Information for P7 Parents & Carers 2014

St Joseph’s Academy Transition 2014-15 St Joseph’s Academy Grassyards Road Kilmarnock East Ayrshire Tel: 01563 526144


A booklet about moving from primary to St. Joseph's Academy for new and prospective parents and carers.

Transcript of Information for P7 Parents & Carers 2014

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St Joseph’s Academy



St Joseph’s Academy

Grassyards Road


East Ayrshire

Tel: 01563 526144

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Contents ..................................................................................... 3

Transition Photos ....................................................................... 4

School Vision, Aims, Values & Ten Skills ..................................... 5

The School Day ........................................................................... 9

Home Room .............................................................................. 10

School Map Ground Floor .......................................................... 11

School Map First Floor .............................................................. 12

Uniform .................................................................................... 13

Pupil Support ............................................................................ 14

Teachers for Session 2014-15 (a) ............................................. 15

Teachers for Session 2014-15 (b) ............................................. 16

Teachers for Session 2014-15 (c) ............................................. 17

Which Subjects will I study in S1? .............................................. 18

Timetable ................................................................................. 19

LifeSchool 360 .......................................................................... 20

Attendance ............................................................................... 21

Interval & Lunch - Canteen ....................................................... 22

Behaviour & Expectations .......................................................... 23

School Holidays 2014-15 ......................................................... 24

Transition Days ........................................................................ 25

Transition Photos ......................... Error! Bookmark not defined.26

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Transition Photos

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School Vision


Our mission is to make our Catholic school a community of faith and a

centre of excellence in learning and teaching where all members of our

community may develop their talents and abilities to the full.

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Aim High: Make your mark

Our school allows us all to grow as valued and confident individuals with a

strong sense of purpose and self-belief, who communicate and embody our

Catholic values in all we do.

Working Together Makes Great Learning: Take part

Our school offers opportunity and support to us all in our development as

effective contributors who show leadership and are open to the exciting

possibilities of working together to fulfil our mission as a Catholic school.

Be Open to Inspiration: Be curious

We strive to be successful learners who are open-minded, enthusiastic,

creative and determined to persevere to achieve our potential.

Think of Others: Make a difference

Each one of us should grow as a responsible citizen, show respect for

ourselves, care for others and commit to making a difference both in school

and the world beyond.

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The School Day

The timings of the school day:

Start 9.00am

Period 1 9.00am

Period 2 9.50am

Home Room 10.40am

Interval 11.10am

Period 3 11.25am

Period 4 12.15pm

Lunch 1.05pm

Period 5 1.50pm

Period 6 2.40pm

End 3.30pm

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Home Room

Home Room was introduced in 2012 and has been very successful and well

received by pupils.

This is a fantastic opportunity for to meet new people across each year

group in your house. You will be allocated to a house group depending on

your registration class.

Register Group House Group

1A1 Andrew

1C1 Columba

1C2 Columba

1M1 Margaret

Home Room lasts for 30 minutes each day. You will be in your Home Room

class with pupils from other year groups (S1-S6) and you will get to know

each other very well. This will help you to settle in at St Joseph’s as the

other pupils will be able to answer any questions you may have and support

you around the school at social times such as interval and lunch.

This will also be a time when your Home Room teacher will monitor your use

of your homework diary, monitor your attendance and uniform, speak with

you about your progress in classes and support you to set and review

targets. They will also encourage you to share your wider achievements with

them and the other pupils.

We hope that you can offer a lot during Home Room time too. If you are

interested in contributing to homeroom time whether it’s introducing new

ideas or improving what we already have then please speak with your Home

Room teacher.

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School Map Ground Floor

Plan of the school:

Ground Floor

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School Map First Floor

Plan of the school:

First Floor



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At St Joseph’s Academy, school uniform should be worn at all times.

The uniform, as shown in the picture below, is:

Boys Girls

White Shirt White Blouse

Black Trousers Black Skirt/Trousers

School Tie School Tie

Blazer Blazer

Black Shoes Black Shoes

Blazers were introduced for all pupils in August 2012.

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Pupil Support

When you join St Joseph’s Academy you will be introduced to your Pupil

Support teacher. You will get to know your Pupil Support teacher well and

they will help you to settle in and will be there to offer any advice you may


Your Pupil Support teacher will also have regular contact with your

parents/carers to discuss your progress.

Approach your Pupil Support teacher should you wish to discuss anything

about life at St Joseph’s.

We have three Pupil Support teachers in St Joseph’s Academy.

They are:

Mrs Cassidy Andrew House

Mrs Burnett Columba House

Dr Denheen Margaret House

You will be placed in one of the house groups. If you have brothers or

sisters who attend St Joseph’s, or have maybe already left the school, we will

try to keep you in the same house group because your Pupil Support teacher

will already know about you and your family.

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Teachers for Session 2014-15 (a)

Name Subject

Miss Munro English PT

Mrs Greengrass English

Mr Brogan English

Mrs Hill English

Miss Ramsay English

Teacher English

Mr Johnston Mathematics PT

Mr Gibson Mathematics

Mrs Mitchell Mathematics

Mrs Wilson Mathematics

Mrs Curley Mathematics

Mrs Jamieson Mathematics

Mrs McLaughlin Mathematics

Mrs McDaid Modern Languages PT

Miss McDaid Modern Languages

Mrs Marshall Modern Languages

Miss Blacklock Modern Languages

Mr Dorrian Geography PT

Mr Divers Modern Studies/History

Mrs Fulton Geography

Mrs Lindsay Modern Studies

Dr Swan Biology PT

Mr Corbett Biology

Dr Denheen Biology

Miss Horrey Biology

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Teachers for Session 2014-15 (b)

Name Subject

Mr McStay Chemistry PT

Mrs Gilroy Chemistry

Mr Barbour Physics PT

Mr Monaghan Physics

Mrs Munn Physics

Mrs Gabriel Art PT

Mr Bates Art

Mrs Pyott Art

Mr Ritson Technical

Mr Ward Technical

Mr Docherty Technical

Miss Everett Music PT

Mrs Duncan Music

Mr Whyte Music

Mr Boyle PE PT

Mrs Parker PE

Mrs Shaw PE

Mr Howson PE

Teacher 1 Home Economics

Mrs Cassidy Pupil Support PT

Mrs Burnett Pupil Support PT

Dr Denheen Pupil Support PT (Acting)

Mrs Kirk Support for Learning

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Teachers for Session 2014-15 (c)

Name Subject

Mr Sikora RE PT

Miss Curran

Mr Davis Head Teacher (Acting)

Mr McGinn Depute Head Teacher

Mrs McInally Depute Head Teacher

Mrs Shearer Depute Head Teacher (Acting)

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Which Subjects will I study in S1?

You’ll study the following subjects in S1:

Subject Maths English Modern Languages Science Social Subjects Art RE PE Rota Subjects

Art/Tech/Music LS360



Periods 5 5 3 3 2 2 2 2 3 2 1

Groups R P R P R R P P


The groups in which you will attend classes are as follows:

Register class (R) This will be your register class e.g. 1A1, 1M1 which will have up to 30 pupils in the class.

Practical class (P) This will be your practical class e.g. 1P1, 1P6 which will have up to 20 pupils in the class.

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LifeSchool 360

LifeSchool 360 is a big idea. It is unique to St Joseph’s. It isn’t a subject, it

isn’t PSE. It isn’t learning to learn or learning through the arts. It isn’t just

about thinking skills.

It has elements of all of the above and much more. It draws on knowledge

from all subject areas to provide a high level of practical, academic and

intellectual challenge. It is built around 10 skills for life, learning and work.

These skills have been consulted on with teachers and local business people:

our Business Advocates. They are 10 skills that will come as little surprise to

most people and which are embedded in all subject areas:











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Your attendance will be registered each period of the day. Teachers take an

electronic register which records your attendance in each class.

If you need to leave school for any reason you must sign out at the main

school office.

If you have a medical appointment (or any other type of appointment) you


Bring a note from your parent/carer with details of the reason why you

are leaving school, what time you are leaving and who will be

collecting you from school.

This note must be given to your Home Room teacher who will issue

you with a permission form to leave school.

You must show this permission form to your class teacher then go to

the main school office before leaving to inform the office staff that you

are leaving the building.

If you are unwell:

Let your teacher know and they will send you to the medical room.

When you report to the medical room you will, if necessary, be

assessed by a member of staff who is trained in first aid.

Staff in the school office will contact your parent/carer to collect you if


Otherwise, if you do not need to go home, you will return to class.

In either case you should not leave school without first reporting to the

school office.

If you have been absent, or plan to be absent e.g. family holiday, you must

bring a letter from your parent/carer detailing the reason for your absence

and duration of absence. The letter should be given to your Home Room


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Interval & Lunch - Canteen

We operate a cashless meal system in St Joseph’s Academy. Pupils can

purchase snacks and lunches using the cashless meal system by:

Topping up their account using the fingerprint readers located in the


Ensuring their account contains enough credit for their snack and/or


Selecting their snack and/or lunch and using the fingerprint scanner at

the canteen hatch to debit their account

Please refer to the separate letter about cashless meal system for more

information. You will be registered for the cashless meal system during the

induction days.

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Behaviour & Expectations

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School Holidays 2014-15

Term Dates

First Teachers Return Friday 15 August 2014

Pupils Return Monday 18 August 2014

Local Holiday Friday 19 September 2014

Local Holiday Monday 22 September 2014

October Holiday Monday 13 October to Friday 17 October 2014

In Service Day Monday 20 October 2014

Pupils Return Tuesday 21 October 2014

Christmas Holiday Monday 22 December to Friday 2 January 2015

Second Teachers & Pupils Return Monday 5 January 2015

Local Holiday Friday 6 February 2015

Local Holiday Monday 9 February 2015

In Service Day Tuesday 10 February 2015

In Service Day Wednesday 11 February 2015

Pupils Return Thursday 12 February 2015

Easter Holiday Friday 3 April to Friday 17 April 2015

Third Teacher & Pupils Return Monday 20 April 2015

May Day Holiday Monday 4 May 2015

In Service Day Monday 25 May 2015

Summer Holidays Friday 26 June 2015 at 1.00pm

Please note that an additional In Service is still to be added.

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Transition Days

You will be visiting St Joseph’s Academy for 3 induction days in June 2014.

The dates are:

Monday 2nd June

Tuesday 3rd June

Wednesday 4th June

This will give you the opportunity to experience life at St Joseph’s and to find

out more about the opportunities which the school offers such as:

New subjects

New teachers

New building and fantastic facilities

New people and opportunities to make more friends

Following your timetable for 3 days to make the transition in August

2014 easier

You’ll be assigned to your register class during these days and you’ll meet

your Pupil Support Teacher who can help answer any questions you may

have. We look forward to meeting you during the induction days.

If you would like to find out more about St Joseph’s then please view our

newsletters and school magazines on one of the links below.


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Transition Photos