Mobile Gamification - How The Best Apps Nailed It (Waze, Duolingo, Tinder, Snapchat, LinkedIn,...

how the best apps nailed it mozza MOBILE GAMIFICATION

Transcript of Mobile Gamification - How The Best Apps Nailed It (Waze, Duolingo, Tinder, Snapchat, LinkedIn,...

how the best apps nailed itmozza


Engaging new users is

tough šŸ˜©

Most of themā€¦

Most of themā€¦

1. Donā€™t understand your product šŸ¤”

1. Donā€™t understand your product

2. Forget to use it over time šŸ™„

Most of themā€¦

1. Donā€™t understand your product

2. Forget to use it over time

3. Discover other apps to replace it šŸ˜Æ

Most of themā€¦

What are the most

addictive apps?


What are the most viral



Want to engage your users?

Using your product should feel like playing a game! šŸ•¹

Want to engage your users?

What does that mean?

1 Simple goals and shiny rewards

A bit of competition

Some randomness & surprises

Lots of fun overall




Some of the best apps have successfully used gamification for growth.

Letā€™s see how!


1 Simple goals and shiny rewards

A bit of competition

Some randomness & surprises

Lots of fun overall




As human beings we are naturally driven when we have a clear goal in mind to accomplish šŸŽÆ

Knowing how far away that end goal is will keep your users playing.

LinkedIn has nailed the progress bar.

This is a new userā€™s profile.

Showing the profile strength drives people to take steps towards 100% completion.

Then there is a limited amount of steps and a progress bar for a clear goal and the end benefit!

Also pay attention to the wording

They encourage people to take action with a simple one-liner: ā€œget found for opportunityā€

' Who doesn't want to get found for opportunities??

They encourage people to take action with a simple one-liner: ā€œget found for opportunityā€

' Who doesn't want to get found for opportunities??

And use the gaming vocabulary: ā€œProfile strength: Beginnerā€

Do you know what works even better than specific goals?

Goals with a reward! šŸŽ

Do you know what works even better than specific goals?

Starbucks has nailed loyalty through mobile rewards

The coffee company has totally gamified its loyalty program on mobile.

Clear goals & progress bar šŸ‘Œ

And attractive rewards! šŸŽ

ā€œFree drink or foodā€ šŸ˜‹

By employing a tiered reward structure across the whole experience, customers are encouraged to shop more but also shop exclusively with Starbucks! šŸ’ø

Starbucks uses rewards for user retention.

But it can also be used for other growth purposes! šŸ”„

Tribeā€™s gamification tactics for growth

1. Access to address book during signup

Tribe asked new users to give access to their contacts in order to be able to use the app.

2. Access to notifications!

Tribe also gave points to users who enabled their notifications.

Actually, most actions that could actually improve retention or virality were incentivized with points! šŸ˜²

Now, letā€™s see how levels & rewards can improve the overall user experience.

Now, letā€™s see how levels & rewards can improve the overall user experience.

In gaming, players generally go through a tutorial first, and then for days or weeks after, are given basic missions and slowly ramped to more difficult ones.

From a Baby user to a Power user

Day 1 Day 7 Day 90

Itā€™s important to treat users differently depending on where they are in their lifecycle, and to build features and experiences tailored to a specific segment of that lifecycle.

Duolingo used gamification to adapt their product to the

user lifecycle

Right after downloading the app, the user is asked about their language level.

Whatever the answer is, the user goes through a really simple test to get acquainted with the productā€¦ and starts earning XP!


the user can either start another lesson or continue exploring the appā€¦

BUT they canā€™t access all the features yet!

BUT they canā€™t access all the features yet!


By locking the bots feature, Duolingo created artificial scarcity in order to have a reward and push the users towards a simple goal: Level 3!

By locking the bots feature, Duolingo created artificial scarcity in order to have a reward and push the users towards a simple goal: Level 3!

Another example of artificial scarcity?

SOUNDS is an app to share music with friends easily.

With 8 million users šŸ˜Ž

Look how SOUNDS uses artificial scarcity to boost virality!

By default, there is a SOUNDS watermark when you share a song on other social media.

By default, there is a SOUNDS watermark when you share a song on other social media.

Want to remove it?

Then you have to invite more friends on the app! šŸ”„

SOUNDS also uses scarcity for monetization šŸ’°

SOUNDS also uses scarcity for monetization šŸ’°

Want to know who looked at your profile ?

Then start your VIP free trial!









Well done guys šŸ‘

Stop making every feature so accessiblešŸš«

Use SCARCITY to create attractive REWARDS

Use these REWARDS to drive user behavior and fuel GROWTH



In a nutshellā€¦


1 Simple goals and shiny rewards

A bit of competition

Some randomness & surprises

Lots of fun overall




Working out has always been quite a lonely practice.


But thereā€™s an app that managed to make it social.

Freeletics is an app for those who want to get in shape.

Freeletics is an app for those who want to get in shape.

There is a bunch of different trainings. As well as a coach.

Freeletics is an app for those who want to get in shape.

There is a bunch of different trainings. As well as a coach.

But the powerful feature is not the trainings, nor the coach.

Freeletics is an app for those who want to get in shape.

There is a bunch of different trainings. As well as a coach.

But the powerful feature is not the trainings, nor the coach.

Itā€™s the social network!

Your friends can follow your performance, write comments and encourage you!

Thereā€™s a social feed where you can see everyoneā€™s performance.

And profiles to know how good your friends are!

And profiles to know how good your friends are!

āœ… Levels

āœ… Badges

āœ… Followers

Freeletics, just like Strava or Runkeeper, implemented social features to generate mutual support and competition.

Peer pressure is very powerful for user engagement 8

Thatā€™s why Duolingo as groups.

With leaderboards!

Waze used social gamification to build a community of 65 million active users!

How did they do it?

Every Wazer has a ā€œmoodā€.

Your mood reflects your personality on the social map.

As a new Wazer, your mood is ā€œnewbieā€ šŸ‘Ž

Access to other moods is limited according to your activity on the app!

The only way to be rewarded a better mood is by being an active participant, helping both your fellow Wazers and of course ultimately the appā€™s success.

Each time you report an incident that will help the community: a fallen tree, a police speed-check, you get points.

You even get points for simply having the app running while youā€™re driving!

And just like the other gamified apps, thereā€™s a clear progress bar, a public leaderboard and teams!

Do you know the best about these profiles?

They instill a Sense of Ownership

Whether it is a Tamagotchi, a Farmville Farm, or an in-game avatar, if players are able to personalize something, then they will have a greater affinity for the product as a whole.


The switching costs are higher, as by customizing something in-game is an investment as well as an emotional tie.


The switching costs are higher, as by customizing something in-game is an investment as well as an emotional tie.


Who would break a 100 day streak?!

The app triggers the usersā€™ creativity with avatars, and give them something to feel invested in so that the switching costs to a competitor are high.

Remember the Mayor status in Foursquare?



1 Simple goals and shiny rewards

A bit of competition

Some randomness & surprises

Lots of fun overall




As you know, rewards can be a powerful tool to encourage user behavior on your app.


As you know, rewards can be a powerful tool to encourage user behavior on your app.


But itā€™s not enough!

Remember the points given by Tribe for all these user actions?

Remember the points given by Tribe for all these user actions?

They removed them in the last version!āŒ

šŸ¤” WHY?

šŸ¤” First, these rewards didnā€™t bring much value to the product.


šŸ¤” First, these rewards didnā€™t bring much value to the product.

Second, they were too PREDICTABLE!


In the 50s, the researcher B.F. Skinner studied behavior conditioning at Harvard University.

Back to theory

To understand how rewards could influence behavior, he invented the ā€œSkinner boxā€.

The mice would press a lever and sometimes theyā€™d get a small treat, other times a large treat, and other times nothing at all.

Unlike the mice that received the same treat every time, the mice that received variable rewards would press the lever way more compulsively!

šŸ§€šŸ§€šŸ§€ šŸ§€

t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 t6

šŸ§€šŸ§€ šŸ§€ šŸ§€ šŸ§€t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 t6


šŸ§€šŸ§€ šŸ˜±

Humans, like the mice in Skinnerā€™s box, crave predictability and struggle to find patterns, even when none exist.

We respond most voraciously to random rewards.


Thatā€™s why gambling and playing the lottery are so addictive! Every new game is exciting as you never know what youā€™re gonna get šŸ˜


Does it ring a bell ?

User addiction by design

Tinder became the most addictive dating app ever by implementing unpredictability at the core of its product!

How could you ever stop swiping?

How could you ever stop swiping?

Every right swipe is a potential match!

And every swipe uncovers a new person!

What if the next person isā€¦



How Snapchat uses variable rewards to keep you engaged

Have you ever visited your Trophy case?

It gathers the rewards you collected depending on your behavior.

It gathers the rewards you collected depending on your behavior.

For instance:

But it doesnā€™t tell you how to get a bigger trophy for a certain action.


Nor what are the other trophies to win!

ā€œVariable rewards!ā€

Snapchat used these trophies to reward unusual uses of their app:

Obviously shared on social mediaā€¦

Thereā€™s also trophies to reward the most engaged users:

To encourage users to discover new features:

And to take boring actions still needed for user engagement:

Snapchat also uses unpredictability in their notification strategy.

Instead of pushing a notification after a friend sent you a message, itā€™s pushed while your friend is typing!

Obviously, this makes you want to find out what will happen next. If you donā€™t know whatā€™s going to happen, your brain is engaged and you think about it often!


1 Simple goals and shiny rewards

A bit of competition

Some randomness & surprises

Lots of fun overall




Life is hard.

Life is hard.

Hopefully, games are here to entertain us.

Life is hard.

Hopefully, games are here to entertain us.

They generate excitement through the competition and rewards mechanisms that we just studied.

Life is hard.

Hopefully, games are here to entertain us.

They generate excitement through the competition and rewards mechanisms that we just studied.

But itā€™s not only about that.

Games create a different reality.

Where you can have fun and celebrate achievements, whatever they would mean in ā€œreal lifeā€.

Zenly is really good at giving this game feeling

Look at the experience designed by Zenly when they ask a user for their address book.

99% of the applications would have built a flow like that.

But Zenly did it differently.

But Zenly did it differently.

Instead of a blank loading screen, they inserted fun messages.

These are the little details that make a BIG difference!

Houseparty is also really good at entertaining the users on waiting screens!

As soon as you have added some friends on Zenly, this what you get.

As soon as you have added some friends on Zenly, this what you get.

While big achievements are rewarded with something special, like badges or trophies, small achievements should also be recognized, especially when the user has just started engaging with the app.

Celebrations create a fun and comfortable environment for the user šŸ™

Celebrations create a fun and comfortable environment for the user šŸ™

And they are also good opportunities to share the app with friends šŸŽ‰

Look how Duolingo does it!

Want to gamify your app?


We can help you šŸ˜‰

[email protected]

virality is a science

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