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179 Literaturverzeichnis Adams, G. A./Jex, S. M. (1999), Relationships between Time Management, Control, Work– Family Conflict, and Strain, Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 4, 1, 72-77. Adkins, C. L./Premeaux, S. F. (2012), Spending Time: The Impact of Hours Worked on Work- Family Conflict, Journal of Vocational Behavior, 80, 2, 380-389. Albaum, G. S./Evangelista, F./Medina, N. (1998), Role of Response Behavior Theory in Sur- vey Research: A Cross-National Study, Journal of Business Research, 42, 2, 115-125. Allen, T. D. (2001), Family-Supportive Work Environments: The Role of Organizational Per- ceptions, Journal of Vocational Behavior, 58, 3, 414-435. Allen, T. D./Herst, D. E. L./Bruck, C. S./Martha, S. (2000), Consequences Associated with Work-to-Family Conflict: A Review and Agenda for Future Research, Journal of Occupation- al Health Psychology, 5, 2, 278-308. Allen, T. D./Johnson, R. C./Kiburz, K. M./Shockley, K. M. (2013), Work-Family Conflict and Flexible Work Arrangements: Deconstructing Flexibility, Personnel Psychology, 66, 2, 345- 376. Allen, T. D./Kiburz, K. M. (2012), Trait Mindfulness and Work-Family Balance among Work- ing Parents: The Mediating Effects of Vitality and Sleep Quality, Journal of Vocational Be- havior, 80, 2, 372-379. Allen, T. D./Shockley, K. M./Poteat, L. F. (2008), Workplace Factors Associated with Family Dinner Behaviors, Journal of Vocational Behavior, 73, 2, 336-342. Allison, P. D. (2003), Missing Data Techniques for Structural Equation Modeling, Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 112, 4, 545-557. Ammons, S. K. (2013), Work-Family Boundary Strategies: Stability and Alignment between Preferred and Enacted Boundaries, Journal of Vocational Behavior, 82, 1, 49-58. M. Raida, Die Vereinbarkeit von Arbeit und Familie von Führungskräften, Neue Perspektiven der marktorientierten Unternehmensführung, DOI 10.1007/978-3-658-11833-4, © Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden 2016

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Adams, G. A./Jex, S. M. (1999), Relationships between Time Management, Control, Work–Family Conflict, and Strain, Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 4, 1, 72-77.

Adkins, C. L./Premeaux, S. F. (2012), Spending Time: The Impact of Hours Worked on Work-Family Conflict, Journal of Vocational Behavior, 80, 2, 380-389.

Albaum, G. S./Evangelista, F./Medina, N. (1998), Role of Response Behavior Theory in Sur-vey Research: A Cross-National Study, Journal of Business Research, 42, 2, 115-125.

Allen, T. D. (2001), Family-Supportive Work Environments: The Role of Organizational Per-ceptions, Journal of Vocational Behavior, 58, 3, 414-435.

Allen, T. D./Herst, D. E. L./Bruck, C. S./Martha, S. (2000), Consequences Associated with Work-to-Family Conflict: A Review and Agenda for Future Research, Journal of Occupation-al Health Psychology, 5, 2, 278-308.

Allen, T. D./Johnson, R. C./Kiburz, K. M./Shockley, K. M. (2013), Work-Family Conflict and Flexible Work Arrangements: Deconstructing Flexibility, Personnel Psychology, 66, 2, 345-376.

Allen, T. D./Kiburz, K. M. (2012), Trait Mindfulness and Work-Family Balance among Work-ing Parents: The Mediating Effects of Vitality and Sleep Quality, Journal of Vocational Be-havior, 80, 2, 372-379.

Allen, T. D./Shockley, K. M./Poteat, L. F. (2008), Workplace Factors Associated with Family Dinner Behaviors, Journal of Vocational Behavior, 73, 2, 336-342.

Allison, P. D. (2003), Missing Data Techniques for Structural Equation Modeling, Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 112, 4, 545-557.

Ammons, S. K. (2013), Work-Family Boundary Strategies: Stability and Alignment between Preferred and Enacted Boundaries, Journal of Vocational Behavior, 82, 1, 49-58.

M. Raida, Die Vereinbarkeit von Arbeit und Familie von Führungskräften, Neue Perspektiven der marktorientierten Unternehmensführung,DOI 10.1007/978-3-658-11833-4, © Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden 2016

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