MAMBALAM TIMES The Neighbourhood Newspaper for T. Nagar & Mambalam CMYK FREE 1041st Issue : May 30 to June 5, 2015 Vol. 21, No. 1

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The Neighbourhood Newspaper for T. Nagar &



FREE1041st Issue : May 30 to June 5, 2015Vol. 21, No. 1



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G. RAMANATHAN - 32Another important film of G. Ramanathan in 1960 was ‘Raja Desinghu’,

produced by the popular figure of Tamil cinema and high society of Madras,Lena Chettiar (SM. Letchumanan Chettiar) under his banner KrishnaPictures. The film was directed by T. R. Raghunath, the well-knownfilmmaker of the day, and the screenplay and dialogues were written byKavingnar Kannadasan and Makkal Anban.

The film had an impressive cast with M. G. Ramachandran in a doublerole, along with S. S. Rajendran, P. Bhanumathi, Padmini, M. G .Chakrapani,T. S. Balaiah, O.A.K. Thevar. T. K. Ramachandran, M. N. Rajam, N. S.Krishnan, T. A. Mathuram, K. A. Thangavelu, the Telugu starRushyendramani, Lakshmiprabha and several others.

Gingee, or Senji, near Tindivanam, has a long history since 200 BC and,over the years, had been invaded and ruled by many dominant kingdoms.However, the one name that invariably crops up at any mention of Senjiis that of Raja Desinghu (Tej Singh), who ruled the kingdom, albeit for ashort period, with sagacity and valour in the 18th century.

Over the years, the saga of Raja Desinghu has been become an enduringand endearing part of Tamil folklore. Countless ballads, stories, puppetshows, dance, stage, and street shows have been inspired by the tragic taleof this brave hero of Senji.

Swaroop Singh (portrayed by O. A. K. Thevar) won the respect andloyalty of the people of Senji during his rule when Hindus and Muslimslived in peace and prosperity. A son is born to Swaroop Singh and his wifeRambai (Rushyendramani), whom they name Tej Singh, pronounced asDesinghu (MGR) in Tamil. Swaroop Singh has a secret wife called Jaan Bibi(Lakshmiprabha), and they have a son called Dawood Khan (MGR again)who is a little older than Desinghu. Fearing that Dawood might pose athreat to the succession of the throne in years to come, on the advice of hiscommander and close confidant Yusuf Khan (T. K. Ramachandran),Swaroop Singh persuades Jaan Bibi to leave Senji, taking little Dawoodwith her. Desinghu who has integrity and courage grows up with hischildhood friend, another brave young man called Mohammed Khan (S.S. Rajendran), and two are always inseparable.

Now, the Sultan of Delhi (M. G. Chakrapani) offers to free any Statecoming under his dominion whose ruler manages to tame a wild horse inhis stable. Hearing this,with the intention to have a free kingdom, SwaroopSingh leaves for Delhi without telling Rambai and Desinghu. Despitetrying very hard, he fails to tame the wild horse and is imprisoned by theSultan of Delhi. Upon hearing this, the minister (Karikkol Raju) informsDesinghu who rushes to Delhi where he meets his uncle Bheem Singh(M.R. Santhanam) for advice. The dauntless Desinghu manages to tame thestallion and ride it, to the loud cheers of the huge audience. Filled withadmiration, the Sultan frees Swaroop Singh who had earlier failed in thisendeavour and gives them a written proclamation of Senji’s independence.Desinghu marries Ranibai (Bhanumathi) who is Bheem Singh’s daughter.Pandian (K. A. Thangavelu) who works in the horse stable comes alongto Senji and works as assistant to Mohammad Khan’s father and falls in loveand marries Sengamalam (M. N. Rajam) who is also Mohammad Khan’sadopted sister.

Meanwhile, growing up as an illegitimate child, Dawood vows to ruleSenji someday. However, in her deathbed, Jaan Bibi extracts a promisefrom Dawood that he would not cause any harm to Desinghu. Dawood goesto Arcot and wins the confidence of the Nawab when he rescues theNawab’s infant son from being crushed under elephant’s feet. The gratefulNawab appoints him as his general. When Dawood expresses his deter-mination to subjugate Senji, the Nawab expresses his helplessness, statingthat nothing could be done as long as Desinghu has the written proclama-tion of Senji’s independence in his custody. It is around the same time thatDesinghu dismisses his general Yusuf Khan from service when he is caughttrying to commit adultery molesting Sengamalam. Abetted by the humili-ated Yusuf Khan who has now turned traitor, Dawood makes use of hisstriking resemblance to Desinghu and extracts the written parchmentfrom the unsuspecting wife of Desinghu.

When Mohammed Khan falls in love with the pretty Ayesha (Padmini),he anticipates no opposition from his parents for the match. However, hefinds that his mother (T. A. Mathuram) and father (N. S. Krishnan) haveeach identified a girl of their own choice to be his wife. When he informsthem that he has already chosen his life partner, his father proposes thatthey go the queen for an appropriate decision. Ranibai asks each of themto write down the name of the girl they have in mind, and then discoversthat all three of them have written Ayesha’s name.

When the royal astrologer (P. G. Venkatachalam) suggests that Desinghuand Ranibai be separated for 3 years as an antidote for the inauspiciousplacement of their stars, Desinghu pours scorn upon such beliefs. How-ever, considering the welfare of Senji and heeding to his mother’s plea,Desinghu is forced to consent to such separation. He carries on stolidly withhis responsibilities as the ruler of Senji during the day.

The Nawab of Arcot and Dawood Khan send (T. S. Balaiah) to meetDesinghu to request Senji kingdom to pay tax. Desinghu announces inagony that Senji would not bow to the Sultanate of Delhi. Now that Senjihad no proof of its independence, Arcot declares war on Senji for non-payment of taxes. Under the resolute leadership of Mohammed Khan,Senji emerges triumphant in warding off the Arcot forces. However, evenas Mohammed Khan fetches water to quench the thirst of a dying soldierof Arcot, Yusuf Khan shoots him from the back. In addition, not satisfiedwith dastardly act, Yusuf Khan kills Mohammed Khan’s fiancée Ayeshawho has come to the battlefield in search of her beloved. Wanting thebrothers to fight against each other now, Yusuf Khan carries false reportsto Desinghu that it was Dawood who killed Mohammed Khan. Athirst withrevenge for the death of his friend, Desinghu rushes to the warfront andsoon challenges Dawood to a duel. Dawood is hesitant to fight with hisbrother, and even advises Desinghu that they could leave the fighting totheir troops. However, Desinghu is in no mood to listen and soon thebrothers are engaged in a bitter duel. Handicapped by his oath not to harmDesinghu, Dawood is soon vanquished and lies mortally wounded.Desinghu’s delight is short-lived, for Yusuf Khan now informs him thatDawood is none other than his brother. Adding to his grief at the death ofhis friend, Desinghu is horrified at having killed his brother, and in amoment of abject remorse, kills himself. (To be continued)

This space costsRs. 500 only

3-day yoga-based ‘Tobaccode-addiction’ program from Monday

By Our Staff ReporterA free Rajayoga meditation program for ‘Tobacco de-addiction’ will

be conducted from Monday, June 1, to Wednesday, June 3, from 6 p.mto 7 p.m at Rajayoga Meditation Centre (18, Krishnamma Lane,Nungambakkam).

For registration, call B.K. Chithra at 2826 2627 / 97910 92461.

May 30 - June 5, 2015 MAMBALAM TIMES Page 3 CM


Tirupathi Coffee (Tambaram) celebratesits 25th anniversary. It offers 100 gm cof-fee powder on purchase of kg coffee pow-der. It also offers free home delivery toMambalam, T. Nagar & Ashok Nagar,K.K. Nagar.

‘Thirupathi Coffee’ which has got trustamong the customers. We sell export qual-ity (to Brazil) coffee powder which is pro-cured from Sahana, Karnataka We choosefine quality peaberry and Plantation A.

It accepts orders daily from 9 a.m to 3p.m. Free door delivery (4 p.m to 9 p.m)fora minimum of 1/2 kg.

Its contact number is 89391 32960.Advt.

Tirupathi Coffee

By Our Staff ReporterSri Sumathi Vishal Jain

Book Bank (T. Nagar) invitesapplications from studentspursuing engineering andcomputer science courses incolleges in and around Chennaifor issue of textbooks on a loanbasis for their full course period.

Applications forms can bedownloaded from the orcollected in person fromThirukumaran Apartments,No. 12, Rameswaram Road,(near Mambalam RailwayStation), T. Nagar, on week-days between 4 p.m and 6 p.mand on Sundays between 10

a.m and 1 p.m.Preference will be given to

candidates from economicallyweak backgrounds.

For further details, pleasecontact the Trust at 2436 0375or Vinay Kumar at 9841169876 or Kunal Nahar at98840 96930.

Jain Book Bank loans freetextbooks to engineering students

Goods vehicle, bus collideBy Our Staff Reporter

A Tata Ace vehicle (TN 10AP 2472) loaded with electricallights toppled over aftercolliding with an MTC route597 bus (TN 01, N 9511)coming from Tiruvallur attheArya Gowda Road-Veera-samy Street-Raju Streetjunction in West Mambalamat 6 a.m on May 25.

A number of brokenelectrical lights lay scatteredon the road. The windshield ofthe bus collapsed. Luckily noone was injured. The passen-gers were accommodated inanother bus.

Guindy traffic police areinvestigating the case.

Kids’ carnival inpark tomorrow

Jeeva Park Walkers andJoggers Association (G. N.Chetty Road, T. Nagar) hasorganized its first children’sprogram ,‘Carnival @ JeevaPark’, at 3 p.m on Sunday, May31 in the park.

There will be a number ofcompetitions including drawingfor the age group 5 to 8 years,kolam (7 to 10 years), fancydress (3 to 7 years), skipping (8to 10 years), and carnaticmusic and dance (6 to 12 years).

There is no entry fee.R. Sukumaran (Event

Organizer) said that there willbe free horse rides, balloonshooting, jumping castle andother fun programs.

Prizes will be given to winnersof competitions and gifts willbe presented to all partici-pants. He can be contacted inphone 98414 32604

By Our Staff ReporterAs happens every summer, the dried up Sri Kothandaramar

Temple tank (adjoining Kittu Park, Ellaiamman Koil Street)has turned into a cricket ground for school boys of the area. Thisphoto was taken on May 27.

Temple tank is now cricket ground

By Our Staff ReporterThis Maruti car (TN 22 BS 1290), involved in an accident, has

been lying on the margin of 11th Avenue, Ashok Nagar (nearMIG 120 Flats) for several days.

The car was brought to the spot by Inspectors of RTO (West)after investigation.

Car involved in accident lyingon road margin

Rods not visible during night

By Our Staff ReporterAn iron rod installed in front

of an EB pillar box at thejunction of Manickam Street

and Jubilee Road in West Mam-balam to caution motorists isnot visible during night. Thereare number of such iron rodsinstalled in the neighbourhood.

Reflectors may be fixed onthe rods to warn motorists.

Thiruvilakkupooja in AlameluManga KalyanaMandapamon Tuesday

Under the auspices of MuthuKrishnaswamy Mission, Thi-ruvilakku pooja will be per-formed for sumangalees andsuvasinees on Tuesday, June2, at 6 p.m in Alamelu MangaKalyana Mandapam (19, Ra-dhalrishnan Street, T. Nagar).

There will be specialabhishekam and alangaaramat 5.30 p.m.

All are welcome.

MAMBALAM TIMESPage 4 May 30 - June 5, 2015 CM


By Our Staff ReporterA wooden mandapam for Shirdi Sai Baba has been nailed to

an avenue tree on Habibullah Road, T. Nagar by autorickshawdrivers. A small idol of Sai Baba has been kept in the mandapamand is being worshipped by devotees who also light lamps.

Makeshift ‘temple’ for Sai Baba

By Our Staff ReporterG. Sanchi (Std. 8, Chettinad Vidya-

sharam and resident of Ethiraj Nagar,West Mambalam) won the 1st prize inthe solo dance competition in the 2ndedition of Junior Talent Hunt (JTH)organized by Bajaj Allianz Life Insu-rance.

Sanchi is the daughter of GajendraKumar and Gunavathy. JTH is aplatform for children to showcase theirtalents in categories like arts, science,

Wins 1st prize in dance contest

social activities, sports and entertainment. Videos of activities,under any one of the categories, are uploaded on a microsite.

Winners are selected by an internal panel of judges and thetotal number of votes an entry receives. In Chennai, JTH wasconducted across various schools in the city.

Book on Kanchi Mahaperiyavato be released on Tuesday

The book ‘His Foot Print –My experiences with KanchiSri Mahaperiyava’ authoredby Pammal Ekambaram willbe released on Tuesday, June

2, from 6 p.m to 8 p.m duringthe 121st Jayanthi celebrationof Mahaperiyava at NaradaGana Sabha (T.T.K Road,Alwarpet).

The book will be released bySri Muralidhara Swamigal inthe presence of S. Gurumurthywho will receive the first copy.Those interested in buying thebook may contact S. Ekam-baram (2248 1340) or T.L. Ku-maramurthi (99625 81489).

The book is published byShree Vignesh & Co. (WestMambalam).

SpecialthirumanjanamtomorrowBy Our Staff Reporter

Sri Swathi NarasimhaMaha Yagna Trust (34/24,Venkatesan Street, T .Nagar)has organized special thiru-manjanam for the presidingdeities Lord Yagna Moorthyand Sri Mukkur LakshmiNarasimhchariar Swamy at9.30 a.m on Sunday, May 31on the occasion of LordNarsimhar’s swathi naksha-thram.

The presiding deities havearrived from Sri MattappalliNarasimhar Temple (AndhraPradesh) and will return onJune 6.

All are welcome.More details can be had in

phones in 2435 3704 and99400 85569.

Talk on ‘ThiruArutpa’ on TuesdayBy Our Staff Reporter

Under the auspicious ofVallalar Sanmarga Sangam(V.O.C Street, MGR Nagar, Ph:94453 43706), ArangaRamalingam will give adiscourse on ‘Thiru Arutpa –Jeevakaarunya Ozhukkam’on Tuesday, June 2, at 6 p.m inSakthi Vinayagar Temple(P.T. Rajan Salai, K.K. Nagar).

All are welcome.

Water for the thirstyBy Our Staff Reporter

Metrowater workershave installed a hugetank filled with drinkingwater for thirsty roadusers on the pavementoutside Fire & RescueStation, Ashok PillarRoad, Ashok Nagar.

A cup attached to thetank with a chain hasalso been provided.



MAMBALAM TIMES Page 5May 30 - June 5, 2015

By Our Staff ReporterM. V. Ramani (resident of 29,

Raju Naicken Street, WestMambalam and President ofJeevathma Kainkarya Trust.Ph: 98410 12779) hasauthored a book titled ‘SeniorCitizens’ Guide’ in associationwith Chennai City Police.

The book was released byJustice V. Ramasubramaniamof Madras High Court in a func-tion on May 23 in KamakshiHall, 44, Mahadevan Street,West Mambalam.

The first copy was receivedby P. Saravanan (DeputyCommissioner of Police, T.Nagar District) and Dr.Umamaheswari (former Addi-tional Secretary to Govern-ment on Higher Education).

The book is very useful forsenior citizens, school stu-dents, parents and the generalpublic. The book promotes theconcept of community policingto ensure not only a safe andsecure society, but also to reg-ister the active participationof people in every aspect ofpolicing, so as to make the citysafe.

It requests the public to co-operate in policing their ownsociety besides adhering to theinstructions contained in thebook meticulously, to prevent

Guide for senior citizens released

crime. The book lists ways toprotect school children, eldersresiding alone, prevent chitfund frauds, tips to prevent e-mail crime and avoid accidents,stresses on alertness neededwhile withdrawing money frombanks and ATMs. It cautionsabout forgery, breach of trust,job rackets etc. It lists the 30records that every family mustmaintain besides all telephonenumbers of South Zone PoliceDepartments. This is the firsttime that such a handy bookcontaining information usefulfrom children to elders inT.Nagar District has beenbrought out.

Ramani said that the seniorcitizens’ guide book was com-piled according to the direc-tions of Deputy Commissionerof Police, Assistant Commis-sioner of Police and Inspectorof Police (Law & Order, R3Ashok Nagar Police Station).Along with the book a seniorcitizens smart card contain-ing name, address, emergencytelephone numbers, bloodgroup, doctors, personal infor-mation, medicines and spacefor photograph has been pro-vided. This card should be car-ried by elders.

He said that the Trust isguided by R. Subramaniam

(Chairman of the Trust) forthe past 10 years. The Trust isinvolved in the disposal of uni-dentified and unclaimed deadbodies along with Police De-partment. The Trust plans toexpand its activities all over

Tamil Nadu. More than 400 senior citi-

zens who attended the meet-ing received the book andsmart card free of cost. Thoseinterested in the book andsmart card can contactRamani in person or in phone.

By Our StaffReporter

R. P. Krishnama-chari (ManagingDirector, Tex Bio-science Private Limi-ted, Textan House,75, 4th Avenue,Ashok Nagar) has

6 lakhs donated to Karuna Sagar

donated Rs. 6 lakhs to KarunaSagar (Palliative care centerfor terminally ill patients at158, 5th Cross Street, PallavanNagar, Maduravoyal) run byRMD Pain and Palliative CareTrust, T. Nagar.

The cheque was received byDr. Republica Sridhar (Mana-ging Trustee) on May 26.

The Trust takes care ofterminally ill cancer patientswith nobody for support.

These patients are routinelygiven pain killers.

Those interested in cele-brating special occasions withthe inmates will providepsychological support forthem.

Interested philanthropistscan contribute for foodexpenses by donating Rs. 2000for a day.

Donors may also contribute

with medicines anddiapers. Donationsfor ex-penses onother ac-tivities ofthe Trust are alsowelcome. Tax exem-ption is available forall donations.

Those who areinterested may contact phone93810 16588.

May 30 - June 5, 2015MAMBALAM TIMES CM


Page 6

Advertise in the Classified Columns: Mambalam-T. Nagar & Ashok Nagar- K.K. Nagar Editions: Rs. 400(upto 30 words); Bold letters: Rs. 600 Display: Rs. 240 per column centimeter. Advertisements will be received

upto 1 p.m on Friday.


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salwar kameez stitching fromJune 1. Regular classes onjewellery making, embroi-dery, kutch, cutwork, mirror,ribbon embroidery, paintings– fabric, 3D Kerala, Tanjore,worli, Madhubani, crochet.Ph: 99403 12650.


Vaasthu, Nameologyexpert “JyothishaRathna” Srimathi V.Akilandeswari, M.A.M.Phil. D.I.A. Specia-list in Palmistry,Astrology, Nameo-logy, Numerology,Marriage matching,Vaasthu and Sarva-muhurtha Nirnayam.Sri Raja RajeswariJathagalaya, No. 1,Kavarai Street, VijayShanti Apartment,West Mambalam, Ph:94441 51597, 9444997942, 94449 97946.


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Service (West Mambalam).We undertake catering formarriage, seemantham,nichayathartham, ayushy-ahomam, upanayanam,grahapravesam, sashtia-pthapoorthi, sathabishegamand birthday functions.Quality maintained. Ph:93805 36735, 93823 51712.

WE undertake catering forbirthdays, engagements,grahapravesams, seema-nthams, ayushyahomam,upanayanam, sathaabis-hekam, shashtiapthapurthi &marriage (A to Z), meals, tiffinminimum 50. Contact: K.Murali, Ph: 99416 26118.

SREE BALAJICATERING SERVICE, weundertake catering formarriage (A to Z), Upanaya-nam, Ayushomam, Seema-ntham, Nichyatharttam,Birthday, Grahapravesam,Sasthiapthapoorthi etc., weserve more than 16 items,price Rs. 200, tiffin Rs. 100(including service). Venkata-chari. Ph: 98841 10890.

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ted for all boards and PracharSabha exams in T. Nagar,near TTD. Crash course forspoken Hindi. Ph: 7418824950.

S A D H A N ACoaching Centre(Estd. 1979), GunturSubbiah School T.Nagar. Classes forstd. 9, 10, +1, +2 (allboards & subjects),Maths, Physics,Chemistry, BusinessMaths, Accountancy,Computer Science,English & French,Hindi. Ph: 9444059108, 98400 52853,94440 20232, 24340873.

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SARASWATHI TuitionCentre. Hindi classes areconducted for all boards andprachar sabha exams in CITNagar, next left from NandhiStatue, near P.N. Bank.Crash course for spokenHindi. Ph: 99523 52484.

E N G L I S Hspeaking course:Come, learn how totalk in English freelywithout fear, foradults, students andkids. Weekend orweek days clas-ses.Ph: 97909 12570.



WE arrange orthodox ladyBrahmin cooks & baby /patient care takers. Can alsobe arranged for other states.Contact: Sri Balaji Home Care(Regd.), T. Nagar. Ph: 9941446182, 4212 6035.


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N I S H A N T AKalakendra, 21,T h a n i k a c h a l a mRoad, T. Nagar,Guitar, keyboard,piano (Trinity coac-hing), Bharatnatyam– Salangai pooja andarangetram, veena,violin, westerndance, aerobics, newbatch, join imme-diately. Ph: 9500161555, 98401 80210.

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WE undertake Photoshopclasses at nominal fees.Weekend classes are alsoavailable. Individual attention,latest version, work book willbe given. Contact: M.Vignesh, Ph: 94443 01177.



No. 44, Madley 1st

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Advertise in theClassified

Columns ofMambalam

Times for immediate


WANTED young ladyassistants and teacher (+2 /graduate), with fluency inEnglish for a play school. Alsoteachers for drawing andpainting, chess, vocal,keyboard, computer,Western dance. Ayahs also.Ph: 2434 7669, 98846 86933.

WANTED male/lady hometutors for all subjects andstandards for an EducationalInstitute. Ph: 70928 99410.



GUEST house in Alwarpetrequires a computer literatelady in-charge, proficient inTally to manage all accountsupto finalization apart frommanaging guests, staffs,housekeeping maintenance,bank, petty cash and billing.Salary with food offered.Respond to [email protected] or Ph: 9790892156.

WANTED person to workin office of the association ofcollege students with visuallychallenged. Candidates withtyping knowledge in Tamil andEnglish, contact: ThakkarBaba Vidyalaya 58, Venkat-narayana Road, T.Nagar. Ph:2434 8628 / 97103 63258.


cushions repairing &reconditioning at verymoderate charges. Contact:K.N.S. Rajan, New No. 58,Peters Road, Royapettah.Ph: 93818 03956, 7667133233.

LETTERS TO THE EDITORInaction against rapid growth of encroachments in

public placesSir, Letters on the rapid growth encroachments in public places are

published regularly in Mambalam Times and other dailies. It isdisappointing to note that in spite of such public outcries, exceptsome knee-jerk action now and then, the civic authorities seem to beuninterested in seeking a tangible solution. Pedestrians are thebiggest sufferers as most of the pavements (some of which werewidened recently), especially in commercial areas, are completelyencroached upon either by the shops or by roadside vendors. Anothertype of encroachment is the unauthorised parking of vehicles onpavements and road margins. Some of the streets in West Mambalamwhich need immediate attention include Srinivasa Pillai Street,Arya Gowda Road, Station Road, LakeView Road and ThambiahRoad. Often the local politicians and department officials are hand inglove with the encroachers. I appeal to the authorities to take strictaction against the encroachers and find a permanent solution to theproblem to alleviate the hardship of the pedestrians and also to easetraffic on these roads.—R. Chandrasekaran, 108/14, Lake ViewRoad, West Mambalam

Do not submit PAN no. when booking train ticketsSir, This refers to our letter published in Mambalam Times

sometime ago regarding the dangers of revealing PAN carddetails while booking railway tickets as the same is not kept privateby Railways and printed in the reservation charts pasted on therailway bogies.

Our Association took up the issue with the Railways, and, in reply,the ‘Complaint Cell of IRCTC’, New Delhi, has written to us thathenceforth a system will be introduced so that only the last threedigits of the PAN card will be displayed in the reservation charts.

Notwithstanding the clarifications offered by the Railways asabove, wisdom is that one should not unnecessarily submit PAN asthe identity, when other options are available.—T. Nagar Resi-dents’ Welfare Association, 30 Rangan Street, T. Nagar.

ISKCON program in Mambalamon Saturdays

The International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISK-CON),Injambakkam, conducts ‘Bakthi Vriksha’ programs from 7 p.m to 9p.m on Saturdays at 28, South K. R. Koil Street, West Mam-balam.

The program includes bhajans, congregational chanting andBhagwad Gita classes. More details can be had in phone 2371 3606or from Ranga Krishna Das (2474 4900, 98400 27800).

All are welcome.

By K. FyrojaThe public toilet in Aandiappan Street, (Kasikulam, West

Mambalam) is ill-maintained and also misused. Corporation gar-bage tricycles are often parked there blocking the entrance. Anabandoned sofa was also found dumped at the spot. A resident alsocomplained that nearby vendors and residents also dump food wasteand garbage outside the toilet. Owing to intermittent water supply,the toilets stinks throughout the day, he added.

Misuse of public toilet in Kasikulam

SPECIAL CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTSClassified Advertisements under the heads Accommodation Required, Old Age Home, Marriage hall, Mini Hall, Real Estate Buying & Selling) and Rental will be publishedon this page. The charges are Rs. 500 (upto 30 words); Bold Rs. 750. Ashok Nagar - K.K. Nagar & Mambalam- T.Nagar Editions. Display: Rs. 240 per col. centimeter.

Each advertisement of Real Estate and Rental must relate to only one house / flat. Full Address with Door Number is must for Rental advertisement. Advertisement will be received upto 1.00 p.m on Friday.

May 30 - June 5, 2015 MAMBALAM TIMES CM


Page 7


Mahadevan Street (StateBank Building), 2 Halls –Kamakshi Mini Hall A/c (100guests), Kamakshi Hall A/c(200 guests). Ph: 4351 2233,4351 2556, 99404 54545,94450



WEST MAMBALAM,Subramanian Nagar, nearFive Lights, 3 bedrooms, hall,kitchen, 1250 sq.ft, UDS 650sq.ft, 3rd floor, lift, car park,price Rs. 1.15 crores. Ph:90801 64510.

K. K. NAGAR,Pillayar Koil Street,near Kasi Theatre, 2bedrooms, hall,kitchen, 884 sq.ft,semi furnished flat.Ph: 97104 43388,98947 96121.

T. NAGAR, Madley 2nd

Street, near Jain Collage, 2bedrooms, hall, kitchen, 970sq.ft, UDS 570 sq.ft, 3rd floor,lift, car park, furnished, 10years old. Ph: 99623 31847,4953 9836.

PAMMAL, 6th CrossStreet, Anna Nagar, NearVellankanni School, 1 km toGST Road & PallavaramStation, 2 bedrooms, hall,kitchen, 882 sq.ft, coveredcar park, price Rs.42 lakhs,loan arranged. Ph: 9500196445.

K. K. NAGAR, No. 45,LIG Flats, Rajamannar Salai,2 bedrooms, hall, kitchen, 810sq.ft, UDS 260 sq.ft, tilesflooring, immediateoccupation. Ph: 98403 67535.

GERUGAMBAKKAM,Visalakshi Nagar, near PSBBSchool & Arjun garden, 2bedrooms, hall, kitchen, 747sq.ft, covered car park,price Rs. 34 lakhs, loanarranged. Ph: 95001 96445.

WEST K.K. NAGAR,East Vanniar Street, behindPondichery Guest House, 2bedrooms, hall, kitchen, 700sq.ft, carpet areqa, 24 yearsold, 2-wheeler parking,immediate sale, price Rs. 32lakhs (negotiable). Ph: 9841658374.

PAMMAL, No. 11, AndalNagar, new, individual house,1200 sq.ft land, 2 bedrooms,hall, kitchen, covered car park,CMDA approved, bank loaneligible, price Rs. 55 lakhs(negotiable), no brokers. Ph:73053 44555.

MADIPAKKAM, Flat No.F2, ‘B’ Block, KwalityEnclaves, Plot No. 407, 2nd

Link Street, Sadasiva Nagar3rd Cross Street, near BusStand, 750 sq.ft, 2 bedrooms,hall, kitchen. Ph: 93805 72360.

T. NAGAR, HabbibullahRoad, Near North UsmanRoad Post Office, 4500 sq.ftland, 4000 sq.ft built-up area,old building, under vaathu.Contact: Babu, Ph: 9381030922.


15/3, R. K. Puram 2nd Street,2 bedrooms, hall, kitchen, 700sq.ft. Ph: 98403 13048.

WEST MAMBALAM, No.14-C, Srinivasa Iyengar 1st

Street, 2 bedrooms, hall,kitchen, 600 sq.ft, car park,rent Rs. 8000 (negotiable),vegetarian family / bachelors,no brokers. Ph: 93805 56756.

T. NAGAR, No. 19, SouthWest Boag Road, 1800 sq.ft,brand new, 3 bedrooms, hall,kitchen, ground floor, car park,vegetarians only, for corporateemployees, no brokers. Ph:98843 63748.

WEST MAM-BALAM, No. 37/1,Chakrapani StreetExtension, doublebedrooms, groundfloor, 2-wheelerparking, rent Rs.13000, Brahminsonly. Ph: 9381007596, 94980 38312.KODAMBAKKAM, New

No. 53, Old No. 46, Palaya-kara Street, near Ashok Nagar1st Main Road, spacious 2bedrooms, hall cum dining,1000 sq.ft, 3 balconies,automatic lift, brand newsuper deluxe ultra model flat,attached bathroom, coveredcar park, 24 hours water. Ph:87545 78694, 93813 55544.

WEST MAMBALAM, No.19, Vivekanandapuram, nearAyodhya Mandapam, 1bedroom, hall, kitchen, dining,ground floor, attachedbathroom, tiles flooring,woodwork, rent Rs. 8000,advance 5 months. Ph: 24333477, 98411 93685.

WEST MAMBALAM, No.14, Devan Colony, Muthal-amman Koil Street Extension,2 bedrooms, 1200 sq.ft,independent ground floor, 3phase, 2-wheeler parking, rentRs. 15000 (negotiable),advance 6 months, vegetar-ians only. Ph: 94446 86725.

WEST MAMBALAM, OldNo. 90, New No. 199,Subramanya Apartment, FlatNo. A-1, Lake View Road,near Bharathiram KalyanaMandapam, 3 bedrooms, hall,kitchen, 1000 sq.ft, 1st floor,lift, open car park, Brahminsonly. Ph: 077740 60752,097654 56344.

WEST MAM-BALAM, No. 28, GiriStreet, near SRMHospital, 2bedrooms, hall,kitchen, 705 sq.ft, 1st

floor, small vege-tarian family only, nobrokers. Ph: 9840789742, 94433 04562.WEST MAMBALAM, No.

10/22, Srinivasa Pillai Street,opposite Satya NarayanaTemple, 3 bedrooms, 1210sq.ft, 2nd floor, no lift, no carpark, geyser, new building,sufficient water, Brahminsonly. Ph: 99406 60313.

WEST MAMBALAM, No.47-B, Meena Apartment,B.R.P. 1st Street, near RailwayStation, 2 bedrooms, hall,kitchen, 1st floor, rent Rs.13500 (negotiable),vegetarians only, no brokers.Ph: 97890 13776.

WEST MAMBALAM, No.7/4, Janakiammal Street,single bedroom, hall, kitchen,about 500 sq.ft, 1st floor, 2-wheeler parking, rent Rs.11000, advance 10 months(negotiable), Brahmins only,no brokers. Ph: 2366 4434,98408 95919.

WEST MAMBALAM, OldNo. 3/1, New No. 11,Venkatraman Street, off.Govindhan Road, spaciousportion, 1st floor, good waterfacility, rent Rs. 9500,Brahmins only, no brokers.Ph: 98405 13200.

WEST MAMBALAM, No.18, Baroda Street, 2bedrooms, hall, kitchen, poojaroom, 850 sq.ft, ground floor,A/c, 3 toilets, 2-wheelerparking, rent Rs. 14000, non-vegetarians only. Ph: 9080164510.

WEST MAMBALAM, No.13/23, VasudevapuramStreet, 2 bedrooms, hall,kitchen, ground floor house,2-wheeler parking, Brahminsonly, no brokers. Ph: 8939906806, 89399 06078.

T. NAGAR, No. 2, MoosaStreet, 3 bedrooms, hall,modular kitchen, dining, poojaroom, 1500 sq.ft, individual2nd floor house, lift, amplewater, covered car park,strictly vegetarians, no pet.Ph: 98840 56334.

T. NAGAR, Old No. 26,New No. 30, MahalakshmiStreet, 2 bedrooms, hall,kitchen, ground floor, 2-wheeler parking, Brahminsonly. Ph: 98417 48757, 9841748756.

K. K. NAGAR, No. 205,42nd Street, opposite PadmaSeshadri School, 2bedrooms, hall, kitchen, 1st

floor, woodwork, covered carpark, Brahmins / vegetariansonly, no brokers. occupationfrom 1st July 2015. Ph: 9940079846, 97909 98713, 42029765.

KODAMBAKKAM, No. 9/4, United India Colony 3rd

Main Road, single bedroom,700 sq.ft, 1st floor, lift, 2attached bathroom, open carpark, rent Rs. 14000 +maintenance, smallvegetarian family / professionalbachelors. Ph: 97109 19158.

T. NAGAR, No. 25,Alacrity Flats, ThirumalaiRoad, between Hotel SabariInn & PSBB School, 2bedrooms, hall, kitchen, 1100sq.ft, 2nd floor, lift, open carpark. Ph: 98843 41396.

K. K. NAGAR, No. 557,17th Street, 4th Sector, nearPSBB School, 2 bedrooms,hall, kitchen, 800 sq.ft, 1st

floor, 24 hours water, 2-wheeler parking, vegetariansonly. Ph: 99403 12736, 9840742518.

WEST MAMBALAM, No.47, Babu Rajendra PrasadStreet, 2 bedrooms, hall,kitchen, 1st floor, rent Rs.12000. Ph: 80561 58090, 42033652.

WEST MAMBALAM, No.29/16, Mahadevan Street, 2bedrooms, hall, kitchen,ground floor, rent Rs. 15000,immediate occupation. Ph:80561 58090, 4203 3652.

T. NAGAR, No. 3,Chinnaih Street, near PSBBSchool, 3 bedrooms, hall,kitchen, 1240 sq.ft, groundfloor, attached bathroom, opencar park, Brahmins /vegetarians only, immediateoccupation. Ph: 98840 26806.

WEST MAMBALAM, No.9, Kailash Flats,Thiruvengadam Street, closeto Ayodhya Mandapam &Reliance, spacious 3bedrooms, 3rd floor, lift, opencar park, vegetarians only.Ph: 98409 43358, 4206 5245.

WEST MAMBALAM, No.30, Krishna Flat, Giri Street,near SRM Hospital, 2bedrooms, hall, kitchen, 800sq.ft, ground floor, semifurnished, separate 3 phaseEB, 2-wheeler parking, rentRs. 17000 + maintenance,advance 6 months, vege-tarians preferred, no brokers.Ph: 2472 7830, 90622 16506.

WEST MAMBALAM, No.14, Balakrishnamudali Street,2 bedrooms, hall, kitchen, 670sq.ft, 3rd floor, no lift, 2-wheelerparking, fully renovated, 24hours water, rent Rs. 14000,vegetarians only, no brokers.Ph: 94423 48689, 2362 3939.

ASHOK NAGAR, NewNo. 4, Old No. 5, 67th Street,11th Avenue, near Blue WaterTank, 1 bedroom, hall, kitchen,500 sq.ft, independent groundfloor house, rent Rs. 8000,family only, vegetarianpreferred. Ph: 96290 04592.

RANGARAJAPURAM,No. 14, AnushuyaStreet, near FiveLights, 2 bedrooms,hall, kitchen, dining,1st floor, 3 A/c, 24hours water, vege-tarians only. Ph: 28157328, 95661 93331. WEST MAMBALAM,

No. 35, Rukmani Street, 2bedrooms, hall, kitchen, 550sq.ft, 24 hours water, rent Rs.12000, Brahmins / vegetariansonly, no brokers & bachelors,call after 12 noon. Ph: 9380025418.

WEST MAMBALAM, No.1, Praveen Vetrivela Flats,Devanathan Colony, 2bedrooms, hall, kitchen, 765sq.ft, 1st floor flat, covered 2-wheeler parking, semifurnished, rent Rs. 12500,advance Rs. 75000, Brahmins/ vegetarians only. Ph: 9840557173.

WEST MAMBALAM, No.3/7, Thambiah Road, 2bedrooms, hall, kitchen, 966sq.ft, brand new flat, lift, semifurnished, covered car park,rent Rs. 23000 (negotiable),vegetarians, no brokers. Ph:99444 11268.

WEST MAMBALAM, No.17/39, Postal Colony 1st

Street, 2 bedrooms, hall,kitchen, 780 sq.ft, 2-wheelerparking, inverter, rent Rs.15000, occupation from 4th

June. Ph: 98410 91304,094471 84432.

WEST MAMBALAM, No.10, Perumal Koil Street, nearMettupalayam, 3 bedrooms,hall, kitchen, 1025 sq.ft,covered car park, rent Rs.17000, advance Rs. 1 lakh.Ph: 2489 9560.

WEST MAMBALAM, No.12, Burma KanagammalStreet, near Arya GowdaRoad, 2 bedrooms, hall,kitchen, 750 sq.ft, 2-wheelerparking, rent Rs. 13000. Ph:2489 9560.

ASHOK NAGAR, No. 18,1st Street, 12th Avenue, 3bedrooms, independentground floor house, allamenities, rent Rs. 25000.Ph: 98417 14157.

T. NAGAR, No. 8,Ramachandra Road, PondyBazaar, 2 bedrooms, big hall,semi modular kitchen, study& Pooja room, 1st floor,attached bathroom, 2-wheelerparking, rent Rs. 18000,vegetarians only. Ph: 9840619428, 2815 5227.

ASHOK NAGAR, Old No.29, Swaranalaya Flats, F-2,12th Street, opposite R3 PoliceStation, 1 bedrooms flat, rentRs. 7000, visit on Sunday.Contact: J.S. Prasad. Ph:98841 29087.

T. NAGAR, No. 13,Bagirathiammal Street, nearPadmaseshadri Holy AngelsVidyodaya, 1st floor, moderenflat, 3 bedrooms, splitac, 1300sq.ft, rent Rs. 32000, opencar park, vegetarians /Brahmins, no brokers. Ph:98410 74367.

WEST MAMBALAM, No.3/2, Krishnamurthy Street,near Mambalam RailwayStation, 2 bedrooms, hall,kitchen, ground floor, rent Rs.12000, Brahmins only. Ph:2223 6576, 98402 17721.

WEST MAMBALAM, No.30/55, Lakeview Road, nearStation Road, 2 bedrooms,balcony, 900 sq.ft, 1st floor, 2-wheeler parking only, Brahminonly. Ph: 2474 7125, 42019986.

KODAMBAKKAM, No.15, Nambiar Lane, 1350 sq.ft,2 bedrooms, hall, kitchen, fullyfurnished, 1 A/c, marbleflooring, ground floor, 2-wheeler parking, vegetariansonly. Ph: 80155 00446.

WEST MAMBALAM, No.20/32, JothiramalingamStreet, 2 bedrooms, hall,kitchen, covered car park,wood work, 2nd floor, 850 sq.ft,rent Rs. 15000, 24 hours water.Contact: Owner, Ph: 9962290310.

WEST MAMBALAM, No.16/11, Rajagopala ChettyStreet, ground floor, singlebedroom, western toilet, smallvegetarian family only, rentRs. 8000. Ph: 90945 69904.

WEST MAMBALAM, No.20, Manickam Street, nearRailway Station, 2nd floor, 1000sq.ft, rent Rs. 17000. Ph:98414 67463, 95511 55011.

WEST MAM-BALAM, No. 56/18,Adhikesava PerumalKoil Street, nearSrinivasa Theatre, 1bedroom apart-ment, hall, kitchen,attached bathroom,lease Rs. 4 lakhs. Ph:96291 56047.WEST SAIDAPET, No.

16/8, Hilarity Apartments,Central Excise Colony, brandnew flat, 1200 sq.ft, 3bedrooms, hall, kitchen, 1st

floor, covered car park, rentRs. 25000 (negotiable),vegetarians only. Contact:Surya Narayanan, Ph: 9941430049.

WEST MAMBALAM, No.30, Arya Gowda Road,surrounded by all schools, 900sq.ft, 2 bedrooms flat, 2nd

floor, A/c fittings, 2-wheelerparking, rent Rs. 14000(negotiable), 6 monthsadvance, pure vegetarians.Contact: Mohan, Ph: 9840727065.

T. NAGAR, Old No. 40/1,New No. 6, Sarojini Street, 2bedrooms, hall, kitchen, 1100sq.ft, 1st floor, independentportion, separate EB, 24 hourswater, covered car park, purevegetarians only. Ph: 9600150410.

T. NAGAR, No. 2,Mambalam High Road, nearKodambakkam RailwayStation, 2 bedrooms, lift, carpark, semi furnished, rent Rs.14000, small Brahmins family,visit on Saturday & Sunday,9 a.m to 6 p.m, no brokers,bank/company leasepreferred. Ph: 94442 81952.

T. NAGAR, No 4, Rama-chandra Street, near PanagalPark, ground floor portion, 1bedroom, hall, kitchen, 24hours water, 2-wheelerparking, rent Rs. 10000, 6months advance, smallvegetarians family/bachelors.Ph: 2814 2759, 87545 87693.

T.NAGAR, No. 28/2,Gopalakrishnan Street, nearNair Road, 1000 sq.ft, groundfloor, fully furnished, officespace, car park, computers &A/c. Ph: 99629 55835.

SAIDAPET, No. 3/7, Rajaji Street,between Arangana-than Subway andRailway Station, 2bedrooms, hall,kitchen, 1st floor,vegetarians only, 2-wheeler parking. Ph:98415 52857, 24898713.

WEST MAMBALAM, No.34/12, Baroda Street 3rd lane,single bedroom. Ph: 9789362714, 94446 51186.

WEST MAMBALAM, No.13, Arya Gowda Road,commercial/office space, 1st

floor. Ph: 94451 64077, 9940500514.

T. NAGAR, No. 21/12,Madley 1st Street, 3 bedrooms,hall, kitchen, 600 sq.ft, rentRs. 13000. Ph: 98401 23512,78711 47228.

ASHOK NAGAR, No. 19,69th Street, 12th Avenue, 900sq.ft, 2 bedrooms, hall,kitchen, 2nd floor, covered carpark, 24 hours water, rent Rs.12000. Ph: 95661 46956.

T. NAGAR, No. 37,Chinnaiah Street,near Sabari Hotel, 2bedrooms, hall,kitchen, 1150 sq.ft,1st floor, vegetarianonly. Ph: 9940665312. WEST MAMBALAM, Old

No. 3/7, New No. 7/7, PostalColony 3rd Street, singlebedroom flat, 2-wheelerparking, A/c, geyser,Brahmins only, no brokers.Ph: 99402 57609.

ASHOK NAGAR, No. 18,12th Avenue, near 11th AvenueTravancore Bank, 3bedrooms, hall, kitchen, 1st

floor, new house, tiles, vaasthu,road side balcony, coveredcar park, rent Rs. 25000, 6months advance. Contact:Mani, Ph: 95513 28853, 9043940898.

KODAMBAKKAM,39, PasumarthyStreet, 950 sq.ft, 3bedrooms, newlyrenovated, groundfloor apartment,rent Rs. 18000,vegetarians only, nobrokers, Ph: 24834160, 94443 27221.WEST MAMBALAM, No.

4/5, Niroopa Flat, SampangiStreet, near Kittu Park, 1st

floor, 2 bedrooms flat, rentRs. 13000, vegetarians only.Contact: Ramachandran, Ph:98841 90859, 72993 64705.

WEST MAM-BALAM, 7/4, LICColony, 1276 sq.ft, 2bedrooms, hall,kitchen, semifurnished, 1st floor,rent Rs. 20000.vegetarians only, nobrokers, Ph: 8939840239.

Discourses on ‘SaisathSaritha’

Under the auspices of Sri Shirdi Sai MeditationMandir (6, Sarojini Street, T. Nagar) there arediscourses on ‘Sri Saisath Saritha’ at 6.30 p.m onSundays in its premises.

T. Thiruvalluvan (Founder) told MambalamTimes that mass spiritual healing is conducted at7.30 p.m on Thursdays and Sundays.

All are welcome.More details can be had in phones 2643 2323,

4212 5118 and 94444 53777.

May 30 - June 5, 2015MAMBALAM TIMES CM


Page 8

Edited & Published by K.S. Ramakrishnan. Office: 7/3, Madley Road, T. Nagar, Chennai 17. Ph: 2434 9236, 2431 39 37. Printed by Ramesh Adityan at Powerfull Printers, 74, Kannappan Street, Aminijikarai, Chennai 29.

By Our Staff ReporterUnder the Swachh Bharat

Abhiyan campaign, membersof Janani Foundation (anNGO), in association withThozhan, Sirpam Foundationand local residents, undertookcleaning of Manoharan Street(T. Nagar) on May 24.

25 volunteers aged from 6 to80+ participated in the cam-paign. The residents providedrefreshments to the volun-teers. The residents also tookup a pledge to regularly cleanthe streets.

Any residential associationswishing to conduct such cam-paigns in their colonies maycall 99626 05496.

Volunteers clean Manoharan Street

By Our Staff ReporterKS Academy (44, Arya

Gowda Road, West Mamba-lam) will conduct a ‘CA-CPTModel Exam’ on Sunday, June7, in St. John’s Senior Secon-dary School (Mandaveli).

The exam has beenstructured according to theICAI pattern to give a feel ofthe real exam. The results willbe announced in an hour afterthe exam.

A faculty member said thatthe model exam will be aconfidence booster for takingthe main exams which arescheduled to commence in aweek. Additionally, the answerkit will also be provided alongwith the results for the studentsto assess their mistakes andcorrect them.

The first rank holder will beawarded a DD for Rs. 9,000 infavour of ICAI (for IPCCregistration) along with 50%fee concession at KS Academy.Attractive rewards will also bepresented to the second andthird rank holders.

Students interested inparticipating need to registerin advance. For registrationand other details, contact KSAcademy at 98844 81554 /98845 16369

KS Academy, which wasstarted in 2010, offers coaching

KS Academy to conduct ‘CA-CPTModel Exam’ next Sunday

for CA-CPT, CA Inter and CAFinal exams. It has mentoreda number of successful can-didates including toppers in thepast.

It provides state-of-the-artinfrastructure, well resear-ched study material andeminent faculty to groom thestudents for the exam.

Awards for women entrepreneurs

By Our Staff Reporter3-Edges Organization (Lake

View Road, West Mambalam)felicitated more than 50 tal-

ented youths and women en-trepreneurs from various fieldsin a function in Kumaran Anu-graha Mandapam, Arya Gow-da Road, West Mambalam lastweek.

They were presented awardsby V. P. Kalairajan (T. Nagar,MLA). N. Chenbaharaman(former Inspector General ofPolice), K. R. Sadagopal (VicePresident, Shriram Life Insur-ance) and others were present.

T. Thara (Program Orga-nizer) said that the awardeesincluded specialists in handi-crafts, those involved in socialand cultural activities, andthose with special talents.

‘Tobaccode-addiction’ campaignat Mambalam Stationtomorrow

On account of ‘World NoTobacco Day’, Rajayoga Medi-tation Center, in associationwith Southern Railway, willhold a campaign on ‘Tobaccorelated health issues andmethods on de-addiction’ onSunday, May 31, from 10 a.mto 6 p.m at MambalamRailway Station.

There will be a pictorialexhibition, multimedia pre-sentations and street plays tocreate awareness about thepotential heath hazards ofconsuming tobacco.

All are welcome.

Welfare Trust jointly felicitatedB. Bakhyasri (Std. 9, Velam-mal School, Mogappair) forparticipating in the ‘Cancer

Felicitated for participating in cancerawareness campaign

Lions Club of Chennai Town(District 324 A8, functioningin VGP Complex, AshokNagar) and Parivu Social

Awareness Rally’ from Chen-nai to Kanyakumari whichstarted from Quaid-e-MillathGovernment Women’s ArtsCollege, Anna Salai on May 27.

The program was inaugu-rated by Justice P. Jothimani.K. R. Seethalakshmi (Princi-pal, Quaid-e-Millath College),Dr. G. Manilal (Founder, LionsClub of Chennai Town and PastDistrict Governor), S. Sakthi-vel (President), Sindhaivasan(Secretary), J, Vitto Placka(Lions International Seniormember), V. Ramamoorthy(Cabinet Treasurer), B. Gana-pathy (Region Chairman) andother club members werepresent.

Manilal said that the clubsupported Bakhyasri byproviding basic amenities forthe campaign. She and theothers participating in the rallywill raise slogans, distributepamphlets and involvethemselves in other activities.

Bakhyasri is a child prodigywho has memorised the namesof English medicines for morethan 1000 diseases.

More details can be had inphone 98410 23472.

Samashti Gayathrihomam in SankaraMutt tomorrow

The monthly ‘SamashtiGayathri homam’ will be per-formed on Sunday, May 31, at6 a.m in Sankara Mutt (WestMambalam).

For more details, contact R.Sridharan Iyer at 9841097300. All are welcome.