How To Improve Your Golf Swing

8 t How To Improve Your Go lf Swing


For the less advanced players, this means that if you do not know how to improve your golf swing, you will never be able to play like your favorite golfing super star.

Transcript of How To Improve Your Golf Swing

How To Improve Your Golf Swing

• A proper golf swing entails the correct positioning of the hands on the golf club, the awareness of the swing plane and the spine angle, and the use of the correct golf club.

• A swing plane is the area in which your golf club can swing in a circular arc and be able to move in that plane.

• If you can keep the head of your club within that plane, you will be able to make a good swing.


- You don’t have to force your club into a swing plane.

- No two players will have the same plane, so there is no point copying another one’s swing.

Several Things You Can Do To Improve Your Golf Swing

• Get your coach or trainer to watch you play and give you feedback.

• Make use of a swing analyzing software, and compare your swing with other players'.

• Record your swings and study them later on, and consult an expert only if you are unable to identify what you did incorrectly.

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