Jurding Jiwa Ind

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  • 7/26/2019 Jurding Jiwa Ind





    Ardakani SMY, et al, 2013, Journal Addictio

    Research Thera!", S#

  • 7/26/2019 Jurding Jiwa Ind



    Iran has a dru' a(use histor" o) se*eral thousand "ears+ Since 00 "ears enacted la-s (annin' o!iu. ha*e sho-n !oliticians/ lon' eisted concernrele*ant conseuences+

    ro-in' trend o) dru' a(use in toda"/s -orld as -ell as its i.!osed econcultural, and social eor(itant costs on co..unities, ha*e raised .an" ca.on' states and international or'aniations to the etent that Anti4%ru'announced that5 6addiction is considered as one of the or!d fo"r c

    iss"es and crisis7

    Accordin' to 8a!lan &o.!rehensi*e Tet(ook o) 9s"chiatr", in a su!er:ciaddiction #dr"$-de%endence; is caused as a res"!t of cons"&in$ a ss"(stance fo!!oin$ an a("sed cons"&%tion %attern

  • 7/26/2019 Jurding Jiwa Ind


    Since 1H$ re!laced the ter. 6Addiction7 -ith 6$!ioid4%e!endenc"7

    %e!endenc" i.!lies? (eha*ioral or !s"cholo'ical de!endenc", as -ell as sde!endenc"

    Addiction and !s"cholo'ical disorders ha*e (ilateral correlation+ eneralisocial !ho(ia, and de!ression disorders increase the likelihood o) risk" (eh

    8a!lan? 30 @ =0 o) o!ioid4addicts !artici!ants in *arious studies -ere dia

    -ith antisocial !ersonalit" disorder -hile such :'ure in other sa.!le 'rou!!ercent

    Mr+ Bester )ro. US? on 13# students )ound that recreational dru' a(use is -ith i.!ulsi*e (eha*ior, hi'h de!ression test scores, .ania, and aniet"

    Cased on such nota(le result it .ust not (e e!ected that !s"chiatric disoreDect on lon' ter. o!ioid4de!endent indi*iduals+

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    This stud" ai.s to assess (eha*ioral and !s"chiatric characteristics o) th-ho ha*e re)erred to reha(ilitation centers, hence to identi)" and conducnecessar" re.edial .easures+

  • 7/26/2019 Jurding Jiwa Ind



    &ross4sectional stud"

    Su(Fect? 110 o!ioid4addicts alon' -ith their 110 )a.il" .e.(ers+ 9atients -ere)ollo-in' a rando. cluster sa.!lin' .ethod -ithin 22 reha(ilitation clinics -his!read o*er Yad cit" *arious districts+ These indi*iduals -ere rando.l" selectesi.ilar de.o'ra!hic characteristics Ga'e, 'ender, education;

    Inclusion? at least orientation !ri.ar" school education le*el and their treat.en(e co..enced -ithin less than t-o -eeks ti.e

    Research tool ? S&B4

  • 7/26/2019 Jurding Jiwa Ind



  • 7/26/2019 Jurding Jiwa Ind



    9atient 'rou! assess.ent?

    4A'e ran'e 1 to < in all the do&ains scored the hi$hest ecludin' ainter!ersonal sensiti*it" in -hich, a'e ran'e 1 to 0 had the hi'hest

    49s"chiatric disorders !re*alence in o!ioid4addict !atients had no si'ni:cacorrelation -ith their a'e G!0+0;

    Re)erence 'rou! assess.ent?


  • 7/26/2019 Jurding Jiwa Ind



    9s"chiatric disorders assess.ent -ithin !atients/ 'rou!?

    4>o.en had hi'her a*era'e scores in all the nonu!le !s"chiatric disordeecludin' aniet" do.ain G!aniet"0+0#; and a''ression G!a'ression

    Re)erence 'rou!?

    4Men/s !aranoia and !s"chosis do.ains a*era'e scores -ere hi'her thannot signifcantly

    -So.atiation G!so.atiation0+01; and aniet" G!aniet"0+03; -o.en scor

    statisticall" si'ni:cant

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    Marital status

    9atients/ 'rou!? hi'her a*era'e score )or sin$!es no si'ni:cant discre!a

    Re)erence 'rou!? hi'her a*era'e scores )or &arriedsu(Fects in all the do)urther.ore5 in so.atiation G!so.atiationL0+0001;, aniet" G!aniet"a''ression G!a'ression0+02

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    9atients/ 'rou!? no si'ni:cant discre!anc" in an" o) the do.ains G!0+0

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    Main su(stance? o!iu. 2 su(Fects GK+2;, the least? o!iu. sa! < G#+2;

    30 su(Fects G2K+2;? heroin, 1< su(Fects G1K+2;? 1 su(stance

    9atients/ 'rou!?

    4&onsu.e onl" o!iu. ha*e hi'her a*era'e scores on so.atiation, o(sesco.!ulsi*e, de!ression, aniet", and !aranoia

    4In other do.ains, .ulti!le dru' had hi'her scores co.!ared to all

    -No si$ni'cant corre!ation (eteen %s*chiatric disorders and thes"(stanceG!0+0;

  • 7/26/2019 Jurding Jiwa Ind


    %ru' a(use duration? .a 21 "ears and .in = .onths Ga*era'e o+K "ears;

    041 "ear? hi'her scores in all the assessed nonu!le !s"chiatric dis10411 "ears? had hi'her a*era'e scores on de!ression do.ain

    9s"chiatric disorders !re*alence in !atients had no si'ni:cant cor-ith dru' a(use duration G!0+0;

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    Totall", o!ioid4de!endent %atients/ a*era'e scores in all the assessed do.ains-ere hi$herthan their )a.il" .e.(ers, ho-e*er5 on so.atiation, o(sessi*e4co.!ulsi*e, inter!ersonal sensiti*it", de!ression, and aniet" the discre!ancies-ere staticall" si'ni:cant GTa(le 3;+

  • 7/26/2019 Jurding Jiwa Ind



    9re*alence o) o(sessi*e4co.!ulsi*e, so.atiation, and inter!ersonal sensitide!ression, and aniet" disorders in o!ioid4addict !atients is si'ni:cantl" hitheir )a.il" .e.(ers

    The .ost co..on disorder in (oth !atient and re)erence 'rou!s -as so.at

    The least co..on disorder -as !aranoia in !atient 'rou! and !ho(ia in re)e'rou!

    $!ioid4addict -o.en indicated si'ni:cantl" hi'her aniet" and a''ression cto .en

    None o) characteristics such as5 education, .arital status, a'e, dru' t"!e, aduration had su(stantial eects on o!ioid4addict !s"chiatric disorders !re*a

    Ourther studies )ound de!ression as the .ost co..on o!ioid4addict !atientho-e*er5 the !resent stud" ranked de!ression as the second co..on disor

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    >o.en *s .en

    In this stud"? !re*alence o) aniet" and a''ression in -o.en o) !atients si'ni:cantl" hi'her than .en

    Jaco(s? !re*alence o) all nonu!le !s"chiatric disorders in -o.en is si'ni:hi'her than .en

    $n the other? aniet" and a''ression in nor.al !o!ulation is co..on in

    -e cannot sa" eactl" that !s"chiatric disorders in -o.en is hi'her due


    )urther studies -ith lar'er sa.!les are reuired

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    %ru' a(use duration

    Bester et al+ and Poheir4Aldin et al+ ? dru' a(use duration doesn/t ha*e si'inDuence on !s"chiatric disorders !re*alence

    Ho-e*er, seen that the lo-er the duration, the hi'her the disorders !re*a

    9resent stud"? shorter the duration, the hi'her the a*era'e scores, de!reecluded no si'ni:cant discre!anc"

    Bon' ter. dru' a(use de*elo!s kind o) ada!ta(ilit" in an indi*idual and

    !s"chiatric disorders

  • 7/26/2019 Jurding Jiwa Ind


    $ther su!!ortin' researches? !s"chiatric disorders !re*alence in o!ioid4a!atients has no si'ni:cant correlation -ith education, a'e and dru' t"!e

    ha)arinehad et al+? ha*e conducted an analo'" (et-een

  • 7/26/2019 Jurding Jiwa Ind


    $!ioid4addict !atients had hi'her !s"chiatric disorders !re*alence than t.e.(ers in all the assessed nonu!le do.ains

    Re'ardin' the deter.inin' role o) !s"chiatric diseases on o!ioid4addict !treat.ent results, it is necessar" to take into consideration and treat suc!s"chiatric disorders so to achie*e a success)ul re.ed"

    $n the other hand, since !s"chiatric disorders !re*alence, such as de!rea.on' )a.il" .e.(ers is an eecti*e )actor to-ard dru' tendenc" and s

    !atients/ )a.il" .e.(ers li*e -ith the )ello- !atient, hence access to drue!oses the. to hi'her dru' tendenc" risk co.!ared to the others, therereco..ended that treat.ent !ro'ra.s )or !atients/ )a.il" .e.(ers to (in the )ra.e-ork o) care centers+

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    A hi'her !s"chiatric disorders !re*alence a.on' the !atients co.!ared t)a.il" .e.(ers can (e e!lained in a -a" that their tendenc" to-ard drto their !s"chiatric !ro(le.s and since dru' a(use also de*elo!s !s"chia!ro(le.s, there)ore5 )urther studies is reco..ended to e!lain the .ain such hi'h disorder rate a.on' the !atients+