilities, Redefinitions, and Examples Carleton University, Ottawa ON May 23-25, 2013 This year represents the thirtieth year of continuous conference meetings. In recognition of this anniversary, the conference is organized around the themes of stability and change in our approach to questions of research, theory and the study of everyday life. Presentations will explore questions of transition in methodological and theoretical approaches and how those questions influence our collection and analysis of qualitative data. Abstract deadline: October 15, 2012 Submit an abstract: Contact: [email protected]

Qualitative Sociology Review Deadline for the special conference issue has been extended to Friday, September 28. Submit papers to [email protected].

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Women’s Organisations and Female Activists in the Aftermath of the First World War: Central and Eastern Europe in National, Transnational, International and Global Context Budapest, Hungary 17th-19th May 2013 This is an interdisciplinary, international conference to be held at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. Contributions are welcome from any field or discipline, including literary and cultural studies, sociology and social anthropology, women’s and gender studies, peace and war studies, as well as history itself. Read more… Abstract deadline: to Ms Ingrid Sharp and Professor Matthew Stibbe by Dec. 7, 2012.

Calls for Papers/Articles Do you have New Brunswick research that is ready for publication? The Journal of New Brunswick Studies/Revue d’études sur le Nouveau-Brunswick invites submissions from the scholarly community for our next issue, and for all subsequent issues. Articles based on original research from all disciplinary backgrounds are welcome. Articles must either focus on New Brunswick, or consider New Brunswick in a comparative framework, with New Brunswick as the main focus of the comparison. Scholars wishing to propose special issues focused on particular topics or themes should contact the Editor at [email protected]. Submission deadline: March 15, 2013

Prime Research on Education: Open Access journal publishing manuscripts monthly Manuscripts are being published monthly by PRIME JOURNALS via their website. PRE is an Open Access Journal and is committed to upgrade the depth of the subject across disciplines with the ultimate aim of expanding knowledge of the subject. PRE encompasses all areas of Prime Research on Education. Manuscripts that meet the general criteria of could be submitted for publication. The criteria includes: Original articles in basic and applied research, Case studies and Critical reviews, surveys, opinions, commentaries and essays. Kindly support this initiative by sending your manuscripts to [email protected], [email protected], and [email protected] for publication (HARD COPIES INCLUSIVE).

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Research Resources

New Books in our Resource Library

Christodoulides, Nephie J. (ed.) with Preface by Tryphonopoulous, D. & Robinson, Matte. (2012) H.D. (Hilda Doolittle): Magic Mirror, Compassionate Friendship, Thorn Thicket: a tribute to Erich Heydt. An Annotated Scholarly Edition.

Basabe, Omar. (2011). De Pie. Estrategias Discursivas y paradigmas narrativos de la otra historia de la Argentina reciente.

Expert Panel on Research Integrity. (2010). Honesty, Accountability and Trust: Fostering Research Integrity in Canada: fostering research integrity in Canada. For more information, please view our complete list of Resource Library books. Best wishes with your teaching and research, The ORS staff: Gayle, Josephine, Danielle & Margot

(506) 452-0647 [email protected]