ICT Vision Report 2.0 towards credible, transparent and ...mahaforest.nic.in/fckimagefile/Vision...

MAHARASHTRA FOREST DEPARTMENT ICT Vision Report 2.0 towards credible, transparent and accountable forest governance at Maharashtra Forest Department 2018-2020 Abstract This document presents an outline of 3 year Work plan from 2018-2020 for E- governance Initiatives of the Maharashtra Forest Department

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ICT Vision Report 2.0

towards credible,

transparent and

accountable forest

governance at Maharashtra

Forest Department 2018-2020

Abstract This document presents an outline of 3

year Work plan from 2018-2020 for E-

governance Initiatives of the Maharashtra

Forest Department

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Table of Contents

Prologue .................................................................................................................................... 2

1.0 Preamble ............................................................................................................................. 3

1.1 Introduction and Background ....................................................................................... 3

1.2 Status as on March 2017 .................................................................................................. 4

1.2 Transition Phase Activities (April 2017 to December 2017) .......................................... 8

1.4 Expenditure on ICT Program ............................................................................................ 9

1.5 Approach and Outlook ....................................................................................................11

2.0 Proposed Applications & Infrastructure ...............................................................................13

2.1 GIS Cell-Establishment and Activities ..............................................................................14

2.2 Strengthening of Call Center............................................................................................16

2.3 Forest Asset Management ...............................................................................................17

2.4 Capacity Building and Training ........................................................................................17

2.5 IT initiatives for 50 Crore plantation .................................................................................17

2.6 Command and Control Room at Head Office ...................................................................18

2.7 IT Infrastructure Enhancement at MFD ............................................................................18

2.8 Online AAR Management and Reporting .........................................................................19

2.9 Working Plan Management .........................................................................................19

2.10 PDA Obsolescence Review and Roadmap ....................................................................20

2.11 Enhancing Digital Media Presence ................................................................................22

2.12 IT Infrastructure Audit ....................................................................................................23

2.13 Integration of RTS services for payment, E-mail & SMS Gateway .................................24

2.14 Personnel Management System ....................................................................................24

2.15 Court Case Management System .....................................................................................25

3.0 Approach and Methodology ................................................................................................26

3.1 Design Considerations ........................................................................................................30

3.2 Problems and Issues addressed by the proposed system ...................................................33

4.0 Project Details .....................................................................................................................34

4.1 Overview of Functional Requirement...................................................................................34

4.2 Overview of Technical Requirement ....................................................................................35

5.0 Annexure 3 Year- Work Plan for Maharashtra Forest Department ......................................37

6.0 Conclusion ………………………………………………………………………………………… 37

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To cover the unfinished agenda, MFD proposes E- Governance Version 2.0 to complete the MIS-

GIS integration task to make the governance process complete. This is estimated to be completed

during ICT mediated e-governance journey of Maharashtra Forest Department commenced in the

year 2012. First phase lasting for nearly 5 years, till now, transformed Forest Governance.

Establishment of independent IT infrastructure, Video conferencing facility secured seamless, real

time communication among the head office and Government with the field functionaries. Effective

monitoring of 2 crore plantation during 2016 and 4 crore plantation during 2017 are illustrative

examples. Visible digital presence by social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram

and Website besides Mobile based apps of My Plant and Green Army contributed significantly

towards refurbishing image of governance in public eye.

Journey, however is half travelled. Forest being rooted on the ground is incomplete without MIS-

GIS integration. Information available on geospatial platform alone can supplement existing

decision support system to make it robust. National mandate of INDC would be incomplete without

securing functional GIS cell. Digital Service book, Asset Management Information System and

Court Management Information System are applications that may strengthen present IT set up


Forest Department is poised to provide a more transparent, credible and accountable governance

by 2020.

ICT Vision 2.0 draws inspiration from Food and Agriculture Organization’s (FAO) Good Forest

Governance document; FAO’s Good Forest Governance model hinges on improved transparency

better feedback from all stakeholders involved. To secure mechanism to internalize feedback in

the Government policies and programmes. This approach is bound to improve and define global

thought process about Forest Governance. FAO’s Good Forest Governance 2018 module covers

the basic elements and components of forest governance and contributes to following Sustainable

Development Goals (SDG):

No Poverty

Gender Equality

Life on Land

Source: Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) Good Forest Governance Document

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1.0 Preamble

The Maharashtra Forest Department has adopted a program-oriented approach to e-Governance

since 2012 with the establishment of a Project Management Unit Committee (PMUC) to oversee

implementation of ICT technologies in the functioning of the Department. KPMG was selected as

a project management consultant and KPMG submitted a ICT Vision Report 1.0 in February 2012.

The Report examined the mandate of the Department, its administrative organization and core

activities. This report also identified the major work processes of the Department and carried out

an assessment of current state of deployment of ICT systems. The Report made

recommendations on different aspects of ICT enablement comprising Hardware and Network

development, GIS and remote sensing, proposed architecture of hardware, server farm,

application development and application solution requirement and details. The Report laid out an

implementation approach and methodology as well as establishing functional and technical

requirements and an implementation strategy for a 5 year period from 2012-13 to 2016-17.

1.1 Introduction and Background

Maharashtra Forest Department has been implementing Information and Communication

Technology in forest government since 1995 when J.S Grewal, began digitization of maps for

preparation of Working Plans. While computerization and digitization of the Departments work

processes was being undertaken, E-governance initiatives took the form of a program-based

approach to digital forest management under the Maharashtra State E-governance Policy, 2011.

The Department established a Program Management Unit (PMU), under APCCF (ITP), anda 5-

year roadmap was developed and submitted by KPMG, technology consultants to the Department

in 2012. NIC was appointed the system integrator for proposed IT initiatives. BSNL has also been

collaborating with the Department by providing telecom and internet infrastructure.

The Vision of the Maharashtra Forest Department is defined as below:

Systematically organize implementation and monitoring of forestry and other

related operations by systemic collection, storage and retrieval of MIS and Geo-

spatial data through computer based communication network.

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In line with the above Vision, The ICT Vision Report studied the Department’s administrative

structure, activities and functions and proposed a 3 phase ICT Roadmap as below:

Phase 1: Project Support and Infrastructure Implementation duration of one year during 2012-13.

This Phase envisioned establishment of an IT network and infrastructure backbone through which

the operationalization of ICT technologies including hardware, software and IT applications for

forestry management were proposed.

Phase 2: Pilot Implementation Phase: For duration of two years from, 2012-13 and 2013-14.

Proposed activities during this phase was Development of IT applications in line with the

Departments processes and requirements. The Report proposed a suite of applications to be

developed keeping in mind the processes of the Department.

Phase 3: The IT applications duly developed, tested and implemented on a pilot scale were to be

deployed statewide 2014-15 onwards.

1.2 Status as on March 2017

While the Department began implementation of ICT in Forestry Management In line with the ICT

Vision Report,a need based approach to application development and infrastructure deployment

has been taken based on the constantly changing IT hardware configuration, improving network

speeds and newer & better technologies constantly becoming available in the market. During the

5-year period, for instance, bandwidth speed and availability has become less expensive and

widely available, relative to its status as envisioned in 2012. The Department, keeping in view the

dynamic situation regarding availability of IT technologies, need-based IT applications as well as

the need for credible, verifiable and accountable forest management has introduced ICT

technologies in a phased, need-based manner. A brief status of ICT activities is as follows:

Sr.No Item Status

1 Internet Connectivity

A Bandwidth at Head Office 34 Mbps free NIC Leased line access as well as paid 42

Mbps BSNL leased line

B Bandwidth at Circle Offices 4 Mbps leased line at all Circle Offices

C Bandwidth at Division


2 Mbps at all Division Offices

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D Bandwidth at Range


1 Mbps at all Range offices with wired connectivity

E VSAT facility For 24 remote Range Offices, internet connectivity through

4 Mbps pooled VSAT facility.

2 Video Conferencing At Mantralaya, Head Office and Circle Offices VC

Connectivity through NICNET. All Division Offices provided

with VC facility.

3 Server Farm at Head

office, Nagpur

11 servers supporting Departments websites and IT

applications. Cloud based access to field offices

4 Mobile Telephone Access Department has provided 8600 PDA/Smart phones to field

staff. A NIC developed mobile application for real-time

booking of forestry offences has been developed. BSNL has

provided a special Rs. 170 per month mobile telephony plan

to the Department.

5 Mobile applications Department has developed the following mobile applications

for its different requirements:

a) POR booking

b) 2-crore and 4-crore Plantation Monitoring


c) MyPlants citizen plantation registration application

d) Green Army Registration app.

6 GIS Initiatives Agreements signed with MRSAC and NRSC. GIS activities

will form a separate chapter.

7 Digital Library All publications at CFL, Pune have been digitized and made

available to Forest Department officers. These books are

hosted on our own server at Pune with 10 Mbps Internet


8 Call Center The Department has established a centralized Call Center

“1926-“Hello Forest” for receiving citizen queries,

suggestions and complaints as well as a tool for mass

publicity during 2-crore and 4-crore plantation drive.

Table 1.1: Denoting the brief status MFD’s ICT activities as on March 2017

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To ensure day-to-day support to field offices, NIC has deployed Assistant Programmers at all

Circle offices for support, capacity building and smooth working of the network. The achievements

of the Department, during 2012-17 are briefly mentioned in the table below.

S. No Proposed Initiatives Actual Achievements

1. Application Software (Phase 1): Accounts

and Budget Management System, Asset

Management System, Fire Alert

Management System, Forest Offence

Management System, Wildlife management

System, e-procurement system, Land

Management System, improved Department


Accounts and Budget Management System,

Fire Alert Management System, Forest

Offence Management System, Land

Management System, E-procurement

System, Private Land Database, improved

Department website, Forest Fire Alert


2 Application Software (Phase 2) : Human

Resource and Personnel Management

System, Inventory Management System,

Litigation Management System, Quarry

Permit Order, Document Management

System, Knowledge Management System,

Work flow Management System

E-office, Citizen services under Right to

Services, Plantation Management System,

Nursery Management System, Digital

Library, , KRA monitoring, Team Forest,

Personnel Information System, Assembly

Question Management, FCA Proposal


3 Supplementary IT Systems: Assembly

Query Management System, Library

Management System, Desk Dispatch

Management System, Suspension Charge

Sheet Management System, Complaint and

Assembly Query Management System,

Library Management System

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Query Management System, Forest Training

Management System

4 GIS and Remote Sensing: Digitizing of

Maps, remote sensing based analysis

All forest maps digitized, remote sensing

based analysis being carried out by MRSAC.

Table 1.2: Actual Achievements of Maharashtra Forest Department as against the

Proposed Initiatives

Figure 1.1: Break-up of Implementation and Non-implementation of Applications

Sr.No Services notified under Right to Service (RTS) Status

1 Registration of Tendu Traders / Manufacturers Online

2 Registration of Burad Community for supply of Bamboo Online

3 Compensation to be sanctioned for Cattle kill Caused by wildlife Online

4 Financial Assistance to be sanctioned for human death or disability caused

by wildlife


5 Compensation to be sanctioned for Crop Damage caused by wildlife Online

6 Permission for photography in Protected Area during tourist season(Circle










0 10 20 30 40 50 60

Total applications developed

Proposed as per Vision 1

Actual Implemented as per Vision 1

Implemented but not proposed in Vision -1

Additional applications proposed

RTS services - Implemented but notproposed in Vision -1

Mobile App - Implemented but not proposedin Vision -1

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7 Permission for photography in Protected Area during tourist season (More

than one Circle


8 Renewal of Sawmill license Online

9 Permission to fell trees in Non-urban Area by Non-tribal applicant Online

10 Permission to fell trees in Non-urban Area by occupants belonging to

Scheduled tribe


11 Registration for Transit Pass Online

Table 1.3: Status of Services notified under RTS

1.2 Transition Phase Activities (April 2017 to December 2017)

The duration for the proposed work ended in March 2017. To ensure continuity in project activities,

the activities under progress were continued and the table below summarizes the activities

undertaken during the interim period.

S. No Project Activities Outcome




1. 4 MBPS leased line connectivity

implemented at all Circle Offices.

2. VSAT facility discontinued at non-

operational sites and bandwidth

reconfigured for 25 operational sites

1. Improved connectivity at

Circle Offices

2. VSAT Expenditure





1. Transit Pass on-line applications

made live

2. Online services under DIPP made


3. 13 crore plantation Management-

Web and Mobile.

4. My Plants Plantation Registration


5. Launch of mobile application for

Green Army Registration.

1. Better Ease of Doing

business in line with

Government of India norms.

2. Application for monitoring of

plantation achievement and

post-plantation survival



GIS Initiatives

1. Maharashtra State of Forest Report

published in April 2017.

2. Approval for establishment of GIS

Cell by HPC in July 2017.

Strengthening of ongoing GIS

initiatives of the Department

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1. Implementation of Command Room

at Head Office.

2. Operationalization of Call center of

the Department

Better connectivity and public


5 Strengthening

of Digital


1. Use of Digital Publicity platforms

(Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and

You Tube) of the Department during

4-Crore Plantation Drive.

Better public outreach and


Table 1.4: Brief of Work Done during April 2017 to December 2017

The ICT initiatives started in 2012 have become integral to the functioning of the Department. An

ICT Vision Report 2.0 is being submitted to the Department identifying initiatives to be undertaken

during the subsequent three-year period 2018 to 2020.

1.4 Expenditure on ICT Program

The table below summarizes the expenditure made on the program since inception to 2017-18,

the last year for which full figures are available. In the table below, others refers to expenses

made on construction of Command Room at Head Office and PDA distribution (in 2015-16),

expenses of managing “1926-Hello Forest” as well as Command Room (in 2016-17), call center

manpower and GIS Cell infrastructure (in 2017-18) as well as acquisition and servicing of UPS

equipment, peripheral devices and other incidental and miscellaneous expenses.

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Figure 1.2: Expenditure incurred on ICT Project from 2011-12 till 2017-18 (in Rs. Lakh) agency-wise


173.20 118.54 112.33257.08

278.32 256.97








49.7991.47 111.96






80.1824.56 189.37













2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18


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Table 1.3: Comparative Expenditure of Forest Department vs ICT Expenditure

The Maharashtra E-government Policy, 2011 mandates departments of the Government of

Maharashtra to earmark 0.5% of their annual budgets for e-Governance. The state shall also

make an endeavor to increase the allocation to 3% in a phased manner over a period of time.

Given the different and diverse activities operational under its ICT program and to deepen the use

and deployment of ICT technologies, there is a need for a further 3-year plan, extendable to 5

years to strengthen E-governance within the Department. The 3-year plan will be reviewed at the

end of the third year and further extension for 2 more years will be done.

1.5 Approach and Outlook

For development of a programmatic approach, it is important to identify the background and

framework, which will guide evolution and rollout of IT initiatives within the Department. The

following is the background and policy framework:

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S. No Framework Year

1 National E-governance Plan 2006

2 Maharashtra State E-governance Policy 2011

3 Lafarge judgment of Hon’ble Supreme Court of India making it mandatory to

establish GIS Cell by State Forest Departments. 2011

4 DIPP guidelines for industry friendly Government 2014

5 Digital India Initiative of the Hon’ble Prime Minister 2015

6 99 point Agenda Items of the Hon’ble Minster 2015


293rd Report of the Rajya Sabha’s Department Related Standing Committee on

Science & Technology, Environment and Forests, presented to the Rajya



8 Approval of High Power Committee of the State Government, chaired by the

Chief Secretary, in its 112th HPC meeting 2017

9 13 and 33 Crore plantation Drives in 2018 and 2019 Ongoing

Table 1.5: Year-wise background and policy framework

The National E-governance Plan, Digital India Initiative and State E-governance Policy, 2011

provides a broad policy framework for use of ICT technologies in Departmental functioning.

Implementation of the State Governments agenda for transparent, credible and accountable

government was done in the 2-crore plantation programme when the Departments drive to plant

2 crore saplings and the Limca Book of Indian Records recognized its implementation in a

transparent and credible manner. The Hon’ble Ministers 99 point agenda forms the basis for

management of the Departments activities within a 3-year period. The Department needs to

provide a supportive IT framework during the 13 and 33 crore plantation drives to be held in 2018

and 2019.

The GIS initiatives of the Department need to be rolled out keeping in mind the judgment of the

Supreme Hon’ble Supreme Court of India making it mandatory to establish GIS Cell by State

Forest Departments. The issue also finds address in the 293rdReport of the Rajya Sabha’s

Department Related Standing Committee on Science & Technology, Environment and Forests,

presented to the Rajya Sabha on 16-Dec-2016. The report makes suggestions on mitigation of

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forest fires and the role of GIS technology in formation of Decision Support Systems to mitigate

forest fires. The Department is establishing a full-fledged GIS Cell at its Head Office in Nagpur.

The Department is also enlisting the support of the Mahindra group to modernize and improve its

IT infrastructure. The Mahindra will support the Department in its IT initiatives as follows:

1. Revamping of existing website.

2. Simplifying the registration process for the Green Army

3. Third party audit of IT/Digital platform

4. Cyber security of Departments IT platform.

The 3-year plan proposes projects, applications, and activities for further strengthening of digital

governance at MFD has been developed keeping in mind the above background. The proposed

interventions will ensure that ICT is utilized in fulfillment of its objectives and the Department

functions in a credible, transparent and accountable manner.

2.0 Proposed Applications & Infrastructure

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The following IT interventions are proposed:

2.1 GIS Cell-Establishment and Activities

The goals of the GIS Cell and its associated infrastructure are as follows:

1. Management of a large repository of satellite imagery of many years covering entire


2. Automatic cataloguing and harvesting of metadata from new data.

3. Provide data as OGC services to end-users and decision-makers.

4. Quantify changes in forest cover and changes in vegetation.

5. Analyze illegal activities like large scale encroachment, large scale illegal grazing, illegal

mining, etc. in forest areas.

6. Report generation for different stakeholders so that land use changes may be monitored.

The following benefits are expected to be accrued:

1. Creation of an integrated platform enabling use of multiple tools for change analysis.

2. Organize and integrate file-based, database as well as web-enabled geospatial and

administrative data into a human-readable library.

3. Effort optimization through rapid image-delivery and GIS integrated dynamic information.

4. Analysis of measures to control deforestation, illegal activities, mining, encroachment and

other forest offences.

Need of implantation of GIS Cell at MFD:

The Hon’ble Supreme Court vide their judgment dated 6th July 2011 in IA No. 1868 of 2007

(Lafarge Case), had directed each State Forest Department to have GIS enabled decision

support system.

Chief Secretary in a meeting held on 14th August 2013 had directed the Department to setup

state GIS Cell.

MoEFCC mandate for Climate change initiative like SFD (sustainable Forest Development) to

generate Forest Cover Change report with credible, verifiable, measurable format needed to

increase forest Cover.

INDC (Intended Nationally Determined Contribution) policy and UNFCC (United Nations

Framework for Convention on climate change) guidelines, the nation must reduce CO2 as per

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decided in COP 21 Paris climate change conference on 30th November 2015 – 11th

December 2015.

Letter from Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change, Forest Policy Division, F.

No 18-16/2013- FP dated 22’nd March 2017 .Government of India (GoI) has directed to

establish a nodal state level cell for REDD+ activity.

REDD+ initiative by State Forest Department:

• Stratification of forest land

• Geo-referenced spatial maps of forest area and related India has forest maps

according to forest types and characteristic

• Geo-referenced data on deforestation and afforestation

• Geo-referenced area data for forest degradation (Activity Data)

Current status of MFD in terms of utilization of GIS technology.

MFD has also signed MoU dated 23 Dec 2014 with MRSAC.

Digitized maps of 51 Territorial and 47 Wildlife Divisions was made available to concerned

field offices.

Web GIS based Initiatives are available on URL of MRSAC namely

http://mrsac.maharashtra.gov.in/forest/ all the 36 digitized layers,

Base Maps This menu option having street map, Satellite map ,Hybrid map, topo map, Gray

Map, National Geographic map

Base layers This Option having Maharashtra Forest 2005-06, Land use 2011-12, transport,

water resources, cadastral, Soil, Water land, Watershed, Electoral, Village Boundaries,

Administrative boundaries GIS layers.

Forest Nagpur Division This option having Forest administration layer, Forest Crime, Forest

plantation, Forest Change , Forest administrative layer, GIS layers

Forest Maharashtra State This menu option having Forest territorial Circle, territorial

Division, territorial Range, territorial Round, territorial Beat, territorial Compartment Maps and

GIS layers, Forest Wildlife Circle, Wildlife Division, Wildlife Range, Wildlife Round, Wildlife

Beat, Wildlife Compartment Maps and GIS layers,

Forest Fire This menu option having Forest fire incidents of 2012, 2013,2014,2015 and 2016

GIS layers.

Portal application This menu option having Offence(Nagpur Division), Plantation (Nagpur

division)2 crore plantation post monitoring, VanyuktShivar Mobile APK

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The Following are the expected work modules implemented under GIS Cell:

Establishment of GIS Cell at HO

Recruitment of resources at GIS Cell

Recruitment of Regional Resources

Training and capacity Building

Forest Cover Change Analysis

Forest Change Cover Analysis for every Year with Very High Resolution satellite data up

to, 0.5, 5.8 Meter resolution in cooperation along MRSAC, FSI, NRSC etc.

Post Monitoring of Survival of plantation sites taken in drive 4 crore, 13 crore and 33

crore plantation drive will be facilitated for analysis and decision making purpose.

Mapping of Offences cases, Check posts, Checknakas, Sawmills etc.

Mapping of Mangrove areas,

Mapping of FDCM area,

Department’s assets like Forest Offices Buildings, Guest Houses, Training institutes,

Inspections Huts, Vantalis, NR/AR Works etc are mapped with their basic information and

Geo tagged/polygon photograph mapping.

A real time Forest fires are shown on Web GIS platform of Forest Fire option,

Plantation sites under CAMPA, Nodal

Mapping of All Reserve Forest Maps, Protected Forest Maps, Private forest Maps, Zudpi

Forest Maps, Section 4 Notified Lands taken under CAMPA afforestation, Forest AKIN

lands(As per Super court order in P. Godavarman case, Wildlife(Core, Buffer, corridors,

Eco Sensitive zones)

E-Patrolling Mobile GIS App

2.2 Strengthening of Call Center

“1926-Hello Forest” is the first centralized call center established by any state forest departments

in the country. Since launch in January 2017, the center has developed as a means for citizen

grievances and complaints. The Department central call center “1926-Hello Forest” can be used

as a means to support community participation and citizen outreach during the 13 and 33 crore-

plantation programmed. The center can be used a link between the citizen, field level officials like

RFOs DFOs etc. to drive citizen registrations on the Green Army web portal and mobile app. A

concerted campaign targeting district-wise educational institutions, NGOs, civil society institutions

and link them through outbound introductory calling, subsequent field level interactions with field

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and SFD officials to register for Green Army. The web and mobile-based tools along with field

level interactions and call center can be used to mobilize larger volunteer groups during the

upcoming 13 and 33 crore plantation drives.

2.3 Forest Asset Management

There is various assets of the department; management of those assets would be done by the

Asset Management module. Asset mapping – Departments assets like Forest Offices Buildings,

Guest Houses, Training institutes, Inspections Huts etc. are mapped with their basic information

and Geo tagged photograph

Phase 1: MIS Application and Physical Asset Mapping on MIS and GIS

o Integration existing MIS Application of C-DAC in respect to Asset mapping

o Mapping of Physical assets on MIS Application & GIS Mapping of Physical Assets

of MFD

Phase 2: Real time Asset Monitoring through Web GIS based architecture of MRSAC

o Development of Mobile GIS App by MRSAC

o Real time Asset Monitoring through Mobile GIS based app

2.4 Capacity Building and Training

Identify the training needs

Capturing data of employees requiring training in different fields

Planning of training sessions

Organization of training with help of experts from FSI, MRSAC, NRSC, IIRSC etc

Development of Training plans

Upgrade of VC Facility at Training Institutes

Bandwidth Upgradation at Training Institutes

Inauguration of Remote Training Sessions

2.5 IT initiatives for 50 Crore plantation

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Revamping and Development of 13 Crore and 33 Crore Plantation monitoring system like

inclusion of online information of “Samplings at door step” scheme into MIS application.

Development of Mobile App for plantation registration and achievement mapping like “My Plants”

for 13 crore and 33 crore plantation

2 crore, 4 crore, 13crore, 33 crore post-plantation survival monitoring

Effective use of Digital platform for publicity of 50 Crore plantation drive for site registration,

achievement and post monitoring.

2.6 Command and Control Room at Head Office

Command and Control System already installed in the headquarters of Maharashtra Forest

Department, Nagpur has state of art ‘Video wall’ and ‘Polycom’; facilitating Video conferencing

facility with their counterparts in the neighboring states and also remain in touch with the Central

Government offices like Forest Survey of India, National Tiger Conservation Authority and Wildlife

Institute of India etc. Standard Operating Procedure for handling Forest Fires, Encroachment,

Illicit felling, Poaching and Wildlife- Human conflict to manage the emergency situations more

effectively by communicating with the field officials and monitoring their action has been

conceptualized & defined and is being implemented. Mapping of ‘Crisis wise- Vulnerable regions’

and ‘Existing Resource inventory’ has been done. Common SOP to manage the field crisis with

the existing manpower and technical resources will surely give the department an edge over

present day management.

2.7 IT Infrastructure Enhancement at MFD

The IT network and connectivity backbone of the Department needs to be constantly reviewed

and upgraded keeping in view the changing requirements of the Department. The following

enhancements are proposed:

300 Mbps connectivity at Head Office

Dedicated 200 Mbps connectivity for GIS server at Head Office.

Extension of NICNET VC facility to all Regional Training Institutes, FDCM Head Offices,

SFD offices and all Division offices in a phased manner.

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Bandwidth upgrade to Circle Offices to 8 Mbps and 4 Mbps at Division Offices.

Internet connectivity to be provided to all Range Offices.

2.8 Online AAR Management and Reporting

The Statistics Section is having tradition of extensive data collection and analysis. The data is

gathered from sources (viz. Divisions/ Circles/ subject heads) to produce statistics for monitoring

various aspects (issues like encroachment, illicit felling, unauthorized grazing, and production of

timber, firewood and NTFP).

The AAR is published every year as mentioned in Chapter 34 of Maharashtra Forest Manual. A

brief annual report or statement of progress in each division for the twelve months ending 31st

March is prepared, exhibiting the progress made during the year. AAR is a record of work done

and needed for an intelligent comprehension of the meaning of the facts and figures and of the

salient features of the year’s work. Prominence is given to facts which are likely to interest the


The report is published as per financial year. AAR published during current year gives details of

previous year. Soon Statistical Wing will be switching over to near real time or real time database

creation and making that accessible to the personnel, within the department as well as

stakeholders outside the department. This will help in accessing the data real time or near real

time. Analyzing the progress/ performance in each critical activity which will be helpful in

understanding physical and financial achievement, and to quantify the outcome of each


The notion for digitizing AAR is to give idea to subject head in that year only, rather than to keep

it pending for a year. It’ll be operational from this year on Web based application.

2.9 Working Plan Management

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An integrated MIS-GIS application integrating all working plan prescriptions year-wise through

GIS integrated management maps, annual prescriptions, action taken, and working plan

deviations and revisions. The application will take into consideration all aspects of National

Working Plan Code 2016. This includes inputs for Working Plans like maps, thematic layers and

satellite imagery, GIS spatial database, Compartment histories, control forms and deviation

statements, etc. A MIS-GIS integrated Working Plan application will ensure common standards

of planning and similar treatment maps for similar Working Circles. Progressive use of the

application can also provide insights into whether the number of Working Circles can be reduced

based on treatment aspects. The following modules are proposed:

Year-wise Working Plan Prescriptions

Action taken Report

Coupe Control Plan

Working Plan Deviations

2.10 PDA Obsolescence Review and Roadmap

The Department has already issued 8600 PDAs to field officials (Forest Guards, RFOs) under

a GR dated 04.08.2014. The Android based PDAs/Smartphones specifications are as shown

in table 1 below. The devices operate under a customized 3G plan offered by BSNL.

A review of specifications for PDA/Smartphones was carried out by MRSAC keeping in view

its geo-portal. Their recommendation is in Table 2.

The recommendation of MRSAC does not keep in mind commonly available mobile

specifications as well as the possibilities of any other applications that may be developed by

the Department. A thorough review of specifications will be submitted keeping in view the

future applications to be deployed.

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Table 2.1: PDA/Smartphone Specification as per GR dated 04.08.2014

Sr. No Specification Minimum Requirement

1 Operating System Android

2 Version Lollypop 5.0 and Above

3 CPU Dual Core 1.2 GHz Cortex A9 or higher

4 Ram 1 GB and Above

5 Free Space Minimum 512 MB and Above

6 Connectivity 3G/4G, GPRS, USB, Wi-Fi, Google maps with offline

update, Gyro

7 Sensor Accelerometer, Proximity, Compass


9 Display TFT capacitive touch screen

10 Battery Li-Ion 1500 mAh or higher

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11 Rear Camera 5MP or higher, Geo-tagging

12 Front Camera No / Optional

Table 2.2: PDA/Smartphone Specifications Recommended by MRSAC-Sep 2017

2.11 Enhancing Digital Media Presence

Maharashtra Forest Department is constantly undertaking wide range of initiatives to publicize its

schemes and programs with a view to raise awareness among citizenry. MFD has embraced

diverse digital publicity measures to disseminate information, social media platforms like

Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and WhatsApp is being effectively used to circulate periodic

updates about the Department’s range of initiatives and Plantation drives. All this has been very

well received by citizens and helped built a positive opinion about the Department.

Building upon the tremendous success of 4-Crore Plantation Drive, Maharashtra Forest

Department is keen on leveraging Digital Publicity platforms in its upcoming 13 Crore Plantation

Drive in 2018 and 33 Crore Plantation Drive in 2018. Refuting of wrong news in Newspapers /

Electronic media regarding Forest & Wild-life and to create social awareness through Newspapers

regarding the Department is also to be ensured for the upcoming period.

Figure 2.1: Status of Social Media presence as on 21st August 2018

Strengthening of digital media based publicity initiatives, calls for social media platform that

integrates various data formats like video feed from multiple devices and locations, drone videos










Nov 2016 Aug 2018

Change in Facebook Likes from Nov 2016 to Aug 2018












Nov 2016 Aug 2018

Follower Status on Twitter and Instagram

Twitter Instagram

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and imagery, satellite imagery along an integrated platform where these diverse data components

can be consumed by various Department stakeholders.

To enhance public outreach and internalizing feedback from academics, researchers and

ecologists as well as environmental research institutions revenue generating service model to

provide access to forest environments can be devised. It is proposed to provide such services to

researchers and academics on a revenue based model to develop a service based, delivery

based IT model. Services to research institutions, academicians and ecological researchers may

be provided by designing knowledge based model which is also revenue generating may also be


2.12 IT Infrastructure Audit

The Hon’ble Ministers Office desired that the expertise of Tech Mahindra be utilized by the

Department for its IT activities. Accordingly, a meeting was held with M/s Tech Mahindra on 01-

Sep-2017. M/s Tech Mahindra has submitted a report on action items to be undertaken by the

Department to strengthen its IT security and optimize its server infrastructure, along the following


1. IT Infrastructure Audit

2. Cyber security audit

3. Peripheral Audit

4. Revamping of existing website of the Department.

Within the next 3 years, the Department will ensure implementation of recommendations of the


Some of the Departments Online applications like Intranet service and Digital Library hosted out

of Departments own server based in Pune are exposed and pose Cyber Security vulnerability.

The Department needs to conduct Cyber Security audit of its digital assets to ensure all

vulnerabilities are addressed.

NIC has also undertaken process of providing e-mail id’s to all personnel of the Department. To

ensure minimum unauthorized access as well as prudent e-mail usage, use of private e-mail id’s

for official communication should be discouraged, reduced and done away with in a phased


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2.13 Integration of RTS services for payment, E-mail & SMS Gateway

The 11 RTS services of the department needs to be integrated with Mahaonline’s Aaple Sarkar

portal. This integration will be completed by September 2017. There is a scope to improve online

delivery of these services by integration of SMS, e-mail and payment gateways. This will ensure

that the citizen receives regular updates on change of status of his application as well as an

entirely online mode of service delivery. As part of service delivery under DIPP guidelines, Tree

felling permits also will be made fully online.

2.14 Personnel Management System

Service Books form the core of personnel management and planning and all service books are

currently manual and maintained at the respective DDDO offices. The State Government has

directed all Departments to digitize their service books. A step in this direction is digitization of

service books of all employees in Gadchiroli and Sironcha divisions of Gadchiroli Circle and at

Head Office, Nagpur on a pilot basis. The pilot will provide insights into feasibility of introduction

of digital service books for all employees of the Department with a view of day-to-day data entry

based on ongoing service conditions. All employees will be provided online access to their service

books. Employees will make initial data entry and regular updates based on changes in service

conditions will be made at office of respective DDOs. Employees will be provide 24*7 access to

their entire updated service records at a small cost. Proposed Modules for the Personnel

Management System are:

Employee Personal Details

Family Details and Nomination

Leave Details

Transfer and deputation History

Reports and Administration


Pay Fixation and Increments

Rewards and Disciplinary Proceedings

Training and Exemption

Promotions and Reversions

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2.15 Court Case Management System

A digitized system for monitoring of Litigation of various offices of the Department is necessary to

support the Department in ensuring cases are successfully defended in the courts. The then Chief

Secretary, in his letter to all Departments dated 09-10-2014 had requested that to ensure all court

cases are properly responded to. A Court Case Management System will provide an online

database of cases pending at different offices and courts and the next steps to be taken in each

case. This can also be used to manage all other Department litigations. The Proposed Modules


Litigation Database

Case Management Details

Dashboard and Reports

Pendency Details

Hearing Date and Status

E-mail and SMS alerts

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3.0 Approach and Methodology

The first step in a Large Scale Computerization is the development of an ICT management plan,

which describes the major tasks and schedule of work for the project activity. A systematic

approach is recommended to assure the development of a ICT system that is fully responsive to

a Maharashtra Forest Department performance objectives and resource constraints. This

approach will include the following components:

Systems analysis, which includes information needs assessment, requirements analysis,

and requirements specification

Systems design, which includes synthesis of alternatives, specification of criteria for

selecting a preferred alternative, selection of a preferred alternative, top-level design, and

detailed design

Systems implementation, which includes forms development, specification of data

collection and entry procedures, development of editing and quality control procedures,

software coding and testing, development of training materials and training, integration of

the software components with other system components (e.g., personnel,

communications, data transfer and assembly, report preparation and distribution,

feedback), and system-level testing

Systems operation and support, which includes not only routine operating procedures but

also provision for on-going system financing and management, quality control, software

maintenance and updating, personnel training, and system maintenance and

improvement (including periodic review of system performance and diagnosis and

correction of problems) While the preceding system development phases are completed

in sequence, there is some time overlap between them.

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The following paragraphs discuss aspects of each of the above components. The approach to

management information system design should be based on the modern software/system

engineering discipline, which consists of structured analysis and structured design (top-down


Systems Analysis

Systems analysis will include to assess current set up & information needs and shortcomings;

specification of system goals, objectives, and constraints; a survey of potential system users to

assess their information needs; identification and analysis of alternative system concepts;

specification a system concept; and system requirements analysis and specification.

This phase will include an analysis of major system functions and the development of system

architecture (identification of the major system components and their interrelationships). Heavy

emphasis should be placed on end-user requirements. It is essential to involve the end-user in

the system requirements activity, to insure the development of a system that is fully responsive

the user's needs. The review of the current system and survey of potential users can be done by

a variety of means, including review of documentation, site visits, questionnaire surveys,

interviews, and focus-group discussions.

Systems Design

The systems design phase is generally broken into two sub-phases, top-level design and detailed

design. Top-level design consists of the identification of the major system components and their

functions. In order to specify the top-level design, a number of alternative system design concepts

are synthesized and evaluated in terms of a variety of selection criteria, which include cost

(implementation, operation and maintenance), performance, satisfaction of requirements,

development risk, flexibility for expansion/upgrading, and political acceptability. The important

aspect of top-level design is to present several feasible solutions to the system managers and

users, to describe their advantages and disadvantages, and to obtain a consensus on a preferred

design concept.

An example of a design decision is the decision concerning which functions should be

implemented using computers and which should be manual (e.g. should data collected at a

regional level and needed at a central level be transmitted via the Internet (e.g., SWAN, MPLS

VPN or e-mail).

Detailed design consists of specifying all of the system components and functions in detail. In the

detailed design phase, decisions are made concerning what data elements are to be collected,

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how they are to be coded, how frequently they are to be collected, and at what levels of detail

they are to be aggregated. The decision on the unit of analysis has a significant impact on both

the cost of the system operation (especially the data collection burden) and on the flexibility of ad-

hoc reporting. This design decision is particularly important. While it is an easy matter to revise a

data entry screen or report format, it is not possible to produce a desired report about a particular

type of unit if data on that unit are not included in the data base. For example, if it is desired to

produce a report about the frequency distribution of ponds by some characteristic, pond-level data

must be included in the data base (or capable of being constructed by aggregation of lower-level


For a software subsystem, the structured analysis / structured design approach involves the use

of techniques such as data flow diagrams, functional decompositions, and structure charts. Since

we recommend making heavy use of fourth-generation database management software, the

amount of detail depicted in the detailed software design is generally minimal.

The detailed design phase also identifies the initial reports to be produced by the system

(reporting levels, frequency, content, and format). With fourth-generation database software it is

an easy matter to change reports or develop new reports, so the specification of the output reports

is not critical (since it will almost surely change over time).

It is recommended to adopt a rapid-prototyping approach for the software development. This will

consist of developing an initial version of the software, testing it, modifying it, and then producing

a second, improved, version. This iterative process is repeated one or more times until a desired

version is obtained. With the rapid-prototyping approach, the "design" is continually evolving, and

a minimum amount of effort is expended in documenting each of the prototypes.

The system design phase specifies what computer/networking equipment is to be used.

The following paragraphs mention some practical aspects of system design.

System Size. Modern microcomputers are so powerful that most applications can be done

using commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) microcomputers.

There are several types of database models, including indexed, sequential, network, and

relational. For general-purpose applications, such as management information systems,

the relational model is almost always used. Relational databases are based on a

mathematical framework (“relational calculus”) that makes it easy to maintain data integrity

and perform ad-hoc queries.

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Selection of Software. For most applications, the choice is between using a very expensive

system, such as Oracle, or Microsoft Access or SQL Server.

Another option is to use open-source (free) software, such as MySQL.

Query Design. The major factor affecting database performance is the quality of the design

of the queries (procedures used to retrieve data). In a relational database system, queries

are implemented using the SQL programming language.

There are many other factors to be considered in conducting the detailed design of a ICT project,

such as whether data should be archived year by year or included in a single large database (to

facilitate time series analysis); whether the data should be entered at a central facility or on-line

via many distributed workstations (e.g., in different districts); procedures to be used for primary

data collection (e.g., questionnaires); data-cleaning routines; and security.

Systems Implementation

Systems implementation consists of developing all of the system components -- data collection

forms; data collection, transfer and processing procedures; data entry procedures and screens

(including on-line edit checking); software; report forms; report distribution; quality control

procedures. As mentioned, we recommend the use of an iterative, rapid-prototyping approach to

the software implementation. It is highly recommended to field-test major systems in a single

geographic area before going full scale. This field testing involves not only software, but all

aspects of the system (e.g., data collection procedures, training, and quality control).

The importance of allowing for prototyping and field testing cannot be minimized. A key problem

faced in developing countries is data integrity. From previous experience, we know that users

become much more interested in data integrity after seeing the data they reported in a printout.

The system procedures will allow for regular feedback of data to the source levels, for review and

correction. A considerable amount of time must be allowed for implementation. Because of the

many uses to which an MIS may be applied, all of the collected data may not be included in a

single file. Instead, there may be a variety of data files, involving a variety of units of analysis. For

example, there may be State-level, regional-level, and local-level files; facility files, personnel files,

program files. Data from these files may be aggregated and combined as desired, as long as

there is a "key" (identifier) linking the file records.

System Operation and Support

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System support should include all of the resources required to operate, maintain, and improve

the system. Because of the known eventual departure of the system development contractor, it is

necessary to develop a system that is easy to use and improve, and that will not collapse with the

departure of a key government person. To accomplish this goal, training materials and procedures

will be developed that can be used to assure the continued operation of the system in the future.

3.1 Design Considerations

The design considerations for the proposed technology solution in any large scale IT project are:

High Availability







The following section details out each of these design considerations with respect to the project

and the proposed technology solution.

High Availability: It is an ability to withstand failure or individual components.

The proposed architecture addresses these requirements through the use of clustering, load

balancing and redundancy. Cluster environment should be built for critical applications with fail-

over and fail back features.

The application Server should be kept lighter than the Database Server. Web Server should be

much lighter than the Application Server. Redundancy and Load balancing features should be

built in Application Server, Web Server and Database Server to achieve the High Availability.

Scalability: Scalability refers to ability to service significant increase in load or page request,

without noticeable degradation of performance by means of deploying additional hardware without

making any changes to existing code.

To address the scalability challenge, the proposed architecture is build around the Service

Oriented Architecture (SOA) paradigm. Interactions among the various services and integration

with the existing application are achieved using XML open standards. There is a clear cut

demarcation between data and business and enterprise applications. This will enable the

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implementation team to plug in new applications and new features at any point of time to address

the application level scalability requirements.

In conclusion, there must be well defined capacity management plan at the time of design phase

to clearly define hardware changes to be done for servicing increasing load.

Interoperability: The success of MIS application initiative would largely depend on the flow of

information among the heterogeneous applications. The proposed architecture is built around the

web services standard and adopts open standards for interacting with various applications to

address the interoperability requirement. ANSI SQL standards should be used to ensure the


Portability: MIS application should be portable. It should address the following requirements,

No part of implementation should be portable

Any COTS products used should provide tools for exporting & importing data using

open standards

Developed source code should conform to open standards

Performance: Performance is defined as the responsiveness of MIS application. It should

manage the user load and response time. It would be the key challenge for MIS portal as more

and more citizens take part in MIS online initiative and volume of data grows. It is essential that

the performance of the portal must not deteriorate with increase in volume of data or number of

end users. The proposed architecture takes care of the application level performance requirement

by load balancing and caching technique.

The performance is taken care of by restricting the number of users to consume various

services by defining an access control mechanism. However, regular performance tuning

initiatives like purging and archiving of data are to be adopted to ensure optimum


Extensibility: Extensibility refers the ability to add new functionality without requiring major

changes to the existing code. MIS application should be extendible to adopt following of changes

with minimal or no changes to existing code

Providing new content processing, content management system

Significant growth of the content

Providing new functionality or feature or service

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Security: The security requirements should address data privacy, confidentiality and access

control mechanism. In addition, the security should address the following features,

DMZ policy




The following security related considerations are being made:

I. Application server level: The access to various applications is controlled by active

directory authentication services at the Portal level. The Portal would keep AD user

data for authentication and authorization at MIS employee data level.

II. Database level security: Only authorized users are allowed to upload / change the

data. The data backup is performed as part of schedule task and is encrypted to

ensure safeguard against data theft.

III. Other Security Features: In addition, system should provide the following security


System should support integration with third party authentication services or tools

System should provide unrestricted access to administrator or super user

Transactional State services are accessible only to authenticated users

Confidential information such as login pages and pages related to transactional

services should be served over https.

Database Features: The following are the Database Features of the MIS Web application

Should support data base partitioning and parallel processing

Should support Active-Active Configuration

Allow users to connect and use the same database from multiple nodes by using

resources of the individual node

Should be available under maximum number of Operating Systems and supported

under maximum number of Application Servers.

Should have support for generation, consumption of XML data and XML based query


Allow multi-dimensional OLAP capabilities for Data Warehousing

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3.2 Problems and Issues addressed by the proposed system

This project is envisaged to improve the overall efficiency, effectiveness, transparency and

accountability in the Forest Department. The sub-objectives of the project as depicted below are

targeted towards realizing the improvement areas:

a) Efficiency

Ensure online Management Information System of Key / Necessary


Improve efficiency of the Department operations

b) Effectiveness

Ensure accurate Data reach the intended users on time

Minimize data duplication

Enable effective monitoring of data

c) Accountability

Ensure traceability of decisions

Ensure adherence to service level

d) Transparency

Establish an effective system for redressal of grievances

Make all important information available to Departmental users / citizens

e) Centralized Repository of Data

Make sure Data is available as and when required by Dept Users

Data to be available in digital format and stored at central location

Data to be stored in central place / repository which can be used in future /

Quick decision making

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4.0 Project Details

4.1 Overview of Functional Requirement

User interface:

Any DATA needs to be entered only once and is then should be available as often to all the

systems require to use the said information.

All the modules should be homogeneous with respect to the key board use screen layout and

menu operation with Graphic user interface.

GUI form administration should support:-

Changing fields or tab labels

Hiding fields or tabs

Changing position or size of the field or labels

Adding restriction or mandatory or not

Setting default value in a field

Changing list of value (LOV) contents

Capability to setup logic to trap conditions to pop messages in response to conditions like

logical data entry errors, certain conditions etc.

Ability to provide these configurations down to the user level so that the screen can be

made to have different functionality for a given user.

The separate information can be consolidated from a number of systems as required to

produce reports and carry out ad-hoc analysis and reporting.

The system developed should facilitate Maharashtra Forest Department for decision support

system to assist users for optimum utilization of the available resources.

Access & Data Security

Role based authentication to various functionalities mentioned in different modules with

encrypted passwords. Rights can be given to Individual users or groups.

Flexibility to define separate role and designation to the users. Upon transfers of

officers/employees, applications/letters.

User rights to various forms should be either Create New Record or View Existing Record

or Edit Existing Record.

An audit trail of changes to data in the system shall be maintained to identify the users

responsible for the modification. There should be a facility to create reports on audit logs.

System should be easy to support & reduce tampering.

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Should capture exceptions to detect frauds/mistakes.

Information security i.e. Integrity, Confidentiality & Availability of data to be maintained.

Data needs to be protected against following threats:-

Unauthorized access to data base or application


The System offered should be scalable to cater to the present and future requirements of


The system should be built using Service oriented, Open Architecture.

It should be possible to add more fields to the data input screens for capturing additional

business specific information without having to write any code.

Capability to modify existing forms to suit the requirements without requiring additional

development tools.

Functional Features and Requirement of the proposed Applications

The Proposed solution should be designed using the industry’s best practices and is based on n-

tier service oriented architecture.

The users should get authenticated before the access to the application is made available.

The users are to post the request for service and deliver services interfacing with the

applications hosted or connected through the MIS deployment environment.

As applications are built under the Centralized Architecture specification, we build High

Availability solution at the web server, application server and database server level to

avoid complete failures of services, which are delivered through MIS application. High-

Availability solution works under Active-Active modes.

In Active-Active Configuration, in Normal circumstances, both the nodes configured in a

cluster continuously provide the services to users, so both the nodes are utilized in online

enquiries, transactions, etc. while running the same application. When one node goes

down, the entire load of the application switches over to the second node.

4.2 Overview of Technical Requirement

Application Development should conform to the following:

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Data storage in Database.

Data structured in accepted normalized method.

All code and data structures documented.

The application should require no add‐ons unless such are well‐established, likely to be

available for the known future, have no special maintenance requirements, and no

ongoing licensing costs.

Application will require a typical log‐in infrastructure, including the following:

Initial email sent to user, with hyperlink for activation.

Hyperlink leads to registration form. Passwords required being strong.

Acknowledgement email sent after successful registration.

Form available for lost passwords.

Application should have a user management system to add, delete or edit users and

their permissions as well as manage passwords by one single administrator

Application should be “email‐ready”. That is, they should have the entire infrastructure

in place to send out data‐triggered email alerts, although none are needed at present.

Application hosting, including DNS, web server, and database server hosting will be

provided by Forest dept.

The following are not recommended in application:

Animated interfaces such as Flash.

Graphical design elements – a straightforward, attractive look and feel is


Any EDI (electronic data interface)

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5.0 Annexure 3 Year- Work Plan for Maharashtra Forest Department

Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

1 GIS Cell - Establishment & Activities

a Establishment of GIS Cell at HO

b Recruitment of resources at GIS Cell

c Training and capacity Building

d Recruitment of Regional Resources

e Forest Cover Change Analysis

f Mapping of Offences cases, Check posts, Chek nakas, Sawmills etc.

g Mapping of FDCM areas

h Mapping of Mangrove areas

i Mapping of Plantation sites under CAMPA, Nodal

j Forest Resource Mapping

k Real time Forest fires on Web GIS platform under Forest Fire option

l E-Patrolling Mobile GIS App

m Requirements Gathering and Scope s

n Software Development and User Acceptance Testing

o Go-Live

2 Call Center

a Green Army and 50 crore Plantation Program

b Complaints/Enquiries/Greivance Redressal

3 Forest Asset Management

Phase 1: MIS Application and Physical Asset Mapping on MIS and GIS


Integration existing MIS Application of C-DAC for Plantation


b MIS and GIS Mapping of Physical assets

Phase 2: Realtime Asset Monitoring through Mobile GISbased app

a Development of Mobile GIS App by MRSAC s

b Realtime Asset Monitoring through Mobile GIS based app

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Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

4 Department Training and Capacity Building

a Identify the training needs

b Capturing data of employees requiring training in different fields

c Planning of training sessions


Organization of training with help of experts from FSI, MRSAC, NRSC,


e Development of Training plans

f Upgrade of VC Facility at Training Institutes

g Bandwidth Upgradation at Training Institutes

h Inauguration of Remote Training Sessions

5 IT Initiatives for 50 crore plantation


Revamping and Development of 13 Crore and 33 Crore Plantation



Development of Mobile App for plantation registration and


c 2 crore,4 crore,13 crore ,33 crore post-plantation survival monitoring


Effective use of Digital platform for publicity of 50 Crore plantation

drive for 50 crore plantation drive.

6 Command Control Room at HO

a Development of SOP for Forest Offences

b Integration of Offence data on GIS portal

7 IT Infrastructure Enhancement at MFD

a 200 MBPS Leased Line at HQ,Nagpur

b NIC NET at all Division Offices

c Bandwidth Upgrade at Circle Offices (8 Mpbs)

d Bandwidth Upgrade at Division Offices (4 Mbps)

8 Online AAR Management and Reporting

a Requirements Gathering and Scope

b Software Development and User Acceptance Testing

c Go-Live

9 Working Plan Management

a Requirements Gathering and Scope

b Software Development and User Acceptance Testing

c Go-Live

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Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

10 PDA Obsolescence Review and Roadmap

a Submission of Recommendations of Review

11 Enhancing Digital Media Presence

a Digital Media Management for 50 crore plantation drive

12 IT infrastructure Audit

Phase 1

a MIS Applications audit

b Infrastructure Audit

c Cyber Security audit

d Periperal audit

Phase -2

a Improvement of MIS application as per audit recommandations

b Improvement of Infrastructure as per audit recommandations

c Improvement of IT infrstructure to prevents from cyber attacks

d Improvement of periperals as per audit recommandations

13 Integration of RTS services for payment,E mail & SMS gateway


Analysis of common payment,E mail, SMS gatway system used for

RTS Services s

b Requirment gathering for Implementation

c Software Development and User Acceptance tesitng

d Golive

14 Personal Management System

a Requirements Gathering and Scope s

b Software Development and User Acceptance Testing

c Go-Live

15 Court case Management System

a Requirements Gathering and Scope s

b Software Development and User Acceptance Testing

c Go-Live

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6.0 Conclusion

In view of the foregoing account, it is expected that the Maharashtra Forest Department will have

a robust, MIS-GIS integrated DSS well dovetailed with “1926-Hello Forest” call center and social

media platform to provide a more transparent, credible and accountable forest governance

institution by the end of 2020.

This ICT Version 2.0 document will help realize the goals captured in Food and Agriculture

Organization (FAO) Good Forest Governance document.

Source: Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) Good Forest Governance Document