IK Profile PPT-NEW 03.12.15

Tel: 020-520-3844 Mobile: 0710-307781 Email: [email protected] Newbury Court, Apartment 4A, Off Joseph Kang’ethe Road, Kilimani, Nairobi

Transcript of IK Profile PPT-NEW 03.12.15

Tel: 020-520-3844 Mobile: 0710-307781 Email: [email protected] Court, Apartment 4A, Off Joseph Kang’ethe Road, Kilimani, Nairobi

Who Are We?Inspired Kenya is a Kenyan registered firm dedicated to providing its clients with innovative solutions and services focused on building their capacity

We specialize in delivering tools and processes through which individuals, groups, organizations and societies enhance their ability to identify and meet growth, performance and development challenges

We aim to provide results-oriented products & services, strong business concepts and personalized strategies that are designed to meet our client's objectives

the team…have diverse wealth of expertise and experience having worked for various corporations , government bodies, and participated in both local and international consulting assignments in their careers


…possess great passion & drive for economic and social development for Kenya and Africa, focusing on empowering women and youth across the country

…have hands-on experience in owning, setting up, running and growing of various business enterprises in East Africa which have survived and thrived through the various challenges

…combine expertise, experience and skills with innovation and creativity to meet clients’ objectives and exceed expectations

Areas of Expertise & Experience

Youth & Women


Business & Management


Sales, Marketing, Customer


Development & Governance

Personal Development

Mentoring & Coaching

Entrepreneurship Training & Business

Development Services Market








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Capacity-building Services we Offer

Strategic PlanningBusiness PlanningEntrepreneurship Training & Skills DevelopmentProgram/Business feasibility and designMarketing & Sales StrategyCustomer Service ExcellenceOrganizational Assessment & DevelopmentGovernance ProgrammingLeadership DevelopmentStaff Recruitment & Selection

Change ManagementPerformance ManagementConflict Sensitive ApproachesInduction & Orientation of new staff (local & international) Workplace CounsellingTeam Dynamics, Building & ManagementProject Planning and DevelopmentProgram EvaluationMonitoring and Evaluation

Our clientele National Government

County Governments in Kenya

Government Parastatals – Teachers’ Service Commission, National Hospital Insurance Fund, Kenya Postal Corporation, Kenya Tourism Board

Learning Institutions - Universities, colleges, secondary & primary schools

NGOs - FBOs, Foundations, other societies e.g. Friedrich Ebert Foundation

International consulting projects - South Africa, Brazil, Bolivia, Greece

Corporate organizations – Airtel, Wananchi Group, Essar Telkom, Orange Telkom

Small & medium Enterprises – Upcountry Holdings, Midlands Group, Ignite Consulting

Communities – Saccos, Self-help groups, churches, local communities, etc

Our core valuesStrategic Planning

Change Management






We always deliver our objectives professionally

We never compromise on integrity; it is a core principle

You can trust us to deliver on our promise

We realize our world will only be changed by innovative minds

Time is the stuff life is made of; we never squander it

Employee / Staff Training

Training helps organization run more efficiently and effective.

Training is a recruiting tool. An organization is more likely to attract and keep good employees if it offers development opportunities. Training promotes job satisfaction. The more engaged and involved employees are the better the organization’s rewards. Training is a retention tool, instilling loyalty and commitment from good workers

Training adds flexibility and efficiency. Employees can be cross-trained to be capable in more than one aspect in the organization, thus also fostering team

Training is essential for knowledge transfer, a good way to diversify investments

Inspired Kenya believes that continuous employee training is a win-win for all stakeholders, increasing productivity, performance, revenues and satisfaction:

Customer Service training for KIWASCO Staff at Sunset Hotel, Kisumu in May 2015

Customer Service Training for senior parastatal managers from NHIF, Posta, TSC and KTB – May 2014

Leadership Development

Our wide range of programs are designed for those who have significant leadership and/or managerial responsibilities in organizations

Our training models are effective in development of most organizations that are experiencing organizational growth, organizational change, and significant shifts in the external market and environment

They are tailored to develop effective leaders and ensure that their development is immediately applied in the work environment and that it also addresses the specific needs

While the overall content is based on a validated development model, both the content and application are further customized to meet the unique needs of a specific target group/organization

Leadership Training for Kisii County Government CEC members and Chief Officers. Pictured below with His Excellency, the Governor, Deputy Governor, and Finance Minister November 2014

Change Management Training for ODM Party Secretariat - April 2014

Entrepreneurship Development

Inspired Kenya seeks to strengthen entrepreneurial skills through capacity building & training resources that instill good practices in MSEs and SMEs

We train using tools and programs that deal with the long term effects of entrepreneurial culture in Kenya

Inspired Kenya’s goal is to contribute towards the creation of an enterprise culture by promoting awareness among women and youth of the opportunities and challenges of entrepreneurship and self-employment, and of their role in shaping their future and that of their country's economic and social development

Entrepreneurship - Training & Skills DevelopmentTraining members of Kipkelion Youth Sacco – in entrepreneurship skills and business development – August 2014

Entrepreneurship Training for Youth in Nakuru County – December 2014

Training of PLASO Sacco Committee Members at Nyakach, Kisumu County – September 2014

Official Launch of PLASO Sacco: We facilitated 41 self-help groups merge to form a SACCO in Kisumu County Pictured below, Anne Kaaria with Kisumu Senator Prof. Anyang Nyong’o, CWR Hon. Rose Nyamunga and MP Hon. Aduma

Youth & Women Empowerment

We have a Youth & Women Entrepreneurship Empowerment and Capacity Building model that is specifically designed to suit the needs of Kenya and the East African situation. Many programs and initiatives fail because of:

We offer programs that will impart in women and youth the skills, resources, authority and motivation to achieve economic and social development.

We also teach them to take responsibility and accountability for outcomes of their actions

This empowerment greatly contributes to their growth, development and satisfaction

Adopting programs without customization and personalization for the Kenyan situation.

Ignoring the local culture and its impact on youth attitudes and mindsets Working independent of other stakeholders, especially the ones with personal

experience in entrepreneurship in Kenya Making decisions for the Youth and Women without including them Lack of adequate and specific Government policies on youth and women, and a

clear implementation strategies

Setting up & training of the Siaya County Youth Advisory Board- December 2014

Kisumu Business Community Women Empowerment at Tom Mboya Labour College – December 2014

Women & Youth economic empowerment in Makuyu, Murang’a County - September 2014

Coaching & Mentoring

Coaching is training or development in which a person called a "coach" supports a learner in achieving a specific personal or professional goal

Mentorship is a personal developmental relationship in which a more experienced or more knowledgeable person helps to guide a less experienced or less knowledgeable person

Inspired Kenya offers mentorship and coaching programs to individuals and organizations

Coaching Session for Chief Executive Committee Members - Mombasa

Mentorship for the Teaching Staff at St. Loise Nanyuki Girls School

Children (in the 4-14 years age


Teenagers (14-19 years age bracket) &

Young adults

Children’s Programs

All these programs are geared at shaping our children and youth to be useful and productive citizens who will adequately contribute to the growth of Kenya’s economy at a time when the world is evolving and developing at a very fast rate.

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We also have different programs for:

Motivation Session for Students of St. Loise Nanyuki Girls -Laikipia

Sponsoring needy students at Kamaguta Secondary School, Muranga County

Children’s Brain development on-going weekend program

Inspired Kenya Publications

Publications department of Inspired Kenya provides clients with either full or partial publishing consultancy in which we undertake all or partial process of publishing the document be it a book, magazine or newspaper.

Magazines: We publish our own monthly E-magazine *Inspiration – which is currently an online version, distributed through our mail-list, but can also be downloaded from our website: www.inspiredkenya.co.ke

The magazine features real life inspiring stories from Kenyans and others in the world who overcame great challenges despite odds. It also carries news, events and reports on activities of Inspired Kenya.

Apart from publishing Inspiration, we undertake consultancy services in designing, editing and publishing in-house magazine either online or print version, for corporates and trade, sectorial and school or college magazines. These can be published in print or online format or both.

Patrick Ngugi of Inspired Kenya autographing his books at a Book Launch

Sample of our Publications

Sample of our Publications

Contact us

Contact person: Anne KaariaInspired Kenya

P.O Box 14615-00100 Nairobi, KenyaNewbury Court, Apartment 4A, Off Joseph Kang’ethe Road, Kilimani, Nairobi, Kenya

Tel: 020-520-3844 Mobile: 0710-307781Email: [email protected]: www.inspiredkenya.co.kePIN No. P051539831Z