How to Walk in the Spirit - Clover...

How to Walk in the Spirit Lesson 2: My Teacher 800.284.0158

Transcript of How to Walk in the Spirit - Clover...

Page 1: How to Walk in the Spirit - Clover, through His Spirit. Learning to be filled with the Holy Spirit is one of the

How to Walkin the Spirit

Lesson 2: My Teacher


Page 2: How to Walk in the Spirit - Clover, through His Spirit. Learning to be filled with the Holy Spirit is one of the



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DiSciple TargeTS

Lesson 2—My Teacher

Unit SummaryGod gave children an amazing gift when He gave them the Holy Spirit. It has been said, “There is no Holy Spirit Junior.” Children have the exact same access to the Holy Spirit’s power as adults. However, learning to understand and to daily lean on the Holy Spirit is not often taught to kids. During this unit, your kids will discover what it means to be indwelled and filled with the Holy Spirit—how to walk in the Spirit! They will explore four roles of the Holy Spirit that are described in the Bible and come to know the Holy Spirit better. The four lesson titles in this unit reflect those roles: My Comforter, My Teacher, My Counselor, and My Helper. While the fruit of the Spirit is often taught to kids, many times it is taught as a list of traits kids should be working on in their own strength. Nothing could be further from the truth. They are traits that will naturally flow out of a Christian who is walking in the Spirit. This unit focuses on teaching kids what it means to walk in the Spirit and provides practical ways to do so.

Lesson SummaryChildren spend a great deal of time being taught by parents, teachers, coaches, and others who are older or more experienced than they are. But the greatest teacher they have is God Himself, through His Spirit. Learning to be filled with the Holy Spirit is one of the more powerful and helpful skills that we can give to our kids. When they are motivated to trust and rely on the Holy Spirit throughout each day, their lives can be transformed.

Paul’s Power Principle: The Holy Spirit gives me power!

How to Walk in the Spirit

KnoW• Many Christians are indwelled, but not filled

(directed and empowered) with the Holy Spirit (Ephesians 5:18–19); Christians who thirst, repent, trust, and obey can enjoy the fullness of the Holy Spirit

Feel• Motivated to trust and rely on the Holy Spirit

throughout each day

Do• Ask God to fill them with the Holy Spirit

In this lesson, your children will...

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SPARK INTERESTChoose from the following activities and ideas to engage kids and grab their attention.


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org Welcome!—Balloon Fun

Supplies: inflated balloons (1 per child), permanent markers (optional)

As children arrive, give each an inflated balloon (not helium) and challenge the kids to keep them in the air until the service begins by just tapping them up, not holding them. Tell them to count how many times their balloon hits the ground.

Optional: Have some thick permanent markers available and have them draw a face on the balloons before they start trying to keep them in the air.

In your welcome, talk about how the children are like balloons. Balloons have air inside to give them shape; if we are Christians, we have the Holy Spirit inside to help shape our lives.

Note: The balloons will be needed for a game later in the lesson, but after that you can have them pop their balloons if you are concerned about distraction or disruption. However, they will want to keep the balloons, so give them a chance to keep them under control.

PowerPoint PresentationAs you plan your lesson, select PowerPoint slides that correspond to the lesson elements you choose. In the “Slide Sorter” View, you can rear-range and/or delete the slides as necessary. For descriptions of the included slides and tips on their use, see the notes accompanying each slide.

General Supplies Bibles, puppets, video projection (optional) Pencils, pens, paper

Spark Interest WELCOME!: balloons LET’S PLAY!: rocket balloons (see activity)

Explore Scripture LET’S LEARN: headband, soda can, glass, milk,

chocolate syrup or powder, blindfold, signs KEYVERSE: none

Inspire Action DRAMATIZE THE POINT: various props

Welcome to DiscipleTown

It’s Time for DiscipleTown


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gLet’s Meet-n-Greet!Take some time to let the children greet each other. Have the kids ask those around them, “If you could fill up on only one thing for a week, what would it be?”

Leaders, be sure to stop whatever you are doing to move through the audience and greet the children, especially those you do not recognize. Announce any birthdays for the week. (See the How to Use DiscipleTown guide for quick and easy ways to acknowledge visitors and birthdays.)

Let’s Worship!In your time of worship during this lesson, focus on how the Holy Spirit helps us to be more like Jesus.

Recommended Song: Wanna Be from Made 2 Praise Volume 5 by Uncle Charlie, available at

Puppet IntroLeader & puppet introduce today’s lesson. You will find a scripted version of this intro at the end of the lesson.

Puppet returns still dressed as a superhero. Leader asks how it has been going, and Puppet has mixed reviews. He has been able to do some good things (Leader asks about cat, which Puppet was able to save), but he is also messing up a lot. This hero business is hard. It’s not like they have a hero school! Leader says that he needs to be listening to the Holy Spirit and following the leading of the Holy Spirit. Puppet asks what that means. Teacher explains that we don’t just run around and do what we want and expect the Holy Spirit to help us and empower us; we are filled with the Holy Spirit, but He is also our teacher and guide, and we need to be sensitive to what He wants us to be doing. If we are doing other things, not led by the Spirit, they may not go well. If we are doing things the Spirit is leading us to do, we will have His support and power. Puppet says, “Oh, so the Holy Spirit isn’t just a source of superpower; He is like my super boss, telling me things I should be doing and then teaching me how?” Leader says, “Exactly. Start by praying and asking the Spirit, ‘What would you have me do today?’ and let the Holy Spirit lead and guide you.” Puppet says, “Oooh, that sounds exciting. Kinda like going on secret missions for God! Maybe I need to switch to a dark coat and shades then?” And exits.

Let’s Play! —Rocket Balloons!Supplies: “rocket balloons” and a permanent marker. These can be purchased in many stores or online. They are long balloons, but NOT the type used for balloon twisting. If you use those, you’ll need to cut off the lip after inflating.

Inflate one rocket balloon at a time and then invite a child to come up on stage and hold it carefully. (Once they let go it will go flying, so they need to hold on to it!) Use 8 to 10 balloons and children, and one for yourself. Write each child’s name on his or her balloon with a permanent market. Arrange the children in a straight line (as much as possible) and have them point the balloons up over the audience at a 45 degree angle; count down from ten for a launch. When the kids release them, the balloons will go flying out over the audience. See whose balloon went the farthest! Retrieve yours and ask what made the balloons go flying. It was the air inside just bursting to get out.

The Point: Talk about how Jesus said in John 3 that you can’t see the wind, but you can see

Let’s Worship

Let’s Play

Let’s Meet-n-Greet

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gwhat it does. That is how it is with the Holy Spirit. You couldn’t see the air coming out of the balloons, but you could see the power it gave to the balloons. As Christians, we have the Holy Spirit inside just bursting to get out and make us go flying for God and do amazing things. But just like these balloons need to be refilled, we need to ask God to “fill” us with the Holy Spirit often so that we can keep doing amazing things for Him.

Connect with Your KidsThe Holy Spirit helps us to understand the Bible. Children can assume that we adults “know everything.” Can you share a recent time when you were reading the Bible and the Holy Spirit gave you an insight? Perhaps it was about something you needed to do as a result of what you read, or a new way to look at the passage. Talk about how the Holy Spirit teaches you and helps you to grow in your faith. By being honest and real and personal, you help show the kids these aren’t just abstract concepts you are teaching, but things that impact your daily life in a real way. As a result, it will impact theirs too.

DiscipleTown VisitorSoldier: Dressed in combat boots and cargo/camo outfit, with Bluetooth earpiece, backpack, can-teen, pen, and journal.

[Soldier enters quite fatigued, looking for a place to have a bit of quiet time, not realizing the kids are there.]

Soldier: [Begins speaking immediately upon entering the room, interrupting Leader speaking.] Oh man, this looks like a good spot. Maybe I can catch a bit of rest in here. [Moves to front of stage, sits down, drinks from his canteen, pulls out his journal, and begins to write.]

Leader: Uh, hello there, soldier!

Soldier: [Surprised:] Hey! Where did you come from?

Leader: Well [Motions to the kids.], the kids and I have been here for a while! You just arrived in our class!

Soldier: [Notices the children and laughs to himself.] Oh man, kids, look at that! I wasn’t really paying attention, was I? I was so desperate to find a place to sit down and write in my journal, I wasn’t really watching what I was doing.

Leader: Soldiers write in journals?

Soldier: Not all of us, but for me it’s important. It helps me remember the important things—the lessons and the stories I want to tell my family when I get home.

Leader: Stories? I would think you would want to forget most of what you must endure as a soldier.

Soldier: No, I have seen too many amazing things! Take just the other day, for example!

Leader: What happened?

Soldier: [Gets up to tell story, relives each moment as he shares.] Well, my troop was working to rescue a family captured by rebels. I somehow became separated from my battalion by enemy troops. I just kept running, not even knowing which way to go. The sun was setting, which meant I was in danger of being attacked by enemies I couldn’t see. I could hear gunfire on all sides, and I was beginning to become very afraid to take even one step in any direction. The trouble was I couldn’t just hide. My flight back home was leaving from the rendezvous point. If I didn’t try

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gto get back, I would be left there forever. The grass and shrubs were so tall and thick they were obstructing my view of any path through the woods, and to be truthful, I was losing all hope of being rescued.

Leader: This sounds scary!

Soldier: [Pauses to remember and shudders.] It was! I remember a bullet whizzing by my ear. I knew I had to keep moving, but which way? It felt like my heart was beating loudly in my ears, and I could feel the enemy begin closing in on me. I knew it was just a matter of time before the enemy got me. I couldn’t even see where I was going, I couldn’t see the enemy, and I wasn’t sure how to get from where I was to the rendezvous point. I was lost, and I knew there was no way I could reach the rendezvous point without a different vantage point. I began looking for a hill or tree to climb, but I couldn’t find anything that could help me.

Leader: Oh, dear! How did you get out of there?

Soldier: [Excited:] Suddenly I heard it! This noise in my earbud communicator. It was the distant static voice of my commanding officer. I knew that voice well; if anyone could help me, he could. Above the noise of the forest I had to listen carefully. He said, “Soldier, I have you in my sight. You are surrounded by enemy troops, but if you listen to my every word I will get through. Do you hear me?” He must have been flying overhead in a helicopter. I strained to hear the words he would say to me. This was a matter of life and death for me. It was now so dark I could hardly see my hand in front of my face. I was so scared.”

Leader: I can only imagine, but how amazing that he could see you and guide you! What hap-pened next?

Soldier: I heard the voice say, “Seven paces, 12 o’clock.” I moved forward slowly. I counted every step, then listened for my next instruction. “Fifteen paces, 3 o’clock. Go quickly. Duck under the fallen log you see. Do not move until I say.” I did exactly as I was told. I could hear steps behind me getting closer. I tried to go quickly. Sure enough, just like my commander said, the log was there. I found it and hid underneath it. My heart was beating out of my chest. I could hear voices behind me and beside me. I just waited. I knew if I moved at the wrong time I would be dead. The footsteps and voices passed, and still I waited. I wondered at first if my commanding officer had forgotten about me, but no, a few minutes later I heard his voice again. He said, “You are clear, soldier. Head up the hill at 3 o’clock; stay low and listen for my voice. Don’t stop unless I say so. You are nearly there, soldier.”

Leader: This is incredible!

Soldier: I don’t know if I even breathed as I ran up that hill, I was so nervous. I had to keep going, even though every muscle in my body hurt. I finally couldn’t go any farther. I paused to get my breath, when suddenly I heard his voice in my ear again. He told me, “Soldier, you can do this. Do not stop. I can see the rendezvous point, just ahead. Trust me; 30 more paces to the top of the hill, then you’ll be safe.”

Leader: Sounds like without the guidance and encouragement of your C.O. in your ear, you would have never made it!

Soldier: You aren’t kidding! I continued on. But suddenly I heard angry voices behind me. I heard bullets begin whizzing through the air. I was so afraid. I began to doubt that I had heard his voice at all. Maybe it was my imagination. I began to imagine being ambushed by enemy troops. My brain was running wild with crazy thoughts. I froze! Then through the noise I heard the calm voice in my earpiece. It said, “Soldier, I have you; you are okay. Keep moving forward; I have made a way for you; I have your back. You must trust me. You have everything you need; just don’t stop. Keep moving.” I knew that I knew that voice. I had to trust that it was my C.O. What did I have to lose, right? If I went back, I would be dead. If I stopped where I was, I would be dead. So I just kept going, hoping to find my team just over the hill.

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gLeader: Did you make it? Well, of course, you are here...but please, go on!

Soldier: I started running even though my sides hurt and I could see the top of the hill. I stayed close the ground so the enemy wouldn’t see me. I could hear gunfire all around me, but some-how I kept going.

Leader: How lucky to have that C.O. urging you on!

Soldier: [Grabs his own arm.] Suddenly an arm grabbed me. I freaked! And before I could even let out a scream I was pulled into an underground bunker. I could feel a hand over my mouth. I was captured. My mind began to race, when suddenly I heard a voice say, “We got him, Commander, He’s safe now. Repeat: we have our soldier.”

Leader: That is incredible!

Soldier: [Sinks back down, hands on his head as he relives the relief he felt.] I couldn’t believe it! It was my team! I was saved. [Pauses, then turns to leader.] I don’t ever want to forget this story. I learned yesterday what it means to trust, what it means to listen to my commanding officer, what it means to trust him, even when I can’t see him. I could have been dead out there, but instead my obedience means I’m safe.

Leader: Wow, that’s amazing, soldier. Your story reminds me about what we are talking about right here today. We are talking about how the Holy Spirit wants to lead us through life, and how we need to obey Him.

Soldier: The Holy Spirit—yes, that’s Him! That’s the name of my commanding officer! Is He your commanding officer, too? That’s amazing! [Jumps up and hugs leader.] He’s the best one! I will always serve in his troop! [Grabs his things and heads for the exit.] You should write your story too, you know. One day you’ll look back and be amazed! I gotta go! He needs me! Sorry to interrupt! [Runs out and exits.]

Leader: [Pauses, thinking.] I never thought about how the Holy Spirit could help me in the mo-ment. Right here, right now! Boys and girls, this is amazing! The Holy Spirit, right in the middle of any situation, wants to help us and show us the right choices to make. That is the most amazing news yet! Kids, what kind of situations do you run into in your everyday life that the Holy Spirit may want to help you in? [Allow children to respond; continue discussion as time allows.]

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Let’s Search!—Bible DashSupplies: Bibles

Ask all kids with Bibles to participate, or invite a few volunteers to come to the front. As children hold Bibles closed with hands on covers, state the Bible reference twice, then on the command “SEARCH!” have the students race to locate the verse. Once they have a finger on the verse, they can stand and call out, “FOUND IT!” Have the first child read the verse aloud while you project the verse on a screen via PowerPoint. See suggestions below for comments on each verse. Keep your comments brief and to the point of the lesson.

• Acts 2:38 We receive the Holy Spirit when we are saved.• Galatians 5:16 The Holy Spirit helps us obey.• Luke 11:13 God gives the Holy Spirit if we ask.• John 14:26 The Holy Spirit teaches us and reminds us.• Jude 1:20 We can pray in the Holy Spirit.• Romans 8:14 The Holy Spirit leads us.

Paul’s Power Principle: The Holy Spirit gives me power!

Suggested Bible NarrativeActs 8—Philip and the Ethiopian

Philip had to follow specific instructions given to him by the Holy Spirit. His obedience allowed the Holy Spirit to do amazing things through him and empowered him to do things he couldn’t do on his own.

Let’s Learn!—My TeacherAsk the children, “Who among you is really strong? Do any of you work out? Who thinks they can beat me in an arm-wrestling match?”

The Arm Wrestling Match!Supplies: small table, two chairs, headband, sleeveless shirt for leader (optional), soda can relabeled “Holy Spirit Power Drink”

Let the kids know you have been working out and would like to challenge some of them to an arm-wrestling match. Start with the oldest child you have in your service. Struggle, but lose! Complain that the child is too old, and go down an age. Keep doing this, losing each time! After the youngest child in the room is able to beat you, act discouraged and embarrassed. Then, you challenge the biggest, strongest man in the room. (You can even recruit a big man to walk in at that very moment and challenge him to an armwrestling match!) However, right before the match, bring out the Holy Spirt Power Drink. Guzzle it down and easily defeat the big man!

The Point: The Holy Spirit gives us power to do what we otherwise could not do on our own!

EXPLORE SCRIPTURESeize on the children’s interest and direct them into God’s Word.

Let’s Search-Acts 2:38

Let’s Learn

Bible Narrative-Acts 8

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gRead Acts 1:8 and Galatians 5:16–17. The Holy Spirit gives us power and helps us win the battle over sin that rages inside of us. But why do we lose our battles with sin so often? It is because while we have the Holy Spirit, we are not filled up with the Holy Spirit!

Object Lesson—Chocolate Milk, Part 2Supplies: tall clear glass, milk, chocolate syrup (or powder), spoon

Just as you did last week, show the glass and fill it with milk. Talk about how when we become Christians we receive the Holy Spirit, and pour the chocolate syrup (or powder) into the milk. (Do NOT stir it up!) Every believer has the Holy Spirit inside. Ask what you forgot to do last week. (Stir it up.) Take the spoon and stir up the milk and watch the white milk change color. That is what it means to be filled with the Holy Spirit. He fills us because we allow Him to be not just in us, but mixed into every part of us! Drink the milk.

To walk in the Spirit, Christians must first be filled with the Holy Spirit! Their lives must be under the control or full influence of God, the Holy Spirit. God’s Spirit indwells (lives permanently inside) every Christian. Remember, we are temples of the Holy Spirit (1 Cor-inthians 6:19). However, many Christians are not filled (directed and empowered) with the Holy Spirit.

Read Ephesians 5:18. It seems strange to compare being drunk with alcohol to being filled with the Holy Spirit. However, when people drink too much, they can end up doing things they would not normally do—usually bad things that they often regret. Sometimes people even try to blame the liquor for their behavior, even though they chose to drink. God says that isn’t good. What IS good, though, is to fill up on the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit will also cause you to do things you would not normally do, but they will be GOOD things! And it’s okay if you blame the Holy Spirit for the good things you do because they will be fruits of the Spirit!

Do you want to allow God’s Spirit to direct your life? (Yes!) There are four steps to being filled with the Holy Spirit so that He can help control your choices and actions. These steps will help you live the full and meaningful life that Jesus promised (John 10:10).

Supplies: glass of water, printout of a U-turn sign (available online), blindfold, printout of a stop sign

The Holy Spirit fills the lives of Christians who...

1. Thirst—Strongly desire to be filled with God’s Spirit. (Read John 7:37–39.) Show the glass of water and talk about what it means to thirst for God.

2. Repent—Confess your sins and turn to God (1 John 1:9). Show the U-turn sign and explain that to repent means to turn around and go the other way.

3. Trust—In faith, ask God to fill you with the Holy Spirit (Luke 11:13). Put the blindfold on and say that trust is being willing to walk where you can’t see and let God be your guide. Walk out into the room and let the children give you instructions.

4. Obey—Submit to the lordship of God’s Spirit (Galatians 5:16). Show the stop sign and explain that obeying is stopping when God says no. (Optional: put a “go” sign on the other side and add that obeying also means going when God says go.)

Do you want to be filled with God’s Spirit? Allow kids to respond. You can receive the Holy Spirit’s filling through genuine faith and heartfelt prayer. Allow the children some quiet time and walk them through the four steps above to guide them in asking the Holy Spirit to fill them so that they can experience His power and guidance in their lives.

Let’s Learn-Chocolate Milk 2

Let’s Learn-How to Be Filled 5

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gRead John 14:26. Another name for the Holy Spirit is Teacher. He helps us know what to do, He reminds us of things, He helps us understand the Bible, and He makes things clear to us.

Object Lesson—Rocket BalloonIt may be worth demonstrating a rocket balloon again, even though it was in the game. Fill one up and review that we need to be filled with the Holy Spirit if we want to go far in our walk with God.

Read Colossians 1:9–10. Paul prayed that Christians would be filled up with wisdom and knowledge that the Spirit gives so that they might live a life worthy of the Lord and please Him and produce fruit!

Release the rocket balloon!

Dee’s Disciple Tip: Our second discipline that will help us walk in the Spirit is surrender—let-ting God “have His way.”

Again, ask the children to be perfectly quiet for one minute, but this time ask them to allow God’s Spirit to show them something He wants them to do this week. They aren’t supposed to pray, just listen. They are practicing solitude again, but adding surrender—listening for something God might want them to do, and surrendering to what it is, being willing to do what God asks during this time of listening.

When the minute is up, ask if any of the children want to share what they felt the Holy Spirit was asking them to do this week. Then challenge them to follow through!

KeyVerseTopic: The Holy Spirit—God’s giftReference: Romans 5:5

Ask the kids if they have ever had a promise made to them and then had the promise broken. What does that feel like? That is what is meant by the phrase “put to shame” in this verse. But we know God won’t do that to us because He loves us! Ask the kids how we know that God loves us. (He gave His Son to die for us, and He gave the Holy Spirit when Jesus left.)

Review the verse together as a group several times and then ask if there are any kids who can recite it by themselves.

KeyVerse-Romans 5:5

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Dramatize the PointA Regular Joe Is Changed—Part 2

Characters/Costumes: Jimmy has regular clothes, plastic bag with a Bible inside it. Joe has regular clothes; he has Jimmy’s Bible and backpack, which he stole last week.

[Joe enters carrying Jimmy’s backpack. He sits down at the front of the stage and begins looking through the bag and talking to himself.]

Joe: Man, I don’t get it! Why did Jimmy let me take his bag and then give me all this other stuff? [Pauses and holds stomach.] I feel just awful. I should never have taken his stuff! What is wrong with me? I’ve never felt this way before! I’ve stolen hundreds of bags and purses. [Gets up and be-gins to pace.] Something is different! My heart is beating out of my chest! [Suddenly remembers.] Wait a minute! That prayer! Is this what it means to feel God’s love? God is real! God loves me, and suddenly I want to stop hurting people and stealing their stuff. I need to read more about this God.

[Sits down and pulls the Bible from the backpack. Opens it to Luke 19:5–9 and reads aloud.] Okay, let’s see what this says! Some guy named Luke, I guess this is his story. says, [Reads text, pronouncing Zacchaeus’ name in a funny way.]

[Sets the Bible down quickly and looks up, suddenly realizing what he must do.] Oh man, my heart is beating so hard. I have a lump in my throat. I think this book, this God is telling me I need to give Jimmy all his stuff back. Oh man, oh man, oh man! [Gets up again and paces back and forth.] Oh, what if he hates me? What if he has called the police? What if I can’t find him? [Pauses.] I have to try. [Picks up the stuff and begins to walk across the stage.]

[Jimmy enters from opposite side, whistling and carrying a book in a plastic bag.]

Joe: [Stops in his tracks when he sees Jimmy. To himself:] Oh no, there he is! It’s now or never, Joe! You gotta do this! [Marches up to Jimmy.] Hey, Jimmy!

Jimmy: Hey, Joah David!

Joe: It’s just Joe!

Jimmy: What’s up, Joe?

Joe: [Brings out backpack.] Well, I just felt awful about taking your stuff yesterday. Then today, I was reading that book in your bag, and it told a story of a thief who met Jesus, and he suddenly wanted to give back what he stole. I must have met this Jesus, too, because I didn’t want to keep your stuff. I just knew I had to give it back to you. So here, take it! I can’t keep it!

Jimmy: Thanks, Joe. I really appreciate that, man! It’s funny, because I was actually on my way to find you, too.

Joe: You were? What for? You didn’t call the police, did you? [Looks around fearfully.]

Jimmy: Ha ha, not at all! I wanted to give you this! [Hands Joe the bag with the Bible in it.]

Joe: What’s this?

Jimmy: Open it!

Joe: [Pulls out the Bible, looks at it, and traces the cover with his finger. Looks up at Jimmy in confu-sion and surprise.] You’re giving me more stuff?

INSPIRE ACTIONEncourage kids to apply the Bible truth to their lives.

Dramatize the Point

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gJimmy: This isn’t just stuff, Joe! It’s your very own Bible! [Shows him inside cover.] See, it has your name in it—well, it has Joah David in it...sorry...

Joe: Oh that’s okay. But how? I mean why? I mean, this doesn’t make any sense!

Jimmy: The Bible is full of God’s words to us. And when we accept God’s gift of love and forgive-ness like you did yesterday, the words in this book come alive for us and teach us. It’s like God is coming down and reading this story to us Himself! I am just learning this myself, but the Bible says the Holy Spirit fills us up with His power to do right things and teaches us what is right and true. I read it in 2 Peter 1:3 this morning. It says, “His divine power has given us everything we need for a godly life through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness.”

Joe: Wow, it says that?

Jimmy: Yup, and I guess God knew you would be returning my Bible to me and you wouldn’t have one. So He asked me to make sure you had a copy of your own.

Joe: Wow, God is really smart!

Jimmy: I know, He really is, and He wants us to be so full of Him that we want to obey Him and follow in His smart steps!

Joe: Makes brilliant sense! Pretty awesome that God helps us out so much! How do I get full of God?

Jimmy: Great question! We spend time talking to Him. We read His words to us, and we obey what we learn!

Joe: Just like you did today?

Jimmy: Yes, and just like YOU did today too, Joe! You’re off to a great start! Thanks for bringing my stuff back! I really appreciate having my own Bible back!

Joe: Uh, you’re welcome! It’s crazy, because now that I have given it to you, I don’t feel like I’m going to explode any more!

Jimmy: Explode?

Joe: Yah, I guess it was God’s way of telling me what I had to do.

Jimmy: Cool! Imagine what would have happened if we hadn’t listened to the Holy Spirit teach-ing us what to do today? I’m learning about how God talks to me through His Holy Spirit, too! That’s cool! Anyway, I gotta go! Maybe I’ll see you around?

Joe: Yeah, maybe you will—God willing! See ya!

Jimmy: ‘Bye, Joe!

[Both characters exit stage in opposite directions.]

Object Talks—RepentSupplies: video projection

The short video clip for this lesson features Karl, the Kidologist, demonstrating how to make a balloon twisting creation while the kids in the audience try to guess what it is he is making. (Don’t say what the creation is in advance, since the children will be guessing.) In this lesson, he makes a motorcycle and talks about how we need to REPENT and go the other way when we realize that we have sin in our lives.

Featured Verse: Acts 2:38

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gLet’s Talk!—Small Group DiscussionSupplies: blindfold

Have each small group (including the leader) stand in a tight circle. (Each group should be 6-8 people max.) Explain that you are going to practice a trust game. One person in each group is going to be in the middle with blindfold on with arms crossed across the chest and feet together. The feet can’t be allowed to spread apart during the activity. The remaining students must stand in a circle shoulder to shoulder so there are no gaps in the circle and so they can all reach the student in the middle.

Choose a child to stand in the middle and blindfold him or her. Explain to the child in the middle that he or she must lean in any direction, and the kids in the circle will catch the child and push him or her back to an upright position in the center. The child will then lean in another direction. Sooner or later the child’s feet are likely to separate as the child tries to keep from falling. When that happens, it is another person’s turn. Continue the activity as time allows.

Use these questions to discuss the day’s topic within your small groups:1) What was the hardest part about trusting the people in your group?2) What makes it easy to trust the people in your group?3) Is it easy or hard to trust the Holy Spirit? Why?4) How can we grow in trusting and obeying the Holy Spirit in our lives?

DiscipleTown Super CitizenChoose a child who demonstrates quick obedience in class and award him or her with a Super Citizen certificate.

Let’s Pray!Dear Jesus, thank You for leading us and filling us with Your Spirit so that we can walk in Your ways each day of our lives. Forgive us for the times when we miss Your voice, or do not do the things You ask us to do. We ask that Your Holy Spirit would teach us how to trust You more so that we can do the things You have planned for us in this life. In Your name, amen.

Cy’s Challenge: Practice surrender this week and do something you believe the Holy Spirit wants you to do.

Let’s Review!Use these questions to review the lesson with the children:

1) Why is knowing our Bible important to learning to recognize the voice of the Holy Spirit?2) What sorts of things does the Holy Spirit want to teach us?3) Why is it important to obey God quickly?4) How do we know that we can trust the Holy Spirit to lead us?

Let’s Review

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Knowing the H.S.’s Names


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Let’s Talk

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gFor the HomeDiscipleTown Table Talker: Give each child a copy of this week’s DiscipleTown Table Talker. As you show them how to put it together, encourage the kids to ask their parents to lead family devotions three times this week.

Parent E-mail: Copy and send the e-mail below to help your parents connect with their kids during the week. Send them early in the week, but not on Sunday. As a courtesy, be sure parents have opted to receive these e-mails. Review and edit as necessary to reflect the lesson elements you have used. You can also find this e-mail as a Microsoft Word document in your download bundle.

Dear Mom and Dad,

As we entered into lesson 2 of learning How to Walk in the Spirit, we discovered how important it is to learn to know the Holy Spirit’s voice and obey Him. We learned that the Holy Spirit is God, the third person of the Trinity. Jesus sent the Holy Spirit to teach us about who God is and how we should live our lives.

Sometimes the Holy Spirit needs to show us when things we do are not right. This is called convic-tion. The Holy Spirit convicts us so that we will repent and change our ways to follow the right path. In our culture, no one likes to be told they are wrong; in fact many will go so far as to say you are being mean to even suggest such a thing. Walking with the Holy Spirit is a countercultural process that we need to help our children understand.

This week, be encouraged to use the DiscipleTown Table Talker to discuss the importance of letting the Holy Spirit make corrections to our course. The goal is not to produce good behavior which leads to legalism and simply following the rules (Jesus accused the Pharisees of this). Instead, our goal for our children needs to be to teach them to connect and respond to the Holy Spirit so they can have a transformed heart. This is work only the Holy Spirit can do.

As you go through this week, you may have questions, or the Holy Spirit may reveal things in your own heart that need to change as you nurture your children’s faith. If you need someone to talk to, we are here with listening ears and resources. Let us know how we can help your family.

We pray that you experience more of the Holy Spirit in your home this week than ever before.

Building young disciples,

[Your Name]

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Chip’s Snack Time!—Bits and BitesSupplies: trail mix snack (1/2 cup per child)

Let the children know that in order to eat their snack today, they need to follow your instruc-tions. Proceed to tell them how many pieces of what they can eat. Leave long pauses between each item so they can practice patience.

The Point: Learning to hear what God is saying and being willing to obey can sometimes mean not being able to do what we want when we want. We need to want what God wants more than what we want for our lives.

Additional IdeasObject Lesson: Holy Spirit Inside—Supplies: 1 balloon inflated with regular air with a long string attached; 1 balloon inflated with helium with a long string attached

First, hold both balloons the same way so there seems to be no difference. Ask the kids if they can tell any difference between the balloons. (No.) Next, show the children the first balloon filled with regular air. Tell the children that this balloon is like our lives before we met Jesus. Winds would come and blow us around (blow the balloon) or life circumstances beat us around (hit the balloon around). Without Jesus, our spirit inside of us is dead, but when we accept Jesus into our lives, He fills us up with His Holy Spirit.

Next bring out the helium-filled balloon. Tell the children that when we are filled with his Holy Spirit, we are alive on the inside. The Holy Spirit lifts us up and helps us get closer and closer to God. (Let the balloon float up as high as you can; let it go if your room will allow it.) We don’t look different on the outside, but we act different because the Holy Spirit in us changes us and helps us become like Jesus.

BONUS MATERIALSUse these options to extend your time or as substitutes for the ideas above.

Page 16: How to Walk in the Spirit - Clover, through His Spirit. Learning to be filled with the Holy Spirit is one of the

How to Walk in the Spirit—Lesson 2 © 2013, DiscipleLand. Permission granted to reproduce for volunteers.

DIRECTOR’S NOTESThe words in italics are notes for you and your puppeteers; they are not to be read aloud.

Costume/Props: Puppet is dressed like a superhero. (A simple towel pinned around the neck and his first initial pinned to his chest will do.)

[Puppet* comes in whistling and trying not to be too notice-able.]

Leader: Oh, hi, SUPER [puppet name]!

Puppet: Oh, hey! [Leans to whisper.] Not so loud, okay?

Leader: [Looks around.] Did I interrupt something?

Puppet: No, not really! I just don’t want too many people to hear you call me that.

Leader: Oh, but I thought...

Puppet: This whole superhero thing is really complicat-ed—I think I’m in over my head.

Leader: Oh! [Remembers last time.] So the cat rescue didn’t go so well then?

Puppet: Oh no, Princess Furball is back with her owner, and the elderly lady I helped patted me on the head three times she was so happy. She kept calling me “Superboy,” though.

Leader: So, if things are going well, why are you so sad today?

Puppet: [Leans in again.] Well between you and me, I haven’t done it perfectly. I feel like I keep messing up! I mean, it’s not like there is a superhero school around here where I can go and learn.

Leader: Oh, yeah, I guess you are right—I haven’t heard of one around here, either.

Puppet: [A bit downcast:] I may not be cut out for this!

Leader: Wait a minute! You don’t need a superhero school for this!

Puppet: What do you mean?

Leader: The Holy Spirit, who lives inside you, is your teach-er. If you take the time to listen and follow His instructions, He will teach you how to do this superhero thing!

Puppet: What do you mean? I can talk to the Holy Spirit?

Leader: Yes, and He wants to talk back to you and teach you how to live for God.

Puppet: Wow, really? That would make things so much easier!

Leader: We can’t just run around and do what we want and expect the Holy Spirit to help us and empower us. We are filled with the Holy Spirit, but He is also our teacher and guide, and we need to be sensitive to what He wants us to be doing. If we are doing other things that the Holy Spirit didn’t lead us to do, they may not go well. If we are doing things the Spirit is leading us to do, we will have His support and power.

Puppet: Oh! So what you are saying is the Holy Spirit isn’t just my source for superpower; He’s my super boss, too?

Leader: Well, yes! You see, the Holy Spirit is God, and He knows exactly what needs to be done and when. When we listen and obey quickly, God can accomplish His plans in the world through us! He will teach us what to do and give us the power to do it.

Puppet: That is amazing! I want that, but I don’t even know how to start!

Leader: Well, I started to learn this by praying each morn-ing and asking the Holy Spirit, “What would you have me do today?” Then I would obey as quickly as I could.

Puppet: Oh, sort of like a secret mission! [Excited:] Maybe I need to switch to dark coat and shades then! I have some in my closet! Great idea, [leader name]!

[Leader gestures as if wanting to say more, but stops short because Puppet exits.]

*PUPPET: Develop a puppet character to use regularly. The children will get to know the personality and enjoy these regular visits. Dee, Cy, and Paul puppets are available at

Puppet Intro—Superhero School

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curriculum Map


How to Grow Spiritual Fruit

How to Make Good Friends

How to Walk in the Spirit

How to Walk in the Spirit

How to Build Character

How to Navigate the New Testament

How to Explain My Faith

How to Earn Eternal Rewards

How to Follow God’s Plan

How to Make Good Choices

How to Navigate the Old Testament

How to Walk in the Spirit

How to Know the Truth

How to Discover Gifts and Talents

How to Walk Victoriously

How to Meet with God

How to Worship God

How to Use My Bible

How to Show Respect

How to Pray

How to Be Faithful Workers

How to Walk in the Spirit

How to Memorize God’s Word

How to Be Global Christians

(DiscipleTown Units in no particular order)

Each DiscipleTown Unit will teach your kids an essential “how to” skill to become victorious disciples of Jesus!