July—August, 2019 Winds of the Spirit · 1. “I’m sorry this happened to you.” 2. “That...

Dear Friends in Christ, As we move through the season of Easter and approach the celebration of Pentecost, it is always a good idea to get reacquainted with the third per- son of Trinity. The Holy Spirit is not often talked about because he is al- ways behind the scenes but make no mistake he is central to God’s mission of salvation and the Kingdom. So who is he? There are many places in scripture where we can learn about the Holy Spirit but the two most direct places are Jesus’ farewell discourse to his disciples in John 14-17 and the Acts of the Apostles. Because the book of Acts is so big, I will look mainly at the words from John but if you have time you should pick up the Book of Acts and read through it. It is a blast! So,,,Who is the Holy Spirit? What does he do? What does that mean for us? Who is the Holy Spirit? Jesus tells his disciples in John’s Gospel that the Holy Spirit will come after he ascends to the Father and that the Spirit will be their “Helper” or “Comforter”. He is also called the “Spirit of Truth” and is sent from Jesus and the Father. We can look throughout scripture and see the Holy Spirit at work wherever God is at work. In the early Church disciples began to recognize that the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit always seemed to be working together to accomplish the things of God. This led to deeper revelations regarding the Trinity and the knowledge that the Holy Spirit is part of the Godhead. He is equal to the Father and the Son. What does he do? Jesus tells his disciples on that final night that the Holy Spirit will come and abide within us, teaching us all things, reminding us of all of Jesus’ teachings, glorifying Christ, and empowering us to witness to Christ as well. What the Holy Spirit does can never be understated because he is the very presence of God dwelling within us and among us. He is the Spirit who raised Christ from the dead and who leads us into all truth. He searches the mind of God and as we grow in relationship with the Holy Spirit we are brought into that same mind (1 Cor. 2: 6-16). What does all of this mean for us? The main work of the Holy Spirit is to bring us help and comfort in our Christian walk toward sanctification. As we say yes to Jesus, we turn away from an old life that was set in the crum- bling reality of the world and we turn toward a ever renewing reality that is set in the Kingdom of God. It is difficult learning how to live in a new reality and we need help. The Holy Spirit guides us in this path of transfor- mation. He sets up camp within us so that we grow steadily in God’s pres- ence, wisdom and love. The Spirit that we have been given is one “of power and love and discipline” (2 Tim. 1:7). If we surrender to God’s Spirit we say yes to holiness and becoming more like Christ. And so, we should be pray- ing in the Spirit as scripture says and also asking fervently for the gifts of the Spirit. It is by the power of the Spirit that we are called to live and operate. There is so much more that we could say about the Holy Spirit but if there was only one thing to say about him it is that we need him. Jesus tells Nico- demus in John 3:5 that “unless one is born of water and the Spirit he can- not enter into the Kingdom of God”. It is by the Spirit that we are born again into a new creation and God begins his great restorative work within us. So let us pray to be born again from above and then let us also pray to be used by the Spirit that all that we do may testify to the glory of God in Jesus Christ. May you have a blessed Easter season and a Happy Pentecost. Amen. In Christ, Reverend Rob July—August, 2019 Lindenwald UMC . . . a Stephen Ministry Church Our Mission Statement: The LUMC exists to make disciples! Winds of the Spirit

Transcript of July—August, 2019 Winds of the Spirit · 1. “I’m sorry this happened to you.” 2. “That...

Page 1: July—August, 2019 Winds of the Spirit · 1. “I’m sorry this happened to you.” 2. “That sounds so hard.” 3. “ I’m here and I’m listening.” A caring word spoken

Dear Friends in Christ,

As we move through the season of Easter and approach the celebration of

Pentecost, it is always a good idea to get reacquainted with the third per-

son of Trinity. The Holy Spirit is not often talked about because he is al-

ways behind the scenes but make no mistake he is central to God’s mission

of salvation and the Kingdom. So who is he?

There are many places in scripture where we can learn about the Holy

Spirit but the two most direct places are Jesus’ farewell discourse to his

disciples in John 14-17 and the Acts of the Apostles. Because the book of

Acts is so big, I will look mainly at the words from John but if you have time

you should pick up the Book of Acts and read through it. It is a blast!

So,,,Who is the Holy Spirit?

What does he do?

What does that mean for us?

Who is the Holy Spirit? Jesus tells his disciples in John’s Gospel that the

Holy Spirit will come after he ascends to the Father and that the Spirit will

be their “Helper” or “Comforter”. He is also called the “Spirit of Truth” and

is sent from Jesus and the Father. We can look throughout scripture and

see the Holy Spirit at work wherever God is at work. In the early Church

disciples began to recognize that the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit

always seemed to be working together to accomplish the things of God.

This led to deeper revelations regarding the Trinity and the knowledge

that the Holy Spirit is part of the Godhead. He is equal to the Father and the


What does he do? Jesus tells his disciples on that final night that the Holy

Spirit will come and abide within us, teaching us all things, reminding us of

all of Jesus’ teachings, glorifying Christ, and empowering us to witness to

Christ as well. What the Holy Spirit does can never be understated because

he is the very presence of God dwelling within us and among us. He is the

Spirit who raised Christ from the dead and who leads us into all truth. He

searches the mind of God and as we grow in relationship with the Holy

Spirit we are brought into that same mind (1 Cor. 2: 6-16).

What does all of this mean for us? The main work of the Holy Spirit is to

bring us help and comfort in our Christian walk toward sanctification. As

we say yes to Jesus, we turn away from an old life that was set in the crum-

bling reality of the world and we turn toward a ever renewing reality that

is set in the Kingdom of God. It is difficult learning how to live in a new

reality and we need help. The Holy Spirit guides us in this path of transfor-

mation. He sets up camp within us so that we grow steadily in God’s pres-

ence, wisdom and love. The Spirit that we have been given is one “of power

and love and discipline” (2 Tim. 1:7). If we surrender to God’s Spirit we say

yes to holiness and becoming more like Christ. And so, we should be pray-

ing in the Spirit as scripture says and also asking fervently for the gifts of

the Spirit. It is by the power of the Spirit that we are called to live

and operate.

There is so much more that we could say about the Holy Spirit but if there

was only one thing to say about him it is that we need him. Jesus tells Nico-

demus in John 3:5 that “unless one is born of water and the Spirit he can-

not enter into the Kingdom of God”. It is by the Spirit that we are born

again into a new creation and God begins his great restorative work within

us. So let us pray to be born again from above and then let us also pray to

be used by the Spirit that all that we do may testify to the glory of God in

Jesus Christ.

May you have a blessed Easter season and a Happy Pentecost.


In Christ,

Reverend Rob

July—August, 2019

Lindenwald UMC . . . a Stephen Ministry Church

Our Mission Statement: The LUMC exists to make disciples!

Winds of the Spirit

Page 2: July—August, 2019 Winds of the Spirit · 1. “I’m sorry this happened to you.” 2. “That sounds so hard.” 3. “ I’m here and I’m listening.” A caring word spoken


Feeding the Body & Soul Community Meal offers

a free meal to those who may be hungry and

have no food. This meal is free and open to the

public and will be served from 5:00 to 6:30pm

on Saturday, July 20th & August 17th. Our

food pantry is also open during those hours

and bags of groceries are given to those in at-

tendance. Transportation is available, if need-



Upcoming dates for the Prayer Drive-Thru is

July 11th & August 8th from 4:30 to 6:00pm

(weather permitting), when we open our park-

ing lot to our community for drive thru prayer.

As you're driving home, stop in and our prayer

team will listen to your request and pray with

you. Volunteers are always needed. Call Freda

Halderman at 513-829-2375 if you’d like to



The Church would like to thank everyone who

faithfully donates food to our pantry each and

every week. Your generosity allows us to contin-

ue this important ministry to feed those in need

in our community. You are greatly appreciated.

Thank You!

Upper Room Prayer Line

Effective May, 2019, there have been some changes

to the Upper Room Prayer Line. Please see the at-

tachment in this newsletter for directions on ac-

cessing the prayer line on your computer or phone.


Genesis Circle—Meeting on July 9th and August 13th

(locations to be determined.).

Mizpah Circle—No meetings in July or August,

UMM Meeting - Meeting on Saturday, July 13th and August

10th @ 9:00 am—Perkins Restaurant in Fairfield.


There are many committees within LUMC that are seeking vol-

unteers to help throughout the year. Please contact the person

at the number listed to see how you can help.

Fundraising Committee: Matt Hoffman @ 513-919-1981

Van Drivers: Ed Gebhart @ 513-266-8605

Nursery/Youth: Lisa Gebhart @ 513-203-3587

Community Meal: Carrie Titus @ 513-235-0733


July 4th: 4th of July Parade; Downtown Hamilton; 10:00am

Visit the Amaizing Grace Kettle Corn Booth, located by the old


July 8th—12th: SummerShine Vacation Bible School at LUMC

from 12:00noon—3:00pm.

July 12th: Youth/Teens Program “Shipwrecked” - LUMC Sanc-

tuary @ 3:00pm. All are invited.

August 1st, 2nd & 3rd: World’s Longest Yard Sale—LUMC

Parking Lot—8:00am. Concessions will be available.

Page 3: July—August, 2019 Winds of the Spirit · 1. “I’m sorry this happened to you.” 2. “That sounds so hard.” 3. “ I’m here and I’m listening.” A caring word spoken


When someone you know is hurting, it can be tough to know

what to say. There is no magic formula, but here are three

caring phrases that can make a difference:

1. “I’m sorry this happened to you.”

2. “That sounds so hard.”

3. “ I’m here and I’m listening.”

A caring word spoken with sincerity, a smile, an attitude of “I

SEE YOU” can make a difference in someone’s life who is

experiencing difficulties. We are all caregivers in some form

or another to others. Caregiving can, also, be in the form of a

planned, one-to-one caring relationship between a person

who is hurting and a trained Stephen Minister.

Since 1996, Lindenwald UMC has been offering STEPHEN

MINISTRY training classes for those members who have a

calling into a deeper Christian caring ministry. These folks

are STEPHEN MINISTERS and are available to meet on a

regular, one-to-one basis, for as long as necessary, with any-

one who is hurting. If you are interested in this rewarding

opportunity, please contact Neil or Julia Hayes @ 867-1027,

Nancy McCormick @ 374-3179 or Pastor Rob @ 863-8822

for more information.


The Missions Committee will be collecting school supplies

now through July. They will be given to the elementary

schools in Lindenwald. Here is what is needed:

Ear buds

# 2 Pencils

Pink Erasers

Spiral Notebooks—Wide rule

Small bottles of hand sanitizer

2 Pocket Folders

Contact Edie Simons @ 513-313-6154 for more info.

LUMC Children/Youth Program

The Children's/Youth Program is in need of volunteers .

Contact Lisa Gebhart @ 513-203-3587 for information.

We have partnered with the UMC Food Ministry to pro-

vide food for our Children's/Youth Program. They are

providing them with a variety of cereal , breakfast and

lunch items, fresh fruits and vegetables, along with milk

and juice.

The theme for VBS this year will be “Shipwrecked: Res-

cued by Jesus”. The program will be held from July 8th—

12th from noon—3:00pm. Contact Lisa Gebhart at 513-

203-3587 to sign up.


- To all who donated to our special collection for UMCOR.

Over $2200.00 was collected. Blessed that we have a gener-

ous church family!

- The Genesis Circle , who provided meals to all six of the

firehouses in Hamilton. The United Methodist Men has pro-

vided meals twice to the first responders at the Lindenwald

firehouse. The Mission Team is grateful for all of the support

of this program.

Clean out your garage and your attic! The World’s Longest

Yard Sale will be held on August 1st, 2nd & 3rd. Contact

Dick Begley @ 513-860-1933 to reserve your space!

- The Lindenwald UMC Youth/Teens will be participating in

the Fourth of July Parade in Hamilton, which starts at


- The church office will be closed on Thursday, July 4th in

observance of Independence Day.

Page 4: July—August, 2019 Winds of the Spirit · 1. “I’m sorry this happened to you.” 2. “That sounds so hard.” 3. “ I’m here and I’m listening.” A caring word spoken

By: L isa Gebhart

Children and Youth Newsletter

Volunteers need in the Children and Youth Ministries: How can the children

and youth meet Jesus if we don’t tell them? Do you have two or more hours a

month where you can come and be a part of discipleship for the next

generation! Here’s how you can help!

- Our Children and Youth Wednesday night program will resume on

September 4th. The program is growing with lots of youth who want to come

to a safe place, eat a healthy meal and most important to learn about our Lord

and Savior.

We are looking for volunteers to assist with children and youth K-12th. Come

and sit with a child or youth, become a mentor, come and assist teachers in the

bible classroom.

-Other opportunities: Come and help at our Children Sunday school once a

month either at the 9:30am or 11:40am service. The lesson plan will be

ready- no planning involved. Come and let a child know that Jesus Loves

them! Please Pray about volunteering with the children and youth.

Our children and youth need you!

Volunteers Needed!

July/August Newsletter 2019

On April 5th we had a wonderful Spring Break Youth lock- in. We all enjoyed pizza and tons of snacks.

We watched the movie Evan Almighty and the kids played hide and seek! They all love to play hide and

seek in the church. Loved seeing all the smiles and hearing all the laughter!

Page 5: July—August, 2019 Winds of the Spirit · 1. “I’m sorry this happened to you.” 2. “That sounds so hard.” 3. “ I’m here and I’m listening.” A caring word spoken

Wow! On April 10th we had another beautiful Wednesday night tonight! We

had 40 kids that came through our doors! The kids enjoyed the famous

walking tacos, singing to our Lord and Savior and learning more about

Easter. The kids and youth loved decorating and eating Easter cookies. We

would like to send a very special Thank You to the four lovely ladies from

Park Ave UMC who brought in cookies and cookie decorations for our

Easter Party. The kids had a fantastic time! We hope everyone will have a

blessed week!

Sunday school Pictures:


Page 6: July—August, 2019 Winds of the Spirit · 1. “I’m sorry this happened to you.” 2. “That sounds so hard.” 3. “ I’m here and I’m listening.” A caring word spoken

At the Easter Egg Hunt on

April 20th-At the

Lindenwald Easter Egg

Hunt we had a thief.

Sammy the squirrel decided

he wanted to start the egg

hunt early and took an egg!

He went into the park took

the egg and climbed the

tree! We posted this to the LUMC Facebook page

and it has received over 7,100 likes and views!

Despite the weather we had about 250 children at the egg hunt. Thank you

all for all of your donations! We received over 3700 filled eggs and 18


We had a wonderful Spring Program on April 24th. All the kids and youth

did an amazing job! Thank you for coming out and supporting our youth!

We would like to

wish one of our

youth a very

special 13th


Happy Birthday


Page 7: July—August, 2019 Winds of the Spirit · 1. “I’m sorry this happened to you.” 2. “That sounds so hard.” 3. “ I’m here and I’m listening.” A caring word spoken

Ability to Thrive Prom!

Wow! What a beautiful day for a prom! God's light was shining down on all

of us on Monday, April 29th at Lindenwald

UMC!! It was such an honor and a blessing to

be able to help "Ability to Thrive" at their

2019 Prom. Ability to Thrive is an

organization that provides fun activities such

as going to the gym, swimming, arts and

crafts and so much more for special need

adults ranging from 18 to 50 years of age.

Our church had an honor in helping them celebrate their 5th Prom in the

fellowship hall. There were about 50 guest in attendance that included the

special need adults, along with Ability to Thrive staff members, and a lot of

other volunteers to help make their prom a special prom.

It was truly amazing to see all the staff and volunteers at Ability to Thrive

come together to put on an awesome prom. There was hair dressers, makeup

artist, girls painting nails, an awesome DJ, and so many others that came out

to help on this glorious day!! They had lots of food, dancing and lots of

laughter!! Truly amazing day!!

The prom also had an honorary special guest to make

her appearance that day and it was Edna Palowski, a

long time church family member. Edna really enjoyed

watching everyone having a fun time!

All the Ability to Thrive adults told us that we made

their prom so special and thanked our church for

having them here and they would like to come back

again next year to celebrate their 6th prom!

Page 8: July—August, 2019 Winds of the Spirit · 1. “I’m sorry this happened to you.” 2. “That sounds so hard.” 3. “ I’m here and I’m listening.” A caring word spoken

UMC Food Ministry!

We are so excited to announce that our Children and youth

program will embark on a journey with UMC Food Ministry. The

UMC Food ministry is largely federally funded. They serve all of

the meals based upon USDA, which include a combination of

bread/grains, protein, fruits, vegetables, and milk. UMC Food

Ministry will provide hot meals with fresh fruit and vegetables on

the side.

Our church has qualified for a free year round feeding program for

our programs such as: Wednesday night dinners, Summer Shine

and Sunday mornings. This journey will start on Sunday, May 26th

UMC Food ministry will buy, prepare and deliver the food directly

to our church at no cost to us.With this wonderful program the

church will save money on food and paper products. We are

excited for our children and youth who will be receiving these

wonderful meals.

“For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat.” Matthew


Page 9: July—August, 2019 Winds of the Spirit · 1. “I’m sorry this happened to you.” 2. “That sounds so hard.” 3. “ I’m here and I’m listening.” A caring word spoken

Wow! On Thursday, May 23rd we celebrated the 10th dance recital! The

kids, youth and adults come in every Thursday to learn about dance, learn

about God though music, exercising, and meeting new friends.

We would like to say how much we so appreciate Ms. Darla’s dedication,

time and all the love she puts into the dance ministry. Thank you Ms. Darla!

Wow! It was a beautiful night on Wednesday, May 8th for our LUMC

family picnic at Joyce Park. We had lots of kids, youth, adults and lots of

food! God was shining his light down on all of us! It was a glorious night!

Page 10: July—August, 2019 Winds of the Spirit · 1. “I’m sorry this happened to you.” 2. “That sounds so hard.” 3. “ I’m here and I’m listening.” A caring word spoken
Page 11: July—August, 2019 Winds of the Spirit · 1. “I’m sorry this happened to you.” 2. “That sounds so hard.” 3. “ I’m here and I’m listening.” A caring word spoken
Page 12: July—August, 2019 Winds of the Spirit · 1. “I’m sorry this happened to you.” 2. “That sounds so hard.” 3. “ I’m here and I’m listening.” A caring word spoken
Page 13: July—August, 2019 Winds of the Spirit · 1. “I’m sorry this happened to you.” 2. “That sounds so hard.” 3. “ I’m here and I’m listening.” A caring word spoken
Page 14: July—August, 2019 Winds of the Spirit · 1. “I’m sorry this happened to you.” 2. “That sounds so hard.” 3. “ I’m here and I’m listening.” A caring word spoken

Contact Information

Phone: 513-863-8822

Email: [email protected]

Website: www.lindenwaldumc.org

Church Office Hours

Monday through Friday


Newsletter Deadline: 15th of month

Bulletin Deadline: Wednesdays @ Noon

LUMC Staff

Senior Pastor Robert Ulmer

Children & Youth Director Lisa Gebhart

Choir Director/Organist Nancy McCormick

Office Manager/Adm. Secretary Vickee Campos

Custodian Ray Kissinger

Treasurers Joyce Magly, Suzete Miller

Financial Secretaries Jerry Smith, Carrie Titus

Lindenwald United Methodist

3501 Pleasant Avenue

Hamilton, Ohio 45015

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