B8 Chronicle-Express.com • The Chronicle-Express ... · B8 Wednesday, January 29, 2020 •...

Wednesday, January 29, 2020 Chronicle-Express.com The Chronicle-Express B8 TO PLACE A CLASSIFIED AD call 315-536-4422, email [email protected], or bring it to 138 Main St. Penn Yan • Monday–Friday 8:30 a.m.–4:30 p.m. CLASSIFIED ADS Looking for energetic, motivated individual to develop and sell print and digital adver- tising opportunities for local businesses. Will specialize in new business growth and special supplemental products. MUST HAVE: Excellent communication andor- ganizational skills, strong computer skills,valid driver’s license and reliable vehicle. Work 15 to 20 hours, three days/week, approximately 9am-2:30pm. Hours can be flexible. Hourly wage pluspotential for com- mission. Mileage reimbursement monthly. The Chronicle-Express Part Time Multi-Media Sales Executive for New Business Development and Special Sections Part time Production Assistant & Independent Sales Executive The Production Assistant is responsible for commercial production. Reviewing and recording commercials, voicing and editing commercials, downloading programs for air, loading commercials and programs in a timely fashion into the broadcast automation system, making transmitter readings, and other duties as needed. Qualifications: High School Diploma Radio & sales experience a plus Very good computer skills, good speaking voice & writing skills needed. Must have reliable transportation. Looking for reliable & long term employee May combine with Sales Executive for greater income. Independent Sales Executive Develop new clients for radio advertising. Build relationships with advertisers & provide excellent customer service. Copywriting skills, good organization and follow up, contract negotiation. Requirements: Previous sales experience & High School diploma. Professional appearance and presentation. Good computer skills. Contact: [email protected] WYLF HELP WANTED Pianist/Organist The First Presbyterian Church of Penn Yan is looking to hire a pianist/organist for Sun- day mornings. Person must be able to read PXVLF DQG EH SUR¿FLHQW RQ WKH SLDQR $EOH WR SOD\ WKH RUJDQ D EHQH¿W RU EH ZLOOLQJ WR SUDF- tice and learn our organ. Pianist also serves as accompanist for choir. Choir rehearsals are one evening a month and at 9:00 am Sunday mornings. Being able to practice at WKH &KXUFK ZLOOFDQ EH DUUDQJHG :H KDYH D QHZ DFRXVWLF SLDQR ZLWK HOHFWURQLF FDSDELO- ities and a Modern Scantz pipe organ. This FRPSHWLWLYH VDODULHG SRVLWLRQ DOVR FRPHV ZLWK vacation and sick time. Call 315-694-2812 or 315-536-8235. email: rgillesp@roadrunner. com or ¿UVWSUHVE\#\DKRRFRP The Village of Penn Yan seeks a qualied candidate for the position of Deputy Code Enforcement Ofcer. This is a full-time position and is a competitive Civil Service Title. Applications should be led at the Yates County Ofce Building in the Personnel Ofce or online at https://mycivilservice.yatescounty.org/. Deadline for applications is February 7, 2020. Salary will be commensurate with experience. HELP WANTED The Classifieds Your Ticket to Local Finds The Chronicle- Express 138 Main St., Penn Yan, NY 14527 315-536-4422 www.Chronicle-Express.com Call or go online to browse, buy or sell! CONTRACTORS & SERVICES ELIMINATE GUTTER cleaning forever! Leaf - F ilter, the most ad - vanced debris blocking gutter protection. Sched- ule a FREE LeafFilte r estimate today. 15% off a nd 0% financing fo r those who qualify. PLUS Senior & Military Dis - counts. Call 1-855-400- 4965. %$5%(56 75(( 6(59,&( /2* *,1* 7UHH UHPRYDO ZRRG FKLSSHU VWXPS JULQGLQJ ORW FOHDULQJ EXFNHW WUXFN ORJJLQJ GR]HU ZRUN DYDLODEOH %X\LQJ EODFN ZDOQXW WUHHV )5(( (67,0$7(6 %52.(1 $33/, $1&(6" 'RQW ZDLW &DOO 8QLYHUVDO $SSOL DQFH *XDUDQWHHG LQ VXUHG SURIHVVLRQDO VHUYLFH KENNEDY PAINTING - professional quality interior/exterior paint- ing & staining since 1994. Decks, docks, house, cottage, cabin. 315-694-6685. +286(+2/' $33/, $1&(6 5HIXUELVKHG &RPHV ZLWK D GD\ JXDUDQWHH &DOO IRU PRUH LQIRUPDWLRQ CONTRACTORS & SERVICES 67(9(6 &/($1 2876 KRXVHV JDU DJHV GHPROLWLRQ PRYLQJ MREV DQG EUXVK FOHDULQJ &DOO *SEPTIC TANK CLEANING*, We are available weekdays, nights & weekends. Call Van Dyke Septic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all Fligh t Services for best pricing on domestic & interna- tional flights inside and from the US. Servin g United, Delta, American & Southwest airlines . Call for free quote now! Have travel dates ready! 844-942-1508 SAVE BIG on HOME INSURANCE! Compare 20 A-rated Insurance companies. Let us do the shopping & save you time & money. Get a quote within minutes . Average savings of $444/year! Call 877 - 594-0878. (M-F 8am- 8pm Central) %$7+5220 5(129$ 7,216 ($6< 21 ( '$< XSGDWHV :H VSH FLDOL]H LQ VDIH EDWKLQJ *UDE EDUV QR VOLS IORRU LQJ VHDWHG VKRZHUV &DOO IRU D IUHH LQKRPH FRQVXOWDWLRQ ',5(&79 $77 &KDQQHOV V R I 6KRZV0RYLHV 2Q 'H PDQG Z6(/(&7 3DFN DJH $77 ,QWHUQHW 3HUFHQW 5HOLDELOLW\ 8Q OLPLWHG 7H[WV WR &RXQWULHV Z$77 :LUH OHVV &DOO )5( ( 4XRWH 25/$1'2 '$<721$ %HDFK )ORU LGD 9DFDWLRQ (QMR\ 'D\V DQG 1LJKWV ZLWK +HUW] (QWHUSULVH R U $ODPR &DU 5HQWDO ,Q FOXGHG 2QO\ PRQWKV WR XVH 0RQ6DW (67 STRUGGLING WITH Your Private Studen t Loan Payment? New re- lief programs can re - duce your payments . Learn your options . Good credit not neces- sary. Call the Helpline 855-801-9347 (Mon-Fri 9am-5pm Eastern) RECENTLY DIA- GNOSED with LUN G CANCER and 60+ years old? Call now! You and your family may be en- titled to a SIGNIFICANT CASH AWARD. Cal l 866-352-7357 today . Free Consultation. No Risk. MISCELLANEOUS TOP CA$H PAID FOR OLD GUITARS! 1920- 1 980 Gibson, Martin , Fender, Gretsch, Epi - phone, Guild, Mosrite, Rickenbacker, Prairi e S tate, D'Angelico , Stromberg. And Gibson Mandolins / Banjos. 1- 800-401-0440. 6$9( <285 +20( $UH \RX EHKLQG SD\LQJ \RXU 0257*$*(" 'HQLHG D /RDQ 0RGLILFD WLRQ" ,V WKH EDQN WKUHDW HQLQJ IRUHFORVXUH" &$// +RPHRZQHU¶V 5H OLHI /LQH QRZ IRU +HOS &20387(5 ,668(6" )5(( ',$*126,6 E\ *((.6 21 6,7( 9LUXV 5HPRYDO 'DWD 5HFRY HU\ (0(5*(1&< 6(59,&( ,QKRPH UH SDLU2QOLQH VROXWLRQV 2)) $1< 6(5 9,&( +$9( . ,Q 'HEW" &UHGLW &DUGV 0HGLFDO %LOOV 3HUVRQDO /RDQV %H 'HEW )UHH LQ 0RQWKV &DOO 1$7,21 $/ '(%7 5(/,() .QRZ <RXU 2SWLRQV *HW D )5(( GHEW UHOLHI TXRWH &DOO ATTENTION: VIAGRA & CIALIS USERS! Buy Generic & Save!! 50 Pill SPECIAL $99.00. FREE Shipping. 100% Guaran- teed discreet home de- livery. Operators avail- able 24/7. Call Now : 855-799-6237. GET A-Rated Dental In- surance starting a t around $1 per day! Save 25% on Enrollmen t Now! No Waiting Peri - ods. 200k+ Providers Nationwide. Everyone is Accepted! Call 855-781- 3741 (M-F 9-5 ET) &5(',7 &$5' '(%7" ) LQDQFLDOO\ 6WUHVVHG 2XW" 6WRS WKH KDUDVV PHQW 0DNH RQH PRQWKO\ SD\PHQW <28 FDQ $) )25' *HW +HOS 1RZ DQG 6DYH &DOO 7ROO )UHH +8*+(61(7 ± $0(5 , &$ ¶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

Transcript of B8 Chronicle-Express.com • The Chronicle-Express ... · B8 Wednesday, January 29, 2020 •...

Page 1: B8 Chronicle-Express.com • The Chronicle-Express ... · B8 Wednesday, January 29, 2020 • Chronicle-Express.com • The Chronicle-Express TO PLACE A CLASSIFIED AD call 315-536-4422,

Wednesday, January 29, 2020 • Chronicle-Express.com • The Chronicle-Express B8

TO PLACE A CLASSIFIED AD call 315-536-4422, email [email protected], or bring it to 138 Main St. Penn Yan • Monday–Friday 8:30 a.m.–4:30 p.m.CLASSIFIED ADS

Looking for energetic, motivated individual to develop and sell print and digital adver-tising opportunities for local businesses. Will specialize in new business growth and special supplemental products.MUST HAVE: Excellent communication andor-ganizational skills, strong computer skills,valid driver’s license and reliable vehicle.Work 15 to 20 hours, three days/week, approximately 9am-2:30pm. Hours can be flexible. Hourly wage pluspotential for com-mission. Mileage reimbursement monthly.

The Chronicle-Express Part Time Multi-Media Sales

Executive forNew Business Development

and Special Sections

Please send Resume to:[email protected]

Part time Production Assistant & Independent Sales ExecutiveThe Production Assistant is responsible for commercial production. Reviewing and recording commercials, voicing and editing commercials, downloading programs for air, loading commercials and programs in a timely fashion into the broadcast automation system, making transmitter readings, and other duties as needed.Qualifications:

High School DiplomaRadio & sales experience a plusVery good computer skills, good speaking voice & writing skills needed.Must have reliable transportation.Looking for reliable & long term employee

May combine with Sales Executive for greater income.Independent Sales Executive

Develop new clients for radio advertising.Build relationships with advertisers & provide excellent customer service.Copywriting skills, good organization and follow up, contract negotiation.Requirements: Previous sales experience & High School diploma.Professional appearance and presentation.Good computer skills.

Contact: [email protected]



The First Presbyterian Church of Penn Yan is looking to hire a pianist/organist for Sun-day mornings. Person must be able to read PXVLF�DQG�EH�SUR¿FLHQW�RQ�WKH�SLDQR��$EOH�WR�SOD\�WKH�RUJDQ�D�EHQH¿W�RU�EH�ZLOOLQJ�WR�SUDF-tice and learn our organ. Pianist also serves as accompanist for choir. Choir rehearsals are one evening a month and at 9:00 am Sunday mornings. Being able to practice at WKH�&KXUFK�ZLOO�FDQ�EH�DUUDQJHG��:H�KDYH�D�QHZ�DFRXVWLF�SLDQR�ZLWK�HOHFWURQLF�FDSDELO-ities and a Modern Scantz pipe organ. This FRPSHWLWLYH�VDODULHG�SRVLWLRQ�DOVR�FRPHV�ZLWK�vacation and sick time. Call 315-694-2812 or 315-536-8235. email: [email protected] or ¿UVWSUHVE\���#\DKRR�FRP

The Village of Penn Yan seeks a qualified candidate for the position of Deputy Code Enforcement Officer. This is a full-time position and is a competitive Civil Service Title. Applications should be filed at the Yates County Office Building in the Personnel Office or online at https://mycivilservice.yatescounty.org/. Deadline for applications is February 7, 2020. Salary will be commensurate with experience.


TheClassifieds Your Ticket to Local Finds


138 Main St.,Penn Yan, NY 14527


Call or go online to

browse, buyor sell!


ELIMINATE GUTTERcleaning forever! Leaf-Fi l ter , the most ad-vanced debris blockinggutter protection. Sched-ule a FREE LeafFilterestimate today. 15% offand 0% financing forthose who qualify. PLUSSenior & Military Dis-counts. Call 1-855-400-4965.%$5%(56 � 75((6(59,&( � �/2*�*,1*� �7UHH �UHPRYDO�ZRRG �FKLSSHU� �VWXPSJULQGLQJ� �ORW �FOHDULQJ�EXFNHW �WUXFN� �ORJJLQJ�GR]HU �ZRUN �DYDLODEOH�%X\LQJ �EODFN �ZDOQXWWUHHV� ��������������)5(( �(67,0$7(6�

%52.(1 �$33/ , �$1&(6" �'RQW �ZDLW�&DOO �8QLYHUVDO �$SSOL�DQFH��*XDUDQWHHG��LQ�VXUHG� �SURIHVVLRQDOVH UY L FH � � ��� ���� ����� �

KENNEDY PAINTING- professional qualityinterior/exterior paint-ing & staining since1994. Decks, docks,house, cottage, cabin.315-694-6685.

+286(+2/'�$33/,�$1&(6� �5HIXUELVKHG�&RPHV�ZLWK�D����GD\JXDUDQWHH� �&DOO �IRUPRUH�LQIRUPDWLRQ���������������


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* S E P T I C T A N KCLEANING*, We areavailable weekdays,nights & weekends.Call Van Dyke Septic@ 607-535-2410./$.(�&28175<�6(3�7,& �6(59,&(� � 3XPS�LQJ� 5HSDLU� ,QVWDOODWLRQ�������������� �7\OHU&DUUXWKHUV�RZQHU�RSHU�DWRU�


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D I S C O U N T A I RTRAVEL. Call Fl ightServices for best pricingon domestic & interna-tional flights inside andfrom the US. ServingUnited, Delta, American& Southwest airlines.Call for free quote now!Have travel dates ready!844-942-1508SAVE BIG on HOMEINSURANCE! Compare20 A-rated Insurancecompanies. Let us dothe shopping & save youtime & money. Get aquote within minutes.Average sav ings of$444/year! Call 877-594-0878. (M-F 8am-8pm Central)%$7+5220�5(129$�7,216 � �($6<� �21('$<�XSGDWHV� �:H�VSH�FLDOL]H �LQ �VDIH �EDWKLQJ�*UDE�EDUV��QR�VOLS�IORRU�LQJ � �VHDWHG �VKRZHUV�&DOO �IRU �D �IUHH �LQ�KRPHFRQVXOWDWLRQ� ��������������

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ACROSS 1. Fall down 5. American TV company (abbr.) 8. Exclamation that denotes disgust11. Gallantry13. Chinese word signifying “doctrine”14. Prefix meaning “beside”15. Act of imitating16. Tall, rounded vase17. Sixth month of Jewish civil calendar18. Rural Iranian village20. Time zone21. Military weapon (abbr.)22. Gets rid of25. Aggressive30. Addressed one’s appearance31. Affirmative32. Denoting Indo- European languages33. French noble family38. Shock therapy41. Having character- istics of both sexes43. Large suitcase45. One who identifies God with the universe48. Swiss river49. Frequently50. Wipe out55. Invests in little enterprises56. Waste57. Resembles a large shrimp59. Derogatory name for rural resident60. Menswear accessory61. Tropical American tree

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