
M.i-^i.^rMfcJWr*^*-***"'**' ¦.^.'¦-¦¦¦¦^¦¦¦¦^^¦¦iM SHENANDOAH HERA! gS'OOOSTOOX VA PR1DAY, UCTOliER 29. 1909, Entered at the Post Office, at Wo stock. Va., as second-class mattel SHENANDOAH VALLEY LOAN Al TRUST COMPANY. WOOUSTOwK, VIROIMA. Mono? loaned at 8 per c«iit. on real esta! or . ateral security. Savin?* di poolta Thrived in lumi of Si.oo oi ove: and Interest allowed on aame. rWFor particu'.ais address the Coirpan «r its home office, or call on J. Sf. Kberl; Straabnri; 0- W Wirdl«\ Kdinburg; F I pMQjbacker, M*. Jaek»on; or 8. I hoover. New Market, Vs. ANNOUNCEMENT. For House of Delegates- II»viri>,¦* wea deolared the notrin i rty. for th" | most . illy solidi t .-. ol Shenandoi C »uoly, foi If, promise a faithful di cjla - of the Ott rj wav lo ivik.K myself useful to toy constituents. Very respectfullf. F ll. BRUMBACK. 1\, tj,» v lersof S indoeh Count. | th,- non ination ft She B .- from * , ¦: iblicen County Coi ..noonee myself notion, and solic the - . ol all quell fled foti . .. enress toy erst Agin ted, Soi in the future as .. faithful and Impel I i lafegnarath lag com -ty. a BUR : ¦>¦ BOWMAN. Druid Oil. Great D ry for Rheumatism, Backache and Painful Join sale at SCHMITT'S DRUG STORE. Physicians. L_ EXERAL LOCAL SEWS, 5 t J. L. Shaffer ft < Lsp 1 i frc iu I2.( 0 up at .1. A _'ham rc Sh r il just lo. Pr "nion. af of all kinda Gel l< Farmers If yt ut a iggj hip that will Us\t - * for sale by J-'\- l Co. .vs for n( xt |i ts, rill On something iv li ne. Dr. J. ( D stiet elli be f hil Thursday and Y: th aod *>th. ;tny desirable lal I prices to rn i holiday stock. Wm. Kline. J eu rortfa Va the Metho¬ dist chur.-h };. a .(.tal a: tbe loo. M. L VYa'ton, on Friday 'i christmas lent 1 i ai predated f Ex* -inp tin i ti f ul robes at the ha A. Dj -art <*»: Co. our prodoes to J. L. Shaffer kl Price. 8s doE.: llb ; Lard 15o lb.: Chicken o I Wc lb.: Young 12c lb.: potatoes - bel ir of si . I salt, 100 lbs., and llOll .bs.. M lbs. i. table salt. Farmera Union. A Kel History of . rj by W. Orablll of W< -; Suitable reward if returned to Wm. Kline- .rders for ice cream, for Bundaj i id !*> left at either di ag store not lat^rthan Satur- dav noon. A. W. Nicodemus & Sons. .NI^* red their Brsl - || j afternoon. .>ut a 17 to0 score by Uh* Staunton < hool. The Ac s **ere out weighed at least 'J.'> pf> indi ?,, ifeg Ui.dU} but put up a Miff feme, lethe secona half holding their opponents to no score. Put your savings In the Saving Department . Shenandoah Valley Loan & Tru^t co., Woodstock, Va., at 3 per om*. ,} interest A . cunts o'.S1.00 and upward receiv ed. Th only savings institutio in lae county for the accumulation of the ¦mall savings of laboring men, wo* men and child re- if taja he did it Peary says be did it. but th° chances are neither one dd it unless he took Hollister's Rocky Mouotele Tea. It |a the most search¬ ing and finding remedy.lhere is no dobU after takhg-ns sure as you take it you get results. Do it tonight. Schmitt s Drus Store. Droppel Dynamite. Winchester, Va., <>ct. 24..A bos containing loo pounds of dynamite was dropped on a sidewalk In the heart of the business section of Win¬ chester this afternoon by Gilbert Jenkins, a stage driver, without ex¬ ploding it. Mr. Jenkin* wascarrying the dyna¬ mite from a storage house to his stage, intending to convey it to Clark* county, when it suddenly slipped off his shoulder and fell to the sidewalk. I Vop-e who saw the word "Dynamite" in large letters on the box fled from the vic 'ty. Winter Lap Robes. Do you want a n !*. ? Doi.'t buy until you have seen the assortment ^ual received J. a. Djsart k Co. .0 od SD PERSONALS. Mr. Bil Spitzer, of New Market was le t-»wn on Wednesday. . James B. Avirett visited Mrs. Williams last week. Mr. p. A. Pitman left Saturday morning fur Sp.-ncer W. Va. r. J. S Hopkins, of Stcusburg, wus in Wordbook, last Monday. Mite Lockstam'er, of Zepp, U visit¬ ing her sUter, Mrs. Joe. Shaffer. M(SI Mary Hoshour is visiting her sister, Mrs. tloltzman iu llichmoLd. Mrs. Kenneth Koontz is visiting her aunt. Mrs. Chas. Holt, of .Staunton. Mrs. Charles Fravel, wha bas I en ill for several days, is now out ag.iin. Miss Judson, of Washington, ls visit lng Mles Kllen March on dlorah Street. Mrs. Dr. K. C. Darling, of lia ti- imore. Md., is visiting Mrs. M. C. .arin,,'. Mrs. Wm. Calvert, has returned j to her home . .1 to friends in Winchester. Kev. Krgci.e Skyles is visiting his parent- P.e»'. and Mrs. N. II. Sk. In this {'lace. Mrs. Klla Shaffer has returned from a visit to her sou, Mr. Chas. SI. of The Plains. ii> Mr J. D. For-y.he former proprie- a tor of Geary's II-tel »vas a visitor In t town this week. Herbert Larriok, Esq , of Win- I ester was in town 0:1 business the last of the week. Mr. ard Mrs. Clyde Hite have been ling in Washington, Pittsburg and at Niagara Falls. Mrs. Kila Hammond, of Mt. Jack¬ son visited her sister Miss Rebecca Rinker in this place. Mrs. James Williams and daughter Miss Nan ara visiting relatives and d Washington Mrs. Kate Johnson, of Mt. Jae ls paying a visit to her daughter. MrSi Hugh Supinger. Miss Mabel Walton is spending tins week with Hon. M. M. Ji huson and family in Front Royal. Mrs. Marion Kberly and children of Mt. Jackson ate visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. M. Coffman. Mr. William Funk is moving into b property that he recently pur¬ chased on North Hain street. Mrs. Cooper D. Schmitt, of Knox- vii!. Tenn., is wiall -s Virginia Schmitt, on South Main St* Mr, and Mrs. William Pent Tlmberrille are spending the week with Mr. and Mrs. M. B, Wun Mr. Harvey Miller, ol Wsthi has been S] - with ¦th*.-i* In law, Mr. J. I>. Boyer. Mi>s Su»ie Koontz, who is teaching sci. a ie apei iev« eral d .; 1 this p] .Mis- Dorothy Shoemaker, of Phlla deipbia is r \ arents 1 Japt, and Mrs. S nakeron South Ma stre Mr. C. K Walton St I the wedding of his sitter-in* Uti Ktl.el Johnson In Front Rtjrsl Wed¬ nesday. Mr. J. L. Shailer, a prominent merchant of this piace has been con¬ fined to his home for several dayl by sickness. Mrs. G. W. Graham and daughter, Miss Mary, of Boll tar, W. Va , are visiting Mrs. G's sister, Mrs. H. I. Fravel on Church street. Mi-s Moser who has been spending several weeks with Rev. and Mrs. J. W. D. Sherer and fami'y has return¬ ed to her home in Washington. Misses Marv and Viola Hroadbeck, of Hanover, Pa. and Mary HoiTheins. of Martlntburg are th" g letti of their former iebool*mats Miss Margaret Hoffman. Capt. W. E. K >n. retired chaplain of the V. 8. Arny, of Mit- ganton, N. C., was in Wo dstcck last week inspecting lb I). Catter's string of fine young horses. Mr, and Mrs. Floyd Ritenour, Mr. C. Moreland, Misses Rettie Combs Laura, Bessie and Olive Ritenour of j wei Seven Fountains spent some time this' cir LB Ol th la IV pi Cc ta fa an lie up bo -.¦ t an pei ed it c il dil a i I lat sal t a n< tba 15a .va Te: - da; tio T. ..N o'c He tb* L mo dei fro the the |0<i mo 'I To Su coi Lei tar* Mi lav ne* C> fd week with Mr. and Mrs. fos ph Keller. Mr. C. L. Gibbs returned Saturday from Baltimore, he and Mrs. Gibbs accompanied little ( burles to St. - Hospital where ht i> reeeivii g treatment. At last report the little fellow was doing nicely. Mr. and Mrs. Luther Rinker, of St David's, Mr and Mr?. Frank Rinker, of Edith. Mrs. B. P. Hoy ce and two children of Seven Fountains and Mrs. Alice Roteobery and sons of Rardetty visited Mr. and Mis. Joseph Kell* r. Wm. Kline and little daughter, Mildred, returned Saturday from Bssic City, Va., aeoompanied bf Mrs. Kl'nc's mother. Mrs W. M. Page, of Basic City, and Mit. Page's mother. Mrs. Mary Glenn, of Staun¬ ton. Mr. B. F. Borden, IT . was in Wood¬ stock, yesterday, lbe fi-st lian his return from the hospital. His many friend* will be giad to learn that he is still improving in health. Mr. Calvert, a son of th-J late Judge OeorsjeCalrerij ol New Market and superintendent of thc \\ et»k*rn Pni- n Telegraph Company stationed at Raleigh, N. C., was a visitor in learn this week. Mr. and Mrs. B. F, Rinker, of Tom's Brook, Mrs. Christena Fnnp--. pi Wteeheerer, Miss Pearl Otoa, t>f| Carmel and Mr. and Mrs. F More- : land and two children of Calvf" recent visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Josep) Keller. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. T. V entertained at jthoir beautif ¦'Birdwood " leal PYtowj eg in honor of tn'11 -.on Rev. .V. T«*. Williams and his bride. Ou y th relatives aud near friends were In An elegant repast was ti and good music was a part o' U I evenings erioyment Ni. W! \v Tb coi it \ 00 Coming I 'N. P. S. A.* Nov. 5th, 1909. 'l au iii- at eh Coi bm des ter I win f il n I Jae Mt He gat at I pl, S'l i ri -> Ba eny Soi Only a few more of thoie buggies left. Coses quick for a bargains. Farmers Union. V h-1 b-j '10 ebr I li m > f in- ill 1 bi o Lt bro Ced wcr turi Coi NOAH COFFMAN DEAD. HIS DODY HUllIED AT SAND KIL NE AK MT. OLIVE. After a hopeless contest with dea Mr. Noah tollman, keeper of a luui room at 115 Light Street, uno was si Wednesday afternoon by a neg whom he had discharged for drunk*, ness* died Friday afternoon tt t Meroe Hospital. Louis Liddell, the negro, who i cently came to Baltimore from Loni: ana, was brought from jail short after his employer's death and a ranged before Justice Gianna aharged with causing Mr. Conman leath. He did not exhibit SO] ow aud was led back to his oe!l, a fl >eing held for the action of th mer, apparently unmoved. When Mr. Coffman was taken to tl lospitai Wednesday Justice Oranni ittempted to get a statement fros nd again Thurtday he tried. Pride lit to the hospital, but the ii tired man's condition had bed ttl I h-* died wiiile Ihe Just ic as wailing for a rational moment i hich to talk With him. Wituesses state Liddell had beej orking for Mr. Coffmanonl ~. but during that time, SV« nile working In the kitchen, had beei rinking heavily. Finally, thej - 1 Wednesday after several of hil IStomers had complained. Mr. an remonstrated with him and this iling, is said to have discharged m. Th-"1 negro, it is said, mad'* throv g remarks as he left the place ntinued to stand about the front of i establishment c irsing and uttering predations. Mr. Coffman, it is ld, went out and ordered him to go ray. rhen, it is said, the negro drew a ito! from bit pocket and tired. Mr. itTman fell totbe ground, and when cen to the hospital was found to bs ally wounded. At no time was thate v hope of his n <:<>, pry. rhat the negro wat preparing bim- f for trouble is adducrd by the po* 9 from th* fad that it was learned .n inv it m thal be bad .ight the pistol from a Camden lealer only a few dayl bef< difficulty. The weapon is of a niliar type, carri- illy by irehistt and persons having d ate work to do. It is so construct- that the it can lire ni ide '!:.' j" cket So, if s tridges are oted, it would Icult for him to etespe unnoticed in vd. liddell, the )»o!ice tay, is one of s ge nunjher of negroes who for- the Soutbi rn Statei y are wanted by th** anti rities, to k tin ti > of otb -r negro Tl..- egret t'.'.i t!.. : he bad worked his way up to .re .i om Louisiana, b it bs 1 tbs co [n ;at, I he .n and was ii, i le t-» ve time in lory. er lilley il Fri- . night at the Centra l. Thc jury, of which Mr. J< Buckli j - in, <t\ ided th t oah Coffman died nt about 11:50 lock la>t Friday morah icy ipital from tia- effects of t bu lld: and said bullet wa> fired fl band of Louis Liddell." tr, X. G. Kier ie, who made the pot t- rtem rumination, testified that tb wat es m lood-poiton in a bullet in th ttomech. Be - bullet entered the lower part of middle ol M . Coffman's bi ll ged in the itomach and wai d >l red.*.Ball Sun. he body of .'.ir. Coffman i n's !>'<" I o'clock tr in id ey from Baltimore, ai 1 wat ac ipanied by his widowwh ? w»i -. taSnapp, formerly of Ohio; their . sons, Rodi ev and l-iari, -nd. If rs. ON onnor, his brother-in- -, Kev. Philip L Snapp; two o! bit 'hews, Mes i>. Eugene 'and Qet fTman, of Da vi*. \V. Va . and tbe owing pall bean rs, all of whom e intimate friends a: d fellow rthraen of the dtceascd, Messrs. holst Poflman, A. J. Snyd*r, Ulam Rehberger, H. C. Zulauf, T. Moore, and Andrew Knudti n . iloral tributes almost bid thee is itaming the ca*k» t from . sw wli as ta"'en from the train and p'a a truck, preparatory t > itt Deferred to the hearse. he widow could not restrain hrr cd from the train l their was scarcely a dry eye in large crowd which had assemble 1 pot. sd carriages were ssit*- and the body taken to sand Ridge rch,wben ibe funeral tereiees were eluded. ]{¦ r. J. !!. LutS OfflclSt d .-. pa) lng ¦ i aauiiful tribute to the d. i I rial was in thi- eena- rby. lr. Coffman i°sts not fur from re he was, not n, alter a buSJ USI life nelly eloead by a worth ro. Be wai a son of th- ob K. ('oilman and was born in the olive neighborhood H years ag.». j cho*e a lineal can i r arid bi - it le re lb- was slso In business 'onie 'I S '"ov SO yen. - and at th;.t i .. rep dallon h t dghtf lioneer( csp^blt - I man. He hud been fOOfttcd in ttmore for nb »ui and wat igi d - silt it th* r . M f. I D Kl 'i.-. I I SOI Ioctl d lurtion s | ;rg. rorer N! I'<. man was ioeeU d to id»»i h b.- and throughout held ls sm lo Baltimore butlne - cl ea* an affable lovable man, op n, k >-ml wi-: ii it o*. it He was a -t;an cit iTman was a trudie** of L*ith< r L . h ireh of e and . ..¦ the nj it I rded hm S lirOOg us- fui man is den » i io that city Hit fh**r in law is p istor of iii 11 iff nan lt survive J by three lliers, Messrs. Ltvl an1 William rman of near Jen's lirook, who j in Billim »re wpahe died, ri¬ ling Kriday evening and H. II. man, of Burlington, VV. Va. h- -t ro ¦.- he e- i- Iv THE REFORMED SYNOD. The Potomac Synod met in the R . formed Church last Tuesday night. The retiring President, R°v. I. X. Felgts), of Greencastle. Pa., prsaohri 1 the opening sermon to a large con¬ ation. At the close of the seimon the presi¬ dent called the Synod lo order and I prayer, after which the listed cleric called the provisional roll and. a Quorum being present, an election Of Officers for the ensuing yeti* was was heidi with the following result: President, Rev. Barton Ii. Carnahan. of Mt. Pleasant. Md.; Vies President. Hon. \v. j. Zacharias, Chambers- burg, Pa ; Corresponding Secretary. Kev. Howard Obold: Reeding Clerk, iv v. A. F. Nance, .Tuniata. Pa. Tia- openiing services Wednesday morning wa % conducted by P.ev. Geo. Snyder, of Middletown, Md., af: which the roll was called and the < minutes of last e von ing S td and approved. The remainder of tin* morning a i sion wat tpent hearing reports from tbe different boards and institution, and tending roch reports to their r*£ ipective commit" The Synod includes !; lions within'the territory of Virginia, ;',. || Virginia, North Carolina, Mary* land, the Southern tier of eoectii I Pennsylvania, and the Distriot ol Columbia. Tn.- Synod is composed of dele¬ gates from each of th" < i_! within its boondi iterlal and one lay ii- to evi-ry four minitterls] r di. As thu> CO lill roll will foot up *. thing oyerone hundred membert Besides these, there will bepret tentatives fri m the k lt, educational and oter Int itu- tions of the ch ireh. Last year'i itatistiet I Byood give the following i: Ministers, 190; eoe. ._- Itcential members. H,*'>.io: baptised and un¬ confirmed. 19,299; adult sdditions, s,408; Sundsy schools, 292, and hers, .i4.iiLM: ttndi nts for the try, 86; contrib ited for benevole il purpoi ifl i - 27,673. Church Notes. The pulpits of tbe town will bs fi'! d On Sand || i of the 1 if, the ll D less lon in our to-vn: M. K. <'hutch. Sui vy moJi Ret. .!. M. Shick, I). D, VT si loo, D. C !'.. enfi ¦ i '.>. ll .1. M. Runkle, of x-.\;» irt, \'.\. icr- R , E. O. K.i, We j Pa., 7:30 p. m., R D J. Wo town. Md. Lui burch. 1. a. m., Res Pa., 7:30 i: W, w. .: :.'. <.. .. rory Reform -d ( burch, Rev. : ... Pa. p »v. W. t in in the P !:. N. ( in Ch jrc Spi ii and wi.I rel linlst'j and return t i iiis farm in Virginia. Stsunton Va., ( tet. 24 Rei Dr, /I. M. Fraser, for IO yean lator of Pirti Prei Churd .. tel * bin - talion today to tal-e effect In Dec ir, l'»l<». Lost both Legs, hut May Live. Btaui '.¦ n, Va., < let. U G H. Snyder, of Harritoohurgi -'-i> ' about 3 O'C Cfc this m«> :, the Baltimore sod Ohio railroad tr.ick ll \ erons, >ix miles north of Si B -th legt wei i |) .. Hunter I I. B| by Dr. Kenneth Bradford and Mr. K. 1". B -lt, tvent t ) Verona In Mr. Bo 'l aut< mobile and brought bim to the King's Daughters Bospitsl bere, Ai pu sent tie* young man is doing verv well and it is thought le* aili nc mci-. The Southern Railway Co. hat th>- Valley Branch, i trie ligbt- r *niel, *jreo< ral m Its oen;y. ii is rory handsomely fur- nitbed and seats between eighty and ninety people. It lester] contraction, OS tbs sam-' principle SI .h.* Pullman car-i. It passed through thit plat Puetday and Wednesday ar. I it's h »p d that it will continue on Ibis line. 7t was well cdrertited as t laree number <>f pinUtert of the Re* (1 Synod hs peened to strike this «. .r. Mr. J H Hoover Severely Hurt. Mr .John il. Bo vd- wet ja nfuily Injured last Saturday at Front Boya! bj a horse falii-ig o^ bil leg. While do bones were broken, bis leg wai iv bruised. Mr. Hoover has bsen confined to his bee hnci:r Stripped. Mr. Frank Stillwell met with a painful accident at C. L. Fogal'.- blacktmiib tnop Wednesday morning. Ia moving a wagon b third of the loll hand was caught and ul f the tb *>h was stripped f; .rn it. Dr. J. II. SmOOt gave ic ll ll '-utm^nt. si P- V \\ ar st SI kl rn in ev si; Monster Vegetables. Mr. John Sweenej bas left at the .- di teighs 113 lbs. and n.t rs Si 1<' s in ci rc au feretOS Ile thinks :h .1 ll Wi eld IU| Ihe town, with for Thsnksgiving. tj ---it.. l.C. !. | tWO i iff i slots, lhere being bui es in the two bushels. Born. To Mr. afcd Mis. John Smack, ley'Ont. -.'. -a dsughssri To Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Stum, Tue* lay, 0 | daugti lb Pc d-K'cck Of Success its !n a ken, clear brain, backed b> raloTitable will and Sinr poe r comes from the splei.diu lealth that Dr. King's Niw Life Pill* inpart* They vitalize every organ ind build up beale tnd body. J. A. liar mon, Liietnore, A . Va., writes : "They are the besi Pills I eve* used.' at Walton A Smoot. cai ;.» V.< M: 1 l i 0»] at !". I nir eil Int iu wh em P : \ Life the tic fr, pla 'J Ha tie- in wil rn ; mu I Ca 3 Ho .' cri I of ti v c u <tei Ro tut ts Me cir wit Uo L his car sui in at < bel Ac: M C M ti ats a tj I! mo in I inc T i If**, .v < aW< anti S bro A. of I bel ter *-d em Burns Prove Fatal. Mrs. S. A. Ilenkel, died Thura night at her home one mils west Quicksburg, this county, tt *be rei of burns received Sunday morn while sitting near her f .¦..piree, the time of the accident Mrs. Heel WM sitting ia ber invalid chair n die fireplace reading some letters. »oine means several of the letters I ju* her lap and csught fire, carry; the dames to h is. In an inst; mr clothing was in a Mrs. Qeokel I I le the roo ler daughter, Miss Irene, In [itchon, and a hired girl heard li creams and came to her assistant Tmj found her lying on the tlc nth most of her clothing buru .way. They grehbodcovering fro r md and smothered out the flee - Ot before ihe unfortunate woman h fatally burned. Mrs. Renkel was shout51 yea ld. B tot six children.W d Wilmingl in, Del : S. D Faehington, l). <".! Miss Ii irginie, who i bool in Wi itngtoOi Del. ThS funeral was held at .Ww Ma .t Sunday morning at ll o'clock. Irs. Henry T. Johnson Deac Mrs. Senrv T. Johnston! for man .ars | retidect Of this place, died ; r hon.. 00 South Main street la: icm! ay. Before ber marriage to Mr. Jobi in she oas tiie widow of Georg siie if turvived by her husband an< i children, Mr. Lurcher Kibler, eminent buslnOSt man of Mar-diail i., Charles J' ion, < anok" s. Wm. Shaffl r, Mrs. .1. !.'. Kaine. d Miss Myrtle Johnson, ol Wood .anti children >- was a goo l woman and by be ld disposition and c induct had WOI nj friends. lllCt' t tbl Lutheran church onTburi l] ming by kev. J. W. I». Bchen ted by Kev. ll. M. ( enter. Int* r al tonk place in Massanutten Irs. Geo. B. Hann died at Saum: Ie, on last Morai iv p.. Obituary will app it week. RECITAL. iperiao Recital bj Dr. i St uthwick, President en ul School of* Bottt it. nebo fl is arrai * - H ul dui ec it Hy fortun i iming of Dr. Soul k>r, orator i 1st of I ,.;<.. v in Uottou. Thit tchoo I nits hs So tbwick io Wt i will lose i ol their i, hird, A T: is and Ambition, has tieen is the Reading for the eve- g. The interpretation of this play ipy the full evening and in lt Dr. Bo 1th* ick will itu- in turn the many characters ty. In short, it will bs I de play, whose characters will i>e in the expression of one ion. iri vouch for ile* splendid tary treat in store for all lovi - i si d Shakepi are le p ii . ler. Von will see him in ebal is ['i ntly admitted to be his gi r he recital will be given in Lan!/ Inesdoj evening, November third. Reserved seats will eotl ty live cents. General sdmissioo be twe.nty-tive cents. Tickets can obtained at Schmitt's drug store Saturday. to.MMi:-. Meeter in the art of exprettl oratory .--Times- Di snatch] Rich- al. nmeoaely pleasing..San Diego, .fonda. OU have . -ater admirei .. I. John TempS- Oral n artistic triumph.*.Boston Trans¬ it. Minister Injured. ev. A. L. Rarnsberger, s Dative be Valley, who haa numerous n e in Rockingham and Angus 4 nties, was the victim of a leriot I ident on Saturdaj afternoon near i-oke by which he suffered a free >d skull and also brok:* ln> leg in [daces. Mr. Bemeberger is a bodist preacher on tho Betlnny uit of the Baltimore COOfs ence, i churches in both Roanoke and itetourt counties. >. woo driving in hil carriage when horse became fright- ned at a in t r and ..rn away, throwing the mi 1- r lo the ground with serious re- s. At (esl seeonets bs wa- lying precarious condition at bis home Coverdale. ie ladies of tiie K-funned church a reception at Massanutten demy lo honor of the ministors it- s I . the RefOI BJ ld Synod night. Rein ihmSOtt were served. issie Lodge N . HI A. F. a a. lave a 'Mm Lei " Yhertdej ill IfSSOne who Ste la Woodstock niling the i'. ti d so Synod. About -liv t tiling brethren were pres* One -week of "N. P. S. A." Nov. 5-12, 09. itown, Md.. I»ct. IS.*.Ray i Rsa ..-. aiu -'h. was sm k'avnesb'.ro on the charge ol **-teal- 7,"» wr . mons from K- lue of the .Nh thodist Church. Ka.?** Kue in the WMi'tnt s'-ts a value lah oe the sswsmw. RamV.> ls eeswp I ol ttkinxr s e Heh, ch om eyeglasses, valued t *'.n. u, Va., ( I I In the suit »ght by l>. A. Kin^in agamst J. .Venn for tlo.noo foi the alien' is wife's atf i after ig out SB rici.n.t *s, brougnt in a Hello:-Mr. s'-i ( ti Th" zt^e last¬ er atmSH Y<> t att >rn<>ys were Joyed and about 00 witnesses ed. ay of ult eg At el. .iv di nt n. ti. .v ir :. ll ti Mill is Running. Operated with electricity generate on the Shenandoah river, severa miles away, thi big flooring mill 0 Dr. J. 1. Triplett, near the Woodstocl \ a ii -'a- ked during the with eight v ts Ol Xoidyk. rolls. Tin Of the plant is two hundred SOC fifty barrels with ll mi for a liv.- hundred barrel mill. The large live story structure contains all that is newest ii in mill machinery and the prodoet of the mill will be equal to that of the great era mills in grade. An elev lng a hundred feet in the air, is built Ut hold forty-firs thou an.i buebele of wheat, and thoueands ol bushels are noe being d, imped into its deep dark bins. Wlm all of the mi- ehinery in operation, - eoj vibration is noticed in the building md the motor which d.-iv | tl IC re- of belts can s. rd '.his mill it alid t. the pro- f Dr. Tn jd < lt and tie re so. i u'c I.tb ir til in any man in .V<»> ~ Don't miss the "N. P. S. A." Nov. 5-12 '09. One week only. Curing Catarrh Accept Our Advice and Try this Remedy at Our Risk. Catarrh is a disCSSC of the mucous membrane. The rau« ens membrane is, one may say, the interior lining of the bodv. Catarrh therefore rnsy exist i i cny part of the tj stem, when tlc* catarrhal polsi attacks tie- m -moram- Inflammation and o ngi ition ;. produced and nature I to throw ofl the aceumulat.-d poisons. The organ which has been afflict! d c ttes to perform its proper function a- nature dd. The retult i». con n unon com* alton, which may lead to ol hi i eei .ons aiihc- tlons. We honestlj believe Rexall MtlCU*Tone will do wonders catarrh, [I is made from ti |.¦lo¬ tion of an eminent phj sic who mad.- a long ii idy of catarrh, and blt with this remedy was an envi¬ able Ol We want you if you are | sufferer from Catarrh in an> form, to aire Rexall Mucu- Tone a thorough trial. I'se it with regularity and persistency for I then if von are qo! led, cone- back and tell 'is, and with- question or formality we will buck to yon every cent you paid us. This is cvriainly ibe fairest offer that an;, cou . lld sliest our - ty of purpose, lt C »m - iber .ditain it only at ; .\all I 5 SCHMITT'S D3UG STORE, THE STORE S*OR (jr A!.ITV. W< M >D8T< N In. - VA. Druid Oil \o and 50c. AW g-3 c4m* I REiTJTATIOrV is thc om- thine on which yr ti nutt rolly v n you buj dev. I j. We rs ar reputation fat above th- n any nu of sab s. h- IS ¦ We lt" repn lent i !<. We believe this I us. and expect to continue to con iuct our business so our repu ation will \< question* We ref. kb * abo have not dealt wit i u lo the many who have. AnuuLT, The Reliable Jeweler and Optician. I OOOBT STBEET, WOODSTOCK, . - VA. WATCH WORK AND HAND ENGRAVING fruit Trees. I will have fruit trees for sale in front of the court House November r.nirt dav. 2i. j ni ' Bram Norien. The Tax bills of Mm Town for tM, jue now made out and payment ma\ be made at any thne, at the Treasurer'-* in C.urt Square. All tax bil!*. remaining unpaid after i>c. ^Nt, W elli In* tuned Over to thc Sergeant, ind 6 |>er cent, added, and collection A all bilU enforced tceordicjf to law. Retpectrellj- M. w. MAORUUBB, t. 10 -until dec. .11. Treasurer. Brood Sow for Sale. (hie fine grtdetl (hester and I'ol and :»rnod sow and ten live weeks old pitf*- for sale This is a rare opportunity \0 get o first class brood sow. Price reasonable. Asa A. Shkkt/.. Woodstock, Va., sept. H. r. D. No. 2. O FOR SALK.Three heating stoves. A. Q. Carter. Colts Bring Big Prices. That it pay?} to raise draught colts was proven on Fri lay last when Mr J. A. Whitelaw shipped Belg . ! majority of ti rn «.!»* bren le Kruge -. ' i i sta!liol owned bj .^iv. Ooo* w. Lina* of thiri place The average price wai GO aud the high I was Nt.60 J Tills is a big price for jyoungsters anc proves that lt pays to bf ed to aid bred horses. This ii the third carload of Belgians purehssed by Mr. Whitelaw in this market. Touring Autos. Yo.\\ .sis aulon rd through Wood stock, on their ¦ Atlanta. A large crowd was on tia streets t > sheer them on their way. i 1 edt was suspended and ntaaj p tscd through el i rat.* which would h.- t-it litable to a: i reported thal Mount I fr m fo i ;->>. <i the op replenishing the tren i .> Ihs it -. had been w stop . it is bel ng through that town. Peculiar Accident to Flagman Bly. Flagman Bly met with a peculiar accident Thurtdty at New Market, while about his duties with the work train. Tie had pieced a torpedo and without thinking of the consequences was lightly picking on it wh**n :t exploded. The lingers on the gloves h-> wort were t- rn otf and taro fingers painfully torn on thc right han-'. I miiiht lt ive been Still more teriout had he not been wearing gloves. Public Sale. Mrs. J. J. Lambert, who lives near Readuswill sell at public auction all tier farming implements. .'{ mares, mttle and a number of hogs, on Sat¬ urday Nov. 6th. See bills. For a clear head a stout heart and drong mind, DeWitt's Little Earl J [Users, gentle, safe 6asy. pies lille Dewitt's Cerbolixed Witch Ilu/.-d Salve is unequalled for mulling where a silve is n. ledi and i especially goo4 for Piles. So dalton iV Sm Aged Colored Man Walked From Canada. An old colored man, who gave his J ; Tijou as Black** ll. i- i the city on loot morning en route for Roanoke tie ¦.ml he had walked all the fros *nada, ha\ tig been abi.ut, a yea*' and a half on the way. He fo-..d it too cold iu < anaOa, and is now returning to his old home ne .;i Va. H-* gave a brief account of his life. He was born in ISM, on the placa¬ tion of Dr. George Stephens in Albe¬ marle county, and was his slave until lu was sixteen, when he I --'d to a planter in Louisiana. Abut five years -fe:- the Civil War he returned to Virginia, finding bjth his meeter a .d mis n sselivSb Hs made his borne at Winche>ter. where he lived 'until about sight years ago, when he went I. i anade. After six years in Carada he ... ed t<» w ilk back to hit old home 1 Vii ginta. ll iii ms cds in fiis St i».-. ell <»» ebon ne ile tai t .- fy I i _- n* grO| slightly and oppareotly in ng, fl . carried two I of bedding, eic. on his c anl his those*vere prepped with crocus sa<*ks, evidently to ease the strain during his long walk.-. .berg Ad vance. TRUSTEE'S SALE. OF VALUABLE Personal Property. Bj virtue of a deed of trust executed to me by James W. Link of date* Feb¬ ruary r.1. d of record in the Clerk's Office of bhtnandoah county, Virginia, in I). B. 9o, page 115 etc., ko secure ceitain debts therein set forth, default having been made in the payment of said debts and being there¬ unto requested by the beneficiary. [ iel! at public aueidon, to the I est I dder on FRIDAY, NOVEMBER ¦". 1 .. et 1-' o'clock. M., in front of the place Of business of Z rkle k Bros., in Por> L-stville, Shenandoah county, Virginia, one Columbia Hay Haler, made by the Ann Arbor Company, of Ann Ar> Dur, Michigan, one Gray Mate, one rn Mule, one Red Cow, one Brown Wagon and one Buckboard* TERMS.CASH. Ii. L. FLOYD, Trustee. Start To-day with a bottle of our Sarsaparilla Compound. It wil purify thc blood and build up the tystetn in general thereby enabling it to overcome any disease germs lo which it is so susceptible ut this >eason of the year. The Large and Increasing' demand for this preparation is the best proof as to its merits. Regular 81.00 size for 50c. WALTON & SMOOT, ..Tin-: DRUGGISTS*' MAGAZINES, FINE CANDIES, CIGARS HESS' STOCK FOOD THE BEST. H. L. BRUMBACK Produce Commission Merchant 2824-26 WEST DAUPHIN STREET PHILADELPHIA, PA. Wake Up! Perfect Fitting'Clothes are the ONLY kind that leaves our establishment. Die Very Latest Designs in Fall and Winter Prints are now on display and to secure the best and latest in nobby FALL CLOTHS you should call at once. very Suit Guaranteed as to Workmanship, Material and Fit J. R. MILLER, pp. Post Office, iii TAILOR" Woodstock, Va. it, BANK MONEY ORDERS,'' are safe, convenient, economical. Cost Less than Post Office or Express Orders Payable at any bank in the United States. Ask for our rate card anJ compare prices. SHENANDOAH NATIONAL BANK.

Transcript of ·...

M.i-^i.^rMfcJWr*^*-***"'**' ¦.^.'¦-¦¦¦¦^¦¦¦¦^^¦¦iM


PR1DAY, UCTOliER 29. 1909,

Entered at the Post Office, at Wostock. Va., as second-class mattel



Mono? loaned at 8 per c«iit. on real esta!or . ateral security. Savin?* dipoolta Thrived in lumi of Si.oo oi ove:

and Interest allowed on aame.

rWFor particu'.ais address the Coirpan«r its home office, or call on J. Sf. Kberl;Straabnri; 0- W Wirdl«\ Kdinburg; F IpMQjbacker, M*. Jaek»on; or 8. Ihoover. New Market, Vs.

ANNOUNCEMENT.For House of Delegates-

II»viri>,¦* wea deolared the notrini rty. for th"

| most . illy solidi t.-. ol Shenandoi

C »uoly, foiIf, promise a faithful di

cjla - of the Ottrj wav lo ivik.K

myself useful to toy constituents.Very respectfullf.

F ll. BRUMBACK.1\, tj,» v lersof S indoeh Count.

| th,- non ination ftShe B .- from *

, ¦: iblicen County Coi..noonee myselfnotion, and solic

the -

. ol all quellfled foti.

.. enress toy erstAgin

ted, Soiin the future as

.. faithful and ImpelI i lafegnarath

lag com



Druid Oil.Great D ry for

Rheumatism, Backache and

Painful Joinsale at




5t J. L. Shaffer ft <

Lsp 1 i frc iu I2.( 0 up at .1. A

_'ham rc

Sh r

il just lo.Pr "nion.

af of allkinda Gel l< Farmers

If yt ut a iggj hip that willUs\t -

* for sale byJ-'\- l Co.

.vs for n( xt

|i ts, rill On somethingiv li ne.

Dr. J. ( D stiet elli bef hil Thursday and

Y: th aod *>th.

;tny desirablelal I prices to

rn i holiday stock.Wm. Kline. J eu

rortfa Va the Metho¬dist chur.-h };. a .(.tala: tbe loo. M. L VYa'ton,on Friday

'i christmaslent 1 i ai predated f Ex*

-inp tin i ti f ul robes at theha A. Dj -art <*»: Co.

our prodoes to J. L. Shafferkl Price. 8s doE.:

llb ; Lard 15o lb.: Chickeno I Wc lb.: Young 12c lb.: potatoes

- belir of si . I salt, 100

lbs., and llOll .bs.. M lbs.i. table salt. Farmera

Union.A Kel History of

. rj by W.Orablll of W< -; Suitable

reward if returned to Wm. Kline-.rders for ice cream, for

Bundaj i id !*> left ateither di ag store not lat^rthan Satur-dav noon. A. W. Nicodemus & Sons.

.NI^* red theirBrsl - || j afternoon.

.>ut a 17 to0 score byUh* Staunton < hool. TheAc s **ere out weighed atleast 'J.'> pf> indi ?,, ifeg Ui.dU} but putup a Miff feme, lethe secona halfholding their opponents to no score.

Put your savings In the SavingDepartment . Shenandoah ValleyLoan & Tru^t co., Woodstock, Va.,at 3 per om*. <¦ ,} interestA . cunts o'.S1.00 and upward received. Th only savings institutio inlae county for the accumulation of the¦mall savings of laboring men, wo*men and child re- if

taja he did it Peary says bedid it. but th° chances are neither onedd it unless he took Hollister's RockyMouotele Tea. It |a the most search¬ing and finding remedy.lhere is nodobU after takhg-ns sure as youtake it you get results. Do it tonight.Schmitt s Drus Store.

Droppel Dynamite.Winchester, Va., <>ct. 24..A bos

containing loo pounds of dynamitewas dropped on a sidewalk In theheart of the business section of Win¬chester this afternoon by GilbertJenkins, a stage driver, without ex¬

ploding it.Mr. Jenkin* wascarrying the dyna¬

mite from a storage house to his stage,intending to convey it to Clark*county, when it suddenly slipped offhis shoulder and fell to the sidewalk.I Vop-e who saw the word "Dynamite"in large letters on the box fled fromthe vic 'ty.

Winter Lap Robes.Do you want a n !*. ? Doi.'t buy

until you have seen the assortment

^ual received b» J. a. Djsart k Co.




PERSONALS.Mr. Bil Spitzer, of New Market was

le t-»wn on Wednesday.. James B. Avirett visited

Mrs. Williams last week.Mr. p. A. Pitman left Saturday

morning fur Sp.-ncer W. Va.r. J. S Hopkins, of Stcusburg,

wus in Wordbook, last Monday.Mite Lockstam'er, of Zepp, U visit¬

ing her sUter, Mrs. Joe. Shaffer.M(SI Mary Hoshour is visiting her

sister, Mrs. tloltzman iu llichmoLd.Mrs. Kenneth Koontz is visiting her

aunt. Mrs. Chas. Holt, of .Staunton.Mrs. Charles Fravel, wha bas I en

ill for several days, is now out ag.iin.Miss Judson, of Washington, ls

visit lng Mles Kllen March on dlorahStreet.

Mrs. Dr. K. C. Darling, of lia ti-imore. Md., is visiting Mrs. M. C.

.arin,,'.Mrs. Wm. Calvert, has returned j

to her home . .1 to friends inWinchester.Kev. Krgci.e Skyles is visiting his

parent- P.e»'. and Mrs. N. II. Sk.In this {'lace.Mrs. Klla Shaffer has returned from

a visit to her sou, Mr. Chas. SI.of The Plains.


Mr J. D. For-y.he former proprie-a tor of Geary's II-tel »vas a visitor Int town this week.

Herbert Larriok, Esq , of Win-I ester was in town 0:1 business the

last of the week.Mr. ard Mrs. Clyde Hite have been

ling in Washington, Pittsburg andat Niagara Falls.Mrs. Kila Hammond, of Mt. Jack¬

son visited her sister Miss RebeccaRinker in this place.Mrs. James Williams and daughter

Miss Nan ara visiting relatives andd Washington

Mrs. Kate Johnson, of Mt. Jaels paying a visit to her daughter.MrSi Hugh Supinger.Miss Mabel Walton is spending tins

week with Hon. M. M. Ji huson andfamily in Front Royal.Mrs. Marion Kberly and children of

Mt. Jackson ate visiting her parentsMr. and Mrs. M. Coffman.Mr. William Funk is moving into

b property that he recently pur¬chased on North Hain street.Mrs. Cooper D. Schmitt, of Knox-

vii!. Tenn., is wiall -s VirginiaSchmitt, on South Main St*

Mr, and Mrs. William PentTlmberrille are spending the weekwith Mr. and Mrs. M. B, WunMr. Harvey Miller, ol Wsthi

has been S] - with¦th*.-i* In law, Mr. J. I>. Boyer.

Mi>s Su»ie Koontz, who is teachingsci. a ie apei iev«

eral d.; 1 this p].Mis- Dorothy Shoemaker, of Phlla

deipbia is r \ arents 1 Japt,and Mrs. S nakeron South Mastre

Mr. C. K Walton St I thewedding of his sitter-in* UtiKtl.el Johnson In Front Rtjrsl Wed¬nesday.Mr. J. L. Shailer, a prominent

merchant of this piace has been con¬

fined to his home for several dayl bysickness.

Mrs. G. W. Graham and daughter,Miss Mary, of Bolltar, W. Va , are

visiting Mrs. G's sister, Mrs. H. I.Fravel on Church street.

Mi-s Moser who has been spendingseveral weeks with Rev. and Mrs. J.W. D. Sherer and fami'y has return¬

ed to her home in Washington.Misses Marv and Viola Hroadbeck,

of Hanover, Pa. and Mary HoiTheins.of Martlntburg are th" g letti of theirformer iebool*mats Miss MargaretHoffman.Capt. W. E. K >n. retired

chaplain of the V. 8. Arny, of Mit-

ganton, N. C., was in Wo dstccklast week inspecting lb I). Catter'sstring of fine young horses.

Mr, and Mrs. Floyd Ritenour, Mr.C. Moreland, Misses Rettie CombsLaura, Bessie and Olive Ritenour of j weiSeven Fountains spent some time this' cir







peieditc il

dila i


a n<








week with Mr. and Mrs. fos ph Keller.

Mr. C. L. Gibbs returned Saturdayfrom Baltimore, he and Mrs. Gibbsaccompanied little ( burles to St.

- Hospital where ht i> reeeivii gtreatment. At last report the littlefellow was doing nicely.

Mr. and Mrs. Luther Rinker, of St

David's, Mr and Mr?. Frank Rinker,of Edith. Mrs. B. P. Hoy ce and two

children of Seven Fountains and Mrs.Alice Roteobery and sons of Rardettyvisited Mr. and Mis. Joseph Kell* r.

Wm. Kline and little daughter,Mildred, returned Saturday fromBssic City, Va., aeoompanied bfMrs. Kl'nc's mother. Mrs W. M.

Page, of Basic City, and Mit. Page'smother. Mrs. Mary Glenn, of Staun¬ton.Mr. B. F. Borden, IT . was in Wood¬

stock, yesterday, lbe fi-st lianhis return from the hospital. Hismany friend* will be giad to learnthat he is still improving in health.

Mr. Calvert, a son of th-J late JudgeOeorsjeCalrerij ol New Market and

superintendent of thc \\ et»k*rn Pni- n

Telegraph Company stationed at

Raleigh, N. C., was a visitor in learnthis week.Mr. and Mrs. B. F, Rinker, of

Tom's Brook, Mrs. Christena Fnnp--.pi Wteeheerer, Miss Pearl Otoa, t>f|Carmel and Mr. and Mrs. F More- :

land and two children of Calvf"recent visitors at the home of Mr. andMrs. Josep) Keller.Mr. and Mrs. Wm. T. V

entertained at jthoir beautif¦'Birdwood " leal PYtowj eg inhonor of tn'11 -.on Rev. .V. T«*.Williams and his bride. Ou y threlatives aud near friends were In

An elegant repast was tiand good music was a part o' U I

evenings erioyment


it \


Coming I'N. P. S. A.*Nov. 5th, 1909.






Iwinf iln IJaeMtHegatat I

pl,S'l i

ri ->


Only a few more of thoie buggiesleft. Coses quick for a bargains.Farmers Union.




lim >


ill 1bi o





After a hopeless contest with deaMr. Noah tollman, keeper of a luuiroom at 115 Light Street, uno was si

Wednesday afternoon by a negwhom he had discharged for drunk*,ness* died Friday afternoon tt tMeroe Hospital.Louis Liddell, the negro, who i

cently came to Baltimore from Loni:ana, was brought from jail shortafter his employer's death and a

ranged before Justice Giannaaharged with causing Mr. Conmanleath. He did not exhibit SO]ow aud was led back to his oe!l, a fl>eing held for the action of thmer, apparently unmoved.When Mr. Coffman was taken to tl

lospitai Wednesday Justice Oranniittempted to get a statement frosnd again Thurtday he tried. Pride

lit to the hospital, but the iitired man's condition had bed ttl

I h-* died wiiile Ihe Justicas wailing for a rational moment ihich to talk With him.Wituesses state Liddell had beejorking for Mr. Coffmanonl

~. but during that time, SV«nile working In the kitchen, had beei

rinking heavily. Finally, thej -

1 Wednesday after several of hilIStomers had complained. remonstrated with him and thisiling, is said to have dischargedm.

Th-"1 negro, it is said, mad'* throv

g remarks as he left the placentinued to stand about the front ofi establishment c irsing and utteringpredations. Mr. Coffman, it is

ld, went out and ordered him to goray.rhen, it is said, the negro drew a

ito! from bit pocket and tired. Mr.itTman fell totbe ground, and whencen to the hospital was found to bsally wounded. At no time was thatev hope of his n <:<>, pry.rhat the negro wat preparing bim-f for trouble is adducrd by the po*9 from th* fad that it was learned.n inv it m thal be bad.ight the pistol from a Camden

lealer only a few dayl bef<difficulty. The weapon is of a

niliar type, carri- illy byirehistt and persons having date work to do. It is so construct-that the it can lireni ide '!:.' j" cket So, if s

tridges are oted, it wouldIcult for him to etespe unnoticed in


liddell, the )»o!ice tay, is one of s

ge nunjher of negroes who for-the Soutbi rn Statei

y are wanted by th** anti rities,to

k tin ti > of otb -r negroTl..- egret t'.'.i t!..

: he bad worked his way up .i om Louisiana, b it bs 1

tbs co [n;at, I he

.n and was ii, i le t-»ve time in lory.

er lilley il Fri-. night at the Central. Thc jury, of which Mr. J<Buckli j - in, <t\ ided th t

oah Coffman died nt about 11:50lock la>t Friday morah icyipital from tia- effects of t bulld: and said bullet wa> fired flband of Louis Liddell."tr, X. G. Kierie, who made the pott-rtem rumination, testified thattb wat es m lood-poitonin a bullet in th ttomech. Be -

bullet entered the lower part ofmiddle ol M . Coffman's bi llged in the itomach and wai d >lred.*.Ball Sun.he body of .'.ir. Coffman i

n's !>'<" I o'clock tr inidey from Baltimore, ai 1 wat ac

ipanied by his widowwh ? w»i -.

taSnapp, formerly of Ohio; their. sons, Rodi ev and l-iari,-nd. Ifrs. ON onnor, his brother-in--, Kev. Philip L Snapp; two o! bit'hews, Mes i>. Eugene 'and QetfTman, of Da vi*. \V. Va . and tbeowing pallbean rs, all of whome intimate friends a: d fellowrthraen of the dtceascd, Messrs.holst Poflman, A. J. Snyd*r,Ulam Rehberger, H. C. Zulauf, T.Moore, and Andrew Knudti n

. iloral tributes almost bid thee is

itaming the ca*k» t from . sw wlias ta"'en from the train and p'aa truck, preparatory t > ittDeferred to the hearse.

he widow could not restrain hrrcd from the train

l their was scarcely a dry eye inlarge crowd which had assemble 1 carriages were ssit*-

and the body taken to sand Ridgerch,wben ibe funeral tereiees wereeluded. ]{¦ r. J. !!. LutS OfflclSt d.-. pa) lng ¦ i aauiiful tribute to the

d. i I rial was in thi- eena- Coffman i°sts not fur fromre he was, not n, alter a buSJ USIlife c» nelly eloead by a worthro. Be wai a son of th-ob K. ('oilman and was born in theolive neighborhood H years ag.». jcho*e a lineal can i r arid bi -

it le re lb- was slso In business'onie 'I S '"ov SO yen. - and at th;.t

i .. rep dallon h t

dghtf lioneer( csp^blt -

I man. He hud been fOOfttcd inttmore for nb »ui and wat

igi d - silt it th* r .

M f. I D Kl 'i.-. I I SOI Ioctl d

lurtion s | ;rg.

rorer N! I'<. man was ioeeU dto id»»i h b.-

and throughoutheld ls

sm lo Baltimore butlne - clea* an affable lovable man, op n,

k >-ml wi-: ii it o*. it He was a

-t;an citiTman was a trudie** of

L*ith< r L . h ireh ofe and . ..¦

the nj it I

rded hm S lirOOg us- fui man

is den » i io that city Hitfh**r in law is p istor of iii

11 iff nan lt survive J by threelliers, Messrs. Ltvl an1 Williamrman of near Jen's lirook, whoj in Billim »re wpahe died, ri¬

ling Kriday evening and H. II.

man, of Burlington, VV. Va.






THE REFORMED SYNOD.The Potomac Synod met in the R .

formed Church last Tuesday night.The retiring President, R°v. I. X.Felgts), of Greencastle. Pa., prsaohri 1the opening sermon to a large con¬

ation.At the close of the seimon the presi¬

dent called the Synod lo order andI prayer, after which the listed

cleric called the provisional roll and.a Quorum being present, an electionOf Officers for the ensuing yeti* was

was heidi with the following result:President, Rev. Barton Ii. Carnahan.of Mt. Pleasant. Md.; Vies President.Hon. \v. j. Zacharias, Chambers-burg, Pa ; Corresponding Secretary.Kev. Howard Obold: Reeding Clerk,iv v. A. F. Nance, .Tuniata. Pa.

Tia- openiing services Wednesdaymorning wa% conducted by P.ev. Geo.

Snyder, of Middletown, Md., af:which the roll was called and the <

minutes of last e von ing S td andapproved.The remainder of tin* morning a i

sion wat tpent hearing reports fromtbe different boards and institution,and tending roch reports to their r*£ipective commit"The Synod includes !;

lions within'the territory of Virginia,;',. || Virginia, North Carolina, Mary*land, the Southern tier of eoectii IPennsylvania, and the Distriot olColumbia.

Tn.- Synod is composed of dele¬gates from each of th" < i_!within its boondi iterlal andone lay ii- to evi-ry fourminitterls] r di. As thu> CO lill

roll will foot up *.

thing oyerone hundred membertBesides these, there will bepret

tentatives fri m the k

lt, educational and oter Int itu-tions of the ch ireh.Last year'i itatistiet I Byood

give the following i: Ministers,190; eoe. ._- Itcentialmembers. H,*'>.io: baptised and un¬

confirmed. 19,299; adult sdditions,s,408; Sundsy schools, 292, andhers, .i4.iiLM: ttndi nts for the

try, 86; contrib ited for benevole ilpurpoi ifl

i - 27,673.

Church Notes.The pulpits of tbe town will bs fi'! d

On Sand || i of the 1if, the ll

D lesslon in our to-vn:

M. K. <'hutch. Sui vy moJiRet. .!. M. Shick, I). D, VT si

loo, D. C !'.. enfi ¦ i '.>. ll.1. M. Runkle, of x-.\;» irt, \'.\.

icr-R , E. O. K.i, Wej

Pa., 7:30 p. m., R D J. Wotown. Md.

Lui burch. 1. a. m., ResPa., 7:30

i: W, w. .::.'. <..

.. rory Reform -d ( burch, Rev.: ... Pa.p »v. W. t

in in the P

!:. N. (in Ch j rc

Spi iiand wi.I rel linlst'jand return t i iiis farm in Virginia.Stsunton Va., ( tet. 24 Rei Dr, /I.

M. Fraser, for IO yean lator ofPirti Prei Churd .. tel *

bin - talion today to tal-eeffect In Dec ir, l'»l<».

Lost both Legs, hut May Live.Btaui '.¦ n, Va., < let. U G H.

Snyder, of Harritoohurgi -'-i> '

about 3 O'C Cfc this m«> :, theBaltimore sod Ohio railroad tr.ick ll\ erons, >ix miles north of SiB -th legt wei i|) .. Hunter I I. B|by Dr. Kenneth Bradford and Mr. K.1". B -lt, tvent t ) Verona In Mr. Bo 'laut< mobile and brought bim to theKing's Daughters Bospitsl bere, Aipu sent tie* young man is doing verv

well and it is thought le* aili nc mci-.

The Southern Railway Co. hatth>- Valley Branch, i trie ligbt-

r *niel, *jreo< ral m Its;y. ii is rory handsomely fur-nitbed and seats between eighty and

ninety people. It lester] contraction,OS tbs sam-' principle SI .h.* Pullmancar-i. It passed through thit platPuetday and Wednesday ar. I it'sh »p d that it will continue on Ibisline. 7t was well cdrertited as tlaree number <>f pinUtert of the Re*

(1 Synod hspeened to strike this«. .r.

Mr. J H Hoover Severely Hurt.Mr .John il. Bo vd- wet ja nfuily

Injured last Saturday at Front Boya!bj a horse falii-ig o^ bil leg. Whiledo bones were broken, bis leg wai

iv bruised. Mr. Hoover hasbsen confined to his bee

hnci:r Stripped.Mr. Frank Stillwell met with a

painful accident at C. L. Fogal'.-blacktmiib tnop Wednesday morning.Ia moving a wagon b third

of the loll hand was caught andul f the tb *>h was stripped f; .rn it.Dr. J. II. SmOOt gave

ic ll ll '-utm^nt.





Monster Vegetables.Mr. John Sweenej bas left at the

.- di teighs113 lbs. and n.t rs '¦ Si 1<'

s in ci rc au feretOS Ile thinks:h .1 ll Wi eld IU| Ihe town, with

for ---it.. l.C. !. | tWOi iff i slots, lhere being bui

es in the two bushels.

Born.To Mr. afcd Mis. John Smack,

ley'Ont. -.'. -a dsughssriTo Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Stum, Tue*

lay, 0 | daugtilb Pc d-K'cck Of Success

its !n a ken, clear brain, backed b>raloTitable will and ;¦

Sinr poe r comes from the splei.diulealth that Dr. King's Niw Life Pill*inpart* They vitalize every organind build up beale tnd body. J. A.liar mon, Liietnore, A . Va., writes :

"They are the besi Pills I eve* used.' at Walton A Smoot. cai


1l i






P :









Iofti vc u




suiinat <



Mtiatsa tj

I!moin IincT iIf**,.v <


SbroA.of Ibelter*-dem

Burns Prove Fatal.Mrs. S. A. Ilenkel, died Thura

night at her home one mils westQuicksburg, this county, tt *be rei

of burns received Sunday mornwhile sitting near her f .¦..piree,the time of the accident Mrs. HeelWM sittingia ber invalid chair n

die fireplace reading some letters.»oine means several of the letters Iju* her lap and csught fire, carry;the dames to h is. In an inst;mr clothing was in a Qeokel I I le the roo

ler daughter, Miss Irene, In[itchon, and a hired girl heard licreams and came to her assistantTmj found her lying on the tlcnth most of her clothing buru.way. They grehbodcovering fro r

md and smothered out the flee -

Ot before ihe unfortunate woman hfatally burned.

Mrs. Renkel was shout51 yeald. B tot six children.W

d Wilmingl in, Del : S. DFaehington, l). <".! Miss Ii

irginie, who i bool in WiitngtoOi Del.ThS funeral was held at .Ww Ma.t Sunday morning at ll o'clock.

Irs. Henry T. Johnson DeacMrs. Senrv T. Johnston! for man

.ars | retidect Of this place, died ;

r hon.. 00 South Main street la:icm! ay.Before ber marriage to Mr. Jobiin she oas tiie widow of Georg

siie if turvived by her husband an<

i children, Mr. Lurcher Kibler,eminent buslnOSt man of Mar-diaili., Charles J' ion, < anok"s. Wm. Shaffl r, Mrs. .1. !.'. Kaine.d Miss Myrtle Johnson, ol Wood

.anti children>- was a goo l woman and by beld disposition and c induct had WOI

nj friends.lllCt' t

tbl Lutheran church onTburi l]ming by kev. J. W. I». Bchented by Kev. ll. M. ( enter. Int* r

al tonk place in Massanutten

Irs. Geo. B. Hann died at Saum:Ie, on last Morai iv p..

Obituary will app it week.

RECITAL.iperiao Recital bj Dr.

i St uthwick, Presidenten ul School of* Botttit.

nebo fl is arrai*

- H ul duiecitHy fortun i

iming of Dr. Soul i«

k>r, orator i1st of I ,.;<..

v in Uottou. Thit tchooInits hs

So tbwick io Wt i will losei ol their


hird, A T:is and Ambition, has tieenis the Reading for the eve-

g. The interpretation of this playipy the full evening and in

lt Dr. Bo 1th* ick will itu-in turn the many characters

ty. In short, it will bs Ide play, whose characters will i>e

in the expression of oneion.

iri vouch for ile* splendidtary treat in store for all lovi -

i si d Shakepi are le p ii .

ler. Von will see him in ebal is['i ntly admitted to be his girhe recital will be given in Lan!/

Inesdoj evening, Novemberthird. Reserved seats will eotlty live cents. General sdmissioobe twe.nty-tive cents. Tickets can

obtained at Schmitt's drug store

Meeter in the art of exprettloratory .--Times- Di snatch] Rich-al.nmeoaely pleasing..San Diego,.fonda.OU have . -ater admirei ..I. John TempS- Oraln artistic triumph.*.Boston Trans¬it.

Minister Injured.ev. A. L. Rarnsberger, s Dativebe Valley, who haa numerous ne in Rockingham and Angus 4

nties, was the victim of a leriot I

ident on Saturdaj afternoon near

i-oke by which he suffered a free>d skull and also brok:* ln> leg in[daces. Mr. Bemeberger is a

bodist preacher on tho Betlnnyuit of the Baltimore COOfs ence,i churches in both Roanoke anditetourt counties.>. woo driving in hil carriage whenhorse became fright- ned at a in t r

and ..rn away, throwing the mi 1-

r lo the ground with serious re-

s. At (esl seeonets bs wa- lyingprecarious condition at bis homeCoverdale.

ie ladies of tiie K-funned churcha reception at Massanutten

demy lo honor of the ministorsit- s I . the RefOI BJ ld Synod

night. Rein ihmSOtt were served.

issie Lodge N . HI A. F. a a.

lave a 'Mm Lei " Yhertdejill IfSSOne who Ste la Woodstockniling the i'. ti d so Synod. About-liv t tiling brethren were pres*

One -week of"N. P. S. A."Nov. 5-12, 09.

itown, Md.. I»ct. IS.*.Rayi Rsa ..-. aiu -'h. was sm

k'avnesb'.ro on thecharge ol **-teal-7,"» wr . mons from K-lue of the .Nh thodist Church. Ka.?**Kue in the WMi'tnt s'-ts a value

lah oe the sswsmw. RamV.> lseeswp I ol ttkinxr s e Heh, ch om

eyeglasses, valued t *'.n.

u, Va., ( I I In the suit

»ght by l>. A. Kin^in agamst J..Venn for tlo.noo foi the alien'is wife's atf i afterig out SB rici.n.t *s, brougnt in a

Hello:-Mr. s'-i ( ti Th" zt^e last¬er atmSH Y<> t att >rn<>ys were

Joyed and about 00 witnessesed.










Mill is Running.Operated with electricity generate

on the Shenandoah river, severamiles away, thi big flooring mill 0Dr. J. 1. Triplett, near the Woodstocl

\ a ii -'a- ked during thewith eight v ts Ol Xoidyk. rolls. Tin

Of the plant is twohundred SOC fifty barrels with ll mi

for a liv.- hundred barrel mill.The large live story structure containsall that is newest ii in millmachinery and the prodoet of the millwill be equal to that of the greatera mills in grade. An elev

lng a hundred feet in the air, isbuilt Ut hold forty-firs thou an.ibuebele of wheat, and thoueands olbushels are noe being d, imped into itsdeep dark bins. Wlm all of the mi-

ehinery in operation, - eojvibration is noticed in the buildingmd the motor which d.-iv | tl IC re-

of belts can s. rd '.hismill it alid t. the pro-

f Dr. Tn jd < lt and tie reso.

i u'c I.tb ir til in

any man in .V<»> ~

Don't miss the"N. P. S. A."Nov. 5-12 '09.One week only.

Curing CatarrhAccept Our Advice andTry this Remedy at

Our Risk.Catarrh is a disCSSC of themucous membrane. The rau«ens membrane is, one may say,the interior lining of the bodv.Catarrh therefore rnsy exist i icny part of the tj stem,when tlc* catarrhal polsi

attacks tie- m -moram-Inflammation and o ngi ition;. .¦ produced and nature Ito throw ofl the aceumulat.-dpoisons. The organ which hasbeen afflict! d c ttes to performits proper function a- nature

dd. The retulti». con n unon com*

alton, which may lead toolhi i eei .ons aiihc-tlons.We honestlj believe Rexall

MtlCU*Tone will do wonderscatarrh, [I

is made from ti |.¦lo¬tion of an eminent phj sicwho mad.- a long ii idy ofcatarrh, and bltwith this remedy was an envi¬able OlWe want you if you are |

sufferer from Catarrh in an>form, to aire Rexall Mucu-Tone a thorough trial. I'se itwith regularity and persistencyfor I then ifvon are qo! led, cone-back and tell 'is, and with-question or formality we will

buck to yon every centyou paid us. This is cvriainlyibe fairest offer that an;,

cou . lld sliestour - ty of purpose, ltC »m -

iber.ditain it only at

; .\all




W< M >D8T< N In. - VA.

Druid Oil \o and 50c.

AW g-3


I REiTJTATIOrVis thc om- thine on which yr ti

nutt rolly v n you buj dev. I j.We rs ar reputation fatabove th- n any nu

of sab s. h- IS ¦ We lt"

repn lent i !<. We believe thisI us. and expect to continue

to con iuct our business so our

repu ation will \< question*We ref. kb * abo have not

dealt wit i u lo the many whohave.

AnuuLT,The Reliable Jeweler

and Optician.




fruit Trees.I will have fruit trees for sale in

front of the court House Novemberr.nirt dav.

2i. j ni ' Bram

Norien.The Tax bills of Mm Town for tM,

jue now made out and payment ma\

be made at any thne, at the Treasurer'-*in C.urt Square. All tax bil!*.

remaining unpaid after i>c. ^Nt, Welli In* tuned Over to thc Sergeant,ind 6 |>er cent, added, and collectionA all bilU enforced tceordicjf to law.

Retpectrellj-M. w. MAORUUBB,

t. 10 -until dec. .11. Treasurer.

Brood Sow for Sale.(hie fine grtdetl (hester and I'ol and

:»rnod sow and ten live weeks old pitf*-for sale This is a rare opportunity\0 get o first class brood sow. Pricereasonable. Asa A. Shkkt/..

Woodstock, Va.,sept. H. r. D. No. 2.


FOR SALK.Three heating stoves.A. Q. Carter.

Colts Bring Big Prices.That it pay?} to raise draught colts

was proven on Fri lay last when MrJ. A. Whitelaw shippedBelg . !

majority of ti rn «.!»* bren leKruge -. '

i i sta!liolowned bj .^iv. Ooo* w. Lina*of thiri place The average price wai

GO aud the high I was Nt.60J Tills is a big price for jyoungsters anc

proves that lt pays to bf ed toaid bred horses. This ii the thirdcarload of Belgians purehssed byMr. Whitelaw in this market.

Touring Autos.Yo.\\ .sis aulon rd

through Wood stock, on their ¦

Atlanta. A large crowd was on tiastreets t > sheer them on their way.

i 1 edt was suspended andntaaj p tscd through el i rat.* whichwould h.- t-it litable to a:

i reported thal MountI fr m fo i ;->>. <i the opreplenishing the tren i .> Ihs

it -. had been w

stop . it is belng through that town.

Peculiar Accident to FlagmanBly.

Flagman Bly met with a peculiaraccident Thurtdty at New Market,while about his duties with the worktrain. Tie had pieced a torpedo andwithout thinking of the consequencesh° was lightly picking on it wh**n :texploded. The lingers on the glovesh-> wort were t- rn otf and taro fingerspainfully torn on thc right han-'.

I miiiht lt ive been Still more

teriout had he not been wearinggloves.

Public Sale.Mrs. J. J. Lambert, who lives near

Readuswill sell at public auction alltier farming implements. .'{ mares,mttle and a number of hogs, on Sat¬urday Nov. 6th. See bills.

For a clear head a stout heart anddrong mind, DeWitt's Little Earl J[Users, gentle, safe 6asy. pieslille Dewitt's CerbolixedWitch Ilu/.-d Salve is unequalled formulling where a silve is n. ledi andi especially goo4 for Piles. Sodalton iV Sm

Aged Colored Man Walked FromCanada.

An old colored man, who gave hisJ ; Tijou as Black** ll.

i- i the city on lootmorning en route for Roanoke tie

¦.ml he had walked all thefros *nada, ha\ tigbeen abi.ut, a yea*' and a half on theway. He fo-..d it too cold iu < anaOa,and is now returning to his old homene .;i Va.

H-* gave a brief account of his life.He was born in ISM, on the placa¬tion of Dr. George Stephens in Albe¬marle county, and was his slave untillu was sixteen, when he I --'d to a

planter in Louisiana. Abut five years

-fe:- the Civil War he returned to

Virginia, finding bjth his meeter a .dmis n sselivSb Hs made his borne atWinche>ter. where he lived 'untilabout sight years ago, when he went

I. i anade.After six years in Carada he ...

ed t<» w ilk back to hit old home 1

Vii ginta. ll iii ms

cds in fiis St i».-. ell <»» ebon ne


tai t .- fy I i _- n* grO| slightlyand oppareotly in ng,

fl . carried twoI of bedding, eic. on his

c anl his those*vere preppedwith crocus sa<*ks, evidently to ease

the strain during his long walk.-..berg Ad vance.


Personal Property.Bj virtue of a deed of trust executed

to me by James W. Link of date* Feb¬ruary r.1. d of record in theClerk's Office of bhtnandoah county,Virginia, in I). B. 9o, page 115 etc.,ko secure ceitain debts therein setforth, default having been made in thepayment of said debts and being there¬unto requested by the beneficiary. [

iel! at public aueidon, to the Iest I dder on


et 1-' o'clock. M., in front of the placeOf business of Z rkle k Bros., in Por>L-stville, Shenandoah county, Virginia,one Columbia Hay Haler, made bythe Ann Arbor Company, of Ann Ar>Dur, Michigan, one Gray Mate, one

rn Mule, one Red Cow, one BrownWagon and one Buckboard*


Start To-daywith a bottle of our Sarsaparilla Compound. It wilpurify thc blood and build up the tystetn in generalthereby enabling it to overcome any disease germslowhichit is so susceptible ut this >eason of the year.

The Large andIncreasing'demand for this preparation is the best proof as to itsmerits.

Regular 81.00 size for 50c.WALTON & SMOOT,




H. L. BRUMBACKProduce Commission Merchant


Wake Up!

Perfect Fitting'Clothesare the ONLY kind that leaves our establishment.

Die Very Latest Designs inFall and Winter Prints

are now on display and to secure the best and latestin nobby FALL CLOTHS you should call at once.

very Suit Guaranteed as to Workmanship, Material and Fit

J. R. MILLER,pp. Post Office, iii TAILOR" Woodstock, Va.

it,BANK MONEY ORDERS,''are safe, convenient, economical.

Cost Less than Post Office or

Express Orders

Payable at any bank in theUnited States.

Ask for our rate card anJ compare prices.