HOW do species interact with each other and their environment?

SPECIES INTERACTIONS HOW do species interact with each other and their environment?

Transcript of HOW do species interact with each other and their environment?

Page 1: HOW do species interact with each other and their environment?


HOW do species interact with each other and their environment?

Page 2: HOW do species interact with each other and their environment?


Symbiosis Predator Prey Parasitism

Host Commensualism Mutualism

Page 3: HOW do species interact with each other and their environment?

Classify these

Page 4: HOW do species interact with each other and their environment?

Levels of Organization

Draw a picture of you. Draw a circle around it and label the circle “Individual.” An individual is a single organism. Write this definition near your animal.

Draw or write the name of a group you are a member of. Draw a circle around all of them. Label this circle “Population.” A population is a group of individuals of the same type living in the same area. Write this definition near your population.

Page 5: HOW do species interact with each other and their environment?

Draw or list two other groups in the school (living things) next to your first few. Circle everything now and label it “Community.” A community is all of the populations living in an area. Write this definition near your community.

Draw some of the abiotic (non-living) things that inhabit our school. Circle them and label all of these items an “Ecosystem.” An ecosystem is group of organisms that live together and interact with each other and their environment. Write this definition near your ecosystem.

Page 6: HOW do species interact with each other and their environment?

Draw some other factors including temperature of defined areas around the school (ie: gym, cafeteria, biology classroom). Circle all of this and label it “Biome.” Biomes are large areas of Earth with similar types of organisms and climates. Write this definition near you biome.

Draw the entire school. This is the “Biosphere.” The biosphere is all the areas on Earth were life exists. Write this definition near your world.

Page 7: HOW do species interact with each other and their environment?

The school as a Biome

This analogy is limited by its scope, but you can get the main ideas about ecological organization.

Up until biome it is pretty much on par. However, all of Creek and our surroundings,

indeed much of Texas, are in the same Biome – the grasslands.

The Biosphere would be the entire Earth as well as the atmosphere around the Earth. Anything that supports life is included in the Biosphere.

Page 8: HOW do species interact with each other and their environment?

Make Sure…

You should now have all the levels of organization used in Ecology. In order from smallest to largest you should have: Individual Population Community Ecosystem Biome Biosphere

Page 9: HOW do species interact with each other and their environment?

QuestionsTest your Knowledge

Page 10: HOW do species interact with each other and their environment?

A Pod of bottlenose dolphins living in a specific region can be identified as which level of organization?

A. Biosphere B. Ecosystem C. population D. community

Page 11: HOW do species interact with each other and their environment?

C population

A population is a group of organisms of one type that all live in the same area.

Page 12: HOW do species interact with each other and their environment?

Study the picture below

Which level of organization is BEST represented by the entire picture?

A. Organism B. ecosystem C. population D. community

Page 13: HOW do species interact with each other and their environment?

B ecosystem

An ecosystem is a community and its nonliving surroundings as labeled here








Page 14: HOW do species interact with each other and their environment?

Study the diagram below

Which is a level of organization that could be represented by X?

A. Plant B. Animal C. Biosphere D. community

Page 15: HOW do species interact with each other and their environment?

D. community

A community is larger than a population but less inclusive than an ecosystem

Page 16: HOW do species interact with each other and their environment?

Which sequence correctly identifies the levels of organization in a biosphere from most complex to least complex? A OrganismPopulationCommunityEcosystem B ecosystemcommunitypopulationorganism C communityorganismecosystempopulation D populationecosystemorganismcommunity

Page 17: HOW do species interact with each other and their environment?

B. ecosystemcommunitypopulationorganism

An ecosystem is a community and all its surroundings making it the most complex and an organism is one living object making it the simplest

Page 18: HOW do species interact with each other and their environment?

K: Study the tables below. Ospreys, egrets and cranes were observed in an area around a small oxbow lake at Perry Lakes Park in Alabama

Birds observed during one year

Bird Number observed

Osprey 63

Egret 85

Crane 22

Which student correctly categorized the observations according to the levels of organization in the biosphere

Student Organisms Population(s) Communities

1 3 3 1

2 3 1 3

3 170 3 1

4 170 1 3

A Student 1

B Student 2

C student 3

D student 4

Page 19: HOW do species interact with each other and their environment?

C student 3

Since an organism is a single living thing you have to include all of them so 63+85+22=170 and a population is only one type of animal and three birds were being studied there were 3 populations and since a community is all the populations combined there is only 1 community

Page 20: HOW do species interact with each other and their environment?

Study the Diagram belowForests, animals, sunlight, soil, water

Oak forest, grey squirrels, deer

Oak forest

Oak tree

A Organism B ecosystem C Community D Population

Population community Ecosystem Organism

Community population Organism Ecosystem

Ecosystem organism Population Community

Which example below represents the organizational levels shown in the diagram?

Page 21: HOW do species interact with each other and their environment?

B ecosystem




An ecosystem is a community and its nonliving surroundings. Communities are populations in a defined area. Populations are groups of organisms. An organism is a single living thing.

Page 22: HOW do species interact with each other and their environment?

Study the picture10

A: PopulationB: CommunityC: Ecosystem*D: Organism

Which level of organization is BEST represented by the entire picture?This includes the water ,soil, animals & trees.

Hint: This includes the water ,soil, animals & trees.

Page 23: HOW do species interact with each other and their environment?

C. Ecosystem, because it is made up of the living & non living things.

Page 24: HOW do species interact with each other and their environment?

A scientist studied a coral reef in an ocean. The scientist made a data table to record what was observed. How many populations are represented by the data?


A: 2B: 6 C: 67D: 101

Page 25: HOW do species interact with each other and their environment?

The answer to that question is B. 6 It asked how many populations, and

there are 6 populations. (Sea turtle, Sea Star, Nurse Shark, Clown Fish, Parrotfish, Sea urchin. Each TYPE is a different population.

The population of a town is the number of people that live there.

Page 26: HOW do species interact with each other and their environment?

13 : Student Question

A herd of animals in the same area is an example of,

A.Population B.BiosphereC.OrganismD.Ecosystem

Page 27: HOW do species interact with each other and their environment?

The answer is A. population

because, a population is a group of organisms of one type staying in the same area.