Iypf chronicle dec_2012_3

Six exceptional nominations were submitted after an open call to all IYPF members. Now these outstanding candi- dates are going to go through the voting process. If you are a full member and have not receive a ballot form, please contact us via [email protected] or ad- [email protected]. Unfortunately, associate members are not entitled to elect the new Board; however they can acquire voting rights as well as many IYPF services by up- grading their status to full Membership. Meet the Nominees ! When: Sat 22nd Dec 2012 Every year when the IYPF puts out a ’Call’ for Direc- tors, we are looking for young inspiring leaders who are passionate about playing a pivotal role in creating “a global community of young professionals creating a bet- ter world for current and future generations through local and global action” The International Young Pro- fessionals Foundation (IYPF) is a not-for-profit public com- pany with a membership spanning 100 different coun- tries. It is focused on enabling young professionals to make a positive difference in the world and currently has an emphasis on engaging young professionals in achieving the Millennium Development Goals. IYPF utilises and pro- motes the resources, skills and knowledge that young professionals can bring to this arena in order to create a better world for current and future generations. There are four positions available starting from the 2012 Annual General Meeting in December. The role of IYPF Director is filled by nomination from within, and election by its membership at IYPF AGMs. Each Director’s term of service is until the completion of the second AGM after their election (approx. 2 years). To be eligible one must be a full-member of IYPF. Nomina- tions must be seconded by another full-member of IYPF. Nominations closed on 2359 GMT November 20, 2012. It’s now time to cast your VOTE! "we can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them" Albert Einstein IN THIS ISSUE: Victoria Nguyen: IYPF N. America Regional Facilitator, 2 Dennis Leading the World: IYPF Africa Regional Facilitator 3 Humanitarian Tech. Implementation Prog 4 Sustainable Cities 2030 4 Socio:next Lennart Clerkx IYPF Europe Regional Facilitator 5 Global Youth Service Day What Qualities do Young Professionals Need to be Sustaina- bility Leaders: Eve Morris 6 7 Opportunity Knocks 8 DECEMBER 2012 The Chronicle INTERNATIONAL YOUNG PROFESSIONALS . . . In this Issue we cele- brate Sustainable Lead- ership and its key role in the achievement of the MDGs with our special feature on the IYPF AGM 2012. For development to achieve long-term im- pact, the various lead- ership vacuums that exist must be filled with passionate, ener- getic and talented indi- viduals who not only possess the wisdom and know-how to en- rich old truths with new innovations but also the heart to rec- ognize and respect humanity in its entirety. The IYPF Family [email protected] Seasons Greetings! Living More Sustainably . . . The IYPF Annual General Meeting . . . Are these the 4 key elements of Leadership for Sustainabil- ity? 1. Mindfulness - stay aware of and pay close attention to the present moment, fully ques- tion the status quo and be open to change.. 2. Advocacy – prudently ar- gue in favour of sustainability; clearly understand the pro- cess, the when and how to astutely implement it. 3.Holding discomfort long enough - quick, fast fixes are so appealing, however ex- - ploring and staying with the difficult stuff increases the chance of finding new solu- tions 4. Feminine Attributes - ex- plore and utilize them with full cognizance of our more masculine organizational hab- its

Transcript of Iypf chronicle dec_2012_3

Page 1: Iypf chronicle dec_2012_3

Six exceptional nominations

were submitted after an open

call to all IYPF members.

Now these outstanding candi-

dates are going to go through

the voting process.

If you are a full member and

have not receive a ballot

form, please contact us via

[email protected] or ad-

[email protected]. Unfortunately,

associate members are not

entitled to elect the new

Board; however they can

acquire voting rights as well

as many IYPF services by up-

grading their status to full


Meet the Nominees !

When: Sat 22nd Dec 2012

Every year when the IYPF

puts out a ’Call’ for Direc-

tors, we are looking for

young inspiring leaders who

are passionate about playing a

pivotal role in creating “a

global community of young

professionals creating a bet-

ter world for current and

future generations through

local and global action”

The International Young Pro-

fessionals Foundation (IYPF)

is a not-for-profit public com-

pany with a membership

spanning 100 different coun-

tries. It is focused on enabling

young professionals to make

a positive difference in the

world and currently has an

emphasis on engaging young

professionals in achieving the

Millennium Development

Goals. IYPF utilises and pro-

motes the resources, skills

and knowledge that young

professionals can bring to this

arena in order to create a

better world for current and

future generations.

There are four positions

available starting from the

2012 Annual General Meeting

in December. The role of

IYPF Director is filled by

nomination from within, and

election by its membership at

IYPF AGMs. Each Director’s

term of service is until the

completion of the second

AGM after their election

(approx. 2 years).

To be eligible one must be a

full-member of IYPF. Nomina-

tions must be seconded by

another full-member of IYPF.

Nominations closed on 2359

GMT November 20, 2012.

It’s now time to cast your


"we can't solve problems by using

the same kind of

thinking we used when we

created them"

Albert Einstein

I N T H I S I S S U E :

Victoria Nguyen:

IYPF N. America

Regional Facilitator,


Dennis Leading the

World: IYPF Africa

Regional Facilitator


Humanitarian Tech.

Implementation Prog


Sustainable Cities




Lennart Clerkx

IYPF Europe

Regional Facilitator


Global Youth Service


What Qualities do

Young Professionals

Need to be Sustaina-

bility Leaders: Eve




Opportunity Knocks 8

D E C E M B E R 2 0 1 2

The Chronicle I N T E R N A T I O N A L Y O U N G P R O F E S S I O N A L S . . .

In this Issue we cele-

brate Sustainable Lead-

ership and its key role

in the achievement of

the MDGs with our

special feature on the

IYPF AGM 2012. For

development to

achieve long-term im-

pact, the various lead-

ership vacuums that

exist must be filled

with passionate, ener-

getic and talented indi-

viduals who not only

possess the wisdom

and know-how to en-

rich old truths with

new innovations but

also the heart to rec-

ognize and respect

humanity in its entirety.

The IYPF Family

[email protected]

S e a s o n s G r e e t i n g s !

Living More Sustainably . . .

The IYPF Annual General Meeting . . .

Are these the 4 key elements

of Leadership for Sustainabil-


1. Mindfulness - stay aware of

and pay close attention to the

present moment, fully ques-

tion the status quo and be

open to change..

2. Advocacy – prudently ar-

gue in favour of sustainability;

clearly understand the pro-

cess, the when and how to

astutely implement it.

3.Holding discomfort long

enough - quick, fast fixes are

so appealing, however ex-

- ploring and staying with the

difficult stuff increases the

chance of finding new solu-


4. Feminine Attributes - ex-

plore and utilize them with

full cognizance of our more

masculine organizational hab-


Page 2: Iypf chronicle dec_2012_3

P A G E 2

“I have always

believed that

diversity defines

the world

around us.

Differences in

cultures are

what make the

world so


Victoria Nguyen . . . My Name is Victoria Ngu-

yen and I’m a new Regional

Facilitator for the North

America region. I am very

excited to take on this role

because I’m thrilled by the

idea that this group of ac-

tive and passionate individ-

uals from all over the world

can be connected for a

good cause despite the

distances and time differ-

ences between us!

I have always believed that

diversity defines the world

around us. Differences in

cultures are what make the

world so interesting. A

little about myself – I was

born and raised in Califor-

nia, USA, but I am of Viet-

namese descent. I’ve spent

considerable time living and

studying in the UK for my

Master’s degree, and some

time during my undergradu-

ate degree doing a study

abroad program through-

out 4 cities in Europe. In

addition, I have a passion

for traveling and I feel that

my travels throughout the

world and my own back-

ground give me a well-

rounded outlook on the

world and the plethora of

cultures that make us what

we are. While I’ve visited

countries on 6 different

continents, there is so

much more to see around

the world and I’m excited

by the opportunity to do


I believe that being a Young

Professional is a special

title, and there are many

implications for it. After

r e c e i v i n g

two degrees

(a Bachelor’s

and a Mas-

ter’s degree)

and working

in the so-

called “real”

world for a

few years, I

feel that

be in g a

Young Pro-

f e s s i o n a l

opens the

door to nu-

merous op-

portunit ies

to change

the world

whether it is

through the

o r g a n i z a -

tions we

work for or

the extra-

curricular activities we are

involved in. It becomes our

responsibility, as members

of the working community,

to really devote our time

to our jobs, but so much

more than that. The experi-

ence I’ve had with extra-

curricular activities like

volunteering with the com-

munity and taking on lead-

ership roles in various or-

ganizations while in school,

working, and job searching

have given me a push to-

wards doing more with my

career and gives me an

edge on the job market.

Plus, it makes life more


I was excited by the oppor-

tunity to join IYPF because

I feel that Young Profes-

sionals are an ideal group

to connect together on a

global level. Personally, be-

ing a part of this interna-

tional community is great

for me to have a forum to

learn from others around

the world in order to con-

tribute to my own work in

the field of International

Relations, especially incor-

porating this with my own

perspectives from growing

up in the U.S.. Working

together with others from

around the world not only

helps individuals to under-

stand their own work and

how it can affect change in

the world, but ultimately, it

helps to create an intercon-

nected network of respon-

sible individuals working

towards common goals on

both a local and global lev-




Page 3: Iypf chronicle dec_2012_3

P A G E 3

“When you’re

changing a girls

life, its not just

that life. You start

to affect a family,

a community, a

nation. “

Oprah Winfrey

Oprah . . .

Dennis Leading the World . . .

The story of IYPF Regional

Facilitator in Africa, Denis

Kateregga, unveils inspiring

details of how he contribut-

ed to the 2013 Youth Lead-

ing the World, a global

movement in which IYPF

was a key partner. http://


By organising a local semi-

nar, the participants in

Uganda joined a worldwide

3 day youth leadership con-

gress conducted simultane-

ously in multiple locations,

connected by digital media.

Innovative workshop tech-

niques combined with so-

cial networking and web2.0

technologies focused atten-

tion on 3 ways to make a


INFORM: learning to

live within the limits of

one planet;

INSPIRE: inspiration

and social innovation

to create change;

INVOLVE: connecting

change makers locally

and globally.

OzGREEN piloted Youth

Leading Australia in 7 loca-

tions in 2009. Through IYPF

– YLTW partnership Denis,

alike other IYPF Regional

Facilitators, underwent a

free-of-charge two day in-

tensive training (19 – 20

November 2012), equipping

him with, among other

competences, the skills to

successfully facilitate a

Youth Leading the World

congress. A few days later -

on 27 – 29 November 2012

Suubi Centre ( located in

Masaka, Uganda) hosted the

congress with dozens of

youth and 3 community

leaders attended. The am-

ple ideas produced by the

participants give IYPF new

bold directions for action.

Denis is particularly thank-

ful to the Suubi Centre, the

Youth Leading Tthe World

team and Rachael Young.

He is continuously looking

for more opportunities to

cooperate with young pro-

fessionals from all across

the world to promote and

further the IYPF values.


OWLA is now looking for

40 young profession female

leaders to join 10 young

South African leaders for a

for a week of intensive

leadership training at their

beautiful facility.

Oprah will hopefully be

joining by Skype

The Oprah

Winfrey Lead-

ership Academy

(OWLA) was

set up to nur-

ture and raise

the next gener-

ation of trans-

formative South

African leaders.

For more information visit:




picture or



Page 4: Iypf chronicle dec_2012_3

The Humanitarian Tech. Implementation Program

P A G E 4 I N T E R N A T I O N A L

This IYPF supported project,

Humanitarian Technology

Implementation Program

(HTIP) is built on previous

successes of humanitarian tech-

nology development and imple-

mentation from the University

of Adelaide, IYPF wants it to go


The plan is to work with local

communities to provide solu-

tions that will provide generic

solutions that can be tailor-

made for the specific areas.

HTIP needs keen members with

a passion to provide input into

helping some of the world’s

most needy. We need people

with science and engineering

backgrounds, but also people

with knowledge and skills in

marketing, communications,

health, management, rural envi-

ronments, networks, or just

enthusiasm and passion to help.

Two existing projects include

cook stove designs for waste-

fuel burning and sustainable

energy production from scrap


If you are interested in contrib-

uting to this program, via the

mentioned projects, or other

projects you want to support,

contact::[email protected]

will last for many years, devel-

oping every year, and providing

solutions to make cities

throughout the world cleaner,

greener, more vibrant and sus-

tainable. It provides a mecha-

nism for change.

The program has started as a

pilot program in Adelaide,

South Australia, with students

from the University of Adelaide.

What should your city look like

by 2030? How will we get

there? How do you get a say in

what tomorrow will look like?

Sustainable Cities 2030 pro-

vides a platform for Young Pro-

fessionals to formulate imagina-

tive, creative ideas and convert

them into innovative plans to

help shape the future of cities

worldwide. It is a program that

They are currently developing

computational and physical

models of the city and sur-

rounding parklands to investi-

gate air pollution distribution,

the urban heating island

effect and means to

optimize public

transport in the city.

However, IYPF are

now calling for volun-

teers to make it global.

Sustainable Cities 2030 . . .

If you are interested in making

your city, village or town sus-

tainable, contact cris-

[email protected]

“ What should

your city look

like by 2030?

How will we get

there? How do

you get a say in

what tomorrow

will look like? ”

Page 5: Iypf chronicle dec_2012_3

P A G E 5 I N T E R N A T I O N A L

High expectations have been set for the current generation of young professionals across the globe. We are said to break with fixed soci-etal norms, form unique views on the world, learn experientially, think innova-tively, and perhaps most im-portantly, we are expected to have an increased sense of urgency to act on societal, developmental or sustainabil-ity issues. These traits exist in many people around us, but more often than not, they need to see examples before they are motivated to act upon their beliefs. Far from con-demning people’s need for a demonstration effect, I think it is understandable. The para-dox in our societies is that despite a ubiquitous realisa-tion that it is up to us to tack-le the complicated problems of our time, there still exists social pressure in our envi-ronments to conform to the traditional expectations the previous generation creates about our careers and life choices. The Socionext Foundation strives to give the next gen-eration of leaders a window to a more societally relevant and fulfilling career path. In cooperation with businesses,

young entrepreneurs and the public sector, Socionext of-fers opportunities for univer-sity students to develop so-cial entrepreneurship pro-jects that generate income for scholarships for South African students from disad-vantaged communities. The success of the program we created in 2010 at the Uni-versity of Amsterdam was evidence that our generation indeed needs an outlet for its drive to have positive impact in the world. By demonstrating the suc-cesses and rewards of re-sponsible leadership, both Socionext and IYPF provide

an essential spark that can kickstart the career of any latent sustainability practi-tioner or social change agent a young age. Therefore, since this month, IYPF and Socionext have started to work towards our common vision by putting our heads together by sharing our expe-riences in working with stu-dents and young profession-als. I’m excited about the possibilities and look forward to a long and fruitful coopera-tion! Lennart Clerkx, Business Developer at Socionext & IYPF Regional Facilitator,


“ I’m

excited about



and look

forward to

a long




Page 6: Iypf chronicle dec_2012_3

P A G E 6 I N T E R N A T I O N A L

The International Young

Professionals Foundation

has been selected to serve as a

Global Youth Service Day

(GYSD) 2013 Regional

Partner in the South Amer-

ica and North Africa Middle

East regions. After contrib-

uting to the GYSD since 2003

and a multiple-stage competi-

tion lasting from August until

early December 2012, IYPF was

conferred upon with a global


As a Regional Partner, our or-

ganization will be an invaluable

asset and Youth Service Ameri-

ca partner. IYPF will coordinate

and oversee Global Youth Ser-

vice Day celebrations in South

America and MENA regions,

engage at least 10000 youth

volunteers, and promote Global

Youth Service Day through

engagement of media and public


Entering its 25th year, Global

Youth Service Day (April 26 to

28, 2013) is celebrated by hun-

dreds of thousands of young

people in more than 100 coun-

tries and recognizes the posi-

tive impact that young people

have on their communities 365

days a year. Through youth-led

service initiatives, young people

address critical issues such as

hunger and homelessness, child-

hood obesity, and environment

tal well-being.

Do you want to be part of our

GYSD 2013 team? Or you have

some inspiring ideas to share?

Give us a notice at:

[email protected].

While more details regarding

IYPF's activity as a Regional

Partner would come in the up-

coming January's edition of the

Chronicle, you are very wel-

come to find more information

about the Global Youth Service

at the website:

www.gysd.org .



want to

be part

of our




Page 7: Iypf chronicle dec_2012_3

ence of working overseas, as the

answer to this question could

dictate their understanding of the

> interconnectivity of the planet’s

production and consumption is-

sues, thus making them a valuable

addition to a company that is

centred on sustainability. A re-

cent article in business magazine

SUCCESS highlighted the fact that

diversity in the workplace<http://


diversity-leaders-not-labels> is

important for success in any busi-

ness, irrespective of whether it is

sustainability-based or not.


Another main value that the pro-

fessionals identified as being im-

portant for sustainability leaders

to possess was capacity for inno-

vation. This is integral for thinking

up new solutions to problems

and pioneering ways in which to

help conserve resources.

*Leadership in Action* magazine

states that innovation is im-

portant for motivating employ-



lia27_2Good.pdf>. It creates ex-

One of the main roles of the International Young

Professionals Foundation is to equip young profes-

sionals as sustainability practitioners. There is more

to sustainability than simply having good intentions

though; it is essential for these individuals to pos-

sess the necessary drive that is required in order

for them to excel at what they do. Whilst some

will be happy successfully incorporating environ-

mentally friendly practices into their businesses,

others will want to become leaders in the field of

sustainability. Research carried out by the Interna-

tional Institute for Sustainable Development sug-

gests that communication is the most important

skill needed for doing this. Young professionals

were asked what qualities were required in order

to become a leader in the area of sustainability and

the ability to communicate was ranked at the top.

The IISD concluded that mastering the art of en-

gaging people irrespective of their personality types

and cultures is the key to sustainability leadership.

*Exposure to Other Cultures*

Professionals who answered questions as part of

the study also emphasized the importance of expe-

riencing other cultures and possessing a truly global

perspective. They noted that this was instrumental

in developing an international mindset and increas-

ing geopolitical awareness. This suggests that it

might be beneficial for young professionals who are

looking for employees <http://

www.recruitmentgenius.com/> for their businesses

to ask potential candidates if they have had experi-

citement within the workforce by

ensuring that new ideas are con-

stantly generated, therefore en-

suring that workers remain pas-

sionate about the organisation.

*Sense of Urgency*

A sense of urgency was identified

as being just as important for

those wishing to become leaders

in the field of sustainability to

possess. The IISD says that young

professionals recognise the need

for faster progress towards the

implementation of initiatives that

will be beneficial to the environ-

ment. This means that a good

sustainability leader should be

one who does not procrastinate

and is efficient at putting ecologi-

cally friendly measures into prac-

tice. A true leader should be

somebody who does not hesitate

more than is necessary before

putting a plan into action.

*Understanding Equity*

An understanding of the im-

portance of equity also featured

near the top of the list. The IISD

point out that in some countries,

the huge gap between the rich

and the poor has been taken for

granted. Even though eight hun-

dred and seventy million people

in the world do not have enough

to eat, there are still individuals

who choose to ignore the plight

of the impoverished. A truly car-

ing sustainability leader would

have to avoid falling within this

demographic, as there is little

point in somebody professing to

care about the environment

whilst simultaneously proving that

they do not care about the indi-

viduals that they share the planet


*Passion and Enthusiasm*

What Qualities do Young Professionals Need in Order to be Sustainability Leaders?

P A G E 7

Page 8: Iypf chronicle dec_2012_3

convictions on the issue of sus-

tainability to translate into

knowledge and action within a

work environment, the individual

has to make an effort to practice

what is preached and respect the

environment throughout the

course or his or her everyday life.


It is evident from the IISD’s study

that most young professionals

believe clear communication,

cultural awareness, innovative-

ness and a strong belief in uphold-

ing a sustainable and ecologically

sound way of life to be the quali-

ties that define a sustainability

leader. The findings reflect the

need for leaders who are both

Passion for sustainability was highlighted as another

an important characteristic to possess. The profes-

sionals who were questioned stated that future

sustainability leaders require a deep sense of enthu-

siasm guided by strong ethical principles. They also

expressed the opinion that an individual’s commit-

ment to sustainable living in his or her own person-

al life can set him or her apart from the rest. The

view was put forward that in order for somebody’s

capable at what they do and pos-

sess a genuine love of environ-

mentalism. There is also call for

sustainability leaders who are

morally upstanding and unwilling

to put the needs of the wealthy

above those of people who are

less economically advantaged.

These are qualities that young

professionals who wish to gain

positions as leaders in the field of

environmentalism should attempt

to cultivate. They provide some-

thing to aim at for people who

are not only ambitious but also

care about the world and wish

to preserve it so that future gen-

erations will get to enjoy it just as

much as they are currently doing.

Eve Morris

Opportunity Knocks . . .

Dear IYPF Members, Alumni, Friends,

You may have noticed that over the last two years IYPF has become very active. However, to continue building and growing,

we need additional funds. We are therefore requesting once-off financial donations from all friends of IYPF starting from 15

December. Together we aim to raise at least US$3000 (AUD3000) by the 15th of January 2013, as a critically invaluable compo-

nent of our set organisational funding trajectory.

The funds will be used for seed funding, debt consolidation and on-going initiatives under direct management by the IYPF

Board . These actions are expected to have great impact on our organization's resource mobilization initiatives which are a

critical component of our ultimate strategy aimed at catapulting IYPF into its prime stage.

For any further information do not hesitate to contact Rassel Chisango through [email protected].

Connie Walyaro, Cristian Birzer, Rosen Dimov, Rassel Chisango

The IYPF Board

P A G E 8

What Qualities do Young Professionals Need in Order to be Sustainability Leaders? [cont.]

* The Friends of IYPF Fundraiser *

Page 9: Iypf chronicle dec_2012_3

Dear Comrades,

As we bid farewell to 2012 and welcome 2013 we say ‘Thank you very much!’ for your yearlong sup-

port. We hope your friendship with the IYPF family has enriched your lives in big positive ways. As

we move forward, we are very confident that you will continue to walk with us on this grand adven-

ture as we chart the future of the IYPF.

We value your support and we are always eager to work with volunteers, young professionals, ex-

perts and world leaders in our many efforts to add to the world’s beauty and enhance the world’s

joy. If you would like to leave your footprint on this planet, why not start here? Visit our Opportuni-

ties Pool page for more information on how to get involved in building a better world.

We greatly appreciate your continued commitment, feedback, comments and recommendations,

please continue to walk and talk with us. Also, frequently visit the website for more news and up-


Today we celebrate you, our friends, members and alumni, and we wish you all Happy Holidays and

a Fantabulous 2013

Viva IYPF!!

Opportunity Knocks . . . P A G E 9

* Goodbye 2012, Welcome 2013! *