Identify 3 early sources of law. Hammurabi’s Code, The 12 Tables from Rome, the 10 Commandments.

Identify 3 early sources of law. Hammurabi’s Code, The 12 Tables from Rome, the 10 Commandments

Transcript of Identify 3 early sources of law. Hammurabi’s Code, The 12 Tables from Rome, the 10 Commandments.

Identify 3 early sources of law.

Hammurabi’s Code, The 12 Tables from Rome, the 10


Who was the Father of Greek Philosophy? What method

did he use to find truth?

Socrates, question and question to find truth

How did Aristotle believe you could find the best


Evaluating existing governments

Who took Greek ideas and spread them throughout the

Middle East and Northern Africa?

Alexander the Great

What two things allowed for a dramatic change in

population growth between 1000-1300.

more peaceful conditions (less war) and better


What was the purpose of the Crusades? Who usually went

on them?

Retake the Holy Land from the “infidel”, noblemen &

knights looking for glory and salvation

Middle Age universities were dedicated to what school of



What two things did peasants get in exchange for giving up their freedom to the lord of

the manor?

Protection and the use of land

Identify at least three of the “obligations” placed on


Pay a portion of crop to lord, rent pastureland, tithes to

the church, portion of catch to the lord

Identify three ways the lords exercised control over their


Permission to leave, permission to marry, lords

run local courts, lords control crafts and trades for

their peasants

What two areas did scholasticism attempt to


Faith (xianity) and reason (Aristotle)

Who was the most well known scholastic? What was

his most famous work?

Thomas Aquinas, Summa Theologica

Name two examples of church corruption during the Middle


simony, legal exemptions, tax exemptions, clerical infidelity,

misuse of church funds

Name 2 of the main ways that the Black Death impacted


decreased supply of labor, increased power of poor,

decreased demand for land, decreased power of nobility

Identify the four basic levels of the church hierarchy.

Pope - Cardinal - Bishop - Priest

What was a vassal expected to give loyally in exchange for his


military service

Name two benefits the serf received in the manorial system.

protection from outside threat, food during shortages, legal


How did France ultimately benefit from the 100 Years War?

regained much lost territory

Who was the local legal authority in the feudal system?

the lord (vassal)

Name Michelangelo’s most famous painting & sculpture.

Sistene Chapel & David

Who wrote “The Prince” and hoped that a strong Italian ruler would come from the Medicis?

What quality did he value?

Machiavelli, virtú

How did Renaissance Art differ from art from the Middle Ages?

realism, accurate anatomy, secular patronage

What economic developments allowed for secular patronage of

the arts?

increased trade & banking

Who was the father of Humanism? What kind of activity did he inspire?

Petrarch, Examination of the classics, and writing related

to them

List two reasons the church feared the humanists.

Self-reliance, outside interpretations, authorities

other than God

What invention caused literacy to boom and made it much easier for thinkers to

spread their ideas? Roughly when was it invented?

printing press, late 1400’s

Name the work and author that describe an ideal society that

will never exist.

Utopia, Thomas More

Identify the two major northern humanists.

More & Erasmus

What was Erasmus’ philosophy a combination of?

Christian and classical beliefs

Identify two classical features that were prominent in Ren.


Domes, columns, roman arches, ornamentation,

integrated supports

How was the subject matter of the Northern Ren. a departure

from the High Ren?

Gothic, supernatural

How did members of the Schmalkaldic League and Henry VIII benefit from the Reformation Economically?

Took over Church lands & property

Who said: “We are all equal in the eyes of God, members of

the Priesthood of all Believers”?


What conclusion pushed Luther to write the 95


That man is saved through Faith and not works or


Which theologian believed people were predestined for



What tool did Calvin use to create his “New Jerusalem”?

Strict moral code (spread through sermons and


List three components of Calvin’s moral code.

No drinking, no dancing, no plays, religious music & psalm

reading in taverns

What was the main reason Henry VIII started the English


Wanted an annulment from Catharine, desired control over church structure &


How was the Anglican Church that Henry VIII created different from Roman


It was different organizationally because the

king was in charge, it was not different theologically

Under which monarch did England become truly

Protestant (theologically)?

Edward VI

Which English monarch attempted to reinstate Roman

Catholicism? Was she successful?

Mary I, no she was not

What three religious groups did Elizabeth I face when she came

to the throne? What did she recognize as the official

religion of England?

RCs, Anglicans, & Puritans; Anglicanism (Church of


Identify two key components of the Roman Catholic Counter Reformation.

Founding new orders (like the Jesuits), the Inquisition,

emphasis on discipline, the Index of Forbidden Books

What type of art reflected the spirit of the Counter

Reformation? What did the RC church hope it would do?

Baroque, bring people back to the faith

What is Baroque Art designed to do?

Get an emotional response/reaction

What two groups were fighting each other in the French Religious conflict?

The Huguenots and the Catholic League

How did Henry of Navarre bring a close to conflict in


converting to RC & issuing the Edict of Nantes which protected the Huguenots

Why did Phillip II of Spain want to keep control of the


He wanted to keep them Catholic and he needed the

tax $$$

Which protestant group wanted to rid the Anglican

Church of all Catholic practices and structures?


Who wanted Mary Queen of Scots to be Queen of

England? Why was she executed?

Phillip II and other RCs, Plotting to kill Elizabeth I

What was the impact of the Thirty Years War on


Total devastation, kills 1/3 of population

What is the main goal of mercantilism?

strengthen your nation’s economy at the expense of

another nation

What kinds of practices do mercantilist nations use?

tariffs, colonies, sea trade, support for industry,

shipping regulations, full employment, large


What two classical thinkers were most of the early

scientific beliefs based on?

Aristotle & Ptolemy

What were the two key components of Copernicus’ theory about the universe?

The sun is in the middle, the planets travel in circular

orbits around it

Who was Brahe’s assistant that drew pro-Copernican conclusions from Brahe’s


Johannes Kepler

How did the church respond to Galileo’s use of the


They condemned it, “God would have made us able

to see it”

Who was the father of modern philosophy and the

deductive method?

Descartes (“I Think therefore I am”)

Who was the champion of the empirical method? What

does this method encourage?

Bacon, observations based on lots of data

Who was the first scientist to maintain that

mathematical relationships explain everything?


What major events were the two of the main influences

on Hobbes & Locke?

English Civil War, Louis XIV & Glorious Revolution

List two of Locke’s major beliefs.

blank slate, overthrow bad gov’t, natural state is

freedom, natural rights: life, liberty & property

Who believed that people must turn over their rights to a strong ruler his rule would prevent anarchy?


How did Hobbes’ absolute ruler control his people?

Manipulating their fear of pain and desire for


Who are the three most prominent Enlightenment


Montesquieu, Voltaire, & Rousseau

Why would you associate Voltaire with our First


he advocated basic freedoms (speech, press,

petition, etc.)

Name the author that advocated Laissez Faire

Economics. What economic system was he responding


Adam Smith, mercantilism

In what role did the Deists place God?

“divine watchmaker”, created world and stood back, men control own


What did Montesquieu argue was the best form of


Three branch, separation of powers

Name three major beliefs of Rousseau.

Importance of society over individual, bend to will,

glorified motherhood, Men & Women in separate spheres

Why was the first encyclopedia such a major

undertaking? Who edited it?

first time any group tried to compile “all” knowledge,


If you had to sum up the enlightenment in one word,

what would it be?


What two sides clashed in the English Civil War?

The Anglican Monarchists and the Puritan Parliamentarians

What was the key outcome of the Glorious Revolution in


William III and Mary accepted the English Bill of Rights and the terms of a constitutional


Who was the absolute monarch? Identify two

characteristics of his reign.

Louis XIV, army, propaganda, Versailles, bureaucracy

Name one factor that may have led to the population

boom that started in the mid-1700’s.

End of the plague, less warfare, improved health

What were Jethro Tull’s two main contributions to the Ag.


iron plow and seed drill

Name the two crops that were introduced from the

New World. How did these help?

potatoes & corn, more variety in diet and helped replenish

the soil

Why did landlords want to enclose their lands?

higher bread prices, wanted to force the use of new

methods to increase productivity

What happened to many peasants as a result of


cut loose from the land, forced to look for other


In which industry did the Industrial Revolution start?


textiles, the larger population needed to be clothed

What did the flying shuttle create a demand for? What invention helped solve this?

thread/yarn, spinning jenny

Name two reasons the Industrial Revolution started

in Great Britain.

coal & iron, individual liberties, roads & waterways,

relatively mobile social structure

Name 2 benefits of the steam engine.

Move factories away from rivers, constant source of

power, leads to development of cities

What did many “new” cities lack that would have helped

them handle the influx of people?

infrastructure (roads, sewers, housing, etc.)

In what kinds of places did the “new cities” spring up?

waterways, road hubs, sea ports

Why did the Bourgeoisie resent the nobility?

inherited legal rights & privileges

What system was replaced by the factory system?

cottage or “putting-out”

How did GB try to address the massive war debt they were

left with after the 7 Years War? What was the response

to this?

Taxing their colonists, the colonists hated it

Name three causes of the French Rev..

Food shortages & prices, heavy taxation of poor, little taxation of nobles & clergy,

bourgeoisie vs. nobles, nobles vs. monarchy

What group did the 3rd Estate form when they left the Estates General? What

did they promise in the Tennis Court Oath?

National Assembly, keep meeting until they wrote a


What did Louis XVI do to cause the poor to storm the


muster troops around Paris which made them think he

was going to stop the revolution

How did French nobles react to the Great Fear?

renounced their rights, cleared the way for a


Identify a way in which Louis XVI demonstrated his anti-revolutionary sentiment.

muster troops, stall on Dec. of Rights, flee to Varennes,

refractory clergy

Why did the women of Paris march on Versailles?

food, make Louis agree to Dec. of Rights

Despite their active participation in the

revolution, which two groups were consistently left out of

the benefits?

poor (esp. urban) & women

What kind of reaction did the invasion by Austria & Prussia


panic, fear, “invasion mentality”

What tool did the Convention use to mobilize France for

war? name two components of this tool.

levee en masse; conscription of all males, price ceilings,

war production

What two places did the Dec. of Rights of Man and Citizen

get its ideas from?

Declaration of Independence & Enlightenment

What radical member of the third estate led the Reign of

Terror? What eventually happened to him?

Robespierre, he was guillotined

Name two parts of the Napoleonic Code.

civic equality, no guilds, promotion based on merit,

end to social hierarchy, religious tolerance

What two groups supported Napoleon’s rise to power?

bourgeoisie & land owning peasants

Name two things Napoleon did to squash his people who

opposed him.

Centralize government, execution, give them high

government posts (with little power), secret police

Who formed the Quadruple Alliance against him?

GB, Austria, Prussia, Russia

Who supported the Spanish Guerillas against Napoleon?

RC Church & GB (Wellington)

What strategy did the Russians use to defeat

Napoleon after his invasion in 1812?

Scorched earth (destroy everything useful & back up)

& starve him out

Who rallied to attack Napoleon from the east in 1813-14? From the west?

East: Austria, Prussia & Russia; West: Great Britain

How did he bring an end to the Ancien Regime (the Old


spread ideals of French Rev. across Europe

What was the goal of the Continental System?

Economic defeat of GB

What effect did Napoleon have on the political power of

the Church?

greatly diminished it because of religious toleration