Molson Coors Brewers (UK) ltd Project: Conversion of a ... · Client Molson Coors Brewers (UK) ltd...

Client: Molson Coors Brewers (UK) ltd Project: Conversion of a Natural Turf Football Pitch into an Artificial Turf Pitch (ATP) Document: ATP Planning Statement 1 Example of Artificial Turf Pitch (ATP) Client Molson Coors Brewers (UK) ltd Project Conversion of a Natural Turf Football Pitch into an Artificial Turf Pitch (ATP) SSL project code SSL1672 Document title Planning Statement Document control Revision By Checked Date First Issue REV 1 REV 2 WB WB WB 21/10/2013 12/12/2013 20/12/2013

Transcript of Molson Coors Brewers (UK) ltd Project: Conversion of a ... · Client Molson Coors Brewers (UK) ltd...

Page 1: Molson Coors Brewers (UK) ltd Project: Conversion of a ... · Client Molson Coors Brewers (UK) ltd Project Conversion of a Natural T urf F ootball Pitch into an Artificial Turf Pitch

Client: Molson Coors Brewers (UK) ltd

Project: Conversion of a Natural Turf Football Pitch into an Artificial Turf Pitch (ATP)

Document: ATP Planning Statement


Example of Artificial Turf Pitch (ATP)

Client Molson Coors Brewers (UK) ltd

Project Conversion of a Natural Turf Football Pitch into an Artificial Turf Pitch (ATP)

SSL project code SSL1672

Document title Planning Statement

Document control Revision By Checked Date

First Issue REV 1 REV 2


21/10/2013 12/12/2013 20/12/2013

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Contents Page 1. Introduction 3

2. Design & Access Statement Principles 4

3. ATP Planning Statement 5

4. Lighting Impact Statement 14

5. Photographs & Photomontages 18

Drawings SSL1672 01 - Existing Site Location SSL1672 02 - Block Plan of Site SSL1672 03 - Proposed Site Plan SSL1672 04 - Proposed ATP Plan SSL1672 05 - ATP Elevation SSL1672 06 - Floodlighting Scheme Appendices Appendix A_Floodlighting Performance Results Appendix B_MHN-FC 2000W Appendix C_Optivision Appendix D_ILP 2011 Appendix E_Philips OptiVisor Appendix F_Geology and Data Mapping Appendix G_Historical Mapping Appendix H_6745P-02B Anstey Football Development Appendix I_Waste Acceptance Criteria

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1. Introduction

1.1 This Planning Statement has been prepared on behalf of Molson Coors Brewing (UK) Limited (the Applicant) in support of a planning application for the conversion of the existing natural turf football pitch to an Artificial Turf Pitch (ATP) and upgrade of ancillary facilities. It will enable facilities at the Anstey Park Enclosure to be upgraded to The FA’s Grade F (Step 5) standards.

1.2 The planning application is made in conjunction with the following applications:

• The construction of a new bowls club facility at Chawton Park Road, Alton• The redevelopment of the Alton Sports Ground for residential use

1.3 The application forms part of a comprehensive package to relocate Alton Town Football Club and the Alton Social Bowls Club.

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2. Design & Access Statement Principles

2.1. In May 2006, the government introduced changes to the planning applications process. As of 10th August

2006 there is a requirement that a Design & Access Statement (DAS) must accompany most planning applications and listed building consent applications. Listed below are the areas in which this document will cover.

2.2 Design

The process – how the physical aspects of the scheme have been informed by a rigorous process which should include the following steps:





Use What buildings and spaces will be used for.

Amount How much would be built on the site.

Layout How will the buildings and public and private spaces will be arranged on the site and the relationship between them and the spaces around the site.

Scale How big the buildings and spaces would be (their height, width and length).

Landscaping How open spaces will be treated to enhance and protect the character of a place.

Appearance What the building and spaces will look like, for example, building materials and architectural details.

2.3 Access

The statement needs to include two potential aspects of access. That is not to say they are seperate, and the statement should show that all access issues have been considered together.

Vehicular and transport links

How the site responds to road layout and public transport provision and access for emergency vehicles where relevant.

Inclusive access How access arrangements will ensure that all users will have equal and convenient access to buildings and spaces.

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3. ATP Planning Statement

3.1 Use

The development works comprise the Conversion of a Natural Turf Football Pitch into an Artificial Turf Pitch(ATP) and the refurbishment of existing changing facilities and spectator stand. The proposed upgrade of facilities will improve the sporting capabilities and playing characteristics of the site with longer hours of usefor youth development through to senior competitive football.

The site is owned by Alton Town Council and will be occupied by Alton United FC and Alton Town FC. The purpose of the development is to upgrade the existing facilities to allow both Alton United FC and Alton Town FC to share the facility. This process will facilitate the merging of the two clubs along with both youth development teams.

The new ATP will enhance this provision by improving the performance standards and improving the playing qualities primarily for football use that can be used for training purposes of other sports and will offer the following sporting opportunities:

• 11-a-side football• 9v9, 7v7, 5v5 and 5 a’ side football• Football training and coaching• Recreational usage for other sports

The ATP is designed to conform with the relevant requirements stipulated by:

• The Football Association (FA) Guide to Artificial Grass Pitches, Second Edition, January 2010• Federation Internationale de Football Association (FIFA), Quality Concept – January 2012 – the

Handbook of Test Methods for Football Turf (FIFA*1 certification required) or equivalent IATSstandard

The aspirations for the project are to:

• Offer improved modern facilities suitable for the 21st century use.• Increase community and school participation.• Encourage intergenerational work through the provision of safe and secure facilities.• Develop opportunities for local employment, coaching qualification opportunities and enhanced

coaching standards.

The proposed scheme comprises the refurbishment of the existing changing facilities and spectator stand, including the addition of a turnstile. Details relating to the refurbishment works are shown on drawing ref 6745P- 02A. A copy is enclosed at Appendix D of this statement. The works clearly display the aspirations of the two merging clubs and the overall benefits that these improvements will bring.

3.2 Amount

The proposed development will comprise of:

Artificial Turf Pitch = 7420M2

Surrounding Macadam Pathway = 623M2

Total Area = 8043M2

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3.3 Layout

The Artificial Turf Pitch (ATP) will replace the existing natural turf pitch within Alton United FC Ground with new perimeter barrier bollard fencing at a total height of 1.2m along with 6no. new 15m floodlighting columns.

Total Playing Area (TPA) = 106m x 70m (The area within the sports facility where the player can move freely, for example the space within a fenced enclosure consisting of both the pitch and run-offs).

Principal Playing Area (PPA) = 100m x 64m (The area within the sports facility where the ball remains within play, for example, within the goal lines and side lines of a football pitch).

3.4 Scale

The majority of the site boundary fencing shall be retained with the west boundary side fencing being removed and replaced with improved increased height 4.5m high fencing. This in to improve ball retention to the direction of the roadway. 4.5m high fencing is to also be added behind the main goal mouth areas for extra ball retention and the remaining boundary of the ATP shall have new barrier bollard fencing to a total height of 1.2m high.

It is proposed that floodlights are built around the artificial turf pitch to facilitate use during evenings and throughout the winter months, thereby enabling the facility to be used to its full potential by local community sporting and recreational groups. The proposed 6no. (six) floodlight columns to serve the artificial grass pitch are 15m high. Floodlighting for the site has already been approved within planning permission reference 52457 and granted on 10

th May 2010 but it is intended to revise the plans to a more advanced system that

minimises the light spillage further.

3.5 Landscaping

Any/all surrounding areas affected by the works shall be reinstated to natural turf and shall be naturally graded back to the existing levels.

The west boundary is to retain its existing 2.6m high thick bush line with the north, east, and south boundaries to include new planting of thick bushlines as shown on drawings SSL1672 03 - Proposed Site Plan and SSL1672 04 - Proposed ATP Plan.

3.6 Appearance

The installed appearance of the Artificial Turf Pitch (ATP) will be green coloured artificial grass playing surface with white and blue coloured line markings for football.

Example of artificial grass

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The installed appearance of the floodlighting system will include galvanised (brushed silver coloured) steel columns / masts, electrical cubicles and distribution pillar, finished polyester powder coated grey.

Example of 15m high floodlight Example of floodlighting

The installed appearance of the clean access will be grey / black coloured macadam. The storage container to be situated within the enclosed ATP pathway will be utilised for the storage of maintenance equipment (small tractor and attachments) along with sports equipment.

Example of clean access Example of storage container

The installed appearance of the new freestanding shelter team shelters / Technical areas complete with 8 individual seats, 4m long x 2.05m high.

Example of clean access

Example of team shelter

3.7 Vehicular and transport links

The existing onsite parking arrangements shall remain as existing and will continue to offer ample space to accommodate users of the proposed pitch.

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The development will not alter the transport access to the site, which shall remain the same. Please refer to the document, JNY8072-04 Transport Statement Anstey Park, for further information and clarification.

3.8 Inclusive access

The access to and from the facility shall be maintained. All pedestrian paths introduced to the facility shall be compliant with Disability Discrimination Act (DDA) regulations and Sport England’s Technical Design Guidance Notes to include ‘Access for Disabled People 2002’. Disabled access has been carefully considered throughout the design process and applied where possible.

The proposed playing surface to the ATP shall replicate the qualities of a good natural grass football pitch.

3.9 Hours of Operation

It is proposed that ATP will be available for use on a pre-booked basis to the wider local community when not being used by the football club(s).

In order to maximise the accessibility of the facility to schools, community groups as well as meeting the needs of the football clubs, the following hours of operation are proposed:

Day 0800 0900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 2000 2100 2200 2300








Bank holiday


AGP used by Alton United FC and Alton Town FC, partner clubs, schools and community groups

AGP use not permitted

3.10 Volume of Use

The ATP will have a permanent playing area designed under FA guidelines for full sized football and can be painted with other markings as and when required to accommodate:

- 2no. reduced sized 9v9 football pitches - 2no. sized 7v7 football pitches - 4no. 5v5 football pitches

This means that the maximum number of players with referees on the ATP will be 45 people.

Given an overlap period for users to change this would be a maximum number of users at any one time of 90 people after school hours.

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3.11 Site Analysis

Proposed Location

Site Description The site is currently occupied by the Alton United Football Club, which comprises of a grassed football pitch together with associated parking and buildings. The channel of the River Wey is located approximately 500m to the south-east of the site. The site falls from north-west to south-east by approximately 1 in 45. Surrounding land also falls in a similar direction.

The site is bordered to the south-west by Anstey Road, open playing fields to the north-east, Anstey Park to the south-east with the north-west being occupied by open space, parking and a play area.

A standing terrace is located towards the south-western part of the site with a larger seated terrace and Royal British Legion Club located towards the north-eastern area of the site. The club house and changing rooms are also located in the north-eastern part of the site, with parking facilities beyond. A number of trees were observed around the perimeter of the site ranging from 6m to 15m in height.

Site history Review of historical Ordnance Survey maps produced by Envirocheck (presented in Appendix F_Historical Mapping) dating back to 1870 indicate the pitch area has remained undeveloped with the current development recorded from the mid-1960s. Prior to this the site was open space with trees recorded locally. Residential developments are recorded to the west and south of the site around the 1970s.

Geology Envirocheck reproduce geological map extracts taken from the British Geological Survey (BGS) digital geological map of Great Britain at 1:50,000 scale. A summary of the recorded geological information for the site is presented in the following table:-

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It should be noted strata names in accordance with the BGS Lexicon of Named Rock Units have superseded commonly used local names for specific strata.

The soil types and assessments of permeability are based on geological memoirs, in combination with our experience of investigations in these soil types.

Geohydrology River Terrace deposits (Drift) are designated a Secondary A aquifer. These are defined as permeable layers capable of supporting water supplies at a local rather than strategic scale, and in some cases forming an important source of base flow to rivers.

The Zig Zag Chalk Formation (Bedrock) is designated a Principal aquifer. Principal aquifers are defined as deposits exhibiting high permeability capable of high levels of groundwater storage. Such deposits are able to support water supply and river base flows on a strategic scale.

Source protection zone The site is not recorded as being located within or close to a zone protecting a potable water supply abstracting from a principal aquifer (i.e. a source protection zone).

Coal Mining We have reviewed the Coal Authority web site, to determine if the site is located within an area which has been affected by coal mining or brine extraction. The web site address is:

The web site indicates the site is not located within an area affected by past or present coal mining, or minerals worked in association with coal or indeed brine extraction.

Flood risk

The Envirocheck report and following a search on the Environment Agency website, we have established the presice development area is not not located within a fluvial or tidal flood plain and is considered to be located within a Category 1 flood zone, which is described as low risk with a 0.5% (1 in 200) chance of flooding in any year.

Hatched areas benefit from flood defenses (in the event of a river flood with a 1% (1 in 100) chance of happening each year, or a flood from the sea with a 0.5% (1 in 200) chance of happening each year. If the defenses were not there, these areas would be flooded)

Flood defences

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Flooding from rivers or seas without defenses Extent of extreme flood

Proposed site of works

The Flood Map is a multi-layered map that provides information on flooding from rivers and the sea. The Flood Map also has information on areas benefiting from flood defenses.

The key for the Flood Map consists of the following layers of information:

Flooding from rivers or sea without defenses - the natural flood plain area, which could be affected inthe event of flooding from rivers and the sea.

- For flooding from rivers the map indicates the extent of a flood with a 1% (1 in 100) or greater chanceof happening each year.

- For flooding from the sea the map shows the extent of a flood with a 0.5% (1 in 200) or greaterchance of happening each year.

Extent of extreme flood - the extent of a flood with a 0.1% (1 in 1000) or greater chance of happeningeach year.

Flood defenses - flood defenses such as embankments and walls, and flood storage areas (which areareas of land designed and operated to store flood water).

Areas benefiting from flood defenses - where possible we show the areas that benefit from the flooddefenses shown, in the event of a river flood with a 1% (1 in 100) chance of happening each year, or aflood from the sea with a 0.5% (1 in 200) chance of happening each year. If the defenses were notthere, these areas would flood. Note that we do not show all areas that benefit from flood defenses.

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Flood Risk Assessment

The information below provides an indication of the likelihood of flooding in the proposed site. This came from a national flood risk assessment completed in 2005, which used ground levels, predicted flood levels, information on flood defenses, and our local knowledge. The likelihood is described in one of three categories, low, moderate, or significant, as used by the insurance industry.

The likelihood of flooding from the rivers or the sea for the development area at Alton FC is low. It is intended to undergo further site investigations as the project developments and produce drainage calculations of the final drainage design whilst incorporating the storage capacity of the proposed stone aggregate pitch base to enable the facility to be self-attenuating or to calculate the discharge rate that will connect into the existing surface water drainage system. Microdrainage calculations will prove and ensure that the final drainage system sustains itself and does not have any adverse affect or increase the flood risk of surrounding areas.

The location is in an area that is unlikely to flood except in extreme conditions. The chance of flooding each year is 0.5% (1 in 200) or less. This takes into account the effect of any flood defenses that may be in this area, whether or not these are currently illustrated on the Flood Map. Flood defenses reduce but do not completely remove the likelihood of flooding and can be over topped or fail in extreme weather conditions.

A further search on the Environment Agency Flood Map website, shows that the development area falls outside areas where Environment Agency warns residents when floods are likely to occur.

Flood warning areas Proposed site of works

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Following a search on the Environment Agency Floodmap website, we have established that the precise development area is classified as a Flood Risk Category 1 site. The proposed construction make-up of the ATP shall be porous and therefore will allow rainwater to permeate through the playing surface. The two proposed options for the final drainage design are to either:

1. Produce microdrainage calculations to show that the proposed pitch base and existing infiltration rates of the underlying soils will enable the facility to be self attenuating and therefore a direct outfall will not be required. If, after further investigation and progression of the project, this option is the most efficient system then a drainage blanket shall be provided to the formation level of the pitch construction to naturally allow the water stored in the stone base to permeate through the underlying soils.

2. A drainage system shall be set underneath the pitch make up and microdrainage calculations shall be produced in order to ascertain the optimum depth of the proposed stone base foundation with proposed finished levels to allow for sufficient storage capacity. The drainage system underneath the base shall allow for the outfall to the existing surface water drainage system. The flow of the optimal rate shall be controlled by a hydrobrake. If option two shall. The drainage system shall incorporate:

160mm diameter perforated UPVC perimeter drainage pipes laid within gravel-filled trenches connected together with proprietary, purpose made junctions. All trenches are to be constructed with gradients that are no shallower than 1:200 (5%).

80mm diameter perforated UPVC drainage lateral pipes laid within gravel-filled trenches connected to perimeter pipes with proprietary, purpose made junctions.

All trenches are to be constructed with gradients that are no shallower than 1:200 (5%). Drain spacing’s to suit sub-soil permeability conditions (10m centres).

Steel rodding-eyes to all ends of the perimeter pipes at centres to allow access to all parts of the perimeter drain installation for maintenance purposes.

225mm diameter rigid twin-walled UPVC outfall drain connecting from a new silt trap/inspection chamber to connect into the existing surface water drainage system.

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4. Lighting Impact Statement

4.1 Floodlighting for the site had already been approved within planning permission reference 52457 and granted on 10th May 2010 but it is intended to revise the plans to a more advanced system that minimises the light spillage further. In designing a new suitable floodlighting solution for the proposed new Artificial Turf Pitch (ATP), several key specification issues had to be considered. These included the illuminance (Lux) level required, the environmental zone category for the site, the minimum mast height, the number & type of floodlights. The task of designing the optimum floodlighting and external lighting design was undertaken by the specialist provider Philips Lighting and details of how these issues were resolved are as follows: (Lux level, is the intensity of light as measured on a given surface taking into account the area over which the luminous flux is spread. For example, 1000 lumens, the output of a give light source concentrated into an area of one square metre, would illuminate that square metre to 1000lux. The same 1000 lumens light source spread over ten square metres, produces a dimmer illuminance of only 100Lux.)

To ascertain the illuminance level required we referred to British & European Standard BS EN 12193 – Sports Lighting. This gives details of the minimum safe illuminance levels for various sports. Alton FC will use the artificial turf pitch for competitive football for FA chartered clubs as well as football training and small-sided football

The lighting system for the artificial turf pitch will therefore have to have flexible switching facilities allowing for the following:

Property Requirement

Maintained average illuminance Uniformity (Min / Ave) Glare rating Lamp colour temperature (Tk) Lamp colour rendering

> 200Lux > 0.6 ≤ 50 > 4000 K ≥ 65

For coaching, training, and cross-pitch play; pitches should be lit to the following minimum standards:

Property Property Requirement

Training and non competitive usage

Maintained average illuminance Uniformity (Min / Ave)

120Lux > 0.6

To clarify the above lighting levels state that the facility is available to be used with a higher lux level (200lux), which will only be used for any form of competition match. There is also switching within the lighting system for lower lighting levels (120lux or below), which will be the predominant usage for recreational, training, and cross-court small-sided football. The environmental category was established by referring to The Institution of Lighting Professionals: Guidance Notes for The Reduction of Obtrusive Light GN01:2011. This document categorises the environment into five zones ranging from E0 (Protected) to E4 (City Centres). The site would fall into Zone E2 for a Low district brightness areas, Rural, small village, or relatively dark urban locations requiring less that 2.5% upward light & less than 5Lux vertical illuminance into residential property windows.

The mast height was calculated using the method detailed in the CIBSE guide LG4 “Sports Lighting”. This uses angles projected from the centre of the pitch & the touch line to produce a head frame location zone. When applied to this project the optimum mast height ranged from 12m to 18m. A 15m mounting height was chosen for the artificial grass pitch as it would allow the floodlights to be mounted horizontally. This will result in low vertical overspill & good uniformity on the playing surface,

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without compromising cost. The 15m mast will offer a slimline profile, which will minimise daytime impact. If the mounting height was reduced the floodlights would be elevated above the horizontal significantly increasing overspill.

In order to meet the requirements of The Institution of Lighting Professionals: Guidance Notes for The Reduction of Obtrusive Light GN01:2011, the floodlight chosen as being suitable will be OptiVision MVP507 is an asymmetric down lighting luminaire that combines compact dimensions with very high efficiency. Available with narrow, medium and wide beams for flexibility in application, it provides excellent control of spill light, glare and upward leakage of light. OptiVision MVP507 can accommodate metal halide lamps for good colour rendering or high pressure sodium lamps for economical operation. The floodlighting system includes the features highlighted below: Benefits

• Breakthrough asymmetrical down lighting luminaire combines compact dimensions with high efficiency

• Available with narrow, medium and wide beams for flexibility in use; sharp beam cut-off for excellent control of spill light and limitation of glare and upward light leakage

• Can be used with metal-halide lamps for good colour rendering or high-pressure sodium lamps for economical operation

Features • Compact dimensions • High efficiency • Can be used with metal-halide lamps or high-pressure sodium lamps • Choice of narrow, medium and wide beams • Control of spill light, glare and upward light leakage


• Sports facilities • Industrial areas • Car parks

By using such technology, overspill & upward light is therefore reduced in the surrounding environment. Philips OptiVisor’s have been added to the luminaires to the west side of the ATP in order to reduce lighting overspill and minimise back spill to the road and housing (please see the attached document Appendix E_Philips OptiVisor). The floodlighting proposals are detailed on the drawing ‘SSL1672 06 – Floodlighting Scheme’ and this drawing shows the mast locations, floodlight orientations, illuminance levels on the pitch & projected overspill values. The design for the artificial turf pitch achieves a maintained average illuminance value of 208Lux with a uniformity of 0.62, which meets the requirements of BS EN 12193. Without adding the floodlighting for the artificial turf pitch will have an illumance value of 260lux up to the first 100hrs of usage. The maintained illuminance values are calculated using a maintenance factor of 0.8. This takes into account light losses due to dirt accumulation on the floodlight front glass & lamp lumen depreciation, ensuring that the minimum requirements for safe play are achieved. To put this into context, I researched and found the following illuminance examples:

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Lux Example 10-5 10-4 0.002 0.01 0.27 1 3-4 50 80 100 320-500 400 1,000 10,000-25,000 32,000-130,000

Light from Sirius, the brightest star in the night sky Total starlight, overcast sky Moonless clear night sky with airglow Quarter moon Full moon on a clear night Full moon overhead at tropical latitudes Dark limit of civil twilight under a clear sky Family living room Hallway/toilet Very dark overcast day Office lighting Sunrise or sunset on a clear day. Overcast day; typical TV studio lighting Full daylight (not direct sun) Direct sunlight

Lux is the intensity of light as measured on a given surface taking into account the area over which the luminous flux is spread. For example, 1000 lumens, the output of a give light source concentrated into an area of one square metre, would illuminate that square metre to 1000Lux. The same 1000 lumens light source spread over ten square metres, produces a dimmer illuminance of only 100Lux.

The use of the floodlights ensures that horizontal & vertical overspill containment is excellent. As less than 2 Lux vertical illuminance will be projected towards any residential property the system will exceed the requirements for an environmental zone E2 location. Upward waste light will also be minimised & at the floodlight elevations used 1.5% will be projected into the atmosphere. This will meet the recommendations of The Campaign For Dark Skies, an organisation who lobby for low light pollution systems & recommend such lighting systems. All design calculations have been undertaken using an open, unobstructed site, the values of overspill will be further reduced any existing mature trees, adjacent buildings, or natural screening.

4.2 Conclusion:

The proposed system would be suitable for installing in an environmental zone E2, meeting the most stringent of light control parameters whilst maintaining the specified illuminance levels for the sports pitch. The floodlighting design shown on drawing, SSL1672 06 – Floodlighting Scheme, does not take into account any mitigating factors for aiding the reduction of overspill such as the change in levels, bunding, existing tree lines, buildings/structures etc. There will be no overspill values into gardens or windows before curfew higher than the values recommended by the ILP. Daytime visual impact will also be minimised by using slimline masts & light grey floodlights, which do not stand out against the skyline.

An example of additional technical details for the floodlighting to be provided can be viewed from documents:

Appendix A_Floodlighting Performance Results Appendix B_MHN-FC 2000W Appendix C_Optivision Appendix D_ILP 2011 Appendix E_Philips OptiVisor

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Example of floodlighting from the end of a full sized artificial sports pitch at night with an average 286lux floodlighting system from 50m away without screening.

Example of floodlighting from the end of a full sized artificial sports pitch at night with an average 286lux floodlighting system from 60m away with 3no. 6m high trees screening the facility. Street lighting adjacent to residential property in perspective of the sports pitch lighting from 60m away .

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5. Photographs and Photomontages

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Page 26: Molson Coors Brewers (UK) ltd Project: Conversion of a ... · Client Molson Coors Brewers (UK) ltd Project Conversion of a Natural T urf F ootball Pitch into an Artificial Turf Pitch


Page 27: Molson Coors Brewers (UK) ltd Project: Conversion of a ... · Client Molson Coors Brewers (UK) ltd Project Conversion of a Natural T urf F ootball Pitch into an Artificial Turf Pitch


Page 28: Molson Coors Brewers (UK) ltd Project: Conversion of a ... · Client Molson Coors Brewers (UK) ltd Project Conversion of a Natural T urf F ootball Pitch into an Artificial Turf Pitch


Page 29: Molson Coors Brewers (UK) ltd Project: Conversion of a ... · Client Molson Coors Brewers (UK) ltd Project Conversion of a Natural T urf F ootball Pitch into an Artificial Turf Pitch


Page 30: Molson Coors Brewers (UK) ltd Project: Conversion of a ... · Client Molson Coors Brewers (UK) ltd Project Conversion of a Natural T urf F ootball Pitch into an Artificial Turf Pitch


Page 31: Molson Coors Brewers (UK) ltd Project: Conversion of a ... · Client Molson Coors Brewers (UK) ltd Project Conversion of a Natural T urf F ootball Pitch into an Artificial Turf Pitch


Page 32: Molson Coors Brewers (UK) ltd Project: Conversion of a ... · Client Molson Coors Brewers (UK) ltd Project Conversion of a Natural T urf F ootball Pitch into an Artificial Turf Pitch


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Published by Wesley Bugg, Design Consultant, Surfacing Standards Ltd


W Bugg

Issued 21st October 2013

This report has been prepared with all reasonable care, skill and diligence by Surfacing Standards Ltd and is confidential to our Client. Surfacing Standards Ltd accepts no responsibility whatsoever to third parties to whom this report, or any part thereof, is made known. Any such party relies upon the report at their own risk. Prepared for Alton FC by:

Surfacing Standards Limited 1A Perth House Corbygate Business Park Priors Haw Road Corby Northamptonshire NN17 5JG T: 01536 400 012 F: 01536 401 953 E: [email protected] W:

© Copyright Surfacing Standards Limited 2013