Iypf chronicle fd

schools. If you can’t attend a live event, the webinars are available on-demand to watch when it’s convenient for you. So what are you wait- ing for? Register FREE today to save your spot: http:// registerm- bafair.whichmba.com/iypf Why you should attend The Economist’s Which MBA? Online Fair on November 14-15 Take the next step in your MBA journey by connecting with dozens of business schools around the world. Here are the top 4 reasons you should attend the Which MBA? Online Fair: 1. Talk to admissions of- ficers and get immediate answers. When you enter a group chat room or start chatting privately with an admissions officer, you can get answers to all your ques- tions right away. Plus, you can see what other prospective students are asking. 2. Get all the information you need in one place, at one time. Researching busi- ness schools can be a lengthy and time-consuming process. The online fair gives you the information you need in one place, accessible from the comfort of your home or office. Watch videos, browse photo galleries, engage with webinars and download bro- chures instantly. 3. Find out which schools are right for you. Com- plete a compatibility profile that will tell you which schools at the fair best match your preferences – from loca- tion, to class size, to program type. 4. Engage with live webi- nars, or watch on- demand. At the online fair, you’ll have access to over one dozen new webinars and Q&A sessions with business “What sculpture is to a block of marble, education is to the human soul.” Joseph Addison INSIDE THIS ISSUE: A Journey of Ques- tions: Deewai Rodriguez, Regional Facilitator, IYPF Asia 2 Green Up: Dominic Nkisan, Regional Facilitator, IYPF Africa 3 International Young Professionals School 4 Youth Leading The World 4 Land Management: Dennis Kateregga Regional Facilitator IYPF Africa 5 Opportunity Knocks 5 8 Reasons Education is Important for the MDGs . . . NOVEMBER 2012 The Chronicle INTERNATIONAL YOUNG PROFESSIONALS . . . In this Issue we celebrate Educa- tion and its key role in the achieve- ment of the MDGs with our special feature on the Economist MBA Fair. Education has always been, and always will be a catalyst for human development by its mere ability to open and expand the mind in ways and means incom- parably greater than we ever could imagine The IYPF Family [email protected] More people would grow and develop More people would learn and know More people would be equal and just More children would survive and live More mothers would be healthier More people would be able to combat illness More people would think of the future More people would work together WELCOME!

Transcript of Iypf chronicle fd

Page 1: Iypf chronicle fd

schools. If you can’t attend a

live event, the webinars are

available on-demand to watch

when it’s convenient for you.

So what are you wait-

ing for? Register FREE

today to save your

spot: http://



Why you should attend

The Economist’s Which

MBA? Online Fair on

November 14-15

Take the next step in your

MBA journey by connecting

with dozens of business

schools around the world.

Here are the top 4 reasons

you should attend the Which

MBA? Online Fair:

1. Talk to admissions of-

ficers and get immediate

answers. When you enter a

group chat room or start

chatting privately with an

admissions officer, you can

get answers to all your ques-

tions right away. Plus, you can

see what other prospective

students are asking.

2. Get all the information

you need in one place, at

one time. Researching busi-

ness schools can be a lengthy

and time-consuming process.

The online fair gives you the

information you need in one

place, accessible from the

comfort of your home or

office. Watch videos, browse

photo galleries, engage with

webinars and download bro-

chures instantly.

3. Find out which schools

are right for you. Com-

plete a compatibility profile

that will tell you which

schools at the fair best match

your preferences – from loca-

tion, to class size, to program


4. Engage with live webi-

nars, or watch on-

demand. At the online fair,

you’ll have access to over

one dozen new webinars and

Q&A sessions with business

“What sculpture is to a block of marble, education is to the

human soul.”

Joseph Addison


I S S U E :

A Journey of Ques-


Deewai Rodriguez,

Regional Facilitator,



Green Up:

Dominic Nkisan,

Regional Facilitator,

IYPF Africa


International Young




Youth Leading The



Land Management:

Dennis Kateregga

Regional Facilitator

IYPF Africa





8 Reasons Education is Important for the MDGs . . .


2 0 1 2

The Chronicle I N T E R N A T I O N A L Y O U N G P R O F E S S I O N A L S . . .

In this Issue we

celebrate Educa-

tion and its key

role in the achieve-

ment of the MDGs

with our special

feature on the

Economist MBA

Fair. Education has

always been, and

always will be a

catalyst for human

development by its

mere ability to

open and expand

the mind in ways

and means incom-

parably greater

than we ever could


The IYPF Family

[email protected]

More people would

grow and develop

More people would

learn and know

More people would be

equal and just

More children would

survive and live

More mothers would be


More people would be

able to combat illness

More people would

think of the future

More people would

work together


Page 2: Iypf chronicle fd

P A G E 2

“There is

also a growing

amount of

dissent because

of peculiar

challenges faced

by the youth

sector in each


A Journey of Questions . . . On October 12, I travelled

half-way across the other

part of the globe to attend

the 7th World Movement

for Democracy Assembly in

Lima, Peru. I attended as

Member of the Leadership

Board of the World Youth

Movement for Democracy

(WYMD) representing

Asia. I travelled for more

than 30 hours to cross the

seemingly infinite distance

between the South Pacific

Ocean to the North Pacific


I find events such as this as

an utmost privilege not

only in terms of being able

to see the world and ex-

pand my understanding of

the world but also in terms

of being able to contribute

to a body of experiences

which I hope can help make

the world a better place. I

have faith that my contribu-

tion in the discussions by

way of responses or thru

questions and even how I

sparked friendships and

acquaintances during such a

period of time contribute

to the good in the universe.

My engagement with the

World Youth Movement

for Democracy or WYMD

was sparked by an e-mail

which I received in 2007. It

was a call for essays to a

global competition on the

theme of democracy. I im-

mediately scribbled ideas

and felt empowered that

“somebody” would like to

solicit my ideas on the sub-

ject matter.

You see this world that we

live in, is quite a paradox.

Often in the universities, as

students we are asked

questions, a bundle of in-

quiries and a collection of

infinite queries. But out in

the real world, the moving

questions are scant unless

you are privileged to be

serving the government as

an elective or appointed

official or you have a fair

share of importance in your

country. For many of the

young professionals who

work and for the countless

who have responsibilities

not only for themselves or

their dreams but those who

have filial duties, as well,

questions have descended

into more practical ones.

They have become ques-

tions of pragmatism and

not of idealism.

As member of the board in

WYMD, I help co-organize

periodic competitions such

as the photo contest which

was preceded by the essay

contest. I am quite an advo-

cate in encouraging young

people to join these con-

tests. Often I would get the

response that only a few

winners will be chosen any-

way so why join? I would

however respond that the

prize is just that sweet icing

on the cake but the cake is

that experience – the inval-

uable experience of being

asked and being able to

answer back.

In Lima, I met amazing indi-

viduals from different parts

of the globe which I hope

contributed to a better

version of myself in coming

home to the Philippines. I

was tasked to serve as

Moderator in the Panel

Discussion-Workshop on

WYMD. I have had the

opportunity to speak in a

global audience since 2008

but being able to moderate

the discussion on an issue

which is very close to my

heart remains a very signifi-

cant experience in my life.

Like the International

Young Professionals Foun-

dation and other global

youth networks, WYMD

uses social media as a plat-

form to help shape its pur-

pose, reach out to other

stakeholders, build partner-

ships and advocate to the

bigger world. In the

WYMD panel discussion,

we talked about the reali-

ties and limitations in using

social media as a platform

and we also discussed its

meaningful potentials.


Page 3: Iypf chronicle fd

P A G E 3 I N T E R N A T I O N A L

The number of young people

today is growing in number.

There is also a growing amount

of dissent because of peculiar

challenges faced by the youth

sector in each country. Young

professionals can play a distinct

role in shaping the future by

gathering its strength, using

opportunities to discuss the

world’s challenges and mould

solutions by building solidarity.

As recently-appointed co-

Regional Facilitator for Asia, I

believe that IYPF has a special

purpose in this generation. We

begin by journeying with the

following questions in mind:

Who are the young profession-

als? What are their priorities?

How are they contributing to

their community and their soci-

ety? What are their dreams?

How can we reach out to the

many young professionals using

social media platforms? How do

we sustain their interest? How

do create a meaningful space

for young professionals to gath-

er and share ideas and insights?

How can our sector change the

world? These are huge ques-

tions which do not necessarily

demand and an answer nor do

they urgently require specific

responses. But I sincerely be-

lieve that a journey with these

questions in mind make for a

meaningful process as Rainer

Maria Rilke wrote “And the

point is, to live everything. Live

the questions now. Perhaps you

will then gradually, without no-

ticing it, live along some distant

day into the answer.”


Youth Initiative is an environ-

mental restoration project initi-

ated by Dominic Nsikan that

engages young people in taking

action to mitigate the impact of

environmental degradation in

their communities.


IYPF is partnering with

GreenUp Youth Initiative in

planting about 150 tree seed-

lings in igwuruta community,

Port Harcourt Nigeria. The

high rate of deforestation as a

result of the construction of

new motor roads across the

community is leading to habitat

loss and species extinction. To

restore and help in enhancing

the beauty of our once beautiful

environment and provide habi-

tat for birds and wild life,

GreenUp Youth Initiative in

collaboration with IYPF is

providing a sustainable environ-

mental restoration program

through tree planting. GreenUp

Green Up . . .

“ action to

mitigate the

impact of



in their


Page 4: Iypf chronicle fd

Fair touring in over 30 coun-

tries. The most active partici-

pants will get an internship

The International Young Professionals School

(www.iypschool.com) is a joint programme of

several international partners, among them the

IYPF. With enrolment start-

ing on 15th November and

completing by 15 December

2012, the non-formal learning

online would enable students

and recent graduates to

deepen their practical

knowledge and get skills in

areas such as leadership and

innovation, marketing, talent

management, and youth entre-

preneurship. Companies will

be giving their case studies to

participants and the most

creative solutions will be ap-

plied in the company as well

as presented in an Innovation

with an NGO or company and

be entitled to proceed into a

2nd year of specialization.


Youth Leading The World is a global movement for sustainable development initiated by IYPF's partner, OzGreen from Austral-

ia. IYPF regional facilitators got trained in online sessions in September and November, attended by other young leaders from

throughout the world. Together with them, they will pass the message about green growth through local peer-to-peer sessions

starting in December. With young people getting trained by other youth that have entered the professional world, sustainable

development is placed in the context of various career paths and office environments due to the exclusive involvement of IYPF

in this incentive. For more information view the promo video http://youtu.be/hRoK_GZUc_A and follow us at www.iypf.org

Youth Leading The World . . .

The International Young Professionals School . . .

P A G E 4

Page 5: Iypf chronicle fd

which is a three

year initiative to

be implemented

from November

2011 to October

2014, with sup-

port from the

Government of

Sweden. LVEMP

II CS watch project is being im-

plemented in partnership be-

tween Uganda Coalition for Sus-

tainable Development (UCSD),

Tanzania Coalition for Sustainable

Development (TCSD), and Sus-

tainable Environmental Develop-

ment Watch Network (SusWatch


During the meeting I was able to

talk about IYPF and the opportu

I attended a validation meeting for the draft report

on Environment and Land Management and liveli-

hoods interventions in the project targeted catch-

ment basins of Katonga in districts of Mubende and

Rakai in Uganda on October 5, 2012 with support

from the Government of Sweden under LVEMP II

CS watch project.

The East Africa Sustainability Watch (EA Sus-

Watch) Network is a network of NGOs from Ken-

ya, Uganda and Tanzania spearheaded by Uganda

Coalition for Sustainable Development (UCSD),

Sustainable Environmental Development Watch

Network (SusWatch Kenya), and Tanzania Coali-

tion for Sustainable Development (TCSD). EA Sus-

Watch Regional Secretariat is hosted by UCSD in

Kampala, Uganda.

The EA Suswatch Network is currently implement-

ing LVEMP II Civil Society (CS) Watch project

-nities one would get if became a

member. A total of 25 partici-

pants attended from the districts

of Rakai, Mubende, Masaka,

Mityana and within greater Kam-



IYPF appreciates the support of volunteers and we are always eager to work with young professionals, experts

and world leaders in our many efforts to build a better world. If you would like to leave your footprint on this

planet, why not start here? Visit our Opportunities Pool page for more information on how to get involved!

We greatly value your continued support, feedback, comments and recommendations, please continue to talk

to us and visit the website for more news and updates.

Thank you very much for your active engagement

Viva IYPF!!

Opportunity Knocks . . .

P A G E 5

Land and Management . . .