Manual Ford 5000

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Transcript of Manual Ford 5000

  • 8/3/2019 Manual Ford 5000


  • 8/3/2019 Manual Ford 5000


  • 8/3/2019 Manual Ford 5000



    JOENTIFICATION CoODENUMBERS ar e located On specific components: ofyour tractor. These numbers will be lmportant when ordering P,;J iJ1S or requestinglntormanon f rom your authori sed Ford Tractor Dea,1r end should alw1l'Ysbe quoted in ful l_ Have vour dealer record these numbers in the eppropr iatespace provided. .





    CONTENTSTh 1s Operators Han d book h a s been sped a lIy prepa red to , fa m iii~ i zeyo'u with the' functlo n, operati Of! and regu,Ier serv ic in9 of the Fordrangle o'r tractors, Included in this range are the Ford 2000 and 3000Ag'ric l!J I turaI Hi9 hwa v . Narrow and Vineyardtra ctors and the Ford4000 and ;5000 Agricu ltural tractors.The details o'f operation and malntenance which are peculiar toSel,ect-O-Sp'eed tractors and Petrol engined tractors are covered inSections K and L . These sections should be read in conjunction withthe main book.A. DRIVING THE TRACTOR

    The basic function of starting and drhii ng the tractor, and thecontro Is invo lved me covered in th is secti 0n.You should pay particular attention tothe 'pre-starting check'.the ' running- in' i tems and the safety precautions.Controls re,lating to the operation O 'T the tractor hydraulics andpower take-off are detailed under separate sections.B. THE HYDRAULIC SYSTEM

    .This section describes the use of Draft and Position Control andalso covers the operation of the other major components andoperatl ng co ntro Is in th e h i yd raulie system. .c..POWER TAKE-OFF OPE'RATION

    Th is sect io n de ta il s th e va r i o us types o f Power Take ~Off (PTa)ava iIable with Ford tractors.D. ATTACH!MENT OIF IMPLEMENTS

    This ssctlcn covers the use and adjustment of the three-pointlinkage and standard swinging drawbar .. Also detailed us thetow bar wh lch is standard onthe Higlhway tractors.E .. WHEELS, ,AND TVRES

    This section lists the standard tvres available and the recom-m e rn d e o worki n9 pressu res. AIso detaiIed is fro nt and rear t raekadj ustrnent and the l iquid bai llasting of tvres,(iii)

  • 8/3/2019 Manual Ford 5000


    F. - SERVICING SCHEDULEThe importance of regular servicing cannot be stressed toohl'ghly, R,efe'f to this section when the tractor hourmeterindicates th at a servic~ng period is ~mmrnent,

    G. GENERAL MAINTENANCE ANDADJ U S TM , ENTSCovered in this section are items from the ' ''Servicing Schedule"which reouire a more detailed explanation of maintenanceprocedure, and also details of certain components which mayrequire occasional adjustment end replacement.

    H. OPT~ONS AND ACCESSORIESVarious faetorv fitted opti0ns are ava i121le with the Ford ra ngeof tractors" T M ls section gives details and method of operationof the major 0plio ns,Information is also gi:vel ll of certain types of accessories.


    C o n ta ined with in th is sect! on are th cse items w hlch reiateSpeeifica Ily to t racto rs Fitted with Select -0 -Speed transrnissions,Refer to Sect lo ns A . to ] of th e aperator' s Hand boo k for aII oth erinformation and data.

    L. !P'ETROL ENGINED TRACTOR(Opt ilona I Secti-o n)Contained within this section are those items which relatespecifically to tractors fitted with Penal engilles. Refer toSect ions A to K of th e Operators Handbook for a~oth ern n fo rm a tio n a n d d ata .

    Ford policV is om~ of continuous improvement: The right to,chang,e orices, specifications ami equipment at any timewithou.t notice is reserved,(iv)

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    N,EVER .. ,... . .run the tractorengi neina c losed shed orga r a: g e . .. .

    . . . . . a llo w a nyo n e t o rideo rJ the tractor. unless leglal l ivpsrrnittad .....

    . . refuelthe traetor whenth e e ng in e is running ...

    , . .. t ralvel a l t . hi'9 h speedwirtihout prevj,Ci'us.lylockl ngthe bra ke pada I!stogether~ orwhen operating over rough grou nd,n ita r d itc he s o r when ' turni ng_._: .

  • 8/3/2019 Manual Ford 5000



    [ :NEVER.... L.. .. pull from the toplink Or the rear axle ... .



    ... fal l to check thatweight isproperlydistribute-d on thetractor ... ..

    ..... operate on s teep s lopeswitho ut mei nta i11 III9 proper t re ctorstability ...... .'.

    ... coast dow na hi IIin 'neutral'.


    NEVER. iii.. . ,

    ..... fail to keep thebrakes in properopsrat lng co ndit ion . .. .

    I I eave the tractor seat wh en thet ractor is in motion. , , . .

    , . . leave t he tractorf ree to roll , , . . .

    . .. . Ieave t he tractor eng inerunning .. , , . ,


  • 8/3/2019 Manual Ford 5000



    NEVER ... . , .work under an implementwhen i t is in the raisedposition 0n th e tractorhydraulics""", ,

    . "il"llstaHor Ir,emovethe belt while,the beUpul1 h l l ' Y isin motion .....

    . .. .. wear loose cloth in9when operating the belt plilleyor power ta ke-off , , , , .

    . . . , a ttempt to e ll ean oradjust p,T.a. drivenimpiernants witht hee [ " 1 9 1 1 nerunn ing , " , . "




    The procfmeter {1) reg,js'tersthe engine reliv,oliutiol1sper minute (r.p.rn.) and thenumber of 'hours' the tractor has worked. The indicated engine r.p.rn, must bemultiplied by '100 to determine the true' engine speed..Tractor ground speeds, power take-off and belt pulley speeds for certainindicated engine r.p.m. are l isted on a decal beneath the prootmeter, Furtherinforrnatio n on t hesespeeds Inay be found in Section I ot t hj$ Hand book.The 'hours' (2) measured are based on an 3 v e ra g ' ' G I1 g - in a speed and do not,there fore . necsssa r i1, ( correspond to clock hou I ' " S , The service pericds . : ' I r E ! Ispecified in 'hours' and the hourrneter should be watched fOl"when theyoccur,

    S P E E D O M E T E ROn Highway tractors the proofrneter IS replaced with a speedometer to complywith Road Traffic Regulations.W A R N I N G L lG H IT SThe gene'mlor waming Hght (3) is Wuminated when the k.~y starter switch. (6,)Figurs A4, is turned on, the engijne started arid run~uP to id Ie sp sed. If theligh remains on at higher revolutions this indicates that the bat tery is notbeitl{) charged, If the l ig!ht remains on stop the engine and establish the reason,The engine oil pressure Watnitlg iight (4) is iHuminated when the key starterswi tch is turned on. The light should go out immediate ly the engine starts butrf it remains 01'1 stop the engine and invest igate the cause.r E M P E RA . T O R IE G AU G iEThe temperature gauge (5) measures the temperature 0 '. tile engine coolantarid at norm lE I eng ine 0 p e r a l~ n g temperer ures the n'6,@dj,ehouId be haI ' fwaybetween lhe bhJe(cold) and t:hered {hot) ZOIl es,The gauge is not operative when the key starter sWlitch i s in the 'off' posit ion.


  • 8/3/2019 Manual Ford 5000



    F U E L G A U G EThe hJe'~gauge (6), operative when the key starter 5wibChis turned on, iindica,testhe ernounte l fu1:3'1n m e te rJ k by qusrter gradu artions,

    P R E - START C H E CiK.It is advisable before star ti ng the tractor to cany OU t the Da iily Servi (;)8' C heekdeta Il ed In Section F. Check a l so that there is suffi cie nt fUlel jn the tan k and thatthe vue I tan k. shut- ' O f f v a lve is 0pen , (1) iF igme A2. Til i s valve is s~tuatsd e m ther ight-hand side of thsfuel tank.

    ,RUNNIING-IN"The 'runningin' per iod of a tractor 's li fe is extmn:1.8Iymport:ar l'~ and thefo Ilowi n9 instruetlon s shculd be fOlllowecl very dose I ;ydur ing the f irst 50 ho urno f o pe re ue n :1. Avoid ovel'loadiln!;lthe engine.2. Use the tower gear ratios when pulling heavy loads and avoid continuousoperation at constant engine speeds.3. Checkth ~ instrums I1tS frequentIy and ksep the radiate rand oiI reserve~rsfil led to their recommended levels,4, A.void prolon ged no load' O D i3 ratio ill at e ither h igh or low en 9 il l e speeds,

    Wh'ilst the above instructions are psrtlculerlv important durillg the ''period, foIlow ing the m t brou9he LIt the tractor's l ife will prove beneficia I to theoverall performance

  • 8/3/2019 Manual Ford 5000




    STARTI NG TH E EN'GiN ! ET iI il AC r O l1 i l S E A T (FI'u~'AJjPilla r tostart irl 9 the engine adjust the traeter seat to t he most comfortabledriving pO$ution,Both the steel pan and the contoured type of seat are ad]ustablefore iii Ild aft: th ~ steel pa n seat uti11s~!llit)e pa irs of h0h~$ in t :heseat m0Ul)t ingbracket and the GOma ured seat by adj ustment a long the a ngiad slots (1)inthe seat base.Tile tension In the contoured se!'l ltrn~y be adrusted fo~ the operator's weight byturning the cranked handle (2) unti:l the two Indicators (3)

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    . .

    C O lL lI ' W E A T H E R S lA . R T IN GWhe [1 start ing under coId wsath er conrliib011$ it i til irnporten t that 'the sta rte rkey be held in the ' start' position conti nU ouslv until rheenq jm~ starts, Thisallows hea t to bu i~d- U I pin the combust ion cham hers, At va ry low rempara-tures itmay be necessary to hold the key in pos it ion for up to 35-40 seconds.Do NOT operate the key ill a series oj short jabs. If the engine does 110tstart after 40 seconds, allow 4-5 minutes for the betrerv to recover thenrepeat the starting procedure.As a further to cold starti ng, the Ford 3000 and Ford 5000 are f it ted wi t hanexcess fuel button, FiglJ re A5, .on the side of the fuel injection pump. Thisbutton should bedepressed prior to start i rig the tractor andwi IIbe automati Ca II'lldisengag,ed when the engine f ires. I f the engine doss not cont inue to run thebutton mus~be depressed agai 11 before anether anampI i s made to start t.heeng i IIIe. 0 ptiona I sterti ng aids ate ava i11 '1)1 1 'for extreme cold condi tic ns anddeta iIsof these a w e glvsn in Section 'H'.

    DRIVING THE TRA.CTORFor fuel economy and minirnum engine-wear"t is important to select the correctgear to re parhcu lar opera t ion.To drive the tractor' select the dasi F ! J ' d gear using lhe gear chaI'Igeand h i 9 h Ilow gear sh i ft levers, Fi g ure AS, in co ni une t io n with the deG61below thsinstrument cluster. Engage the clutch whilst increasinq the engqnespeed $~ightly.The cluteh pedalshould not be used as a footrest as prolonged 'riding' of the clutch may causedamage.TQ stop the tractor depress the clutch and apply both brake pedals, (111, )Figure A4 and place the main and the high/low qear shi ft levers in the Neutral'pos.ition, Ap ply the hoadbrake siwaled 0n th 9 left -haI1d sid \ 3 " , (2) F i lQme : A.4,of the tractor seat on the Ford 2000 and 3000, and on the right-hmld side of theseat 011 the Ford 4000 and 5000. Pul lout the engine stop control

  • 8/3/2019 Manual Ford 5000



    , , , . , D I H E .R E N T I I A L L O C KShould Wh8'6lsp~11be experienced depress the dlfferential lock pedal, (12)Figure A4, located on the Iri ighthand side of the rear axle hou~in lg, until thelock is d8'finitelv felt to engag'E!.Theil , release the pedaI. The lock wil la uto-rnatica I ly d isengag e when the trection of both rear wheelseq ual ises and thepedal wi ll return to i ts or ig inal posit ion.If the pedal is slow in returninq, momentarily depress the clutch pedal orbrief1lyapply the brake corresponding to the wheel which has been spinning,this wi lli assist the disengagement of the di fferentia l lock. Avoid the use of thedifferentiall leek at hilgh speeds or while travell ing on publu(: roads.B R A ,K E P E nasTo reduce the tractor turning ciir 'c leapply the left or Fight independent brakepeda:!as required. ,Enterthe turn before applyil1lg the brake,Lock bot h pedals together wh en 0 perat l ng at high speeds OJ,0n pubIlc roads.

    ,I I~is important that YOILI keep your brakes in proper adjustment See section G'for details.

    L l G H T I N - GThe tractor l ighting system is basically the same for all models except forcertain small differences to meet local regul1ations.The lightswitch~ (7'} Figure A4. pa'sitiol l's 6.1"eas follo;ws:Straight up 'OFF'First rights ec o n d rl9 hrThird rightFmmh right*

    Side and tail lights 'ON',Side, tai l and low beam headlights 'ON'Side, tan!and high beam hoadlighls'ON'Higll beam headlights 'ON'-onlly ..

    '" This pcsition is not obtainable on tractors sold in some countries.A. rear light socket (where fitted) is situated on the right hand side of thetracto r beneath th9 driver' s seat, 0 n certa in tractors a further socket is fittedunder the 1'001box. These soeketsshc Ulld 0 nly be used for a tracto r/tra i lerrear Iight or accessories drawing not rnera thalr'!36 watts,An accessory term/Ita', (I)' Figure G15. is also ~oC-1!tooehind the fuel tankshroud,


  • 8/3/2019 Manual Ford 5000



    I J IREICTION INDICATORS. (FigtmJ AI) ~where fitted)Tractorssuppliiedlo certain territories are fit'~edwith fl....hing' direction indic.a-tors (1) opereted by O J lever located to th,e lef t-hand side of the steeringcolu m n, Movi ng t he lever downwards IN i II iln d icats a l urn to t he left, andupwards, a turn to the right. If required one or two addltionst pairs ,ofindleatoramay be connected into the circuit.The lights on the lever assembly (2) will flash as follows:1, with thetractor indicators only-one light2, wi t h ths t ra ctor ind icalms.and on eo t her pa i r of if ] dicators-etwo I ig hts3. with the t racter lndicatoss and two other pairs o'fil'ldicato'Fs-thr{je ~ights

  • 8/3/2019 Manual Ford 5000



    DRAFT CONTROL (Figure BI)'Dran (:ontrol is selected by movi 11 9 the positio n/draft selector Iever (,1) down-wards, Having set 'the hydrall'li,c main control lever (2), together with m eadjustable quadrantstop (3), to the desired posit ion. the svstern win auto-matically maintain the implement at a deptlh relative t,o 'the ground contourirrespective of tractor movement U~ethe adjustsble stop to return the hydraulicmain control lever to the same position.

    ~MI?LEME,NT' POS.ITIONI CONTROL (Figure B1)T in is c on tro l e n-a b Ie s an irn DI !ITulnl to- tractor h e ig hi or d ep th to be s e le c te dandmaintained without any further adjustment.

    I T(Ioperate the centro' :1, Sat the Position/Draft selector lever (1) in t lie uppermost position,2, Set the implement to the required working heiqht OF depth by using thehydraulic main control lever (2). -3 ,. Use the adtuSlable stop (3) to maintain this posHiorl_

    IFLOW CONTIROL VALVE (Figure B1)The now control valve regulates the l ifting speed of the 3-point l inkage orremote contro l cyl lnders, A fast flow, marked as 'I'" 0'1 '1 the CQF1 tm I ! knob (4),provides quicker corrections andtransfers maximum weight to the tractorfor increesed whee I adheslon,Slow settinqs, aJchieved bv turning the "nob towards "S' , reduce the speed ofeerrect i ens and und 'F certeln con diti 0 ns improves th e rate and q u

  • 8/3/2019 Manual Ford 5000



    AU XI UARY 5 ERVI CES C'ONITRor VAlVE (Figure B '1 )This control (5) allows the tractor's hvdraulic power to be used to operateexternal cylinders on such implements as loaders and tipping trailers, Theauxiliary services contro I valve positi on sa Fe :Ford ,2000 (wh eref ined), 3000 an d 4000:1, 'I N' to operate the 3-poirit linkaqe.2.. 'OUT to operate external cylinders.3. HA L F- 0.UT' to operate the 3- po inti i11 kage and extern aI cyri n d ers 500Cl :1. '~N' to operate the 3~PQirnt linkage.2. .0 UT to 0 P0 r

  • 8/3/2019 Manual Ford 5000



    G e! le ,r l ll i ims t ru lc t : iGns1. Ext'8rnal cylinders are operated by oil drawn from the war transmissionhousing. Althou 9h the q i . iarHi' ty ,of .0i lava i lab le is sufflc ient for normel

    cperatio 11 w it!h most implements, it may be necessary to add oi I if severalremote cyl inders are 0peratsd toaether,2. Any external cylunder which is disconnected when extended means a lossof oil and thls should be replaced by addingl a corresponding quantitv to

    the rear tran smisslon.3. All hoses should be cl ea ned before con necting and the 0De n ends of a III

    hoses shou Id be covered with dust ca ps wh en not in use.


  • 8/3/2019 Manual Ford 5000



    POWER TAKE-O FF SHAFTYom Fordtractor isequ;ippedwitn a'1+375inch (34'9 mm) diameter PTOshaftThe standard PTOspeed is540 110 rpm and most PTO implements wll loeerateat maximum eff ic iency when the PTO is 'Operatedwithin this speed range.

    TRANSMISSION P.T.O. (Figure C1)The Transmission' type of PTO (available on Ford : ; W Q O , 3000 and 4000traelms) is operated by engag ing th e GIutch, and wi II stop t urni ng when theclutch pedal (11) ls depressed,The drive to the PTO is engaged by deprassln9 the clutch pedal and rnovi ngthePTO lever situated 'Onthe left-hand side of the mar transrn issicn, funy rear-wards (2) ..To disengage the PTO depress ,the clutch and move the lever to theforward position (3).The 'table below shows the recommended engline spssdste obtain the PTOspeed of 540 10 rpm.

    E n g i n e S p ee -- d(rpm)180016001800


    en speed8 speed8 speedFord 2/3000Ford 2/3000Ford 4000

  • 8/3/2019 Manual Ford 5000



    UVE P'.T.O. (Figure C2)Live PTO (available on Ford 2000 and 3000 tractors) operates in O Il simiJarmannerto "Iransrnlssion' PTO except that an linlermedhHe clutch pedal position(1) sto ps th s t rac tor wlrho ut stopp ing tli (jl PTO shaft.To operate the PTO shah, depress the clutch pedal completely and move thePTO shl ft lever fully rearwards (2) .. Engag>ethe PTO by slowly relea$ing thedutch pedal (3) until the shaft begins to turn. Allow the PTO shaft to mach thedesired speed then slowly engage power to the rear wheels by releaJsing theclutch for the remainder of its tralfe,r (4). Control the PTO speed and trac torforwelecti'ng the right gear.The dutch ooerati ng wadclevis pin can be used in two positions. S~d'('J-Gl the ('',1iI,rposition (5 ) in l,h(\l clevis to operate and control the drive to the PTO and thetractor.When the PTO is not in use put the pin in the forward position (6).To obtain a PTO speed o r 540 10 rpm ail engine speed setting of 1800 rpmis required. .;p

    J'ND'EPEND'ENT P.T.O. (Figure' C3)'2 9 ' 1 : : ' . : 7 . . .. .l JAn 'independent' PTO (Avai'able on Ford 400-0 and 5000 tractors) can be'e 119

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  • 8/3/2019 Manual Ford 5000



    THR'EE-POINT LlNK.AGEL I N K A ' i l E tA T E G 0 R I'E S

    Ford tractors are SLlppli,edwith the fOllowi ng Iink:age categories:Ford 2000 }.and 3000 Category 1

    Ford 4000 } Category 2and 5000T OP L IN K ((1) fi!Jur~fJ7)The top 11111[(.sadiusted by releasing the locknut (a 1

  • 8/3/2019 Manual Ford 5000



    C Do4000

    @C D



    STA .NDAR'D SWI N GIN G 0 RAW BAR'The swi rilging drewba r fi ttad to the Fard : m O o . , 3,000 and 5000 'tractors givestwo positions-one at 14 inches (35'6 em) from the end of ' th,~PTO shaft andthe other giving a "close-coupled' position enabling the hitch point to bemoved nearer to the rear of the tractor. Use the close coupled position furtowingheavier types of equipment.

    On the Ford4000 the 14 inch (35'6 em) posit ion only is aval lable, Byinveningthe drawbar and/or changing the position of the clevis differ~lIt drawbarabove gmund heights ,mayb obtained, Figure D3,The maximLIrnstat io downwa rd loads l isted be~ow sh0ulc1nat be )('Ceeded,

    Mode~14 i nch {356 'em)

    pos: i t lonC loS I ;! 'c ;OU ph~d



    J I : I kgFord :2000 and 300{) 1000 454FO"td . - . 1 , 0 0 0 1000 454Ford 5 0 ( 1 0 r seo 68'1 1044

    Ib kg1'650 749



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    o- - - - , I - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - A


    - - - - r - - - - - - - - - - - - - - c

    --'1------------- D



    TOW BAR (Figure D4)Highway tractors are fitted with a heavy duty towbar assembly consistingl of atowbar frame (1) and a tow hook bracket (2), The towbalr frame is attached tothe rea r transmission heus i 10 9 and the towhook bracket ls secured to the frameby two quick release pins. The height ofthe towhook may be varied by settlingthe hook to 1;'IIIWf the seve n positions shown in the chart below. Th~e of theseposit ion s are obtai ned by invertl n9 the towhcok,

    Hei 9 Itt O Ir Centre- ofTowhoo:k from ,ground

    2000 30003248in 3323 in(82'4 om) (84-3 em)299311'1 30'"6,8 fn( '76-0 em) OHI em)zs-os til 26,80 in(66-1 em) (608, (1 om)2,4 , 80 in ,25',55 int65 " 'O em) ('6401 em)22.-25 in 23,00 in( .56'5 om) (5 8-4 e l m )196 :8 ln 2.0'4,3 in(50-0 em ) (51 ,9 em)" 1 1 7 , 1 3 i r ' l 17-88 if}(43'0 em) (45-4 em)

    Pas it ion ing on n }IPositio n ofTow On On Towhook

    A '1:-2 1'-3

    B 1-2 3-1

    C 2-3 1-2

    I) 3-4 1-3

    E 3-4 3-'1

    F 4 - - - - 1 5 1-3

    G < 1 . . - - 5 3-1

    Use the lower two positions for heavy haulage operation,


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    TVRESThe average operat'ing p:r8.ssuie tor land work is 16 psi (1-1 Kg/sq, em.)for aliislses of from tylre, and 12psli (o-a Kg/sq. cm.) for all sizes .o f rear tvre.These p r e s s u r e s may be varied accordi I1 g to ope r a t l i ng co nd i t iOH$ ; _ThGfoUowi ngtable lists til9 rncrs popu~alrsizes of tyre and the rscornmende opressures fer . , r o a d work The rsar wheel pressures quoted are a max imumbut the .fro m whee~ pressu r es . may be varied with in the :1mits shewn depend ingon .the load being carr i ed,The table GOV'I'J'rs world wide option s so Gertai n tym.s may not be'

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    FRONT WHEEL TRA.CK ADJUSTME.NI"fThe front V I i ' h{ l{ ll track ad j ustms nt r s as follows:A .n Agr l cu l tura ~and Highwa y t rac to rs--52 ~80 ins (1 32,1 203 2 em). Figure E1 FOlrd 2000 and 3000 Viinya~d traoto rs-33-!)i 1 ins (83 - 8 - ~ 2 9- 5 ern) r Figure E2.For'd2000 and 3000 Nanow tr:3ctors-44-60 iris (111 '8-152-4 ern), FigL,lr1:3.To obtai n th e ua ck. settln gs indicated th us: (~) in F~gu rss E1 an d E2. set I n etra c:k as shown and reverse the whee ls.AOJUSTMUIT PROtEDIURE~F(Jrd 2000 illl'ld 30101] ]Put the w heels in th e s tr a .! g h t a head pas iti 0n all d

  • 8/3/2019 Manual Ford 5000


    IT!!:o $8o

  • 8/3/2019 Manual Ford 5000






    The table below lists notch settinqs for different track. positions.Track Positioni n e h e s (centimetres)

    52., 56 (1132'1, 142'2)60 (152'4),64 (162'6)(i8 (1]2-7)72. , 80* (18.2,9, 2032 *)76 (19.3'0)* " Reverse wh eels,

    Notdl Senin9Ford 4000 F O l r d 50001:23456

    112 .234

    REAR WHEEL TRACiK ADJUSTMENT~ear wheeltrack adjustment, Filgme E5.,is obtained by changijng the pO$ iUOI1 l ofthe discs and rims relative to the rear axle. The adjustment ranges

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    W.ATER BALLASTING OF TVRESThe following table is based on Q J 2 lb. (1 kg.) ot Calcium Chloride per galion(5 lines) of water solut ion giving a 75% f ill of the tvre, The figLlres listed are forthe more popular sizes of tvrs and should onllV serve as a guide as capacitiesva ry s 1 ig ht Iy for differe I1 t rn akes. Your autho rised Fard Tractor DeaIer has thethe necessary spec ia~equipme nrto liqwid ballast tvres and will give adviceon tractor ballastinq.

    Size oJ Tyre1112/1 0 x 28"12-4/11 ,,28136/12v2816'9/14:,8012'4/11 x 36l3'fin2Y 361 '3 '6 fQ 2 >

  • 8/3/2019 Manual Ford 5000


    $,ECTU)N F

    DAI LV 0 R EVERY 1 1 0 HO U RS (Figur,es F1-F5)F1. ,Fluid LevelsWiith the tractor on level 9reund check the foIlQw~ngfh.Jlid levels at ,~veIl"V10hours IJPto 50 hours and then at the intewals recommended. If neeessarv add01 I o f til e ccrrectspecif c a t io n , 8;00 Sect ion I.(a) Sump: The level should reach the upper mark on the dipstick. Allow

    15m in utes for a hot eng ine to cool bewre rnaklng a Ch8Ck..(b) Transmlssien: The level should reach the ~evellp lug hole (dipstick m~lfkon Ford 5(00).(c) lfiIe-arAxle ~With tile hydr~uli e ~iftsrrns ra~sedand with externall equ ip-merit n'lm cyllj nders fu Illy 0x!tell dsd the level sheuld reaeh the 'l,eV\elplu 9hole,(d) Powe:r .A.:ssilsted t ee r i ng : Withth e elilgine $tlO pped and the VII heels in thes tre ~g h t a h e a d p os it io n th e le ve ~ s h oll lid r each the bOUD r n o f t h e f H le !Fn e c k.

    If2. lEIowl Pre- Clean er (w here fined)Remove the bowl and elean thoroughly., Never a lIow the dirt to aICC',HlllJllat~a,bove the level mark on the bowl and service mere f~eq!.lentl y i! 1 extremellydUMyOO nditions,F3. Air Cleanor (oil bath type)R e m ov eth e n ld iia to r chaff screen, loosen ti l e .a ilrc le a n e r b ow l t h u m bs cre w a ndch ,~ c : k Ihe:oiil and dirt I!lIvel in both GU ps. Drain the oil and clean the CIJ ps if the'din le,velis more than 02.5 inch (6 mm) high. Refil l bOlt] f;;i.lP~lo the properlevel,Do not everfi II.Under c o n cH t + o n s ,of exneme duS1 Or cha f f . senl~ee th e tw o bowls tW~Geda~lly.,f4. Radiator Coolant ILe'lle~C h e c k the coo Iant lev'el ~nth ,e rad iator and top up if necessarv. Remove the C8p,slowI If if the eool i I1I

  • 8/3/2019 Manual Ford 5000



    EVERY 50 HOURS (Flgur,es F6~F12)F6. Air C~eaner (O,il Bath Type}Dra in the 0 i I .and c I ean both ell ps, RefiU the CUP$ wit h oil to th e proper II eve!. Donot overfill. R e m ov ,e a ny dirt f rom the rnes h SCreen ele rnent in 'the base of thea ir cleaner body.F7. BatteryClean the top of the battery. check the' electrolyte jerve'~and, if necessary, addd isti Ued wat:e' r to bri ngthe leve I025 inch (6 rnrn) above the top ofth eseparators.Do not use an exposed flame for ehecki lig the electro I'yte level,fa. F u e l F i . 11 !sOpen the drah' l p lug on the rear f il ter (wh~ne fined) and drain any accumulationof wate,r. Close the drain ph.lg and repeat the operation On the 'front flker. Carryout at more frequent intervals where h i gh condensation is present,F9. Gre81se F i t t ingsWipe away all old gnmse and dirt from the forlowrng fittings and apply goodquBlIity grease, usi ng a, h p g ' h pressu m gun, u ntila II the' 0Id grE'll1:lsehas beenH xp eUe d. W ip e o ff s urp lu s grease,(a) Fron t whee I' spind les,(b) Handbrake Cross shaft and reve~ extension tube {J f iu iI lQs-- rearwh '8e 'h a ndbrake- Fo r d 2000 a n d 310.00only),{c) Brake pedal plivots.Cd) Clutch pedal pivots.(e) Hydraulic lift I.inkage rods and level ling box.(f) Pow~r assisted steerinq cvlinder supports (Ford 2000/3.000/4 .000 only ).(g) Differential lock r edal support. (Ford 2000/3000/.:WOQ only).(h) Automatic Prck - u p H ltc h Spi I1 d les (Ford 2000 and 3000 0n Iy).(i) ,F ront axle Trunnion Pin, (Villleya'rd only).m St lEledr ig Centre P iv ot ( Fo rd 5000 Pow 'e , assisted steerinq only).(k) Automatic pick-up hitch locking latch (Ford 4000 and 5000 Dilly),


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    r--,_n_rYL~~Jl '11n~rS1-. .


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    F1o. F~u.idLevelsC,heck level and add ail, if necessary,.1~ (a) rear axle and (b) b~1tpuney (wherefitted).F11. ClutchChock clutch pedal free travel (S~9 Saction G fQirspecificat;i(ms) ..F12.. Clutch Reiease .8earin9 Grene F (whe re fitte d)Scr>9wthag reaser cap d ow n one hal f turn eveu'v 50 houes (one comptete tumif tractor is used 0If! ~oaderwork 00n tnnllJously)"

    EVERY 150 IHOURS (Figure F13)Eng~ne 0 ii {Eng~nes 0perati Iil.g at temoeratu res below 'J 0 F(-12 C))Hun the engine to norm.1IIoperat i ng tamperaturs then drain the eng ine oil.HefIUthe eng ine wit h the specified qlJ

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    F17. Fuel Pump (Ford 3000 and Ford 6000 only)Drai n the oi I and refill withfresh oil 10 the height of til e leveil plug hole. Removethe Cover and ga uze from the pu rnp breather, wash ina su ita b'e so lvent andreassernble.

    EVERY 600 HOURS (Figures F18-' ,F24)F18. Air Cl~ea"",ereml Bath Type)Aemove theeo mp lete ai r olea ner ~ssernbly from th e tra Cior. Remove ttl e in nerand outer cups and discard the arl, W~sll the cups and the mesh screeninslde the body of the 81ir ' eleaner ina $1,1 rta ol e solven to and allow to dry. R,ef i IIboth cups with oil to ttle proper Ievel, rsassemb~ettl e a Ir Gleaner and Install theassembly rn the tralctor.F19. Fue~Injec1:olrs::Iwin gout the battery tray to gai n access to the injectors, remO\l''e the injector$:(see section G) and haw them cJIcked by an Autnerlsed FQ~dTractor Deafer.F20. Fuel Filter '(Sing~e-where fitted)Close 'the fuel tank shut-off vahre and remove the filter bowl from the filter hody.Discard the element and the element sealing rings. Wash the bowl and bodywi t h a b ru sh a tf i ld c !e a nfiu el" I ns ta U a ' newel ement a nd s e a l i11 9 rings, AbSQ lu tecleani ~ness mU:Hbe observed dur in g thls operat ion, 0 pen th e fue,1 tank $11it-offva I ve and bleed the flJlei system as deta ~~ed In section G,f21. Valve Tappet ClearanceSwi n g the ,battery tray outwards tog.a in a C C f . l " - S Sto the rocker c o v e r . Check thevaIve tappet c leara noes as de' ta i Isd in Section G.1"=22 . Flluid Lev'elCheck tile oil Jev'I'li In the steering box by Iifst removitri 'g the left-hand steering$11oue! then UH;1 eornol ned le \ f !e ' an d fU er plu g. If mqu ired to P 1IP the on to thelevel of the IiU~r plug he le .


    L[[[C'r .[C~[s -


  • 8/3/2019 Manual Ford 5000


    F2.3" Front Wheel Boarllllg5Cleanand examlne the fro nt wheel bsar ingsa r id t h,eir housl ngs. 'Repack with.grre.aseand re-~nstaIt Sec:tion G gives the data i led proeed ure for th is operation.F24. Grease fitti ng {Hjghway ollly)LLibricate the speedometer drive assembly by removirlg the filler plug andcover screw, and ,injecting gr.ease into the filler hole until clean grease isexpel led from the cover screw hole" Heplace the plug and screw.

    EVERY 1200 HOURS. OR AN,NUALLY(whi'chever occurs first) (FlguresF25~F2'9)F25., Fuel Filters ([loub~e-where iitted)Cha,rl!geboth f ll ter e lements as out lined in ' the 600 HOUR service. Bleed thefu el system as datai Ied in Sctiion G.F2'6. Transmission OilWith theoi l hot remove the drain plug and allow all the oll tc dra in. Removetheleve,~and filler p luqsand replace the drain plug. Hefil l with oil ' o f the speci fiedgrade up to the leve'l p lug hole (dipstick mark on :Ford5000).F27. Rear Axle OiIWi t h t he I~fta r m s : lowered and any externa I rams retracted remove th ol rear axladrain pluq and allow the oil to dr:3Jin.Remove the, level and Tiner pl'ugs andr ep l a ce the dirain plug. Add new oi I Iof: the specified type unti I. it reaches theleve ' l plug hole. Stan the engine, hdly ra ise the [lin arms and extend any externalrams, t hen add 011to brln 9 the level up to the level plu9 hole on CO l aga i I'll.F23. Power Assisted Steering Pump .oil Filter ElementRepl,aJcehe filter element by first detaching the complete pump assembly fromthe t ractor, drainung the oil f rom the reservoir, removing the reservoir andfinal ly the' element. Bef',)fEldetaching the pump from the tractor thoroughlyclean the ;;I5semblya nd observe abscluto cIasnIiiness t hrou ghoul the d ismant lingoperation. Clean the reservoir aO l d , us in9 the two I O C : S i t i i 'lg Iugs on the pump,re-~nstall the pump assembly on the tractor. r - i II the r'IservoirW~lh fresh 011 , starttneengi nes nd tu r I 1 I the sleei'ilng ' hum lock. to lock: to expe ' l any .111from thesystem. Top up the weservoiwwijlh oil to the bottom of the fller neck,


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    f29. Belt Pulley (whe,re fitted)D~.scardn ] lrubricatillg oil by .Fe-movinghe pulley assembly from the PTO shaft,removing the fiHer/drain prug and illvHuing th e pulley. To refiH with ' f resh oil Itwi.ll btl necessary to temporariJy pcslt ion the pulley on the PTO shaft to f il l withoi IIcorrectly to the level hoIe. RepIaceth e revel plug, locate the pulley .i nth 9position required and secure with the lour attaching bolts.

    EVERY 2400 HOURSHydullUlic Filters'80th inlet andexhaust o il f il ters o r ; the hydraulic system should be inspeetecby an Authonsed Ford Tractor Dealer and replaced if necesssrv,

    Rad iate r Coo Ia rrt (Figure f30)Drainand' f lush the radietor every 24 menths where a 50% sol Llt io n of rpe(rIlIa-nsnt' (Ford Pan No, ESEM97B' BC) anti - fr.eezJe~sused. Heml thlilradiate r wah50% 'permen em' anti -freeze and 50% water,


    Rear Axle and Hydraulic Lih SystemOn tractors f it ted whh an engine mounted, p istnn type hydn' llu lic pump (Ford2000 arod3000 and Ford 4000 Transrnission PTO) improved hydraulic svstemaction can be ~chieved in Gold weather by mixing a Blending Fluid with thes pecif sd rea r ax I e I ubr icain to For a II loca tlo ns exce pt N ort h Ameri ca t he FordBlending Fluid Part Number is ESN M99G69A., For North America the FordPart Number is M4864- D,Us~the Blending f lu id in the fol lowing proportions :-.

    {1O%ffh..iid to 90% oi,1for tempsraturss between -;- 20" Fand OOf (- rcand-18 "C)ESN rVm9C 6 9 -A 20%fIUi.d. to . 80%. oi.! for temperatures between OO f and-20"F (-18"C and -29C)

    M48fi4-0 { 50%. fluid to 50% oi~for tempeeat ures betwe en +20"F and-20'F (- rcand-29"C), Any addit ional o il requi red to fill to the level plug or required for auxil liary ramsshould be blended as above.To prevent premature rear axle w~ar tractors having a blend o~ESNM99C.6~-Amust have the rear axle oil drained and refilled annually. When the ambienttemperature reaches _;_40F (4~C) t rac tors having 0 F to -20'F (-18'C t?-29~C) blend of ESNM99C"6g.~Aor the M4~64. D blend must ~avE!the 011drs iFled imq repierushed wilt1 One of the foI low In g no 11-blende e l oils:F ord 2 000 e 3000 SA E 20W /30 ow SA E 8 10EPFord 4000 Ford .ESN-M2C53-.A or !Ford ESEN~M2C86A



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    ENG~NEV A L V , E T A ,P P E T C L IE A R A N C ETo set til e valve clearanees on a cold ell9 ine :'1. By tumlnu the engine place No.1 cylinder on Top 1D~8d Centre (TDe)of the firing stroke l Jsing the flywhee! access hole, Fi,gureG1, to indicateTDC. Both valves of N,I)- 1 cylinder willi be closed in this position.2_ Using a fee ler blade between the rocker arm and the valve t ip , F igure G2.check the clearance of the fol lowing valves (numbe-red from the front ofth e e ng~ ne ] a n d a d j List if n e ce s sa r y_Ford 2000, 3000 and 4000 1r 5 Inlet2,,4, ExhaustFord 5000 1, 3 IInlet2 ,6 Exhaust

    I 3. Rotate the engine one complete revolution until NO.1 cylinder isOn TDCof the exheost stroke and check and adjust all tho rernalnlnc valves:Ford2000, 3000 and 4000. 3 Inlet6 Exhaust5 " I' Inlet4 , ,8 E)(haustFord 5000

    The correc t va ~vec lea ranees fo~ a cold engi ne are :lntske 0-014-0'016 inches (0,36-0'41 mm)Exhaust 0,017-0,01' 9 inches (O'43---0'4,8 mm)



  • 8/3/2019 Manual Ford 5000


    FUEL SYSTEMB LfE DI N G J 'H E .F Un S YS TEM (figuf(J 63 l J I I , r / figuffJ (4)When the filter elements have been changed or when air is present in thesystem the fuel system should be bii;')das follows:

    1. Ensure that there dSadequate fuel in the tank.2. Loosen the bleed screwis), (1)0Figure G3 and (1) Figure G4, Oil top ofthe f U B . ! filter(s) and bleedthe system unti' fuel free of air bubble,s issue'sfro III t he bleed points, Rerighternthe screws.To b leed ths system 0n t ractors fiHad with a Simms purnp, operate thef 'Lle~ l ift pump piriming leve~. {2J Figt,ir.eG4_

    3. BI~ed th{! system as above at the injection pump bleed scmw, (2)Figure G3 and (3) Figure G4.4. Loosen the injector pipes at the inleetors, (4) figure G3 and (4) Figur.eGlt and turn the engine until fuel. free of air bubbles , f lows fromeadlCOnn e c t io n , 'R et ig h t en each COn nection,



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    I N J E C T O R R E P L A C E M E N T ( F ig u r es ' O J end f14/Chan '9 ' ! ' J j the ij njeetors a sf 'o U,o ws :1. Thorough~y clean the area surroundlnq the injectots and injector p ipes,then remove the reak-oH pipes (5) ami ' theinjectnr- to-pump pipes.2. Cover the ends of the pipes, the injector inlet (4) and leak-of f ports (6)and the plJmp outlet ports (7).This is extremely important to prevent the entry of dirt.3- Unsmew the two injector retaininq nuts (S lat each cn j e c t o r

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    T IMIH 'IUi THE FUEIL INJ iECnON I P U n . , PI~at a W l v t ime t~e fu 9 1 inje,e:tiQnpump is removed th 8' pump must be cOl'focUyt'~medwhen re!ni'ltailled.Proceed as follows:(alIIC.A..V. PUMP fFioure (5)Before fully ti:ghitening the three pump retailning boltselign the mark Onthe pump mounting flange with the zero mark on the engirle frommounting plate, the pump w~1Ithen be correctly timed.~,Ii)S,p ,q IMS PUMP (Fig.llte 06)

    Remove the flywheei inspection cover, Figure G1,and the Cover from therear of the injection pump. -l1 h e Emg ino is c(nre:ct ly t l rned if a SIJ itable po inter (1L pIaced in theve~, .netch in the pump cam:Shafta ligns wrth~he mark on the pumphousing when the f l ywhee l mark is set t '019 D BTDC (bfffoFItop dead,cel1!re) on the compression (both valves closed on No.1 cyHnde. r)stroke.If '~h,etirninq marksara not a l igned :1. Remove the inspection plate from the front of the eng.ine timingcover (for easie-raccess, remove the lower radiator hose after draininqthe radiator coolant).2. Slacken the three pump drive gear S ' C u r r n g bolts (2) and rotatethe pump until ' the marks (3) are aligned.3. T~ghten the gear secuIi119 botts (if removed, replace t he lowerradiator hose, and ref II the radiator).41 . Replace the injection pump en d COve r an d flywheel inspection cover.Finaliy, bleed the syste Ill.

    ENGINE SPEED AI IJUSJME,NlSThe idling and maximum no load speeds of the engine are set by adjustmentson the fue I pu rnp.The maximum speed {no load) is set at the factory to2225-2275 rpm for the Ford 2/30002425-2475 rpm for the ford 40002.325-237,5 rpm forthe Ford 5 .0 0 0 _Thecorrsct id 'e is peed is 600- iO O rpm and H e:i'ther the ie l l ifig ,O r maxim Om noload speeds ar e incorrect consult your Authorlsec Fo l r ,d T rs lc to r Dealer.


    WHEELSR E P A C K I N G TH E F R O N T W H E E L BIEARINGS (Fig lJr8 G 1 1 ( see a h m S,ec t ion F )Wi t h the tractor on ~'evelgrround, lock the rearwheelis and jack: up one of thefrom wheels. Remove the hub cap (1), the spl it pin (2), the slotted hexagonalnut (3), the thrust washer (4) and the outer bear~ng (5). then the wheel andhub assembly (6), Fina' l l ,y remove the gre-ase rstamer (7) from the rem of tilehub, and the inner bearing (8).Thoroughly dean ali iparts rn

  • 8/3/2019 Manual Ford 5000


    fO R D : m e o AN 0 3000 (figUflJ' ca )1, Wit h t 11 brskGdrums. cold and 1 11e di ftem ntlaI lock (where f rUed) dis-engaged, bh;lCkafloerear whee I and jack uIJthe other.2, Remove the adjustmont slot plug In the brake back plate and uslnq ,a

    screwdrlver throu'gh the stet rota te the adjuster (1) to expand the brakeshoes. Expand the shoes until they lock the wheel then back off theadjuster until the wheel is just free to rotate without binding. Replace theadjustment slot pI IU9 ,

    3, l.ower the tractor, block the adjusted wheel, raise the opposite wheel andadj ust the ot her bra ke.4. After both brak.~s have been adjusted road test tile tractor to ensLIre thebrakes are appiled even Iy,FORD 4000 A I ' l l 0 s mll 0 (F igu , f1 C,9 )1, Position a 1t inch (38 ern) hi'gh block (1) between the right-hand brakepedal shank and the platfcrm support. Loosen the adjuster locknut (2) andtum the adjuster (3) until the brake is solid. Retighten the lock-mat.

    2.. Release the pedal and repeat tile above procedure on the len-hand pedal.3, After adjustment road rest the tractor. If either brake is fou nd to pul l. turn theadjus.terto give a small increase in le!lgth of the appropriate rod until tilebrakes applv evenIy,

    Check the lightness of the lock-nut.H A N D,9,RAKE A D J U S T M ENT fAil MafhM

    TRANSM II SS ION TYPE ( F ig u r e 6 1 { }J1. F lU IIY reIeass ttle handbrake.2. Tum the sel'F-locking nut (1) until it requjres a 30-45 Ib (14-20 kg)pull (2) at the handqrip to engage the f irst notch of the sector,R EAR W H EE L T YPEF OR D 200,0 AN D 30 00 (f~glJfe (11)

    1, First adjust the fODtbrakes then disconnect the cperatinq rod (1) from thelett-hand brake camshaft lever (2).2, With the handerake lever ful ly forward, loosen the operating rod devnslock-nut (3) and rotate the clevis to take up all free pJ.ay in the l inkaqe.Repiace the clevis pin (4) and t ighten the clevis ICJG:k-nLit .3 . Loosen the adjustmen t stop bolt lock -nut (5) and ad]USl t he dot! ranee to0'0'25-0035 inches (064--0'89 rnm), Re-tighten the lock-nut.


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    R f A R W H E E L T V P 'Ef 0 1 ' 0 40 D O A N D S O O O (Figflffl (;12)1, First ad jLis t th e feotbre ke"Sthen remove th e II- ower clevis pins (1) from til e

    twoadjustable links {2},2. FLI'ily release the handbraks and brake pedals,3. Pull the cross shaft levers (3) downwards until r i ley abut with t il e brake

    pedals at 'X' ..4. Alter the length Ofthe adjustable linl~.suntil the lower clevis pins can just beinsertedat the bottom of the' slotted clevis,5. Assemble the cotter pins and tighten the lock-nuts on both adjustable [inkasse IIIbl ies.G. Operate the ha n o brake Iever to en S I , .J re th a t ttle (;l y~temoper ates f in' )e I IIwitho u t excessive s Ia ck,

    . CLUTCH['0 obtain maximum li'fa 'from '~h,eclutch it is essential that the clutch pedal freetr

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    I N TE R N A L H E A D L A M P S(8 ) S E A L E D B E A M T Y P E1. Remove the radiator' chaff screen.2 .. Ease the, sealed beam unit from the rubber rim.3. Detach U1econnector socket from the rear of the' scaled be-am 1mit.4. Fit a 1l9W sealed beam unit to the connector socket and re-instal l thep.aftS usi ng the relfl~m:;eof th e removal fJ recede re.I ) B U L I , T Y P E

    1, Remove the radiator dlaff Screen.2 , De tach the bulb holder retaining spring and remove the bulb.3. Fit a new bulb and' re- install.

    NOTE: 011 Vineyard tractors the side-light bulbs

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    \.. .'\14 -,

    P A N E ' l O R W A R N IN 'G L I G H T B U L B1, Aesnovs the SGrew:sseeu r ing the instrurne nt pane I to the rea r hood assembly

    ~iIIld pu II the instru rnerrt panel 0utwa reds.n reqwired, better access may beoblalined by d'etaching the proofrneter dr.ive cable,"}. Ramove the b uIb soc ket from th e rear of the pan el and fi ra new bu lb.He-assembla in the reverse order.

    FUSE REPLACEMENTTh e s ta nda .td tracto r Iightin g Giro ult is protected by a 15 am p o fuse a I1d th eeartridqe type fuse holder, (2) Figure 0,15, is located dose to the . light ingt iwitch. behind the fuel tank shroud.011tractors fined with wide fenders a fuse box FiglJHilG116containing suxfusesrs situated 01 '1 the left-hand steering' shroud.TI,e fuses, numbered on the box, protect the fol lowing circuits;-Fuse 1 : Main beam headliqhtsFuse 2: Dip beam hsadl ightsFuse 3: Left-hand side and reer HghtsFuse 4 - : ' Right-hand slde end rear l ightsf U $ e 5; Flasher uni tFuse 6 : Brake ligf lts and hornTractors supplied with direction indicators but not wide fenders have threecl:Irtridge type fuses adjacent to the lighting swlteh, behind the fuel tankshroud.The fuse leads are colour-coded as follows:-Red: Right-hand side and rear ,lightsRed/Black: l .ett-hand side and rear l ightffi,Gre-en/Ught Gre'ell: Flasher unit


  • 8/3/2019 Manual Ford 5000


    TRAC TOR MURAG ,I Elf'a tractor is to be stored for an extended period carry out Ule fo.ilowfngopera tions :1. Thoroughly clean the tractor.2. lubricate the tractor; drain aU ail from the eng,ine, tile tranamisslon andrear a,xl!1I,and refil l with new oil to the correct specification.3. Drain the fuel tank o:fordinary fuel and pour about two gallOonsof specia lca~ibraring (lubricating) fuel (consult your authorised Ford TractorDealer for avai labi li ty) into the fua' tank.4. RUn the .engi lle for about 10 minutes to ensure complete cHstdbut ion otthl special ollli1toUghoUl the fue l ' sV'Slem,There is no need tc remove theinj ector nozzles.!i Remove the battery and check tMat it rsh i I IY charged. Store the battt'l ry lna warm prace and re-charqe periodically.6. Plac~ supports I.Jnderthe ' tractor axles to take the weight off the tvres..7. Drain all coolant from the radiator and engine block,8. S I L l pport t i l ~ Iitt arms In the fu!ly ralsed positi C I . n ,9. Cover the e x h eu st p i pe open i n g .

    To pr ep Qro t h e , t r a' ct 'l uf o r s'enric e a ft er t he s tJO ra !l il l'p oe i0d :_1. Inf~atetyresto the reeomrnended p re ss ur es ; F ee firlthe cooling systern and thefuel tank.; check. the oi l levels in the engine sump. transmisslon, and rearaxta; instell a fuHy d, a fg00 ba tterv .2. Remove the exhaust pipe covering (if other than rain cap attachment) ..3. Start the engine and let it I,dle a few minutes. Check that all oontrcjs are

    functicnlnq correct ly and that the el1g'ine is receivillg lubrication.4, 0 rive the tractor VI! i til alit a load to ensu Fe that It is operatl ng satista cton Iy.



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    3-POINT LINKAGEA U T O M A T IC I P IC K U P H II C HTha hvdraullicallv operated pick-up hitch installation, avallable asa productionoption or accessory, provides a means whereby 'traUliers,etc., can be quickly,11tdched to the tractor without it being necessary for t ile opera tor to Icav)thelInt.Ihe uesign of the auto- hitch u s such that equipment may be operated on thenormal 3-point linkage without removing the auto-hltch from the tractor.n il isin9 a11d 10 wering of th e hi tc h ho n k is contro ll ed by the standerd hydra ud icII'" lover. A. special device is incorporated in the hitch unit to rnschanicallv lockit III the raised position.hi cpi l: ra 't e t he

  • 8/3/2019 Manual Ford 5000


    Ad jl Js ~m e n ts ( F or d 4 00~ O I l' Ji di ~DD )Set the d~~ta,noe between the Ilock. nut a n d , t;'Idjl,l$tment gu~de shoulder, (6)Figure HZ to 075 iin (19 !TIm) and raise the hydraulic !~nkage to the fu!ilVraised position. Adjust both Quiides equally to raise the hook high enough toaHowtre,e movemen t of the- ' locking lawh duri ng'e ngagetm,en tand di istmgag-e-me nt, 1iighle'n both I lock nuts,S W I ~ 6 1 NI[i O ' I Ii tA W B A R FD P i A U T O M A T I C P I C K - U P ' H rtt HA swi n g ~ng draw bar is avsilable- t hat has bee n spec iaIIy design ed tor use w~thth e su re - Me h_ .lhe drawbars for the I"ord 4000 and !}OOOhave the sarns range ot adjustmentas those rnent i0ned in S sctlo n [l but the dmwbm for ttl e Ford 2[;.00 and 3000d itfelrs as follows:1 . T ilnile he I~8 in the f ro nt of the d ra w ba r p ro vi de e lt sr na ti ve fi x ing posi donson the from anchor bracket giv ing Hinch (229 em). 14 inch (35-G . [ : 1 1 1 )and 16 inch {40'o em) positions, measured from the end of the PTO shaf t.2. The ef fec t ive height o~the dr t ; ' i !wba' f can be ver isd to give eight differentpositions, F~gmeH3, by changing tile position of the support bracket pina nd ! o r invert l ng the drawoa .r Id r aw b a r clevis.

    The sw~nging drawba,r for the ForTI 2000 And 3000 uses the same supportpOi l1t.$as the auto- hitch so l it H,not pO:$;Sibleto install both pieces of equ ipmentat the same tf me, however, it takes 0nly a few m u nutes to co nvert toei t herin s ts IIatlo n ,TO do th iSit IS reco mmended that the fo Ilow Ing ~nstruction s are fol lowed:T (I i ns ta ll s w in lg i ng d ~ awb aw ( f ig l1l11 H4 )(,a) Fully , lower the pick-up' hitch.(b) Discormect the hook frame at the rem by removing (1 L (2), (3) and (4),(0) Disconnect the lift arms by removing (5) and (6).,(d) Rem,ove the lift , ; I I r : r n s , and ~lQOkfr;' lf fie from the tractor,(a) lnsta ll the drawbar support plate l Ising (7) and (8),{f} Ilns~all the swinging drawbar usi,ng (9), (1 0) ~Ild (1 ~) at any ons of the

    three f ro nthc Ie~ depending 0nth e r~a!'VVard extension req ul red.





    FORD FORD2.000 3000in s in s

  • 8/3/2019 Manual Ford 5000


    A ~6 3 6~ 71 6. ( 4, ], 53 ) ( 43 -5 7 )B 12-80 13'60(32. -4Q) {34 :50)

    I .II _ A81i

    B 1108 0 1 1~6 0(27,40) (29-40 )

    A .1 148 6 IS' 6 6...-------.-----r-j.---T"" (37, 60 ) (39 -8 0 )

    A 1 2 8 6 1 3'6 6 .(3 2 S O ) ( 34 -7 0)

    B 9 -30 - IO~O i( -n '6 0 ) ( 25 -5 0 ) I4



  • 8/3/2019 Manual Ford 5000


    r Ii i ns t a ~ tho ag tu -h i t chAe\l~~se the $W Ing Ing drawba F procedu re shown on page 2 ensurl ng that theretainer plate (2} locates in the groov~ in the end 'O f the p~vot pill (1).F L f X IB U , L I N K E N O S1"1,)(ble lin k ends are ava ilab:1 fer Ford 4000 and Ford 5000 traotor's wh~ehprovide for qulck and easy llnl

  • 8/3/2019 Manual Ford 5000


    E X T E R N A L C H l E e K . C : HA IIN SOn the Foro 4000 and 5000 tractors sideways restraint of the .~ower I iinks maya r s o be obtai ned b yfit tr n g externa I' check C h a i ns F igu Fe H 6 . A Ua ch til e c levisat hole {1} fm Category 1 Hnkage

  • 8/3/2019 Manual Ford 5000


    T o ol!ll'lr!ltll t li le pu lloV a t a 1J l l l i t s p e> e d o f 3 "O D ~J 20 0 teat , pu r m i ,n u tll !! ( 91 5 ,- 97 6 m e t ro spe r m in...n e ) : .'1, F' u ny r~i$G the lower Ii inksa nd sec I "lre them clear of t h ! l l pun ey.2, Lin e 1Ip the tractor with the he H wh re h must have fuill width Contact On bothPI"lUeysVilrt hout eonta el ing any other part of the traemr,3. E ng ag e t he hand b.rakceand b lock th e tractor V II h ee ls t o p re ve n t any movemen tdue to V H brstion,4. Set the appropr iate engine speed, see tab~ebelow, and eng,age the PTO.5. Check c Ii Ihle PTO trscrorst hat t h~ c Iuteh open@lt ing rod e levis is

  • 8/3/2019 Manual Ford 5000





    1I I IUI IU!On:Plilling the ~ever(s) r ' ea lFwa l rd will r a ise the equipment and pushinq the lever(s}lorward will lower the equipment . Valves Wittl detents hold the 1'~vl3.r(s) in,lOS i t ion 1Intl I the externa I cylinder reac hes the e!1d of its stro ke w he n t he ,Ievert Ii) wil l automatica IIv return to neutral.)1 1 valves without detents the levers will spring back. to neutral immediatelyI I l I l Y .ne released.Wi1h remota control valves both single-acting . 0 1 ' dDuble-acting cvlinders mayI II operated in various eombinancns, Consult your authorised Ford Tractor

    I I"'dletfor ful l detai ls, for advice C H i fitting, operatlnq procedures and the many-mrvices which can be provided by these valves,WHEELS.

    POW [ R ADJUS T ED R E A R WHHLS1'(1W!JjJ ~dju$ted rear wheels are available tor use with 12"4/11 ":-..28 lyres.on theI utd 2000 and 3000, and 13'6/12 x 38 lyres on ' the Ford 4000 and 500{),Uu J wheel track. can be easily adjusted in 4 inch (10'2 ern) steps over lWOwirhh ranges.l hu r

  • 8/3/2019 Manual Ford 5000


    (d) Seeure the other stop lug.(s) Move the HIGHlI - r-IAND rim outwards us ing the above procedure with

    low revelrse 9ea r selecteda nd the left -hand brake peda I he~d down.(f) Usuilg the special spanner provided tighten the locking nub (1)- On theFord 4000 and 5000 tighten on Iylh e marked nuts with the wh eel i!11Moriginal position as (a). Tighten the I]UU; gradually, ensuring that the

    exposed thread , ou t s i de each nut is the same,1 [ ) d e cr ea se t he w i dt h o f th e re o r track w i t hi non e e f th e ' t W o fa n lg o s:Use the above proced ure selecling directly 0pposite 9ears to those stated instag'es (c) and (e') "To e h l l n il le f ro f ' I ' I 0 1 1 1 ( 1 w i dth range to tllil! other:f 0 ItD 2 0a ll l i .A .N D 3 00 0lnterchanee the IQft~halfld and right- hand wheel assemblies ensuring that the'Vee' cr f the tread is pointing in the fOl rward travel direction,F OR D 0 11 1 01 1 INO 5 0 1 1 1 1 (figullJ #(0)(a} Loosen and mark the adjusting screw lock nuts (1).(b) I Remov0 the 511.1port blocks and position lhem, 0 ne atali me, 0 n theopposite side of t he disc (5).

    "fig hten the S o U pport b loc k bolts chec kin 9 rh at I hey a ra well seated aga instth e d is c fa c e a nd ,edge,(c) Move tile whesl to posi,tiol1lthe unmerked blocks (6) at the top; removeand position them on the ,0 pposite s ide of the d isc, T;igbte n rhe block

    bolts.(d) To increase or decrease the tracK width proceed as before.WHEEL WE IGH TSCast iron weig hts are

  • 8/3/2019 Manual Ford 5000


    SPECll f~CAT,IONSG EN ER AL o mM E NS IO NS (Agricultural and Highway )

    H e'ig ht to lO P o 'f e x h a us tH eig ht to h oo d lin eGround elearanee under'frOfl t I ; !~Je'GraHfld clears nes under

    'Hlllsmi~5'iOf!I - I< l i gh t to s : re e r ir lg l w h e e l

    W i d t h at minimam C tac kWidth at maximmt l ' Ir i! llekW h ol3 :l b as e a t m if li m u m.wack

    With brakes

    Ford 2000 Ford 3000 Ford 4000 Ford 5000(ins) 80 83 85 87(em) 203 211 216 221(ins) 53 53 58 61(em) 135 135 ' 147 155{ins} 21 21 tse 1'8(em) 53-3 5,3,3, 49-5 457(ins) 12,6 13-4 17,3 16'3(em) 31-9 34-0 44'Q 41'4(in~} ,57 58 63 65(em) 145 147 160 165(ins} 120'5 127 138 144(ern) 321 32:? 35 0 36 5(ins) 634 64 67 66(em) 162 163 170 173(ins) 87'4- 88 95 96(em) 22 2 22 4 24,1 2M(ins) 75-7 75,7 85 88(em} 192 19:2. 2'16 224

    F(lr(! 2000 Ford 3000 F or d " W OO Fo r d 5000

    (ft) 1,0,7!'i 10'75 12'00 12'00(metres) lHO 3-40 Ni6 3'6'6(H) 9,75 975 1MK) 1000(metres) 292 2-92: 3'05 3'05


  • 8/3/2019 Manual Ford 5000


    G Ii: ru f R A l m M E N S 10 N S (VineyaNi 8ad Narrow)

    Vjfl'~ard Narrow VJll'eY

  • 8/3/2019 Manual Ford 5000


    E N G I N E P DW ER U .K E O,FlF:Ford 2.0(10 ! = a , r d ' 3000 Ford 4DOO ford 50003 :3 3 44,2 4-2 4'4 4-4106' 1067 1118 111'8:NI 42 4-4 4296 106,7 1 11 ,8 1067HiS 175 201 2562588 2868 3294 419517'5: 1 16'5 :1 165 ; 1 HH :11_2.3_ 1,2_3. 1 ,2,3_ 1'..3.4.2.

    600-7002225-2275 2225-2.275 2~,25 2;1,'-5 23252:3752000 2000 2100 2100

    No. of evi l ndersBore En gl in e s ,p ee d f or : 5 4 ' 1 1 rpm ,P JO S P E l " ! ~

    6 Spo{jd Trans ana Ltve PTO (rpm}a Sp~ed Live P_T.O.S S pE l'e d T ra ne P TOl !1 c il ;l p !j l1 d e l" lt P TO



    St/OK,e18001800i s pJ ac 9men t 19001100'Comprosslon Ratio

    F .i ri n g O r d erIdle Spead (rpm)M a~ . ir nu m No Load speedM ~ x im u IYI r at ed s p ee dTa p p E ! i t c le ar a fle e -(wld ) -


    ELECTl1UCAL SYSTEM:Gunom1 " o rOutputH'lgLdl'lfoor('[OiJlld (Earth}'.t, I I t O r Motor1IIIIIdii QlhlS.IdIIf li l il l~gt"1tbuIbs

    1 1 1 . 1 1 'W[Jrn i ng l ight bulbsI II Tel

    1 1 1 1 1 1l Id ~ io n IPTOIvpl'l'ljlll e l i n

    12 V Shum Wou n d22 amps.

    Currern/vQrfl ' 'li iv~,e l ' l ! t sol~fI(J id operat,edScaloo Bemm 40/100 wal '! . { {) ptiona I 35 wat t)

    6 watt2,2 wan


    0-01 4-0' 0160,36 -0'41O'017-{)'0190'43 -0'48

    C O O L I N G S Y ST E MTypeFllnl

    SingleDry ' Plate1128Do~ble!Dry f ' 1 8 J 1 : e s1128-8-521

    SingleDlry Plate1128

    D O I J 'b - J eDr y Plares1128a -s21

    Sing leDry prate1128

    Pri!:$5luiS!ld l. iQlu ld R ec iFe u tatilig Ely-Pa~s ( il lS)(ern)NQ.ofblad~

    D i amOi l e r 1 1 \ 1 " 1 ! ' I l l1V I l l iI d ~II' PIII'tCdi;!l

    (Ins)(em) ( i ns)(~m)( i n s )(em)

    ThermostatSta rt s toope na t {OF)("q


    1'10 f"1~t[ )dis,6 875'S2'~2100

    7 (13 01 1 tropical opiion)0'0 (0-9 ont ropl ea ] opti on}

    Separaw Us nsmissie na nd P TO c lU lc h9 15P r es s l ir e c ap SingliilD 'r y P la t e1128

    Multi-We-tPlate. 5191:302:'6

    Singlel: lory Plaite1230'-5

    Mul ' l i~WetPlaoo!H:l814-93

    1111I1 . l l I lss i on clutch type

    f U EL S Y ST EMIn j ll ! l 1 t . 1 i o n P u m p(ilns)(cm~

    , '1111 ,1L i l ( .

    Ford 20GO Ford :3000 Ford 4000 Ford 5000TypeT im in g (BTDC ) (" )

    (b'h5)(em)DJs' t r ibutor19

    J n -Une19


    in-line19 N, I, l . l ' r f ri ct i 0 n p lO lt e. s

    4 5


  • 8/3/2019 Manual Ford 5000


    T RANS ,M I s s m rg ; l A M I Ford 3000Exp.anding


    Ford 4000Di5t::

    F ord 5 0( 1;0D i S l C

    ford 2000Expandi fig

    G I ' l Q e143!HiH381

    Fo rd ;WOO F~3000 Ford 4000 Ford 50006spd 8spd 8 s ,p d Bspd30'M 2691 144'9 9'1317-00 21',56 11'6'1 7

  • 8/3/2019 Manual Ford 5000


    L U 1 1 .1 1 1 :1A T I N G OILS . ( A U M o d e r s }

    (1 ) Ford O il Spec. M2C87-A5W*SAl: 5W or5W/20Supplement~

    . VrscosityTypeA_PJ .C rah>s i fka t i on DM

    Consistandyabove 75~F

    SAE lOWM2C87-A30

    SAE 30WA.E 20WSeries 3, Series 3

    DS DS DSOil Change Period-When fue.1suJph,ur content is less thanj %

    150 hours 300 ho urs 300 hours 300 hoursOilChange Pe.r,iod-When fuel sulphur content is between 1% and 1.3%

    100 150 hours 150 hours 150 hours(2) Oil Change Period-When fue l sulphur content Jsmore than 1.3%

    150 hours 150 hours(1) Consul t your Authorized Ford Tractor Dearer for delairs on the .av~ilabiJityof these oi ls ,(2) N,ot generii lrly recommended.NOTE: Where operation isat temperatures below, 1O"F (-12C) in the Winterand above 101=(-1'2"C) in the Summer and it is required to. changefrom {:I Suppleme nt 1 oi I to < I' Seri~s 3 0il or vice versa, the folrowi ng

    first 0 i I and 0 rj fi her chan'9eshouId be athaIl~h~norma r specified pe r iOd .Su bssq LIent e n an g'8'S th ereafle, should be at the normal specifiedperiod"* M.2C:S7-.A5W to be used onIy when 't~mperatLire's' are C C I nsistentlvbelow-12~C. .


  • 8/3/2019 Manual Ford 5000


    El'lg ine Splf ted(!'pm)' 1 , s t2nd3rd 1 0 1 1 15th6th7th8thR.LR . F I ' _

    Eng,joe sp~ed(rpm}15 12nd3rd'Uh5th6thj'!h8thA .I..R . H .


    Ford 2. '0006speed transrnlsslo n

    1000 1800 2000H 2- 1 2 . : 2 :2'1 3'8 4234, 6'1 6-84 -7 8'5 9,46 ," 11,,0 12'2'14'0 25-2 2801'9 3'4 3'8,5,,6 10" '11 '2.

    Fotd 4000

    1000 1800 220010 '1 2 . - ( 1 2.'51 1 4 25 3-22,5 4"5 5-63'4- 1).1 7 64 , , 1 1 7'4 fi,H5'1 9,2- 11,39,0 162 19-.\' lU3 222 27'017 31 3 '59 10-6 13-( )

    ~ord 2000/3000

    woo 1600 18001,2Hi,a3'84 l - f j5,/9-~13,,5H31 : > - 5

    1-92'64 56- 17,29-11592H~3 ( )104

    2.2.2 ' 95(10"88'1HI'317'824dtri!nsmis~i(ln

    1000 19{)O 210012 22 2,6H 27 3-,22"7 4'9 5'03-6 65 7'64 3 H 9'15'4 9'7 11-;)9-5 172 19'912,9 23-2 2701-7 31 3-662 1 1- 2 13'0


    2' 43 2I'HI7',69'011141'9~27'03,813'0


    , I

  • 8/3/2019 Manual Ford 5000


    IIw'l;:)mn1ie Pick-up Hil~hA,,~illmy S 8 rv ic ~ C O Il !" ,1 Va 1 1 i ' ~

    IJmimy(!fjll P"II~"'l"-IIh,.,t1ing the Fuet S',stcmLlluudil'l!=l Fluid1.1

  • 8/3/2019 Manual Ford 5000




    I A9l;o.H}

    M1'3..( FillH9C1ASA5


    G1 2A9

    i'l itdiatol Caolanl , .

    S!l>etiOhand, I > ' ~ I I O : >No.

    .{ F1F1 4~F13,F15A13FlIE7Hl0Af,I

    A9G1, o!



    A5H BD3G603,1 : )7

    .. 'G1 6

    , I Fr o) G1

    r G~~ijHI



    Imjll~rn~nt-Ai~s~hrn~nt-rosili-on Cg~1ml

    'nd{lJ)eM';Jlit PTOI n.l"~tion Pu m p , ,lnjr!(;'ror flapl~~em

    L.e~~lim8 Ba~'Ll9'hti~9linkBg~ C~iegoric~-InlerellSnging~i~ei"""H) "

    Pl).....9r " 'd iY~l ~d Re" rW 'n ~r$ . p')""'cr Pc~~lsl~d S t4I8 . ing!'g....~r Tak".,.Off Shaft "P'JlIIS'lilrt Cheekr " J o O r m e 1 J l! l ' . .


    fi40313 1

    Re9rA~le QI,R~ar Light 5..,,,kelR~~rWi'rc~-Nuts ..-jrh~kAdlJu$lmeni

    R~rnole C';mlrol V~I~~ . .Runnin!l-In~L.S ic le m ~