Learnings evangeline clemente

SCHOOL TO WORK TRANSITION Learnings Evangeline M. Clemente 23 August 2013

Transcript of Learnings evangeline clemente


Evangeline M. Clemente 23 August 2013


1. In many ways, I learned how important it is to be open.

• To look at things in new light and have fresh eyes for opportunities

• To welcome criticisms, positive or negative, for improvement

2. I learned how important it is to reach out to the stakeholders, to empathize and define problems and solutions with their inputs and participation, for better results. To quote one of the readings (paraphrased), “the best solution addresses the underlying problem that makes the customer identify their suggestion as the solution.”

3. I learned that prototypes get better if I don’t get too attached to it; if I test it and improve until it’s making good impact.

Design Thinking : Process Map


Use prototyping tools Keep it small Test on many stakeholders

and secure feedback

Improve and test again until you get positive impact or

the results you want


Turn off internal censors, go for quantity Include blue sky ideas


Assess the problem from the stakeholder’s view using the “Say,

Do, Think, Feel” contexts

Include significant considerations that may be affecting the

stakeholder’s contexts Define the problem broadly

Reflection 1. This course really helped me improve my analytical and planning

skills for projects. I will definitely be using my Prototype # 2 (next slide) to help my kids be better persons and to help them in the school-to-work transition. I think that the course and design thinking further emphasizes that we should always look out for improvement and create positive impact. With some tweaks, I might even be able to evolve my prototype for use in the work environment.

2. At work, I face the challenge of contributing to and driving core and adjacent innovations. In both aspects, the concepts taught from Empathize and Define, Ideate, Prototype and Test will help me improve and deliver value from innovative ideas. While most corporations are naturally averse to failure, design thinking opened up my eyes on how we can make sure that such risks are minimized by prototyping and testing. It has helped me to look at failure in a positive light as it contributes to the improvement of a product or idea.

Prototype 2 for Idea #2 : Road Maps for Life Life Stages

(in years) Things to Map








Things to Map What could go

wrong; risks Plans A,B,C

Items in Things to Map may be worked out with parents

Items in Things to Map may be worked out solely by individual

Legends and Notes:

* Frequency of review and updating : semi-annual (include a regular scan of external developments and trends to spot opportunities for improvement or recalibration of Plans)


Thank you!

Evangeline M. Clemente