I HAVE NO SON by Martin Olson - for ROCKO'S MODERN LIFE series, Nickelodeon. Original Story Outline...

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Transcript of I HAVE NO SON by Martin Olson - for ROCKO'S MODERN LIFE series, Nickelodeon. Original Story Outline...

  • 8/13/2019 I HAVE NO SON by Martin Olson - for ROCKO'S MODERN LIFE series, Nickelodeon. Original Story Outline - Draft 2


    Full Outline - Rocko's Modern Life M. Olson

    "I HAVE NO SON" (Half-hour episode)

    Synopsis: Rocko, Heffer & Filburt are big fans of a hit cartoon show called

    MEET THE FATHEADS, about a nasty couple strangely like Ed and Bev... Rocko

    finds out that the creator of MTF is Ed and Bev's only child, Ralph. Ed

    disowned Ralph and has vowed never to see him again. Missing his own Dad,

    Rocko wants to reunite Ed and Ralph. But when Rocko succeeds, his good deed

    backfires: Ralph loses his "edge" - and MTF becomes the most boring show on TV!

    Rocko's living room. Rocko, Heffer and Filburt are watching TV in

    anticipation. (Maybe a parody of the Nickelodeon logo on a promo

    tease: "Up next, kids, it's Meet the Fatheads!") It's almost time

    for their favorite animated show, MTF. Filburt especially is a

    fanatical fan, wearing an MTF T-shirt, bow-tie, underwear, spats,

    backpack and hernia truss, while slurping from an MTF slurp-jug;

    Heffer says he's ordered the MTF colostomy bag for his Grampa,etc.

    Move in on the TV screen as the show begins -possibly animated in

    a different style than the rest of our show, perhaps very angular

    and frenetic. The theme song and opening titles appear, maybe

    with canned laffs at the gags: "Meet the Fatheads! They're ugly,

    they're rude, you don't wanna see 'em nude," etc. Maybe Filburt

    sings along.

    Today's episode begins, "The Fatheads in Space!" The show stars

    Ted and Ev Fathead,a loud, nasty couple that strangely resembleEd and Bev Bighead. Ted and Ev are loud, violent and extremely


    Possible MTFgag scene: Ted and Ev (a grotesque couple who

    despise each other) float outside in their space suits while Ted

    repairs their rocket. Ev bitches relentlessly at Ted, who's fed

    up. He threatens to rip off her air hose when a meteor suddenly

    whizzes by and seems to decapitate Ev. Ed laughs triumphantly that

    he's finally free, free! However, one strand of flesh still

    connects her head (stuck to the meteor) to her neck. The strand

    stretches to its maximum tensor, then snaps her head back onto herbody!THWOP!Back together again, Ev angrily rips Ted's air hose

    off - and she laughs as his body expands like a balloon via air

    pressure and explodes. (In short, they're violent, disgusting and

    pummel each other.)

  • 8/13/2019 I HAVE NO SON by Martin Olson - for ROCKO'S MODERN LIFE series, Nickelodeon. Original Story Outline - Draft 2



    Cut to Filburt rolling on the floor laughing, clutching his

    stomach-shell, pounding the carpet with his fists, tears streaming

    down his face. It's the funniest show he's ever seen.

    Push through Rocko's window to Ed and Bev's house. The same show

    is on, but to them, it's not funny. Close on Ed's fist crushing

    the arm of his chair. Bev is miserable. Ed screams, ripping his


    Wipe to Rocko's after the show. Filburt the fanatic is recounting

    his favorite disgusting moments from the show. Rocko's been

    leafing through MTF Magazine and sees that the show's creator,

    Ralph Bighead, is from O'Town: "Hmmm. I wonder if he's related

    to the Bighead's next door..."

    Wipe to the Bigheads. Ed is pacing in a fury as Bev, strangely

    vulnerable, trembles. Ed: "That's it! He's humiliated me for the


    HOUSE EVER AGAIN!" There's a knock at the door and Rocko peeks

    him meekly: ""Excuse me, uh, but are you related to Ralph


    Bev bursts into sobs: "He's our only son...!" Ed silences her with

    a gesture: "I have no son!" Ralph slams the door, flattening

    Rocko's face. Outside, we hear Ed stomping away up the stairs and

    doors slamming. The front door creaks open. Bev, sniffling into

    a hankie, peels Rocko off the door and quietly invites him in.

    On the sofa, Bev takes a photo album from a secret hiding placeand shows Rocko photos of Ralph as a child. Each photo "comes

    alive" as she narrates how "cute" he was -- while showing Ralph as

    a completely demented child.

    (Note: Tthe photos don't show Ralph's face, just hands, hints of

    his body; we'll reveal R. later.Bev: "He was camera shy as a


    Possible gag photos which come alive: Ralph "having fun" as his

    hand ties rats' tails together; his hand at a funeral drawing

    "glasses" and Elvis sideburns on Grampa's corpse; his hand at anart museum defacing a famous painting with infantile doodles, etc.

    The last photo means a lot to Bev: it's Ralph's hand flipping big

    flies like hamburgers on a barbecue grill. As the scene animates,

    Ralph burns his finger: "Ooow! Owch!" Ed rushes into the scene

    as a concerned Daddy and kisses Ralph's throbbing finger sappily.

  • 8/13/2019 I HAVE NO SON by Martin Olson - for ROCKO'S MODERN LIFE series, Nickelodeon. Original Story Outline - Draft 2



    Back to melancholy Bev. During these photos, Bev explains that

    they tried to stop Ralph from defacing things with his ugly

    drawings, but he refused to stop, and disgraced the family by

    going into... cartooning!Ed disowned his son. Ralph ran away from

    home and ended up in Hollywood - where he created MTF. Bev: "Next

    weekend is our 30th wedding anniversary... but our only son won't

    be there!" She sobs. "If only Ed and Ralph could be father & son


    Rocko misses his own Dad and hates to see Ed and Ralph in such a

    nasty feud. Now we hear Ed stomping down the stairs. Bev hustles

    Rocko out: "Don't tell Ed I told you that my life is a living


    Outside, Rocko is determined to help them: "I've got to get Ed

    and Ralph back together."

    Wipe to Rocko inviting Ed and Bev to a cookout in his backyard in

    honor of their 30th anniversary. Ed accepts grumblingly because

    there's free food and dessert. Rocko wants to invite Ralph in

    person to convince him to come. Filburt shows Rocko a map where

    Ralph works: "Hollywood!"

    Travel montage. Planes, trains, buses. A dumpy bus drops Rocko

    off at BIGHEAD ANIMATION STUDIOS. Rocko stands in awe outside the

    splendid, magical-looking edifice. Huge sculptures and cut-outs

    of the Fatheads stand in fountains amid a luxurious garden. It's

    dazzling. Rocko enters the building.

    Inside, the studio is as shabby and depressing as the outside is

    magnificent. Flies buzz around the filthy lobby. Rocko walks up

    to an icky receptionist, who's obviously on the verge of a nervous

    breakdown. Echoing spookily down the long dark hall is a crazed

    man's voice (Ralph's) screaming: "NO, YOU IDIOT! NO! NO! NO!"

    The receptionist jumps at each scream. Rocko meekly asks to see

    Ralph Bighead. She trembles wide-eyed, almost hysterical at the

    mention of his name: "Do y-y-you have... an ap-p-p-pointment?"

    Rocko: "Uh, no, but, y'see, it's about his parents." She shrieks,

    clamps a hand over Rocko's mouth and over her own, and whispers

    psychotically: "Don't mention his parents! I beg of you!"

    Cut to Rocko walking down the scary hallway to Ralph's office, as

    he hears Ralph's screams getting louder; each scream is muffled

    and followed by a door slam. Nervous workers pass by him; the

    closer he gets to Ralph's office, the more jittery they get.

  • 8/13/2019 I HAVE NO SON by Martin Olson - for ROCKO'S MODERN LIFE series, Nickelodeon. Original Story Outline - Draft 2



    Rocko approaches an ultra-nervous secretary at her desk and asks

    for Ralph. She trembles even more wildly at the name and points a

    shaky finger at a line of people waiting at Ralph's door. Rocko

    gets in line. He watches tall people holding papers go in one at

    a time. Inside, Ralph shrieks: "No, no, no, you idiot!" Then the

    door opens; the same person staggers out, now bent over and

    totally frazzled -- with REJECT stamped on the papers.

    Wipe to Rocko, finally next in line. He nervously enters.

    Inside Ralph's office. His chair, turned away, spins toward Rocko,

    revealing a tiny, nerdy frogman - Ralph!Ralph (an ominous

    whisper): "And you are...?" As an inside gag, it's Joe's voice as

    Ralph, speaking terse lines in a quiet, deadpan, Steven Wright-

    type delivery.

    As Rocko babbles nervously, saying he's a big fan etc., Ralph's

    secretary creeps in to get a drawing approved. Ralph instantly

    transforms from tiny and quiet to a screaming monster: "No, you

    idiot! This is terrible! Execrable! Hideous!" He pounds a REJECT

    stamp on the drawing and she leaves trembling.

    Ralph instantly pops back to his quiet self (to Rocko): "You were

    saying...?" Rocko gulps and meekly invites Ralph to the

    anniversary cookout Ralph just stares and says nothing. After an

    uncomfortable pause, Rocko fidgets nervously and says that he's

    sure Ralph would, uh, like to see his parents again...

    Psychotically quiet, Ralph states flatly that he loathes hisparents and that Rocko is insaneto invite him.

    Rocko sighs, disappointed. Turning to leave, he babbles that he

    wishes Ralph could see how unhappy his parents are. At this, Ralph

    perks up: "Unhappy?" Rocko: And miserable!" Ralph perks up more:

    "Miserable?" Rocko: "Yes, if only you could see them, now that

    their lives are utterly meaningless..." Ralph: "I'm there."

    Wipe to Rocko's fabulous cookout: Rocko, Heffer and Filburt,

    decked out in MTF clothes etc., are getting the grill stoked as a

    limo screeches up to the curb. Tiny Ralph slithers out. Filburtand a dozen hard-core MTF fans (who have been eagerly awaiting his

    arrival) crowd around Ralph to get autographs.

    Ed and Bev arrive. Ed's impressed that such a big crowd showed up

    for their anniversary. Then the crowd parts in front of Ed,

    revealing ... Ralph! STINGER! Close on Ed, shocked to the bone.

  • 8/13/2019 I HAVE NO SON by Martin Olson - for ROCKO'S MODERN LIFE series, Nickelodeon. Original Story Outline - Draft 2



    Bev screams, "My baby!" She's about to run to Ralph, but Ed stops

    her with the same gesture as before: "He's not our son! Would a

    son humiliate his parents in a crummy, lousy cartoon?!"

    Ed insults Ralph's cartoon, which makes Ralph's temper explode.

    Ed and Ralph get into a brief, pithy screaming match, insulting

    each other. They're about to come to blows, but Bev holds back Ed

    and Rocko holds back Ralph. Ralph shakes Rocko off and looks at

    Ed with anger and sadness: "Some father...!" Ed seethes back:

    "Some son...!" Upset, Ralph turns to leave in disgust,

    accidentally bumps into the barbecue grill and burns his finger:

    "Ouch! Oow!" He screams and grabs his throbbing finger.

    Cut to Ed, who's also started walking away, hearing his son

    scream. His parental instinct kicks in! Without thinking, he

    rushes to his son and grabs his hand paternally. (It's a replay

    of the scene we saw in Bev's photo album.) Suddenly close, they

    look up in each other's eyes in an instant of unexpected intimacy,

    Ed holding Ralph's hand. Ed softens and whispers, "Son...?"

    Ralph softens and says, "Dad...?"

    As tense music builds, we cut back and forth, closer and closer on

    Ed and Ralph's faces. It's an ultra-tense moment, building

    suspensefully in a parody of a Sergio Leone shootout scene.

    Finally the music crescendos and stops! In the silence, Ralph

    says deadpan: "You wanna play... [longest beat in history] ...


    Close on Ed. A single, tiny tear forms in one eye and slowly dripsdown his cheeks. His eyes get watery. Same with Ralph. In

    truth, they're both the biggest sentimental saps in history. They

    throw their arms wide and hug, blubbering like babies. "Dad!"

    "My son!"

    The camera rises and spins on them from above. Butterflies and

    birds swoop around them. Everybody at the cookout starts weeping

    and hugging and leaning on each other just to stand up. Mrs.

    Bighead, gurgling with tears, hugs Rocko so hard she almost kills

    him. Finally, father and son have been reunited. As Ed and Ralph

    hug, a Montovani splash of muzak intones as we dissolve to: "Soft-focus" slo-mo shots of Ed and Ralph prancing hand in hand through

    a beautiful sunny meadow filled with butterflies. They each flick

    their tongues into the air in slo-mo and gulp down the


  • 8/13/2019 I HAVE NO SON by Martin Olson - for ROCKO'S MODERN LIFE series, Nickelodeon. Original Story Outline - Draft 2



    Cut to Bev and Ed waving 'bye to Ralph as he takes off in his


    Dissolve to Title card: 13 WEEKS LATER.

    Cut to Rocko , Heffer and Filburt gathered together in Rocko's

    living room as in the opening of our story. They're waiting to

    watch the premiere episode of the 2nd season of MEET THE FATHEADS.

    Filburt is ecstatic! Finally, the show begins. Move in on the TV

    screen. But something's... different.

    The opening has been changed! It's sappy and (ugh!) cute! The

    show begins -- and it's terrible! Sappy, boring, execrable!

    Filburt and Heffer's eyes shoot daggers at Rocko. "Yeah, nice

    goin', Rock... Sheesh! This sucks eggs!" Filburt is devastated:

    "How could you?! You've destroyed my favorite show!" Filburt

    breaks down weeping.

    Rocko sighs. He looks out the window to see Ed and Bev watching

    the same show and also weeping.

    Wipe to the Bighead's living room. Yes, they are also weeping --

    but weeping with joy. They have Ralph's photo over the TV. The

    new MTF show makes them the sweetest parents in the world!

    Cut back to Rocko as Filburt weeps on his shoulder. Move in on

    the sappy ending of MTF, now the sappiest, lousiest show in

    history, as we--Iris out.